How to teach a child to read: the right and quick ways. What to pay attention to: learning to read quickly. Be able to highlight the main points in the text

How to teach a child to read syllables

1) First. Advice on choosing methods and manuals.
It will be best if you buy an ABC book, authored by N.S. Zhukova (see photo).

This manual very effectively helps the child understand how to begin to form letters into syllables, read syllables, and then whole sentences. There are not many pictures in it, but there are enough of them so that your child does not get bored.
Be sure to buy this primer, it is sold in any bookstore with educational literature(or you can download it online if you find it).

2) Second. How to learn vowels and consonants correctly.
First we learn open vowels, hard ones: A, O, U, Y, E.

Then we learn hard voiced consonants: M, L.

Important: you need to pronounce consonants only with sounds, then

there is not Me, not Em, but simply “M” and that’s it.
Then we learn dull and hissing sounds: Zh, Sh, K, D, T, etc.

3) Third. Repetition is the mother of learning.
Be sure to repeat the material covered at each lesson, that is, the sounds that we learned in the previous lesson. Consolidating the material will allow your child to quickly develop the correct reading mechanism.

4) Fourth. Read syllable by syllable.
But now that we have already learned some of the sounds, we need to teach the child to read syllables. It's actually not as difficult as it seems.

Let's analyze the syllable "Ma".
Look in the primer how the first letter of a syllable - “M” - runs to the second letter - “a”. This is how you need to teach a child to read syllable by syllable: “m-m-m-ma-a-a-a-a” - “m-m-m-ma-a-a-a-a.” The child must understand that the first letter runs towards the second, and as a result, both are pronounced together, together, inseparably from each other.

5) Fifth. We learn simple syllables.
The first syllables you should teach your child to read should be simple, consisting of two sounds, for example, MA, LA, PA, LO, PO.

The child must understand how sounds are composed into syllables, he must understand the algorithm for this reading by syllables. Then, after a couple of days, he will begin to read more complex syllables: ZHU, VE, DO, that is, with hissing and voiceless consonants.

6) Sixth. We learn more complex syllables.
It is still too early to move on to reading books, that is, to reading words. It is better to reinforce reading by syllables for a longer time, so that the child thoroughly understands the mechanism of composing syllables, and from them - words.

So, after the child has already begun to read in syllables consisting of two letters, begin to give him more complex syllables in which the vowel comes before the consonant: AB, OM, US, EH.

7) Seventh. We learn to read the first simple words.
But here you can start giving the first ones to read difficult words: MA-MA, RA-MA, MO-LO-KO.

8) Eighth. Watch the pronunciation.
To teach your child to read well, be sure to watch the first pronunciation of syllables.

Attention: some parents and even teachers and kindergarten teachers force children to sing syllables. Children get used to this and begin to sing them constantly, without even making spaces between words. That is, “ma-ma-we-la-ra-mu” is sung by such children in one breath. And some children even manage to sing the entire text of an entire paragraph, without pausing even when there are periods, commas or exclamation (question) marks.
Therefore: if you teach a child to read, teach him well right away - do not allow the child to sing everything, be sure to force him to pause between words and, even more so, between sentences. Immediately teach your child this way: sing a word, pause, sing a second word, pause. Then he will shorten the pauses himself, but to start, pauses must be taken.

9) Ninth. At what age should a child be taught to read?

At 5 and even 6 years old - at this age, in fact preparatory age Before school, children must be taught to read and write basic phrases in block letters. Like “MOM”, “COW”, “MILK”. Teachers in kindergartens usually cope with this. But those children who do not go to kindergarten for one reason or another must definitely receive this knowledge at home from their parents, or grandparents, or from a tutor. The fact is that the modern training program in high school already implies that the child comes to first grade already able to read syllables.
Therefore, if you teach him before school, then it will be very easy for him to read at school, and he will survive the first stress from school calmly.

10) Tenth. We learn by playing.
Do not try to immediately teach your child to read fluently or expressively. First of all, he must learn to form syllables on his own, read them in a book, form words and sentences, that is, simply master the technique of reading. Let it be very slow at first, let it be difficult for him. But you must smoothly, quietly and calmly correct his mistakes, as if playfully. After all, playing is always relaxing and stress-free. And this is exactly what is needed for the child to calmly understand everything that adults demand from him.

And one last thing. If you follow all these 10 tips and rules, you will teach your child to read quite quickly - in 1.5-2 months.

PS : At the end of 1st grade, reading should be correct, conscious and expressive, with an approximate reading speed of 30-35 words per minute.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Children should receive certain skills and knowledge from their parents. All mothers and fathers should know how to teach a child to read correctly at home using a primer or using other methods. This skill will help the baby more easily perceive the world around us, adapt to school, gain knowledge in other subjects. Eat different methods teaching children to read. Find out about their features.

How to teach a child to read correctly and quickly

Some parents believe that only specialists should work with their baby, but this opinion is wrong. Knowing a few secrets, showing persistence and patience, you can teach your little one the basics of quick reading on their own at home. With such skills, it will be much easier for a child to adapt to society, and he will master the school curriculum much faster.

When to teach a child to read

Previously, this skill was instilled in children only at school, as a last resort, in kindergarten, i.e. no earlier than five years of age. Now times have changed and it is recommended that children begin education almost from the first year of life. How can parents make sure their child is psychologically and physically ready to engage in:

  1. A good sign is that the child is early age interested in children's books.
  2. The baby must be able to speak and understand the meanings simple words, be able to formulate sentences, express thoughts in phrases, perceive information and sounds in a phonemic way.
  3. The child knows basic directions (up-down, left-right) and can navigate in space.
  4. The baby has good hearing, no serious problems with pronunciation or other developmental disabilities. If you have speech impediments, make an appointment with a speech therapist.

Which alphabet should I teach?

As a rule, a classic primer and some other materials are used for classes: posters, cubes, cards. Many parents, having tried modern methods, return to teaching reading in the usual way. You can purchase a primer developed by Natalya Zhukova. This teacher offers a way of teaching that combines classical and original approaches.

Basic rules of reading technique

It is worth noting that some parental actions can kill a person’s interest in books for life. How to properly teach a child to read:

  1. Never force. Try to interest your child by telling interesting stories. Read aloud to him, set your own positive example, this way you will teach him faster. Don't force your child or scold him if he makes mistakes. Praise your child for his successes.
  2. First, learn to perceive sounds, and only then move on to the letters of the alphabet.
  3. Practice mastering syllables. This will make it easier to learn the letters.
  4. Review the material you have covered regularly. It's better to do it in game form, don't give tests because it can be offensive.
  5. First, learn the simplest words with repeating words (ma-ma). Then you can move on to more complex tasks. The syllable-letter scheme (ko-t, do-m) is suitable. When the baby masters the technique of reading words, teach elementary and then complex sentences. The last ones to introduce are exercises with й, ь, ъ. This is a very simple mechanism for mastering the skill of reading aloud.
  6. During a walk, ask your child to say what is written on signs and billboards, this way you will quickly teach him to read.
  7. Choose games for knowledge of individual letters. Buy alphabet blocks.
  8. Do not teach the names of letters (“er”, “es”). He may distort words later.
  9. Practice every day to teach reading. Don’t give up lessons, even if you think your child already knows how to do everything.

Methods of teaching reading to a preschooler at home

There are different schemes for teaching children, proposed by experts. Parents are advised to study in detail the features of each method, choose the preferred one and practice only according to it. If you use several lesson plans, you can simply confuse your child and discourage him from learning. Check out some popular early learning methods.

Maria Montessori Method

An Italian teacher suggests starting learning with writing. Maria Montessori advises children to draw capital letters. Techniques such as outlining and shading should be used. Then you need to move on to making letters from bulk materials, for example, plasticine. Drawings and layouts must be composed, letters must be added, and at the last stage the syllables must be pronounced.

Methodology of Nikolai Zaitsev

One of the most popular learning methods that provides quick results. Perfect for active kids. Training is conducted using cubes with warehouses. There are those with one letter, and those with two. They are colorful. The cubes with vowel sounds are golden. Those with ringing warehouses, gray and are called iron. Wooden cubes brown contain unvoiced syllables, and white and green ones contain punctuation marks. For ease of perception, they all have different contents, weights and sizes.

All classes with cubes according to Zaitsev’s method are conducted only in a playful form. The kit includes tables with warehouses that should always be visible, and examples of special exercises. Warehouses need to be assembled according to certain principles, sing, imitate the sounds of animals. You can come up with games yourself, together with your baby, based on what will be more interesting to him.

Glen Doman Method

It is aimed at mastering not sounds and syllables, but whole words at once. They are written on special cards with pictures. Parents should show each of them to the child for 15 seconds, loudly explaining the meaning. The first lessons should be very short, no longer than 5-10 minutes. Advantages effective methodology Domana:

  • suitable for children from birth;
  • you can use an individual approach, form a specific vocabulary;
  • comprehensively develops;
  • You can make the material yourself.

The Doman system is not without a number of disadvantages. Teachers highlight the following disadvantages and shortcomings:

  • the learning process is passive;
  • not perceived by children over three years of age.

Where to start teaching your child to read

Be sure to choose the appropriate study guides. Use books, posters, cards and blocks. Training stages:

  1. Introduce your baby to open vowels. Say them and sing them.
  2. After the initial stage, move on to voiced consonants.
  3. Remember dull and hissing sounds. Only after this can you move on to learning to read by syllables. Memorizing letters rather than sounds may cause difficulties in the future.
  4. Teach your child to form syllables from two vowels. He must understand how sounds are connected.
  5. Go to syllables in which the first letter is a consonant and the second is a vowel. It will be easy.
  6. Combine syllables with sibilants.
  7. Go to closed warehouses (vowel-consonant).

Teaching a child to read in a playful way

Having fun is the easiest way to instill an interest in books in a child. There are many game techniques aimed at developing reading techniques:

  1. Learn together short poems talking about letters.
  2. Make the letters yourself. To learn the alphabet, collect them from available materials: plasticine, counting sticks, matches. You can cut them out of cardboard and cover them with colored paper.
  3. Create an album in which each page becomes a “home” for a letter. Paste pictures with words that begin with it.
  4. Select the letter to study. Throw the ball to the baby and say the words. If he hears the right sound in them, let him catch the ball, and if not, let him hit it.
  5. Make round cards with syllables and play “Shop”. Each warehouse is a coin. The buyer gives one of them and orders from the seller the product that begins with this syllable (ba - banana, ku - doll).
  6. Write the warehouses on the cards in large, bold letters. Slice each horizontally and mix. Let the child collect all the halves and read the syllables.
  7. Give your child a long word. Let him find several small ones in it.
  8. Make cards with syllables. Show your child a drawing depicting a particular word. Let him compose it from syllables.

How to learn to read syllables

Experts recommend starting to do this right away; the child does not even need to know all the sounds. Then the learning process will go much faster. Use game techniques and various auxiliary materials. If the child confidently composes words, move on to the stage of collecting words. Remember how to properly teach your child to read syllables. Classes should take place in the sequence described below.

Reading lessons by syllables

The process must be consistent. What are the stages of learning to read by syllables:

  1. First, make simple words from repeated syllables (pa-pa). Watch your pronunciation.
  2. Move on to easy and understandable words of three or four letters (le-s, po-le).
  3. The process becomes more complicated. Teach your child to read words of three or more syllables (ko-ro-va). It is advisable to study with pictures.
  4. Proceed to reading simple sentences (ma-ma we-la ra-mu).

How to teach a child to read beyond syllables

Combining words into words takes children a lot of time and attention. Parents must teach their child to read fluently, pronounce syllables together, assimilate the text well and perceive it as a whole. There are the following methods for this:

  1. Speed ​​reading. Choose texts that are age-appropriate for your child and measure how much he can read in a minute. Then let him retell it summary text.
  2. Mix up the words in a sentence and let your child form it correctly. Start with simple examples.
  3. Role reading. Choose a children's story. Let the child voice one character, and you the other. Read by role. This will help the baby choose the right intonation, keep the rhythm, pause in the right places, and understand the meaning.
  4. Complex words. Every day, let your child read about 30 words 2-3 times, in which there are many difficult combinations of consonant sounds.
  5. Develop peripheral vision and logical thinking, train your memory, correct pronunciation, reading speed.
  6. Address speech therapy and other problems.

How to teach a child to read using Zhukova’s ABC book

This book offers a combination of traditional and modern techniques. Already on the third task the child will have to read syllables. The author suggests his own order of getting to know the letters, not the traditional alphabetical one. The book contains detailed instructions on conducting lessons, so even parents without pedagogical education can easily organize a lesson. To teach a child to read at home, the following scheme is used:

  1. Introducing vowels and consonants.
  2. Learning to read syllable by syllable.
  3. Development of closed warehouses.
  4. Transition from simple words to complex ones.


The question of how to teach a child to read quickly worries many parents. But in this case, the main thing is not only speed. It is very important that the selected text is understandable to the reader, he is able to grasp its essence and retell the content. Only in this case can we say that speed reading for children will give the desired effect.

Let's try to figure out how preschoolers and schoolchildren can learn to read this way. In the future, the effectiveness of the speed reading method will certainly manifest itself and will help even an adult to assimilate large number information from quickly read material.

Speed ​​reading for children: how to teach a child to read quickly

When entering the first grade of even the most ordinary school, children are usually given a short excerpt from a book to read. Teachers primary classes and psychologists can determine the child’s level of preparedness for educational process according to the criterion of reading skills development.

After some time, a reading technique test is conducted in the classrooms, where the number of words read in one minute is determined. IN in this case, this is partly a test of speed reading. However, not the whole essence of it lies in the quantitative indicator.

Capturing the main idea of ​​what you just read, the ability to tell the text in your own words is a big plus in correct speed reading. A simple count of words spoken per minute in educational institutions is done to check the articulation of students.

Important! Before your baby starts training fast reading you need to make sure that he is ready to accept new information with pleasure. Otherwise, efficiency may be reduced to zero.

You need to start learning to read fluently if the child already knows how to do it slowly, having previously mastered folding letters into syllables and words. And also, after this, parents must make sure that the baby understands the meaning of the book or an excerpt from it.

Based on the slow pronunciation of words from the text, you can safely begin to use the speed reading technique for children.

When a child and an adult learn something new, certain reactions occur in the brain. Their result is the formation of neural connections. The more there are, the better the absorption. new information. But in the realities of our time, this is a necessity.

Thus, over the past 20 years, the amount of information has increased more than 20,000 times. This fact clearly indicates that a person needs to develop the skills of quickly memorizing information, including from text material read. Methods of teaching speed reading help preschoolers and schoolchildren process a large number of information flows.

Many workouts are aimed at:

  • concentration;
  • development of lateral vision, as well as “lower” and “upper”;
  • improving the ability to see entire phrases from text rather than individual words;
  • deep understanding of the material read, the ability to retell it in your own words without losing important facts and general meaning.

At first glance, many tasks for developing speed reading skills may seem strange and too simple. However, they carry great meaning. The child does not even suspect that by doing special exercises, he receives a tremendous contribution to the development of his personality as a whole.

All methods can be roughly divided into those that are suitable for schoolchildren and children who are just going to first grade.

Speed ​​reading technique for preschoolers

Many parents strive to teach their children to read well and quickly before school. This is not a bad or wrong trend. Modern world It is now structured in such a way that it is better to learn certain skills earlier, so that in the future the assimilation of the information received occurs faster and more efficiently.

However, there are several reasons that prevent a child from learning to speed read:

  • low attention, the progression of which is facilitated by the active use of gadgets (phones, laptops, tablets, etc.), including frequent visits to the Internet. All this together gives a single distracting factor that helps reduce concentration on objects;
  • speaking the text to oneself when both children and adults try to repeat read words or phrases with their inner voice. Thus, there is a process of reading inhibition, which in speed does not exceed that of ordinary spoken speech;
  • small field of view, which does not allow the reader to see entire phrases, lines and grasp their essence. It turns out that a person only reads word by word;
  • reading regression, when a return to the already read text occurs. Thus, the speed is reduced several times;
  • lack of reading strategy. This means that the child must clearly understand why he needs the material. So, fiction mainly intended to be a source of pleasure while reading a book. And many scientific texts from textbooks are necessary for deep assimilation of information for its further application (exams, tests, etc.).

These limiting factors can be combated by various techniques and simulators. The sooner measures are taken for this, the faster the child will master rapid reading.

Speed ​​reading rules for children up to school age boils down to this:

  • If the baby is not yet ready to take any form of exercise, then you should not force him to do it. This may result in loss of interest and a desire to avoid classes at all costs;
  • the main thing is to gain comprehension of the text. You should not use literature that is not suitable for the child’s age. If there are words unknown to him in the text, they must be explained to the child, highlighted on the pages of the book, and notes made for better assimilation of the information;
  • text visualization is very important. A child at an early age understands pictures better than letter symbols.
  1. « Adding syllables" To do this, you will need several printed words on sheets of paper, which are cut into syllables. The preschooler must form whole words from the mixed parts. At the very beginning of lessons, it is better to take simple two-syllable ones, and then longer ones. This exercise for children will help the baby perceive visual information and learn new words.
  2. « Guessing the word" So, the child needs to be offered the first syllable, and the baby must continue it with all kinds of variations. For example, the syllable “RA” can be lengthened as follows: Rocket, Frame, Plant, etc. This is how imagination develops. And if several guys participate in the game, then a spirit of competition certainly begins to appear in the team (who can name the most words).

For preschoolers, there is no need to choose too complex exercises. Let there be more pictures in classes to visualize information. Thus, you can learn to correctly perceive the text you read and understand what it is written about.

Speed ​​reading exercises for primary schoolchildren

How to teach a first grader to read quickly if... preschool age The speed reading method has never been used before and is it really possible to do this? Quite! At the age of 7-8 years, speed reading skills are just being formed. The basic rule is that first-graders and other junior-grade students fully understand everything they read.

The speed reading technique for children of primary school age comes down to the following exercises:

  1. Search for numbers that are written in different fonts and sizes. Thus, numbers from 1 to 100 can be printed in a small field. Moreover, each of them is not similar to each other. A first or second grader needs to find the numbers in order. This helps schoolchildren to perceive text when reading from different sources, printed in different ways (font, size). And so that this fact does not affect the reading speed.
  2. Solving simple addition and subtraction examples in your head. So, for example, the child is asked to calculate: 5+1, 6-4, 7-6, etc. as quickly as possible. There is no need to write down your answers. The whole process should take place only in the mind.
  3. Drawing various figures with both hands in order to master the skill of forming new neural circuits, allowing you to further absorb information when reading better and faster.

Attention! There are special speed reading courses for teenagers. The exercises are conducted by masters who are professionals in this matter. Of course, you can try to complete the tasks yourself, but there is no exact guarantee that the person is doing the exercises correctly. Otherwise, you may not get the desired effect!

How to teach a schoolchild to read quickly and easily at home

If you still decide to study at home, and not in specialized clubs, then you should first read books on speed reading for children. It is better to choose those publications that are recommended by the Ministry of Education and have earned trust (they are purchased most often). Home lessons should not start with complex techniques, it is worth considering age group child.

To easily teach your child speed reading at home, you need to understand that as a result of the course:

  • increase the field of view to read phrases, entire lines;
  • learn to understand what you read 100% and be able to retell the text;
  • continue to constantly engage in memory development.

Important! Small modern man can read several times faster than an adult. And this is not fantasy, but reality.

Simple exercises will help prevent lag. The main thing: persistence, joint activities, help from a speech therapist, proper organization mini-lessons. And, of course, personal example. In families where parents love to read, it is easier to instill respect for literature.

Problems with literature among first-graders

Yesterday's baby proudly wears school uniform. Games faded into the background, now studying became more important. But schoolchildren still remain children and cannot tolerate boredom and monotony.

Reading is definitely interesting activity. Why are some first-graders towards the end academic year become disappointed, refuse to read not only further reading, but also what do teachers ask?

There are several reasons:

  • parents' inattention to speech development;
  • speech therapy problems;
  • lack of reading culture among family members;
  • shyness, excessive modesty, fear of asking a question to the teacher;
  • dyslexia – problems with reading;
  • stubbornness, reluctance to learn;
  • incorrect approach to learning;
  • uninteresting presentation of material.

Many people have poor reading technique, which leads to a “whole cart” of problems:

  • difficulty understanding new topics in other subjects. A first-grader does not understand incomprehensible terms well;
  • when reading a phrase for a long time, the child often cannot connect the beginning and end of the sentence;
  • lagging behind the team. Most of the students have already read the assignment and started working, but some children are still trying to figure out what to do;
  • lack of self-confidence, often ridicule from classmates boasting about their high reading technique;
  • Unfortunately, such a situation also happens. A first-grader is hurt by comments from a teacher who calls a slow student “hoarder” or other offensive words.

Advice! Don't despair if your daughter or son is classified as a slow reader. Your persistence, knowledge of little secrets and tricks will help improve the situation. If you paid insufficient attention to speech development and learning to read before school, you will have to make up for lost time in the first grade.

Exercises to develop reading technique

First, some advice for parents:

  • tune in to regular classes, believe in the results, be patient;
  • carefully study the proposed material, select several exercises for which you have time. Some exercises are easy to do on the way home, in transport, in a store, and so on;
  • Don’t treat reading as a duty. Is that your mindset? It is difficult to interest a first-grader if parents deny the importance of literature;
  • Explain to your child more often that a computer, tablet, and other gadgets are correct, modern, but paper book is also relevant. Select interesting literature from bright pictures, in large letters, with fascinating stories;
  • conduct classes at home, on the street, in the clinic, while walking;
  • consider the character of your son or daughter. A fidgety child needs a longer break between classes; it is more difficult to interest him than an assiduous child. Use your imagination and create a pleasant atmosphere for studying. Conduct training in a playful way;
  • Don’t complain about the lack of finances: many word games don’t require a penny of money, all that matters is your desire.

Cooperative learning

During class, sit your favorite toy next to you: it’s more interesting to read with a teddy bear or doll. Let the child show his “friend” how well he reads. Offer to entertain the animals and read the bear a bedtime story. Usually children happily agree, feel like patrons, “parents,” and read with an important air.

Secret correspondence

First option:

  • before leaving home, explain that you are going on business, but cannot say where, so as not to disrupt your plans;
  • A note where you indicate the reason and location will help keep the secret;
  • children love secrets and willingly agree to play “special agents”;
  • such notes can be written by other family members;
  • Great educational game for boys. Many girls also gladly accept the conditions.

Second version of the game:

  • searching for “treasure” in the apartment;
  • each next step, the direction of movement is indicated in a new note;
  • Write not words or phrases, but short sentences.

Rational reading

Suggest short text interesting topic. The goal is to prevent severe eye fatigue and get rid of the concept of “reading is a duty.”

Is the material difficult? 3-4 lines are enough, then rest. Do not provoke disgust and stubbornness by being too persistent.

Exercises before bed

Remember the observation that the last thing you read is remembered well. Buy an interesting book and let your first grader read a little before bed every day to keep the intrigue going. The story should be exciting, but without monsters and chases.

Find an offer

A useful exercise trains attention and develops listening comprehension. Take a book with large print, tell your child to listen to you carefully. Start reading a sentence, stop. The student’s task is to find the interrupted phrase and continue further.

Change roles: let the first grader be the teacher and do the same work.

Tongue twisters

A great activity not only for children who are learning to pronounce the letter “r”. Short phrases, funny quatrains train the speech apparatus, teach them to pronounce words clearly and fluently.

Tongue speaking is somewhat reminiscent of tongue twisters, but quickly and clearly you need to pronounce not two or three phrases, but the whole text. Show an example, give the same text to a first grader. By regularly pronouncing words at a fast pace, with as clear articulation as possible, the child learns to read fluently and develops the speech apparatus.

Nice library

Choose interesting books. Place age-appropriate educational literature on the shelf. Offer fairy tales, children's encyclopedias, educational games, stories with your favorite characters. Younger schoolchildren will be interested in panoramic books. Choose more interesting poems about animals with colorful illustrations.

Training in between

The classes are similar to learning to count. On the way home, encourage your child to read signs on stores, cafes, names of products on price tags, and names of institutions.

The clinic often hangs posters (prevention information) with large pictures. Children are often interested in what is there in the big picture. Explain that he can understand the meaning himself, offer to study the poster “for adult children.” Tell us as you read the inscriptions what a microbe is, the prevention of dysentery, and so on, explain complex concepts in an accessible way. Double benefit: reading and becoming familiar with the rules for preventing many diseases.

How to choose infant formula for newborns? Look at the characteristics of the article.

On the page, read about the symptoms and first signs of pneumonia in a child.

Word game

An effective exercise for speech development, replenishment vocabulary, concentration, improving the speed of thinking.

The simplest game:

  • choose a vowel or consonant letter, for example, “k”;
  • choose the names of animals, plants, phenomena, vegetables, names of girls/boys starting with “K”.


  • the popular game has been known to more than one generation;
  • essence: each next word begins with the letter that comes at the end of the previous one. For example, Moscow - Ankara - Armavir - Rostov and so on;
  • if the child does not know the names of settlements well, suggest another topic, for example, animals. For example, cat - tiger - lynx - elephant - rhinoceros - hyena and so on;
  • You can play endlessly, that’s enough. The game of words does not get boring for a long time, it allows you to spend meaningful time in transport or in the clinic.

Parallel exercises

One more thing effective exercise. With regular exercise, memory improves, concentration is trained, and listening comprehension is activated.

The essence of the method:

  • an adult and a child have the same texts;
  • The “teacher” reads phrases at different paces, the “student” follows the words with a pencil or finger;
  • an adult reads the text clearly, loudly, a first-grader reads it to himself;
  • the text is not very long, 8–10 short sentences;
  • after reading, the adult finds out whether the child noticed the change in tempo and can show the passage where the speed was faster/slower;
  • switch roles. Let the first grader be the teacher, read the text expressively, and let the adult complete the same task.

Fighting regression

Sometimes rapid reading is hampered by recurrent eye movements: the student constantly “looks back” at the phrases he has read, and pronounces new words more slowly in the next sentence. Speech therapists offer a simple way to solve the problem.

What to do:

  • offer the student a bookmark or sheet of paper, preferably thick;
  • the child reads, the adult immediately covers the word he read;
  • it turns out that only new offers are visible;
  • Gradually, children stop looking at the previous phrase, and their reading speed increases.

Elimination of speech therapy problems

By school, the child must pronounce all sounds correctly. If a first-grader still has incorrect pronunciation, be sure to visit a speech therapist and correct the mistakes. Without clear pronunciation of all letters, it is difficult to form correct words.

Often, classmates laugh at a student who poorly pronounces “r” or “loses” part of a word or ending. A first-grader is afraid of answers at school, afraid of ridicule. Over time, the reluctance to read aloud will negatively affect your reading speed. The task of parents is to support their son or daughter, encourage them, talk to a speech therapist, and choose a set of effective exercises.

Don't be discouraged if your child can't read the sentence fluently yet. Some children read more slowly, but more thoughtfully. Perhaps literature is not his strong point: focus on your favorite subject, but still don’t start reading.

Engage your son or daughter regularly, come up with interesting games To develop your speech, lead by example. The more often you have a book or magazine in your hands, the more like a child will be interested in a useful activity. Study the tips again, think about whether you used all the techniques to teach your first grader how to read quickly.

Below is a video about how to develop reading technique in children using the “poem” method:

Reading is a very important process in cognitive activity. A child’s ability to read well is the basis for his success in school. And it’s not just about grades in school subjects, but also about intellectual development in general.

How better baby reads, the more zealously he does this, the more successful his development will be, the higher his self-esteem will be.

General idea of ​​reading technique

Reading is a process in which two sides are distinguished: semantic and technical. By semantic we mean understanding the content of the text, and by technical we mean fast, correct, expressive reading.

Reading techniques are regularly tested in primary school and in grades 5 and 6. Students are given an unfamiliar text that they must read for one minute. Then the teacher counts the number of words and asks the child 1-2 reading comprehension questions.

The reading technique test takes into account:

  • speed;
  • reading comprehension;
  • absence of omissions and errors in the pronunciation of words;
  • presence of semantic stress, pauses.

Standard reading speed indicators for schoolchildren (per minute):

  • 1st grade – 30-40 words;
  • 2nd grade – 40-60 words;
  • 3rd grade – 60-80 words;
  • 4th grade – 90-120 words.

To improve reading technique, the child must smoothly, gradually move from slow syllabic reading to reading whole words. Towards the end primary school this must be done, otherwise it will be very difficult for a student in middle school to learn large volumes material.

It is worth noting that many children, especially in 1st grade, The process of publicly testing reading techniques is frightening. This can lead to errors, which can sometimes explain the low speed. Therefore, it may be worth checking the child at home again. If the result improves, the same will happen with the little reader’s self-esteem.

Why is speed important?

Reading speed is a direct factor influencing a student’s academic performance. It is believed that normal, adequate reading speed is equal to the speed of spoken speech, which is 120-150 words per minute. Why is it so necessary for a student to strive for this indicator? It's a matter of simple mathematics.

It has been estimated that in grades 6-7 secondary school the student receives oral daily homework in size 8 pages (all oral tasks). This is approximately 6.5 thousand words, which will take about an hour at an average speed of 110 words per minute.

To master the material, and not just familiarize yourself with it, you need to read 2 or even 3 times, which increases the time to 2-3 hours a day. Let's add time that needs to be devoted to written assignments.

It is easy to conclude that a student who reads poorly or will devote most of the day only to lessons, or he simply won’t torture himself with them, which will affect his grades.

Among other things, reading speed affects the development process: memory and attention improve. And reading speed is affected by the amount of reading: the more, the faster.

Reasons for failure

  • Undeveloped memory. This is not a pathology for a preschooler, so don’t be alarmed. It happens that a child, reading, for example, the fifth word in a line, forgets the first. Because of this, the idea is lost, the child does not understand what is said in the text, and as a result, interest is lost.
  • If difficult words are encountered, the child stumbles and reads them slowly. The reason for this may also be poor functioning of the speech organs.
  • Low concentration. The baby is easily distracted by various external factors, as well as by his own thoughts, and interest in reading dissipates.
  • Angle of view. It often happens that a child does not see the whole word, but only a few of its letters. This slows down reading.
  • Return to what you read. Often the young reader’s eyes return to the previous word or sentence, and he re-reads them.
  • Inappropriate literature. Texts should be selected in accordance with the preferences and age of the child.

Often, learning is hampered by the child's lack of self-confidence and fear of making mistakes. Or he is simply bored while reading, the text is uninteresting.

A realistic look at a child's abilities

You should not demand from a child what he wants. at the moment can't do it. Learning to read should proceed calmly, without nerves, with a great deal of patience on the part of parents.

If you force your child to pore over books against his will, and then also swear when he cannot adequately squeeze out at least a few sentences, the result will not be positive.

First of all, a parent needs to come to terms with the fact that his child does not have superpowers, he is not a child prodigy, but an ordinary kid who needs help and understanding.

The reading process must be turned into an exciting activity, the student must be motivated, do not forget to praise him, and in no case should he be irritated.

Parental help

To help your baby, just follow a few rules:

  • Interesting texts. Do not bombard a beginning reader with boring literature, even if educational nature. So that he does not give up reading, it must captivate him. Choose books according to his passions.
  • Games. The reading process can be turned into a game in different ways. More details about them below. You can also organize home competitions for the best reader.
  • Read with your child regularly for 30 minutes a day.
  • Personal example. It is difficult to instill a love for books in someone if you don’t love them yourself. Show by your own example that this is interesting and educational.
  • Patience. Don't push, don't rush, show restraint and understanding.

  • Positive motivation. It is worth talking more about what a child will achieve in the future if he learns to read well. If you constantly repeat that he will grow up ignorant, provided that he does not read as expected, the result will be worse.
  • Individuality of learning. As they say, you can’t cut everyone with the same brush. A method that works for one student may not work for another. The same applies to the pace of learning. For everyone, it is chosen that is suitable, which is impossible to do at school, which is why it is so important to read at home.


You need to teach your child to read by involving him in an interesting gameplay. First, you should attract his attention to this activity through games, then maintain this attention through various exercises.

Here are some of them:

  • Learning the alphabet. We learn new letters every day. To do this, we prepare cards with bright illustrations. Let the baby look for similarities between letters and objects. Reading involves sounds, not letters, so when learning the alphabet, read the sound, not the name of the letter.
  • Train wherever you are. Ask your child, for example, while walking, to name all the objects he encounters with a certain letter. If it’s hard for him, help him, give him some advice.

  • Attach labels to objects around the house. So these objects will be associated in the child’s mind with certain words. Move your finger over the word and, for example, “SOFA”, “MIRROR”, etc.
  • Word recognition game. Prepare cards in advance with words familiar to the baby (“dad”, “mom”, “TV”, “door”, etc.), place them in front of him. One of the parents says a phrase, and the child looks among the cards for the word that is in the sentence.

“Mom has prepared a very tasty lunch” - the child chooses a card with the word “mom”.

  • Making words from cubes or cards. 3-4 letters are selected, from which the child makes words. Gradually add the number of letters, complicating the task. The cards may also have syllables.
  • Learn nursery rhymes and songs with your baby. This develops memory.
  • Letter recognition game. Parents give a letter, and the child looks for words with it at the beginning, middle or end.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly at 6-7 years old?

You can teach speed reading to a first-grader using more complex exercises:

  • Reading is a vital skill. You must convince your child of this. Leave him notes with instructions, requests, wishes. Sometimes arrange a mini-quest: let him look for a gift using signs and instructions.
  • Parallel reading. We take two identical texts (for mother and child). The mother reads aloud, changing intonation and tempo, and the child follows the reading. You can stop and ask the child to continue, or read the last sentence spoken, or find a name. Assignments may vary.
  • Tongue twisters. Be sure to develop your articulatory apparatus.
  • Words that differ by one letter. Take pairs of words, for example, cat - code, dough - place, etc. The child must explain how the words differ in appearance and explain the meaning of each.
  • Speed ​​reading. Time yourself for a minute, and after reading, count the number of words. Then ask your child to read the same passage again, with the emphasis that he will do better the second time. And it will really work. So he will read faster every time.
  • Reading to yourself. Reading out loud is always slower, so sometimes give your child the task of reading to himself and then retelling what he read.
  • Development of the visual field. In a table, for example, 5x5, write a letter or syllable in each cell. Have the student read them from right to left and vice versa, from top to bottom, diagonally. Give the task to find a specific letter or syllable, to compose a word, as in a word word, only at the simplest level.
  • Reading with a buzz. The child reads the text to himself and hums out loud like a bee. This exercise is aimed at increasing concentration.

Exercises for children 8 years old

To develop reading fluency in a second grader, we increase the load and complicate the tasks:

  • Game "Words from words". Write a long word, such as “wayward,” and ask them to make several small ones from it.
  • Proposals requiring adjustments. Write a set of words similar to a sentence, and the child will put all the words in their places: “The guys went for a swim in the river.”
  • Development of anticipation. Take a text where words come with missing letters. As the child reads, he fills in the missing elements.
  • Reading "By Tops and Roots." We take a ruler, close the bottom of the line and let the child read the tops. When this task is well worked out, you can move on to the roots.
