How to regain a guy's trust: tips and tricks

Cheating is the most serious reason for the loss of trust between lovers. Betrayal leads to separation of the couple and makes it impossible to develop feelings. Before discussing an issue with a person, you should understand yourself. Ask: “Do I really love the person I cheated on? Was infidelity a mistake? When you feel doubts, attraction to another person, then the game is not worth the candle. Being with a boyfriend is pointless, because there are no real feelings.

If your heart belongs to a man and you regret your action, you need to restore your lost reputation. Remember - after forgiveness, infidelity will stand between you, you will carry the burden of guilt all your life. Are you ready to make sacrifices? If the answer is yes, go for it.

When a person is just offended and does not intend to leave the girl, then they have a great chance of restoring trust. The main thing is not to make new mistakes and monitor your behavior. Indeed, at such a time, minor quarrels and disagreements lead to a final break.

How to regain a guy's trust? The guilty person should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Know how to wait. You can’t immediately pester your sweetheart with excuses. It is better to wait until your loved one calms down and gets rid of the power of emotions.
  2. Constructive dialogue. Discussion of the issue should take place in a calm atmosphere, without quarrels or raised voices. Convince your other half that cheating is an offense that you regret. Talk about your love for him and his importance to you.
  3. Do beautiful things. Pay attention to your lover, be interested in his affairs and problems. Prepare breakfast in the morning (you can take it to bed), and treat yourself to a delicious dinner in the evening. Don’t forget to take care of yourself: makeup, dress, hairstyle should be on point. The offended person must feel a kindred spirit! He won't let her go.
  4. Understanding. Imagine yourself in the place of a betrayer, feel the guy’s emotions and sensations after the betrayal. Find the right words, help your boyfriend open up and express his thoughts.
  5. Appreciate your chosen one. Make it clear that what happened will not happen again, show trust in him. Stop communicating with the man with whom you were intimate, do not cause jealousy and give in to your loved one.

A common cause of loss of mutual understanding and harmony in a couple is deception. Despite the good motives of the lie (for the sake of preserving tender feelings and the nerves of the loved one), the lie told is a big crack in fragile amorous affairs. Overcoming it is difficult, but for loving hearts anything is possible. What can I do to make my boyfriend forgive me for cheating? The following tips can help solve the problem:

  • Leave your darling alone for a while. Let him get rid of the power of surging emotions and calm down yourself and choose the right words. Without calming down, you can say stupid things.
  • Put yourself in the place of the deceived. What would you do under these circumstances? Based on the answers to the question posed, resolve the conflict.
  • Admit your guilt, repent. There is no need to humiliate yourself, calmly apologize without unnecessary drama.
  • Listen dear, don’t be offended by emotions. Hearing and fulfilling the first words is the key to reconciliation.
  • Prepare for a temporary pause. Give the person time to be alone, to forget the pain caused. The culprit before your eyes is another reminder of the lie.

Loss of mutual understanding through broken promises

To earn trust, it is important to adhere to the “said and done” rule. Empty assurances indicate the girl’s frivolity and the boyfriend’s insignificance. This behavior cannot but offend. The guilty person must correct the situation. The following tips will help you in this situation:

  • Make these commitments immediately. If it is impossible to do what is said, explain the reasons for the empty assurances.
  • If you haven’t thought about what was said, admit it. A loving person will appreciate sincerity.
  • Don't give empty assurances and think about what you say.

Restoring a relationship after a breakup

It's not easy to get a guy back after breaking up, especially after he's been cheated on. But if the passion remains in the soul, then all is not lost. The main thing is not to get depressed and act carefully (without excessive imposition and self-deprecation). How to get a guy back after a breakup? Remember these steps to restore mutual understanding:

  • Understand yourself. Think about it: do you really want to be with your ex or just don't want to be alone? The first option gives hope for a new stage in the relationship. In the second case, forget this bad idea.
  • Change. It is important for a woman to improve, to become more beautiful, smarter, and more economical. The beloved must understand that he has lost a treasure.
  • Eliminate the cause of the rupture. If you lied - stop, made empty promises - keep them, were too jealous - be more restrained.
  • Make contact. Remember, “out of sight, out of mind.” At the same time, do not be too intrusive; it is better to find a middle ground.
  • Don't talk about rekindling the romance. Remember that representatives of the stronger sex are hunters who are interested in hard-to-reach prey. Get your lover interested, but don't fall into their arms right away.

After a breakup, my beloved has a woman

If there is a competitor, think about whether it is worth breaking up the couple? Do they have real mutual feelings or not? If your conscience does not stop you, act. Plan for returning the desired person:

  • Meet your ex's new passion, find out about the girl's shortcomings. It is important to know the merits of your rival that attracted your lover. Try to correct your shortcomings and be better than your competition.
  • Make friends, spend time with her and the guy. The loved one will keep silent about the previous relationship.
  • Criticize a man's lady, but in a veiled and subtle way. Excessive aggression will push your lover away.
  • Hint to the object of your love about your desire to resume communication and be together. Talk about his merits, his superiority over others. If you drop hints often, the thought of returning to you will get stuck in your head.

Creative approach to the problem

An interesting and effective method of reconciliation will be extraordinary actions. Surprise your lover! Show your imagination, try to rekindle your lost passion. Psychologist Diana Shcherbanskaya says:

“If a woman has lost the interest and love of her husband, then it is useless to ask, to persuade him to return. You need to make him want to do it. To do this, we need to restore his attraction to us. Feelings and emotions are what develop any relationship and why people get married in the first place.”

You can make a man fall in love again by turning into an ideal girl. Take care of your appearance, improve your culinary skills, become a wonderful lover. Have a romantic dinner: dinner by candlelight, a trip to an interesting place, walks under the moonlight.

The most common mistakes girls make

The woman has done something wrong and must understand that any movement to the side, the wrong tactics of reconciliation can put an end to the common future. Remember the common mistakes at the reconciliation stage in the life of lovers:

  1. Self-flagellation. This behavior further aggravates the conflict and constantly reminds of it. If your significant other remembers the offense, do not react to the provocation. Maintain your dignity, don’t fall down and you will be respected. There is no need to get carried away and completely justify the offense.
  2. Translation of arrows. The “best defense is offense” tactic will ruin the entire bridge-building process. Reproaches for lack of attention and poor sex life will not help. Problems could be solved by conversation and compromise, and not by looking for a lover. Your significant other is the offended party who cannot be blamed for the situation.
  3. Involving outsiders in the conflict. Friends and parents may take your side, but they will not convince your partner. It's up to you to solve the problem. The intervention of loved ones offends a person after betrayal and humiliates him. There are times when people spread rumors and the conflict escalates.
  4. Requirement for understanding. Admit the mistake and don't talk about how you would behave if you were a devotee.
  5. A story in detail about a lover. An angry man may demand details, but it is better to limit himself to a few words. Detailed stories can be offensive and cause problems during intimacy. After all, the boyfriend feels insecure, irritated, and imagines his beloved with someone else.

On the path of reconciliation

Your significant other gave you a second chance. Use it! Know that there will be no third. Think about what you say and do. Treasure your relationship, pay attention, trust, listen to your loved one. Don't give reasons to be jealous and suspicious. Passwords for social networks, SMS and calls hidden from the guy will put an end to the efforts made. Always be frank and truthful. A little lie can ruin all your efforts.
