Harmony of related colors. How to achieve harmony in color? About the laws of the color wheel. Harmonious combinations of achromatic colors

I recently resumed my drawing and painting lessons, and I want to tell you about color combinations. In any situation when it comes to color, there are successful and bad combinations shades. Whether it's a manicure or clothes, a drawn card or even a home renovation, it's always important to choose a beautiful and interesting color combination.

With regard to clothing, this is even more important, if you can paint your house and your favorite bedroom in any shades you like, and invite only loved ones there, then clothing is the most important social tool that allows us to form the first opinion about each other, and therefore we cannot allow your clothes said the wrong thing about you. How to choose good shades and choose interesting pairs? What are the rules about this? How to choose any tones with shine?

A little theory

The easiest way to choose the right shade is to use a color wheel. It is divided into 12 sectors and represents the primary colors. Also, each sector is graduated from light (in the center) to dark (along the edge). What can we deduce from this circle?
  1. White harmonizes with absolutely any tone and makes it brighter.
  2. Black will help dilute any ensemble and at the same time give it depth.
  3. Complementary and similar color neighborhoods are visible.
  4. You can derive triads, tetrads and squares.
What is a complementary pair? These are colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow. In order not to miss, it is best to choose shades that are equal in lightness and saturation - equidistant sectors from the center.

This is a good combination, and most often many clothing lines use it - they produce the same models in complementary shades, and then if you buy a purple blouse, you can always choose a pistachio skirt to go with it (and vice versa).

Similar pairs- those that stand next to each other on the color wheel. Such pairs are often found in architectural compositions. Surely you have seen when a house is painted light lemon, and the architectural elements - slopes and cornices, balustrades and architraves - are green. This solution is also found very often in accessories - for example, it is much easier to find yellow shoes with orange trim than yellow ones with blue or purple.

Triads, tetrads and squares are patterns that are drawn according to a special shape on the color wheel. For a triad it is a triangle, for a tetrad it is a rectangle, and a square speaks for itself.

Look at different color wheels to understand the principle, and you will never go wrong in choosing the right shade.


Neutral colors are called black, white and gray - they go with almost everything and look good together. However, it should also be taken into account that a person dressed in black or gray from head to toe is bad manners; monochrome outfits have long become a sign of bad taste. IN summer period It is appropriate to be dressed in white from head to toe, but here accessories - a bag, shoes, bright jewelry and details - can help maintain the brightness.

Any combination of gray should be well balanced. As a rule, fabrics or accessories of a pure gray shade are rarely found on sale; most often the color has a cold or warm undertone. Accordingly, when choosing color combinations with gray, you need to look at:

  • to the warmth of gray;
  • on the warmth of the selected color;
  • on the lightness of two shades and their compatibility.

Warmth of Gray

Gray can be warm or cold.

Warm shades are best combined with warm tones - yellow, orange, red, pink, crimson.

Cool gray looks perfect if you add blue, lilac, green or blue to it.

Warmth of the chosen color

Even yellow can be cold. It is best to choose those paints whose temperature corresponds to the main temperature of the color. Warm yellow and cool blue look good with cool gray.


This is the position that the chosen color would occupy on a stretch from darkest to lightest. It is best if the gray does not compete with his partner. Can't choose? Choose the brightest shades or pastel colors, and it is better to refrain from dark ones.


Warm colors on the color wheel range from yellow to violet. This is a pleasant range that lifts the mood and gives a feeling of warmth and light. However, choosing color pairs here is not so easy. Naturally, when I talk about the proximity of red or yellow, these are those combinations where the color I indicated is the main one (that is, it predominates visually).

The best combination of red is with white, blue and black. These are pure shades that were worn by kings and queens; this range (without black) is represented on the Russian tricolor and the flags of other states. Use pure shades, and then you can definitely be confident in your choice.

The combination of burgundy color with shades of blue and gray turns out to be interesting. In general, any berry tones will suit burgundy. But it is better to choose green tones with a cool undertone.

A wonderful combination of brown and beige - you get a pleasant chocolate combination. Shades of cocoa and coffee, tea and milk, pastries and Ivory- many color combinations with brown evoke thoughts of desserts.

Naturally, warm tones go well together - brown and light orange look great together, and the combination of red, orange and yellow was once ultra-fashionable.

Want to add some flair to the combination? Try complex tones. Combine brown with plum, beige and blackberry, warm inky and cool turquoise. Yes, don't forget about the brown and mint color combination. The combination of mint and chocolate evokes thoughts of entertainment, pleasure and relaxation.

Do you like extravagance? Add some accessories in a deep shade - for example, cobalt blue will set off orange or pink well, and turquoise looks good against shades of yellow and green.


Cool colors are those from green to purple. These are shades of grass and water, cool and refreshing, they bring peace and tranquility. If you want to use cool shades in the interior, then it is best to give preference to bright, clean colors, the compatibility of which is very high with other colors.

The best combination for the home is dark blue with white and red. Moreover, red should be a highlight, there should not be a lot of it, but it’s better not to skimp on blue.

My favorite shade is turquoise, also called turquoise and Tiffany's favorite shade. Turquoise color goes well with a variety of shades. You can choose warm pink and rich orange, which can beautifully set off the turquoise color. An interesting combination of turquoise shade is obtained with coral - the reddish-red palette emphasizes the turquoise color well.

It is also worth trying a combination of blue with cold yellow and light green tones, and blue will help to set off green tones. In general, the combination of green with yellow and blue is classic for spring and spring holidays, so try to find your solutions in this color scheme (and don’t forget to look at the color wheel).

Try to pay more attention to the combination of green with other colors - this year the Panton company announced Greenery as the shade of 2017, so it would be a sin not to acquire a couple of green wardrobe items and buy some emerald jewelry for home. By the way, you can choose beautiful color combinations with green online - the color palette will be created automatically.

Do you want to compose interesting combinations purple? Try light cool colors - lilac, pink, green. Don't like deep purple? Try lilac and lavender, and don't forget lilac.

Different ideas

Can't figure out the combinations of yellow with other colors? Check out original and classic schemes of matching shades.

A cool combination of yellow and lilac with purple, a combination of pink and yellow - this combination of lilac and yellow with purple will be remembered by absolutely everyone.

Looking for beautiful schemes based on brown color with others? Save these diagrams for yourself - if the table is always at hand, then you can match all the tones to brown.

Remember that the combination of orange and black is sultry and hot!

And here are schemes for combining pink with other shades and red with other colors.

Do you want to create a palette in cold colors? Then combinations of lilac with cold tones - blue, emerald, blue and gray are at your service.

Now you know almost as much about color combinations as professional artists, which means that you will definitely be able to choose any color combinations - whether for the perfect wardrobe or for a wonderful renovation!

Harmony from the Greek harmonia, which means consonance, agreement, the opposite of chaos. In a color composition, harmonization methods can also be used, there are many theories with the help of which they tried to achieve harmonious combinations of colors, many scientists worked on this problem, and not only and not so much scientists studying the physics of color and light worked, but as a rule those minds who tried to comprehend how color affects the human psyche, trying to achieve a certain perception through a combination of colors. Rudolph Adams and Albert Munsell can be named among the first to take significant steps in this direction. After them there were many, to name a few who, in my opinion, are currently the most relevant B. M. Teplov in his theory was based on a circle with three primary colors yellow, blue, red. Shugaeva V.M. and Kozlova V.N. These authors relied on a circle with four primary colors. Accordingly, we will consider harmonies based on the indicated color wheels, and do not forget to mention color combinations where one shade of color is used, that is, a color wheel is not needed.

Harmonious combinations achromatic colors.

As we have already found out, we call shades of gray, which range from white to black, achromatic. How can you achieve a harmonious combination between these colors? Here it is appropriate to divide the process into harmonization of the colors themselves, that is, building a certain series of colors combined according to one principle or another, which will be used in the composition, and the ratio of the areas on which these colors will be located.

To harmonize achromatic colors, use a stepped gray scale, or if the composition is monochrome, then a scale of shades of a certain tone. There can be a different number of steps in the scale; it is important that the steps divide the segment from black to white into equal parts, that is, the scale must be equally stepped.

Next, the required number of shades is selected from this scale, that is, the composition can consist of two, three or more shades of gray. Compositions of three shades are considered the most harmonious. What you need to understand is that even when a composition consists of a large number of shades, often at the stage of sketch and compositional searches, they try to reduce it to three shades, for example, a landscape is often divided into three spots, the foreground, middle and distant plans, which they try to harmoniously connect with each other by means of tonal relationships. And then, within these spots, develop more subtle gradations, while trying not to violate the integrity of the three main spots and the relationships between them.

Shades for a composition from the gray scale are chosen either with the inclusion of black, white and one or more grays, or only black and white, this harmonic scheme is called full.

If you choose white and light shades gray, then this scheme is called light gray.

Black and dark shades gray, dark gray.

When shades are taken from the middle of the scale, then this medium gray harmonic circuit.

Of course, all these schemes are quite arbitrary, for example, a color combination can be medium gray, but at the same time be quite dark. And the statement that a composition divided into three tones is the most harmonious is also not indisputable; there are different opinions on this matter.

Sometimes the gray scale is compiled in such a way that it can be divided into dark shades and light ones, for example, if there are about ten steps, then you can clearly draw the line between dark and light.

It is believed that if you choose shades located on the gray scale at equal intervals, then this scheme is the most harmonious, that is, it is perceived as the most calm. If the intervals between the selected shades are not equal, then a more expressive harmony is obtained.

If in practice it is necessary to use a gray or monochrome scale for harmonization, then it is desirable to have a large enough scale with as many steps as possible in order to have more room for maneuver.

For example, in etching there is such a tool as an etching scale, this is a type of gray scale that is used to obtain certain shades when etching an etching board. So, etchers try to make more shades on the etching scale than they will use when etching, and this is done in order to be able to more flexibly and widely adjust the etching process, that is, lightness ratios.

As for the ratio of the distribution of selected shades in the composition, there may also be different approaches.

For example, in a composition of three shades, you can go this way by dividing the area of ​​the composition, so that one shade occupies 50%, the second 32%, and the last 18%. We get a ratio close to the golden ratio, which will be perceived as a very calm composition.

Or another example, when it is proposed to divide a composition of four tones, thus 1/6 white, 1/6 black, 2/6 first gray, 2/6 second gray, such a distribution allows you to get a fairly calm, balanced composition.

Basically in in this case you can use any harmonious combinations of numbers that both mathematics and geometry offer, which we will probably talk about someday in more detail in the corresponding article.

I would also like to say that in fact, the harmonization of shades of gray is the first stage in the harmonization of chromatic colors, that is, artists, before starting to create a color composition, often create black and white sketch. Many photographers also cannot do without a sketch, and often there is more than one sketch. There is a whole technology for gradually solving all possible artistic problems, from compositional searches, including harmonization, to detailed elaboration of the entire composition in a monochrome or achromatic version, and then they move on to creating a color composition as the final stage of work. Moreover, similar, largely similar approaches exist both in traditional art technologies and in digital ones, and photography also does not shun such approaches and uses them effectively, especially in retouching and collaging.

Harmonious combinations of chromatic colors.

The point is that there are a great many different schemes for combining chromatic colors; they are based on different theories and using all possible color wheels.

Here, first of all, we will consider several of the most used schemes based on the twelve particular color wheel, where the main ones are yellow, red, blue colors, although these schemes can be more or less successfully used on any other color wheel.

First of all, it must be said that any harmonious combinations are divided into two categories, contrasting and nuanced combinations. Accordingly, any combinations where a clear contrast of colors or shades is used are contrasting. And close combinations, usually located side by side on a circle and not forming an obvious contrast, are nuanced.

And so are the schemes of harmonic combinations.

Single color (monochromatic); monochrome color harmonies - the use of several shades of the same color. This combination is analogous to the combinations of achromatic colors described above. Such combinations consist of at least two colors. Only instead of shades of gray, shades of any of the spectral colors are used here. And a color wheel is not needed to build this harmony, but a monochrome scale is needed, passing from white to black through the required spectral color. Harmony can be contrasting or nuanced depending on the chosen shades.

Harmony of Analogous Colors or Related Triad; this color scheme uses adjacent colors color wheel and their mixing. This harmony is most often used as a nuanced one, but contrast is also possible here. White or black can be used as an additional color.

Harmony of complementary colors (complementary); A complementary color scheme uses colors that are opposite. In this case, the contrast is obvious, and compositions built on the basis of this harmony can be very contrasting, perceived as dynamic, expressive, even flashy. It's very easy to put accents here.

Broken additional; This is again a complementary scheme. But at one end it is divided in two, breaking into two related colors complementary to the third. The combination is even more complex than the previous one and also contrasting.

The colors lie at the vertices of an isosceles triangle at equal distances from each other. The combination is quite impressive, even if you use pastel colors. Moreover, this scheme can be based on primary colors, as well as secondary and even tertiary ones.

The proposed color combinations are used quite often in all areas of fine art, not only in painting and graphics, but also in photography, design, architecture, and even makeup artists and hairdressers work with harmonious combinations.

But there is an opinion that there are not three, but four primary colors. This point of view is justified by a number of arguments, for example, it is argued, and not without reason, that a mixture of blue and yellow does not give pure green. A color researcher like Michael Wilcox even titled his book “Blue and Yellow Don’t Make Green.”

So here are the color wheels based on four primary colors, are also used to harmonize the color composition.

Let's consider ways of harmonization using this circle.

First, let's describe the color wheel, using the example of the circle proposed by Shugaev.

A color wheel in which the four main colors are blue, yellow, red, and green.

Between the primary colors there are four groups of intermediate ones:

  • yellow-red;
  • blue-red;
  • blue-green;
  • yellow-green.

Based on this circle, a system of color harmonization was developed.

Four groups of harmonic combinations have been identified:

  • single-tone harmonies;
  • harmonies of related colors;
  • harmonies of related and contrasting colors;
  • harmony of contrasting colors.

Single-tone harmonious color combinations; everything that has been said about single-color (monochromatic) combinations described in previous models, about combinations of achromatic colors, fully applies to this group; in fact, these are the same group, only the names are in different models and they vary among different authors.

Harmonic combinations of related colors; Related colors are located in one quarter of the color wheel, between the two primary colors. Shugaev has four groups of related colors: yellow-red (orange), red-blue (purple), blue-green, yellow-green.

In this way, nuanced color combinations are obtained, calm and restrained, although a certain contrast and emotionality can be introduced into them by adding a lightness scale.

Harmonic combinations of related and contrasting colors; Related-contrasting colors are located in adjacent quarters of the color wheel, and not all combinations of these colors are harmonious. There are several schemes using which you can choose the desired harmony:

  • Horizontal or vertical chords are drawn through the circle; the ends of the chords are located on colors equally distant from the common main color and from contrasting main colors.
  • An obtuse triangle is placed on the circle, the long side of which is the chord described above, and the vertex of the opposite obtuse angle is the main color in this combination, the other two located on the other two vertices are respectively subordinate to the main color.
  • Colors located at the vertices of a right triangle, the hypotenuse of which is the diameter of the color wheel, and the legs, vertical and horizontal chords.
  • Colors at the vertices of an equilateral triangle, in which one of the vertices is the main color, and the opposite side is a vertical or horizontal chord.
  • Four colors located at the corners of a square or rectangle, all sides of which are horizontal or vertical chords.

As a rule, if necessary, a light scale is added to these combinations.

Harmonious combinations of contrasting colors; Contrasting colors are those that are located in opposite quarters of the color wheel.

The two colors farthest from each other and respectively located at the ends of the diameter are contrasting and complementary. This type of harmony is the most contrasting, potentially very emotional and expressive, in general, it has the same properties as the “Harmony of complementary colors (complementary)” described above. As in other schemes, it can be supplemented with a lightness scale.

And here it should be noted that the circles are different, and the schemes that are applied to them are in many ways similar, not in details, but in the main points there is undoubtedly a similarity, which is what I mean. In fact, there are much more harmonization schemes, and many can easily work on any color wheel. It will still not be possible to formalize the combing to the end; you will still have to use your instincts and compare the colors obtained using the schemes with your taste, and adjust what you get and the result may be very different from the one that was obtained using all possible schemes.

Get creative with your combing.

By the way, the schemes proposed in this article are simply the most popular.

For example, V.M. Shugaev, mentioned here, identified 120 harmonious color combinations on the 16th private circle.

But in some areas of fine art, for example, in design, masters have to work with color literally according to the numbers in the catalogue, that is, within very narrow limits in which a free search for color combinations, as in painting, for example, is simply not permissible. For example, when creating a corporate identity, you need to very clearly link the corporate colors to the colors available in the catalog. And sometimes there are simply no options other than to strictly follow the harmonic patterns.

When using these schemes, you need to understand that by themselves, in isolation from the other principles and laws that are used in the composition, these schemes will not work properly, that is, the basic laws of composition - integrity, subordination, expediency - must be observed. No matter how many colors there are in a composition, one is always in one way or another the main one, all the others are subordinate to it, and the entire color system is built from it. Yes, there are compositions in which several can act as the main different colors, for example, in an ornament, but then this composition is divided into several others where in each individual one the main color is always the same.

And so we looked at several ways of harmonization with different color wheels and different harmonization schemes. The point is that nature does not formulate laws as formally as humans do, but they undoubtedly exist, and nature exists in accordance with these laws, and in order to comply with them, sometimes it is not necessary to use such rigid schemes.

The fact is that in practice and very often, artists or photographers do not use the color wheel, and not because it is a bad tool, but because with experience comes the habit of keeping the circle in your head and building color combinations almost unconsciously. Moreover, many generations of artists had no idea about the color wheel; they simply weren’t taught this, but they still managed to make their works harmonious, how did they manage it.

Even before the invention of the color wheel, there were methods of harmonization that did not require the use of a color wheel, and they are still used today. The very nature with which they wrote or drew suggested the necessary combinations of colors, for example, on a sunny day, all objects and the entire environment are saturated with sunlight, with its inherent color, which creates a certain environment in which everything around is immersed, even deep shadows are still in this environment . And although shadows are usually colder than sunlit places, the environment in which they are immersed still makes them warmer. Or indoors, when everything is lit by an incandescent lamp and the environment is even warmer, but the window, as part of the composition in which we see the night scene, will still not be cold enough to fall out of general composition, it will still be immersed in the environment created by the lamp.

This means the environment, that is, any specific shade can work as a harmonizer.

So in Painting and graphics, as well as in photography, there are a number of techniques that allow you to imitate this effect. Let's start with painting, although similar methods also work in graphics, firstly, often when artists paint a scene and select the palette they will paint, they know in advance what color system they will use. Will this composition be cold or warm and, accordingly, if, for example, the composition is warm, then even the coldest shades will be warm to a certain extent, this is called warming or cold.

Often, if a painting has already been painted, if it seems to be falling apart in color, that is, there is no color harmony, then they can go over it with a transparent layer of paint (glaze), thus subordinating the remaining colors to the color that this glaze paint had.

Or, for example, a colored primer is made, and some composition is painted on it with a separate stroke, so the primer shines through from under the paint between the strokes and acts as a medium, subordinating the entire color structure of the picture.

And by the way, there are many similar methods, for example, watercolorists paint on tinted paper; it shines through the paint and also plays the role of a harmonizer.

And what methods the graphics offer, here you can use the contour as a harmonizer. For example, in easel graphics there is the concept of a drawing layer, often it is implemented in the form of a stroke (contour) around the main compositional elements, it can combine elements, the thicker it is, the more it subordinates all other elements to itself and under certain conditions it can work as a harmonizer , that is, permeating the entire composition, it can play the role of a unifying element that aligns the color system in the right direction.

In photography, similar techniques also take place, for example, color filters, which already at the shooting stage already build a color range and work as a harmonizer,

During processing digital photo or when drawing digitally, there are also opportunities for similar techniques.

And another way of harmonization is a frame and mat, which can also work as a harmonizer, it’s no secret that the thicker the frame and mat or just a color outline around the picture, meaning the ratio of areas, that is, the thicker it is relative to the image that frames the outline, the more collects the picture more or, on the contrary, makes it freer; as a rule, if there is a darker and wider outline around the image (frame, mat), the more collected the composition seems. If the outline is lighter, then the composition feels more free, to the point that the composition may even fall apart.

So, a frame can work as a harmonizer if you skillfully select a combination of color and lightness of the frame. Moreover, the frame can fit the composition into the interior, work as a unifying, harmonizing element between the image and the interior of the room in which the image is located.

And about the color wheel, we did not touch on the topic in this article practical work with a circle, the fact is that there are color circles not only as diagrams, but there are, for example, mechanical dried apricots, or programs based on the color wheel that are specially created so that with their help you can select harmonious combinations of colors. I plan to write a separate article on this topic, and in it I promise to talk about such devices and programs.

The topic of color harmony, of course, does not end there; there is much more that can be said on this topic, but it is not the purpose of this article to tell everything, but rather to identify some aspects and arouse interest in this topic.

I’ll say it again, approach the process creatively, and it will be interesting!

When thinking through the design of any interior, you should carefully select the color scheme. It is she who has a powerful psycho-emotional and energetic influence on a person. Therefore, it is important to choose exactly those colors that will bring harmony to the atmosphere of your home. In this process, it is necessary to correctly use the combination of colors in the interior: a table of harmonious combinations will help turn even an ordinary room into an absolutely flawless place.

When creating a design, you need to start not only from your preferences, but also follow certain rules. Compliance with them will ensure results of a higher level. Many experts develop on this basis the whole science of coloristic design of premises.

The main supporting points are as follows:

  • a correctly chosen base is the foundation for further decoration;
  • all colors are divided into two groups - cold and warm colors, which must be taken into account when combining them;
  • Warm colors will add coziness to a large room;
  • a small area will be visually enlarged due to the cold palette;
  • when choosing shades for kitchen design, you should remember the statement that some colors can increase appetite, while others, on the contrary, will suppress it;
  • the color palette of the bedroom should promote relaxation - both moral and physical;
  • the choice of colors for the living room is selected to satisfy most preferences;
  • the choice of style is the determining basis for what colors to use;
  • It is advisable to think through everything as thoroughly as possible: color can change the overall picture, both for the better and for the worse.

Style color combinations and their influence on a person’s mood

Each style has its own defining tones, so when using a certain style direction in your design, you should take into account the correspondences given in the table:

ProvenceLight pink, milky, blue
Eco styleSwampy and brown
BaroquePastel shades
ClassicalMandatory presence of white
High techMetallic grey, black, white
ModernBrown beige, blue, green
MinimalismBlack and white
FuturismWhite, lemon yellow, ultramarine, light green
Pin-upLight pink and warm yellow
CountrySand, light yellow, brown
LoftOrange, red, blue, green

Following these dependencies will prevent you from making a serious mistake during your work.

We should also not forget about the influences exerted by certain colors:

HueImpact on a person's mood
Shades of yellow and greenOptimism, calm, tranquility, reduction of fatigue, relaxation
Pastel colors of yellow, beigeCreating comfort, peace of mind, making compromise decisions
TurquoiseFeeling of lightness and freshness
BlueCalmness, peace, good sleep
Yellow and orangeWarmth, comfort, tone of the whole body, stimulation of active areas of the brain
WhiteAn excellent background for any design solution, cleanliness, order, inspiration, but its abundance brings coldness to the room
BlackSuitable for graphic types of interior, can add gloom and gloominess
GreyAlways looks businesslike, regardless of the use of bright accents

Color wheel of color combinations: basic principle of use

To successfully select the design of any room, use a circle of color combinations. Its structure consists of 12 sectors. Each sector contains one color, or rather all its shades. Graduation occurs from a light tone in the center to a dark tone at the edge of the circle.

The spectrum begins with three primary colors: blue, yellow and red. Further, when they are mixed, secondary shades appear: purple, green and orange. Accordingly, the secondary and primary colors are then mixed, and as a result, tertiary combinations are obtained.

Using this circle you can choose a color palette in several different directions:

  1. Solid type.
  2. Complementary combination.
  3. Harmonious type.

The monochromatic type is based on the use of only one color segment. The combination of colors with each other here occurs from light to dark shades of the same color. This monochrome approach is quite rare. It is not always possible to do without any contrasting inclusions.

The complementary combination gives a very high-quality, bright design. Using colors that are diametrically opposed, small compositions are created, but the necessary accents are very effectively placed. For example, the following pairs are used according to this principle:

  • combination of turquoise color in the interior with red;
  • combination of purple and yellow-green;
  • a combination of green and red-violet in the interior.

Classic combinations: a base of three and four colors

The harmonious type is based on the use of one main, two supporting and one additional - black or white.

The main variation of this approach is the triad. The combination of colors on the color wheel is based on the use of 3 equally spaced colors. In the photo of color combinations in the interior, you can note the choice of one main and 2 supporting shades. Such a connection is often found not only in works made by man, but also in wildlife. This proves the absolute correctness of its use.

As an option, many are considering an analog triad. Take 3 colors located next to each other on the circle. One is the main one, the second is supporting, the third is accentuating. In the future, based on this principle, a very correct design line is built.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the contrasting triad. Here you need to take the main color and find its diametrically opposite one. But in combination with the main thing, add not it, but two colors adjacent to it. The result will be a softer, less flashy use of tones.

Exist the right combination based not only on three colors, which are called triads, but also on four. A rectangular scheme is known in which the colors are complementary in pairs. In this option, 1 is the main one, and the rest are auxiliary. For example, good combinations of beige in an interior with other colors are blue, brown, and emerald.

Another option will lead to a good solution: using colors according to the square principle. This action is similar to the previous one, but the only difference is that the colors are equidistant from each other.

Combination of colors in the interior: table, basic rules and directions

For creating fashionable look For your home, you need to have a basic understanding of color combinations. Using the color wheel is not always easy to use. Therefore, they often resort to the help of certain tables, in which you do not need to calculate anything yourself, but everything has already been selected by specialists. Therefore, you can easily determine the most original combination of colors in the interior of the living room or in another room.

Such tables can be presented in the form of a large set of colors, between which the degree of compatibility is noted. Having independently combined two shades, you can already see whether it is worth using them or whether you need to think about a more correct choice.

There are also tables that contain ready-made solutions. This is a collection of four tones that combine most successfully with each other. Using such simple examples You can easily choose the most harmonious option for any room. Their construction is also based on the colors of the color combination circle.

Some charts on the left contain the main base shade arranged vertically. Next, there are several color ranges: possible shades of the same color, possible shades of other colors and several contrasting shades.

Examples of table combinations

The combination of turquoise color in the interior with other shades in the form of ready-made tables can be presented with certain names, such as “summer dreams”, “meeting in a coffee shop”, “lime kiss”, etc. This color is able to softly and unobtrusively highlight the necessary details premises. The variety of its shades from dark azure to delicate aquamarine gives designers a wide field for action.

The combination of green color in the interior can also be found in the form of ready-made solutions. If, for example, we take a light green shade, then an excellent result will be obtained when used with eggplant, purple, burgundy, warm yellow and orange shades. Recently, a delicate mint tone has been very popular, which harmonizes perfectly with white, silver and light brown tones.

If you take deep and rich dark green as a basis, then it will already be combined with cool shades of red, lemon yellow. The dark olive shade of the walls is good in combination with the colors of curtains and wallpaper in a dark brown or white shade with contrasting accents of pink.

Using such simple ready-made combination tables, the result of interior designing any room will be very good, even without the additional help of specially trained designers.

Color combinations in the kitchen interior: photos of successful ideas

Well-thought-out components of kitchen design will give the most positive result. Here you need to take into account the decoration of the walls, ceiling, floor, and selected furniture. The main criterion for selecting the above parameters will be the color scheme. In this matter, experts most often come to the following decision: if the walls are made in bright, provocative colors, then the kitchen furniture should be made in calm, bed colors. And vice versa.

Wood-like designs for kitchen units are often used. In this case, a good combination of colors in the interior with brown they will give cream, pink, bright blue, green and beige. Based on the choice of such a palette, you can distribute the colors you like between the decoration of different parts of the room.

Recently, high-tech kitchens have become especially popular. The base color of this design is grey. Despite the fact that it is considered boring and purely businesslike, dark pink, red, purple and bright blue are a wonderful combination of colors with gray in the interior.

Important rules when planning a kitchen interior

Creating a design for a specific line is based on several rules:

  • Having chosen the main color and its complementary colors, you should remember that it can look different on different surface textures;
  • contrasting colors are very often used to zone a room;
  • in order to diversify a monochromatic interior, they resort to drawings, lines, and geometric shapes.

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Wanting to have a catchy and slightly defiant design, contrasting colors are used. But when decorating, you always need to feel a fine line, otherwise you may not avoid bad taste. The use of contrasting accents always makes the environment bright and impressive. For example, a combination of blue and metallic colors will highlight black. Even considering that he is deep, strict and sad, he will fit perfectly into this triad.

Helpful advice! The main basis for choosing a palette should be the following thesis: furniture is always darker than the walls, but lighter than the floor.

In addition, you need to remember the following correspondences:

  • orange goes with blue and gray;
  • red - with white, gray and black;
  • yellow - with purple;
  • blue - with peach;
  • lilac - with green.

After this, the full scale is built. Photos of color combinations also show that glossy surfaces expand the saturation and depth of tones, while matte surfaces do the opposite. Using this fact, you can effectively play on the variety of materials offered and achieve the most desired result.

Combination of color with other colors in the living room interior

The directly proportional relationship between the interior and the purpose encourages the correct selection of colors for the living room. If it is used only for receiving guests and family gatherings, then it would be best to use shades that promote long-term communication, leisurely and naturally flowing relaxation, and a fun event. This room sets the overall balance of beauty and comfort in the house, and therefore requires increased attention when decorating.

Helpful advice! Red tones with gold will give you a feeling of celebration, green and olive will give you a craving for intellectual games and reading. The color combination of purple and, for example, gray will set certain accents and enliven friendly gatherings.

But the central room of a house or apartment cannot always be used only for its intended purpose. Very often, it also advantageously combines the functions of a bedroom.

In this case, the owners have to find the ideal compromise in the design solution. Depending on your temperament, you can choose good options. However, we should not forget about the influence of color on sleep and rest. More restrained tones, combinations of beige in the interior, turquoise, lavender, emerald and azure will give a feeling of complete relaxation in the bedroom and at the same time will look harmonious in the living room.

If the walls are beige, the combination of colors in the living room interior will be an easy choice for the owners. After all, the basic beige shade is perfect base for almost anyone color scheme. You can choose a lot of options in any direction. This approach is very often used due to its versatility. In a situation where one room is used for different functional loads, it requires clear zoning.

To avoid unnecessary overloading of space with various racks, niches or screens, it would be correct to use a color palette to distribute the territory. This tactic is very often applicable and is famous for good feedback about itself. After all, how nice it is to be in a room in which everything is free and at the same time clearly structured.

Photos of wallpaper combinations of two colors in the living room clearly demonstrate the possibility of zoning a room to increase its functionality. And at the same time gives it a special feature. Beautifully selected tones with this technique will make the interior original.

Color combinations in the bedroom interior: colors and successful combinations

It's no secret that good proper rest is the key to health. To ensure this important part of every person’s life, a room is required that best satisfies his individual needs.

It is necessary to design it so that it is comfortable, pleasant and conducive to relaxation. A table of color combinations in the interior will give you the opportunity to choose the right options. Depending on personal preferences, cold or warm tones are used, often resorting to the so-called color bleaching. This practice makes your favorite bright, flashy shade more suitable for the rest room.

When choosing, you need to remember that the number of colors cannot exceed 7, while everything is taken into account: the color of the ceiling, furniture, accessories, etc. The percentage of bright colors is 10. The more colors there are for decoration, the less bright they should be .

Bright style in the bedroom: the right tone solution

A photo of color combinations in a bedroom interior shows that using even deep red is well suited for creating a modern design. This option will appeal to people with an active lifestyle. If you diversify this color a little, you can get a very different one. fashionable look, which is based on a terracotta shade.

Based on these tones, many often resort to using golden touches. A tandem of red and dark green will give a very good result. The combination of gold and brown will add depth and importance to the bedroom.

If you like the color red, but want a calmer atmosphere, then you can safely use scarlet or ocher. By combining with basic pastel colors you can achieve bright accent, and godly depth.

Use the color of cheerfulness and fun - orange - in the bedroom with caution. It is suitable for many active and mobile people. Related tones such as pumpkin or tangerine are ideal for the dominant color. Look good in combination with ivory or beige.

If the choice clearly fell on yellow, then you need to approach the issue very carefully. Specialists from design companies do not recommend using it as a local one. It would be best to use a pear or corn shade.

Peace in the bedroom: how to achieve it with color

Most people tend to perceive the bedroom as a center of calm and tranquility, so they do not use bright colors when decorating it. rich colors. The choice most often falls on pastel colors. They contribute to practical rest and full restoration of physical and emotional strength.

Blue color is ideal for decorating recreation rooms. It is boldly associated with water and its natural purity. According to the color combination table, it looks good with natural shades of wood and beige.

A surge of vigor and purity of thoughts will be fully ensured by green color. Using it as a base when decorating a room, you can easily achieve this effect. To prevent the room from seeming a little boring or gloomy, you can combine this color with neutral shades such as white or light beige.

The combination of brown in the interior with beige, green or purple will add some mystery. The room will be cozy and calm. It is the brown shade that is chosen as a priority, and the rest will play a supporting role.

Many pastel shades go very well together because they complement each other. Beige, cream and apricot are carried positive energy. They often act as the basis of a design line and are well set off by other colors that act as bright contrasting accents.

A high-tech style solution will be a combination of colors with gray in the interior. It would look perfect with the aforementioned red. It has been very common lately to combine gray and lilac colors into one semantic picture. Such a combination will be perfectly set off by a furniture set in white or dark brown.

The gray shade itself can play a dual role in any design. Where necessary he will emphasize the brightness of another, and where necessary he can dim it. Colors such as blue, green, pink or beige will also help him create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom.

Note! The combination of gray color in the interior fits well into various style solutions. That is why it is in great demand among owners of modern apartments.

The combination of colors in the bedroom interior can be different, but there are also moments that should be avoided. For example, contrasting solutions are a little inappropriate. Options such as orange and purple, yellow and blue, green and purple are not suitable for the interior of a relaxation room. Their combinations are very colorful and provocative, and will not give you the opportunity to relax and unwind. Therefore, thinking through each step, you need to correctly analyze the situation and choose harmonious combinations.

Color harmony - is a combination of individual colors or color sets that form an organic whole and evoke an aesthetic experience. Color harmony in design is a certain combination of colors, taking into account all their main characteristics, such as

Color tone;



The sizes occupied by these colors on a plane, their relative position in space, which leads to color unity and has the most favorable aesthetic effect on a person.

There are four groups of color combinations:

This is a harmony that consists in choosing one color tone and combining its shades, different in saturation. Harmony of several tones of the same color, richer than a single-color composition, for example white, light blue, blue and dark blue or brown, light brown, beige, white (Fig. 1.10).


Related color harmony - this is a harmony of colors located in one quarter of the color wheel and containing one common main color (for example, yellow, yellow-red, yellowish-red). There are 4 groups of related colors: yellow-red, red-blue, blue-green and green-yellow.

Transitional shades of the same color are well coordinated and harmoniously combined, since they contain a common main color. Harmonious combinations of related colors are calm and soft, especially if the colors are weakly saturated and similar in lightness (red, purple, violet) (Fig. 1.11).


Related-contrasting- This colors are located in two adjacent quarters of the color wheel at the ends of chords (that is, lines parallel to diameters) and contain one common color and two other color components, for example, yellow with a red tint (yolk) and blue with a red tint (violet) . These colors are coordinated (united) with each other by a common (red) shade and are harmoniously combined. There are 4 groups of related-contrasting colors: yellow-red and yellow-green; blue-red and blue-green; red-yellow and red-blue; green-yellow and green-blue.

Related-contrasting colors are harmoniously combined if they are balanced by an equal amount of the common color present in them (that is, red and green colors are equally yellowish or bluish). These color combinations look sharper than related ones (Fig. 1.12).


Contrast-complementary harmony is diametrically opposite colors and shades on the color wheel that are the most contrasting and inconsistent with each other.

The more colors differ from each other in hue, lightness and saturation, the less they are in harmony with each other. When these colors come into contact, a variegation that is unpleasant to the eye appears. But there is a way to coordinate contrasting colors. To do this, intermediate colors are added to the main contrasting colors, which harmoniously connect them (Fig. 1.13).


Color harmony is the consonance of colors, their compatibility, a beautiful relationship. Artists often achieve harmony in their works based on intuition and inner feeling colors. This feeling is developed in the process of constant work. However, harmony in color is based on certain laws. In order to understand these patterns, you need to use the spectral circle or color wheel.

Three primary colors.

The color wheel is a scale of shades of color located along a circle. These colors are arranged in a certain sequence - just like in a rainbow. Therefore, the color wheel for an artist is almost the same as the periodic table for a chemist. Among all the colors of this circle, there are three that are called primary: yellow, red and blue. All the huge variety of other colors are formed by mixing these three (this is applicable for the CMYK color model of light reflected from objects; if the light is emitted as on a monitor, then this is the RGB color model and here the mixing occurs according to other laws, between green, red and blue) . But in practice, it is not always possible to achieve the desired color sound because paint pigments have certain limitations. For example, if you mix red (scarlet) and blue (azure), you get a dirty purple color. If red (kraplak) and blue (ultramarine), then a pure violet color is formed. But this is not always enough, so they also produce cobalt violet or kraplak violet. Its color is very intense and pure. Thus, despite the fact that in theory it is possible to obtain all colors from just three primary colors, in practice artists use a large number of colors. However, the main ones are blue, red and yellow. On the color wheel, their positions form an equilateral triangle. These colors cannot be obtained by mixing others.

Color saturation and brightness.

Any color has a number of characteristics. The main things for an artist are saturation and brightness. These are different concepts. Brightness refers to how illuminated the selected color is. That is, any color can be lighter or darker with the same saturation (closer to white or black). By saturation we mean the strength of the color, its “richness,” so to speak. It can be different with the same color brightness (or illumination). The lower the color saturation, the more it approaches gray shades. This can be clearly seen in the color chart below.

Harmony of contrasting colors.

In the color wheel there are colors that are located opposite each other. These are contrasting colors. They form the most contrasting combinations. For example, if red is placed next to orange, it will not stand out much. But if the same red color is adjacent to green, then it will seem to “burn.” That is, green and red reinforce each other and create contrast. If you look closely, red and green are located opposite each other on the color wheel. There are three pairs of contrasting colors: red-green, yellow-violet, orange-blue. These are opposite colors that form the most contrasting combinations.

Harmony of related colors.

Colors located within one quarter of the color wheel and having one common shade are called related. They seem to be “related” by the common color contained in them. There are many related flowers. For example, red, red-orange, orange-yellow. They all contain red. This unites them. That's why they are called related. There are the following four groups of related colors: yellow-red, red-blue, blue-green, green-yellow.

Harmony of related and contrasting colors.

Related-contrasting are contrasting colors that contain one common color that unites them. Relatedly contrasting colors are located in two adjacent quarters of the color wheel. There are four groups of related-contrasting colors: yellow-red and red-blue, red-blue and blue-green, blue-green and green-yellow, green-yellow and yellow-red.

Chromatic and achromatic colors.

All colors except black, white and gray are called chromatic. Accordingly, achromatic colors are gray shades, white and black.

Warm and cool colors.

Warm colors are yellow, orange, red, brown, beige and many similar shades. These colors are associated with the warmth of fire. Cool colors: blue, cyan, violet, green, as well as a large number of colors derived from them. Cool colors are associated with coldness, freshness, spaciousness...
