How to make a ball from threads and a ball. New Year's balls made of threads. Tools and materials

If you have an idea to decorate your home for the holiday, but do not have enough funds for this, then crafts made from thread balls will allow you to do this without causing damage family budget. These decorations are very simple to make. Even a child can cope with such work, and the results of his own labor will bring joy to the child. In this article we will learn how to make it at home and use the craft in the interior.

Required materials and tools

  • Balloons (if you need a small balloon, then finger pads purchased at the pharmacy are perfect for this).
  • Threads (any you like - for knitting, sewing, embroidery, etc.).
  • Scissors.
  • Needle.
  • or clerical.
  • Vaseline (if you don’t have it, then any fatty cream and even vegetable oil will do).

Making balls of thread with your own hands: instructions

The very first step is to inflate the balloon until required size. Tie the end with thread, be sure to leave a longer tail. This is necessary so that there is something to hang the base of our future craft made from balls of thread to dry. Then lubricate the ball over the entire surface with cream or Vaseline. If this is not done, the threads will be very difficult to disconnect later. We impregnate the selected threads with glue. By the way, when using multi-colored balls, the weaves will be very beautiful. Using an adhesive plaster or tape, attach the tip of a thread soaked in glue to the balloon and begin to wrap the entire surface of the balloon with arbitrary movements. We do this as if we were winding a ball. The frequency of revolutions depends on the thickness of the thread: if it is thin, the winding density is greater, if it is thick (for knitting), it is less.

During work, you must ensure that the thread is well saturated with glue. You should hold it while winding the balloon without pulling too much.

When the process of winding the threads is completed, leave another long tip and tie it to the tail of the ball. Now comes the turn of drying the future craft made from thread balls. It usually occurs within 24-48 hours. It is necessary for the cocoon to become completely solid. There is no need to hang the workpieces over heating devices to speed up the drying process. The rubber from which the balls are made can burst from hot air, and then all your efforts will be in vain. We recommend hanging them on a clothes dryer, securing them with clothespins. After the glue becomes hard, the balls are removed. How to do this correctly so that the balls of thread you create with your own hands do not lose their shape and what methods of applying glue exist, you will learn by reading the article further.

Options for impregnating threads with glue

  • If you have to work with PVA glue, then it must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour the glue into a suitable container and soak the threads in it for about 10 minutes. You should avoid getting them tangled.
  • Wrap the ball with dry thread and then carefully, using a brush or sponge, saturate the workpiece with glue.
  • Using a hot needle, pierce the tube of glue so that the holes are opposite each other. Thread the thread into the needle and pull it through the resulting holes. This way it will be saturated with glue. If you have glue in a large container, you can pour it into a disposable plastic cup.

How to correctly remove the ball from the workpiece?

  • We untie the knot of the ball and let it gradually go down, then carefully remove it.
  • Second way: using a simple pencil, at the end of which there is an eraser, peel off the ball from the thread frame and pierce it with a sharp object in several places. We take it out.

Now you know everything about how to make a ball of thread, and you can start decorating our craft. Although in itself it looks original and can become an independent decoration of the house.

Air fantasies

And the ball will fit perfectly into it and it is very simple to make. Three blanks of white threads, made according to our description, are connected to each other using glue. Glue on the eyes, ready-made or made from paper, and the nose. It can also be made from red threads, only for this we wrap not balls, but paper rolled into a cone. After it dries, remove and cut to the desired length. Sew it on. If you make a loop on the top of the head, then our snowman can be hung, for example, on a Christmas tree, if its size is small.

Stylish and original Christmas decorations, it turns out, you can do it yourself without spending huge sums of money on it. New Year's balls made of thread will become an exclusive decor for the forest beauty. Having made small thread balls, we decorate them at our discretion: with beads, various ribbons, sequins, beads, feathers - don’t hold back your imagination, everything you have in the house will come in handy, even the well-known semolina. Yes, yes, if you moisten a ball with glue and dip it in this cereal, you will get a frost effect.

Small tricks

Did you want to make crafts from thread balls, but didn’t have any glue in the house? Don't despair and don't put off your wish for another day! It can be replaced with paste or sugar syrup. The paste is made like this: starch (4 teaspoons) is stirred in a glass cold water and bring to a boil.

Do you need a red ball, but only white threads? It’s also not scary: we take the paint and repaint it, but this must be done before the ball is deflated and removed from the base.

To give texture to your creation, coat the ball with glue and roll it, for example, in millet or coffee beans.

If you love everything unusual and exciting, do not rush to buy decorative elements for your apartment. Try to create interesting designer decorations with your own hands, and you will definitely surprise all your guests with your delicate taste, dexterity and skill. And you will certainly receive several orders for such creativity!

Balls made of threads look very original. They can be hung from the ceiling or used as a floor lamp. To create such a thread ball yourself, you will need:
  • small volume inflatable balls (up to 15 cm in diameter);
  • warp thread;
  • Vaseline (ordinary cream or oil will also work);
  • long needle with a wide eye;
  • glue (PVA, colorless stationery).
So, first, inflate the balloon and tie its tail well. The ball can be round or elongated - whichever you prefer. Then coat the ball with Vaseline. This will later help to easily separate the thread ball from the inflatable one. Pierce the glue jar all the way through (preferably closer to the bottom). In principle, you can not spoil the jar, but pour some of the glue into any plastic container and pierce it. If you are working with thick thread, use PVA glue: it will hold the structure better. And for medium-thick threads, regular stationery (colorless) glue is suitable. The diameter of the hole should be quite a bit wider than the thread you prepared to make the ball. Thread the thread into a needle and pass it through a jar of glue through the prepared hole (if you don’t find the necessary needle, twist the wire and make an eye for the thread). Wrap the glued thread around the ball, and the thread should lie neatly, each new skein as close as possible to the previous one. Leave a small hole between the wound threads (to remove the balloon from inside). How to get it from there? Everything is very simple! Pop the ball with a needle or untie the tail. Thanks to the Vaseline, it will easily detach from the threads and you will be able to get it out. You just need to do this when the threads are completely dry - in about a day.

As for the thread, you can use both thick and thin. The latter will yield neat, weightless balls, very tender and airy. But a jute cord can set the character of the interior and emphasize the overall style of the room. It produces textured products. You can make many decorative elements from such thread balls. For example, it can act as a Christmas tree decoration. Unique design New Year's beauty is guaranteed for you! In addition, you can build a lamp this way - exclusive and quite inexpensive. So that the process of creating balls from threads will give you only positive emotions, follow these helpful tips:
  • buy balloons with a reserve so that due to an accidental puncture or failure you do not have to run for a new batch;
  • if you plan to decorate the ball after it is made (decorate it with various elements), the thread may be simpler; and if the product will not be further decorated, take a beautiful colored thread with shimmer or sparkles;
  • count on using approximately one bottle of glue for one medium ball;
  • As for threads, one ball takes about half a skein;
  • So that after work you don’t have to wash the table for a long time, cover it with regular oilcloth before starting work.

Children love making thread balls. This activity will help unite the family, bring parents and their children closer together, and the result will exceed all expectations. After all, not everyone can boast that they decorated their apartment with their own hands, and in such an original way!

Making home decorations with your own hands is a special pleasure. You can feel like a real designer creating exclusive things. Ready-made thread balls can be decorated in a wide variety of ways. different ways: flowers, buboes, rhinestones, satin ribbons. Balls can be used to make complex compositions, interior decorations, original lamps, Christmas wreaths, Christmas decorations. It's especially good when finished works not only look, but also do not require huge expenses.

Lightweight, thread balloons are made very simply and quickly, literally in a matter of minutes, excluding, of course, the drying process (it will take at least half a day). And thanks to the fun, making balls from threads will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

All necessary materials for making balls of thread can be found in stores.
To work, you will first need a regular balloon. Regular sewing threads will do, although you don’t have to use them specifically: you can take floss, cotton threads like “Iris” or “Snowflakes”, and even yarn - they all stick equally well. The main thing is to make sure that the threads are well twisted, otherwise appearance will spoil. Regarding color, there may be two options. Or choose threads desired color or, if these are difficult to find, make a ball of white ones and then paint them. In the second case, you will need a can of spray paint.

What you should pay attention to Special attention, so it's glue. In general, you can use anything: PVA, stationery and even paste. Experience shows that stationery glue does not always hold threads well. PVA is most often used in its “pure” form - after drying it becomes transparent. Another option is possible: PVA glue (10 g) is diluted with water (50 g) with the addition of sugar (5 spoons). If you want the ball to be harder, the glue is diluted with water and mixed with starch.

These are the basic materials you need to make balls of thread with your own hands. Additional options include a thick cream (oil, Vaseline) so that the threads better lag behind the base. Finally, it is worth remembering that you will have to work with a large amount of glue, which is very difficult to wash off from surfaces and the skin of your hands. Therefore, it is better to cover the table and do all work with gloves. The finished ball can be decorated; this will require various decorative materials: beads, buboes (more often called pom-poms), beads, glitter for manicure, ribbons, etc.

Balls of thread: basic technique

A considerable number of master classes on the Internet tell you how to make balls of thread with your own hands. They can be studied before starting work in order to better understand the manufacturing technology and gain original ideas registration The manufacturing method may differ in some details, but the production technology is the same in any case.

First of all, you need to inflate the balloon to the desired size. A child can easily cope with this task - he can be entrusted with this. The main thing is that the shape of the ball needs to be adjusted so that it is more round, although for some crafts the usual elongated shape is quite suitable. We securely fasten the end of the ball. To avoid damaging the surface of the ball with glue, lubricate it with oil, Vaseline or greasy cream. If the base needs to be used several times (for example, if you want to make many balls of thread), you can first wrap it in film and apply cream on top.

Then we prepare the glue. Undiluted glue is very easy to apply. We take a long needle, insert a thread into the eye of the needle and pierce the jar of glue. If you choose a solution of glue and sugar syrup for work, mix all the components in a bowl, then lower the threads there for about 5 minutes. In this case, the thread will have to be “squeezed out” a little to remove excess glue. Here we remember the need for gloves, make sure that we have them and, moreover, are already wearing them. Otherwise, washing off the glue will take a long time and be tedious.

We fix the thread on the ball, then wrap it around the entire surface, gradually reducing the distance between them - and so on until the ball resembles a cocoon. Cut the thread and glue the tip to the ball.

After that ready ball Let's set it so that the glue drips a little. Then it will need to be dried. To do this, it is best to hang the ball by the tip - this way it will dry evenly and not become wrinkled. No matter how much you would like to move on to decorating the ball, you will have to be patient: drying is a slow process. It will take at least a day for the glue to dry thoroughly. IN best case scenario– half a day if the work takes place in summer in warm weather.

When the “cocoon” dries, you can pull out the ball. This can be done in different ways. Usually the ball lags well behind the thread shape, but it is better to make sure that it does not stick - press it a little on all sides with a pencil. After this, you can carefully pierce the ball and pull it out through the large holes. Or you can untie the thread at the end of the ball and deflate the air.

Video: making decorative balls from threads

The thread base is ready. Now the ball can be decorated.

Decorating balls with threads

Balloons made from threads themselves look original and beautiful. But to use them, they often need to be modified and decorated. To do this, you can use additional materials: pompoms (buboes), rhinestones, tassels, beads, etc. Find beautiful ideas Photographs and video master classes will help you with the design.

Buboes can be made with your own hands using different technologies. The simplest one is to cut two rings out of cardboard, put them together and wrap them with thread. Then insert scissors between the rings and carefully cut the thread along the outer edge. After this, we tightly tighten the thread between the disks; The cardboard form can be removed. Bubo can also be woven or crocheted.

Thread pompoms can be used to decorate lampshades. First, we will make the lampshade itself using the standard technique, only changing the size of the ball. Once the base is dry, cut it in half, decorate the edges and sew on the pom-poms. They will give the product an unusual and original look.

Decorate finished goods You can also use brushes. How to make a tassel from threads is described in video master classes. Making tassels is also easy. As with making a bubo, you will need a cardboard base, but not a round one. The thread is wound around the base so many times to create a lush tassel. Then it is secured on top with a thread of the same color. We wind the thread in several layers on the upper knot, although it can be replaced satin ribbon. A more complex tassel is also suitable for decoration: to make it, you need to make pendants with three buboes of different sizes, then connect one large bubo with a picot.

Decorate thread ball You can also use paint, for example, to make the ball gold or silver instead of white. To do this you will need spray paint.

Video: how to make a tassel and pom-poms from threads

Balloons made from multi-colored threads are suitable as a beautiful and unique decoration for your home. Balls can come in a variety of sizes and colors; they will easily amuse and interest both children and adults.

Making a ball using threads

  1. Take glue (PVA is best), a long needle, scissors, balloons and scissors.
  2. Before creating a ball of thread, inflate balloon- you will get a frame. Tie the end of the ball so that it does not release air.
  3. Take a glue bottle (it needs to be plastic, with thin walls), tie a thread to a needle and pierce the bottom of the bottle with the needle. Pull the needle through the glue bottle and then untie the thread from the needle. Start winding the thread soaked in glue around the ball.
  4. Continue wrapping the ball until it is completely hidden under a layer of thread. On the side where the ball is tied with thread, leave a small hole.
  5. Once the outer layer of the balloon is ready, hang it by a string in the desired location. Take a needle, pierce the balloon and pull it through the hole left.

Balls for the holiday

  1. Before the manufacturing process, determine the future size of your ball. Inflate the balloon and place it so that it does not touch various objects. Coat the balloon with cream or Vaseline - this will make the threads stick to the balloon less easily.
  2. Select threads of the color you like, soak them in glue (preferably silicate) for an hour. You can take several threads of different colors.
  3. As soon as the threads are soaked in glue, wrap them around the ball - do it “cross to cross” so that the threads intersect with each other more often.
  4. You can also use homemade glue - dilute three large spoons with starch in one glass of cool water. Then you should boil the mixture.
  5. Wait until the balloon dries and only then puncture the balloon. You must have a strong outer frame, otherwise everything will go down the drain.

Decorative balls

  1. Select thin threads, the color of which matches the interior. Silicate glue is perfect for such threads. In the future, the finished ball can be decorated with various accessories.
  2. Take a long needle and do the same with a jar of glue, as in the first method, which is described in our article.
  3. Inflate the balloons and start wrapping them with glue-soaked thread. Before this action, the balls can be smeared with Vaseline. Create a dense layer of threads around the balloon and leave everything to dry. Once the threads are dry, puncture the balloon and pull it out.
  4. To decorate decorative balls, you can use sparkles, beads, rhinestones, and cardboard flowers.

Video lessons

What could be easier than making balls of thread with your own hands! Hello everyone, today we will make balls from thread and PVA glue. Such balls can be used for decoration or as a basis for further crafts.

So, what do we need to make balls of thread?

  • Thick threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • Bowl or cup;
  • Balloon (preferably round).

You can make balls with children, I think they will be very interested in making such a simple craft.

And now it’s time to go through the master class in detail and walk through the whole process step by step.

Step 1.

Pour PVA glue into a bowl. If it is too thick, then dilute it with a little warm water. Stir well so that the glue dissolves in the water.

Step 2.

Inflate the balloon to the size you need. Prepare a napkin or towel so as not to stain the table.

Step 3.

Passing the thread through the bowl of glue, begin to wrap the ball. First in one direction, then in different directions. Make sure that the thread is well soaked in the glue.

Wrap several layers so that the ball is almost invisible. When you finish winding, look carefully and if there are dry places left, apply additional glue to them with a brush.

The ball is ready, now it needs to be dried for 5-10 hours, depending on the air temperature in the room and the glue used.

Step 4.

When the glue has dried, you need to remove the ball from the inside. We pierce it with a toothpick or a needle and carefully remove it.

That's it, the ball of thread is ready, now it can be used for decoration.
