How to properly divorce your wife - the procedure for divorce proceedings. How to formalize and apply for divorce if there are minor children. How does divorce occur?

Family relationships didn’t work out... The only thing that still forces a man and a woman to stay married is children. For the sake of their children, they postpone the divorce process indefinitely.

But in some cases, divorce for parents is the best solution for the child. Because life in an atmosphere of quarrels, mutual insults, scandals between father and mother is much worse than living peacefully with one of them.

Let's look at what is necessary, what is required for the procedure for filing a divorce in the presence of minor children, the procedure and process of divorce.

Where to go in case of divorce if there is a child?

The formal procedure for registration and divorce of marriages is carried out by the civil registry office. However, if there are minor children, the application for divorce is filed with the court at the place of residence of one of the spouses.

This creates certain inconvenience for parents, requires the provision of additional documents and the implementation of special actions (for example, determining the amount of alimony), and also somewhat delays the divorce process. But the legal interests of a minor child will be protected by the court.

Attention! Even if the spouses came to a decision on divorce by mutual consent, reached a compromise regarding the division of property, the application for divorce is still filed in court!

True, there is an exception to this rule. Thus, the divorce procedure in the presence of a child is carried out by the registry office if:

  • One of the spouses is subject to criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of more than 3 years;
  • One of the spouses is legally declared missing;
  • One of the spouses is legally declared incompetent.

What if the child is not common?

There is one more exception to this rule. If the child is not common (has a relationship with only one of the spouses), the spouses can divorce through the registry office.

For example, if a man and a woman are married and do not have children together, but the woman has minor children from previous marriage, husband and wife can get divorced through the registry office(of course, if there is mutual consent). If a woman’s children are adopted by a man, then although they are not his own children, they become common. In this case, the marriage will only be dissolved through the court.

In the same way, through the court, a husband and wife will have to divorce if they have adopted children who are not their natural children.

Where to file for divorce with children?

You must file a claim with the court at the location of the defendant. If the plaintiff cannot come to court due to living with minor children, the application may be filed at his own place of residence. In addition, spouses may agree on.

Which court should I file for divorce with children?

— To the magistrate’s court, if there are no disputes about children.

It is possible to file an application for divorce in the magistrate’s court only if a compromise is reached between the spouses on all “children’s” issues, including the place of residence of the children, the participation of each spouse in the maintenance and upbringing of the children.

In order to file a divorce through the magistrates' court if there are minor children, the spouses must draw up a written agreement defining:

  • with whom the children (or each of the children) will live after the divorce;
  • in what order will the spouse living separately from the children fulfill his parental rights and responsibilities (communication, upbringing, financial support of children);
  • which of the spouses will be assigned alimony obligations, in what amounts will alimony for children be collected.

If the agreement of the spouses does not violate the legal rights of the children, the court will approve it by its decision.

— To the district court if there is a dispute about children.

If the spouses could not reach a consensus on which of them will have the children, how they will raise and provide for the children, they need to contact the district court. In this case, when deciding to divorce the spouses, the court will also determine the fate of their children.

Agreement on children in case of divorce. Agreement on child residence during divorce. Sample.

Parents can draw up an agreement in any form, including all the necessary provisions regarding residence, financial support and upbringing of children.

It is important that this document is drawn up by the parents in agreement and sealed with their signatures. If the agreement contains provisions for the payment of alimony for minor children, it must be notarized - then it will have the force of an executive document for the collection of alimony payments if the terms of the agreement are not met.

The concluded agreement must be filed with the court - either simultaneously with the divorce petition, or during the court hearing. The court will review the agreement and approve it by its decision if it does not contradict the law or infringe on the rights of children and parents.

More details about the procedure for concluding an agreement (with a ready-made sample for downloading) can be found in the article ““.

Preparation of a statement of claim. Sample.

The statement of claim for divorce must comply with the requirements of Article 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. In addition, it must indicate information regarding common minor children:

  • Name of the court;
  • FULL NAME. parties, their place of residence;
  • Date of marriage;
  • Explanation of the reasons for the impossibility of further living with the spouse;
  • Information about the presence of children;
  • Description of your (or general) position on the issue of living, raising and maintaining children after divorce;
  • Providing arguments and evidence to defend your position;
  • The wording of the request to the court, starting with the words “I ask”;
  • List of documents;
  • Date and signature.

List of documents

The process of divorcing a child involves preparing and submitting additional documents to the court, in addition to the divorce application.

So, if there is mutual consent of the spouses for divorce, the divorce application is accompanied by a document concluded by the parties written contract. This agreement must contain provisions on the division of common property, on the amount and procedure for paying alimony, and on the child’s place of residence after a divorce.

If the application is for divorce, the list of documents includes:

  1. A completed divorce application form containing the name of the court district and full name. judges, full name the plaintiff and the defendant, the residential addresses of the parties, the requirement to consider the application for divorce, a description of the reasons and circumstances that gave rise to the intention to dissolve the marriage, evidence of its innocence and documents confirming it;
  2. Original marriage certificate;
  3. Original birth certificate of the child(ren);
  4. Extract from the house register - this document confirms the fact that the child lives with the plaintiff and the latter fulfills his parental responsibilities towards the child, which is important for determining the child’s place of residence in the future;
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty (strictly original).

The list of documents is submitted by the plaintiff to the court in two copies. A copy of the divorce petition with copies of all documents attached to it is sent to the defendant for review.

State duty

The current fee is 650 rubles.

Divorce procedure. How does divorce happen with children?

By revising statement of claim about divorce, the court establishes:

  • whether both spouses want a divorce, or one of them expresses disagreement;
  • Is there a possibility of reconciliation between spouses and preservation of the family?
  • determines the further place of residence of the children;
  • will consider the possibility of dividing children between spouses;
  • will establish the procedure for communication between children and their estranged spouse;
  • imposes alimony obligations on the estranged spouse.

All this is set out in a court decision, on the basis of which a writ of execution is issued.

Procedure and stages of divorce:

  1. Solution controversial issues The divorce process is very lengthy. To speed up the procedure for divorce with children, it is worth filing a divorce claim in the magistrate's court , and resolve controversial issues before the divorce (for example, in the form of a written agreement) or after the divorce (in the form of alimony collection).
  2. A claim for divorce is filed and registered at the court secretariat, depending on compliance with the requirements of the law - it is rejected or accepted. If the claim is accepted for consideration, the first court hearing will be scheduled in 30 days.
  3. The first court hearing may become the last if the spouses come to mutual agreement on all issues, including “children’s” issues, by concluding an Agreement. In this case, the court will decide on divorce.
  4. Otherwise, another meeting cannot be avoided - in 1-3 months. During this period, the spouses are given the opportunity to reconcile.
  5. If a court decision on divorce is made, it comes into force after 1 month. Within 3 days after this, the court sends an extract from the court decision to the registry office - to register the divorce;
  6. Once the changes have been made to the register books, each spouse will be issued a copy of the Divorce Certificate.

You will find a complete overview of the procedure in the article ““.

Who will the child live with after the divorce?

Expert opinion

Alexey Petrushin

Lawyer. Specialization: family and housing law.

The court's decision on the place of residence of the children is made taking into account such factors as the moral qualities, financial well-being and living conditions of the spouses, the ability to create conditions for children to fully develop, the active participation of the spouses in the lives of the children, the degree of attachment of the children to each of the parents. For example, contrary to the established practice of leaving children to the mother, the court may, for example, if his wife leads an immoral lifestyle, does not care about health, development, raising children, or has bad habits. On the issue of determining place of residence child over 10 years old His opinion is also taken into account (Article 57 of the RF IC).

Parents have equal rights regarding raising their children. The place of residence of a child with one of the parents established by the court is not an obstacle to the active participation of the other parent in the life of the child. According to the law, the estranged parent has the right to be freely seen and communicated with. If the parent with whom the child lives prevents the child from communicating with the other parent, the controversial issue can be resolved through the court.

Rules for divorce in the presence of minor children

As mentioned above, the law provides for measures to protect the interests of minor children when their parents divorce. Therefore, in some cases, the divorce process has specific features.

— Divorce with a child under 1 year old

The husband will receive an unequivocal injunction against divorce throughout the entire period of his wife’s pregnancy and if the wife does not consent to the divorce. This legislative norm protects the rights of mother and child, leaving spouses a chance to preserve their family and raise children together.

— Divorce if there is a child under 3 years old

If there is a small child 1-3 years old in the family, one of the spouses can obtain permission to divorce only on the basis of the written consent of the other spouse. Such written consent is required only if the spouse lives with the child and fulfills his parental responsibilities towards him. Otherwise, written permission for divorce is not required.

If the court grants the application for divorce during this period, the man will be required to pay alimony not only for the child, until the child reaches 3 years of age or the mother is officially employed.

— Divorce with a disabled child

The divorce procedure in the presence of a disabled child is complicated by the need to collect alimony for his maintenance - up to and including the cost of his treatment and special care, rehabilitation measures, and the purchase of necessary equipment.

— Divorce with two or three children

The procedure for a divorce with two, three or more children is almost no different from a divorce with one small child. Parents can also enter into an Agreement on Children or entrust the resolution of “children’s” issues entirely to the court.

If, during the divorce process, parents enter into an Agreement on Children, their agreements regarding place of residence, meetings and communication, and upbringing may concern each child separately.

The law does not prohibit the separation of children over 10 years old between parents, but the court must find out the point of view of each child about his preferred place of residence. After all, children can express opposing desires about which parent to live with.

The court determines the place of residence of each child, Taking into account the totality of such circumstances as...

  • material and Family status both parents;
  • children's age;
  • the attachment of each child to his parents;
  • relationship between parents and child;
  • personal qualities of parents.

If the court concludes that the separation of children will not violate their rights and interests, it will allow the parents to separate the children. Of course, this does not mean that they will stop seeing and communicating with each other and with their parents.

By the way, if children live with each of the parents, each of them bears child support obligations - to children living separately from him.


A husband and wife, whose marriage produced three children, are divorcing. After the divorce, two of them remain with their mother, and one with their father. Child support will be paid as follows: the father will pay child support to two children living with the mother (one-third of his income), and the mother will pay child support to one child living with the father (a quarter of her income).

Time limits for divorce with children through court

How long does the divorce process last if there are small children? The law does not establish an exact time limit for judicial consideration of a divorce case.

The first court hearing will take place one month after filing the claim.

2 months So, if the intention of the spouses to dissolve the marriage is mutual, if there are no disagreements between the spouses regarding the future fate of the children, the divorce procedure will take only two months. The court decision is made 1 month after filing the application, and enters into legal force at the end of 1 month for appeal.
3 months If an agreement on divorce is not reached between the spouses, if the circumstances of the case indicate the possible preservation of the family, the divorce process may be delayed for 3 months, appointed by the court for reconciliation of the parties. After this period is completed, the court makes a decision on divorce, and after 1 month it comes into legal force.
Up to 6 months The presence of disputes between spouses about the future place of residence and the procedure for raising minor children can delay the divorce process for several more months. In court, the following factors will be clarified: the moral character and financial capabilities of each spouse, the children’s attachment to each parent, and preferences regarding living with their mother or father. For this purpose, the court may involve witnesses, representatives of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, expert psychologists and teachers.

The result of consideration of a divorce case is a court decision: satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the application for divorce, as well as deferment of consideration of the application for divorce for a certain period (if there is a possibility of reconciliation of the parties).

The court decision comes into force 10 days after it is made.

Moment of divorce

If the spouses do not have children, they are divorced in the registry office, and the date of making changes to the civil registration book is the moment of divorce.

But if spouses have children, they divorce in court. When does the moment of divorce come? Is it really only after making appropriate changes to the registration books at the registry office? No.

According to the law, if a divorce occurs in court, the moment of dissolution of marriage is the moment the court decision enters into legal force. And only after this, within 3 days, the court sends an extract from the decision to the registry office - for the registry office employees to make appropriate changes to the registration books. Although the marriage is considered dissolved, the divorce certificate is issued to the former spouses at a later date. During this period they have no right to enter into a new marriage.

In addition, the legal consequences of ending a marriage are...

  • termination of any legal relationship between spouses, except parental (raising and maintaining common children until adulthood) and property (section joint ownership for 3 years after the divorce);
  • no need for the consent of former spouses to make transactions. The ownership of the acquired property will no longer be common.

Thus, regardless of the relationship between the parents and agreements regarding the child, the issue of divorce is resolved in court. If there are no disputes about children, an application is submitted to the magistrate's court. The presence of disputes obliges the spouses to apply to the city (district) court. Parents can draw up an agreement and determine the fate of their children. After the trial, you need to go to the registry office and pick up a divorce certificate. The duration of the proceedings ranges from 2 to 6 months, sometimes longer. The court leaves the child with the parent with whom the child will be more comfortable - in terms of upbringing, education and personal development.

Still have questions? Ask them to our lawyer. Legal support will help you avoid mistakes and get a divorce even in a difficult situation. The lawyer will tell you which court to contact, what to write in the agreement, how to keep the child, apply for alimony, and much more. Leave questions in a special form or call the hotline. We will answer, we will help!

Watch a video about how to get a divorce if you have children - where to go, what is best and what problems there may be:

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Divorce is undoubtedly a very difficult experience for almost every person who finds himself in a similar situation. We will not ask you about the reasons that prompted you to make such a decision, and we will not try to convince you otherwise - this is your choice. On our own, we will only give recommendations to make this event easier, at least in relation to the “paperwork”. After reading the following recommendations, you will learn where to start the process of divorce in order to make it faster and easier as possible. Divorce proceedings where to start

So you've decided to get a divorce. The reasons for this can be very diverse - this is not discussed now. IN this moment it is more important to understand the order of the event in question.

  1. First, you must determine which authority you need to contact: administrative (registry office) or judicial.
  2. Secondly, you need to correctly complete the application and collect all the necessary documents.
  3. Thirdly, you should familiarize yourself with possible pitfalls and think in advance about ways to overcome them.
Divorce through court and registry office

Choosing a place to submit an application

As noted, in accordance with current legislation, the divorce process can proceed in two ways: administrative and judicial.

Administrative divorce

Form No. 8 of an application for divorce to the registry office - sample

The quickest and easiest way to get a divorce is through the registry office, but you should not think that this procedure is devoid of restrictions and has no pitfalls. Let us consider in more detail the cases in which a divorce can be filed without the involvement of judicial services.

Firstly, the registry office can dissolve a marriage if there are no jointly born or adopted minor children in the family. In such a situation, the spouses, provided that they both agree to separate and do not have property or non-property claims against each other, simply write a joint statement to the registry office, wait a month, receive divorce certificates, and then go wherever they want. State duty for divorce 2015

Secondly, an application to the registry office can be submitted unilaterally in circumstances in which:

  • the second spouse is listed as missing/missing;
  • the other party to the case was sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years or more;
  • the second spouse is officially considered legally incompetent.

Under the circumstances listed above, no one will be interested in whether the family has common young children.

It is important to know that both spouses must be personally present at the registry office (except, of course, for the special cases discussed above). “Sending” a trusted representative in your place, as in the case of legal proceedings, is prohibited. State fee for divorce

Divorce in court

If one of the spouses does not want to get a divorce, or if the family has common minor children, the registry office will not deal with the divorce. The court deals with issues in such situations. Divorce in court

It is important to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that the divorce procedure in court is unlikely to be a simple and quick matter. Additionally, you need to clearly understand which court you should go to. Option 2: global or regional.

The magistrate will divorce you if:

  • you independently came to an agreement with whom the children will remain after the divorce;
  • figured out who will pay alimony, in what order and with what frequency, and certified these agreements with a notary;
  • you have no disputes regarding the division of joint property or if the total value of this property is a maximum of 50,000 rubles.

In other situations, you have a direct route to the district court. In addition to all the controversial issues listed above, the district court is able to oblige one of the spouses to pay additional financial support in favor of the other, if there are legal grounds for this. Schematically, divorce in the registry office looks like this:

Only after resolving all controversial issues does the court have the opportunity to make an objective and, most importantly, legal decision. IN best case scenario it takes 1 month; at worst, the proceedings drag on for years. Specific deadlines are not established by law.

It is also important to know that a spouse who is not satisfied with the decision made by the court has the right to appeal it to a higher authority. In practice, the duration of the appeal procedure is on average 6 months, which also does not help speed up the divorce process.

The agreements concluded by the spouses before going to court will help to significantly simplify and speed up the event. It is better if agreements on:

  • child custody;
  • material maintenance of common children and, if necessary, a needy disabled spouse;
  • division of joint property.
Property division agreement

What documents need to be prepared for a divorce?

The package of documents traditionally begins with a corresponding statement. For the registry office and for the court, the content of the application will differ. The forms, as a rule, are standardized, but may be slightly modified depending on the provisions of the current legislation, so this point should be clarified individually shortly before contacting the appropriate authority. What documents need to be prepared for a divorce What documents need to be prepared for a divorce

The plaintiff submits an application at the place of registration/residence of the defendant. In some situations, it may be possible to file a claim at the place of residence of the applicant, for example, if the defendant lives too far away. These points also need to be clarified separately.

Traditionally, the list of documents for divorce includes:

  • passports of the participants in the case;
  • a document confirming payment of the state duty (paid by the plaintiff);
  • birth certificate of the child/children, if any;
  • copies of the application;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificates of income and other valuable property owned by the participants in the case (if issues of alimony are being resolved). The list of necessary and suitable documents is specified individually;
  • an inventory of joint property indicating its current value (if issues of property division are being resolved).

Some documents are required in both original and photocopy format. For certain items, only photocopies are sufficient. These points, as well as the required number of each representative on the list, should be clarified individually at the place of future application.

Table. What documents need to be prepared for a divorce?

No.Documents for courtDocuments for the registry office
1 Statement of claim for divorce and a copy of the claim for delivery to the defendantJoint or separate notarized applications for divorce (dissolution of marriage)
2 receipt indicating payment of state dutyIf the divorce is formalized at the request of one of the spouses, the following is required:
a court decision recognizing the other spouse as missing;
a court decision declaring the other spouse incompetent;
court verdict depriving the other spouse of liberty for a term of more than three years
3 a power of attorney confirming the authority of the representative of the plaintiff, if the statement of claim for divorce is signed and submitted to the court by the representativepassports + copies
4 documents confirming the circumstances set out by the plaintiff in the application, and their copies for the defendant, if he does not have such copies (for example, a certificate of application for medical care due to beating by a spouse; proof adultery and so on.)marriage certificate
5 marriage certificate (original and copy)
6 an extract from the house register confirming the defendant’s registration, the place of residence of the children (or a petition to request an extract from the EIR by the court)
7 if the spouses have minor children, it is also necessary to attach copies of the children’s birth certificates
8 If the claim is filed by the spouse during the wife’s pregnancy or before the child has reached the age of one year, a notarized statement from the spouse that she does not object to the divorce is also required
9 an agreement on which of them the minor children will live with after the divorce, on the maintenance of children or those who are disabled and in need of financial assistance spouse or about what property acquired during marriage is transferred to each of the spouses
10 certificates of earnings or other income of the spouse (for the collection of alimony)
11 if, upon divorce, a dispute is resolved regarding property acquired during life together, in addition to its inventory, you will need papers on the ownership of the objects to be divided, as well as on their value (for example, an apartment purchase and sale agreement, checks confirming the purchase of things, an appraisal report for the value of a car, a certificate from a brokerage company about the cost of an apartment, etc. )
12 if the question is raised about with whom the children will live after the end of the case, a whole certificate may be needed, for example, an inspection report of living conditions or characteristics from the spouses’ place of work
13 passport + copies

Pitfalls and aggravating circumstances

There are a number of circumstances that can create certain difficulties and increase the duration of the divorce process. And this is not only the presence of minor children and joint property, although the mentioned points also need to be given due attention.


How will a judge calculate alimony?

If an interested party believes that it has grounds to receive financial support from the second party to the case, it (the plaintiff) can apply to the court with a corresponding application. The establishment of the collection procedure, amount, frequency of transfers and other important points are determined by the court separately for each specific case. Alimony


Property can be divided voluntarily and through the court. In the first case, the spouses draw up and notarize an agreement; in the second, they submit applications. According to the law, jointly acquired property is divided in equal shares, but there are exceptions. For example, if an apartment was purchased during marriage, but it is proven that one of the spouses spent a much larger amount of money on improving its condition, the court may revise the size of the shares. These points also require individual study and are considered separately.



If there are minor children together, a separate item is the resolution of issues of their further guardianship, upbringing and financial support. Adult citizens, as well as children born in previous marriages, are not considered as an aggravating circumstance.


If the marriage with a foreigner was concluded in Russia, the procedure for registering a divorce will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of local legislation. In addition, diplomatic and consular missions have the authority to dissolve marriages. These points require individual consideration.

Disabled people

In general, the procedure for divorcing an incapacitated spouse does not have any remarkable aspects, except that a disabled person has the legal right to demand financial assistance from the ex-husband/wife after a divorce.


To dissolve a marriage with a deceased spouse, you must contact the registry office. If a citizen who was previously declared dead does not actually turn out to be dead, he will be able to apply for restoration of the marriage.

Thus, starting the divorce process is not difficult: you just need to determine the appropriate authority, draw up an application, prepare the necessary documents and provide in advance options for getting out of possible aggravating situations. Reasons for divorce, statistics

Video - What documents are needed for divorce

Video - Divorce through court


If in family life there is no order, peace is no longer possible, that is, there are two ways: make peace or break up. When people realize that they no longer have the strength to be together, a trial awaits them. The main dilemma is how to file for divorce productively, without a settlement?

Divorce proceedings

When choosing to leave a marriage, people must approach such a difficult task correctly and carefully. The divorce procedure is unpleasant, and it is difficult to break off a relationship even if you wish to do so alone. In order for the spouse to gain the long-awaited freedom, a trial and a fair verdict at one of the hearings will be required. If there are no property disputes or wranglings, the children are already adults or have not yet been born at all, you need to visit the registry office to quickly resolve this administrative issue on completely compromise terms.

Through the court

It is very difficult to get divorced from lawsuits and petitions; it is much easier to visit the registry office twice. Divorce through court is a mentally difficult, stressful and lengthy process that requires not only the mutual desire of the married couple to separate forever, but also the presentation of a number of certificates from family life for consideration by a fair judge.

The first step is to correctly write a written application to the court with a desire to dissolve the marriage bond with your wife (husband). Here we are talking about the legal organization for the registration of the defendant spouse. The plaintiff will have to fill out the standard form correctly. On a special form you must indicate the following information in a certain sequence. This:

  • place, date of wedding;
  • arguments for your desire to get a divorce;
  • the presence of small children, the presence of property;
  • basic requirements and wishes for the opposing side;
  • information about the upcoming provision of children.

Through the registry office

If the ex-spouses have no complaints and are raising children together, then going to the judge can be postponed indefinitely. The plaintiff and defendant will have to undergo a divorce procedure through the registry office; after 30 days, the document on the breakdown of the marriage will be officially issued and will enter into the legal field. To avoid lengthy proceedings, it is advisable to comply with the following mandatory conditions:

  • mutual and unhindered desire and consent of the spouses to separate;
  • absence of small children and claims to property division;
  • appearing at the civil registry office with passport data and marriage document.

What is needed for a divorce

In fact, you will need the desire and desire to start an independent life, leaving the other half only as unpleasant memories. This is formal, but in fact you need to provide, in addition to a correctly completed sample, a number of mandatory certificates for consideration. We are talking about copies that should be notarized in advance. When you ask what is needed to file for divorce, the appropriate authority will tell you everything - it’s not every day that you have to get a divorce, here you need to make a responsible decision.

If there are minor children

If ex-spouses are raising a teenager under 18 years of age, then the parents are allowed to divorce only by court. The registry office will still not accept the documents, even if there are no complaints at all regarding the upbringing of the younger generation, and the paper is drawn up correctly. Before filing for divorce, if you have a child, you should consult with a family lawyer or a paid lawyer, enlist his support, and competently draw up a claim. Only then can we count on a successful conclusion to the ongoing production.


If in a couple the husband or wife opposes the collapse of the family, then the second one has certain problems, and delay is possible. However, you shouldn't worry too much about this, because standard procedure The divorce process can be properly carried out unilaterally. Divorce at the request of one of the spouses is a normal phenomenon; only the plaintiff draws up the required documents independently, while correctly expressing his thoughts on the form. It is very important that problems regarding growing children and property are resolved in his favor.

How to apply for divorce

After completing the form, you must make a copy of the marriage certificate and other joint documents, first certified by a notary. Then you need to correctly submit the complete set to the registry (office) of the court, where, after checking the received data, an incoming number will be issued. This means that the plaintiff was successful in filing for divorce correctly. All that remains is to wait for receipt of the notice to appear at the preliminary and subsequent hearings. Nothing complicated, but it would be wise to first familiarize yourself with the provisions of the Family Code.

Which registry office should I apply to?

It will not be particularly difficult to compose a paper according to the provided sample. The question may arise differently: where to apply for divorce through the registry office? There are two options - according to the registration of the husband or wife. The address of one of them is known, since a statement of desire to legitimize their relationship was once sent to this registry office. You will also have to pay a state fee for family breakup.


The first thing you need to do is register on the site, and then submit an application. To do this, you must provide the passport data of the two participants, SNILS, marriage document, and additionally send copies of these documents. An online divorce application is studied as usual, the main thing is to establish a method of notification for the plaintiff. This can be a message to a mobile or email address.

Through the court

The law states: a claim can be filed by one spouse in court at the registration of the defendant spouse. You can receive the divorce application form in person at the office or fill it out correctly online. A prerequisite in both cases is to obtain an incoming number, after which you can control the trial process. The list of required documents is updated, so you need to carefully study the background information.

Where to file for divorce

If the collapse of family life is inevitable, the plaintiff must apply to the registry office or district court according to the registration of the defendant spouse. If the other half has a residence permit from another city, it is not prohibited to file a statement of claim in the court of your district. There are other reasons why an administrative case is opened and considered in the plaintiff’s district. If you have a question about where to file for divorce, it is better to contact a practicing lawyer and look on the Internet yourself.

Documents for divorce at the registry office

In this case, filing an application is as easy as shelling pears, and both spouses are required to have an internal passport and a marriage document. This is the answer to the question of what documents are needed for a divorce. The originals are confiscated, and after 30 calendar days already divorced people receive a new document with stamps, which is first registered in the database. The required procedure is not carried out unilaterally even in the absence of a common child or property. The right thing to do is to go to the judge.

Through the court

A form filled out according to the sample is not at all enough to get started with the divorce process as quickly as possible. Additionally, the judge requires the provision of a complete package of documents revealing the essence of the family as a social unit of society. This is a standard list that is included in the procedure for filing a claim. If you need information about what documents are required for a divorce through the court, the list is presented below:

  • sample application;
  • civil passports of husband and wife;
  • marriage document;
  • birth certificates of adopted or married children;
  • documents on property rights;
  • other certificates at the discretion of the judge.

Procedure for divorce

Filling out certificates and applications is only the beginning of a long path to freedom. The plaintiff wants to do everything necessary to speed up the outcome, but the law can slow down the entire process. When interested in how a divorce occurs, it is important to understand that in the registry office everything is much faster than a tedious showdown in court. Although each family has its own nuances.

Divorce terms through the registry office

Before filing a divorce, ex-spouses ask how soon they will receive the relevant document. The answer depends on many factors. If you apply online, you will be able to get a divorce faster, especially when litigation is not required. The time frame for divorce through the registry office is 1 month from the date of registration and filing of the claim. This is useful information when solving a life problem, how you can correctly file for divorce without a settlement.

By court

Before you properly file for divorce, it is important to understand that you will have to go to a judge with your children and property. Without a peace agreement between spouses, the time frame for divorce through court with children is not standardized. It all depends on the number of meetings and the ability to reconcile the warring parties. A preliminary hearing of the case is required, then several more hearings. It is important to resolve child support issues, determine the child’s comfort zone and the fate of the property acquired by the couple. So when answering how a person can properly file for divorce, there are nuances.

How much does it cost to file for divorce?

Before you get a divorce, it is important to find out how much it costs to file for divorce. Considerable financial difficulties also lie ahead, so it is worth thinking about the world of warring spouses. Otherwise, you will have to fill out documents, pay a lawyer and pay a state fee. This public service is limited to 650 rubles per registry office participating in the divorce process. When filing a claim unilaterally, the cost of the government contribution is 350 rubles, the cost varies.


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How to properly file for divorce: the procedure for dissolving a marriage

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 10 minutes


As you know, divorce is a very difficult situation from a moral point of view. No matter how calm the former spouses may seem, both of them, one way or another, will experience psychological stress. From the legal side, the divorce procedure can also be quite complicated - especially if the couple managed to acquire common property and have children.

Divorce procedure

When a situation arises in a family that divorce is inevitable, very often spouses do not know where and how to file for divorce.

Difficulties also arise from the questions of how to write an application, what documents are required for this process, and how long the divorce procedure takes.

Keep in mind: if the spouses came to such a decision by mutual agreement, and the couple does not have minor children together, then the marriage is dissolved after a written application from the couple in the registry office, without a trial.In the same way, a marriage is dissolved if one spouse is convicted by a court, receiving a prison term of more than 3 years, if one spouse goes missing or is declared incompetent.

Under the same conditions, both spouses - or one of them - can file for divorce. via the State Services website.

In all other cases, divorce is carried out through a judicial procedure (according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Article 18).

  • If only one spouse requests a divorce , and the property jointly acquired by the couple does not exceed the value of 100 thousand rubles, if one spouse does not come to the registry office without agreeing to a divorce, then such marriages are dissolved through a magistrate (according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, articles 21-23).
  • If the couple already has minor children , or in cases where the property of the spouses exceeds 100 thousand rubles in value, divorce occurs through a procedure in the district court (according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, articles 21-23). All property or other disputes of divorcing spouses are considered only in court (according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Article 18).

The termination procedure itself begins with the filing of a joint statements spouses or with an application from one spouse. This application must be submitted to the civil registry office or to the magistrate's court, district court located at the place of passport registration (registration) of the defendant.

However, in Russian legislation there are special exceptions when an application for divorce can be submitted at the place of passport registration, the place of residence of the plaintiff spouse.

  • Divorce occurs in 1 month , counting from the date of submission of the application for divorce to the registry office.
  • If your spouse is pregnant , or if a woman has a child under 1 year of age, the court will not accept an application for divorce from her spouse (according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Article 17). The spouse can submit her application to the court for divorce (dissolution of marriage) at any time, without restrictions.
  • Usually, Divorce proceedings are open to the public . In some cases, when the court will consider intimate aspects of the lives of spouses, court sessions may be closed.

If disputes between former spouses about children or jointly acquired property arise during the court process, the judicial divorce process can last from 4 to 6 months.

Stages of the divorce procedure

  • Collection of documents necessary for the divorce procedure.
  • Direct submission of a correctly drawn up application for divorce (dissolution of marriage), necessary documents to the registry office or to the court.
  • The presence of the plaintiff at the court hearing; notification of the defendant about each court hearing.
  • If the court gave the spouses a month to reconcile the parties, but then the spouses did not appear at the court hearing dedicated to their divorce claim, then the court has the right to cancel this claim and recognize these spouses as reconciled.

Documents required for divorce

Application to the registry office or court . The application of spouses or one spouse is submitted only in writing (using a special form). In this application, the spouses must confirm that they voluntarily agree to dissolve this marriage, and also that they do not have minor children (common).

IN statement of claim, which is submitted to the registry office, must be indicated:

  • Last names that spouses keep after divorce.
  • Date of writing the application.
  • Signatures of both spouses.

IN statement of claim filed by the plaintiff in court, must be indicated:

  • Passport details of both spouses (full name, date of birth, place of birth, registration, actual place of residence, citizenship).
  • Data from the document confirming the marriage of the spouses.
  • Reasons for divorce.
  • Information about claims ((children), division of joint property, dispute over determining the place of further residence of a minor child (children), etc.).

Application to court submitted at the place of permanent residence (registration) of the defendant. If the respondent spouse is not a citizen Russian Federation, or does not have a place of residence in Russia, his place of residence is unknown, then the plaintiff files a statement of claim with the court located at the place of the defendant’s last residence in Russia, or at the place where the defendant’s property is located. Attached to the plaintiff's claim for divorce are the spouses' passports, their copies, and a marriage document (marriage certificate of the spouses).

If an application for dissolution of the current marriage by spouses is submitted to the magistrate’s court or district court, then the following documents are required:

  • Copies of the original statement of claim for divorce (according to the number of defendants, third parties).
  • Bank receipt confirming payment of the mandatory state fee for the divorce procedure (details will be specified in court).
  • If a representative acts for the plaintiff in court, it is necessary to submit a document or power of attorney that certifies his authority.
  • If the plaintiff makes any demands, the divorce application must be accompanied by all necessary and important documents confirming all the circumstances, as well as copies of these documents for all defendants and third parties.
  • Documents that confirm the implementation of the pre-trial procedure for resolving this dispute.
  • The plaintiff must indicate the amount of money that he intends to receive from the defendant (required copies according to the number of defendants in court).
  • Marriage document (or its duplicate).
  • If spouses have common minor children, they must provide birth documents (certificates), or a copy of the birth document (certificate), certified by a notary.
  • An extract from the housing office at the place of residence of the defendant spouse (from the “house register”). During the trial, in some cases it happens that an extract from the housing office (from the “house register”) of the plaintiff himself is also necessary.
  • Certificate of income of the defendant (if a claim for alimony is being considered in court).
  • If the defendant agrees to the divorce procedure (dissolution of marriage), it is necessary to provide his written statement about this.
  • Agreement between spouses regarding children (if required by the claim).
  • (if the claim requires it).

The list of documents that must be provided before the divorce process may be different - it depends on the requests of a particular judge and his requirements. The list of required documents is not approved by judicial legislation, so it varies.

The divorce procedure will begin in court only if full set necessary documents, a list of which the plaintiff can find out before submitting his application to the court, before the divorce process.

In some cases, the court may require additional documents - the plaintiff and defendant will be notified of this in court.

What to do if the defendant spouse does not appear in court?

If the respondent spouse does not come to the scheduled court hearings in the divorce proceedings, then It is also possible for the plaintiff to obtain a divorce - even if the spouses have minor children:

  • If the defendant cannot, for his own reasons, attend this court hearing dedicated to the divorce proceedings, he has the right introduce a representative in your place by registering a power of attorney with a notary. The plaintiff has exactly the same right to a representative in court.
  • If the defendant has valid reasons why he cannot appear at one of the court hearings dedicated to the divorce proceedings, he must submit a corresponding application to the court, then the divorce process will be postponed for some time.
  • If the defendant does not specifically come to court hearings according to the commenced divorce proceedings, the dissolution of the marriage will take place without his presence at this divorce court hearing.
  • If the defendant had good reasons for not coming to the court hearing, he could not inform the court about them in time, but it took place in his absence, divorcing the marriage, then subsequently the respondent spouse may apply to have this court decision quashed . The spouse can submit this application within a week (seven days) from the day on which he was given a copy of the court decision on the already completed divorce. The court decision on the completed divorce can also be appealed in cassation.
  • If the respondent spouse does not show up for the scheduled divorce court hearings, The divorce process may increase in time by another 1 month .

How can a plaintiff file for divorce if the defendant spouse is opposed to divorce?

Often the divorce procedure becomes very a difficult test for both ex-spouses , and for their environment. Divorce is almost always accompanied by property disputes or disputes about children.

  • If the defendant is against divorce , it is not at all necessary for him to avoid participating in court hearings, because he can also announce your disagreement with the divorce , asking to determine a time limit for reconciliation of the spouses. Ultimately, the decision remains with the judge - if he is convinced of the sincerity of the desire to reconcile, the further process may be postponed for another period (maximum 3 months).
  • If the plaintiff insists on divorce arguing their reluctance to put up with the defendant, this period may not be so long. The spouse is the defendant and after this he can again file a petition with the court for reconciliation of the parties.
  • If the spouse is the defendant against divorce , therefore, he specifically, deliberately avoids attending court hearings, the judge can make a divorce decision in absentia at the third meeting.

What should a woman do if her husband is the defendant against divorce?

First of all, you need to draw up a competent statement of claim - in this case, it is better to turn to a qualified lawyer for help.

Property disputes and disputes about children are best resolved in one judicial divorce process - these claims must be filed simultaneously with the application for divorce.

  • To a woman necessary pay the state divorce fee yourself , without waiting for your spouse to pay.
  • The court hearing is scheduled approximately one month after the date the plaintiff submits the application . The plaintiff must be present at the hearing, answer the judge’s questions, and give reasons for his desire to get a divorce. In the absence of additional circumstances, the judge may make a decision on divorce at the same meeting. If such circumstances do arise, the judge may decide to give the spouses time for reconciliation.
  • For the spouse to pay alimony , the plaintiff must submit to the court a certificate of his income. If the wife did not work during the marriage while taking care of the household, or if she is in maternity leave, does not work and is caring for a small child, she can demand alimony from the defendant for her maintenance.
  • If anyone from already ex-spouses I do not agree with the decision of the magistrate or district court , then within ten days after the issuance of the divorce certificate, he can file a lawsuit to cancel this decision and reconsider the divorce case.

For obtaining a divorce certificate (divorce), each of the former spouses must submit to the registry office located at the place of passport registration, or at the place of registration of this marriage, a passport and a court decision.

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with experience practical work in social psychology-pedagogy for more than three years. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and way of life. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all areas of our lives.

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It just so happens that in our country, almost a fifth of all marriages break up in the first three years of marriage. As a rule, during this period spouses do not always have time to have children. Therefore, in most cases, an application is submitted to the registry office for divorce without children. But even in this case, when the spouses do not have any claims against each other, certain nuances are possible, which you need to know in order to divorce your wife competently.

You need to muster up the courage and in a tactful manner, calmly discuss everything that does not suit you, how long it has been happening, the prospects for further life together, as well as the opportunity to have time to start life from scratch.

You need to try to make the person agree with you. Then the divorce will occur by mutual consent, without unnecessary stress. It will also be possible to maintain good relationships and seek help from each other in difficult moments of separate life.

How to divorce your spouse when there are no children and there is consent

It is easiest to divorce your wife when the divorce occurs without children and without a property dispute. In this case, you will need the following:

  1. Personal presence of the spouses (or a notarized statement of one of them);
  2. Statement of the established form in the registry office;
  3. Payment of state duty (in one payment).

A sample application (on Form 8) for divorce in the absence of children can be taken directly from the registry office.

This application must contain the following information:

  • the name of the civil registry office to which the application for divorce is submitted;
  • the address where the applicant lives;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the spouses;
  • date, month, year of birth;
  • Which country is the applicant a citizen of?
  • passport data;
  • Marriage certificate details:
  • It is also necessary to enter the surnames that the spouses keep after the divorce.

Here you will need passports (basic data is taken from them during the process of filling out the application). The procedure for severing relations in this case will be completed a month after the spouses have written and registered the corresponding application.

The legislator set this deadline in case the couple suddenly changes their mind and decides to withdraw their application. It should be remembered that during this entire period, the written document for divorce without children and property disputes should not change. Otherwise you will simply be sent to court.

No consent and no children

In practice, cases are not uncommon when only one of the spouses needs a divorce, and the other in every possible way prevents the divorce from being processed through the registry office without children. Here you will definitely have to go to court. Regarding the documents that will be required to begin the procedure for filing a divorce without children and without consent, duplicates of them can always be obtained from the authorities where the originals were issued. To initiate divorce proceedings in court you will need:

  • statement of claim - ;
  • receipts for payment of state fees.

The law provides for the possibility of considering a case without the presence of the plaintiff; for this, the corresponding desire must be reflected in the application. With this option, the court decision will be sent to the plaintiff by registered mail.

It is worth noting that the division of property can be the subject of dispute, both during the divorce process and after its completion for three years.

Usually, a divorce through court without children, if there is no property dispute, does not take much time - from a month to three. It all depends on the position of the second spouse. It is important to understand here that the divorce of spouses without children can be extended over time due to a court decision to give the spouses time for reconciliation. The law allows up to three months for this.

If the second spouse completely ignores the court hearings, while being properly informed about them, a unilateral divorce without children is possible after the third failure to appear at the scheduled hearing.

Features of unilateral divorce

The law provides for cases when only one person can write an application for divorce without children. The sample application in this case must contain the reason indicating the legally provided right, namely:

  • the second of the married couple is incapacitated;
  • the spouse is in prison with a sentence of more than three years in prison;
  • the absent spouse has gone missing.

To file a divorce at the registry office without children, you must provide a copy of the court decision with a note that itcame into force, and was not appealed. Then the state duty will have to be paid in a smaller amount. The specific amount for a specific date can be found out by reading the relevant norm of the Tax Code.

In the case of a unilateral divorce, an application form (Form 9) is filled out; we will explain how to fill it out below:

  1. The full name of the civil registry office department to which the package of documents for divorce is sent is indicated;
  2. The content of the application must include information about the intention to divorce the spouse, and his (her) full last name, first name, patronymic;
  3. Information about spouses, as well as information about the last place of residence of a spouse whose whereabouts are currently unknown (in case he is missing);
  4. The reasons for the divorce on the basis of which the applicant applied, as well as information about the court decision declaring the person missing, are indicated;
  5. Applicant's passport details;
  6. Details of the registration certificate of a previously concluded marriage.

If the application is written by the wife, then she must also fill out the column indicating the last name that will remain with her after the divorce.

In case of incapacity of the spouse, it is necessary to indicate the address and full name. guardian.

If the spouse is serving a sentence of imprisonment, the details of the institution are indicated. in which he is located.

There is a property dispute, but no children

If there are no children in the family, and the spouses decide to separate, but they have a property dispute, this can be done in two main ways. The first is to submit documents for divorce through the registry office, end the marriage, and then file a lawsuit for division of property. In this case, the legal dispute will be considered between two free citizens who are free to develop their new family life in parallel.

But in most cases, when there is a dispute over property, a claim for divorce through the court without children is filed together with a demand for division of property. Then the procedure for divorce without children can be significantly delayed, and the spouses will formally be married all this time and bear mutual obligations. Therefore, it is more advisable to initially file an application for divorce in court, break off the relationship, and only then begin dividing up the property acquired together.

Is it possible to simplify divorce and make it quick?

Of course, the procedure for divorce proceedings without children with mutual consent greatly simplifies the task of formalizing and arranging future life. After all, you don’t need to think about how to pay child support, help a child in difficult times, or just be with your child.

You should strive to terminate the relationship through the registry office, and not through the court, since last option longer in time and accompanied by negative emotions and stress. Moreover, the court usually allows a certain time for the spouses to make a final decision; clarifies all the nuances of family life to confirm the impossibility of the family’s continued existence.

To reduce the time of divorce proceedings in court, it is necessary to strive to come to a compromise by formalizing it in the form of an agreement with a notary, which will not allow one of the parties to abandon previously accepted agreements in court. On average, a divorce through the court takes at least 3-4 months.

It should be noted that the registry office can file a divorce without minor children, if there are still children in the family. In other words, if your children are over 18 years old, you also have the right to go to the registry office, submit an application and after a month receive a document confirming the breakup.

For those who are afraid of getting a divorce because of child support, you should know another rule of law, according to which you can arrange child support without a divorce. So, you will not be able to get away from supporting your child, if the second spouse wishes.

In what cases will a divorce be carried out as quickly and smoothly as possible?

1. The presence of mutual consent of the spouses to file for divorce;

2. If the spouses live separately for a long time and there is evidence of this;

3. absence of children, or the age of the children exceeded 18 years;

4. The husband or wife is serving a sentence of imprisonment;

5. The court has declared one of the spouses incompetent.

How much does divorce cost in 2020?

The price varies depending on the city. in which the statement of claim is prepared and the status of the legal office. We suggest focusing on the following numbers:

Preparation of a statement of claim with a package of documents - 5 - 7 thousand rubles;

Representation of interests and their defense at court hearings - 10 - 15 thousand rubles;

Appealing a court decision - 5 - 7 thousand rubles.

Considering the negative aftertaste that remains after making a decision to sever a relationship, it is advisable to initially find for yourself the best option for legal registration of this process, so as not to injure yourself and your ex-spouse. Everything happens in life, it’s better to stay far away, but good relations, because it’s not enough how fate will turn in the future.

And it’s even better to hear each other’s complaints, try to both change and save the family!
