How to treat cracks on the palms of the hands. Dry hand skin: causes of dry skin and proper care

Beautiful and well-groomed hand skin is not only a woman’s dignity. For a man, the appearance of his hands also plays an important role. Chronic cracks in the palms limit the professional capabilities of any person. In addition, deep cracks cause pain.

Causes of cracks in the palms

In addition to the fact that cracks in the hands are quite painful, they limit a person’s capabilities - it is impossible to fully perform handmade. Such defects of the palms interfere even in everyday life, since the hand becomes stiff. The presence of cracks can lead to bacterial infections and even infections.

Cracks in the palms can be caused by both unfavorable external factors and non-infectious or fungal diseases. External factors include :

Prolonged exposure to the sun. Long-term agricultural work in sunny and windy weather causes dry skin on the hands.

Household chemicals. Frequent hand washing, contact with detergents and cleaning products, hand washing with antibacterial soap - the combination of these factors leads to the skin becoming dry and its elasticity decreasing.

Cold. Wind, frost, and in addition contact with ice or cold water. This is a ready-made scenario for future problems with the skin of the palms.

Allergy. The body's response to external factors. External irritants can include allergens and thermal factors, as well as chemicals. During periods of exacerbation of seasonal allergies, problems with the skin on the palms are also possible.

Among the diseases. during which cracking of the skin of the palms occurs, it is worth highlighting the two most common in medical practice:

Dry eczema of the hands. Inflammatory skin disease. It can be acute or chronic. Its manifestation is possible both due to external (chemical or thermal) and internal (diseases) internal organs, nervous or endocrine system) factors. The main signs are redness of the skin with increasing itching. Then bubbles filled with liquid appear. The skin cracks after the blisters burst. Among the types of eczema, there is occupational eczema, which occurs in workers in hazardous industries.

Palm dermatitis. The main cause of the disease is the high sensitivity of the skin of the palms to contact with irritants - allergens. An allergic reaction can be either immediate or delayed. In acute dermatitis, erosions appear that do not heal for a long time, and cracks appear in their place.

Treatment of cracked palms

The appearance of cracks in the palms may be accompanied by bleeding. If timely treatment is not performed, the wounds may become deeper. Therefore, an examination by a dermatologist is necessary. Self-treatment in this case may be ineffective, and wasting time will lead to aggravation of the problem.

In addition to the examination, the doctor will order tests, possibly including biochemistry. After receiving the result, the specialist prescribes treatment, which includes ointments, a complex of vitamins and fish oil. Other drugs are prescribed depending on the etiology (causes of occurrence) of the disease.

When treating hand eczema, complex treatment is carried out with antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs, vitamin therapy and desensitizing (introducing small doses of drugs to reduce sensitivity to allergens) therapy. These prescriptions are combined with ointments, which are applied alternately in the morning and evening. One of the main requirements for successful treatment is that the patient is under the supervision of a dermatologist to be able to identify the symptoms of the disease.

When treating the underlying disease that causes cracks in the palms, recipes will not be superfluous. traditional medicine. These include baths in chamomile broth or potato broth with the addition of starch and vegetable oil. A mixture of milk, starch and glycerin is very effective for healing cracks. Cedar oil is also used to make lotions.

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If the skin on your hands dries and cracks in frosty and windy weather, this is considered a common occurrence, easily eliminated with the help of special moisturizers and protective products. cosmetics. But when the appearance of such symptoms is not associated with weather conditions, we may be talking about the development of an allergic reaction, fungal infection, different types dermatosis. In order to prevent complications and prevent the unhindered penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body through microcracks in the skin, it is necessary to promptly identify the cause of dryness and eliminate its influence.


Cracks in the fingers are also dangerous because they are entry points for various types of infections. This is especially true for people working in the food industry (cutting fish, meat, etc.)

The skin on the hands often dries and cracks under the influence of non-pathogenic factors, including:

  • vitamin deficiency (dryness, bruising);
  • weather conditions (chapping of the skin in cold weather is fraught with drying out of the sensitive epidermis, the appearance of peeling and deep cracks);
  • Not proper care skin care (washing your hands too often, using low-quality care and cleansing cosmetics, as well as daily cleaning, washing dishes, washing clothes by hand without special gloves and using aggressive household chemicals leads to the abrasion of the protective layer of the epidermis).

In addition to the fact that under the influence of these factors the skin loses its healthy and well-groomed appearance, due to the thinning of its natural protective barrier, the gates open for all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. The risk of infectious, fungal or viral infection increases several times.

Also, the skin on the hands cracks until it bleeds, drying out and becoming irritated due to the development of such pathological conditions of the body:

  1. Mycosis. People are susceptible to fungal infections of the skin of the hands by dermatophytes and candida different ages, gender and nationality. The source of the disease in most cases is infected skin of the feet, from the surface of which spores of the pathogenic fungus spread throughout the human body. Characteristic manifestations of mycosis on the hands are dryness, irritation and a burning and itching sensation in the damaged areas. With candidiasis, these symptoms are accompanied by a whitish coating with a sour odor, weeping, the formation of yellowish or white spots on the nail plates and a change in their shape, provoked by the penetration of fungal spores into the thickness of the nail.
  2. Dermatitis. Drying and cracking of the skin on your hands can be caused by allergic or contact dermatitis. For the first type of disease, which develops immediately after direct contact of the skin with an allergen, the characteristic symptoms are the accompanying inflammatory process, hyperemia and swelling of the affected area. Allergic dermatitis can develop without direct contact of the skin and the irritant; its indirect exposure (oral intake of certain groups of medications, food, etc.) is sufficient. This type of disease is manifested by redness, swelling and itching of the skin, forming on the fingers. In advanced cases it can.
  3. Eczema. Severe itching, hyperkeratosis, dryness and flaking, swelling and weeping skin usually react to the development of eczema. In most cases, the symptoms of the disease in chronic form manifest themselves in the form and tips of the fingers. During the period of exacerbation of the pathology, large cracks may form on the skin of the palms, in the folds between the fingers, thickening and excessive pigmentation of the affected skin, provoked by constant scratching of itchy foci of eczema.
  4. Exfoliative keratolysis. In women and men in at a young age exfoliative keratolysis often occurs, in which the skin on the hands becomes very dry and flaky, especially in the hot summer season. A predisposing factor to the development of the disease is the use of soaps, solvents or detergents with aggressive components in the composition. The first symptoms of the disease are small air-filled blisters that are localized on the fingers or the surface of the palms. Noticeable itching may occur only in rare cases. In the pathogenesis of exfoliative keratolysis, there is a strong tendency towards relapses occurring as soon as possible after remission. This process is usually accompanied by the formation of large cracks in the interdigital folds and on the palms.
  5. Cold urticaria. The skin of the hands is often exposed to aggressive external factors (frost, cold wind and water, dampness, etc.). Against the background of such cold irritation, an allergic reaction develops, the characteristic manifestations of which are swelling, dryness and peeling of the skin exposed to low temperatures. Allergy symptoms make themselves felt in the near future (usually within the first 10-20 minutes) after contact with external irritants.

It also cannot be ruled out that drying and cracking of the skin on the hands may act as a dermatological manifestation of diabetes mellitus. Patients experience dry skin, local hyperkeratosis on the palms, and wrinkling of the fingertips.

Skin on hands cracking photo

Features of therapy

If the skin on your hands dries and cracks, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate and effective ways troubleshooting:

  • special care for dry sensitive hand skin using moisturizing cosmetic products;
  • antimycotic drugs for the treatment of fungal infections;
  • a complex of anti-inflammatory medications for eczema and dermatitis;
  • antihistamines to eliminate allergy symptoms;
  • vitamin-containing creams and oral vitamin-mineral complexes for vitamin deficiency.

In most cases, competent care, the use of necessary therapeutic measures and protection from injury, damage and irritation help to return the skin of your hands to a healthy, well-groomed appearance in the shortest possible time.


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We women often expose our hands to negative influences. When we come home from work, we cook, wash dishes, and do wet cleaning. At the same time, we constantly have to come into contact with harmful chemicals, as well as cold and hot water.

Naturally, all this is not the most in the best possible way affects the condition of our hands. The skin becomes dry and rough, and then painful cracks form on its surface, which cause us a lot of inconvenience.

And before we start telling you how and with what to treat this disease, it is necessary to talk about why the skin on your hands cracks in the first place and how the occurrence of this disease can be prevented.

There are many reasons why it can form. The most common of them is exposure to cold on the hands.

When the skin of the hands gets very cold, the vessels that are located in the upper layers of the epithelium begin to narrow, then the blood supply to the hands deteriorates, as a result of which the surface of the skin becomes coarser and rough.

In this case, the situation is greatly aggravated by the effect of moisture on the hands. The skin begins to crack and wounds form on their surface, which can periodically bleed. Any movements of the fingers cause severe pain, and household chores turn into real torture.

When it appears, your hands should be immediately treated with a rich cream or pharmaceutical glycerin, which helps moisturize and relieve irritation. When performing any manipulations with water and household chemicals, you must wear latex gloves, putting cotton ones under them so that the skin of your hands does not rot.

At the same time, before performing any type of work around the house, a protective agent must be applied to chapped areas of the skin. Elderly women should pay special attention to their hands. After all, over the years, not only the skin, but also the body as a whole ages. The sweat glands stop working as before, which leads to frequent formation of cracks in the hands.

We don't even suspect that cracks in the skin can appear as a result of not washing our hands properly. Under no circumstances should you use cold water. For these purposes, warm water of 39-42 degrees should be used. Hot water also causes damage to the skin, so it should not be used.

In addition, it is advisable to use liquid soap, having a neutral acidity level. If you have a soft shower gel, you can also use that. These products are gentle on the skin without causing irritation.

It is important that these products contain extracts of medicinal plants. After all, they have a moisturizing and soothing effect on the skin, thereby preventing the appearance of dryness and cracks on its surface.

If you already have cracks on your hands, then you need to use soap that contains glycerin and various oils. And to protect your skin from germs, after washing your hands, you need to rinse them with a solution made from plain water, lemon juice or vinegar.

It’s a paradox, but excessive exposure to moisture on the skin leads to dryness. Therefore, after washing, you should dry your hands thoroughly. terry towel. However, do not rub them too hard, as this will lead to irritation. You just need to blot your skin with a towel until it is completely dry.

It is very important to keep them warm after washing your hands. After all, if after a water procedure the skin is exposed to cold, it will immediately crack.

Periodically, you should rinse your hands in a mixture of milk and water (the ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio). If you don’t have regular milk on hand, you can use the dry version. To do this, stir 1 tbsp in 1 glass of warm water. milk powder, and then follow the above instructions.

You need to keep your hands in this solution for about a quarter of an hour. And then apply a nourishing moisturizer to the skin. Instead, you can use pharmaceutical glycerin.
It's worth noting that the more often you wet your hands, the drier your skin will become. At the same time, we should not forget that the constant presence of moisture on the skin can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

If you observe yourself increased sweating palms, even if the skin on top of the hands is dry, then you need to get rid of this problem. To do this, you can prepare a special decoction that will block the work of the sweat glands.

To prepare it, take 10 g of sage or strawberry leaves and brew them in one glass of boiling water. Let the broth brew for about half an hour, then strain and take half a glass of it on an empty stomach 2 times a day.

If you don’t know about this, then be sure to go to the hospital and take a blood test to determine hemoglobin in your blood. As a rule, it is its low level that leads to the appearance of cracks in the skin, since it does not receive enough oxygen and almost all metabolic processes in it are disrupted.

Whether you have iron deficiency anemia or not, the following symptoms will help determine:

  • frequent headaches;
  • pale skin;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased heart rate;
  • shortness of breath;
  • brittle hair and nails.

In addition, there is a constant desire to eat chalk or clay, the skin on the hands and feet becomes dry and often cracks, and the lower extremities are always cold.

If you have at least one symptom, you should seek help from a specialist and determine the cause of the development of this disease. Today there are many drugs that help increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. However, taking them alone is not enough. It is necessary to constantly maintain a special diet that includes foods rich in iron.

And these include: liver, meat, kidneys, buckwheat, parsley, rolled oats, legumes. In order for iron to be well absorbed by the body, it is necessary to provide it with a sufficient amount of vitamin C. But you should avoid foods high in calcium or reduce their consumption to a minimum. After all, this element helps to “wash out” iron from the body.

The foods that contain the most calcium are milk, rice, eggs, cheeses and potatoes. You should also avoid consuming large amounts of tea and coffee, as tannin and caffeine negatively affect the absorption of iron by the body.

Quite often, the cause of iron deficiency anemia is associated with a deficiency of vitamin B9, that is, folic acid. It promotes good absorption of iron in the body. The occurrence of this problem is often associated with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, poor diet, long-term use of anticonvulsants, and breastfeeding. When a person is deficient in folic acid, they become irritable, have severe headaches, and have a decreased appetite.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to cracked skin on your hands. After all, a lack of this element can also cause the development of iron deficiency anemia. In this case, a person experiences a lack of coordination of movements and a constant feeling of tingling of the skin.

But the appearance of cracks on the hands and lips may indicate a deficiency of vitamin B2 in the body. You can replenish its reserves only if you regularly consume foods such as milk, eggs, beef, legumes, cheese, cereals and vegetables.

When cracks appear on the hands, it is important to provide the body with vitamin F. After all, its main component is unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are so necessary for our skin to be healthy.

If you carefully read the composition of various hand and face skin care creams, you will see that they also contain this vitamin. It is important not only the effect of this element on the skin externally, but also internally. And this can only be achieved by consuming vegetable oils, fish oil, mackerel and nuts.

Why does the skin on my hands crack due to a lack of vitamins? Everything is very simple. After all, these substances are involved in almost all processes occurring in our body, including in the layers of the epidermis.

Many factors can contribute to their poor absorption. But the most common of them are frequent stress and dysbiosis. In such conditions, it is important to take all measures to treat them. In the first case, it is necessary to take sedatives, and in the second, a drug that helps normalize the functioning and intestinal flora. In both the first and second cases, consultation with a specialist is required.

Various moisturizing baths, which can be easily done at home, are very helpful in combating cracks on the hands. There are many recipes for their preparation. You can choose any one you like.

  1. Take a few potatoes, peel them and cook until tender. Then remove the potatoes and let the water cool slightly. Once it becomes warm, put your hands in the water for 15-20 minutes. Then treat your hands with a rich, nourishing cream.
  2. Pour a liter of water into a small saucepan, heat it and, stirring constantly, add 100 g of starch diluted in cold water. Then soak your hands in the resulting solution for half an hour, then pat them dry with a soft towel to remove excess moisture and treat the skin with a moisturizer.
  3. Take an enamel container, pour a liter of warm water into it and add 2-3 tbsp. any vegetable oil. Then dip your brushes in the oil solution for 15 minutes, and then lubricate them with nourishing cream.
  4. Dilute 0.5 tsp in one liter of warm water. ammonia and 2 tsp. glycerin. Immerse your hands in the resulting solution for a quarter of an hour, and then apply a rich cream to the skin. This bath is especially useful for rough and cracked skin.

These procedures must be carried out once every 1-2 days. It is advisable to do this at night, and after applying the cream, put cotton gloves on your hands. If you regularly perform such baths, you will be able to evaluate the first results within a week. The skin will become soft, and cracks will no longer form on its surface.

Various vegetable oils, which penetrate deep into the epidermis and have a regenerating and moisturizing effect on it, are very helpful in the fight against cracks on the hands.
For example, cold-pressed olive oil has an excellent restorative effect.

It can be used as a stand-alone product or in combination with other ingredients, making it a unique hand mask. Olive oil has a good regenerating effect in combination with kombucha.

These two components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin of the hands for 10-12 hours. Therefore, it is better to use them at night, wearing cotton gloves on your hands to prevent contamination. bed linen. In the morning, gloves should be removed and the skin of your hands should be lubricated with any nourishing agent. However, you should not wash your hands under water after the procedure.

Calendula oil has also proven itself to be excellent. It has several effects on the skin of the hands at once - softening, antiseptic and healing. It can even be used to treat the skin of young children, which confirms its hypoallergenicity.

The oil should be used several times a day. They just need to treat the skin of their hands, waiting for the oil to be completely absorbed. After which you can begin your daily duties.

You can also use rosehip oil and sandalwood oil to treat cracks on your hands. They have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands, making it soft and silky. These oils have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. They should be used in the same way as calendula oil.

And if you are over 40 years old, then you need to use patchouli oil. It not only relieves irritation and promotes rapid healing of wounds, but also has a rejuvenating effect. Therefore, it is great for caring for aging skin.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cracked hands

To get rid of cracks on your hands, you can resort to traditional medicine. To do this, you need to prepare various decoctions and infusions, and then treat the damaged areas with them.

So, you can prepare the following decoction. Take 1 tbsp. calendula flowers and pour half a glass of boiling water over them. Let the broth brew a little, then strain and soak in the resulting herbal infusion cotton pads, and then apply them to the damaged areas.

In addition, this decoction can be frozen in an ice tray. When it freezes, begin to lubricate the damaged skin on your hands with an ice cube. If the skin on your face is also flaky and shows all signs of dryness, then it can also be used to wipe your face.

If the skin on your hands is very rough and begins to crack, then coffee grounds will come to your aid. Lubricate the cracks with it and leave until completely dry. You can also use mixtures made from fresh apples and butter (the ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio).

There are also many more traditional medicine methods that help fight cracks in the hands. If their use does not bring positive result, you have no choice but to resort to the help of modern medications.

But you shouldn’t use them without first consulting a doctor. After all, some ointments and gels contain strong components that can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, they should be used only if you well tolerate all the components contained in the medicinal product.

Video on how to treat cracked hands

Hands are our helpers and workers. Every day we expose them to the aggressive effects of various chemicals, exposure to sunlight or the scorching influence of frosty wind. It is not surprising that many people experience dryness, irritation, peeling, and in some cases patients complain that the skin on their hands is cracking until they bleed. We will look at ways to combat this problem below.

External causes of cracks in the skin of the hands

Aggressive environmental factors have a negative impact. Daily use of household chemicals, prolonged exposure to frosty or dry hot air, incorrect choice of cosmetic care products and many other factors can lead to dry and cracked hand skin. With improper treatment, foci of inflammation develop, occupying an increasing area of ​​the surface of the hand. People whose profession involves working with dusty objects (builders, miners, road layers, as well as librarians and salespeople) most often complain that the skin on their hands is cracking.

When the skin of the hands is dry, caused by environmental factors, the disease most often manifests itself on the outside of the hand, sometimes the skin on the fingertips bursts.

Prevention of the negative effects of external factors on the skin of the hands

If the skin on your hands is cracking, the causes associated with external factors can be neutralized by following simple recommendations:

  1. When working in the garden, garden, or construction site, wear special household gloves.
  2. Use rubber gloves when cleaning and washing dishes.
  3. In summer, protect your hand skin with UV cream.
  4. In winter, protect your hands with protective cosmetics and comfortable gloves.
  5. When choosing a hand cream, read its composition and make sure that you are not allergic to these components. Check the expiration date and integrity of the packaging. Before use, apply the product to your wrist. If redness, irritation or rash does not appear after a few minutes, feel free to use as directed. Choose a cream based on age for dry skin.
  6. Don't use antibacterial soap every day - it dries your skin too much.
  7. Drink enough fluids even in the cold season.
  8. If the skin on your hands is cracking, use a mild soap with moisturizing ingredients.
  9. Dry your hands and between your fingers well – moisture can cause a fungal infection to develop.
  10. Periodically use cosmetic procedures and folk remedies for hand skin care, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Hand cracks due to diseases

Unfortunately, not always only because improper care The skin on my hands is cracking. The causes of this condition may be a disease that requires professional treatment. The following ailments may be accompanied by dry skin of the hands, flaking and cracking:

If the cause of peeling skin is a disease, then most often cracks appear between the fingers, under the nails or on the sides, and the skin on the palm peels off. Blisters often develop, itching and burning occur.

Treatment with cosmetics

The skin on your hands is cracking - what to do? If there is superficial damage to a small area of ​​skin, you can cope with the problem with the help of preventive measures and the use of available cosmetics: high-quality professional creams and hand masks. Oddly enough, baby creams are effective in combating dry skin.

Treatment with topical ointments

At home, you can use the following creams and ointments, applying them directly to the affected area:

  1. Medicines containing hexapanthenol and chlorhexidine - “Panthenol”, “Bepanten”, “Pantesol”. The products are available in the form of creams, ointments, sprays, and emulsions. These medications improve skin regeneration and disinfect open wounds.
  2. Antiseptic medications: Furkocin, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Levomekol ointment has an antibacterial effect, so it has a number of contraindications. But in the event of a bacterial infection, it becomes an indispensable means of treating cracked hands.
  4. The drug "Solcoseryl" is produced in the form of an ointment, solution or gel. It helps oxygen penetrate the skin cells, thereby restoring its functions.
  5. Vulnuzan ointment reduces the inflammatory process and accelerates the tissue healing process.
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs: “Radevit”, “Methyluracil”, “Actovegin”.

Treatment of cracks due to fungal skin infections

If the skin on your hands cracks due to a fungal infection, only a dermatologist will prescribe treatment. In addition to antiseptics, you will need drugs that destroy pathogenic microorganisms: Clotrimazole ointment, Lomexin cream, Miconazole, Pimafucin, Nizoral and others.

In this case, local medications alone will not be enough. There is a need to take tableted antimycotic drugs. Depending on the type of microorganism detected, the doctor prescribes drugs such as Pimafucin, Nystatin, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Lamisil and their analogues.

Treatment of hand cracks of allergic origin

If the skin on your hands peels and cracks on the palms and between the fingers, allergies are most likely the cause of the problem. First of all, it is necessary to identify the allergen and eliminate its influence. The dermatologist will prescribe antihistamines: Loratadine, Astemizole, Cetirizine.

With various dermatitis, in addition to peeling of the skin, characteristic symptoms are itching and burning in the affected area. Therefore, ointments such as “Fenistil” and “Gistan” are used externally.

To treat cracks of allergic origin, ointments containing substances such as prednisolone, hydrocortisone, clobetasol (Afloderm, Celestoderm, Lorinden, Dermovate) are used. These drugs are addictive and have a long list of contraindications and side effects. Self-medication with them is dangerous to health.

Hand cracks due to psoriasis

It is for psoriasis that a characteristic symptom is multiple cracks on the fingers, palms and back of the hand, often deep to the point of bleeding. In the treatment of hand skin psoriasis, hormonal drugs are used: Fluorocort, Locacorten, Uniderm, Cortef, Betazon. But their use does not always bring long-term results, and in addition, it has Negative influence on the patient's endocrine and urinary systems.

An alternative is non-hormonal treatment: zinc paste and salicylic ointment effectively cope with wound healing and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Ointments based on tar - "Berestin" and solid oil - "Cytopsor", "Antipsoriasis" are widely used. Creams “Zorka” and “Forest Power” effectively heal wounds.

Traditional recipes for combating cracks in the skin of the hands

Many medicinal plants have antiseptic and wound-healing properties. Based on this knowledge, there are time-tested effective traditional medicines:

  1. Homemade ointment will cope with dry skin, reduce inflammation, and speed up regeneration processes. To prepare, you need to melt 50 g of Vaseline and 10 g of propolis in a steamer and boil briefly. Strain the mixture and, after cooling, rub it into the cracks on your hands.
  2. A hand mask made of honey and sea buckthorn oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry, cracked skin. Take 3 tbsp. honey and a spoonful of butter, mix the ingredients. Apply to your hands, put on disposable polyethylene mittens and cotton gloves on top. Keep the mask on for half an hour, rinse with warm water and apply cream.
  3. After each wash, rinse your hands with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, string, coltsfoot, St. John's wort.
  4. People have long known a recipe using starch and milk for cracked hands. Instead of starch, you can use grated raw potatoes. Mix the ingredients and apply the hand mask for 20 minutes.
  5. Essential oils also promote wound healing. A warm hand bath will help soothe and soften your skin. Add 3 drops of iodine, 1 tbsp to a liter of water. olive oil, 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil. Immerse your hands in the bath for 25 minutes. Then wipe dry with blotting movements - do not rub with a towel. Apply daily cream if desired.

It happens that the skin on the hands cracks due to improper, inadequate nutrition. Carefully analyze and adjust your diet if necessary. After consulting with your doctor, take multivitamin complexes. Timely prevention and daily proper care will bring health and beauty to your hands.

The occurrence of dry hands causes a lot of unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations. First of all, you need to understand what causes this discomfort. It depends on this: will a regular hand cream save you, or should you take the issue more seriously.

Why does the skin on the palms dry out and crack?

The main causes of peeling skin on the hands:

  • influence of external factors,
  • unsuitable soap or cream,
  • change of cosmetic product,
  • doing “dirty” work,
  • regular use of detergents,
  • weather,
  • diseases that result in problems with dry skin of the hands,
  • lack of vitamins (A and E),
  • fungal infections
  • long-term use of medications,
  • allergy,
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema),
  • hormonal disorders.

Important! If dry hands cause you not just discomfort, but also pain, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Prevention of dryness

How to get rid of dryness and restore beauty to your hands?! The answer to this question directly depends on the cause of the problem.
If the appearance of discomfort was provoked by the influence of external factors, then restoring health to your hands will not be difficult.

First of all, you should pay attention to hand hygiene. When choosing soap, you should give preference to natural products that do not contain so-called surfactants, which will not disturb the upper layer of the skin and deprive it of moisture. Wonderful detergents You can make your own using soap base and glycerin. You can also add propolis or honey.

It must be remembered that soft skin Hands cannot tolerate too cold or too hot water. It is advisable to change the towel used for hands daily. After all, having absorbed the remaining moisture, it will serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.
It is advisable to avoid using electric drying devices, as they greatly dry out the skin. It is better to give preference to a paper towel or napkin.

An equally important aspect in hand care is the competent organization of housework. To protect the skin of their hands, most housewives use rubber gloves. To prevent them from harming the skin, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with a protective cream before starting work. Important! You can put on gloves only after the cream has been completely absorbed.

If you have eliminated all negative external factors, but dryness and flaking continue to bother you, then you should consult a specialist.

Folk remedies

There are many wonderful time-tested folk methods for restoring health to the skin on your hands. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that all these methods are aimed at eliminating external defects. And if the problem is hidden inside the body, then you shouldn’t expect a miracle. As a rule, traditional methods bring some relief after the first use. If after two or three procedures you do not feel any improvement, then it is better to consult a doctor.

Let's look at some of the most popular popular remedies that help eliminate dry skin on the hands:

  • potato: Boil a few potatoes in milk and mash them. Apply the mask to your hands until it cools and wash off immediately. Potatoes not only have healing properties, but also nourish and brighten the skin.
  • honey: Warm up some honey in a water bath and apply to your hands. Honey provides your hands not only with nutrition, but also with hydration.
  • bread mask: This mask is made from the pulp of rye bread with the addition of yolk and sour cream. Bread copes wonderfully with the problem of flaking.

2) Oils.
To treat the skin on your hands, it is better to use oil not in its pure form, but as part of wraps or baths, adding glycerin and honey. With this method, the oil will gradually penetrate into the top layer of the skin. The best option in this case would be olive oil. First of all, you need to heat it up and then add other ingredients. We limit the duration of the procedure to a few minutes, and then use a napkin to remove the remains. And to top it off, apply moisturizer to your hands. You can combine several types of oils. Almond, peach seed and pumpkin seed oils, grape seed oil and jojoba oil are well suited for this purpose.

3) Baths.

  • Herbs with strengthening and anti-inflammatory effects are ideal for treating hand skin. Herbs should only be used in dried form. For such purposes, we can recommend thyme, chamomile, string and mint. When preparing the decoction, we observe the following proportions - two tablespoons of herbs to a couple of glasses of boiling water. We keep the hands in the broth for about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, apply cream to dry hands.
  • A decoction of flax seeds, oak bark, elderberry flowers and St. John's wort will be beneficial for your hands. Leave your hands in this bath for up to ten minutes, and then lubricate them with camphor ointment.
  • Ordinary whey also has wonderful properties for moisturizing and disinfecting the skin. To carry out the procedure, it is heated to room temperature, and immerse the handles for five minutes.

4) Peels and scrubs.
Regular brewed coffee is perfect for this purpose. This scrub will gently exfoliate dead skin cells.
You can also prepare a very gentle peeling from thick honey and cream made with almond oil. At the same time, the cream in the composition should be twice as much as honey. This product can be left on the hands overnight, while wearing cotton gloves. And in the morning, rinse with warm water.

Hand cream for cracks and dryness

Exist special creams and ointments to soften the skin. These could be drugs from a pharmacy or the nearest household chemicals store. The main thing is to look at the composition. We will select the most effective creams from dryness.

  1. Radevit is a healing ointment used for cracks and complex wounds.
  2. Hand cream of the “Before and After” brand - intended for dry and rough skin of the hands.
  3. Cream "Lekar" - an aloe-based product designed to soften tight skin.
  4. Velvet hands - cream with allantoin and avocado oil to eliminate flaking and signs of irritation.
  5. D-Panthenol is an ointment used for burns and problems with dry skin.

If the ointments described above do not help, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the cause of dry skin on the palms is an allergy. Then it is necessary to take antihistamines orally or topically (Fenistil ointment).

Diet for skin problems

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to the list of products, the regular use of which will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on health and appearance skin on hands. If the skin on the palms dries and cracks, you can add a special menu to the treatment.

  • dark chocolate, red wine, apples and tea will provide your skin with flan-like substances (protection against free radicals),
  • citrus fruits, legumes, nuts and apricots will help improve metabolic processes in the skin,
  • fish and flaxseed oil will supply the body with omega-3 fatty acids (quickly get rid of cracks, prevent the appearance of wrinkles),
  • carrots will enrich you with keratin, which will protect the skin on your hands from the effects of UV rays,
    sunflower and olive oil will provide you with vitamin E, which will allow the skin of your hands to look young and fresh longer,
  • The beneficial substances contained in oatmeal will protect your hands from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Take these simple tips into account and your hands will be beautiful and healthy!

  • Causes of cracks
  • Traditional treatment.

The causes of cracked hands and dry skin can be external and internal.

Why do my hands crack??
The main cause of cracks in hands and fingers is dry skin.

External causes of cracks in hands
1. Weather. If the skin is exposed to cold, wind or direct sunlight, the skin of the hands dries out and the hands crack. Cold is especially detrimental to the skin - in the cold, the capillaries narrow and the hands are no longer sufficiently supplied with nutrients and moisture.
2. Chemical substances. Hands often crack after contact with washing powders, cleaning products, and dishwashing detergents. Cracks in the skin of the hands may appear after working with the soil - planting, weeding. Hands dry and crack especially quickly after contact with ash. Often cracks on the fingers appear during renovations in an apartment - cement mixtures and wallpaper glue act aggressively on the skin.
3. Frequent and long lasting contact with water. Washing your hands frequently with hot water and soap can cause your hands to become dry and cracked.
4. Using expired or inappropriate cosmetics.
Internal causes of dry skin and cracked hands:
1. Metabolic disorders. This is due to hormonal disorders, some chronic diseases(diabetes, thyroid disease), age.
2. Lack of vitamins A, E, B in the diet
3. Diseases of the digestive tract
4. Skin diseases, especially fungal infections

Cracks on the hands and fingers - traditional treatment.

If the causes of cracks in the hands are related to external factors, then they are easy to treat; you just need to remove the irritating element, and the skin will quickly return to normal. Below are discussed folk remedies treatments that will quickly help cure cracks, both in simple and in more serious, advanced cases. These recipes are taken from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” and tested by readers on themselves.

Lilac oil is a popular folk remedy for cracked hands.
If the skin on your fingers, palms or heels is cracking, you can heal the cracks with lilac oil. It's easy to prepare. Fill a glass jar with white lilac or white lily flowers, pour in unrefined sunflower oil and place in a dark place for three weeks. Then strain. Massage your fingers or heels with this oil - the wounds will heal quickly. (HLS 2011, No. 4, p. 41).

Home treatment for cracked hands with mumiyo solution
During the cold season, the woman’s skin cracked around her nails and on the back of her hand; the cracks were painful and deep, to the point of bleeding. The mummy solution helped - dissolve 2 mummy tablets in water and lubricate your hands with this solution, do not wipe it off. The tooth and pain immediately disappear, and by the end of the second day the skin returns to normal. (HLS 2011, No. 5, p. 8,).

If the skin on your fingers is cracking, wax thimbles will help.
Melt natural beeswax in a water bath. Dip your fingers into the hot wax, one at a time, so that it is hot but tolerable. The wax will harden quickly in the form of thimbles. Then put on cotton gloves, remove the wax in the morning and use it for the next procedure. The woman used this treatment method, and for five years now she has had no problems with cracks in her fingers. My nails are also very strong. (HLS 2011, No. 12, p. 30).

Comprehensive treatment of skin cracks
If the nails peel and break, and the skin around the nails bursts, then the cause of the cracks may be low hemoglobin, a lack of certain microelements in the body, or internal diseases. To identify the reasons, you need to be examined by a therapist. In the meantime, the following folk remedies will help:
1. Baths with sea salt. After such a bath, make a bath of sunflower, olive castor or burdock oil. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
2. Decoction oak bark. 2 tbsp. l. Boil water in a water bath for 20 minutes in 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Soak cotton pads in this broth, apply to your fingers, secure with polyethylene and a bandage. It is advisable to keep the compress all night.
3. Take vitamins internally to strengthen nails, use protective hand creams (2011, No. 20, p. 13).

Traditional treatment for cracked fingers with celandine ointment
If your fingers crack, especially near the nail, then celandine ointment will help: put a handful of celandine in a saucepan, pour in a glass of vegetable oil, bring to a boil and immediately remove. After it has cooled, add 20 g of wax (a little less matchbox), put on fire and stir until the wax dissolves. Remove the ointment from the heat and store in the refrigerator. After applying the ointment, the pain goes away immediately, the wounds heal quickly. (2010, no. 12, p. 33).

Egg yolk ointment will help with cracked skin.
Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar. The result will be a yellowish ointment. At night, apply it to your hands and wear cotton gloves. (2010, no. 22, art. 38,).

Cracks on hands - treatment with oil, chamomile and soda
The woman was unable to cure cracks in her fingers with any creams. The following measures helped heal her skin: she washed the dishes in a soda solution, took 1 tbsp in the morning. l. vegetable oil on an empty stomach, several times a day I made baths with pharmaceutical chamomile, after the bath I lubricated them with aftershave cream with vitamin F. My hands quickly returned to normal. (2009, no. 22, p. 29).

Treatment of cracks with onions.
If you have cracking hands or itchy skin, then a simple remedy will help: you need to eat 1-2 onions every day, you can do it with bread, with soup, but the onion must be fresh. Improvement occurs within 4-5 days. (2007, no. 5, pp. 3-4).

Simple ointment
This ointment will help cure any cracks and abscesses: take 1 tbsp. l. honey, vodka, flour, butter, grind into a homogeneous mass, put this ointment on gauze and fix on the sore spot for 4-5 hours. Everything goes by quickly. (2007, no. 14, p. 30).

Traditional treatment of cracks in the skin with gelatin
The woman’s palms and fingers were cracking until they bled, and she could not work. Taking gelatin – 1 tsp helped. gelatin poured 100 g cold water, insisted, stirred and drank. I took it morning and evening. At night I made baths with the addition of soda, and after the bath I lubricated the skin with sinaflan cream (sold at the pharmacy). I did the baths for a week, and drank gelatin for a month. After this, the skin cleared up and no longer cracked. (2006, no. 22, pp. 30-31).
Another woman also benefited from this gelatin treatment. In the spring, cracks in her hands prevented her from working in the garden. After several gelatin days, the skin on the hands, heels and face became fresh and smooth. After that, instead of gelatin treatment, she began to treat the skin with marmalade - as soon as the skin becomes rough and begins to crack in places, she buys 1 kg of marmalade and drinks tea with it for several days, the skin returns to normal. (2004, no. 7, pp. 25-26).

Bird cherry - popular folk method treatment of cracked hands.
After giving birth to a child, the woman noticed that her hands were cracking from frequent washing - between the fingers and on the palms. She immediately remembered and used the folk remedy for cracks that her mother used. You need to break some bird cherry branches, steep them in boiling water, and then steam your hands. At night I made a compress on my hands from this infusion. The cracks in my hands disappeared in three days. (2004, no. 9, p. 26).

If your skin is cracked, a honey cake will help.
The flatbread is made like this: mix honey, a little melted goose or chicken fat and flour. You should get a viscous dough. Then they wash the skin with warm water and laundry soap, place a honey cake on the sore and knead it over the skin. The top is secured with fabric and insulated with a scarf. This cake helps to cure not only cracks in the hands and fingers, but also abscesses, purulent wounds, and boils. (2004, no. 11, p. 18,).

Calendula ointment is a homemade method for treating cracked hands.
Buy calendula ointment at the pharmacy, apply more ointment on two-layer gauze, apply to the crack, put polyethylene and a bandage on top, hold for as long as possible. Calendula ointment heals well and helps quickly if fingers are cracked (2002, no. 18, p. 17).

Treatment of cracked skin with carrots
Carrots are very helpful for skin problems, especially if it is dry and cracked. You need to prepare a tasty mixture. Grate 1 kg of carrots on a coarse grater, pour in vegetable oil so that the oil completely covers the carrots. Heat the mixture to 80 degrees and keep at this temperature for 3-4 hours. Then pour it into small jars. Eat this carrot snack with porridge, pasta, vegetables and just make sandwiches. The skin will become smooth, healthy, cracks will disappear, and corns and dry calluses on the feet will also disappear. (2002, no. 18, p. 17).

At times, the skin on your hands doesn't look very neat. It dries out and cracks. What are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to get rid of it? Let's figure it out.

Main causes of dry hand skin

The skin on your hands begins to dry out for various reasons. Let's consider internal and external groups of factors, as well as the causes of local and seasonal dry skin.

Internal and external factors

A group of external causes is formed under the influence of external factors. Internal causes of dryness are determined by the characteristics of the human body and health.

dry air;
constantly using too hot or too cold water;
low temperatures on the street;
long exposure to direct sunlight;
improperly selected hand skin care
irregularity of hand care procedures
lack of water in the body;
improper functioning of the digestive system;
hormonal imbalance;
impaired metabolism;
mental disorders;
use of antibiotics longer than the period specified in the annotation for the drug;
vitamin deficiency (especially lack of A and E)
skin diseases in the hand area;
lack of a meal plan;
presence of bad habits
aging of the body;
tendency to peeling from birth

Peeling around the nails, between the fingers and on the palms, after childbirth and seasonally

  • The epidermis on the palms of the hands dries out, primarily due to lack of fluid. In case of severe peeling, a provoking factor may be a skin disease, as well as the use of strong chemical detergents;
  • dry skin around the nails is caused by a lack of nutrition of the outer layer; it lacks care products;

Attention: If cracks occur around the nails, treatment should be started immediately. Dangerous bacteria and infections can penetrate through breaks in the skin and cause blood poisoning and other dangerous diseases.

  • after childbirth, the skin dries as a result of hormonal changes, the production of estrogen in the blood sharply decreases, and also due to vitamin deficiency during breastfeeding;
  • the skin between the fingers cracks as a result of the use of strong detergents, hormonal changes and the presence of fungus;
  • Dry skin in spring and autumn occurs as a result of seasonal vitamin deficiencies and sudden temperature changes.

Causes of cracking skin

Cracks, like dry skin, occur for similar reasons. First of all, cracks appear due to exposure to cold. Strong cooling narrows the vessels located near the upper layers of the epidermis, blood flows worse to the cells, they begin to receive less nutrition, and eventually dry out. In this case, you should limit the contact of moisture and chemicals on the skin, lubricate the cracks with a rich cream and use gloves when doing household work.

Another factor that causes cracks in your hands is improper washing. You should never wash your hands under ice water; the normal temperature should be around 40 degrees. It is also undesirable to use hot water. Strongly acidic cleansers destroy the top layers of the skin. Remaining moisture also has a negative effect, so it is recommended to dry your hands well after washing until they are completely dry. Washed hands should not be overcooled, this will also cause cracks to appear.

Iron deficiency anemia causes cracks in the hands. This disease is determined after donating blood for a hemoglobin test. Due to its low level, the skin on the hands cracks. Before the analysis, iron deficiency anemia is determined by the desire to eat chalk, brittle nails, shortness of breath, weakness, severe fatigue, headaches and pale skin.

What to do if you have dry skin?

At the first symptoms of dry hands, you should definitely take measures to eliminate it. This can be done using pharmaceutical products, as well as traditional medicine methods. The most popular medications and recipes are presented below.

Important: If the skin on your hands is very dry and no remedies help, you should contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy products for the treatment of dry hand skin include multivitamin complexes and ointments:

Neutrovitan. The drug mainly contains vitamin B. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks, 4 capsules per day;
Vitrum beauty. Regular intake of this vitamin complex improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair, and the drug removes toxins from the body. The course of treatment is a month, you should take 3 capsules per day.
Alphabet of cosmetics. The medicine contains a complex useful microelements. Copes with vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency. The course of treatment is a month, it is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day with an interval of 4 hours.
Supradin Rosh. Broad-spectrum multivitamins. Restores skin and mucous membranes. Should be taken for at least 30 days. It is recommended to take one tablet per day.
Boro Plus. Universal spectrum ointment. Cleanses the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, nourishes and eliminates flaking.
Radevit. Fights inflammation, restores the upper layers of the epidermis. Normalizes metabolic processes, moisturizes and increases elasticity. Contains vitamins A, D and E.
Bepanten. The composition contains panthenolic acid, restores the skin, and intensively copes with dryness.
Neutrogenia. The ointment effectively copes with dryness and prevents moisture from evaporating from the epidermis. Quickly absorbed and comfortable to use.
A mash of salicylic ointment and glycerin. Buy salicylic ointment and glycerin, mix in equal proportions and apply several times a day; you can add various oils for greater effectiveness.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine recipes involve the use of various masks and hand baths:

mix honey with oatmeal and let it brew. Apply to the skin of your hands for half an hour. After the procedure, wash off and lubricate your hands with ointment;
Mix egg white and lemon juice in equal proportions. Lubricate your palms and hold for half an hour. Rinse, moisturize the skin with cream;
mix glycerin and honey 2:1, add a little flour for thickness. Apply the mask for half an hour on your fingertips. Instead of glycerin, you can use any oil, just keep it on all night. After the procedure, rinse off;
Mix chicken yolk (1 piece) with a tablespoon of natural yogurt and 2 teaspoons of strong green tea, rub the mask into the skin, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse. After the procedure, apply a pharmaceutical product;
Mix half a tablespoon of honey with olive oil, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply to the skin of your hands, leave for 15 minutes, rinse;
take a tablespoon of natural cottage cheese, mix with half a peeled tomato, apply the mixture to your hands for 30 minutes, then rinse, lubricate the skin with pharmaceutical ointment;
Add 2 teaspoons of flax oil and 2 teaspoons of honey to melted beeswax (2 tsp), let cool, then rub into your hands.
dilute sea salt in water and keep your hands in this solution for about 10 minutes, after the procedure, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream or ointment;
dilute several tablespoons of vegetable or essential oil in a liter of warm water, keep your hands in it for about 10-15 minutes, after the procedure lubricate your hands with cream;
boil oatmeal with plenty of water, strain the broth, keep your hands in it for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and soften with cream;
Brew chamomile flowers, add a few tablespoons of olive oil to the broth. Keep your hands in the bath for about 10 minutes. Rinse, lubricate with cream;
use store-bought products for paraffin baths, follow the instructions.

Cosmetic preparations

Creams that cope with dry epidermis:

  • Hydroactive. Triple effect cream, restores the epidermis of the hands, improves the condition of the nail plates;
  • Velours. Well moisturizes the epidermis, protects against adverse environmental factors, and treats minor damage. Contains chamomile, glycerin and vitamin E;
  • Salon Spa. Moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles. Contains kelp and silk extract. Removes flaking and dullness, intensively nourishes;
  • Doctor Sante. Gentle care for dry hand skin. After use it does not leave a sticky feeling, is comfortable to use, intensely nourishes;
  • Homemade recipes. Contains peach oil and royal jelly. Effectively eliminates inflammation, fights age-related changes in the skin, retains moisture in the epidermis and does not allow it to evaporate;
  • Handson. Deep nutrition and effective hydration. Contains plant components.

Interview with a specialist

Cosmetologist Olga Metelskaya will talk about effective means against cracked and dry epidermis of the hands:

Prevention of cracking and dryness

  • maintaining cleanliness of hands and proper washing, thorough wiping of moisture;
  • daily rubbing of moisturizing and nourishing creams with glycerin and paraffins;
  • using gloves when performing household chores;
  • In winter, it is mandatory to wear mittens; hypothermia (frostbite of the skin) is not allowed;
  • daily consumption of at least 2 liters of water;
  • Do not wipe paint-stained hands with chemical solvents;
  • do not use highly acidic detergents;
  • use of multivitamin complexes;
  • establishing a diet and daily routine;
  • It is recommended to carry out medicinal baths once a week as a preventive measure;
  • healthy sleep is very important for the health of the epidermis of the hands;
  • It is advisable to use a humidifier at home.

Dryness and cracks in the skin of the hands occur quite often. A high-quality care package and the use of medications will help you cope with them. To avoid such problems, it is better to take preventive measures. In case of particularly severe peeling and cracking, when no remedy helps, you should contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist, they will help determine the causes and choose the right treatment.

The content of the article

Women's hands They are under a lot of stress, because they need to wash a bunch of dishes, paint the windows, clean the kitchen and bathroom until they shine, plant a garden bed and clean the apartment. They constantly have to come into contact with aggressive chemicals, and this is harmful to them. Therefore, the skin on the hands becomes dry, ages, and cracks may appear on it.

Causes of cracks

The reasons for the appearance of cracks in the palms can be very different. If you do not have a fungal disease, then this is most likely due to insufficient care for them, overdrying and contact with household chemicals. Because of this, your skin loses its elasticity and epithelial cells begin to slough off.

Cracks form deep, in the folds of the palms. They cause you discomfort at first, and then pain. And if the cracks become very deep, they may begin to bleed and heal poorly.


The appearance of cracks in the palms and their treatment are interconnected. If the dermatologist has not identified the disease mycosis, then you can easily use folk remedies. If your cracks do not bleed, then cosmetic procedures can help you.

If your cracks are not getting wet, you can try a mask made from green onion pulp, which should be applied to your palms for half an hour. After this, you should carefully rinse off the mask with warm water and lubricate your palms with vegetable or olive oil.

You can also benefit from baths made from potato broth. To do this, you should boil the potatoes in their jackets, and steam your hands in this water for twenty minutes, after which you should rinse them in clean water and lubricate them with burdock or olive oil to soften them.

Starch baths will also be useful. In order to prepare them, you need to take one tablespoon of starch and dilute it in a liter of warm water. You should warm your hands in this solution for half an hour. Such baths should be done daily for two weeks. During this time, this problem should disappear.

Paraffin baths

If folk remedies can correct your problem within a month, then paraffin baths should be done so that the cracks in your palms heal completely. To do this you will need twenty procedures.

Paraffin baths use medical paraffin, which is heated to fifty to sixty degrees. This procedure can be carried out not only in salons, but also at home. To do this, you need to melt white medical paraffin and warm it in a water bath.

You cannot heat paraffin without a water bath, because it may lose its properties. It is heated using two pans inserted one into the other. Water should be boiling in the bottom pan, and paraffin should be melting in the top pan. In this case, the upper pan should not touch the bottom of the lower one, and the water should not exceed its level and get into the paraffin.

Once the paraffin has warmed up, you should take a soft, flat brush and apply a protective layer of paraffin to your hands. It should prevent burns from occurring. This thin layer will dry instantly, so you can immediately put your hands in a special bag, which you can also make yourself from oilcloth, which will contain hot paraffin. Your hands on top need to be insulated. A towel or scarf is suitable for this. This procedure should be done for half an hour, after which your hands will need to be cleaned of paraffin and lubricated. castor oil or glycerin.

You can also simplify this procedure and not immerse your hands in paraffin, but simply put your hands with protective paraffin layers in a saucepan, wrap them in cellophane with insulation and leave for half an hour.

Before a paraffin bath, you can scrub your hands and wipe them dry, because water can cause burns. After a bath, you should also not wash your hands. Simply remove paraffin and apply to hands vegetable oil or nourishing cream.
Also, with the help of paraffin baths, you can restore your hands after working with soil, repairs and contact with household chemicals. They can completely heal cracks in the palms and will be an excellent means of prevention.
