Physical exercises for pregnant women in the second trimester. Home exercises for pregnant women. Kegel exercises for pregnant women. Fitball exercises for pregnant women. What exercises can pregnant women do? Allowed exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trim.

Pregnancy and sports are completely compatible things, and two treasured stripes are not a reason to stop this useful activity if you were doing it before pregnancy.

It is important to follow the safety rules and some restrictions that will arise in order to get the maximum benefit from playing sports without harming yourself. About playing sports in the second and third trimesters, as well as precautions for expectant mother During class we will talk in the article.

Is it possible to remain active during this period?

Most people are convinced that the first weeks of pregnancy are the best time to improve their health through exercise. After all, this is precisely the time when pregnancy does not yet cause much physical discomfort. But really The next two trimesters of pregnancy are suitable for physical education.

The second trimester is the most best time when you can play sports, because during this period of pregnancy the health of the expectant mother stabilizes, nausea is no longer a concern, and the stomach has not yet reached the size when it begins to cause obvious discomfort.

And the most important thing is the formed placenta, which protects the fetus from possible dangers.

The third trimester is one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy, as it is characterized by shortness of breath, varicose veins, insomnia and back pain. And oddly enough, playing sports will help alleviate this suffering. But it is important to know that the ardor and activity with which the classes took place in the second trimester will have to be moderated, and the exercises will mainly be aimed at preparing for the upcoming birth.

Where is it better to do exercises: in the gym or at home?

If you want to start playing sports, then you need to do it thoughtfully and approach it as responsibly as possible. You can study at home using various books, which describe exercises mainly aimed at breathing exercises and training the muscles actively involved during childbirth.

But doctors strongly recommend going to a specialized club, where before starting classes they will ask whether the woman was involved in sports before pregnancy, because absolutely the entire sports program will depend on this.

In such training, it is important that a professional monitors the correct execution of the exercises, creates individual plan all activities according to your capabilities. Many people note that training in the gym is more effective and that playing sports is more pleasant and interesting in a company, i.e. in the hall, and not at home alone.

Sports activities for pregnant women are fundamentally different from those held in regular sports clubs: the most measured rhythm and easy exercises, correct execution doing exercises at home will provide more benefits than working out in the gym at a fast pace.

What are the benefits of physical education for expectant mothers?

First of all, playing sports during pregnancy contributes to its smooth course, preparing the body for the upcoming birth and the postpartum period.

For a woman

Sport significantly alleviates all the symptoms inherent in pregnancy during this period: varicose veins, fatigue, swelling of the legs and much more.

This is a great opportunity to improve your posture., which will reduce back pain, which mainly worries almost all pregnant women. Due to active movement, blood circulation improves and exercises cardiovascular system and muscles, blood pressure normalizes.

For the fetus

In turn, reducing the ailments of pregnancy and sometimes even getting rid of them helps to relax and harmonize the emotional state of the pregnant woman, which directly affects the development of the fetus.

If she felt well, the pregnancy proceeded calmly and without complications, then the child will be born absolutely healthy, but if on the contrary, then it is possible that he may have some abnormalities. Exercising reduces the risk of intrauterine fetal disorders.

Is there a risk of harm?

Before playing sports, you should definitely consult with your doctor, and if there are no contraindications, then you can safely go to a specialized club. In order for sports during pregnancy to be exclusively beneficial, you need to clarify what kind of physical activity you had before pregnancy.

For mommy

Oddly enough, despite all the physiological changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, playing sports does not pose any danger to her health. Most injuries sustained during such training are minor bruises and sprains. If there are no contraindications, then the health of the expectant mother is not in danger.

For the baby

In this case, the situation is somewhat more complicated.

During pregnancy, a woman's heart rate, fluid volume in the body, and cardiac output change in order to provide the fetus with everything necessary for full development.

Therefore, it is important to monitor your breathing, heartbeat and your overall condition during training. During statistical loads, venous return decreases and the child begins to suffer from hypoxia. Thermoregulation is also impaired, so you need to monitor the level of fluid in the body and prevent dehydration, which negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Large physical activity accept risks premature birth or placental abruption, so it’s important not to overdo it and know your capabilities.


Rules 4-6 months

What to consider at stage 3 of pregnancy?

  1. Don't forget to follow the rules written above.
  2. It is very important to create comfortable conditions for playing sports: the ability to drink water at any time, relax, and in an emergency quickly call someone for help.
  3. In the third trimester, expectant mothers begin to suffer from tachycardia, so you need to often pay attention to the number of heart beats: 100 is the maximum number during exercise.
  4. Watch your breathing, because... shortness of breath appears very quickly due to a reduction in lung volumes.
  5. If you suddenly feel nausea, dizziness and pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  1. Yoga.
  2. Pilates.
  3. Walking.
  4. Gymnastics for pregnant women.

It is advisable to exclude other sports, because during this period they are capable of causing harm.


Before playing sports, you should consult a doctor, who during the examination will determine whether you have any diseases or pathologies.

These include:

In most cases, the strictest contraindications to sports are established, but sometimes restrictions are simply introduced, compliance with which will help preserve the health of both the mother and her unborn child.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about what sports exercises in the 2nd and 3rd trimester will be useful for the expectant mother:


Pregnancy is a period when it is necessary in any case to observe any restrictions in movements and physical activity in general, even if the expectant mother is absolutely healthy. The joy of motherhood should not be overshadowed by illness, which a child can receive as a result of violation of important prohibitions and restrictions by the mother, so it is worth being patient for a while, doing something that will be harmless to the baby.

The spinal column is an elastic, springy formation that is the core of the human body and protects the spinal cord from damage. The “bricks” of this structure are the vertebrae, and the shock absorbers between them are the intervertebral discs. The disc has a fibrous ring (it consists of fibrous fibers arranged in a ring shape) around its circumference and a nucleus pulposus in the center - it is quite soft and acts as a shock absorber during movement. The entire “building” is securely held together with the help of muscles, ligaments and joints.

What happens to your back during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's posture changes naturally throughout the nine months. As the fruit grows, the center of gravity also changes female body. The spine during pregnancy must adapt to these changes and provide the expectant mother with trouble-free upright walking. In addition, ligaments attach to the spinal column internal organs, including the growing uterus. As a rule, in pregnant women, lumbar lordosis increases, that is, the deflection of the lower back forward, and the remaining sections straighten slightly.

During pregnancy, all ligaments become looser under the influence of hormones (this allows the pelvic bones to separate, which is necessary for the baby to pass through the birth canal). After childbirth, the center of gravity of the body shifts sharply. The interaction and relative position of the joints of the spine also changes, the load on its parts is redistributed, and the degree of tension of the ligaments and muscles changes. That is, the spine tends to the position it occupied before childbirth, adjusted for lactation, which usually results in an increase in the weight of the mammary glands.

Why does my back hurt during pregnancy?

Painful sensations in various parts of the spine during pregnancy can be caused by the following changes: regardless of pregnancy, the intervertebral disc loses its elastic properties (the nucleus pulposus can no longer act as a shock absorber), under such conditions the main load falls on the fibers of the fibrous ring. When there is a load on the spine during pregnancy (physical activity and simply sitting for a long time, for example at a computer, and even more so when sitting in combination with vibration, for example while driving a car), microscopic cracks first appear in the fibrous ring, into which the nucleus pulposus seems to be pressed under pressure between the vertebrae (this will squeeze out butter, placed between two pieces of bread when pressing on the bread). “Extruded” fragments of the nucleus pulposus get stuck in the cracks of the annulus fibrosus. This manifests itself as acute pain (“lumbago”) or develops into chronic aching, periodically worsening back pain during pregnancy. Cracks in the annulus fibrosus increase, and the nucleus pulposus begins to extend beyond the disc. This condition is called a hernia. In the presence of a disc herniation, in addition to pain in the spine, neurological disorders may also occur due to compression of the nerve structures passing through the spinal canal, nerve roots, and spinal cord.

It must be said that changes in the intervertebral disc occur in everyone without exception, but not everyone develops hernias. This depends on genetic factors (predisposition), physical fitness, especially the fitness of the back muscles, physical activity, correct posture, and the presence of spinal curvatures. In addition, pain can be associated with tension and spasm of the paravertebral muscles.

Choosing tactics for treating back pain during pregnancy

Of course, in any case, if you experience back pain during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor, but a young mother, due to her busy schedule, is not always able to do this. Therefore, it is necessary to know when you can reduce or eliminate pain on your own, and when you cannot do without contacting a specialist (neurologist). Medical assistance mandatory if:

  • pain in the back (upper sections, neck) in combination with increased blood pressure, headache, dizziness;
  • pain and limited mobility in the shoulder joints, numbness in the fingers;
  • pain in the thoracic spine, accompanied by pain along the rib, pain in the heart area;
  • pain and numbness in the right or left leg (less often in two at once), constant pain in the lower back.

The listed symptoms allow one to suspect a formed intervertebral disc herniation in different parts of the spinal column.

If lower back pain during pregnancy is accompanied by fever, headache, increased blood pressure, and frequent urination (the urine becomes cloudy and changes color), then you should definitely consult a doctor. These symptoms are characteristic of kidney diseases that require hospital treatment. Most often, with such symptoms, pyelonephritis is detected - inflammation of the kidney tissue and upper urinary tract caused by infection.

Sharp, intense, cramping pain in the lower back during pregnancy, accompanied by difficulty urinating, may indicate renal colic due to urolithiasis. As the stone passes through the ureters, it injures them, causing spasm and pain. That is why antispasmodics and painkillers are prescribed for kidney stones. The treatment is carried out by a doctor. In the future, it is necessary to diagnose the composition of the stones (there are several varieties) and, depending on this, adjust the diet and treatment.

You can limit yourself to home remedies in cases where pain occurs during a long stay in one position (for example, while bathing a baby, swaddling) and quickly goes away in a comfortable position.

How to avoid back pain during pregnancy and after childbirth?

  • Do not wear shoes with heels higher than 3 cm.
  • Try not to stand, do not sit for too long, and change your body position more often.
  • Your mattress should be comfortable - not necessarily hard, semi-hard, etc. - the main thing is that you feel comfortable on it.
  • Wear a postpartum brace or corset, especially if you have to lift the stroller.
  • Do not lift or carry anything heavier than the child's weight.
  • Lift your baby correctly: to take him out of the crib or playpen, do not bend, but squat down, and your back should be straight; holding the baby to your chest with both hands, lift him up, straightening your legs and not bending your back.
  • To reduce the load on your spine during feeding, do not lean forward or lean too far back, press firmly against the back of the chair and create support for your neck and lower back. If you have back pain, you can feed your baby while lying down if it is comfortable for you. should always be comfortable. When carrying a child in your arms, you need to hold him as close to you as possible, avoid tilting and turning the body (torsion of the spine).

  • When cleaning, use a mop and vacuum cleaner handle extensions.
  • When washing and ironing clothes, your back should be straight. To do this, place the basin on a high stand and use an ironing board. Don't forget that children's clothes can be washed in a washing machine.
  • It is better to place the baby bath on a special stand so as not to lean too much. If you are using a regular bath, it is better to stand on your knees with a soft towel under them.
  • Follow the rules rational nutrition so as not to gain weight, because overweight– this is a significant load on the spine.

Back exercises during pregnancy

Particular attention should be paid to physical activity: their goal is to strengthen the back muscles, which are a natural corset for the spine. Of the many available sets of exercises, some of which can be performed correctly only with the help of a methodologist physical therapy, we offer a simple complex consisting of a small number of light exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. If your back and abdominal muscles are strong, then you can count on good posture and correct body position.

You can start doing exercises from this complex 4-6 weeks after giving birth, depending on your condition. Before you start exercising, warm up your muscles with light aerobic activity (such as walking). If pain occurs, you should stop exercising and consult your doctor.

1. Stretching. Lie on the floor with a small cushion about 10 cm in diameter (this could be a rolled up baby blanket) under your lower back. This position helps the spine remain in a physiological position and not create additional pressure on the intervertebral discs. The left leg lies on the floor, lift the right leg up, holding your thigh with your hands. In this position, extend your foot toward the ceiling to feel a stretch along the back of your thigh. Perform the exercise 3 times for 30 seconds, first with one leg, then with the other leg.

2. "Cat back". Get on all fours with your head hanging down freely. Lift your middle back up, arching it. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

3. “The back of a camel.” Starting position – standing on all fours. Raise your head, bend your back down. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

4. "Half-bridge". Starting position - lying on your back with bent knees, feet on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles and push your lower back and pelvis upward. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax and lower your pelvis to the floor. Perform two sets of 10 repetitions.

If, despite all your efforts, the pain does not subside, there is no need to wait - consult a doctor. This is especially important if the nature of the pain has changed: periodic aching pain has become a “lumbago” in nature or has moved to the lower limb. The doctor will help assess the nature of the pain and select the necessary and safe treatment.

Is it possible to swim if you have back pain during pregnancy?

The most effective activity for unloading the spine is swimming. Water makes the body light, almost weightless, flexible and elastic; in water it is easier to perform exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the hips, buttocks, perineum and, of course, the back. , without a doubt, is the softest and most balanced load on the body. Swimming also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, water relieves stress and fatigue, strengthens and hardens the mother’s body.

For back pain during pregnancy, the following are prohibited:
lifting both legs together while lying on your stomach;
hip rotation;
stretching with placing the foot on the barrier;
any stretch that requires quick and jerky movements.

Pregnant women always have to deal with endless do’s and don’ts, do’s and don’ts and other advice and thoughts from others. Of course, during the entire period of waiting for the baby, it makes sense to trust, first of all, the advice of professionals. And they insist that the expectant mother needs to start leading as early as possible healthy image life. It includes proper rest, absence bad habits, proper nutrition, and also moderate physical activity, which helps to easily overcome the entire period and give birth to a healthy baby. Exercising for pregnant women is a great way to improve the condition of the body, tone it up and lift your spirits. But you need to figure out what kind of physical activity the expectant mother should have, and to whom it may be contraindicated.

Not all pregnant women do exercises. Some are even afraid to walk so as not to harm the unborn baby. However, the benefits of physical activity are enormous. Exercises for pregnant women useful due to the following factors:

  • Exercise helps keep muscles toned, reducing the risk of stretch marks and extra pounds after childbirth.
  • Breathing training is important to help ease childbirth.
  • Regular warm-up lifts a pregnant woman's mood, charges her with energy and soy.
  • Blood circulation improves, which means the fetus is better supplied nutrients.
  • Exercise helps prevent a number of problems characteristic of pregnancy, including swelling, varicose veins, heartburn, constipation, pain in the back, lower back, and legs.
  • Physical activity helps improve coordination.

When should pregnant women not exercise?

Many women refuse exercise during pregnancy, considering it dangerous. This may be justified if the pregnant woman is not feeling well. Before you start doing the exercises, it is better consult a specialist.

Physical activity is undesirable in the following cases:

  • With severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting more than twice a day;
  • Toxicosis (preeclampsia) on later pregnancy;
  • If a previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage;
  • With uterine hypertonicity;
  • With a low placenta;
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage and bleeding;
  • For pain in the abdomen;
  • At elevated temperature, ARVI, diabetes mellitus and gastritis.

If the expectant mother feels good and there are no contraindications, you can safely start doing exercises. However, it happens that a few days after the start of classes, a pregnant woman feels discomfort. Then you should refrain from physical activity for a couple of days to listen to your body. Muscles may react this way to stress, especially if you did not exercise before pregnancy. Then it is better to rest, recover, and then return to physical activity again. During pregnancy, you should not put too much stress on yourself, since you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of the unborn baby.

Breathing exercises: basic exercises for any period

Breathing exercises will be useful for the expectant mother at any stage, and most often it is recommended to perform it even if other exercises are contraindicated. The importance of proper breathing is very great during labor and childbirth. It will determine how you can help the baby be born. It is recommended to perform breathing exercises throughout pregnancy. Also correct breathing promotes oxygen saturation of the blood and prevents oxygen starvation of the fetus. It is recommended to perform breathing exercises every day for half an hour. You can do them before and after the main gymnastics.

Exercise 1

You need to lie on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Now slowly inhale through your nose, then exhale. Inhale as deeply as possible, while trying not to expand your chest when inhaling, but to breathe only through the diaphragm, raising your stomach and lowering it.

Exercise 2

In the same lying position, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your abdominal area. Take a deep breath, slightly raise your shoulders and head, while trying not to change the position of your stomach. Change hands and repeat the exercise. Do several reps.

Exercise 3

You need to sit down, cross your legs, lower your arms along your body. Bend your elbows and lift them, keeping your fingers at chest level. Inhale at the same time, maintaining the position of your abdomen and chest. Exhale as you slowly lower your arms.

Slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, changes may not be felt so clearly, however, very important processes of the birth of a new life take place in the body. The embryo at this time consists of only a few cells, and is very vulnerable to external factors. At this time, you must take utmost care to protect it and provide all the conditions for normal formation.

You should not perform any abdominal exercises, as well as jumping and sudden bending - they can lead to dangerous consequences up to termination of pregnancy.

Exercises for pregnant women 1st trimester may include the following exercises:

Exercise for the muscles of the perineum and thighs

You need to lean on the back of a chair. Slowly squat down, spreading your knees wide. Stay in the half-squat position, and then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise for the calf muscles and the prevention of swelling

Stand straight, keeping your heels together and toes apart. Hold onto the back of the chair and slowly rise up onto your toes. You should feel tension in the calf muscles, and then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times. The pace should be slow.

Exercise for the muscles of the perineum, legs and abdomen

With both hands, lean on the back of the chair. Stretch your right leg forward, then slowly move it to the side and back, then return it back. The same must be done with the second leg. Repeat 3-4 times for both legs.

Exercise to maintain breast shape

Clasp your palms in front of your chest, spread your elbows parallel to the floor. Squeeze your hands tightly, then slowly release the tension. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a slow pace. Watch your breathing as you do it.

Exercise for the abdomen, sides and thighs

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down slightly with your knees bent. Slowly rotate your pelvis in both directions alternately. There should be no unpleasant sensations during the execution process.

Exercises for the second trimester

In the second trimester, the unpleasant sensations of toxicosis usually disappear, and the body gets used to the changes taking place. The risks of miscarriage are lower than in the first months. Exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen, back and hips. This way you can prepare yourself for the heavy loads that await you later.

From the second trimester, it is better to perform exercises by wearing a special bandage.

You can do it - they perfectly help strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent urinary incontinence.

Exercise for the back and abdominal muscles

You need to sit on the floor, spread your arms to the sides and slightly back, and lean on them. Turn your head and body alternately in different directions. Do 4-5 times in both directions, without holding your breath.

Side exercise

You need to lie on your left side, stretch left hand in front of you and place your right one on it. Slowly raise your right hand up and move it back as far as you can without turning your head and body. Then return it to its original position. Do the same while lying on the other side. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in total.

Exercise for the stomach and back

Sit on the floor with your heels under your buttocks and your hips and knees pressed together. Extend your arms in front of you. Slowly tilt your head and body forward, trying to touch the floor with your forehead. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Breathing exercise

Sit down, bend your knees and cross them slightly. Straighten your arms, place your palms on your thighs. Raise your arm slowly and pull it up, inhaling deeply and slowly, and tilt your head back a little. Exhale also slowly, returning your hands to their original position. Do the same with the other hand. For each, repeat the exercise 4-7 times.

You can also repeat the chest exercise from the previous block, which will help maintain its shape. This kind of exercise for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, a video of which will help you understand the correct technique, will make the further course of your pregnancy easier for you.

Exercises for the third trimester

Exercising for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester is complicated by those who already have an impressively sized tummy that prevents them from performing most exercises. A fitball can help you, with which you can perform very effective exercises to prepare for childbirth.

Exercise with dumbbells for abdominal and back muscles

You need to sit on a fitball, take dumbbells weighing up to 1 kg in your hands, and lower them along your body. Bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells to armpit level, then slowly lower them to the starting position, without tilting your body. Then bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells to your shoulders and slowly lowering them. Alternate movements, watching your breathing.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and thighs

Lie on the floor, put one leg on the fitball. Now try to roll the ball, moving your leg to the side and returning it to its original position. You can also move the ball by bending your knee. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. The same thing is repeated for the second leg.

Chest exercise

Take the fitball in your hands and hold it, stretching them out in front of you. Now try to slowly squeeze it with your palms, and then slowly relax your hands. It is important to ensure that your stomach does not become tense during this exercise. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Movement is life, so you shouldn’t give up playing sports during pregnancy. Gymnastics is best suited for pregnant women, and the most favorable period for exercise is the 2nd trimester. What types of gymnastics are best? What exercises should you do? Let's talk more.

Long gone are the days when pregnant women were advised to give up physical activity. Today, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications and the expectant mother feels well, doctors, on the contrary, advise not to forget about sports. For pregnant women, light gymnastics is best; it is better to wait out the first trimester, and the 2nd trimester is the optimal time for active exercise. During this period, there is no longer any toxicosis, the expectant mother again feels a surge of strength, and her stomach does not interfere with her exercise. The main thing is to choose the right exercises, and then the exercises will only benefit both mother and baby.

For any complications or discomfort related to exercise, you should consult a doctor. If you have any questions about exercise, it is best not to start exercising until you talk to your gynecologist.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women in the second trimester

2nd trimester is the time to think about improving your health through sports, but before you choose physical exercise for pregnant women, it is worth mastering breathing. Breathing plays a huge role in sports, especially when it comes to an expectant mother. Proper breathing helps you tune in to the right mood, relax, and calm down. In addition, thanks to rhythmic and deep breathing during sports, placental blood circulation improves and the child receives more oxygen.

The 2nd trimester is optimal for learning to control your breathing; this is very important for pregnant women: there is not much time left before giving birth, and a mother’s ability to breathe correctly will be useful to her during the birth of her baby. The correct breathing rhythm will help relieve pain from contractions.

The 2nd trimester is the period when you don’t have to be afraid of harming the baby, so breathing exercises can be chosen at your discretion from those that are suitable for pregnant women. To learn how to breathe correctly, use these general recommendations:

  • Practice shallow breathing. The following exercise is optimal for this: breathe through your nose and mouth at the same time, it should look like a dog is breathing with its tongue hanging out.
  • To practice chest breathing, place your palms with their ribs above your chest and clasp your fingers together. As you inhale, separate your fingers, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Abdominal breathing training involves “working” the abdominal muscles, but the main thing is not to forget about your position, that is, not to overexert yourself. Do not increase the volume of air you inhale, try to maintain a natural rhythm

Positional gymnastics: benefits, examples of exercises

The 2nd trimester is suitable for almost any moderate exercise, but the so-called positional gymnastics will bring great benefits to pregnant women; it is worth paying close attention to. Gymnastic exercises are aimed at preparing the body in general and the body in particular for childbirth, helping to relieve stress during the period of intrauterine growth of the baby. Gymnastics positions help train various muscle groups (pelvis, back, abdomen). The following exercises will be useful for pregnant women:
Standing on all fours, lower your head down and “round” your back, copying the movements of the cat, then raise your head high and bend your back as much as possible.
While sitting, bend your legs. The feet should be connected. You need to press on your knees with your palms until you feel a slight stretch, but not pain.
While sitting or standing, smoothly turn your body to the sides, while opening your arms wide. Make sure your pelvis doesn't move.

Gymnastics for the back

The 2nd trimester is the time when the body begins to feel new loads, especially the spine, which is why back exercises are so important for pregnant women. The baby is growing, and at the same time the expectant mother may be plagued by pain in the lumbar region, decreased muscle tone and other “charms”. A fitball will help get rid of unpleasant sensations, on which special exercises for the back are performed: for pregnant women, this fitness equipment is an irreplaceable thing, so it should appear in the house even before the 2nd trimester of pregnancy begins. There are a huge number of exercises with a fitball that are designed specifically to help pregnant women relieve pain in the spine. They usually involve sitting on a stability ball and moving your arms and body. To understand how to properly perform gymnastics for the back, it is better to watch video tutorials that clearly show what’s what.

What a woman has to listen to when she is carrying a baby. Recommendations from relatives, friends, neighbors and simply curious people in transport, shops, beauty salons and clinics about proper nutrition, self-care, choosing a wardrobe for mommy and baby and nutrition rules. It is not easy to understand the huge flow of information - a woman needs to learn to ignore unnecessary advice and listen to valuable advice.

So, it is useful not only to get acquainted, but also to start leading a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible: walking fresh air(even in rainy weather!), proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and moderate physical activity will help you overcome all 9 months without complications and give birth to a healthy baby. Gymnastics for pregnant women will just help you feel lightness throughout your body and give you a great mood.

From childhood, teachers in kindergartens and schools instill in children a love for an active lifestyle. This habit of doing exercises in the morning (and not only in the morning) is rarely retained into adulthood. The reasons may be different: lack of time, frantic pace of life, fatigue and laziness. It would seem that you need to set aside just 10 minutes of time for morning exercises to get your body in shape and at the same time wake up, but many prefer to spend this time in bed or drink a cup of coffee with their nose buried in a laptop. And then complaints about excess weight and muscle flabby.

It is advisable for pregnant women to immediately tune in to the positive and spend the entire 9 months in such a way as to maintain good physical shape, not gain extra pounds and endure childbirth well. An excellent incentive for many expectant mothers - beautiful figure and easy childbirth.

Is exercise so important for a pregnant woman?

Not all girls do exercises when they become pregnant. They even begin to walk more carefully so as not to harm the baby. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with how important it is to do exercises even while in position.

Consider the benefits of exercise for a pregnant woman:

  • Moderate physical activity helps muscles maintain tone. As a result, you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds and stretch marks;
  • breathing training is of great importance - if a woman learns to breathe correctly, then childbirth will be easy, which means the baby will not experience a lack of oxygen;
  • Regular physical activity helps you always stay healthy in a great mood. The woman is full of strength and energy - good mood and harmony in the family is ensured;
  • blood circulation improves - the baby receives more nutrients;
  • many health problems that arise during pregnancy go away: constipation, heartburn, varicose veins, pain in the legs, back and lower back, swelling;
  • coordination of movements improves.

When should you not do gymnastics for pregnant women?

Fearing for their health, the course of pregnancy and the well-being of the baby, many women refuse to do gymnastics for pregnant women. And such behavior can be completely justified if a woman feels unwell. Before you start doing physical exercises, you must consult a gynecologist who is monitoring your pregnancy and if there are restrictions, you must comply with them.

In what cases is it undesirable to resort to physical activity:

  • during a period of severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting 2 or more times a day;
  • with toxicosis (gestosis) in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • if the previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage;
  • when the uterus is in good shape;
  • if the placenta is low;
  • with bleeding, threat of interruption;
  • for abdominal pain;
  • during exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • during ARVI, fever, gastritis and diabetes.

If a pregnant woman feels well and there are no restrictions, then she can start doing exercises for pregnant women. It also happens that after several days of classes, a woman feels discomfort. Then you need to give up gymnastics for 2-3 days and listen to your body. Perhaps this is how the muscles react to stress, especially if the woman did not lead an active lifestyle before conception. Listen to yourself, rest and start exercising again, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Most pregnant women are happy to receive the information that their body will quickly get into shape after childbirth, there will be no extra pounds for the entire 9 months, and the birth will be successful and they will begin to actively engage in pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend not increasing the pace during exercises, because the main thing for a pregnant woman is a positive attitude and excellent health. So you need to perform all movements only smoothly, try not to make sudden movements, do not jump, do not squat vigorously, do not make sharp bends and turns. Remember that there is a baby developing inside you who needs to be comfortable. So no sudden movements or heavy lifting!

If you feel unwell during the exercise, you need to rest. On this day it is better not to do exercises, rest more and pay attention to breathing exercises. During pregnancy, you should not overwork.

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother must adhere to the following rules:

  • You need to take short breaks between exercises, do not try to do all the gymnastics at once “in one breath”, such behavior is unacceptable for a pregnant woman;
  • if the condition worsens, you need to rest;
  • if after gymnastics brown or bloody discharge appears from the genital tract, you should see a doctor;
  • do not make sudden movements;
  • for gymnastics to be beneficial, try not to do exercises immediately after eating, but after a couple of hours you can do exercises;
  • what to do gymnastics in? Each woman decides for herself, but it is best if it is comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. Preference - only natural fabrics;
  • the first time we do the complex no more than 20 minutes, then you can increase the duration of the workout by 10 minutes;
  • in the room where you will do exercises, it is better to open a window or balcony to ventilate the room;
  • changes in well-being, nausea, dizziness, rapid pulse - this is a signal from the body. It is necessary to reduce the intensity of the workout.

It is important when starting gymnastics for pregnant women to understand that you are not trying to get rid of extra pounds, much less lose weight, your task is to prepare for the upcoming birth and keep your muscles toned.

Exercise for pregnant women at home

It is best to enroll in a special center for pregnant women so that a qualified specialist can observe the woman as she performs the exercises and monitors her well-being. But not all expectant mothers can afford it: some live far away, raise children and cannot devote several hours to training, others simply do not have enough money for individual lessons. In this case, you can also keep yourself in excellent shape and do gymnastics for pregnant women on your own.

Each period of pregnancy is unique. In the first weeks after conception, a woman is just beginning to understand what is happening to her and gradually adapts to the new situation. The tummy has not yet grown, no one is moving inside. The only thing that reminds you of pregnancy is mild nausea in the morning (and not for everyone) and the absence of menstruation. So now is the time to start doing exercises for pregnant women.

Mastering gymnastics begins in the 1st trimester with breathing exercises and warm-up. You can’t be too active, as there is still a high risk of interruption at an early stage. If you experience nausea and vomiting, breathing exercises will help alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

With the onset of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the most favorable time for a woman begins. Toxicosis is over, the tummy begins to noticeably round, but does not yet cause any discomfort to the woman. It is during this period that gymnastics classes cannot be ignored, since the load on the growing fetus also increases, the woman may feel heaviness in the lower back, back pain appears, and posture is disturbed. To avoid such troubles, you need to do gymnastics. In general, after a set of simple exercises, the woman feels great.

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult and if up to 30 weeks a woman felt great, then with each new week everything changes and not in better side. The first is clumsiness, it seems that the legs are not able to withstand the load, pain appears in the back, legs and lower back, belching and swelling are tormented. You can avoid and alleviate the condition at the peak of pregnancy if you continue to do gymnastics for pregnant women.

Exercises for pregnant women. 1st trimester

The period of gestation is conventionally divided into 3 parts: these are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. Each period proceeds differently, and accordingly, the complexes for pregnant women will be different.

The beginning of fetal development or embryogenesis is the most complex and even dangerous period. Therefore, it is necessary to temporarily limit physical activity. It is not advisable to do abdominal exercises in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, so as not to provoke a miscarriage. You are allowed to pay attention to breathing exercises and tone the muscles of your legs and thighs.

Exercises for the 1st trimester:

  1. You will need a chair with a high back. You need to lean your hands on the back of the chair and, spreading your legs wide apart (to make it comfortable), slowly sit down as deeply as possible. We get up and the next exercise is standing, feet shoulder-width apart - raise your toes up, lower them down. After completing this exercise, you can return to squats again, alternating the load with finger gymnastics.
  2. Attention to the chest muscles. During pregnancy and after childbirth, many women lose curvaceous. If you devote a few minutes a day to gymnastics and do this exercise, everything will remain in its place. So, you need to put your hands in front of you, clasp your palms together, and then squeeze them forcefully so that you feel how the chest muscles work.
  3. You can tighten your oblique abdominal muscles by leaning on the back of a chair and moving your leg forward (crosswise), and then to the side and back. This exercise is an excellent prevention of stretch marks and preparation for the upcoming birth.
  4. We rotate our pelvis and rest - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist - “draw” a circle with our hips clockwise and back. It is recommended to squeeze your legs a little at the knees.
  5. This exercise can be performed anywhere, no matter what you are doing - rotate your feet. If you are sitting, just lift your heels up, without lifting your toes off the floor. The standing exercise is performed in the same way. This is great prevention varicose veins veins and muscle cramps. It is necessary to do this regularly for women who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Breathing exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, you can stand or sit on a chair/fitball. We inhale so that we feel how the chest expands. Exhalation. Let's perform the exercise so that the chest does not rise, but expands.
  7. Another breathing exercise is to breathe with your stomach. Inhale - we fill the stomach with air, like a ball (one can even imagine), exhale - the stomach is pulled in - the ball deflates.
  8. Breathing exercises can be done alternately, first the first, then the second.

Exercises for pregnant women. 2nd trimester

The safe period in terms of stress on the body is the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. There is no threat of interruption, the expectant mother feels well, since the nausea and toxicosis are behind her, her appetite has appeared, and her tummy has begun to round. It's time to increase the load and strengthen the pelvic muscles.

For those women who began to notice that during the 2nd and subsequent pregnancies discomfort appeared - urinary incontinence, these exercises will help the muscles return to tone. It’s just important not to forget about the Kegel exercise – we tense and relax the muscles pelvic floor. This exercise is done anywhere - sitting, standing and even lying down, at home, at work and in transport, and more often - up to 3 approaches a day, 15-20 times. You can even divide the daytime into several parts and do Kegel exercises in transport in the morning, during the day during your lunch break and in the evening before going to bed while lying in bed.

Exercises for the 2nd trimester:

  • the uterus gradually enlarges and the woman feels awkward. To get rid of these sensations, you can do gymnastics in a bandage;
  • It is important to temporarily exclude exercises where the body load is distributed on one leg. It is also not recommended to lie on your back for a long time, so that the vena cava is not compressed under the weight of the uterus, and the baby does not feel a lack of oxygen;
  • warm-up sitting on the floor - cross your legs in front of you, turn your head left and right. Then we spread our arms to the sides and turn our torso to the sides. We are not in a hurry, breathing is calm;
  • sitting, we tuck our legs under us - we stretch our arm forward and place it on our head. Inhale – arm up, exhale – behind the head;
  • strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles - lying on your side, placing your arms on top of each other and stretching them forward. We turn the body 180°, throw our arm to the side, and come back. We turn over to the other side and repeat the exercise;
  • repeat the exercise for pectoral muscles from 1st trimester. We squeeze our palms, hands in front of us, as hard as possible, making a spring;
  • sitting on the floor, tuck your legs under you so that your heels are located under your buttocks. We stretch our arms forward, tilt our torso, trying to touch our forehead to the floor. Exercise helps you relax. To make it easier to do exercises, you need to spread your legs at the knees, this is exactly where your tummy will fit.

Exercises for pregnant women. 3rd trimester

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy has arrived, the belly has increased in size, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for a woman to climb stairs, turn to the sides and sleep at night. It becomes more and more difficult to do regular exercises every day; there comes a time when you can feel more graceful and lighter if you do gymnastics on a ball.

Exercises for the 3rd trimester of pregnancy are divided into blocks: for each muscle group, plus don’t forget to do breathing exercises. In addition to the ball, you need to purchase dumbbells (up to 1 kg) or you can pour sand into plastic bottles (volume 500 ml).

Exercises for moms:

  • we sit on the ball, take dumbbells in our hands and bend our arms alternately;
  • exercise sitting on the floor - you can cross your legs (Turkish style), put a ball in front of you and squeeze it with your hands - this way you can strengthen your chest muscles;
  • lying on the floor (no more than 1-2 minutes!) we roll the ball forward and back with our feet, then in a circular motion.

When performing exercises in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, complications may occur - increased heart rate, aching pain in the lower abdomen, shortness of breath - you must stop doing exercises so as not to provoke uterine tone.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the breathing complex, it will help you calm down after exercise, and during labor activity– reduce pain. It is only important to do gymnastics regularly, and not when labor has already begun.

Breathing exercises:

  1. We place one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Breathing is deep. We make sure that the stomach moves and the chest remains motionless. We try to breathe through our nose.
  2. Chest breathing: place your palms on the area below the chest, press your elbows to your body. We breathe deeply so that the elbows slide to the sides, and the chest and stomach remain motionless.
  3. We learn to breathe intermittently - this will help during labor when pushing begins, but pushing is not yet allowed. This kind of breathing will help during a contraction. We breathe through our mouths, noses, and very noisily, as well as quickly, to reduce pressure in the abdomen and enrich the blood with oxygen. If you do everything correctly, childbirth will be easy and relatively painless.

The duration of breathing exercises is no more than 10 minutes. Try to do gymnastics every day without skipping, then the blood will be more actively saturated with oxygen. It is important not to hold your breath while performing breathing exercises so that the child does not suffer from a lack of oxygen. Allow no more than 30 minutes every day to complete the entire set of exercises, including warm-up and breathing exercises.

Exercises for pregnant women in pictures

If you did not have the opportunity to start gymnastics in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, there is still time to catch up and start doing the exercises. Gymnastics in pictures will help you master and understand the correctness of each of them. All you have to do is look at the image and read the description, and then try to do a simple set of exercises yourself.

Try to do gymnastics regularly; if you cannot devote 30 minutes to your health every day, then if possible, try to do exercises 3 times a week, and also do not forget about visiting the pool and walking. Don't neglect the opportunity to give birth healthy child and improve your well-being!

Exercises for pregnant women. Video:

Exercises for pregnant women (1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester) at home

Pregnant women always have to deal with endless do’s and don’ts, do’s and don’ts and other advice and thoughts from others. Of course, during the entire period of waiting for the baby, it makes sense to trust, first of all, the advice of professionals. And they insist that the expectant mother needs to start leading a healthy lifestyle as early as possible. It includes proper rest, absence of bad habits, proper nutrition, as well as moderate physical activity, which helps to easily overcome the entire period and give birth to a healthy baby. Exercising for pregnant women is a great way to improve the condition of the body, tone it up and lift your spirits. But you need to figure out what kind of physical activity the expectant mother should have, and to whom it may be contraindicated.

Exercises for pregnant women: benefits

Not all pregnant women do exercises. Some are even afraid to walk so as not to harm the unborn baby. However, the benefits of physical activity are enormous. Exercise for pregnant women is useful due to the following factors:

  • Exercise helps keep muscles toned, reducing the risk of stretch marks and extra pounds after childbirth.
  • Breathing training is important to help ease childbirth.
  • Regular warm-up lifts a pregnant woman's mood, charges her with energy and soy.
  • Blood circulation improves, which means the fetus is better supplied with nutrients.
  • Exercise helps prevent a number of problems characteristic of pregnancy, including swelling, varicose veins, heartburn, constipation, pain in the back, lower back, and legs.
  • Physical activity helps improve coordination.

When should pregnant women not exercise?

Many women refuse exercise during pregnancy, considering it dangerous. This may be justified if the pregnant woman is not feeling well. Before you start doing exercises, it is better to consult a specialist.

Physical activity is undesirable in the following cases:

  • With severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting more than twice a day;
  • Toxicosis (preeclampsia) in late pregnancy;
  • If a previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage;
  • With uterine hypertonicity;
  • With a low placenta;
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage and bleeding;
  • For pain in the abdomen;
  • At elevated temperatures, ARVI, diabetes and gastritis.
If the expectant mother feels good and there are no contraindications, you can safely start doing exercises. However, it happens that a few days after the start of classes, a pregnant woman feels discomfort. Then you should refrain from physical activity for a couple of days to listen to your body. Muscles may react this way to stress, especially if you did not exercise before pregnancy. Then it is better to rest, recover, and then return to physical activity again. During pregnancy, you should not put too much stress on yourself, since you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of the unborn baby.

Breathing exercises: basic exercises for any period

Breathing exercises will be useful for the expectant mother at any stage, and most often it is recommended to perform it even if other exercises are contraindicated. The importance of proper breathing is very great during labor and childbirth. It will determine how you can help the baby be born. It is recommended to perform breathing exercises throughout pregnancy. Also, proper breathing helps saturate the blood with oxygen and prevents oxygen starvation of the fetus. It is recommended to perform breathing exercises every day for half an hour. You can do them before and after the main gymnastics.

Exercise 1

You need to lie on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Now slowly inhale through your nose, then exhale. Inhale as deeply as possible, while trying not to expand your chest when inhaling, but to breathe only through the diaphragm, raising your stomach and lowering it.

Exercise 2

In the same lying position, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your abdominal area. Take a deep breath, slightly raise your shoulders and head, while trying not to change the position of your stomach. Change hands and repeat the exercise. Do several reps.

Exercise 3

You need to sit down, cross your legs, lower your arms along your body. Bend your elbows and lift them, keeping your fingers at chest level. Inhale at the same time, maintaining the position of your abdomen and chest. Exhale as you slowly lower your arms.

Slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, changes may not be felt so clearly, however, very important processes of the birth of a new life take place in the body. The embryo at this time consists of only a few cells, and is very vulnerable to external factors. At this time, you must take utmost care to protect it and provide all the conditions for normal formation.

You should not perform any abdominal exercises, as well as jumping and sudden bending - they can lead to dangerous consequences, including termination of pregnancy.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester may include the following exercises:

Exercise for the muscles of the perineum and thighs

You need to lean on the back of a chair. Slowly squat down, spreading your knees wide. Stay in the half-squat position, and then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise for the calf muscles and the prevention of swelling

Stand straight, keeping your heels together and toes apart. Hold onto the back of the chair and slowly rise up onto your toes. You should feel tension in the calf muscles, and then smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times. The pace should be slow.

Exercise for the muscles of the perineum, legs and abdomen

With both hands, lean on the back of the chair. Stretch your right leg forward, then slowly move it to the side and back, then return it back. The same must be done with the second leg. Repeat 3-4 times for both legs.

Exercise to maintain breast shape

Clasp your palms in front of your chest, spread your elbows parallel to the floor. Squeeze your hands tightly, then slowly release the tension. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a slow pace. Watch your breathing as you do it.

Exercise for the abdomen, sides and thighs

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down slightly with your knees bent. Slowly rotate your pelvis in both directions alternately. There should be no unpleasant sensations during the execution process.

Exercises for the second trimester

In the second trimester, the unpleasant sensations of toxicosis usually disappear, and the body gets used to the changes taking place. The risks of miscarriage are lower than in the first months. Exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen, back and hips. This way you can prepare yourself for the heavy loads that await you later.

From the second trimester, it is better to perform exercises by wearing a special bandage.

You can perform Kegel exercises - they perfectly help strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent urinary incontinence.

Exercise for the back and abdominal muscles

You need to sit on the floor, spread your arms to the sides and slightly back, and lean on them. Turn your head and body alternately in different directions. Do 4-5 times in both directions, without holding your breath.

Side exercise

You need to lie on your left side, extend your left hand in front of you and place your right hand on it. Slowly raise your right hand up and move it back as far as you can without turning your head and body. Then return it to its original position. Do the same while lying on the other side. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in total.

Exercise for the stomach and back

Sit on the floor with your heels under your buttocks and your hips and knees pressed together. Extend your arms in front of you. Slowly tilt your head and body forward, trying to touch the floor with your forehead. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Breathing exercise

Sit down, bend your knees and cross them slightly. Straighten your arms, place your palms on your thighs. Raise your arm slowly and pull it up, inhaling deeply and slowly, and tilt your head back a little. Exhale also slowly, returning your hands to their original position. Do the same with the other hand. For each, repeat the exercise 4-7 times.

You can also repeat the chest exercise from the previous block, which will help maintain its shape. This kind of exercise for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, a video of which will help you understand the correct technique, will make the further course of your pregnancy easier for you.

Exercises for the third trimester

Exercising for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester is complicated by those who already have an impressively sized tummy that prevents them from performing most exercises. A fitball can help you, with which you can perform very effective exercises to prepare for childbirth.

Exercise with dumbbells for abdominal and back muscles

You need to sit on a fitball, take dumbbells weighing up to 1 kg in your hands, and lower them along your body. Bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells to armpit level, then slowly lower them to the starting position, without tilting your body. Then bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells to your shoulders and slowly lowering them. Alternate movements, watching your breathing.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and thighs

Lie on the floor, put one leg on the fitball. Now try to roll the ball, moving your leg to the side and returning it to its original position. You can also move the ball by bending your knee. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. The same thing is repeated for the second leg.

Chest exercise

Take the fitball in your hands and hold it, stretching them out in front of you. Now try to slowly squeeze it with your palms, and then slowly relax your hands. It is important to ensure that your stomach does not become tense during this exercise. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Exercising for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester at home using a fitball becomes effective and safe. Don't forget to use a bandage to support your tummy. Water aerobics exercises designed specifically for expectant mothers will also be useful. Watch the video of exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester to understand more about its implementation.

Video exercises for pregnant women

Exercises for pregnant women

Charging is necessary for many pregnant women, regardless of the period. A little physical activity will be an integral part of good health and a safe birth. But before starting physical exercise, any pregnant woman needs to consult a specialist and individually select the level of possible stress.

Exercises for pregnant women: its meaning

Typically, pregnant women avoid any physical activity, not to mention exercise, for fear of harming the unborn baby. Some people don’t understand the role of exercises for muscle development, others simply don’t want to do them. Expectant mothers are mistaken because regular physical activity strengthens muscles, promotes weight loss, good health and helps maintain excellent shape. It is also important that thanks to exercise, breathing is perfectly trained, and this in turn will facilitate childbirth and provide the baby with a stable supply of oxygen.

Daily exercises will give women a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day. The mood of pregnant women improves after doing exercises, they feel much better. There are a number of contraindications in which physical activity is not recommended for pregnant women. Therefore, you should definitely consult with a specialist so as not to harm yourself and the health of your child.

When is it not advisable for pregnant women to do exercises?

You will have to stop doing physical exercises in the following cases:

  • if a woman is bothered by nausea and vomiting, so-called toxicosis;
  • with a tendency to miscarriages;
  • if the tone of the uterus is increased;
  • low position of the placenta;
  • concomitant diseases, bacterial and viral infections;
  • if pregnancy is complicated by edema, high blood pressure, proteinuria, convulsions;
  • if you have abdominal pain.

It is important not only to take into account the opinions of doctors and trainers regarding morning exercises, but also to pay attention to your own well-being. If pain, discomfort, or dizziness occurs after performing any physical exercise, then it is better to stop it.

How should a pregnant woman do exercises?

Exercise should not consist of strenuous exercise such as running, bending, jumping, heavy lifting or sudden squats. In order for the exercises performed to be beneficial and enjoyable, they must be started in a good mood and excellent health.

Any physical activity should be alternated with proper breathing. Pregnant women should not overwork; if they feel weak and dizzy, it is better to take a break and do some breathing exercises. If you feel unwell during gymnastics, then you should completely postpone the exercises to the next day.

Pregnant women should not exercise to lose weight. For them, there are special exercises with a special load, designed to prepare for the upcoming birth and strengthen muscles.

The first trimester can rightfully be considered the most important and responsible period of pregnancy. On early stages The laying of the organs of the future baby occurs, and the mother’s body gradually prepares for bearing the fetus. The role of exercise at this time is to help the pregnant woman relax, feel mental peace and develop proper breathing.

Morning exercises are performed for 15-20 minutes daily, if necessary, with short breaks. The exercises begin with a cross step to the side. Then you need to stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your body to the sides without additional load.

Next, we bend forward, exhale while doing so, and return to the starting position while inhaling. This exercise should be repeated 5 to 6 times. Then we do the following exercise - we put our hands on our belts and smoothly bend our torso back, while inhaling. We return to the starting position and exhale.

To prevent cramps and varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is important to perform circular rotations of the feet and lifts on the toes. These exercises will be the perfect end to your morning exercises in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

If the first trimester is considered the most dangerous, then in the second trimester any risks are minimal. This period is the most favorable for training expectant mothers and preparing them for childbirth. Simple physical activity at this time will be safe and will not harm the baby, but will only benefit him.

At this time, the pregnant woman will be able to safely perform physical exercises; they can be performed longer than in the first trimester. But still, you shouldn’t burden yourself for more than half an hour. In the second trimester, women are no longer tormented by toxicosis and waiting for a baby becomes even more pleasant.

The first exercise begins sitting with your legs crossed, turning your head to the sides. Next, you can make several turns of the body to the sides, while spreading your arms.

To perform the next exercise, you need to bring your hands together at chest level, turn your hands with your palms facing each other. A woman will feel her pectoral muscles working if she tries to close her palms as tightly as possible. This exercise can be performed not only in the second trimester, but also in the early stages, as it helps strengthen the chest muscles.

Then we sit on the floor. We bend our legs at the knees so that the heels touch the buttocks and the legs are spread apart. This will ensure a free position of the tummy. We lean forward with our arms outstretched, our forehead touching the floor. Next, we perform torso rotations with the pelvis stationary. This exercise will be a great way to finish your exercises.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

During extended periods, it is difficult for pregnant women to exercise. Therefore, in the 3rd trimester, experts recommend exercises on a gymnastic ball. Exercises on a fitball stabilize heart function and reduce blood pressure and normalize blood flow. Thanks to comfortable and safe charging, the well-being of expectant mothers improves and their mood improves. With the help of a fitball you can train your chest, hips and buttocks, arms, etc.

Typically, daily exercises for pregnant women in later stages begin with getting to know the fitball, sitting on the ball and gradually swinging to the sides. Next, you can perform the exercise of lifting light dumbbells by bending your arms.

The following exercise is designed to strengthen the pectoral muscles. The woman sits on the floor in a light lotus position, this position is called Turkish sitting, and squeezes the ball with her hands for a few seconds.

After sitting on the ball, a woman can continue the exercise by turning to the right and then to the left. In this case, it is important to place your hand behind the opposite leg and remain in this position for up to 2 minutes; such actions perfectly train the back muscles.

To relax your shoulder joints, you can roll the ball back and forth. This exercise is performed while standing on your feet, placing them shoulder-width apart and bending your back to smoothly move your hands over the fitball.

To complete her morning exercises, a woman can lie on the ball, spread her legs shoulder-width apart, and roll the ball back and forth with her body. This exercise is performed to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities.

You should stop the exercise immediately if you experience pain, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate or dizziness. In this case, it is worth doing several breathing exercises, this will help you relax and relieve painful symptoms.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women

In addition to physical exercises, it is important to do breathing exercises. Every pregnant woman should learn to breathe correctly, this will not only reduce pain and help you relax, but also prepare you for the upcoming birth. Many experts believe that performing breathing exercises is one of the main components of a painless delivery.

The first exercise should be performed with one hand on your tummy and the other on your chest, while breathing deeply through your nose. To train diaphragmatic breathing, the chest should be in place, and the tummy should rise and fall depending on the phase of breathing.

Next, you can do an exercise to strengthen chest breathing. It will differ from the first exercise in that instead of the chest, the stomach should be motionless, and the chest, in turn, will have to rise and fall in different phases of breathing.

Pregnant women do not know for sure whether they can perform certain physical exercises. It is better to solve this issue not on your own, but with the help of a doctor’s consultation. A specialist will be able to accurately say whether physical exercise is suitable for a representative of the fair sex, taking into account her overall health condition, as well as what level of physical activity is acceptable. In most cases, breathing and physical exercises will only benefit the woman’s body and her baby.

Video: Exercises for pregnant women.

Exercises for pregnant women: 2nd trimester

Pregnancy is not a reason to stop playing sports. Quite the opposite. Moderate physical activity is good for the health of the expectant mother. Training can be carried out in each trimester of pregnancy, but only in the absence of medical contraindications. Therefore, we advise you to first consult with your doctor and, after he agrees, to engage in sports. However, you do not have to go to a fitness club. Training can be done right at home.

We present to your attention a series of video exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester. These 3 wonderful sets of exercises were specially developed by the highest category master trainer Ksenia Slyusar. Turn on the video and train with the famous TV presenter Masha Efrosinina. To do the exercises you will need a mat, fitball, chair, towel, two plastic bottles with water (instead of dumbbells). Before each set of exercises, a warm-up is required to normalize breathing. Only after this can you move on to performing the basic elements aimed at working all the muscles of the body.

Do exercises for pregnant women in the second trimester with Masha Efrosinina. Choose sets of exercises that suit you. In this way, you will strengthen your body and prepare it for childbirth.
