Clothing style from Coco Chanel. Fashion revolutions of Coco Chanel Which suit does Coco Chanel think makes you look old?

Quotes that belong to the truly great Coco Chanel. Lots of quotes? This is because Coco lived a very long and very difficult life.

In order to understand the true depth of these quotes, you need to know at least a little about the life of the great fashion designer and great (without exaggeration) woman.

I will not once again remember and talk about all the twists and turns and events that took place. If you are really interested, then I recommend it to you -. This is a very short biography of Coco Chanel. Without embellishment and pink varnish. Life is never rosy at all.

But let's return to the quotes and, having appreciated their depth, try to benefit from them.

Coco Chanel quotes about life, fashion, style and beauty

No one has lived a life like mine. I didn't understand anything. Nobody taught me anything. She had to figure it all out on her own.

Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.

Perfume is invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. It notifies you when a woman appears and continues to remind you of her when she has left.

Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.

They say that women dress for the sake of women, that they are inspired by the spirit of competition. This is true. But if there were no more men left in the world, they would stop dressing.

Fashion passes, but style remains.

There are people who have money and there are rich people.

A woman should dress in such a way that it is pleasant to undress her.

“When should you wear perfume?” - asks the young woman. “When you want to be kissed,” I answer.

True happiness is inexpensive: if you have to pay a high price for it, then it is fake.

Where to apply cosmetics?
-Where do you want to be kissed?

There are two things that a man cannot comprehend: the secret of Creation and his wife’s hat.

Fashion cannot be called fashion if it is not worn on the street.

People don't know how to live. They are not taught this.

If you want to have something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.

If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly.

Age is not the most important thing for a woman: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.

Friends, there are only enemies all around!

Women have no friends. They are either loved or not!

Old age does not protect from love, but love protects from old age.

Every woman has the age she deserves.

If a woman is not beautiful, then she is simply stupid.

We need beauty to be loved by men; and stupidity - so that we love men.

I don’t know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men.

At 20 your face is given to you by nature, at 30 it is sculpted by life, but at 50 you must earn it yourself... Nothing ages you more than the desire to look younger. After 50, no one is young anymore. But I know 50-year-olds who are more attractive than three-quarters of poorly groomed young women.

You pay for love in installments, and most of the time, alas, when the love is already over.

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

If you were born without wings, don't stop them from growing.

I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all.

A man capable of action is doomed to be loved!

A well-cut dress suits any woman. Dot!

Self-care must start from the heart, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.

The world is full of all sorts of duchesses, but there is only one Coco Chanel.

No one is young after forty, but we can be irresistible at any age.

A woman who doesn't wear makeup thinks too highly of herself.

I caused ridicule from others with my manner of dressing, but this was the secret of my success. I didn't look like everyone else.

You don't have to be young and beautiful to look great.

Elegance is not about wearing a new dress. Elegant - because she is elegant, the new dress has nothing to do with it.

A woman worries about the future until she gets married.
A man doesn't worry about the future until he gets married.

The shortage of real men is not a reason to cling to freaks.
Hands are a girl’s calling card; The neck is her passport; Chest - international passport.

Luxury is a necessity that begins where necessity ends.

Be a caterpillar by day and a butterfly by night.

If a woman cheats, there is no need to look for reasonable reasons: it’s not all about the mind, but about feelings.

Coquetry is the victory of reason over feelings.

A beautiful dress may look nice on a hanger, but it doesn't mean anything. A dress must be judged when it is on a woman, when the woman moves her arms, legs, bends her waist.

Bad taste has limits, only good taste is endless.

When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.

Jewelry is a whole science! Beauty is a formidable weapon! Modesty is the height of elegance!

Women, as a rule, choose a nightgown for themselves much more carefully than a husband.

Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.

Very expensive clothes make you look old.

Whatever one may say, there is only one woman in a man’s life. All others are her shadows...

A woman is closest to nakedness when she is well dressed.

You won't get a second chance to make a first impression.

Beware of originality; in women's fashion, originality can lead to masquerade.

Luxury is not a challenge to poverty, it is a challenge to vulgarity.

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.

I love it when fashion comes out into the streets, but I don't allow it to come from there.

Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress.

The worse a girl does, the better she should look.

Every girl should always know two things: what and who she wants.

The most important action is to think about yourself. Out loud.

Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is.

Food should be simple. It’s good to sleep seven to eight hours, if you want that much, sleep with the windows open. Get up early, work hard, very hard. This will not harm anyone, because it will create good spirits, and the spirit, in turn, will take care of the fate of the body. Don't sit up late. After all, what is so valuable in social life that you would neglect your pillow in order to stay awake until the early hours of the morning!

Saint Laurent has amazing taste. The more he imitates me, the better taste he discovers.

You cannot have two destinies at the same time - the fate of an unbridled fool and a moderate sage. Can't stand it nightlife and be able to create something during the day. You cannot indulge in food and alcohol that destroy the body and still hope to have a body that functions with minimal disruption. A candle that burns at both ends may, of course, spread the brightest light, but the darkness that follows will be long.

The beautiful remains, the beautiful passes.

I judge people by the way they spend money. Money is not an end in itself, but material proof that a person was not mistaken.

Don't marry men with change wallets.

Nowadays young women dress either like clowns or like very little girls... They are wrong. Men don’t like little girls, and if they do, they will strangle them later...

Adoration - this is science! Beauty is always a weapon! Modesty is the other side of elegance!

Fashion has two purposes: convenience and love. And beauty occurs when fashion achieves these goals.

So that's what fame is: loneliness.

First sew the dress, then choose the trim.

Modesty and luxury are two sisters.

Fashion is an illusion that was born new woman, corresponding to its era.

Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And this scares men; they cannot stand eccentricity. They like it when people look at their women because they are beautiful.

Dressing up in someone else's outfit is amazing; allowing yourself to be changed is sad.

True generosity is when ingratitude is forgiven.

Fashion that can only be seen in living rooms is not fashion, but a costume ball.

It is impossible to wear a lot of real jewelry if there are no women around wearing fake ones.

What exactly is a bad figure? This is a figure scared from head to toe. This fear in behavior occurs because the woman has not given her body what it is due. The girl who is embarrassed because she didn't do it homework gives the same impression as a woman who does not realize what nature is.

Watch as a woman enters the room, attracting all eyes. How she walks, how she sits, what gestures she makes in conversation. By classical standards, she can be considered quite ugly, but despite this, in her figure, her behavior, her gestures there is something that constitutes style and which is very important precisely because all this is not some kind of external decoration, but belongs to her very being.

Success is often achieved by those who are unaware of the inevitability of failure.

True elegance involves unimpeded freedom of movement.<…>You can be elegant in a skirt and a well-chosen sweatshirt. It would be a disaster if you had to dress by Chanel to be elegant. It's so limiting!

You can get used to ugly appearance, but never to negligence.

After a sleepless night, you won’t create anything worthwhile during the day.

Women can look funny. Of course, I'm talking about a few women. A funny man is a complete loser if he is not a genius.

Weak people tend to boast about the advantages that only chance can give them.

Short dresses remain fashionable longer than long ones.

True generosity is to overlook ingratitude.

I don't do fashion. I am fashion myself.

In fact, I was a real tigress. Little by little I comprehended life - or rather, I learned to find means to protect myself from it.

Love mobilizes, adds wings and courage to us.

Be the master of your will and the servant of your conscience.

Women who do not wear perfume are very self-confident women, because the trail of correctly selected perfume that follows a beautiful lady always accompanies the image she creates, playing not the last, and sometimes even the first role in creating this image.

Can not be ugly women, there are lazy people.

I don’t like long jackets - when talking to a man, I don’t see how he treats me.

Fate has no reason to bring strangers together without reason.

I created clothes for women all over the world, and now they want to go naked.

I have only one unsatisfied curiosity left - death.

When choosing accessories, take off the last thing you put on.

People are not carried away by fashion, but only by those few who create it.

Youth fashion is pleonasm; there is no such thing as old fashion.

If God is a man, then man is god.

Sex is the main thing in a man’s life, and a woman is only a means.

Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid.

One should be wary of people gifted with intelligence, but almost devoid of common sense. We are surrounded by them.

If a woman is well-shod, then she is well dressed.

Fashion should be accepted, otherwise you will look ridiculous. However, new items should be taken discreetly, in small portions.

Don't waste your time beating up a wall in hopes of making a door out of it.

I drink champagne only for two reasons: when I'm in love and when I'm not in love.

The older the woman, the shorter the skirt and higher the heels.

Spare yourself for your own sake. Spare your ears, spare your eyes, spare your thoughts. What have you heard after midnight that you would consider more valuable than your own sleep? This is just what you have heard one way or another, and moreover, a hundred times...

Since everything is in the head, there is no need to lose it.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, the world high fashion ruled by a peasant young lady from Auvergne (France), who was able to become a style icon and completely change the fashion of her generation. Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel began her career with hats.

In a small shop, she spent days studying wartime outfits of incomprehensible cut. It was then that the idea of ​​creating my own simple styles was born. Comfortable and, at the same time, very feminine.

What is Chanel style?

The first thing that comes to mind is small black dress. Usually people limit themselves to this thought. Some people also remember perfume, but to really understand what Coco Chanel’s style is, this is not enough. This outstanding woman became a discovery, a breakthrough of her era. The outfits she invented still, every season, become the basis for the creation of new collections by different designers. They may be redesigned, altered, but will remain unmistakably recognizable.

Simplicity and freedom very quickly became symbols of the era of the 20s. Thus, the 20s of the twentieth century in the fashion industry, thanks to Coco, created a new, or rather well-forgotten, image of an ordinary American hard-working girl, preserved and popular in our time.

Coco Chanel's clothing style was innovative. With her advent, fashion seemed to migrate from the 19th century to the 20th. Thin chiffon in faded colors and overly elaborate plumes (feather headdresses) were replaced by pullovers and short skirts made of wool.

So, the women who followed her example began to look more and more like teenage boys in their clothes. Gabrielle brought artless simplicity into fashion. Instead of rich jewelry, women began to wear the most simple dresses and knitted skirts.

Clothes and accessories

At the beginning of the twentieth century, older women were the trendsetters. It was believed that the whole society should look up to them and adopt their style. With the arrival of Chanel everything changed. Following her principle (“a woman should look young”) she achieved great success. The roles have changed. Young women have burst into the world of high fashion to replace older women.

"It's all about simplicity." Young girls have learned to look luxurious and, at the same time, discreet. Chanel offered her clients corduroy work jackets and an Indian headdress. In the outerwear category, a felt coat with sable fur inside was popular.

A talented Frenchwoman has come up with many things you can’t imagine a wardrobe without modern girl. These are cropped trousers, mules, tight lace dresses, evening dresses An ankle-length little black dress, finally.

Practicality is what prolongs the life of the images invented by Chanel. All her clothes have a meaning. Buttons must be sewn firmly, pockets are located correctly and conveniently.

Coco herself often acted as a trendsetter. Thanks to her childlike spontaneity, desire for freedom from frames and clichés (she tied a child's ribbon on her head as a sign of protest), a new trend appeared in the form of large bows in her hair. Fashion for bulky men's jackets also took root by accident. Coco got cold on a pleasure yacht and put on this jacket. She loved big horn-rimmed glasses, which are very popular now.

Chanel is a very sensitive person. She had a very good sense of color. Gabrielle had two “favorites”: black and white. She considered the color black to be the basis of everything. It is elegant and practical. White is a symbol of purity. Bright colors I practically didn’t use Coco, only in contrast with the dark ones. I didn't like pastel colors.

Basic wardrobe

The very first and main component of such a wardrobe is a classic, formal trouser suit. Although Gabrielle herself preferred skirts, classic cropped skinny trousers of ideal length became, in a certain sense, a symbol of female freedom, and in combination with a formal jacket, a necessary thing for every successful and attractive woman. For the “work” option, flared trousers with arrows are more suitable, but for everyday life you should choose narrow cropped ones.

A suit will be useful not only for work, but will also be an excellent option for special occasions (date, meeting with friends). Bright accent in the form of a shirt in a contrasting color or an accessory in the form of an intricate evening bag, hat, scarf, will reduce the tone of formality. This combination will add romance, grace to your image, and to some extent even simplify it. You will look strict, but tasteful.

When choosing shoes for a suit, you should give preference to heels. Classic plain pumps (black and white or to match the suit) are suitable for everyday work. For a special occasion, it is better to choose a contrasting color. For example, if the suit is black or dark blue, it will be perfectly complemented by bright red patent leather shoes. Then your look will turn from a classic style into an urban romantic one.

Another important component will be the skirt. A pencil skirt is relevant for absolutely everyone and at all times. This cut allows a woman to emphasize her silhouette, model her figure (the hips look narrower), and a correctly selected length (Chanel considered the length just below the knee to be ideal) will visually lengthen her legs.

Classic colors will make your look more feminine and formal. Young girls can afford to experiment with color and even cut; the length should remain the same - below the knee, but the fabric, print, shape of the skirt can be absolutely anything. The taste and color, as they say.

A tweed suit is an integral part of Coco Chanel's clothing style. Tweed is a low-pile wool fabric from Scotland. It is very pleasant to the touch, soft, elastic, not heavy, which is important. Chanel tweed suits are, first of all, amazing jackets. They are elegant, feminine, eccentric. You can easily distinguish such a jacket from any other.

It has a number of features:

  • Straight, fitted cut
  • Symmetrical patch in the form of 2 or 4 patch pockets on both sides
  • No collar
  • Finishing the sleeves or sides of the product with braids made of braid, canvas, lace and other materials
  • Gold buttons with Chanel logo
  • The chain at the bottom is lined. Coco used it to maintain perfect proportions

This is Coco Chanel's classic tweed jacket.

Modern fashion designers make their own changes to the design of jackets. Now on the catwalks we can see various variations: three-quarter sleeves, loose fit, cropped jackets. They even change the fabric (knitwear, knitted jackets).

Also, part of the suit is a pencil skirt made of the same material, identical in color to the jacket.

This suit will be comfortable to wear in the fall. Go for walks or social events in it, with the addition of a hat.

Suitable for everyday wear gentle colors(pink, blue, yellow). For social events, it is better to leave classic black, dazzling white or royal gold.

Coco Chanel's style has been very popular all over the world for a long time. The name of this fashion designer is considered a symbol of luxury and chic. A woman in such outfits looks elegant, romantic and attractive.

Coco Chanel and her view on women's fashion

At the beginning of the last century, outfits offered by the famous Coco Chanel appeared in the wardrobes of many fashionistas. The designer was very fond of black color, as she considered it universal and compatible with everything. She recommended that girls wear a black dress, which can be complemented with a small handbag, an elegant hat and glasses.

Coco Chanel's style is simply mesmerizing. She believed that a woman should remain attractive in any outfit, and it is not at all necessary to wear tight corsets and bouffant skirts, which were in vogue at the time. The designer created her outfits in such a way that you could feel a certain freedom of movement, but without losing charm.

The following immediately became popular:

  • flannel jackets;
  • loose-fitting skirts;
  • tight sweaters;
  • formal suit;
  • little black dress.

Coco believed that all elements should be carefully selected, including the aroma. Therefore, her famous perfume became a real revolution and caused a sensation, as it consisted of harmoniously combined 80 components.

Rules for creating an image

To replicate Coco Chanel's style in clothing, you need to follow certain rules, thanks to which you can create a simply unique image. In particular, the main recommendations include the following:

  • the image should not have anything superfluous;
  • clothes must fit perfectly;
  • should be comfortable and convenient;
  • when leaving the house you need to remove one piece of jewelry;
  • the outfit must contain elements of ill-conceivedness.

Pants will help give some freedom. Coco Chanel herself was the first to wear trousers with luxurious sweaters. The skirt should slightly cover the knees (the designer considered women's knees to be somewhat ugly).

The suit should combine feminine and masculine principles, and shoes can be two-color, this way you can visually reduce the size of the foot and make the leg more graceful and attractive. Be sure to wear jewelry and use perfume to create a complete look.

Features of a wardrobe in the Chanel style

Coco Chanel's style has remained popular for a long time. The basic rules of style involve creating a harmonious and complete image that will arouse the admiration of men and the envy of women. When choosing clothes, it is worth remembering that it should be made only from high-quality natural fabrics.

When creating an image, you need to choose only those things whose colors will ideally suit your skin type. The silhouette should be slightly fitted or straight. Clothing can only leave the hands, neck and legs below the knees exposed.

To create the look, simple low-heeled shoes complemented with straps with a contrasting toe are ideal.

Selection of accessories

Coco Chanel's style implies the mandatory and correct use of various accessories that will help complement and emphasize created image. You should have at least one pearl necklace and use it as everyday jewelry. Small hats that are in perfect harmony with the rest of the outfit will help complement the outfit.

Don't be afraid to wear jewelry, as these accessories look very attractive, often much better than jewelry. It is advisable to wear several types of jewelry at once. Every woman should have at least one pair of high-quality high-heeled shoes in her wardrobe.

How to make a wardrobe correctly

To create your own wardrobe in the style of Coco Chanel, it is advisable to purchase:

  • short black dress;
  • knitted knitwear;
  • wide pants;
  • tweed suit;
  • accessories;
  • high heels;
  • small hats;
  • branded perfumes.

Carefully selected clothes will allow you to look elegant and unique in any situation. It will help give a woman confidence.

How to choose a jacket

In the 30s, jackets in the style of Coco Chanel first appeared, which have still not lost their relevance. Only a few individual details have changed, but the main features of this piece of clothing remain the same. Jackets are characterized by:

  • natural material;
  • semi-adjacent silhouette;
  • contrasting finish;
  • lack of lapels.

Quite interesting is a knitted jacket in the style of Coco Chanel, which you can make yourself, the most important thing is to know how to knit. This casual style item will go well with trousers made in classic style. A classic knitted jacket in the style of Coco Chanel, slightly fitted and with three-quarter sleeves, looks very beautiful. While maintaining its shape and silhouette, it will softly fit the figure.

In addition, you can crochet jackets in the style of Coco Chanel. Schemes will help bring into reality absolutely any interesting and original idea. This warm product is ideal for work and everyday wear.

White, black and beige jackets made in different styles. Blue or light pink are great for romantic dates.

How to choose the right skirt

Coco Chanel looks often feature straight skirts and pencil skirts, but many other options are also possible (for example, with large pleats or a-line). The most important thing is that its length is below the knees.

If you wish, you can move away from these conventions, but if you strictly adhere to the Chanel style, then it is advisable to give preference medium length(midi). It will be combined with various blouses, jackets, and sweaters.

Features of the suit

A suit in the style of Coco Chanel is the personification of elegance and comfort. Famous actresses, first ladies, students and housewives widely use these versatile items as wardrobe staples.

The most popular combinations are a signature jacket and a pencil skirt. Three-piece options are also convenient, complemented by a top made of the same fabric. In addition, among the suits you can also see models with trousers, which can be wide or slightly tapered with arrows.

Recently, there are more original and varied styles of outfits. Jackets with shorts, pleated skirts or cropped trousers look very unusual and stylish. The only thing that remains unchanged is the material from which they are made and the finishing.

There is a special line for young people, in which familiar materials are combined with original and daring ideas (for example, high waists, wraparound fasteners, cropped sleeves, short full skirts).

How to choose the right dress

The dress in the style of Coco Chanel looks stylish and original. At the very beginning of its appearance, it was approximately mid-knee length, with spacious and long sleeves. Now similar dresses can be made in a mini version, but when choosing such an outfit Special attention You need to pay attention to cut, quality of material and style.

The choice of dresses in the Chanel style is quite wide, but it is worth remembering that it should have a laconic, discreet design, simple sleeves or no sleeves at all, a rounded neckline, length to the middle of the knee or even lower.

It is undesirable to have an abundance of decorative elements, since the famous designer preferred elegant simplicity. Chanel dresses are not limited only to black, discreet models; for every season there are stylish styles that are ideal for lovers of classics and for young girls. Lately they have been attracting more and more attention original decor and unusual texture.

How to choose a coat

There are no strict restrictions and rules for outerwear in the Chanel style, but it is worth remembering that there are certain features that need to be taken into account. These include the following:

  • discreet shades;
  • straight or slightly fitted cut;
  • small collar or no collar;
  • lack of decor;
  • large buttons;
  • natural high quality fabrics.

A Chanel-style coat can be not only for autumn; there are also summer options. Such products simply fit perfectly into the creation of a business image and are suitable for evening wear. With the right combination of details, they can be easily integrated into a casual ensemble.

How to avoid mistakes when creating an image

By following simple rules, you can avoid many mistakes in creating your own image that will be in the Chanel style. It is forbidden to wear tights with imitation seams, bright patterns or mesh. It is worth eliminating from your wardrobe corsets, platform shoes, tight trousers, as well as other clothes that make it difficult to breathe or move. When creating an image, it is highly undesirable to wear:

  • clothes that are too tight or flared;
  • with many prints and rhinestones;
  • bright flashy colors.

If you follow all these rules, you can create an original and vibrant image. Despite the rather strict rules in choosing clothes, Chanel's style helps to impart a certain femininity and sexuality.

I'm sure you all know Chanel perfume. They are named after Coco Chanel, a trendsetter of fashion and style for women of all times. Now listen to her advice. They will be useful to any woman, at any age. Follow them, and you will always be elegant, despite your age!

Her work and talent changed the fashion world forever. A legend of world haute couture and a national treasure of France, Chanel taught women elegance and style. We remember and adopt the main fashion principles of the great Mademoiselle.

1. Take with charm

Direct speech:

“If you are ugly, people will eventually get used to it. But if you don’t pay attention to yourself, they won’t forgive you for it. But so little is required of you: lose a few extra pounds, learn to hold your back straight, walk correctly, sit down. It's not just about clothes: you have to make an impression with your mere presence. If you are not given beauty, you can be charming, this is better than beauty, because it lasts longer.”

There is a lot to learn:

Among those women who admire and inspire us, indeed, not all of them can be considered canonical beauties. Moreover, it is precisely the non-standard appearance, the “wrong” beauty that sometimes becomes the trump card that easily defeats chiseled noses coupled with plump lips.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with lips, noses, or wide-open eyes, if all of these (or even just one) were gifted to you by your genetic mother. But strained attempts to fit yourself into a certain standard deprive you of the most important thing - uniqueness. Isn’t it better to spend your energy on revealing your “I”, framing and designing yourself as a loved one, unlike anyone else (except maybe mom and dad)?

A good hairdresser, the ability to use cosmetics and a suitable wardrobe are what are really worth chasing and learning. Well, as Coco Chanel bequeathed to us, we take care of ourselves and practice our charm.

2. Be elegant

Direct speech:

“Elegance does not depend on money. Elegance is the opposite of vulgarity and negligence. You can be too dressed up, but you can’t be too elegant.”

There is a lot to learn:

In general, an explanation of the principles of elegance comes down to simple principles: good cut, good fabric, good taste. A bold combination of colors or originality of design has absolutely nothing to do with it when you need to look status-conscious.

Many of us are still chasing “interesting things”, believing that a clutter of decor or textures indicates a creative streak, but this is not always the case. In fact, in an elegant look, things should be discreet and understandable. As they say, the best is the enemy of the good.

3. Choose comfort and practicality

Direct speech:

“One day my car stopped quite far from the sidewalk. To get out of it, I had to take a long step, and this was not easy because I was wearing a tight skirt. At the sight of this gymnastics, two workers sitting on the edge of the sidewalk burst into laughter. That day I decided that from now on I would always be among those who laugh, and never among those who are laughed at.”

There is a lot to learn:

One of the most common mistakes when choosing a thing, we turn around in front of the mirror in a cramped fitting room, carefully studying the fit of the dress, its color, but we hardly think about how we will walk, sit down and stand up in this dress.

Have you noticed how many girls in mini-skirts are around, constantly tugging at the hem of their skirts? From the outside it looks pretty ridiculous. The question arises: “Why was it necessary to choose such an uncomfortable length?” The answer is obvious: most likely, in the fitting room the girl paid attention only to the sexy length, but forgot to walk a little, checking that the skirt did not ride up when walking.

The same story is repeated when choosing tight skirts, low-rise trousers, tops with an extreme neckline or shoes in which you can only stand beautifully. A wardrobe is not real estate; it should be mobile, flexible and match your rhythm of life.

4. Be careful with miniskirts

Direct speech:

“Let women ask themselves a simple question: “Will I be younger if everyone sees my old knees?” And let the girls ask themselves: “Will I become more beautiful if everyone sees my ugly knees?”<…>Miniskirt, too Short dress cut in half the line of the thigh, one of the most beautiful parts female body."

There is something for him to learn:

Self-criticism is a strange thing. When it is not necessary, we are ready to find fault with absolutely everything, and sometimes we do not notice the obvious shortcomings of a thing and us in it. Especially often we are let down by a sober look at ourselves when it comes to minis.

The unbridled desire to show off our legs makes us forget that a miniskirt requires: a) slender hips; b) long legs and c) yes, those very beautiful knees - increased attention will be focused on them. The knee length is much more forgiving in this regard – it wears with greater comfort and makes the legs appear longer. Mademoiselle Coco warned us, didn't she?

5. Don't try to imitate men

Direct speech:

“I don’t want women to dress like men. If a woman starts dressing like a man and acting like a man, she's finished."

There is a lot to learn:

It was Chanel who introduced the fashion for women's trousers, but she did this solely for reasons of women's comfort in a new dynamic world, where there is a place for sports, active recreation and active work. But the change in gender guidelines, which all the fashion tabloids are trumpeting, is not for the elegant, luxurious women whose cult Mademoiselle created.

No matter how popular things that are openly masculine in cut may be, their main task is to show a woman even more fragile and feminine in contrast to the rough and voluminous shape. Therefore, when choosing boyfriend fit jackets and jeans, do not forget that it is best to combine them with good styling, fresh manicure and heels.

6. Don't be afraid of copies

Direct speech:

“Better a copy than theft. There are forty thousand unknown dressmakers in France. Where will they get ideas from if not from us? So don't stop them from copying.<…>If they're going to copy me, let them copy me well. Let them understand my plan."

There is a lot to learn:

The problem of copying and counterfeiting has long been a headache for fashion houses and a matter of choice for their fans. To wear or not to wear labels and their fakes? Is it possible to distinguish a fake from the original?

In fact, all these questions will disappear by themselves if you shift attention from names and regalia to the thing itself, its architecture and mood. If the price tag of a personalized item bites and even strives to swallow the entire budget in one fell swoop, then why not turn your attention to lesser-known, but similar in concept, analogues. But if the name of an Impossibly Cool Designer is on something, then let it be there by right of origin.

7. Wear your age proudly

Direct speech:

“A woman can be irresistible at any age. Over time, youth must be replaced with mystery and not try to pretend to be Lolita.”

There is a lot to learn:

Young girls often try to look more mature, while their older friends, on the contrary, strive to “prolong their youth.” Moreover, if the former sometimes look convincing, and sometimes touchingly in their efforts to “be big girl”, then the latter more often fail.

Young ladies always cause either a smile or regret, but they will only attract admiration when they learn to wear their age with dignity. You can look great even in adulthood, but it will be better to frame your unfading beauty in elegant clothes. If you add a little youthful enthusiasm to your wardrobe, then always with a sense of proportion and good taste.

8. Choose the right perfume

Direct speech:

“Even a very light, almost imperceptible, but correctly chosen aroma is of great importance in a woman’s life.<…>A woman who chooses the wrong perfume is a joke. And if a woman is not wearing perfume, it means that, in her opinion, her own scent is more seductive than the aroma of perfume. But she's wrong..."

There is a lot to learn:

Perfumery is a special part of the wardrobe; it is given not just a separate shelf in the closet, but a special place in a woman’s soul. An “alien” or inappropriate perfume hits the noses of those around you no less than an ill-fitting suit hits the eyes. Therefore, you should not neglect choosing “your” scent.

When going perfume shopping, remember that you cannot choose perfume in a hurry: trying it on should last longer than trying on a dress (since the character of the scent is revealed gradually). And it would be better to acquire not one perfume, but several - for different situations and different times of the day.

As for the reluctance to “wear” perfume in general, the fragrance can be chosen in modern, weightless and practical forms: eau de parfum, veil, deodorant, and finally. After all, the smell of even the cleanest girl’s skin tends to deteriorate during an active day, and you probably don’t want to risk your reputation as a lady.

9. Wear jewelry

Direct speech:

“I myself only wear jewelry. I think it’s disgusting and provocative to carry billions of francs worth of diamonds and emeralds around your neck and fingers. Jewelry is not created to display wealth, but to decorate.<…>Those women who have real jewelry should wear costume jewelry. But they behave like fools, I don’t understand them.”

There is a lot to learn:

The complex of a scarce past has fostered in several generations of our women the tradition of wearing gold to the maximum, ideally - all that is available. A significant part of gold chains, earrings and rings have not left their place on our necks, ears and fingers for years.

It seems that the prospect of being expelled from home by an oppressive husband, as our mother gave birth to, does not threaten most of us. But we hold on to our treasures with obsessive trepidation, no matter how good or bad, modern or old-fashioned.

Jewelry should just suit our face and dress. And given by mother to prom earrings can be stored warmly in a beautiful box. Of course, unless it's earrings from Chanel.

10. Develop your style

Direct speech:

“The style is always there, even if it is updated. Like a tree. It’s always the same, but every spring it becomes different.”

There is a lot to learn:

This phrase by Chanel is nothing more than a continuation of the legendary saying: “Fashion passes, but style remains.” But in this afterword there is no less wisdom hidden, and maybe even more. Hiding behind the postulate of the inviolability of style, many women do not change anything about their appearance for half their lives.

Meanwhile, style develops, moves, meets fashion and gets along well with it. Clothing style is not the same blouses and skirts in different color version. This is the recognizable character of your wardrobe, a special mood that is associated specifically with you, just as the Chanel style has always been associated with Coco herself.

Coco Chanel removed the corset from women, gave them black color and revolutionary perfume. We will tell you about the biography of this legendary woman and give some of her quotes

"Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted!"

The charm of Coco Chanel lay in her special beauty, original, subtle mind and outstanding character, where the love of freedom was combined with an incessant craving for solitude...

Coco Chanel became famous not only for her activities in the fashion world, but also for her stormy romances with representatives of high society, of which there are many in her biography, as well as for her arrogance towards the people around her - she humiliated those to whom she did good. They said about her that her gifts were like slaps in the face. Coco's statements about people were damning, and her rudeness smacked of arrogance. She was amazingly efficient, energetic and despised people.

“I don't care what you think about me. I do not think about you at all."

“I love it when fashion comes out into the streets, but I don’t allow it to come from there.”

Coco Chanel was born on August 19, 1883 in Saumur, although she said that she was born 10 years later in Auvergne. Gabrielle's mother died when Gabrielle was only six years old, and her father later died, leaving five children orphans. At that time they were in the care of relatives and spent some time in an orphanage. At the age of 18, Gabrielle began working as a saleswoman in a clothing store, and in her free time she performed in a cabaret. The girl’s favorite songs were “Ko Ko Ri Ko” and “Qui qua vu Coco”, for which she received the nickname Coco. Gabrielle did not shine as a singer, but during one of her performances she attracted the attention of officer Etienne Balzan and soon moved to live with him in Paris. After some time, she went to the English businessman Arthur Capel. After relationships with generous and wealthy lovers, she was able to open her own store in Paris.

“To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time.”

Once she spent a whole year in a country mansion. During the day she rode horses and attended social events in the evenings. Coco decided that a dress was a very uncomfortable thing for riding a horse, so she showed up at the tailor with trousers that she took from the jockey.

Sew the same ones for me!

But, madam, go to men's trousers it is not accepted for a woman!

Coco resolutely repeated her request and left the workshop.

The ladies who came to visit her were at first extremely surprised to see Gabrielle on a horse in men's pants. But later, at dinner, they admitted that trousers and a woman were a very good combination. One day, Chanel turned into a trendsetter for the residents of nearby estates.

I wonder what she always had a large number of novels and intrigues, but they all never ended in anything serious. They proposed to her quite often. One day, the Duke of Westminster asked for her hand in marriage, to which she responded with characteristic irony: “There are thousands of duchesses in the world, but only one Coco Chanel.” This answer is not surprising, because her work was her only meaning in life.

In 1910 she opened a hat shop.

Already in 1912, Coco created her first fashion house in Deauville, but the First World War temporarily interfered with her plans. In 1919, Chanel opened a fashion house in Paris. At this time, Chanel already had clients all over the world. People loved her blazers, skirts, long jersey sweaters, sailor suits and her famous suit (skirt + jacket). Coco herself had a short haircut and loved to wear small hats and sunglasses.

1921 Coco introduces a fur coat and a new brand of perfume, Chanel No. 5.

“- Where to apply perfume?
“Where do you want to be kissed?”

“Fashion is what goes out of fashion.”

...Gabrielle saw a pile of twisted metal, which had recently been a car, and lightly ran her hand over the glass. There was blood everywhere - the blood of Arthur Capel, her beloved man. She sat down on the side of the road and burst into tears. And when she returned home, she repainted the walls black and went into mourning. Gabrielle Chanel was already very famous - and thousands of imitators instantly followed her example. This is how black color came into fashion.

In 1926, she created her famous little black dress, which became a multifunctional item beyond fashion, thereby establishing the concept of minimalism in modeling

Despite the enormous success of her clothes, in 1939 Coco closed all stores and the fashion house, and World War II began. Many designers left the country, but Coco remained in Paris and only after the end of the war did she leave for Switzerland.

In 1954, at the age of 71, Gabrielle returned to the fashion world and presented her new collection. But she achieved her former glory and veneration only a few years later. Coco transformed her classic outfits into a more modern style, and the richest and most famous women in the world began to attend her presentations. The Chanel suit was a demonstration of the status of the new generation: created from tweed, with a tight skirt, a collarless jacket covered with braid, gold buttons and patch pockets. Chanel also showed women's handbags to the public again, Jewelry and shoes, which were a tremendous success

“They say that women dress for the sake of women, that they are driven by the spirit of competition.

This is true. But if there were no more men left in the world, women would stop dressing.”

“Jewelry is a whole science! Beauty is a formidable weapon! Modesty is the height of elegance!”

Between the 1950s and 1960s, Coco worked with many Hollywood studios and stars like Audrey Hepburn and Liz Taylor. In 1969, actress Katharine Hepburn played the role of Chanel in the Broadway musical Coco.

“If you were born without wings, don’t try to stop them from growing.”

"There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.”

On January 10, 1971, at the age of 87, the great Coco died. She was buried in Lausanne - in a grave surrounded by five lions made of stone. Since 1983, Karl Lagerfeld has run the Chanel fashion house and is its chief designer.

“Every woman has the age she deserves.”

Every day Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel began to live again. She scrupulously got rid of the burden of the past. Each new day she removed from her memory all the heaviness of yesterday. Her childhood and adolescence are shrouded in mystery. She created her own legend with my own hands, adding facts that confuse biographers. Gabrielle threw away 10 years of her life like unnecessary trash and, realizing this, felt that she now had much more time. She began to think more fruitfully and get tired less. With her fate, she proved: the future does not follow from the past, at any moment you can start your own career and build it anew.

Chanel viewed any obstacle in her path as a signpost for a new path.

Coco Chanel created a paradox thanks to her lifestyle and the driving force of her brilliant talent, which is why her biography is so rich in striking facts

“We need beauty in order for men to love us; and stupidity - so that we love men.”

She considered external beauty in a woman to be a component of success, otherwise it would be impossible to convince anyone of anything in life. The older the lady, the more important beauty is to her. Chanel said: “At 20, nature gives you your face, at 30, life sculpts it, but at 50, you have to take care of it yourself... Nothing makes you look older like trying to look young. After 50, no one is young anymore. But I know 50 -year-olds, more attractive than three-quarters of unimportantly well-groomed young women." Chanel herself looked like an eternal joyful teenager. She took great care of herself and weighed the same all her life as she did at 20 years old.

Over the 87 years of her life, the great Coco gave her name to an entire style of clothing, costume, fashion house and perfume. A constant inventor, Chanel created a lot of new products, but above all... an image of a woman that no one could imagine before her

Nowadays, in Chanel's Parisian apartment on rue Cambon, everything is furnished in the same way as during the life of the couturier

