Harmonization of family relationships. Harmony is the main thing in family life

Understanding, respect, attention are the core values ​​of every family. When they disappear: you to me - I to you, when everything is common, when you listen to each other, when you appreciate every moment given only to you, then all doubts disappear - the point of the couple exists. This is the key to harmony. Of course, there are many other factors that influence relationships and mutual understanding that should not be forgotten; it is impossible to calculate everything. But when common basis you can always come to an agreement. When choosing a life partner, remember - we do not choose a carefree life. But, nevertheless, we want to wake up every morning from a kiss or at least the aroma of fresh coffee, hug in our sleep, look into the eyes and kiss noses. And he doesn’t care what you look like, whether you wear makeup or not. One whole is when there are no complexes... no shame... no conventions... no prohibitions...

Relationships and family

Harmony, it is in the privacy of two people. And it’s not sex that makes you closer, but the fact that it is in making love between people that the thread that is very important in a relationship is born. True intimacy, trust and the ability to feel each other. And if this is not the case, there is no relationship. For harmony in the family, it is not sex that is important, but the ability to feel each other.

Family is a place in which a person can reveal himself to the fullest.

A person is born into a particular family not by chance; it is this family, these conditions that he needs for self-realization.

A family is a living system; it develops, changes, and reacts to the state of each of its members. And there are many components to the well-being of this system:

Family health

If one person gets sick, then this is a test for the whole family, regardless of who got sick, an adult or a child. Moreover, the health of all family members depends largely on the “climate” family relations. Any flowers begin to get sick and wither in a bad, unfriendly environment, and the same thing happens in the family. The illness of one of your loved ones suggests that it is important for the family to unite even more and love each other.

Family and harmonization of relations between spouses

Normally, spouses will be at ease with each other if there is unity of three aspects: physical compatibility, spiritual closeness (like being with each other, interesting, pleasant) and spiritual kinship (when people are similar in their attitude to life, agree on fundamental issues). When people start living together, they usually have agreement. But over time it is lost, negativity develops, which then prevents people from hearing and understanding each other.

Husband and wife must understand their tasks in the family. If you imagine that a family is a ship, the husband’s task is to steer this ship, to decide where it will sail. The woman is an assistant, she monitors the condition of the ship, creates the conditions (the basis) for the movement of the ship. Together they are a team, and the family ship confidently sails forward, it is not afraid of any difficulties. But if one of the team refuses to fulfill his task or takes on the task of another person, problems will begin and such a ship will not sail far.

It’s the same in family life: if one of the spouses begins to solve a problem that is not his own, the relationship worsens. One of the partners may even decide to leave the family just because he is unable to fulfill his task in the family.

Active, strong-willed women in families often have the following picture: the wife does everything herself, decides everything herself, the husband does nothing, lies on the sofa. At the same time, she constantly nags him for being a slacker and not needing anything. But she took upon herself his task - to “steer the ship” - and he has no choice but to step aside and not interfere. She doesn’t see this, she can’t look at herself from the outside. In such a relationship, it will be difficult for both spouses and their children.

In order to correct the situation, you need to put the woman in order (bring her back to normal thin bodies, remove those distortions that appeared as a result of her illiterate behavior). Then a lot depends on her. She will need to learn to behave differently.

Ethics of family relationships

In a family, as in any other system, relationships between people must be ethical. An ethical relationship is when you treat another person, seeing in him a PHENOMENON OF LIFE, and treat this LIFE with care.

One of the main principles of ethical communication is respect for the free will of another person. Of course, members of the same family are the people closest to each other, but they are also individuals, with their own inner world and relationships outside the family. And when someone violates the freedom of another, conflicts begin in the family and one is lost important point- confidence.

What can be considered a violation of freedom and unethical behavior? There are many examples that can be given. For example, daughter adolescence leads Personal diary, Mom accidentally finds it, and, of course, reads it. But in the diary there are hidden and very personal things that are not intended for mother’s eyes. If the daughter finds out about this, how will she trust her mother?

But if the daughter sees that her mother is acting ethically - she does not read her daughter’s diary or letters without permission, does not rummage through her pockets, does not check all calls on her mobile phone, but treats her daughter as an adult, treats her with trust and respect, then the daughter herself will want tell something to mom.

Or another example: a woman constantly controls her child or husband, both verbally and mentally: “Where did you go? With whom? Why? When will he return? Where is he now?” etc. The child or husband feels this and tries to get away from it. Men go fishing, to the garage, to visit friends, children try to spend more time outside the home. With such total control, a woman creates difficulties in the lives of those she “cares” about.

We know and feel our loved ones very well; without even realizing it, we easily pick up “keys” to them and often try to manipulate them. We appropriate them, saying “my husband”, “my child” (but a person can only call “his” what he himself has developed or realized), we consider ourselves to have the right to make decisions for them (“I know what is best for you " - a phrase familiar to many). But all this is not ethical behavior, since it violates the freedom of our loved ones and creates problems in their lives.

On the one hand, it is difficult to escape from these problems. We do many things unconsciously, we do it because our mothers and grandmothers did it, we saw it and were “saturated” with it. But on the other hand it’s easy. To do this, you just need to learn to hear and see what we ourselves are doing, as if from the outside. And having the knowledge of what to do and what not to do, you can simply avoid illiterate behavior and schemes. Your behavior will change, your attitude towards your loved ones - and you will see how they have changed and how much more light there is in your family!


Children under 10-12 years old are highly dependent on their parents psychologically and emotionally. At the same time, they absorb everything they see and feel in the family - the manner of speaking and acting, intonation.

You all probably know that if you tell your child every day that you need to put your things neatly, but at the same time you constantly scatter them, then the child will not hear your words, but will see your actions and will do the same. A child’s attitude towards himself, towards others, and towards the World in general is also formed in the family.

The word education contains the word “nutrition”. Parents, of course, feed and clothe their children. But the main thing that parents can give is nutrition with spiritual values ​​and love. If you don’t like something about your children, look at yourself, because they, looking at you, absorbed it. Children, like a mirror, show you how you usually behave: what you say, how you act. If you change, they will change too.

Harmonization of family relationships

Russian teacher

language and literature

MAOU gymnasium No. 18

The family is society in miniature, from its integrity

on which the safety of the entire large society depends.

F. Adler.

The family is a unique institution, an intermediary between a person and society. It is in the family that fundamental values ​​are laid down, which are passed on from generation to generation. The family contains a powerful potential for influencing the processes of social development. The level of well-being of society directly depends on the level of family culture. On the other hand, society itself influences the family and determines its sociocultural characteristics.

The ongoing reforms of Russian society have had an ambiguous impact on the family and led to profound changes in its life. There have been significant changes in the composition and structure of Russian families. Over the past five years, the number of marriages in Russia has decreased by a third, while the number of divorces has increased rapidly. According to the annual report “On the situation of children and youth in the city of Nizhny Tagil,” every seventh child lives in a single-parent family, and this figure does not change. There is an increase in the number of children born in single-parent families. Every year, more than a thousand children under 18 remain with one of their parents as a result of divorce. Social orphanhood has acquired enormous proportions, and in orphanages there are orphans with living parents. There has been a steady trend towards reducing the number of children in the family, focusing on a one-child family, or even a family without children.

Today, much attention is paid to family problems, strengthening family relationships, and increasing the birth rate. Government Russian Federation developed the “Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”, where one of the main tasks is taskcomprehensive strengthening of the institution of family, as a form of the most rational life activity of the individual and its normal socialization.1

Today there is a need to pose and solve many traditional problems in family psychology in a new way, primarily related to the study of individuality and individual development. Therefore, psychological services are now actively developing and operating in schools, the focus of which is not on an individual student child with his learning or behavior problems, but on the whole family. Psychologists say that currently almost every fifth family needs counseling, and every fourth has strained relationships. All this is a manifestation of low family culture, especially among modern youth, and the lack of necessary knowledge on the laws and patterns of family life. To introduce these laws, try to explain the child’s behavior through an analysis of the parents’ behavior and thereby harmonize relationships in the family is the task modern school, psychologists and teachers.

At all times, the Madonna and Child was viewed with reverence. The works of great artists and sculptors depicted such serenity and harmony between mother and child that to modern man seems unreal. At the same time, many great thinkers since the time of Socrates have lamented the disobedience, disrespect for elders and indiscipline of the youth of their day. This contradiction is still observed today: with each stage of their child’s development, parents expect more and more difficulties, while assuring themselves that the problems supposedly grow with the child. However, with their expectations and fear of the future, worried parents, without even realizing it, attract difficulties into life, which sometimes become difficult to overcome and require the help of a specialist. The main thing here is to understand how parents are aware of their correspondence to every moment of the “baby’s” growing up, in relationships with whom everything was previously simple and easy.

This view of the contradiction makes the statement clear: There are no hopeless children. There are only parents who sometimes do not realize their own contribution to every incident that causes them regret, disappointment or blame. A psychologist or teacher who deals with parent-child relationships usually deals with a problem that did not arise today. Therefore, in order to establish an atmosphere of sincerity, harmony and happiness in the family, it seems necessary to note some parental ignorance and show their influence on the child’s development .1

1. Each child is an heir - a continuation of two genera. The father’s family has accumulated vast experience over the centuries, and in the child it is combined with the mother’s vast experience. The child becomes the owner of unique values ​​- the experience of two births converges in him. Parents have an honorable duty before nature to preserve and develop this experience in the heir. To fulfill this honorable mission, it turns out, you need to have solid knowledge and experience.

2. A child is an independent value that must be conceived in love. Thus, he already “at the start” of his life receives an example of harmonious existence.

3. The child constantly needs confirmation from his parents of self-love, and unconditional love that does not require anything in return. It is believed that about three years of such love are required to be given to a child in order for him to cope normally with the horrors associated with birth. Unfortunately, there has been a recent trend: replacing unconditional love with conditional love, which has absorbed a significant amount of rationality (if you do as I ask or want, I will love you, etc.)

4. Analysis of parental responsibilities allows us to reconstruct the image of the child as a weak and helpless being. Often these responsibilities destroy the child's dignity. Constantly comparing him with standards, samples and assessments that are significant to others, parents lose the taste for an independent opinion about the personality of their child, his image becomes blurred and loses integrity.

(With whose eyes do you look at your child? – learn to see with your own. Learn not to make decisions for your child. Learn to enjoy the child’s decision-making. Free yourself from the habit of total control).

They have a taste for an independent opinion about the personality of their child, his personality, which has absorbed significant Parents will only instill responsible behavior in their child when they learn to be responsible for their own behavior, and not for the actions of another.

5. A child sees the truth behind every word of an adult - he perceives it sincerely and forever. It is necessary to carefully monitor any parental word in order to avoid unwanted repetition by the child and deep memorization of the meaning, which sometimes was not even meant. In this regard, it is necessary to abandon the verbal labels that are often “awarded” to children. The child they call idiot, is practically doomed to exhibit the corresponding qualities either immediately or in the future.

6. The family is the child’s first society, and in it he should find a deep sense of confidence. The system of rewards and punishments in raising children should be seriously reconsidered. The peculiarity of our Russian mentality is that we first of all see shortcomings and strive for the ideal by all means. Therefore, at home and at school, the child only hears constant shouts, instructions, and criticism. At the same time, words of praise are so lost that they cease to be meaningful and desirable. Some children even complain to their parents when they praise them. This means they feel insincerity and deception. Often it is not the act that is assessed, but the child’s personality (You bad boy - offended a girl - personality assessment, it is advisable to say: boy, you did a bad thing - offended a girl).

It must be remembered that for one criticism a child should receive four praises. It is necessary to notice even the most insignificant successes, any actions that required the application of certain efforts, and explain to the child how such behavior will be useful to him (not because he will please dad and mom, but he will gain some skills necessary for life).

So, a child is born with a certain set of information, with a rich library, which mom and dad help the baby unpack first of all. It is on their behavior: relationships with each other, the relationship of each of them with the child that the spiritual, mental and physical health of the child ultimately depends. Parents often complain that no one taught them how to raise their children, and it is very difficult to find a common language with modern children. This is the task of the school: to parent meetings, comprehensive education, through individual consultations and psychological trainings, inform and train parents with the necessary knowledge and skills related to new research in the field of family psychology, genealogy, social psychology, etc. This will help parents gain a sense of confidence, harmony with themselves and with others peace, and, therefore, with your child.

Used Books.

1. Analytical Bulletin No. 17 (129) of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Family: XXI century. – Moscow, 2000.

2. Dokuchaeva and child-parent relations. Materials of the seminar of the international school of family culture. - Nizhny Tagil, 2005

3. Annual report “On the situation of children and youth in the city of Nizhny Tagil based on the results of 2015.” – N. Tagil, 2006

4. Spivakovskaya to be parents (about psychology parental love). M., 1986.

This is a continuous effort to improve yourself. It's not that simple here. And marriage is a science of sciences.

I quite often visit city and regional schools and lyceums. After our interviews, some of the students stay and ask questions:

Vladyka, why doesn’t the Church allow extramarital relationships? Is this really that unacceptable? Why is the Church so strict?

Yes, the Church takes a strict approach to this issue. Not because he wants to prevent relationships between two people, but because he wants these relationships to be created on the right basis.

If from a young age you do not learn to see in another person not the opposite sex - man and woman, but an individual - Mary, Constantine, George, etc., then when you get married, you may encounter very serious difficulties. In marriage, you will not perceive the other person exactly as a person, but only as a man and a woman.

I hope you understand well that unless a person transcends the difference between the sexes, he will not be able to create right relationship married.

For example, some people say: “I can’t understand why my wife complains about me!” What is she missing? I good husband, I take care of the house, bring money, provide for everyone. What else does she need? And the wife reasons in a similar way: “I cook for him, do the laundry, clean the house, I am clean in front of him, all my interest is only in the family. Why is he unhappy?

But they cannot understand that, of course, all this is very important in marriage, but all this does not concern the other person. That sincere and sympathetic communication is of paramount importance in marriage, and financial support for the family and household chores are of secondary importance. As I said, in a marriage, the other person must be perceived first and foremost as a person.

Look, Christ, in order to save man, Himself became man. God did not save the world only by leaving it to the world or by sending prophets to preach and perform miracles. No! He Himself took on human flesh. It’s the same in marriage: in order for the marriage to be strong and not fall apart, the husband and wife must try to understand each other’s spiritual world in order to anticipate what needs and difficulties arise in the other half. This strengthens the marriage. And by acting in this way, the husband and wife become “one flesh,” that is, one person. Not separately husband and wife, but a married couple, something whole. Two people in a completely new reality and human form for them.

Husband and wife become a new person, whom Christ blesses in the sacrament of marriage and unites inseparably. From this moment on, this new person cannot act with only one part of himself. And the husband can no longer imagine his wife as a part of something else, but only as a part of himself, and both become “one flesh,” despite the fact that the essence and psychology of a man and a woman are completely different. This is what is beautiful about marriage - that one complements the other.

But, becoming “one flesh” in marriage, one family member does not completely possess the other and does not “absorb” his personality. No! A man conveys to a woman his masculine practical knowledge, and a woman, in turn, conveys to a man her female experience and her vision of life, and together they become a new person, blessed in marriage, who in a marital union brings into the world the fruit of his marriage - children . You see how amazing the Wisdom of God is: a child is not born only from the mother, but also with the participation of the father, that is, from two absolutely different people who once did not know each other.

Children very often resemble their parents not only in external features, but also in their behavior patterns and mental qualities. Therefore, parents often see their children as extensions of themselves. And the most precious gift we can give our children is our attention.

The harmony we talked about can only be achieved through effort, self-improvement and sacrifice. You need to know that mental peace, peace in the family and between spouses is much more important than anything material and cannot be acquired at any cost.

The creation of a marriage must be treated very responsibly, applying the correct criteria to it. Let's look at the other person as a person, trying to accept him as he is. Let's try to understand what needs and wants our other half has. Let's try to understand that our task in marriage is to give ourselves to another, and not to demand from the other that he give us all of himself. It’s a big mistake to demand love from your other half, saying: “I demand only one thing from you: that you love me.” Such demands can very often be heard from newlyweds who have just gotten married. When I hear such statements, I correct them, saying: “My children, you have laid the wrong foundation for family life. When you demand something from someone, your demands will often become a pretext for an argument and quarrel. If you demand love from another, saying: “The only thing I demand from you is that you love me. I want you to respect me. So that you can be a good wife,” that’s all! from that moment on, an incessant quarrel begins, because then you will say: “You are not the one I dreamed of.” First you need to give a person all of yourself, and then take it. And demanding something from the very beginning is a big mistake. Better tell your wife: “What I truly want is to love you, and I will always try to be the first to take the first step towards you in moments of disagreement.”

According to the teaching of the Church, the real one “does not seek its own,” as the Apostle Paul writes. “Love covers everything, endures everything, always hopes.” The Lord Jesus Christ completely loved man - as no one else could love him. He proved His love by His Great Sacrifice for him. In marriage, a man is greatly helped by the image of Christ loving His Church. And a man should also love his wife in this likeness. That is, in marriage you have the opportunity to embody your love, to give all of yourself without claims, without mutual exchanges, without demanding something for yourself. Then your other half, seeing your generosity, will be extremely touched and will willingly share with you all their inner wealth as much as possible.

I tried to explain to you where the first crack appears, gradually increasing and entailing all other problems.

Let us strive to give our love, our whole selves, to another without restrictions. Let's make the effort to listen and hear the other person. And in order to hear another, you must first shut up and turn into hearing yourself. Let the woman listen to her husband, and the husband to his wife. And so the spouses, sealed by a strong union, will give their children the best that they have, because their children loving parents with such willingness they present their love and their participation and attention.

I wish you all the best so that you always make your families happy. Teach your children everything good. Teach your children to be active and teach them to achieve their good goals so that they become blessed by God.

To one of effective ways harmonization of family relationships can be attributed to a way of strengthening words, ideas, actions that harmonize the family as a family community, their relationships and the aura of the environment. Even the famous scientist, developer of functional systems, Academician P.K. Anokhin paid much attention in his works to a deeper analysis of the word “interaction”. Using numerous examples, he proved that “interaction” is possible only as the interaction of elements of a system or systems with each other.

Only in this way complex systems achieve their development results and it is possible to achieve harmonization, synergy, plasticity, cooperation of friendly ties in any interaction. Interaction is a universal sign of harmony. Harmony is, first of all, an attitude, a co-relation. In music, harmonious melodies are achieved by the relationship between intervals in a chord, joint sound, and in harmonious relationships between intervals of sounds. A small change and we hear that the chord sounds out of tune or, conversely, achieves a clean sound. A slight change in sound relationships, and we get a major or minor sound. Knowledge and awareness of understanding the meaning of words in the harmonization of family relationships can be turned into a play on words that fill the family aura with joy. The word “joy” has the prefix “ra”. It is also known that in Vedic literature Ra is the sun god.

Hence, the pronunciation of words containing “ra” can and should be recognized as saturation, filling the surrounding family space, home, interaction between children, spouses with joy, the sunshine of communication. The word “Garden” can also be considered as a way to harmonize family relationships. Currently, there is a lot of literature illustrating beautiful gardens, nature. The word “Garden”, “Gardener” may sound like a metaphor for transforming family relationships into harmonious ones, where each member of the family community can bring harmonious sound into a harmonious personal space and family. Can fill it with beauty, the fragrance of sounds, words, co-participating in interaction, the self-creating beauty of harmony as a creator. The idea of ​​the "Garden" real life can fill and transform seminal relationships into harmonious ones. Imagine a mother, father, a family in which, since childhood, they have been playing with the child and among themselves in the names of words with a beautiful name and meaning. And you will feel how you yourself are filled with joyful color and light, how children become interested in living in such a family, how parents and their children learn to pronounce “flower words.” Games with a harmonious bias have been known for a long time.

The game captivates, teaches, develops. So many adults still remember children's “flower games” of the 50s-90s. The children sat and said: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ...” and the names of the flowers were called: roses, carnations, lilacs, jasmine and other flowers. This is how the flowers of the garden were learned, this is how a simple children's game implanted in the child's soul the knowledge of the names of flowers, plants, and trees. Developed a collective creative play, brought the players together. This way it can also bring family relationships closer together. You can remember how, near the house in the fresh air, parents, being children themselves, played wonderful games: hopscotch, jump ropes, jump rope (ball game), participating in a healthy lifestyle (HLS). The children were breathing fresh air. These games filled the space around kindergartens, schools, houses, and dachas. It turns out that parents gave their children mutual assistance in their health, creative development. Children did not just belong to the street, but received from their parents collective participation, “good”, educational process. As we can see for the formation and transformation

To transform family relationships into harmonious ones, sometimes very little is needed and actions do not involve any expensive methods or solutions. Currently, the space around the houses is occupied by parents' cars. There are fewer and fewer places for children to play outdoors; games have shifted to rooms, game rooms, clubs, discos, and cafes. If we return to the flower garden, the surrounding space and imagine that, for example, climbing roses can be planted along the hedge kindergarten, schools, personal plots - the economy will receive a large social environmental order (for example, for the cultivation of climbing roses and other flower, shrub, and garden crops).

And for children, we - fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers - with our natural healing technologies, we will improve places for games and harmonious nurturing, and we will be able to influence the development of educational culture from childhood. The idea of ​​“garden-gardener” will work - mutual assistance to ecology, creation, including healthy family creation, which is considered as deeply scientific by academician P.K. Anokhin, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus N.I. Arinchin. A team of scientists and implementers of the State Scientific and Technical Program "Biomechanics" headed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences Vysotsky M.S., and corresponding member. NASB Pleskachevsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences Algin A.B., corresponding member. Manshin G.G., author of this article and many other scientists. After all, ecology is primarily translated from the ancient Greek oikos (house, dwelling). This is the science of the living conditions of humans (organisms) in the environment. From this word the concept of “oikoumene” (ecumene) is derived, which serves to designate nature assimilated and inhabited by man. These ideas are integrated into the organization of the “population health - environment” information system. Many of the ideas for harmonizing family relationships do not involve any expensive costs, methods or solutions. However, from the revival or strengthening of such ideas, farming families can actually receive a large “flower social order”.

Also, roadside service is in great need of such living natural flower beds and hedges, because... the republic is developing inbound tourism, logistics and is a transit zone, where roads and houses along the roads require additional “green protection”. And if the farm plots are also planted with white roses, the symbol of “White Rus'” will come to life and revive the pure symbol of our “big family home”. In one of the research assignments for the State Scientific and Technical Technology “Biomechanics”, which was called “Development of the concept of methods and means of human ecological biomechanics”, a human resource, as a natural one, is classified as exhaustible and renewable. However, there is a limit to the rate of withdrawal of natural resources, which means that the rate of aging, wear, and deterioration of adaptation increases when the natural mode of interaction is disrupted.

A review of the main environmental components made it possible to see and appreciate that human resources, like other natural resources, including family ones, are greatly depleted, exhausted and require careful support and an integrated concept for maintenance, harmonization, because expressly environmentally dependent, especially on the composition of the air environment, the biological effect of electromagnetic artificial fields, waves, and artificial transmitters. It is shown that for the development of the system of internal connections and the development of man, family in the system man-machine-environment (H-M-S), man-machine-technology (H-M-T), the ecological resource of the environment and the internal environment of man is allocated as the basis for sustainable and long-term development of the individual, family and society as a whole. Understanding this serves to facilitate this important process and also complements the ways of harmonizing seed relations. Therefore, an “ecological basket of the main parameters of the body’s life support” has been formulated.

This is a kind of ecological menu, knowledge of which can also be considered as a way to harmonize family relationships and develop this harmonization consciously. This basket includes the following parameters, the basic life support of internal and external Endo-Eco-Logia and Endo-EcoInteraction, Inter-Co-Action.

Let's list them: air, sleep, water, nutrition, communication (on the verbal and non-verbal level), movement, activity (labor), heat exchange, reproduction, disposal. This “basket” was born (spied, seen) using a new method of enhancing environmental feedback in the human body and human interaction with the environment. For more than twenty years, its “content” has been tested theoretically and on numerous practical examples of the body’s behavior at normal life-sustaining indicators and their deviations. Special environmentally friendly material enhances the body’s feedback with itself at the receptor-cellular level.

As a result of this interaction, it turned out that the body’s cleansing processes begin to improve, first of all, environmental connections, sanogenesis, and self-regulation are strengthened, such as improving the balance of internal processes, stabilizing and harmonizing emotional balance. The highest spiritual qualities begin to become clearer. It seems that there is a certain natural, inherent standard in the body. Organization of strengthening the harmonious, ecological parameters of the internal environment of the body requires an ecologically named menu for this. The “ecological menu” and the 10 main parameters included in it in itself expands the understanding of the word “natural nutrition”.

Food, nutrition and their understanding expands to a broad understanding of nutrition, including in a spiritual way, and not just gastronomic. Love can be considered as a high point of heat exchange between lovers. And warm friendly communication and cold, joyless, crisis, hopeless coexistence also have different “nutritive value”. To harmonize family relationships, a living, creative thought is required, enriched by the natural content and interaction of both spouses with this principle and understanding. So, to balance one basket, the internal basket of human parameters, a second basket is needed, into which you can put the most important components of life support: space, time, color, light, connections and awareness of the concepts of balance, harmony, synergy, locomotion, uniform distribution, cooperation, healthy image, health creation (health), creative, spiritual, spiritually pure filling.


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As they used to say in the old days, “To live life is not to cross a field”! Family life is always not only love and joy, but also gray everyday life, fatigue, cataclysms, and often with cooling of feelings. Of course, if the characters of the spouses are not very strong, this can lead to discord, which is accompanied by family quarrels. It happens, of course, that spouses themselves cannot find a common language. But as practice shows, the reason for all this negativity can be damage caused by a scandal (family quarrel), a love spell, or simply envy on the part of others that has accumulated over the years. Relations between spouses, under the influence of this negativity, begin to go wrong, sometimes even a terrible hatred of each other arises, and such strength that it can even lead to a break in the relationship. The once happy couple simply gets irritated for no apparent reason and the people who loved each other become strangers, and instead of love there remains only mutual hostility and misunderstanding. But just recently everything was fine: a joint vacation at the seaside and a romantic dinner in a restaurant by candlelight, walks under the moon, grandiose plans for the future were being made, and then suddenly, like a black cat, ran between them. And then one of the spouses has doubts whether what is happening is connected with the influence of some forces from the outside, and the search for a grandmother or a magician begins. This is where the fun begins. Instead of sitting down and openly laying out all her complaints and dissatisfaction on the table, removing the cause of everything that is happening, a person immediately goes to extreme measures that seem to her (him) to be the most effective - she simply orders a love spell, which ultimately complicates an already difficult situation. Since a love spell is a curse on love, and for this sin, the person who ordered the love spell faces serious problems: health deteriorates, people lose their jobs, that is, they pay off the dark forces for the fulfillment of their desires.

Unfortunately, people know little that it is possible to harmonize family relationships without resorting to black witchcraft (there are no white love spells, just as you cannot spoil a person in a white way), without taking sin on yourself and your children.

I can help normalize relations between spouses, peace and tranquility returns to the family, but not through the forces of others, but through their own efforts. To do this, just clean negative energy, like the windshield of a car that has driven into a puddle, after which the driver simply cannot see where he is steering. I also do this by eliminating all the negativity imposed on the spouses. If you want to try it, please contact us.

Recently, scientists conducted research, the results of which were simply shocking.

It turns out that spoken language is not so important, but body language is inseparable from intimacy in communication. The most important way to try to create harmony between interlocutors is to convey information through gestures. The connection between people that is established through gestures creates a connection that is difficult to create with words. Of course, I haven’t done my own research, but I also know a little about harmony through gestures.

Have you noticed yourself that you are able to understand a person with just one glance? Of course, this is unlikely to work with a stranger, but it will not work if the person is close. How many times have you noticed that you are able to understand your interlocutor even without words? Mutual understanding is the key to harmony in the family. I would even say that this is the main thing. It all begins with him.

Strong relationships, just like happy marriage, involve constant work! Difficult, but loved. This work is enjoyable, but sometimes requires sacrifice in the form of compromise.

Creating a family is an attempt to unite into one whole two halves of one soul, male and female, which were once a single whole, halves of one essence. This is how Kabbalah characterizes perfect couple. However, you cannot combine half an apple and half an orange. No matter how they fit together, they can never be whole. That’s why, if this very point of pairing is not there, then no love spells will help. Sooner or later these two fruits will separate. Of course, you can combine anything, even an orange and an apple, but they will still fall apart sooner or later. And if you don’t find your soul mate, there will be no whole. This can happen to a family too. You only need an apple, not an orange, only with it will you find happiness and find harmony. No one knows how to do this and how to understand it except you (yourself). Don't think that you can put up with character traits that you really can't stand. You may want to change them in the future, but most likely you won’t be able to. Character is formed in early childhood, when a person grows up, it is already very problematic to change it or, rather, break it. Therefore, if something really irritates you about a person, think carefully and decide for yourself whether you can live with it for many years. You can be different, you can fight over nonsense, you can have different values... you can even speak different languages, but at the same time, without a single doubt, be one.

Understanding, respect, attention are the core values ​​of every family. When they disappear: you to me - I to you, when everything is common, when you listen to each other, when you appreciate every moment given only to you, then all doubts disappear - the point of the couple exists. This is the key to harmony. Of course, there are many other factors that influence relationships and mutual understanding that should not be forgotten; it is impossible to calculate everything. But with a common basis, it is always possible to come to an agreement. When choosing a life partner, remember - we do not choose a carefree life. But, nevertheless, we want to wake up every morning from a kiss or at least the aroma of fresh coffee, hug in our sleep, look into the eyes and kiss noses. And he doesn’t care what you look like, whether you wear makeup or not. One whole is when there are no complexes... no shame... no conventions... no prohibitions... Harmony, it is in the solitude of two people... And it’s not sex that makes you closer, but what exactly is in making love A thread emerges between people, which is very important in relationships. True closeness, trust and the ability to feel each other. And if this is not the case, there is no relationship. For harmony in the family, it is not sex that is important, but the ability to feel each other.
