Essay on what I was like as a teenager. Essay on the topic of teenage problems. Several interesting essays

Essay on the topic: “How did I feel when I was a teenager?”

"Unfortunately, I'm only 15 years old

The girl who has the only one

The workers are the parents.”
From Runeti

Did I, as a teenager, think about the meaning of life, about the fact that the passing age will never return, about the fact that tomorrow will be the same as today. I think so, and more than once. This problem has been worrying many young people for centuries.

Everything that surrounded me was constantly changing. This is how the world works. Every morning I woke up full of hopes and expectations. Some part of my soul was changing, and so were my friends. I tried to improve, strived for new heights. Of course, I couldn't become perfect. I made mistakes, and this was the norm for my age. After all, it is difficult to be kind, fair, and honest. This must be learned by acquiring deep experience, which was the result of all my little ups and downs.

Read a book, meet with interesting friend, someone's good deed leaves its mark. And if you feel that this is an ideal, you begin to involuntarily strive for it. Then I understood that the most important thing was the state of my soul. And if it is empty, then the world becomes boring and uninteresting. To prevent this from happening, I improved spiritually, tried to see my shortcomings, change, become better than yesterday, tomorrow better than today. My every day is a little life. When I met her, I started with myself. What the continuation would be depended only on me. I knew that there were difficulties ahead that I needed to learn to overcome, and temptations that I shouldn’t give in to.

The life of a teenager is constant struggle good and evil. I always remembered this. Moreover, I sought to help good win. Every day I learned something, strived for new heights, correcting mistakes, gaining experience. I liked being useful and people need. I believed that this is in the nature of every person, you just need to awaken such a desire in yourself. Every day you have to become not just different, but certainly more perfect, kinder, in order to make better world, in which we live. I wanted nothing more than to live my life with meaning, leaving a bright mark in people’s memory. It's wonderful to be a teenager!

Pogodina S.V. 4th course OZO

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Test on the topic:

Psychophysiological features adolescence


I) 1.1 Features of adolescence, boundaries, stages of development

1.2 Puberty as the most important factor in adolescent development

1.3 Physical and social psychological characteristics adolescence

II) 2.1 Children's behavioral reactions during adolescence

2.2 Appearance of a teenager


List of used literature


Every age is important for human development. And yet adolescence occupies a special place in psychology. This is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, representing a period of personality formation. The main content of adolescence is its transition from childhood to adult life. All aspects of development undergo a qualitative restructuring, new psychological formations arise and are formed, the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, and social attitudes are formed. This transformation process determines all the main personality characteristics of adolescent children. For adolescence The teenager is characterized by a reorientation with parents, teachers and, in general, older peers who are more or less equal in status. Teenagers tend to gravitate toward groupings with peers, where social interaction skills are developed and tested.

Every age is good in its own way. And at the same time, each age has its own characteristics and difficulties. Adolescence is no exception. This is the longest transition period, which is characterized by a number of physical changes. At this time, intensive development of the personality takes place, its rebirth.

I ) 1.1 Features of adolescence, boundaries, stages of development

Adolescence is the period of life when a person develops norms and ways of building communication. And this is helped by socially useful activity in any of its forms: production-labor, artistic, social-organizational, sports, educational - and most importantly, the free transition from one form to another. However, we must admit that the organization school life does not yet satisfy the requirements of this leading activity of adolescence. Therefore, it is in this direction that it is necessary to improve the educational process. This is all the more important since the main psychological new formations of adolescents - conscious regulation of their affairs and actions, the ability to take into account the feelings, interests, desires and character of other people and focus on them when organizing their behavior - are formed in developed forms of socially useful activities.

The formation of a psychological mechanism that allows one to take into account the interests of another person occurs specifically in adolescents. Therefore, the richness of forms and methods of human communication and their moral behavior in the future largely depends on the nature and organization of their socially useful activities at this stage of life.

Adolescence is the time of life when universal human problems and values ​​are especially concerned, and the moral consciousness, the general outlines of a life position are outlined. But for its final determination, the teenager does not yet have the necessary civic experience or a clear orientation in social relations. High school students already have all the prerequisites for this - their age is internally connected with the construction of life plans, with the determination of their future path. It is no coincidence that the main psychological new formation of a high school student is self-awareness.

An individual who has gone through all the periods of personality development develops and consolidates the qualities that underlie his worldview and morality and are necessary for subsequent active production and civic activity.

The boundary of adolescence in medical, pedagogical, psychological, sociological and legal literature is understood differently: sometimes as 11-14 years old, sometimes as 14-18 years old, sometimes as 12-20 years old, etc. From the standpoint of adolescent psychiatry, to It is most rational to attribute to this age the entire period of puberty - from its first signs to the onset of full maturity. The age of legal independence currently coincides with the latter in most countries - 18 years.

From a psychological point of view, puberty is divided into two parts: negative and positive stages. In the first of them (up to 15 years), the teenager opposes himself to others, especially older ones, contradicts everywhere, does not obey established rules and orders. In the positive stage (from the age of 16), there is an opposite tendency towards socialization, familiarization with the spiritual values ​​of one’s time, and the development of life rules.

1.2 Puberty as the most important factor in adolescent development

Puberty occupies a special place in the development of a child. The onset of puberty coincides with adolescence and is its distinctive feature. The maturation of the reproductive system reaches the level of an adult by the age of seventeen to eighteen. There is a definite connection between the hormonal activity of the gonads and the physical and sexual development of adolescents. Thus, growth acceleration in boys and girls begins at at different ages. In boys, the most intensive growth occurs at thirteen–fifteen years, in girls – at eleven–thirteen. Girls begin to outstrip boys in height at about the age of ten. After thirteen to fourteen years, with the onset of the first menstruation, the growth rate of girls drops sharply, and boys begin to overtake them again. The increase in weight also has certain patterns: up to the age of eleven, the weight of girls and boys is approximately the same: from eleven to fourteen years, the weight of girls exceeds the weight of boys, but by the age of sixteen, the weight of boys significantly exceeds the weight of their peers. The level of puberty reflects the state of the neuro-endocrine regulatory mechanisms of the body as a whole and is one of the main indicators of the maturity of the reproductive system. Some adolescents experience the growth spurt and onset of puberty earlier or later than most of their peers. In such cases, it is customary to talk about a discrepancy between biological and passport ages, a general delay or acceleration of sexual and physical development. These features should be taken into account when constructing training programs.

Some teenagers in the initial period of puberty also have problems remembering large amounts of information. During this period, the formation of gender identity and sexual role occurs. This is a very important circumstance, because Puberty is the core around which a teenager’s self-awareness is structured. The teenager begins to recognize himself not as a child, but more as an adult, as if trying on adult roles that he is not allowed to play. Therefore, a teenager often feels that he is not understood, which leads to psychological and social conflicts, the way out of which for a teenager can be to search for an environment in which they “understand.”

1.3 Physical and sociopsychological characteristics of adolescence

Adolescence as a transitional period.

The teenage period of life constitutes a transitional stage between childhood, with its complete dependence on elders and the inability to exist without them, and adulthood with its ability to independent life, reproduction and education of offspring. Adolescence is also called puberty, as it covers the process of puberty from its first signs to its completion. Adolescence is also a transitional age in sociopsychological terms. It is during this period that the formation of character, i.e., the basis of personality, occurs. At the same time, some other personal components are identified and laid down - abilities, inclinations, interests, a significant part social relations. It is no coincidence that this age is called “difficult”. The formation of character, the transition from childhood cared for by adults to independence - all this exposes and sharpens the weaknesses of the personality, making it especially vulnerable and susceptible to unfavorable influences of the environment.

The adolescent complex includes mood swings from unbridled joy to despondency and back again without sufficient reason, as well as a number of other polar qualities that appear alternately. Sensitivity to outsiders' assessment of one's appearance, abilities, and skills is combined with excessive arrogance and categorical judgments regarding others. Sentimentality sometimes coexists with amazing callousness, painful shyness with swagger, the desire to be recognized and appreciated by others with ostentatious independence, the struggle with authorities, generally accepted rules and widespread ideals with the deification of random idols, and sensual fantasy with dry philosophizing.

From my point of view, the essence of the adolescent complex consists of certain psychological characteristics, behavioral patterns, and specific adolescent behavioral reactions to the influences of the surrounding social environment characteristic of this age. These include reactions of emancipation, grouping with peers, the reaction of infatuation (hobby reaction) and reactions caused by emerging sexual attraction.

II ) 2.1 Children's behavioral reactions during adolescence

These reactions in children were described by a number of French psychiatrists - G. Heuyer, J. Dublineau, H. Joli, L. Michaux. In our country, G.E. Sukhareva (1959), O.V. Kerbikov (1961) and V.V. Kovalev (1973) used them to understand behavioral disorders in childhood. To a certain extent, these childhood reactions retain their role in adolescents. These reactions include the following: refusal reaction, opposition reaction, imitation reaction, negative imitation, compensation reaction, overcompensation reaction.

2.2 Appearance of a teenager, state of mind teenager

A teenager's appearance is another source of conflict. The gait, manners, and appearance change. Until recently, a boy who moved freely and easily begins to waddle, putting his hands deep in his pockets and spitting over his shoulder. He has new expressions. The girl begins to jealously compare her clothes and hairstyle with the examples she sees on the street and on magazine covers, splashing out emotions about the existing discrepancies on her mother. Parents are not satisfied with either youth fashion, nor the prices for things that their child needs so much. And the teenager, considering himself a unique person, at the same time strives to be no different from his peers.

The following happens internally:

The teenager has his own position. He considers himself old enough and treats himself as an adult. The desire for everyone (teachers, parents) to treat him as an equal, an adult. But at the same time, he will not be embarrassed by the fact that he demands more rights than he assumes responsibilities. And the teenager does not want to be responsible for anything, except in words. The desire for independence is expressed in the fact that control and help are rejected. The leading activity at this age is communication. By communicating, first of all, with his peers, a teenager receives the necessary knowledge about life. Very important for a teenager is the opinion of the group to which he belongs. The very fact of belonging to a certain group gives him additional self-confidence. The teenager’s position in the group, the qualities that he acquires in the team, significantly influence his behavioral motives. Most of all features personal development teenagers manifest themselves in communication with peers. Every teenager dreams of a bosom friend. What about someone who could be trusted “100%”, like oneself, who will be devoted and faithful, no matter what. In a friend they look for similarities, understanding, acceptance. A friend satisfies the need for self-understanding. In practice, a friend is an analogue of a psychotherapist. Most often, they are friends with a teenager of the same gender, social status, and the same abilities (however, sometimes friends are selected by contrast, as if to complement their missing traits). Friendship is selective; betrayal is not forgiven. And along with teenage maximalism friendly relations are of a peculiar nature: on the one hand, there is a need for a single devoted friend, on the other, a frequent change of friends.


I believe that the topic “Psychophysiological characteristics of adolescence” plays a very important role in our difficult times. This topic is still subject to careful study, because parents and teachers are often faced with the problems of adolescence, you need to be able to solve them correctly, find an approach to the child, and also learn to find a way out of any situation

Adolescence is a time of rapid and largely contradictory development, followed by a period of relatively calm growth and accumulation of strength in younger schoolchildren. At this time, significant changes occur both in the child’s body and psyche, which play an extremely important role in the formation of a person’s personality. This age is characterized by the desire to recognize one’s own merits in one’s significant teenage environment. The teenager experiences an internal conflict: a longed-for farewell to childhood and its serenity and the severity of parting with a lack of responsibility.

Educational activities and school ceases to be the main and most important task. Intimate and personal communication with peers becomes the leading activity. In adolescence, there is a decrease in the productivity of mental activity due to the fact that concrete thinking is replaced by logical thinking.

Adolescence is characterized by a focus on one’s own personality, self-exploration and self-analysis.

A teenager tries to speak out, even if only to himself (diaries). During this period, there is a growth in self-awareness, as an internally mastered experience of social relationships, allowing a deeper understanding of others and oneself. Adolescence is such an intense stage of change in a child’s life that it absorbs him entirely.

It is necessary to give the teenager the opportunity to feel the continuity of life and the continuity of change and self-development, and this stage is only another, perhaps the most difficult and real, step towards adulthood.

List of used literature

1) Abramova G.S. Developmental psychology: Tutorial for university students. – Ekaterinburg: Business book, 2002, - 704 pp.: Publishing house. 3rd, Spanish and additional

2) Davydov V.V. Psychological Dictionary. Pedagogy, 1983. – 448 p.

3) Dubrovina I.V., Prikhozhan A.M., Zatsepin V.V. Developmental and educational psychology: Reader: Textbook. A manual for students. higher textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001. – 368 p.

4) Lichko A.E. Adolescent psychiatry. – Ed. 2nd, add. and processed – L.: Medicine, 1985. – 416s, 2 p. ill.

5) A.A. Rean. Human psychology from birth to death. – St. Petersburg: prime – EUROZNAK, 2002. – 656 p.

6) Stolyarenko L.D. Basics of psychology. Rostov n/a. Publishing house "Phoenix", 1997 - 736 p.

How do I see myself and my peers? This is a difficult question for anyone. It is almost impossible to answer this question objectively, much less give a characterization of a personality that is formed in conditions of unpredictability and chaos, in times of change, without any confidence in the future.

In my opinion, it was much easier for our grandparents to raise their children, that is, our parents. They all lived in another country. Now there is a lot of discussion about whether it was good or bad then, I will not deal with this, but I know one thing for sure - then there was a certain ideology, and in accordance with it the life of the citizens of that country was built. At home, at school, at summer camp, in all kinds of clubs and sections, the younger generation was raised the same way. There was a single code of honor and uniform rules for everyone, there were no contradictions. Of course, everything did not always go smoothly, but more often these were exceptions to the rules.

Nowadays the situation is different. It can be very difficult for modern children and teenagers to conform to a certain model, ideal, especially when each adult has his own: dad has one, mom has another, teachers have a third, a dance coach has a fourth, and so on ad infinitum. Is it necessary at all? to modern man match someone's ideas? Today a lot of information appears, it is not always necessary and useful, but it flows in a continuous stream from everywhere, and no one, not even adults, can control this flow. However, this is required of young, unformed personalities.

Modern teenagers can be called punks, goths, emo, majors, yuppies, Tolkienists or something else. All this suggests that young people today are free individuals who choose ways of self-expression that are closer to them. They are confident in themselves, so confident that they are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. But such a large number of youth associations also suggests that teenagers are very often not accepted or understood by adults. They are burdened with non-childish problems. They get lost in the abundance of information, it is more difficult for them to find themselves and make a choice. My peers and I live in an atmosphere of uncertainty, but at the same time we must bear responsibility for the wrong choice on an equal basis with adults. We hear a lot of criticism directed at us. But there are many talented people among us, but not all adults, based on their past experience, can discern the beginnings of genius in one of us. Among us there are many kind, honest, even noble, open to the world people. But how does this world most often greet us? I think the answer to this question is obvious.

The modern teenager is free, and this freedom makes us bold, sometimes fearless. Without this, it would be difficult to express your opinion, declare your rights and defend them. Only courage allows you to express your thoughts out loud and frankly discuss your problems with adults, to declare that they exist, and that representatives of all generations have them. Only courage gives you the strength to solve these problems and move forward. And “only the brave conquer the seas.”

What are they reading? modern teenagers?

I have been working at school for many years. I read literature to my students. And like all adults, language teachers, the question arises: do children read these days, and if they do, then what?

What prevents them from enjoying the golden reserve of human wisdom? Should we look for those responsible for all this?

Who are they, the culprits of this whole picture?

Phones, gadgets?

However, this is not always true.

Any book enters a child’s life through parents, through us, teachers, at an early age.

In my opinion, the atmosphere in the family is extremely important. I was born and lived in the Dagestan steppes. An amazingly rich and kind childhood.

This is a rural area, everyone lives in a private house, where a mailbox hangs near the gate.

Our box was always bursting with an abundance of magazines and newspapers.

The names of some of them: “Family and School”, “Peasant Woman”, “Our Garden”, “Technology”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Pioneer Truth” and so on. Not only my family read, absolutely everyone read it.

Maybe someone will say that times are different now, that the video series has blocked access to bookshelves.

Yes, today it is enough to find an answer to any question on the Internet.

The following activity needs to be brought back into fashion: reading aloud at home.

Such a pastime makes the family more friendly and strong.

And this is true. When I look at the books that are on our shelves, I am once again convinced that these are our friends: if we need good advice, how to glue wallpaper, how to bake a pie, we turn to the book.

My childhood.

Every evening fairy-tale characters from the pages of our favorite works come to our house, because every time at the end of the day my mother and I read fairy tales out loud. That is why today I am not just declaring that reading aloud at home brings people closer together, I encourage everyone to do this good deed. We discuss what we read for a long time, compare the plot twists with our everyday life, because, as in fairy tales, in real life We are surrounded by “characters” endowed with positive and negative qualities.

Books are the main thing, TV is secondary. Books teach and enrich our spiritual world, broaden their horizons, and finally bring them closer together.

I proudly declare that in each of my classrooms there are students who read avidly, and all members of their families read.

It is these students who I give the opportunity to express their opinion on this or that hero, what attracted them to him, what qualities they remember, what they can invite their classmates to read.

And every day there are more and more readers. I compare each literary hero with today's people, I say that everything in our lives is repeated, that the heroes about whom our great classics wrote are still among us today.

My current sixth-graders are very proud of Lefty, his courage and talent, sense of patriotism, with great pleasure they write essays on the main characters of Chekhov’s characters, they say that all the topics raised by the author are extremely relevant today.

In our age of extreme speeds, the question of the necessity of a book often arises.

Some believe that the book will soon be replaced by the computer. I think these questions will not arise for those who have learned to read, who have been encouraged to read.

The life of a teenager is very difficult. This is a difficult age in which many problems can be expected. They are very difficult to deal with alone. Most adults say that life is easy for a teenager because they live in their parents' house, where they are supported financially. But this is not true, because besides this, teenagers have a lot of difficulties.

The problem at this age is misunderstanding between the child and parents. In most cases, teenagers simply want to seem like adults and therefore behave aggressively and protest. They don't want to obey their ancestors because they consider themselves adults. I believe that parents should talk to their child and support him in all endeavors so that he feels important in life.

Another of the most important problems for teenagers is education. Not everyone can decide future profession. This situation causes a lot of thought and debate with parents. It seems to me that parents should not insist on a certain decision. It is necessary to offer the child options, and only he can choose. Because if a father or mother says that their child will study where they want, a conflict will arise. Also, one of the important problems is appearance teenager Many girls at this age believe that they are not beautiful, have overweight. That's why they diet and put a lot of makeup on their faces. In this case, the mother needs to talk to her daughter and explain to her that she is beautiful so that the daughter will believe it and stop losing weight.

Adolescence brings with it cruelty and pain. It is at this age that many meet their first love. In order for the feelings to be mutual, they are ready to do a huge number of rash actions to prove their love. Everyone should have a personal life. It affects behavior, character, actions and, of course, studies. Usually, parents are against relationships at this age. Many teenagers often hear a similar phrase: “First unlearn, and then love.” Parents don't understand their children. They refuse to hear that their child likes the opposite sex. I believe every person has the right to privacy. Every adult, at one time or another, had a first love. Perhaps, unfortunately, it ended in distant youth, or perhaps it continues close by many years later. Therefore, teenagers tend to fall in love and make mistakes.

In conclusion, I would like to say that every teenager has their own problems, but in most cases they are similar. To cope with difficulties, you need to talk about them with people you trust so that they can give you advice.

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