Why you can't wash yourself on holidays. Why you can’t wash on Orthodox holidays. Is it possible to heat a bathhouse on Parents' Saturday?

Many Orthodox Christians believe that church holidays You can’t work, clean the house or bathe.

Is this so and is it possible to wash your hair on church holidays? Let's find out further.

Why you can’t wash on church holidays

Every Christian believer tries to follow God's command, without violating the prohibitions of the church and acting strictly according to the prescribed rules.

Church holidays are intended to glorify the will of God and dedicate oneself to communication with God. That is why every believer should devote himself during the entire festivities to prayer, visiting temple, confession, communion and other religious rituals, and not to worldly affairs.

That is why they say that you cannot wash on church holidays. After the service, you can carry out all your worldly affairs, including washing.

The meaning of the ban on bathing is not that you need to go dirty, but that you should not replace worship with anything else. First of all, you need to celebrate in a Christian way, and then do your homework. It’s not for nothing that they say that six days were created for work, and the seventh for God.

Why you can't bathe your baby on Sunday

Since ancient times, a superstition has come to us that you cannot bathe a child on Sunday.

Grandmothers and mothers-in-law often swear at mothers for their actions, believing that this can harm the child (he will be sick more, will be unhappy because it is washed off from him, will be nervous and capricious, etc.).

However, not a single priest from the parish churches can confirm this, indicating that in any case, every Christian should first devote himself on Sunday to God, charity to others and other good deeds, and then to other deeds.

Is it possible to heat a bathhouse on Parents' Saturday?

Parents' Saturday is intended for commemoration of deceased loved ones. The church serves the liturgy for the dead, reads for their repose in heaven, and parishioners remember their relatives and friends, visiting their burial places and praying for their souls.

Parents' Saturday has this name because on this day they pray for departed parents and ancestors. It is believed that on this day people should come to cemeteries, clean up near the graves and pray for the dead.

After these tasks, on parental Saturday the bathhouse was heated and the whole family bathed, leaving a broom with water for the departed relatives. That's why You can heat the bathhouse on parent's Saturday.

Is it possible to wash your hair on Kazanskaya

Washing your hair, as well as doing other unimportant things, on such a big holiday as the celebration of the veneration of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is prohibited due to the fact that a person must pray and be with God and the Mother of God on this day.

As for washing your face, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, shaving men, and even taking a shower, the church makes concessions and does not categorically prohibit doing this. However Taking a bath, washing your hair, doing laundry, and cleaning the house are extremely undesirable.

Is it possible to wash on the day of communion?

Communion is one of the seven blessed sacraments of the church, for which one must carefully prepare. In addition to reading prayers, upholding the evening and morning services, a person is advised not to brush his teeth or wash his body.

However There are no canons regarding the ban on washing. Fathers from Orthodox parish churches claim that the ban on washing on the day of communion is a superstition, which is possibly due to the fact that in the process of washing the body and head, water gets into a person’s mouth and he spits it out. And spitting, like kissing, is prohibited on this day.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse on Easter?

Easter is one of the main church holidays, which believers treat with special reverence.

As expected, a Christian should celebrate Easter with a clean body and soul. Therefore, you should wash in the bathhouse in advance, observing all the prescribed church rules.

You can wash your hair on Annunciation Day

The Church does not prohibit washing on the Annunciation, but taking a bath and washing your hair on this day is prohibited.

This prohibition is explained by the fact that washing your hair and taking a bath takes time away from satisfying bodily needs. While time should be devoted to your soul on this day.

Every Christian should greet such a great day with a pure body and thoughts, and for this reason believers wash themselves before the holiday, and on the morning of the Annunciation they brush their teeth, wash their faces and run to pray for the morning service.

How many days can you not wash after baptism?

Baptism is the sacrament of confirmation. At the moment of baptism, a person leaves the seal of the holy spirit on himself and therefore does not need to be washed off during the first three days.

In ancient times, the baptized person washed himself in church on the 8th day, accompanying the entire process with prayers, singing psalms and hymns in fulfillment of God's will.

Today, priests give newly baptized people relief for 3 days, but demand that they respect the reception of the holy sacrament and ask them to read prayer books throughout the week after baptism.

Number of entries: 20

Hello! Is it true that if a priest spills wine on the throne of the Lord during the Divine Service, he will be defrocked? And what does it mean?


No it is not true. Punishment may follow, including being banned from serving for some time (this depends on the bishop), because the chalice contains not just wine, but wine that has been transformed into the Blood of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist - but they will not be deprived of their rank.

Priest Konstantin Kravtsov

Hello, father! Tell me, please, is it possible to clean (wash the floor) and wash your hair on holidays? I am especially interested in the possibility of washing clothes, since the family is large. Thank you very much in advance for your answer!


The meaning of a holiday or Sunday is for a person to remember God and devote his time to Him. The Jews have everything regulated about what can and cannot be done on the Sabbath. This is not the case in Christianity, so decide for yourself.

Priest Konstantin Kravtsov

Hello! Which feasts correspond to the Day of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Feast of Weeks now, or have they lost their meaning?


The Feast of Unleavened Bread is Easter, but in Christianity Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. The Transfiguration of the Lord took place on the Feast of Tabernacles; the connection can still be traced in the tradition of consecrating fruits on this day. Jewish holidays are considered prototypes of what Christ accomplished, but church Christian holidays are associated not with the Old, but with the New Testament.

Priest Konstantin Kravtsov

Hello. I am interested in the following question: can a person who marries a divorced woman with a child be ordained? Save me, God.


Lately I have been trying to observe Sunday: I complete all household chores the day before. But something like: washing your hair, getting your hair done, and such hygiene procedures as manicure, pedicure, as well as cooking dinner - is this considered a violation? After all, the Bible says not to even light a fire in the house?


Tatyana, all this was in effect during the Old Testament. In Christianity, such petty regulations do not exist. Read the Gospel.

Priest Konstantin Kravtsov

Good day! My message is addressed to Deacon Ilya Kokin. Thank you very much for your answers. Accordingly, I have a number of new questions: 1) How does Christianity differ from paganism in terms of monotheism/polytheism, if in Christianity a believer worships both God and saints, while some saints are revered much more than others (depending on individual characteristics man), and in paganism they worship a pantheon of gods? 2) Regarding heavy compositions of Christian themes. Most of these compositions are very leisurely and use heaviness only as a means of expression in certain moments. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the song “White Voice” by the group “Legion” and “The Light of Day has dried up” by the group “Kipelov”.


Hello, Artemy. 1) The difference is huge! First, in Christianity saints are never given the same honor as God. They are only our helpers in the matter of salvation. They empathize with us and help us do good. Although, sometimes the veneration of saints can take on some unhealthy forms (especially when I begin to venerate saints only in connection with their help in some mercantile matters), but these are only examples of the distortion of tradition, and not the tradition itself. Secondly, in a pagan monistic universe (where the gods are made of the same “dough” as the world), remember how difficult it is for a hero (even if he is half god) to be granted immortality. But in Christianity, which claims that there is always an “ontological gap” between God and the world, on the contrary - everyone can become a saint and even “a god by grace”! 2) I listened, read... yes, Kipelov made me happy, although... forgive my inquisitorial tricks, the last word in this song still belongs to the devil. Besides, what's left of hard rock? I have great love, for example, for the “slow” Scorpions and an electric guitar in the right hands can sound very lyrical. So I also like the “metalheads” when they remember that they also have a soul and feelings, and not just rivets. But all the same, no matter what I write here, this is a question from the “like it or not like it” area. Personally, ethno and jazz are closer to me - this is natural, natural music, and rock is urban, artificial.

Deacon Ilia Kokin

Good afternoon, I ask you, help us, my wife and I are married, we are trying to live an Orthodox marriage. And recently they replaced me, scandals and quarrels began, and a passion for someone else appeared. Moreover, without my spiritual desire. When I tried to talk to another, she told me that she had read some spells so that I would love her, and my wife, as a rival, was sick and she was gone. We go to church, confess and receive communion. We make trips to monasteries, fall before the holy relics, and ask the Lord for protection. But my wife gets better for a few days, and she continues to get sick and dry. Help with advice, please.


Dear Alexey, I think that the reason for what happened to your wife is due to excessive suspiciousness. But such issues cannot be resolved in absentia. Therefore, I advise you to contact your confessor, or if he does not exist, to the priest of your parish who knows you well personally.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello. My aunt (she is Russian) is married to a Pashtun and they have two children. Her husband baptized the children according to his custom, at home, but she wants to baptize them according to ours, in the Russian Orthodox Church. Tell me, is it possible to do this?


Dear Alina, if your aunt wishes to raise her children in Orthodoxy, then she can baptize her children. But after baptism, she will have to teach the children the basics of Orthodoxy, regularly take them to church and protect them from all kinds of false teachings (Pashtuns, as far as we know, traditionally profess Islam).

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello, father! This was more than 10 years ago. I was friends with one wonderful girl Oksana, she is a very bright person. She brought me her silver earrings and ring, which she loved, and asked me to sell them to someone for 300 rubles. And Oksana herself went to serve in a monastery. I couldn’t sell them (in general, I have no sales experience), they themselves lived very hard back then. Time has passed. I forgot about the headset. Then I saw it, my soul felt warm - I put it on myself. And when I was wearing it, our apartment was robbed (I accidentally didn’t come to dinner then, otherwise I would have found them in the apartment). I went to church, brought a set, but they didn’t take it from me - I donated 1000 rubles for the restoration of the temple in the name of this debt. And my husband tells me that Oksana left me this set as a memory. Maybe find her (we have moved far away now, but I would make an effort), but why would I embarrass her in the ministry? I ask for your advice on what I should do. Thank you, father.

Svetlana (Photinia)

Dear Svetlana, your concern should be, first of all, about your soul, about salvation. Keep your jewelry as a memory of Oksana, and try to become a good Christian while living in a family. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello. I am dating a young man who cannot get rid of his alcohol addiction. He's trying, but it's not working yet. I’m suffering, I understand that I can ruin my life, but I can’t leave it. I beg you, tell me what is the best thing to do in such a situation? Maybe we should overcome our feelings and break up?


Dear Tatyana, you and only you can make this or that decision. It may turn out that you save a person’s soul, or you may ruin your entire future life. Pray fervently, read the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos for 40 days in front of her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, confess, take communion and make your final decision. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello! One thing really bothers me. If I let my ex young man something more than just kissing (but not intimacy), then how can I say this in confession? When I remember this, my soul is very unpleasant, but I don’t know how to tell the priest about it, after all, I don’t want to tell the details in detail, and the priest doesn’t need it. Help me please!


Dear Marina, say in confession that you sinned by fornication, without justifying yourself, but without specifying anything, unless the priest asks. It is impossible to hide carnal sins during confession, but you are right, there is no need to go into details if this is not required for spiritual guidance (for example, a confessor should be aware of the details in order to know how to heal this or that passion).

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello, father. Please tell me how you feel about vaccinations, and have you vaccinated your children? I have three children, I got all the vaccinations for the older two, but the youngest was also going to get it, until our church gave me a book and a CD about the dangers of vaccinations. Now I have completely refused them, although we write the vaccinations on the card, we don’t do them. And recently I wrote out a book about holy healers who recommend vaccinations, so I don’t know whether I did the right thing, whether I will harm the child’s health, and now it’s impossible to do them, because they are considered to have been done.


Dear Natalya, the issue of vaccinations is not spiritual, but medical, and it is hardly correct to distribute such books in the church. I am not familiar with the “holy healers” during whose times vaccination existed, except for St. Luke of Crimea, who himself vaccinated. There is, as far as I know, a problem with the quality of vaccinations and their inhibitory effect on the immune system, but this is not a question for a priest, but for an honest doctor.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Why are the clergy in our Russian Orthodox Church always obese, driving the latest model foreign cars, the latest cell phones, apartments in new buildings, cottages, etc., etc., where do they get the money for all this? Where do they earn them, grandma's pensions? When I see THEM, my hand involuntarily reaches out to the cross to tear it off my neck, no, I have had and will always have faith, Orthodoxy. I am an officer, I dedicated my life to the defense of the Fatherland, I am ready to give my life for the protection of the people, why don’t clergy go to the people, don’t carry the faith, lead a sedentary lifestyle, how do they show their faith by wearing a uniform? No, of course, there are people from God, but why do the majority disgrace Orthodoxy? People, seeing all this, begin to turn away - not from God, from belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church!

Valery Valerievich

Dear Valery Valeryevich, you are an officer who is ready to give his life in defense of the people, why do the people live so poorly and poorly, why is there such talk about the army that conscripts have to be searched for by the police, why does hazing flourish? I am writing this because it is not always possible to see from the outside what really is. Most of the priests I know do not have not only foreign cars, but cars in general, their phones are far from expensive, and their obesity is due to irregular nutrition. If you do not eat anything before lunch (the priest is obliged to perform the Liturgy on an empty stomach, in the morning before it, do not eat or drink water), subsist on dry food until the evening, and eat for lunch and dinner in the evening - completeness is guaranteed. Which “people” should a priest go to? Does a priest refuse to go to a sick person’s house, or to participate in a lecture? Even in prisons and the army, priests preach and serve. Is this not enough?
You say that the bulk of the clergy disgrace Orthodoxy. But are you familiar with this “mass”? Of the hundreds of priests I personally know, there are not a dozen of whom we can say that they are unworthy to be priests. Although, I agree, “a black sheep spoils the whole flock.” But the Lord Himself governs His Church; most of the truly unworthy priests are either defrocked or banned.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

With very severe pain (ulcers on my legs), I blaspheme, Mother of God, and angels, and saints, help... What should I do, sometimes I have no strength to endure. I urgently need advice, I pray in the morning and read Psalm 90, I don’t drink or smoke.


Dear Valery, you pray, it means you believe in God and strive for him. Why destroy with your words what is created by prayer? Try to endure pain with fortitude, because it is in godly patience that the salvation of our soul is created. The soul is purified by suffering. Try to find the opportunity to go to church or, if health reasons do not allow you, invite a priest to your home for joint prayer and participation in the sacraments: confession, unction, communion. You are on the spiritual path, so don’t destroy yourself!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello. Fathers, we are all sinful, insignificant people. So, we should hate ourselves, despise ourselves? Thank you.


Dear Artem, despite our shortcomings, the Lord loves us. We should not despise and hate ourselves at all, but, treating our shortcomings this way, we should respect the temple of the Holy Spirit, by which we were originally created.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello! 2 years ago I got married, we got married. There is a child, 1 year old. We are not cheating on each other, but I can’t live with my husband now. I constantly argue with him because I feel lonely without his support. He believes that it is not his fault, and therefore he does not care what happens to me. I am raising my child practically alone. And when I ask for help with a child, he gets angry that I am distracting him (for example, from the TV or computer), and with this anger he still fulfills the request. At most, he can sit with the child (even on weekends) for only an hour, no more. I'm tired of his attitude towards me and the child. More than once I thought about divorce, but wouldn’t that be a sin? What do you advise me in such a situation? Do I need to tolerate this attitude?


Dear Olga, what is happening, of course, is unpleasant, but in no way is it a reason for divorce. Try to stop quarreling and accept your husband for who he is. Believe me, if he himself does not want to change, you will not force him, but divorce will bring you even more difficulties than now. Bear your cross patiently, regularly attend church, pray daily at home, read the Gospel and spiritual literature not occasionally, but devote at least half an hour to this every day, and the Lord will strengthen you.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Please tell me what to do if, during prayer, your thoughts become confused in idle things, distracted by worries and problems, memories. I try to read prayers for bedtime and for the morning every day and evening. But natural laziness constantly weighs on me. I literally force myself to pray, I split myself in two, realizing that this prayer is necessary. But doubts that such prayer is displeasing to God torment me. And I can’t help but pray. And it’s impossible to read more carefully. What to do?

Hello! I visit your site every day. Thank you for it, there is a lot to learn and understand here. A significant part of the questions concerns superstitions. You read and wonder why people attach such importance to all sorts of absurdities. And I always look in the mirror myself, if I come back, I start to “wind up” myself, when I see a bad dream, and some other little things. After all, thought is material. So, we saw a poor black cat, and we begin to convince ourselves that this is unfortunate, something bad is bound to happen, and it happens. And we blame this poor cat for everything. How to eradicate superstition in yourself?


Hello Julia.
Superstition speaks for itself - it is faith in vain, in vain, in vain.
If you want to fight superstition, first be able to surrender yourself to the will of God.
Just ask the Lord for mercy, even in small things, for example: “God bless you to get there safely,” and when you get there, thank God in prayer.
When the Lord blesses, no cats will interfere.
The main thing is to learn to give thanks.
And when you remember that behind everything good there is God’s blessing, there will be no place in your soul for vain beliefs or superstitions.
God help you.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Father, hello! I am an unbaptized person. But I want to be baptized, from what does baptism free me, from what original sins? I go to Church often, well, I just light candles and pray! I’ve never been to the holy sacraments before! But I try not to sin, I understand my sins, when I sin I try to correct myself, I pray for forgiveness! Do you think this is right? Will God forgive? Or is it necessary to receive communion and confession? Can you explain please. Thank you in advance!


Dear Andronik, Baptism, in your case, will free you from all the sins of which you repent and which weigh on your soul. But, more importantly, after being baptized, you can begin to completely new life, life in Christ. You are doing the right thing, trying to live righteously and prayerfully, and baptism will help you complete this spiritual path not in solitude, but in spiritual unity with the entire Church. Watch the plot of our video course dedicated to the sacrament of Baptism: and a lot will become clear to you. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Every person who is not an atheist tries not to violate church prohibitions and act strictly with the rules, thus trying not to sin and not incur the wrath of the Almighty. Old people say that on church holidays any work is prohibited. These days you cannot wash, iron, or clean. At the same time, many argue that under no circumstances should you cut your nails or wash your hair. Is it really? Very often such beliefs do not correspond to reality, and we, without knowing it, limit ourselves.

About holidays

Please note that prohibitions on working in holidays, first of all, lie in the fact that on such a day a person should devote himself to serving the Lord. Since ancient times, it was customary to start the day with prayer and spend it devoting it to the Almighty and doing good deeds. All homework was pushed into the background and waited until the next day. At the same time, you should not mistakenly believe that if you have to do some necessary and urgent work, you will receive punishment for it.

In fact, there are no prohibitions on the type of activity that needs to be performed immediately. So, for example, wash baby diapers if they are finished, wash a sick person who has taken a dump. Many clergy argue that caring for children, sick and old people is not considered a sin. As you can see, the Orthodox holiday makes sense not in the ban on doing any work and in caring for oneself, but in the fact that this day should be dedicated to God.

About washing your hair

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to wash their hair on holidays, since for most women this is a daily procedure, which is very difficult to do without, as the hair begins to get greasy and lies unsightly, which creates the effect of dirty curls. Yes, of course, you can wash your hair before the holiday, but there is a “but” here too. Hair looks most beautiful after it has been washed and styled well, using a hair dryer or some other tools for this purpose. So is it possible to wash your hair on holidays?

For our ancestors, hair was a center of accumulated energy, and it is not surprising at all, because thoughts accumulate and materialize in the head area, sending certain signals into space.

That is why such a huge number of folk signs and superstitions have survived to this day. Today I want to understand with you the everyday procedure - hair washing.

We live in a crazy pace of life and many of us don’t think “I’ll wash my hair today, because I can’t do it tomorrow!” Agree that few people are puzzled by this question, because as long as we have time for ourselves, we immediately begin bathing procedures.

And all because no one knows about folk signs, maybe you have developed your own prejudices, but I will “introduce” you to the habits of our ancestors.

You can't wash your hair on Monday

As people say, starting business on Monday is a bad thing! And washing your hair is no exception. If you believe folk wisdom, washing your hair on the first day of the work week will bring bad luck to all other working days. I decided to test this “prohibition”, or rather warning, for myself.

I’ll tell you, dear readers, that this didn’t affect my luck in any way, but an employee, having not yet read my blog, admitted that it’s better for her not to wash her hair on Mondays - the whole week then goes awry, and at work there are only “misses”.

Happy Tuesday

Things are better with this day of the week - European nations have always started great things on Tuesday. As you may have guessed, this day is favorable for “spa treatments.”

I wonder if Tuesday is yours magical powers will help you create a stunning hairstyle?

clear environment

Wednesday is the equator of the work week. It seems that the energy has already been spent, but there is still a charge of energy to complete everyday work. Our ancestors were confident that on this day a person has a clear head and thoughts, which means he is ready to reboot and accumulate new strength.

This day is one of the most favorable for washing your hair.

Concerning Thursday, then there are no special “concerns”. But still, it is better to wash your hair before sunrise - this way you will be enriched with energy and accumulate positive thoughts. For this day, the saying goes: “He who gets up early, God gives him!”

Special Friday

This day of the week, like Monday, is difficult and it is better not to start new things.

Again, everything is interconnected with Christianity, because it was on Friday that Jesus Christ was crucified and subjected to terrible torture. Therefore, in the first half of the day you cannot have fun, do household chores and make a mess.

According to the ancestors, after washing your hair on such a day, expect a lot of hair loss. It sounds terrifying, but I didn’t tempt fate and refrain from such procedures on Friday.

Of course, there are exceptions when you can’t do without washing your hair on Friday.

"Bath" Saturday

The first day off after a hard day is a great time to not only clean the house, but also get your body in order. Saturday is an excellent day for all religious canons. bath procedures Of course, on this day you can not only wash your hair, but you also need to!

After all, already in Sunday there will be no such opportunity. Even in the distant past, people put aside their affairs and devoted the day to rest, prayer and family leisure. You shouldn’t worry about your appearance and body on this day; resurrection, according to religion, is given to us for spiritual enrichment.

And finally, I will share with you one more sign, it is no longer tied to the days of the week.

If you are prone to superstitions, it is better not to wash your hair before the exam, they say water washes away all knowledge! This is how you studied the tickets all evening, and then decided to take a bath or shower and “washed away” the necessary information. Also, before important negotiations or interviews, you should not wash your hair, in this case You can “lose” your luck.

Of course, it is inconvenient to go to meet people dirty head, but it's better not to risk it. However, the right to choose always remains yours.

To believe or not to believe, that is the question...

For a long time in Rus', in order to swim, they used a special structure - a bathhouse. It was usually built on the banks of reservoirs, so it was easier to get water for washing, and it gave the opportunity to plunge a steamed body into the cold water. A visit to the bathhouse, in addition to cleanliness, improved the health of the visitor. There are many beliefs and legends associated with the bathhouse. Popular rumor said that this building has its own owner - a bannik. And those who came to the bathhouse had to follow special rules of behavior so as not to anger him. If a person didn’t like it, the bannik could cause some kind of mischief or harm their health. The time of visiting and the days suitable for this were also strictly prescribed.

The ban on visiting the bathhouse on this day originated a long time ago. Even before the baptism of Rus', Sunday was a day of rest. On this day, festivities and public meetings were held. After Russia adopted Orthodoxy, the state strictly monitored compliance with religious rules, so the baths were closed on Sundays. Those who violated this prohibition faced severe punishment. During the formation of this religion, people became so accustomed to following this rule that they still adhere to it.

Another "forbidden" day

In addition to Sunday, the ban on the use of a bathhouse on which can be explained by religious reasons, there was another forbidden day in Rus' - Monday. This day belonged to the owner of the bathhouse Bannik. He could cripple anyone who disturbed his peace that day: by setting up a fracture or scalding, or even take his life by strangling.

We didn’t go to the bathhouse even after midnight, for fear of catching the bathhouse’s guests there: evil spirits. Drunk visitors were not allowed in the bathhouse. A drunk person loses concentration and reaction speed, so he can get burned or scald with boiling water. Drinking also dilates blood vessels, and bath steam can cause your blood pressure to rise sharply.

Bath and health

Bath procedures have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the human body. While in the steam room, a person’s skin is steamed, opening and cleaning the pores, eliminating dirt and bodily illness. Bath brooms exfoliate dead skin particles, saturate it with vitamins, giving it a feeling of vigor and renewal. There are many ways to treat various diseases with its help. In the old days, a woman in labor was placed in a bathhouse, where she lived for several days after giving birth. It was believed that it was in this room that the birth of a child would be most painless and without consequences for the mother and the child.

Bath signs and traditions

  • When building a bathhouse, a black chicken was buried under the threshold.
  • When heating the bathhouse for the first time, a freshly baked loaf was taken into it, which, after washing, was left as a gift to Bannik.
  • If Bannik shows up, expect big trouble.
  • Stomping and incomprehensible sounds heard in the bathhouse promise future troubles.
  • Men visit the bathhouse first, and then women go there.
  • Under no circumstances should you spit in the bathhouse. This is a cruel insult to her owner. His revenge will not be long in coming and you are unlikely to like it.
  • Do not use other people's bath accessories; you will take away all the misfortunes of their owner.
  • It is not recommended to go to the bathhouse alone.
  • Remnants cannot be thrown away. It is best to bury them in a secluded place.
  • It is mandatory for a person to visit the bathhouse on the following days: after the celebration of Maslenitsa, on Maundy Thursday, before the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7).
  • It was forbidden to swear, make trouble, or commit adultery in the bathhouse.
  • The bathhouse is considered a unique meeting place between the world of people and the world of spirits, therefore it often served for magical rituals and fortune telling.