New fun competitions for weddings. Funny and cool wedding competitions and games. Competitions at the table

A wedding celebration, in its classical sense, includes many rituals and ceremonies. However, this is not to everyone's taste. Newlyweds often dream of an unusual and unique holiday, which they will remember for a long time. To do this, old traditions are replaced with fresh ideas and their own inventions. This kind of wedding does not require the presence of a toastmaster at all.

And who instead of the toastmaster?

There are many reasons why newlyweds refuse the services of a toastmaster. From saving money to the desire to hold a celebration in a narrow family circle. But, whatever the reason, this event should be celebrated in a fun and easy way. Therefore, if the toastmaster was not invited, it is worth observing a few simple rules.

  • There must be a leader at the wedding. The type of celebration and the number of guests at it can be anything. But someone has to lead it. It is best to appoint leading witnesses, because most often they are the closest friends of the young people.
  • Create a team. It is advisable to have someone help the presenters. These could be musicians, a DJ, lighting technicians, etc. The team can only include friends and relatives of the newlyweds. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, it’s worth inviting hired workers.
  • Think over your wedding plan. The event plan needs to be thought out in advance, just like. It is necessary to count the number of events of the gala evening, think over the order of their holding, determine how much time will be allocated for each of them, etc. You need to agree in advance with the work team and carefully discuss all the details of the celebration.
  • For festive table you can not only eat. No matter the style wedding celebration, the newlyweds and their guests should have a lot of fun. Various wedding competitions for guests at the table are best suited for this purpose.

The best competitions

From the many existing options, you need to choose those that are guaranteed to please everyone present. But the main thing is that competitions should be interesting, fun and not too difficult.

"My Vision of Love"

For the competition you will need:

  • several white sheets of paper;
  • multi-colored pens;
  • colored pencils;
  • markers.

There is no need to select participants for the competition. Everyone receives a piece of paper on which they must describe your understanding of the word “love”. You can express your own thoughts using words, poems and drawings, using previously prepared pens, pencils and felt-tip pens.

As soon as all participants complete the task, the presenters collect finished works. All words and poems are read aloud, and the drawings are shown to the guests.

"Culinary Battle"

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance only cards on which some popular recipes. Suitable dishes include cabbage rolls, borscht, mashed potatoes, cutlets, etc.
The presenters select 10 participants from among the guests and distribute one card to each.

The secret of the competition is that each recipe does not include one ingredient, without which the dish will not work. The winner is the one who is the first to name a product not listed on the card. You can additionally assign a reward for second and third place.

Of course, such a competition is more suitable for women, but the stronger half of humanity cannot be left out. To do this, in addition to cards with recipes for dishes, you need to prepare cards with recipes for various cocktails.

"Kings of Football"

For the competition you will need:

  • matchboxes;
  • several potatoes;
  • strong ropes.

Anyone can take part in this competition. A potato is tied to the players' belts using a rope. Before each of them you need to put matchbox. At some distance from the participants there is a “gate”, which can be designated by anything.

The task of the competitors is without using your hands, drive your “ball” into the “goal”. You will have to work hard for this.

Using various body movements, the potato must be swung on a rope so that it hits the box, forcing it to move towards the “gate”. The winner will be the one who scores the “goal” first.

"Wedding Cocktail"

For the competition you will need:

  • large glass;
  • an ordinary glass;
  • various alcoholic drinks (you can add non-alcoholic ones).

The presenters place all the prepared drinks on the table and invite everyone to join. Participants line up. The first player is given a glass and a glass. He must pour any drink he chooses into the glass. He also determines the amount of liquid himself, but not more than one glass.

After this, the glass and glass are passed to the next participant, who repeats the procedure. The container moves in a circle until the glass is full. The essence of the competition is that the player who fills the glass to the brim passes it to the next participant. The latter is obliged to make a toast to the young and take at least one sip the resulting cocktail.

"Broken Heart"

For the competition you will need:

  • hearts made of colored paper;
  • sheets of white paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

The presenters select several participants from among the guests. Their number should be equal to the number of colored hearts. Each player is given a sheet of white paper, a tube of glue and is told “ broken heart» what color should he collect.

The presenter cuts each heart into several small pieces, mixes it and places it on the table. The task of the participants is choose pieces of your color as quickly as possible and assemble them into a whole figure, gluing the pieces onto a sheet of paper.

The winner is the one who completes the task first and gives the newlyweds his glued heart as a symbol of their eternal love.

"Funny forfeits"

To conduct the competition you will need:

  • pieces of colored paper;
  • pens;
  • hat.

This game is ideal for those who like to spend cool competitions for a wedding at the table. The hosts select several contestants and give them colorful pieces of paper and pens. The task of each participant is to write their wish on a piece of paper. It is worth advising guests to come up with something original and funny, then the competition will be even more fun.

After the players have completed the task, all the forfeits are put into a hat and mixed thoroughly. Now the participants will have to take turns taking out sheets of paper with tasks and completing them. You can even choose a winner. Guests or newlyweds will decide which of the players best completed the task assigned to him.

"Best Acting"

You need to prepare very carefully for this competition. It will require:

  • pre-written script;
  • separate sheets with texts for each role;
  • costumes or costume elements;
  • a handmade medal with a suitable inscription;
  • other attributes (depending on the scenario).

You can come up with a script for this competition yourself, or you can find and use a ready-made one. It is best if it relates to a wedding theme, but at the same time with humorous overtones.

The hosts select several people who will demonstrate their acting skills to the rest of the guests. Participants are taken to another room and given time to change clothes and prepare for their role.

When the preparation is completed, the contestants perform their performance in front of the guests.

The best actor must be chosen by the newlyweds. They will present him with a well-deserved reward. You can also prepare consolation prizes for the rest of the actors.

"Let's drink to..."

For this competition you only need to prepare two sheets of paper and two pens. The presenters divide the participants into two teams and seat them in two rows, on either side of the newlyweds. Those who sit furthest from the bride and groom are given a pen and a piece of paper on which the first phrase is written: “Let’s drink to...”.

The task of each player is to write one word on a piece of paper and pass the paper further down the row. Talking and reading out loud the words of other guests is prohibited. When the sheets with wishes reach the newlyweds, they read them out loud. They also determine the winning team.

"My Fair Nanny"

In this competition Only newlyweds can participate. For it you will need:

  • 2 large dolls representing babies;
  • 2 diapers;
  • medal with the inscription: “Best nanny.”

The bride and groom are taken away from the guests and given a doll and a diaper. Their task is swaddle the “baby” as best as possible. You cannot help each other in this competition. One leader must monitor compliance with this rule.

When they complete the task, the dolls are taken out into the hall and asked for the young mothers, fathers or grandmothers evaluate the quality of work. They are not told where whose “baby” is.

Representatives of the older generation choose the winner, who receives a medal and is recognized as the best nanny for the couple's future children.

"Fashion designer"

There is nothing complicated about this competition. To complete it you only need toilet paper and good imagination. The presenters select several players from among the guests. You can invite those who came in pairs to participate in the competition. Just an equal number of men and women will do.

The contestants are divided into pairs. They are given toilet paper. Which one will be a fashion designer and which one will be a model - the players decide for themselves. From toilet paper, without any improvised means, “fashion designers” decorate their partners. You can limit the time of the competition to one song, or you can give the participants time to think and express themselves as much as possible. The rest of the guests evaluate the results of their work and choose the winner.

The competitions described above will be appropriate at almost any wedding. Holding them will make guests and newlyweds relax and have a lot of fun.

A wedding without a toastmaster is no worse than a traditional celebration. The fact that the hosts will be people who are very close to the young couple will create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. And the participants of the competitions will remember for a long time highlights of their performances.

Anna Lyubimova

The brighter and more fun the wedding is, the better it will be remembered by everyone present at it. The organizers try to select interesting competitions for guests and newlyweds in advance. They know that after the wedding ceremony and walk, the guests want to have fun, and the newlyweds are not far behind them in this desire.

Why are wedding competitions needed?

Each of us has attended a traditional Russian wedding at least once, which is usually fun and noisy. And here wedding competitions occupy not the last place in the script. A holiday such as a wedding usually lasts for the whole day, and most often it takes up to three days. Of course, the first one is considered the most important - that’s when the wedding ceremony takes place, and after it the real fun begins.

There has been some debate lately about whether wedding competitions are necessary. Some believe that interaction with guests at a wedding is very important. Others believe that this is a relic of the past, and today the wedding should take place according to European standards.

Photo of bride price at wedding

However, it is worth noting that various wedding competitions are held even in European countries - in particular, this is where they came to us. And at Russian weddings entertainment program For newlyweds and guests it is practically considered mandatory!

This day is very important for newlyweds and their parents. And you always want to dilute the solemnity of the ceremony with fun and jokes. That is why all competitions can be divided into pre- and post-wedding. First, they are included in the redemption procedure, helping to reduce the degree of tension for the groom and liberate the guests themselves. A visit to the registry office is an official event. After it you want to feel complete participant of a bright holiday, meet other guests and new relatives.

Professional presenters, wedding organizers, developing holiday script, always pay great attention to competitions. However, here it is worth considering some points that are often missed if the script is created by amateurs.

  1. Age of participants. Many interactive competitions for young people may seem too free for older people. unclear or difficult. If you focus only on the category of guests whose age exceeds 50 years, young participants risk getting bored. Therefore, either choose universal competitions or alternate them depending on the age of the participants.
  2. Difficulty level. If your script provides exclusively mobile competitions, the program may tire guests. Remember that your goal is to entertain your wedding guests, not to engage in physical exercise with them.
  3. Views and preferences of guests. Try to find out in as much detail as possible about what the guests will come to the wedding. It is necessary to take into account not only the invitees, but also the parents and close relatives of the newlyweds. Perhaps these are people of strict moral rules or are very religious. In this case, they are unlikely to like entertainment that contains intimate hints, a mass competition in the form of a flash mob with kissing or striptease-competitions. The wedding program should under no circumstances offend anyone's feelings.
  4. Presence of children at the wedding. When drawing up the script, you need to remember about such invitees. If you plan for children to be present at the wedding, prepare several competitions in which they could also participate.

Remember that any competition is voluntary. There is nothing worse when the host forces this or that guest to go on stage and literally forces him to play this or that role. Don’t forget also that winning competitions must be accompanied by prizes. Therefore, prepare some small trinkets in advance as gifts for the winners. For example, you can buy silver jewelry in the form of earrings, pendants, rings, and brooches. If the wedding is themed, the prizes can be designed in the same style.

When thinking through competitions, do not forget that they should include everyone present. The organizers come up with a lot of funny, amusing or simply fun competitions, in which not only the guests themselves, but also the newlyweds, their parents and witnesses participate.

We bring to your attention several options for modern competitions that can make your wedding unusual and unforgettable.

Wedding photo competitions

Modern gadgets diversify the entertainment program at a wedding and make it more technologically advanced. Despite the fact that a professional photographer and videographer will undoubtedly be present at your event, the personal phones of the guests will not lie idle. Invite those who wish to participate in a photo competition. It lies in the fact that each participant will need as much as possible take a selfie faster with certain people, for example, with the newlyweds, with the mother of the bride, with the guest sitting with so-and-so, with the host and, finally, in the background wedding table bride and groom. The essence of the competition is to have time to take all these selfies in a limited time, for example, in a minute. If at least 7-10 people participate in the competition, you are guaranteed a cheerful bustle in the hall.

Phone photo for a wedding competition

Mannequin Challenge at a wedding

The idea of ​​this competition appeared just a few years ago, but has gained incredible popularity around the world. This competition is a kind of flash mob, and its task is to create a massive freeze frame. Participants in this entertainment must agree in advance about what action they will act out and what poses they will take for shooting. On command, each of them freezes for 20 seconds. During this time, the videographer must film the entire group from different angles. Even the photos of the Challenge competition always look original. Imagine how the video will turn out when only the camera moves on the screen, and all its objects look frozen.

Photo of a challenge competition at a wedding

Wool team building or competition with threads

Another fun activity that also looks bright. Organizers recommend holding it at the beginning of the program as it sets the tone for the fun. Participants (let there be as many of them as possible) stand in a wide circle, after which the leader passes a ball of thread to one of them. The participants throw this ball around, and each of them holds the thread with one hand before the next throw. Thus, the contestants seem to weave among themselves a web of motley thread If you use several multi-colored balls at once, then soon the entire space inside the circle will be covered with a colorful thread carpet.

Photo of balls of thread for a competition at a wedding

Intelligent competition "Intuition"

This competition will require the newlyweds to know about their relatives. With their help, the presenter prepares questions in advance about the habits, interests, life conflicts, professions of certain relatives on the part of both the bride and the groom. During the competition, without calling the person by name, he voices the information received(for example: “Which of the bride’s relatives is a nurse?”). The participants' task is to guess this person. During such a competition, future relatives at the same time get to know each other better.

Photo of the intuition competition at a wedding

Modern competition with a projector for a wedding

Such competitions are good because they give almost all guests of the holiday the opportunity to take part in them. In addition, they can simultaneously perform and another task - to congratulate the newlyweds. There are many options for competitions where a projector is involved. One of them is to look for differences in two identical photographs.

Photo of dance at a wedding

You can also prepare in advance the faces of some participants in the holiday, distorted by Photoshop, or simply famous people. Guests at the wedding guess who is shown in the photo. Such a competition with a screen will also become a signal for dance entertainment if you offer guests a selection of famous movie dances.

July 31, 2018, 11:49 pm

Without fun competitions at a wedding, which cheer up the guests and sometimes help the newlyweds “earn” some money, it’s really hard. Moreover, it will be inconvenient to conduct them without a toastmaster - many of these events require a leader to guide the actions of the participants. But finding a good “entertainer” for a modern wedding is not difficult, so the competitions will be amazing! The main thing is to tell the toastmaster your ideas and thoughts in detail. Read more about.

Why do we need games and quizzes?

If guests spend the entire wedding eating salads and drinking alcohol, they will either fall asleep in the end, or, correctly, they will also fall asleep, but from the influence of alcohol. They will be bored! And it is precisely in order for people to have fun that numerous ones were invented. You just need to decide when they are appropriate and who to involve in them.

Remember - no normal toastmaster will organize entertainment competitions at the very beginning of the wedding event! First of all – congratulations, toasts, rest after a walk around the city and a photo shoot after the registry office. Ideally, you need to wait until people get used to the new company (friends/relatives of the bride and groom do not always know each other before the celebration), and also drink a little - this will kindle excitement in them and make them want to show some kind of activity.

The rules for holding fun and interesting wedding competitions are below.

  1. No one should be forced to participate in the competition in case the person is not in the mood or feels unwell.
  2. Entertainment should not diminish anyone's dignity.
  3. You should alternate active competitions with “quiet” ones, for example, after running around with balloons, you need to organize something poetic or song.
  4. All wedding competitions must necessarily involve contact between guests.

If these conditions are met, then any wedding, even the most one, will result in a grandiose celebration that will give everyone a good mood.

No improvisation. The toastmaster must first draw up a plan for holding competitions and familiarize the customer with it. At the same time, the host needs to be informed about the average age of the guests, their social status, and, if possible, give him brief description personalities of the newlyweds' closest friends and relatives.

Games for guests

These entertainments are not only the most common at weddings, but also the simplest - almost anyone can take part in them.

Let's consider the most fun competitions for a wedding.

Although these competitions are simple, they will bring a lot of fun to the guests. There will be laughter throughout the entire area, and the participants’ spirits will not fall for a couple of weeks!

Important! Don't skimp on prizes. You want to please your guests, right? No need to do expensive gifts, calendars, magnets and commemorative pens will do.

Leisure for mother-in-law and mother-in-law

This entertainment event is carried out in order to bring matchmakers closer and allow them to get to know each other better. It would be nice to warn parents in advance about the upcoming competition, since they are often embarrassed by the increased attention to their person, but in this case the element of “surprise” will be lost.

So, for the competition you will need:

  1. balls (8 pieces, no more needed).
  2. pieces of paper with “charms” written on them, which the competition participants will have to do for the newlyweds in the future, for example, putting a “politra” on the table, taking a steam bath, or making valuable gifts.
  3. a needle (you can do without it, but then the competition may drag on).

The notes are placed in balls in advance. During the competition, the participants are given needles, and the toastmaster throws the balls one by one over the heads of the mother-in-law. They must try to pierce the balloon with a needle, and after it bursts, read out loud what is written on the piece of paper.

Wedding planner

Without competitions, a wedding will become dull, and for some, boring. At the same time, you should “dilute” them with food, toast and time for conversation. When compiling competitive program take into account the age of the guests, their social status and character traits.

Elena Sokolova


Dance and music fun

A wedding is fun and nothing else. What fun would it be without loud music and dancing?

Fun dance competitions for your wedding day.

  1. "Sheer elegance." Dance music is turned on (slow or fast does not matter), the participants must perform the most beautiful dance. Everything would be fine, but before that they put on things prepared in advance by the toastmaster - clown outfits, chain mail, scuba gear (here the choice is limited only by finances and rampant imagination). The winner is determined by voting.
  2. “This is mine!” Competition for a fun company at a wedding. Participants stand in a circle, one of them takes a bottle of champagne (vodka is possible, depending on the preferences of the company). After this, the music turns on, the guests begin to dance, passing the object clockwise from hand to hand. The music stops abruptly, and the person who is holding the bottle at that moment becomes its owner.
  3. "Karaoke". Participants simply sing simple songs into a simple microphone. While inhaling simple helium from a balloon. It's very funny, and most importantly - safe. The winner is chosen by the public.

There is a less fun wedding competition for guests - a dance competition among couples. They usually dance to the waltz, catching the admiring glances of other guests.

Entertainment for newlyweds

Something has completely been forgotten about them, and the young people, by the way, are the heroes of the occasion!

Competitions for the bride and groom should always take place with their mutual participation and only with them in the leading roles.

Fun wedding competitions for young people.

  1. "Distribution of responsibilities." Prepare in advance paper strips, on which all kinds of household chores are written, from washing dishes to assembling furniture. The bride and groom take turns pulling out these pieces of paper, finding out what they will have to do in everyday life. It’s not bad if the toastmaster makes funny remarks and comments along the way.
  2. "Loyalty And trust". Do you know the main symbol of adultery? These are horns. They can be bought in an inflatable version at any market (it is important that they are loosely attached to the head). You will also need weapons from the “inflatable battle”. The bride and groom put on these horns and begin to try to knock them off each other with clubs, maces and axes.

Before contacting the toastmaster, be sure to read reviews about his work. If you decide to do it yourself, we advise you to read our article about

No amount of decoration of the hall and magnificent outfits can save the wedding from melancholy if the host cannot organize people to participate in competitions:

  1. A fun wedding competition must be tied to the wedding theme. Even if its content does not hint at a celebration, the invitation to participate in the “competition” should contain the wedding idea.
  2. All competitive tasks related to “collecting” money from guests must be performed by the groom’s witness!
  3. Dance competitions are a must. The point is that they help bring guests closer together.
  4. You cannot invite the entire company to participate in the competition at once. At least half of the people must be spectators.
  5. A wedding should not be limited to competitions. Otherwise romantic celebration will turn into a booth.

If the average composition of the celebration is “over 50,” then you should not hold too many fun games and competitions for weddings, include many active activities, and if there are children in the hall, competitions with jokes “below the belt”. If these rules are followed, then your wedding will be fun and interesting, it will be remembered for a long time!

Hardly any modern wedding is complete without competitions, but many of them are so old, boring and predictable that they only spoil the overall impression of the holiday. What to offer guests and newlyweds at a wedding celebration so that they definitely want to take their mind off the aspic and take part?

Although the global network is replete with options, most of them are long outdated. It would seem that everything has already been invented before us. Is it possible to develop a unique scenario? Undoubtedly, and for this it is often enough to bring something of your own into the old competition, to adapt a familiar scenario to modern realities.

It is important to remember that:

  • wedding is individual holiday , let him participate in it large number people, therefore, the entertainment program of the celebration should correspond to the personal tastes and preferences of the majority of those gathered;
  • “freshness” and novelty of entertainment should improve the mood of guests, captivate, intrigue, do not cause irritation or offense, and therefore you should avoid vulgarity and excessive individuality;
  • competitions can be “tied” to the style of the wedding, and then they will harmoniously fit into the atmosphere.

Important! Remember that creativity, creativity and originality have no boundaries. Don't be afraid to experiment and create!

Top 15 modern ideas for fun youth entertainment

We offer several scenarios for inspiration.


As the selfie trend continues unabated, the first We dedicate the competition to the habit of filming your loved one in unexpected places or doing the most ordinary activities.

Number of participants: two to four people.

Props: Everyone has a phone with a front camera.

Several people are invited to an improvised stage. Guys or girls, men or women - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the participants are active and sociable. The essence of the competition is quite simple: in 3 minutes, take as many selfies as possible with those without whom not a single wedding takes place.

The task is complicated by the fact that the presenter has already prepared a list in advance of which of those present can meet this criterion. It is advisable to include some funny observations.

For example, in addition to the bride and groom themselves, you cannot ignore:

  • the groom's mother;
  • father of the bride;
  • presenter;
  • a guest who constantly eats;
  • a guest who sits in the corner;
  • the same contestant taking a selfie.

The winner is the one who finds all the people on the list and takes a selfie with them faster than others.

I'm an artist, I see it that way!

Guests are given the opportunity to demonstrate their artistic talents. Although this competition is well-known, if you adapt it to, it will sparkle with new colors.

Number of participants: eight or more people (an even number is required).

Props: two A3 sheets, two easel stands and two markers.

The competition is held in the form of a relay race. The players are divided into two teams and line up one after another. Each line is given a Whatman paper and a marker. The guests are faced with the task of drawing the newlyweds. Only one team will draw the groom, and the second will draw the bride.

The catch is that everyone is given only a few seconds to demonstrate their talent. What you managed to draw, you managed to do, you pass the marker to your teammate, and you yourself stand at the end of the line.

Meanwhile, the presenter plays some dynamic song and controls the fairness of the competition. The winner is the team that, at the end of the music, draws the most details in the portraits of the young people.


A very fun competition that increases the level of adrenaline in the blood. Before starting, it is recommended to move away from the tables.

Number of participants: six or more people.

Props: two untied ties (one should be shorter, the other longer).

All participants must be at the same table. If there are many people willing, but there is not enough space, then you can split into two teams. In this case, you will need two ties.

One of those sitting puts a short tie around his neck, and his neighbor on the right wears a long one. At the leader’s signal, they begin to tie them on themselves, untie them and pass them clockwise.

Advice! The presenter needs to first give a brief briefing on the types of tie knots.

A prerequisite: the shorter tie is tied with a simple knot, and the longer one with a complex one. The participant who has two ties matches is eliminated from the game.

The winner is the one who leaves the competition last. In the case of two teams, the table at which one player will remain.

The Silent Spy

A game that lasts throughout the entire wedding reception.

Participants: everyone present.

Props: packaging of stickers.

Upon entering the hall, each guest receives a sticker. In the future, the task is to carefully monitor the rest of those present and identify those who are sitting with their arms or legs crossed. You can take away a sticker from such guests.

Anyone who is left without a sticker does not leave the game. He should get a sticker from a fellow “onlooker.” The winner of the most stickers at the end of the evening receives a prize.

Be smart

Competition for a cheerful and resourceful groom.

Participants: groom.

Props: A3 sheet.

On whatman paper you should first write a number of specific numbers that have one or another relation to the bride. For example, her age, date of birth, shoe size, weight.

The groom will have a difficult task: to find matches between these numbers and the data of his beloved. If he does not know the answer, he is forced to compliment the bride or do some nice thing for her.

Simon says

When the guests have sat too long at the tables, the cheerful ones will come to the rescue. This is one of them. It’s nice that this entertainment can be organized impromptu, because props or special preparation are not needed.

Number of participants: 12 or more people.

Props: not required.

All participants are divided into small groups and begin to dance to popular music. Without warning anyone in advance, the leader approaches one of the dancers in each group and quietly tells him that he has been assigned the role of “Simon.” This means that he must get the rest of his group to imitate the way “Simon” dances.

The difficulty is that “Simon” cannot communicate about the task set by the leader to his teammates. He will have to somehow contrive, attracting attention to himself and without words encouraging others to repeat his movements. The winner is the team that is the first (with its full complement!) to imitate its “Simon”.

Garment factory

Often a caring wife has to sew up something, in particular, her husband’s things, so This competition is suitable for newlyweds and their friends who are just planning to get married.

Number of participants: six or more people (even number).

Props: half as many needles and threads as there are participants, meaning six guests will need three needles and three spools.

Couples (boy and girl) participate.

Advice! It is not necessary to call couples who are together in life. New ones can be formed.

To everyone young man a piece of thread is given, and it stands on one side, and the girl is given a needle, and she stands on the other side, opposite.

At the presenter’s signal, the guy runs to his girlfriend and tries to thread the needle into the eye of the needle without her help, while the girl holds the needle completely motionless. As soon as he succeeds, he takes the needle and thread and returns back. The first couple to complete the task wins.

Mafia at... a wedding?

If you are looking for non-vulgar entertainment for an intimate Chicago-style youth celebration, then you will definitely like this interpretation of the famous game with a wedding theme.

Participants: bride, groom, ten guests.

Props: there is no such competition, but you should prepare for this competition when decorating the hall/cafe by attaching cards in advance with the names of the characters with back side the seats of the chairs of future players.

It is advisable for the presenter to make some intriguing introduction before announcing the game. For example: “Dear bride and groom, I just found out myself, and before the irreparable happens, I hasten to warn you: the mafia snuck into our wedding! You will have to act as a sheriff to identify her among those sitting in this room.”

Next, the presenter invites those present to check their chairs. Those who find an attached card become direct participants in the game. The rest of the guests are spectators who should not give any hints to the players.

Of the ten selected people, two mafia clans were formed. One guest receives a doctor's card, one a lawyer's card, the rest - civilians. Unlike classic way during this game, the sheriff is known in advance - this is the bride and groom. They can confer among themselves and voice a common decision.

The Mafia does not have the right to “remove the sheriff.” Her task is to divert suspicion from herself and “kill” other players one by one. After the presenter announces that “The city is falling asleep,” all participants close their eyes. After the phrase “The mafia wakes up,” only those who received cards with the inscription “mafia” open their eyes. Trying not to make unnecessary movements, not to creak, not to rustle with candy wrappers, they look at each other and silently point to one person out of ten whom they want to “eliminate.”

The presenter remembers their choice and says: “The mafia falls asleep, the sheriff wakes up.” Now the bride and groom open their eyes. They need to point out who they think is the mafia. The presenter either nods at them or waves his head negatively, thereby showing whether they guessed right or not.

"Sheriff" falls asleep. The doctor is the next to wake up and tries to determine who the mafia just shot. If he actually pointed to the victim, that person is considered cured and is not eliminated from the game. The lawyer closes the circle of “awakening”. He provides an alibi for one of the participants.

Important! The lawyer will not be able to express his opinion during the discussion, but he cannot be voted against, so he always automatically moves on to the next round.

Announcing “The City is Waking Up,” the presenter sums up the results: who was “killed” over the past night, was the doctor able to save him, and who had at the moment immunity. The mafia victim shows his card and joins the audience. The remaining players, as well as the bride and groom, discuss the suspects. Their discussion turns to voting. The one who gets the most votes against shows his card and also leaves the game. After this it begins new circle games. “Mafia” wins if at least one undetected clan representative remains by the fifth round of the game.

Silence is golden

Attentiveness competition.

Number of participants: at the choice of the presenter.

Props: not required.

At the beginning of the game, the host stipulates that there are a number of words that cannot be spoken during the half hour/hour/entire event. It is advisable that these are the most common words at a wedding celebration, for example, “Bitter!”, “bride”, “congratulations”, “wedding”, “flowers”, “glass”, “dress”.

After this, the presenter selects several people from the audience who will be asked tricky questions, forcing them to use “forbidden” words. It is recommended to interview not everyone at once, but everyone at certain intervals, so that guests have time to “relax” and lose their vigilance.

Example of a trap dialogue:

- Can you tell me what the event is today?

- Um... the wedding of my friends.

-Who is the most beautiful at this wedding?

The most resourceful person gets a small one.


Another dance competition for your wedding that will please everyone without exception.

Number of participants: six or more people (couples).

Props: a pack of “Major” waffles.

Couples are invited to the dance floor. Each of them is given one package of “Major”. The couple on both sides clamps the wafer with their teeth. The presenter turns on fast rhythmic music and controls the competition.

The duet whose “Major” breaks during the dance is eliminated from the game. The couple that lasts the longest wins.

Singing Heart

This competition requires careful preparation, including the selection and cutting of certain music tracks.

Participants: pre-selected guests.

Props: plush toy in the shape of a heart.

The introduction could be like this: “It’s no secret that when pleasant and long-awaited moments come in life, our heart sings. What songs sing the hearts of the guests of today's celebration? Now we’ll find out!”

Next, the presenter reports that he has a special invention for just such a case, disguised as an ordinary plush toy. He begins to take it in turn to the selected guests and ask them questions, and the one who is sitting at the computer, meanwhile, switches the selected songs. The main thing is to make it as believable and funny as possible.

Idea! The host can ask the groom what he was thinking about before the wedding ceremony, and then play an excerpt from the song “Bride” by the Mumiy Troll group, where the words sound: “How lucky you would be, my bride!”


This version of another famous game will enliven your wedding and encourage guests to remain active until the end of the banquet. It’s great that everyone present can participate in it, which means no one will get bored.

Participants: everyone present.

Props: 3-5 decks of UNO cards (ordinary cards will do in a pinch).

Before the wedding celebration begins, distribute 4 cards to each of the guests. Explain that, as in any card game, you need to get rid of the cards quickly. This can only be done by participating in other competitions. One competition is equal to one card. When a participant has the last card left, he must shout “Uno!”, otherwise he will have to take two more cards.

The game can be varied by specific color or the value of the cards will indicate a certain action. For example, a participant will need to not only take part in some kind of competition, but also say congratulations, fulfill a small wish of the bride and groom, and change places with a neighbor.

Morning of the bride and groom

Pantomime performance performed by friends of the groom and bridesmaids.

Number of participants: four people.

Props: not required.

Two friends of the groom and two bridesmaids are invited to the center of the hall. Mandatory condition: participants should not be witnesses and should not have been present at the morning gathering of the newlyweds. Each pair forms its own team.

The bride and groom prepare a piece of paper for them, where they list three things that they used that morning, and write any three phrases that they said during that time.

Friends and girlfriends are given 5 minutes to discuss and prepare a silent demonstration of the morning gatherings of the newlyweds. The entire pantomime is shown silently. Only the phrases suggested by the young people need to be said.

The winner is the duo that most accurately and artistically recreated the morning of one of the newlyweds and did not forget to focus on the items mentioned in the leaflets.

Reliable friends

The competition is designed for the bride, but all guests will certainly enjoy it.

Number of participants: seven people (the groom and six of his friends).

Props: seven chairs or stools.

The chairs are placed “facing” the audience, but the participants sit on them with their right side. The groom takes a position at the head of the corner (on the right side).

At the command of the leader, the men lower their backs onto each other’s knees, starting from those closest to the groom and ending with the left edge. Meanwhile, the presenter praises the bride’s friends of her lover, notes how faithful and reliable they are, and then, to confirm his words, invites her to check it herself.

The bride needs to pull out one chair from under each of the participants until only the groom's chair remains. The result will stun everyone!

Nobel laureates

We all love when we are rewarded for something, and wedding guests are no exception.

Number of participants: choice of the bride and groom.

Props: certificate templates, marker.

The award ceremony is held at the end of the celebration. The bride and groom or one of their assistants, based on observations made during the holiday, single out some of those present in funny or serious categories.

For example, the one who danced the most deserves the honorary title “Disco Dancer” or “King of the Dance Floor”, and the one who tried to take part in almost every competition would be more suitable as “Gambler” or “Most Active”.

Idea! The winners in the nominations can be awarded with special gifts that will differ from those given to other guests.

Useful video

Down with banality! Guests need to not only be fed and watered, but also entertained. One of the options for the artist competition from this video is perfect for this:


Having picked up the original ones, it’s easy to carry out. If you don’t have enough time, you can invite an active friend or girlfriend to help with the props. Take as a basis ready-made scenarios that can enliven a modern wedding, and interpret them in the right way to make your holiday memorable for fun and creativity.

Any wedding is memorable for its entertainment. Competitions are selected so that it is fun and interesting for everyone, without exception. It is important to know the audience enough by age and mentality to make the competitions acceptable and to know how not to make mistakes, because this is the main part of the celebration, which will be remembered by many.

How to choose the right wedding competitions for guests? Read about this in this article.

Currently, there are many different wedding competitions, for guests competitions are no less important than, but how to choose the most suitable ones for your guests, the following recommendations will help you with this:

Examples of universal wedding competitions for guests

Here are some examples of cool wedding competitions that will appeal to almost all guests:

Wedding competitions for guests at the table

Mobile wedding competitions for guests

The fastest team that completes this task wins.

Fun wedding competitions for guests

  • Competition "Welcome!" All participants are hung on their backs with previously prepared signs on which various names are written: “bathhouse”, “toilet”, “school”, “bank”, “gynecologist’s office”, “nudist beach”, etc. At the same time, the participants do not see which they got the name. Then the toastmaster asks, in order, tricky, intriguing questions, for example: “How often do you visit this place?”, “Who do you usually come there with?”, “What things do you take with you?” etc. Having answered the last question, participants can look at their signs and find out what interesting places they visited today.
  • Surprise competition “Congratulations for the young”. Before the start of the banquet, he places forfeits with tasks (7-10 pieces) under several chairs of the guests. The tasks are related to congratulating the newlyweds. During the celebration, when the guests are about to begin to congratulate the newlyweds, the host asks them to do this based on what is written under their chair. Tasks can be as follows: “congratulate the newlyweds while dancing a waltz”, “congratulate as if you haven’t eaten for 3 days”, “congratulate as if an angry dog ​​is chasing you”, etc.
  • Competition “Singing Hat.
    For this competition, you need to prepare in advance: choose a beautiful bright hat that “can read soap”, and make a musical selection of funny compositions. The host says: “And now we will find out what each guest is thinking about at our beautiful wedding” and, in order of turn, puts on a hat to the guests, who, having heard an excerpt of a musical composition, must dance to it.

Dance wedding competitions

And of course it is important to organize good video shooting.
