How to make thin eyebrows wider and thicker? How to make eyebrows thicker - useful tips and tricks

Growing eyebrows and returning them to their original shape is not so easy, and in some situations it is already impossible, so no matter what fashion dictates, try to avoid extremes and not make your eyebrows too thin or weirdly shaped. In our article, specialists will share with you the secrets of how to make eyebrows thick and dark at home, without much difficulty.

Many girls today want, following trends, to have thick and beautiful eyebrows, with which they can “work” creating the face image that they want. What measures can be taken to improve their condition, you ask? We will answer that it is better to choose an integrated approach, and not just use single methods that increase the thickness of the eyebrows. Eyebrows need combing, nutrition, massage, and correction. To understand the whole process, you need to imagine that eyebrows are the same hair and you need to care for them accordingly.

3 secrets for creating thick eyebrows at home

How to make eyebrows thicker with combing and oil
For daily combing, buy a special comb; if this is not possible, then you can use a regular toothbrush (only with hard hairs). Comb your eyebrows daily, first against the growth of the hairs, and then as you go, smoothing them. If you want to see a better effect, apply a few drops of almond, burdock or castor oil to the brush.

After this procedure, blot the remaining oil with a napkin, it will remove excess oil and leave as much as needed on the eyebrows. In just 10-15 minutes, your eyebrows will look much healthier, they will become silkier, and you will definitely like this well-groomed look. This will also be a good massage, which will activate blood circulation and will only benefit hair growth.

You can additionally massage your eyebrows with your fingertips in the direction of hair growth. It should be unhurried and smooth stroking, and then soft circular movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples. This massage is best done before bed, it has a calming and relaxing effect, will help you fall asleep faster, relieve tension and headaches, and, of course, most importantly, it makes the eyebrows grow more tightly together.

Masks that will help make eyebrows thicker
Compresses and masks will provide intensive nutrition to the eyebrows. Work well oil compresses. You need to mix equal amounts of castor, olive and linseed oils, heat them in a bathhouse, soak cotton swabs in the warm oil mixture and apply to your eyebrows for 15 minutes. Additionally, the top can be insulated with compress paper and rolled terry towel, placed on the forehead. It will be enough to remove the remaining oil with a napkin and wipe the skin with tonic. You can make such compresses with jojoba oil; it also has a good effect on hair growth and structure, without leaving any grease on the skin. Add a little more to it essential oil rosemary, lavender or orange.

Masks with alcohol components activate eyebrow growth. For example, it is worth trying a mask made from equal amounts of castor oil and rum or a mask made from an alcohol tincture of calendula. Gauze swabs are soaked in the indicated components and applied to the eyebrows for at least 20 minutes, but you do not need to keep them on for more than 40 minutes. Don't forget to insulate the mask on top with parchment and a towel. Several times a week, you can lubricate your eyebrows at night with a mixture of castor oil and vitamins A and E, or use a ready-made vitamin concentrate “Aevit”, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city. Additional vitaminization will only benefit your eyebrows and make them even thicker.

To achieve a quick visual effect of eyebrow thickness, you can turn to in various ways corrections. This can be tattooing, chemical staining with permanent paint, drawing on and tinting eyebrows with pencil, shadows or mascara. Brown or gray shadow applied to the eyebrows will immediately make them much thicker. There is also vegetable paint usma, it is widely used oriental women, and the effect is simply amazing. Eyebrows are not only acquired dark color, but also become noticeably thicker and healthier, which is what you have been dreaming of for so long. Moreover, we note that the effect lasts quite a long time, and if you use it constantly, you will simply forget what your eyebrows were like before.

To create perfect makeup, you need to pay attention to all areas of the face without exception. The most expressive emphasis is placed on the eyes, lips and eyebrows. Thin, plucked “threads” are a thing of the past; now thick and wide arches of a regular, natural shape are in fashion. Beauty salons offer services with which you can give your eyebrows the desired shade and size. The most popular ones include biotattooing and henna coloring. But it’s still better to grow your own, especially since it’s not that difficult.

Pharmacies and specialized stores offer a wide range of cosmetic products to stimulate hair growth and give them rich color. No less effective are home remedies that can be prepared from available ingredients. Various oils and herbal decoctions, masks, compresses will help make eyebrows beautiful and well-groomed, lush and thick. You just need to use them regularly to achieve quick, positive result.

Why do eyebrows grow poorly?

Eyebrows are the same hair. To keep them wide and beautiful, you need to provide them with proper care. If using professional means, homemade masks, cosmetic oils cannot achieve a positive result, you need to look for the cause of the poor condition of the hairs.

  • Genetic factor. For some girls, both sparse, thin and wide eyebrows are inherited, and it is almost impossible to correct this.
  • Incorrect care. Due to non-compliance with plucking technology, the hair follicle is destroyed, once thick eyebrows become thin and dull.
  • Use of formulations containing harmful substances. Wanting to get wide eyebrows, girls decide to dye them. The components have a detrimental effect on the hair structure.
  • Deficiency of useful elements. The lack of vitamins and minerals affects not only the eyebrows, but also the hair on the head.

Other reasons include poor nutrition, unstable emotional and mental state, frequent stress and nervous tension, change hormonal levels, systemic diseases of internal organs.

The best cosmetics

You can make your eyebrows thick and wide at home using special cosmetic compositions that are sold in pharmacies and stores. As a result of regular and correct application, hair growth accelerates, their structure and appearance improve.

  • Alerana is a multifunctional mascara, available in two forms: for daytime use it contains nettle extract, ceramides, panthenol, for night use - cosmetic oils and vitamin E. Already a week after the start of the course you can thin eyebrows wider and thicker.
  • Careprost is a medicine intended for use at home. The growth stimulator acts directly on the hair follicles, awakening them.
  • Lipocils gel Talika is a gel from a French manufacturer that will definitely help you get wide and expressive eyebrows in just a few weeks. Active components strengthen weak hairs, nourish roots, improve structure.
  • Adonia BrowRevive is a serum that contains about 20 useful microelements. Apply twice a day, do not use decorative cosmetics. After just four weeks, you will be pleased with thick and natural eyebrows.
  • RapidBrow is an emulsion for restoring hair follicles at home. With its help, you can eliminate the consequences of improper plucking, restore beauty and health to your eyebrows, and make them thick and wide.

You can get a quick and long-lasting effect by using formulations to accelerate hair growth that contain hormonal components. The most popular ones include Revitabrow Advanced and Hairplus. An impressive result is noticeable just two weeks after the start of use. The shape of the eyebrows changes dramatically, they become thicker and wider.

Folk remedies for eyebrows

In stock folk medicine There are a lot of recipes that can be easily and simply prepared at home. Their cost is several times lower than the prices of purchased cosmetics. Efficiency depends on correct preparation and application.

  • A decoction of chamomile stimulates the growth of new hairs, will help make your eyebrows noticeably thicker, giving them shine and expressiveness.
  • Red pepper with honey intensively nourishes the hair follicles and awakens the activity of the follicles.
  • Calendula decoction is prepared from dried or fresh petals of a medicinal plant. Helps strengthen hair; in just three weeks of use it will give you thick, wide eyebrows.
  • Vitamin compress. To prepare it you will need a little carrot juice (necessarily freshly squeezed) and oily vitamin A. Using a cotton pad home remedy Apply to eyebrows twice a day. The course continues until the desired result is achieved.

Pharmaceutical oils help a lot. They are easy to use at home, they nourish and restore hair. With regular use you can make them noticeably thicker. Women leave positive reviews about burdock, castor, camphor, and peach oils.

Homemade masks for thick eyebrows

To prepare stimulating masks, aggressive products such as garlic, mustard, red pepper, cognac, and onion juice are most often used. The principle of their action is to irritate the hair follicles, stimulating the growth of new hairs. As a result of using such products, you can get wide eyebrows. Compositions based on garlic pulp are considered the most effective. To prepare a mask at home, you should chop two cloves and mix them with castor or burdock oil.

With their help, you can get not only thick eyebrows, but also burns and allergic reactions. To avoid trouble, you must strictly follow the rules for using masks. For application, take not cotton pads, but a mascara brush. The mixture is applied only to the hairs; it itself is further distributed to the roots. If the active composition comes into contact with the skin of the face, the area should be washed.

Such products are contraindicated for girls with sensitive skin. Not only will they not make the eyebrows appear thicker, but they can also cause irritation and redness of the skin.

Care Tips

If you dream of wide and thick eyebrows, provide them with proper care. This is the only way hair will grow quickly. To improve their condition and appearance can be used professional cosmetic products. They are available in specialty stores, on the Internet and in pharmacy kiosks. With their help, you can extend your eyebrows at home, making them wide and attractive.

As a rule, the course of treatment lasts about one to two months. It depends on the condition of the hairs and individual characteristics body. During this time, you need to follow some recommendations in order to grow wide eyebrows and make them noticeably thicker:

  • You cannot carry out the plucking and correction procedure at home, as this can further damage the hair follicles.
  • You can get wide eyebrows if you apply it every evening after washing your face. skin cosmetic oils with nourishing and moisturizing effect.
  • If you don’t have any care products on hand, after washing, simply lubricate your hair with balm or conditioner. This way you can make them even more expressive.

Beauty largely depends on what you eat. To restore normal height hairs, get wide eyebrows, eat right, give up bad habits, drink a lot of water, take multivitamin complexes.

A holistic and harmonious image of any woman is created from little things, so most of them try to devote a lot of time to caring for their appearance. At the same time, many girls focus on caring for their curls, eyelashes, face and neck skin, but not everyone realizes that beautiful thick eyebrows can also significantly affect their appearance.

At the same time, there are quite a lot of cosmetics that allow you to visually correct the shape of your eyebrows, make them thicker or darker. However, many experts insist that correction occurs when using natural remedies, promoting hair growth. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

Why don't eyebrows grow?

There are enough reasons why thick hair may not suit many girls.

The most common problems include the following:

  • lack of any care: combing, applying nourishing masks and creams;
  • Constant stress can also affect the rate of hair growth;
  • lack of microelements and essential amino acids in the body;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • side effect resulting from the use of strong antibiotics;
  • age-related (especially during puberty) changes in the body.

All these factors negatively affect not only hair thickness, but also hair growth, so if possible, at least some of them must be excluded.

eyebrow combing

It may seem strange, but daily brushing can significantly improve the condition of your hair and also promote its growth. To perform the procedure correctly, you should purchase a special brush with hard bristles and comb your eyebrows every evening, first against and then in the direction of hair growth.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a special tool, you can use a regular toothbrush, but only without rubber inserts on the sides.

What is good about this procedure?

Regular combing improves blood circulation, which is essential for hair growth, since then the hair follicles are better supplied nutrients. In addition, the bristles of the brush cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells and dust.

eyebrow nutrition

Making beautiful and thick eyebrows at home is quite easy if you use at least a few nourishing masks and compresses. As a result of their constant use, any girl will be able to grow beautiful eyebrows in just a month or a month and a half.

What is the advantage of such funds?

  • many masks promote regeneration of the epidermis;
  • alcohol-containing compresses dilate blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of facial tissues;
  • products made from natural ingredients help strengthen hair and also stimulate its growth;
  • normalize metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin, due to which hair also begins to grow in inactive bulbs;
  • the acid-base balance is restored, resulting in improved hair structure.

Many models with slightly thick eyebrows resort to natural cosmetics, thanks to which their images become more vibrant and memorable. Famous media personalities and actresses who use natural oils and masks include: Emilia Clarke, Anne Hathaway, Carine Roitfeld, Megan Fox, Miranda Kerr and others.

eyebrow masks

How can you make your eyebrows thicker and darker? Experienced cosmetologists offer a choice of several effective means to make eyebrows thick and shiny.

Due to the presence of only natural ingredients in masks, side effects from their use the girl will not have:

  • Fig mask. To make a mask, grind dry figs and boil them in milk for
    for several minutes until a homogeneous mass of creamy consistency is formed. Then cool the mixture and then apply to the required areas. After about 20-30 minutes, rinse off the mask and pat your hair dry with a towel. A similar procedure should be performed at least 3-4 times a week. This tool promotes cell regeneration and restoration of bulbs;
  • Mask with vegetable oil. Heat the oils on the fire, then add not large number gelatin. When the mixture is warm, apply it to your face and cover the treated areas with a towel. After 15 minutes, rinse off the product. This nourishing composition allows you not only to speed up the process of hair growth, but also to make a girl’s thick and beautiful eyebrows more shiny due to the lamination effect;
  • Aloe mask. Mix olive oil and castor oil in a 1 to 1 ratio and add a few drops of aloe juice to the composition. Then moisten cotton pads with the prepared mixture and apply them to the treated areas for 20 minutes. This procedure is best performed before bed at least a couple of times a week;
  • Mask with essential oil. Heat a small amount of jojoba oil over a fire and add 5 drops of essential oil to it. Cool the mixture and rub it into your hair using a cotton pad. After 20 minutes, wash off any remaining oil;
  • Mask based linseed oil. Mix equal parts flaxseed and olive oil and add a small amount of egg yolk to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to your face for 15 minutes. Cover the treated areas with film. After time has passed, wash off the mixture. As the Austrian model Isabel Lucas admits, she herself often uses this method to improve the structure of her eyebrows.

How to make eyebrow hair darker?

In cases where the color of the eyebrows contrasts too much with the color of the curls, it becomes necessary to make them at least a shade darker.

To achieve the desired result, you can use the following means:

  • A solution with vinegar and soy sauce. Mix equal amounts of wine vinegar and soy sauce. Then moisten a cotton swab with the prepared composition and wipe the required areas. After 20 minutes, clean your hair from the solution with shampoo or soap;
  • Decoction of onion peels. Pour boiling water over the husks and cook over low heat for about 5-10 minutes. When the decoction has cooled, apply it to cotton pad and moisten the skin in the desired area with it. After 30 minutes, rinse off the product, as it has a rather pungent odor;
  • Decoction with walnuts. Boil several peeled nuts in boiling water for 5 minutes and moisten the skin in the desired area with the prepared broth. After about 10-15 sessions of this procedure, the tone of your eyebrows will change, causing your hair to become darker.

How can you grow thick eyebrows? To improve the condition of your eyebrows and not worry about their rarity, you should spend more time caring for the condition of the skin in these areas. At the same time, it is worth doing the combing procedure every day, since this way you can stimulate blood circulation in the eyebrow area, which will affect their condition.

Every woman wants her facial features to appear perfect. They seemed to be because ideal features in fact, literally only a few have. But the good thing is that the natural beauty and harmony of facial features can be corrected. It’s also funny that facial expression largely depends on its specific feature: the shape of the eyes, the shape of the mouth and the line of the eyebrows. But by the time a person reads what the eyes are saying, the eyebrows will already say everything. That's why they are so important correct form. After all, if you overdo it a little, the cute spread of these two lines can be turned into a predatory break. The wide line that is too fashionable today is not suitable for everyone, but eyebrows that are too narrow also look a little orphan-like. But what should those whose hairs are naturally too narrow and even thin do? Complex science! But makeup artists are always ready to tell you how to pluck correctly, how much to extend their line, and also how to make eyebrows thicker, and not only in a decorative way.

How to make eyebrows thicker

Of course, the easiest way to add density is to simply take a thinner and harder cosmetic pencil, and simply fill in the missing hairs. You can resort to . But makeup artists also offer less radical methods. In their opinion, the thickness of the eyebrows often depends on their shape. This is the opinion of experts with whom it is difficult to argue and disagree. They believe that with a well-chosen and carefully executed form, real miracles can be created. So without any plastic surgery you can look ten years younger, miraculously the oval of your face and even the shape of your nose will take on a new, softer look, close to ideal parameters. Even small and deeply hidden eyes will be able to open up to charm those around you with incredible openness and brilliance. Such transformations of a woman's appearance, close to magic, are easily achievable if you choose the right eyebrow line.

The shape of the eyebrows must be selected, first of all, focusing on the natural line of their growth, and then on model samples

Entrust your first eyebrow correction procedures to a specialist

Then, when the master outlines the shape for you and you remember it, you can make the correction yourself

In search of a solution to the problem of how to create beautiful thick eyebrows, we first turn to cosmetics. But is this right? It turns out that the shape and richness of this facial feature depends on proper hair care. To create a natural base, attractiveness and healthy appearance of eyebrows, you just need to take proper care of them. To do this, you will have to devote at least five minutes a day to them for basic care.

So, firstly, they need to be combed daily with a special brush in two directions - along the hair growth and against the direction of its growth, in order to give the lines the necessary shape. It is good to use a high-quality eyebrow balm. We should not forget about the need for preliminary cleaning of cosmetic residues and possible contaminants. After cleansing, eyebrows need to be treated special cream or a composition to improve hair growth. Moreover, the cream can be either factory-made or home-made.

About once every 1-2 months, eyebrows need to be trimmed. Comb the hairs up and carefully cut off any stray ends.

Don't forget to regularly nourish your eyebrows with creams. If there are no special products, your regular face cream will do.

Various regularly performed masks and compresses based on vegetable oils and mineral components, natural beeswax and vitamins are very effective. Traditionally, oils such as castor, burdock and even sunflower improve hair growth. In addition to the fact that they stimulate the rate of hair growth, they also add vibrant shine and silkiness. The most in a simple way Their application consists of combing the eyebrows with a brush onto which the oil chosen by the hostess is applied. After completing this procedure, it is important to remove any remaining oil.

Remove eyebrow makeup with gentle two-phase products

You can use any makeup remover vegetable oil

Coconut oil takes excellent care of eyebrows. Melt some oil in a water bath and apply overnight

Women are finally convinced whether it is possible to make their eyebrows thicker by trying homemade masks, the composition of which enhances the growth and strength of hairs in this area. To complete the procedure, you only need a little time and a little homemade products that are available in any home. Makeup artists also recommend performing not just one mask, but a whole course.

Eyebrow masks

One of the most popular is a recipe that includes butter. So, mix castor and any other vegetable oil (1 teaspoon each), add camphor oil (5 drops). Cotton tubes or gauze swabs are soaked in the resulting mixture and applied to the eyebrow line. After this, the treated area is covered with compress paper.

Don't forget about eyebrow massage. It can be done in a salon or at home

Compresses with red tincture promote eyebrow growth hot pepper. But it must be used with caution to avoid burns. And be sure to smear the skin around the eyes with a rich cream so that the tincture does not get into the eyes

Many women like to make masks based on herbal infusions. This can be a tincture of calendula in vodka (1:8), which is diluted half with water before use. Gauze or cotton strips are soaked in the solution and then placed along the hair growth line.

A fig mask is considered very effective. To prepare it, dried figs are boiled in milk and placed in gauze bags. The mass is applied, covered with parchment or compress paper and a towel on top.

In this case, you should be guided by the basic rule: any mask, except oil, stays on the face for about an hour, is performed daily, and in extreme cases - every other day. The oil mask is applied for no more than 20 minutes. The first result will become noticeable in about a month.

Tattoo and makeup

Makeup artists and cosmetologists are also working tirelessly on the problem. According to the advice of the former, it is best to get by with high-quality makeup. Of course, it will help save time, but it has a lot of significant disadvantages:

  • the likelihood of a long healing process for wounds, which can lead to infections and other troubles;
  • sometimes the tattoo artist fails to choose the right shape and color that best suits a particular person woman's face, which may unpleasantly change his expression;
  • the shape of the eyebrows will have to remain unchanged for at least four years, which can be boring for girls who like to experiment with decorative cosmetics and just follow fashion trends. But the fashion for uniforms also changes periodically;
  • after application permanent makeup after approximately those few years, its color begins to fade, which looks very unsightly on the face.

An experienced master will make it look as natural as possible

To make eyebrows thicker, you can, as mentioned earlier, apply regular makeup. But it clogs the thin pores on the skin, which leads to the destruction of the hair follicle. By leaving makeup on overnight, a woman makes the hairs of her eyelashes and eyebrows more fragile, causing them to become brittle and grow worse. And in order for hair to grow back better, you need to use two-phase products containing oil to cleanse the skin of make-up. You also need to do a light cosmetic massage and comb your eyebrows every day.

Recognized manufacturers have developed a series of multifunctional mascara for eyebrows and eyelashes. It doesn't just give hair desired color, curls them, but also nourishes the hair follicles with useful substances, microelements and vitamins. They usually contain moisturizing components and phytohormones.

Miracles of Makeup

There are special colored corrective eyebrow gels; they are very easy to use

If you do not know eyebrow makeup techniques, go to a makeup artist for the first time - he will tell and show you how to correct your eyebrows using cosmetics

But in order to make thin eyebrows thick very quickly, you need to use a hard, thin cosmetic pencil and draw in the missing hairs. Before this, you can simply apply dry shadows along the desired line. But in all this you need to adhere to measures so as not to look at least comical with drawn eyebrows.

If you don’t want to waste time on daily eyebrow makeup, you can simply dye them

To keep your eyebrows beautiful and healthy, you can use a special cream. This complex mixture must be applied daily for 2 months. But you don't have to buy ready cream: You can prepare it yourself. Such an experiment will instill in you the conviction that all the components in the composition cosmetic product natural and very healthy. So, to obtain this miracle remedy, vitamin A (40 drops), vitamin E in an oil solution (20 drops), castor oil (2 teaspoons), as well as good vegetable oil (1 teaspoon). To make your eyebrows thicker, you need to use this cream every evening after cleansing your skin.

It’s impossible to list all the ways to improve the condition of your eyebrows. But every woman can choose the best one for herself. And in order for it to work, you just need to work on your eyebrows systematically. And then the result will not take long to arrive.


Natural beauty is coming back into fashion: girls are trying to reduce the amount of color in their makeup and give their body contours maximum effect naturalness. In view of these trends, you need to know how to make eyebrows thicker and darker, because they emphasize the depth of the look and give expressiveness to the appearance.

Home methods

Folk recipes will help you give your hair the desired length and shape in a fairly short time, the main thing is the regularity of the procedures. Remember that eyebrows grow rather slowly, so in some cases therapy may take up to 3-6 months, but the result will meet all your expectations. The most famous and simple option is to apply castor oil to them.

Castor oil has a number of useful qualities:

  1. Accelerates hair growth;
  2. “awakens” sleeping bulbs”;
  3. Makes hairs a little darker and more expressive;

In addition, it is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic. It can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, problem skin and to lengthen eyelashes. The oil is applied in its pure form; it is recommended to warm it up before use - this way the beneficial substances will be absorbed much faster. Do it once a day, or twice if possible. It should be noted that castor oil is very greasy, so be careful when applying it - it does not wash off from clothes.

Making your eyebrows thicker at home will also help. burdock oil . Burdock essential oil helps strengthen the bulbs and saturate them with vitamins. It can be used on any hair, but you need to be careful when applying it to eyelashes - the oil can cause stye to appear. Also spread when heated, try to rub the mixture into your eyebrows - then the result will be faster.

No less effective oil masks With active ingredients . It’s fashionable to make a classic version:

  1. Part of honey;
  2. Two parts of burdock;
  3. One castor oil.

Everything is heated in a water bath and spread in a thick layer on the eyebrows. Leave on hairs for at least half an hour. The product is contraindicated if you are allergic to bee sweetness.

Has an excellent effect almond oil . This is a simple option, like short terms make your eyebrows wide and dark. You need to take a small amount of almonds on your fingertip and rub it into your hair. The effect will be noticeable after two weeks of regular use.

Photo – Eyebrow oils

In addition to medical procedures, we must not forget about proper care, because it is precisely this that is fundamental to success:

  1. Always wash off your makeup;
  2. Masks can be combined with oil films, but it is better to make them in different times days. Mask in the morning and oil before bed;
  3. Before going to the beach, be sure to apply a protective agent to your hairs - they also fade, which is why they become thinner;
  4. Use it professional cosmetics. Many girls do not know, but now a large number of different serums and balms are produced that will help make thin eyebrows thicker;
  5. If your hair used to grow well, but at a certain point you noticed a visible deterioration in its condition, then you need to reconsider your diet and cosmetics bag. Perhaps the reason was the use of low-quality cosmetics or vitamin deficiency;
  6. To walk around with beautiful, styled hair for a long time, you can resort to a little trick: after washing, apply to hairline a little face or eye cream. Then the eyebrows will be more shiny and neat when applying makeup.

Video: mask for thicker eyebrows and eyelashes

Makeup Tricks

Sometimes traditional methods do not help, because poor eyebrow hair growth can be caused by a genetic predisposition or nervous disorders. In this case, a serious cosmetic approach is needed. Give beautiful shape and you can darken your hair pencil and eye shadow. You need to choose a shade a little darker than natural - a tone or two, and carefully draw the eyebrows along the growth line. Try not to go beyond the hairs and after makeup, blend the lines, so you will look more natural.

Photo – Pencil and shadows

Before making your eyebrows thicker yourself, be sure to watch the technology and various video instructions. What to pay attention to:

  1. Do not widen the outside corner. The line should be smooth, without sudden changes;
  2. Try not to make large curves in the shape of a house - they will add surprise to the look. Also, you should not lower your eyebrows lower than usual - then your eyes will seem to sink and lose expressiveness;
  3. If you don’t have a pencil at hand, this will work just fine. brown mascara. dark girls You can use regular black hair, but you need to use it carefully so as not to create the effect of sticky hair.

As an alternative, you can quickly make your eyebrows visually longer and thicker tattoo. This procedure is carried out in a salon and requires a very serious approach. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to give any shape and thickness. It is possible to leave a small amount of your own hairs to give a natural effect or shave them completely (if the eyebrows have partially fallen out).

Photo – Tattoo

Also, a supernova technology has recently appeared - this eyebrow extension, reviews claim that this way they can be made much thicker, thicker and wider. The technique allows you to add new and strong hairs to the existing ones, which will create the effect of thickness and gloss.

Photo – Eyebrow extensions

But this option has its drawbacks. Firstly, the method is quite expensive, and secondly, the effect lasts for a maximum of two weeks.
