Decorating a parent's corner with a winter theme. Decorating a “Parents Corner” in kindergarten according to the seasons with your own hands. Goals of creating a corner for parents

Decorating a “Parents Corner” according to the seasons with your own hands. Seasonal design of the “Parents Corner”

Proshina Vera Ivanovna – teacher of the MADOU TsRR No. 60 “Fairy Tale”, Likino-Dulevo, Moscow region.
“Parents Corner” contains important information that needs to be communicated to the mothers and fathers of our students. This information is located in the reception room or locker room. I believe that parents and children need to be interested, as they say, right from the doorstep. Therefore, I decided to decorate one of the walls with a bright fairy-tale plot, the theme of which will change with the seasons. In this way, it is possible to solve several problems at once:
1. Decorate the reception area beautifully.
2.Give parents the necessary information.
3. Introduce children to the change of seasons.
4.Create a positive emotional mood in children and adults.
5. To develop in children a desire to help decorate their premises with independently completed work.
6.Nurture artistic and aesthetic qualities in a child.
7. Use minimal costs for registration.

This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers, parents and anyone who is interested in the proposed material.
Target: do-it-yourself aesthetic design of the “Parents’ Corner”.
1.Show design options for the “Parents Corner” in accordance with the seasons.
2.Develop thinking, imagination, artistic and aesthetic taste.
3. Encourage the desire to beautifully decorate your group on your own and at low cost.
I started decorating the “Parents Corner” back in the fall, so I reflected this colorful time of year in the forest clearing, where fairy-tale characters settled among the birch and maple trees: a fox, a hare, an eagle owl, a sparrow and a tit. And this is what I got.

All birds and animals are drawn on ceiling tiles.

Grass is a decorative lawn that is sold by the meter. I only needed 30 cm in height. I glued it with double tape.

For the maple tree I bought ready-made maple branches.

I made birch branches from an unnecessary rose branch: I separated the leaves and glued them to the stem. You can use dry birch branches.

I purchased cranberries, herbs and mushrooms at the Fix Price store.
I cut out pockets for information from ceiling tiles and a transparent sheet from a folder, pasting them around the edges with adhesive wallpaper (self-adhesive wallpaper).

I combined the prepared material into the desired composition and placed it on the entire wall.

When winter came, snow appeared: I cut the light padding polyester into pieces and formed snowdrifts on top of the grass.

The birch branches were covered with frost: the decorative flexible fleecy silver sticks turned into winter branches.

The maple branches were icy from the cold: I cut out pointed round sticks of different sizes from the insulation and glued them to each other with ceiling glue. This is what happened.

The branches were covered with snow: calafiber or decorative snow.
Winter bushes: silvery branches.

Came New Year and this was reflected in New Year's composition with Santa Claus and Snowman.

And now the long-awaited Spring has arrived! The sun came out. White clouds floated across the sky. Making clouds can be seen here: /blogs/proshina-vera/master-klas-oblaka-i-tuchki.html

The snow has melted and snowdrops have bloomed: I cut them out from magazines at the Magnit store. Older children will be able to draw their own primroses or make them with their own hands.

Buds began to bloom on the trees.

To make branches, you can also use a vine with leaves: I removed the leaves and made them from corrugated paper blossoming leaves on a birch tree.

I made the same buds on the maple branches.

The grass has turned green. The purchased lawn looked a bit dark. To lighten dark colors grass I had to repaint the lawn. To achieve the desired result, I used light green paint (for indoor work). Hillocks appeared.

Hello long-awaited spring!

This composition can be supplemented with various drawings, crafts, and appliques made by children. The wall is constantly being updated. This attracts attention and pleases not only children, but also adults. Snowdrops will be replaced by other flowers. While my kids are little, I hang out some of the purchased items. And when they grow up, there will be great scope for a riot of imagination, the fruits of which their parents will also see.
Soon the snowdrops will fade, the leaves on the trees will bloom, and lilies of the valley, forest carnations and other plants will appear in our clearing. So with new additions and changes we will wait until the summer. Our fairy-tale meadow will sparkle with the bright colors of summer.
I would like to bring to your attention other stands made with my own hands on ceiling tiles for the “Parents Corner”. They are convenient because they are very light and can be hung with tape anywhere and changed as needed and desired.

The New Year is approaching - children’s favorite holiday, because the Christmas tree is a fairy tale holiday, fun games, surprises, funny adventures. In order for it to be exactly like this for a child, to please with its brightness and unusualness, parents need to make an effort.

When preparing for the New Year, parents should involve their children: decide together which friends to invite, how to decorate the Christmas tree, what kind of entertainment to come up with, etc.

Children should be told in advance about the Christmas tree, that it is an evergreen tree, and show it in a picture or photograph.

When preparing for the holiday, children should be allowed to look at Christmas tree decorations; you can cut out snowflakes and lanterns with your child, and hang garlands and light bulbs together. If the child is very small. Then you can decorate the Christmas tree when he falls asleep. The next morning the tree will be a surprise for the baby.

Gifts should also be taken care of in advance. The presentation of a gift can be arranged in a fabulous way. Dad and daughter make shoes out of plasticine and place them under the Christmas tree, and the next morning the child finds real shoes there. You can make a paper cockerel and put it on the window. Explain to the child that the Cockerel will be watching to see if Santa Claus passes by. He will see him and call him loudly. Santa Claus will definitely come by and admire the Christmas tree, homemade toys, will check whether the child knows how to neatly fold clothes, put away his things and leave a gift. In the morning, your baby will be pleased to find a gift and a letter from Santa Claus under the tree. The letter may contain poems to learn, a riddle or a wish.

Dear fathers and mothers!

An interestingly prepared holiday with your family will not only bring joy, but will also help you better understand the child and his interests.

Vivid memories from the holiday are remembered forever. Try to create an atmosphere unusual holiday. Draw a Snowman at the entrance to greet guests. Hide a cracker under the tree. Tell her that Santa Claus forgot her. There may be balls in the cracker. Under the tree there is a picture book, coloring book, etc.

You shouldn't sit at the table for a long time. It’s better to play with the guests, sing a song together, dance. Children really like the game “Hot and Cold”. The winner dances or sings a song. You can play the game “Aibolit and the Animals”. Children put on animal hats and choose one as a doctor. The game is based on a dramatization: the bunny is limping, the doctor treats him, the bunny jumps, the hippo roars and holds his stomach, then recovers and jumps merrily, etc.

Children must show creativity and convey the desired intonation. At the end you can dance a funny dance.

Adults can come up with a lot of interesting things for the New Year holiday, you just need to want it and treat everything responsibly. I wish you resourcefulness and patience, and to you success will come!


about fire safety measures when decorating the Christmas tree

New Year and Christmas holidays are a wonderful time for children and adults. Almost every home has a beautiful Christmas tree installed and decorated. In order for these days not to be overshadowed by misfortune, it is necessary reverse special attention to comply with fire safety measures, which are very simple...

Natural Christmas trees tend to dry out when left indoors for a long time and burst into flames with a light spark. Buy a tree as close to the New Year as possible or store it for outdoors. When preparing for the holiday, install the “forest beauty” on a stable base and so that the branches do not touch the walls or ceiling and are at a safe distance from electrical appliances and household stoves.

During the celebration, do not light candles or homemade electric garlands on the Christmas tree. The electric garland must be factory-made and undamaged.

Increased caution is also necessary when using sparklers. The stick with the sparkler should be held at arm's length and not brought near clothes, eyes or a natural Christmas tree. Sparklers and firecrackers should only be lit under adult supervision and away from flammable objects.

Dear parents!

Follow these basic fire safety rules and strictly supervise your children's behavior during the winter holidays!

In the event of a fire, call

by phone: 01, from mobile: 112, 010

Give the kids fun winter holidays.

How to organize a weekend if you are not going anywhere? What can you do to keep your child busy so that he doesn’t get bored and has a fun and interesting holiday?

What do children dream about when thinking about the holidays? About magic, masquerades, ice slides, travel. And that you can finally talk to mom and dad, who are always missing at work. What are parents thinking? About a long sleep, a sofa and a TV or book. And about silence!

Parents, if you lie in front of the TV for all 10 days, the holidays will pass quickly and boringly, and your children will remain disappointed. Here are tips to make the holidays fun for you and your kids.

1. For children, the main thing is that the days be varied. Write a plan: slide, snow, festivities, guests, performances, museums, carnivals and masquerades.

2. Spend as much time as possible outdoors. If possible, visit friends out of town. Walk in the park, in the yard, go to forest parks, take your skates and go to the skating rink, go skiing. Try to spend the entire daylight hours outside. After all, when you go to work, you won’t be able to go for a walk. And children need a party!

3. Do something you have long dreamed of, but never got around to doing. Put on a play at home, go to visit friends who live far away, go to the theater. The main thing is the whole family.

4. Set up a home children's party. Gather your friends and neighbors, rehearse a performance, dress up in costumes, play a fairy tale, prepare a simple treat on colorful paper plates so you don’t have to wash the dishes.

5. Organize a party in the yard. So you can play and take a walk. Decorate the Christmas tree, play with the stream. Believe me, both children and adults will like it. At the same time, you will get to know your neighbors better.

6. Diversify the downhill skating - arrange a holiday with competitions: who will go the farthest, who will be the fastest, etc. Jackets can be decorated with Christmas tree rain.

7. Go on a winter hike. To the park or to the forest. Bury surprises and small gifts under the trees. Draw a map or plan. Under the tree, find a letter from Santa Claus, in which he writes: “Unfortunately, I didn’t get to you, my sleigh broke, I had to bury your gift under the tree. Here is a map, you can use it to find your gift.” Let the child look for the right Christmas trees on the map and discover the gifts. Believe me, children will be delighted with such treasure hunts!

8. While walking in the forest, give your child tasks: hang a feeder, pour food into already hanging feeders, sketch all the trees he encounters

9. Go to a museum. A preschooler will be interested in the local history and zoological museum. If your child loves Greek myths, take them to the Greek hall. If you have planned a trip to an art gallery, read myths and the Bible in advance, because most of the classics wrote precisely on these topics.

10. Have a Christmas Boxing Day. A couple of days before the holiday, organize a “magic workshop” at home. Buy a craft book and craft with your kids! Make stained glass windows, paint pictures on wood, on canvas, cut out figures and glue appliques.

11. Together with your child, organize an action - take apart the children’s things (you can do yours too), collect good clothes, from which the baby has grown, good, but not favorite toys and send all this to needy children in orphanages or social centers. Now such events are organized by many children's stores, cafes and churches. It is very useful for a child to do such a good deed.

12. Don't watch TV non-stop! Mark in advance the programs and films that you like in the program, watch them with your children, and discuss them.

13. Have a “yummy day.” You can, for example, free mom from the kitchen on this day, and prepare simple goodies for dad and the children. And bake cookies together, let the children smear themselves in flour and dough, and make uneven figures. The main thing is to do it yourself!

14. Plan a masquerade party. Sew costumes, design makeup. Both for the children and for yourself!

15. Arrange a Christmas tree at home. Prepare a simple performance or concert, a treat (the same cookies), small gifts for guests, invite friends. It’s good if you agree with your friends and they also organize a Christmas tree. So your families will go to each other’s Christmas trees. It’s great if the holidays are themed - you have a pirate party, your friends have princesses and fairies, and so on

The information was prepared by K.A. Pologovskaya, teacher of group No. 14

Svetlana Makarova

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention my option decorating a corner for parents. My partner and I decided to make a folder called "HANDBOOK FOR PARENTS» .

Where - on the first sheet - Words

2 shows a general photo of the children.

At 3 - Rating physical development children

From 5-10 – Photo – where children are engaged while playing kindergarten, crafts involving parents.

At 11 – Gratitude for parents for their help in the group.

At 12 - Certificates of achievement are placed parents, group employees.

At 13 - V triangle a few words about the child.

At 14 – According to a survey among parents a topic for consultation was chosen.

The result was a short report for the year on the work done with children.

Consultation “HOW TO KEEP YOUR CHILD occupied at home” I also put some games in the train I made. I wanted it to parents felt comfortable in our locker room. While the kids are getting dressed - parents can sit on a chair and look "HANDBOOK FOR PARENTS» , where there are fabric flowers on the table. And on the window there is a colored train from waste material, a consultation is inserted in the trailer.

Publications on the topic:

AMO technology - a new approach to working with children and parents Pedagogical find. Assignment for the competition “Teacher of the Year” “AMO Technology -new approach in working with children and parents” Perhaps you.

Information for the parent's corner. “Growing means learning to do everything yourself” Close people play a huge role in raising a child. Children should receive support from people who love them. Dear parents, please be there.

Consultation for the parent corner “Don’t miss scoliosis” Consultation in the parent's corner "Don't miss scoliosis" Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine - one of the most common.

I bring to your attention a master class on how to decorate a group for the New Year with your own hands. On the eve of the New Year, the 2nd youngest boys and I.

Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, a kindergarten begins with a locker room, so having recruited a group of kids, the first thing I thought about was its design.

In our kindergarten there was a review of “Patriotic Corners”. It coincided with the week of tolerance. Our group represented the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The New Year is coming soon, the most magical time for children and adults. It is very nice to create such an atmosphere in the group so that any person.

The child lives in a world where he finds himself in various life situations. Our task is to introduce him to this world so that he receives a conscious understanding.

Every family with a child needs knowledge on raising children. Promotion pedagogical culture and parent education are important tasks of the kindergarten. A visual means of interaction between educators and families is the design parent's corner in kindergarten. A parent stand in kindergarten is a must for any group.

The parent's corner in kindergarten should contain the group's daily routine, the schedule and topics of classes, and the daily menu. In it, teachers introduce parents to methods of education, help them with advice and consultation, and provide other important information. Information in the parent corner should be carefully selected and designed so that it attracts attention and becomes truly useful for parents of preschoolers.

We place a parent's corner in kindergarten

A corner for parents in kindergarten should be located in the reception area of ​​each group. Set aside one of the walls, a special stand or shelf for it. In order for such an information stand in a kindergarten to be noticeable and attract the attention of mothers and fathers, it is best to place it in the group’s locker room, for example, above the children’s lockers or opposite the entrance to the group.

Consider the design of the corner in accordance with the name of the group and its design style.

Most often, do-it-yourself stands for parents in kindergartens are made from plywood. A collapsible version of the stand is very convenient, which can be reduced or enlarged (depending on the amount of information placed on it). Of course, if possible, it is better to purchase a ready-made version of the stand or order an individual one, suitable for the group’s interior.

What should the information for parents look like on the stand?

  1. Select materials for the parents' corner in accordance with the age group and time of year.
  2. Present the information colorfully and aesthetically, illustrating it with thematic pictures and photographs.
  3. The font of the text must be such that the words can be read from a distance of a meter (at least 14 point, spacing 1.5).
  4. Highlight sections and message titles in a contrasting color.
  5. Break the text into small paragraphs.
  6. Present article material concisely.
  7. Information in the corner for parents should be written in intelligible, understandable language, so there is no need to use complex scientific terms.

Corners for parents in kindergarten should have constant information and information that is updated regularly.

Parents' corners in kindergarten (pictures - design examples)

Permanent materials for the parent corner

Materials that should be in the parent corner throughout the school year:

  • characteristics of the age characteristics of children attending the group;
  • daily routine;
  • class schedule;
  • internal rules of the kindergarten;
  • information about the program according to which the pedagogical process is carried out;
  • introductory information about employees: name and patronymic of the teacher, assistant teacher, head of the kindergarten, methodologist.

Temporary materials for the stand for parents

Bulletin board

Ad text can be edged with braid or strips of paper to make it eye-catching beautiful design. If the advertisement invites you to a holiday, it is placed with a picture, for example, with a picture of a mimosa bouquet on March 8th.

Specialists Corner

It should contain materials from a medical worker, educational psychologist and speech therapist:

  • names and patronymics of specialists, as well as their reception hours;
  • notes on disease prevention and children's health;
  • charts of recent height and weight measurements for children;
  • articulation gymnastics exercises;
  • development tips fine motor skills, attention, memory.

Getting to know nature

The material must be updated every month. Visualization is prepared in accordance with the age of the children. Such information is in the parent corner in younger group should differ significantly from the older group. You can use nursery rhymes and jokes that correspond to the time of year.

Design of a parent's corner in middle group may include exhibitions of children's books, poems by Russian poets, tasks for observing living and inanimate nature, which children can complete with their parents.

In accordance with the season, reminders are posted on how best to dress girls and boys depending on the temperature outside and indoors.

Box of forgotten things

It is designed in the form of a toy with a basket, box or pocket on the stomach. There is a harmless message on the box encouraging you to look for your lost items here.

Who lost a sock?

Who didn't take the handkerchief?

Don't look in vain

And take it in your pocket!

Additional sections for the parent corner

In addition to constant information, the parents’ corner in kindergarten may contain necessary and interesting information that helps educators cover different aspects of raising children and answer questions that are relevant to parents.

Consultations for parents in mobile folders

To attract the attention of parents, topics should be updated regularly. It would be nice if it was original, creatively presented information for parents.

For example, in the parent’s corner in the senior group, you can offer the following topics:

  • "Family in a child's drawings";
  • "Modern fairy tales and the child";
  • "Experiments and experiments in the bathroom."

Exhibitions of handicrafts for children with parents

The best option here is to design a corner for parents in the form of a beautiful shelf, suitable for placing a large number of children's crafts.

To attract parents to joint creative activities with their children, thematic creative competitions should be regularly announced:

  • "Lesovichok from natural material";
  • "Magic bell for the Christmas tree";
  • "My favorite fairy-tale hero made of plasticine";
  • exhibitions for the holidays - New Year, Cosmonautics Day, February 23 under interesting names.

Thematic exhibitions of photographs

The corner for parents in the preschool educational institution can also be decorated with photo exhibitions. For example, a selection of photographs from the life of a kindergarten: from a lesson, a holiday, an excursion.

Children are always interested in thematic exhibitions collected from bright episodes of friends spending time outside the kindergarten, for example:

  • "Our summer vacation";
  • "Winter fun with dad";
  • "Weekend in the Woods"

Photos should be supplemented short stories and interesting signatures.

Certificate of commendation from parents

It’s a small thing, but it’s nice, as one can say about the beautifully designed text with words of gratitude to the fathers and mothers who helped the group: they watered the hill, sewed hats for the lightning, and took part in preparing the holiday.

In our class

In this section, educators introduce parents to the program content of the classes and offer to consolidate the material at home: repeat a riddle, poem, proverb. Lists of literature on the topic of the lesson for reading to children are also attached here.

Happy birthday!

Photos of birthday people, congratulations and cards for students are posted here. The section helps you find out in time which baby needs to be congratulated and adds joy to the hero of the occasion.

Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten is a multifaceted activity. Its content must be constantly updated and changed. When filling the corner, you should take into account the inadmissibility of sensory overload. Otherwise, parents will quickly lose interest in him.

Parent corner competition - video

We suggest you start with the simplest - (read further in the appendix)





Dear parents!

The winter holidays are coming, which will give you the opportunity to pay as much attention to your children as possible. We know that due to your busy schedule, you do not have enough time to devote to your child.

And now, finally, the time comes when this opportunity is presented to you.

We suggest you start with the simplest -

  1. from cleaning your apartment, in particular the children's room. And be sure to do this together with your child.
  2. Then go to New Year's decoration apartments. Make toys from junk natural material. Paint walnuts with special paint or spray, wrap small boxes in shiny wrapping paper, tie beautiful bows. Make tiny scrolls from multi-colored foil and decorate the New Year tree with all this.
  3. When decorating the Christmas tree with your child, consider everything Christmas decorations, even the toys of your childhood, find a place for each on the Christmas tree. All this will help create a joyful mood in anticipation of the New Year.
  1. Together with your child, write congratulations and invitations for family and friends.
  2. Together with your child, prepare gifts for loved ones. You can suggest making figures from salt dough and then painting them with paints. This will give the child the opportunity to show creativity and a desire to please relatives. Prepare small souvenirs, masks and little surprises that can delight guests during the New Year holidays.
  3. Repeat the learned poems about winter and the New Year. Learn toasts and congratulations with your child (according to the child’s age)
  1. Create a Christmas composition and tell your children about Christmas.
  1. Make a screen with a picture of a winter forest, paint it with silver paints, and find a place for it in your apartment. Think about how you can complement it, compose a fairy tale, add fairy-tale characters (small toys, homemade paper), come up with a fairy tale that would have a beginning, plot development and an end. Your child can tell this tale to his friends who visit him these days. Don't forget to reward your child for initiative and creativity, for finishing what he started.

Waiting for midnight

If you try to put the baby in New Year's Eve later, you can break the regime, as a result of which the baby will be knocked out of his usual rut for several more days. It’s better to start celebrating early so you don’t have to think only about how to simultaneously chop salads and calm the children down before the chimes strike. Dress up the kids in funny fancy dress costumes, dress up dad or one of the male guests in a Santa Claus costume, and arrange a round dance around the Christmas tree.

You can start a game of charades that will be interesting to both adults and children. They will be happy to watch their parents change clothes and act out funny scenes, and maybe they themselves will take part in them. If the child has a desire, learn a poem for Santa Claus with him. If your child suddenly feels embarrassed to tell it in public, don’t force it - the main thing is that the child enjoys the wizard’s visit, and not vice versa.

On New Year's Eve, you shouldn't give all the gifts at once; stretch out the giving process, thereby giving your child a lot of pleasure. Having hidden one gift under the tree, leave the rest for the morning: put it under the pillow, in the closet where the child’s clothes are, in the pocket of a jacket or boot. Let these little miracles once again remind him of Grandfather Frost and a happy New Year holiday.

A New Year's gift should certainly be a surprise. If you are giving away an educational game, take the time to take part in it. Your task is to make the game understandable and loved.

New Year's gift

We are accustomed to thinking that a gift for children usually does not present any difficulty. We always know what a child needs for the New Year. But this holiday is radically different, for example, from a birthday. This is, first of all, a magical day; children expect it to fulfill their deepest desires and may be upset if Santa Claus brings them a new jacket instead of the treasured toy.

Gifts for kids may be small, but there should be a lot of them: toys, always sweets, a CD with their favorite cartoons. Wrap each little surprise in a separate wrapper and put it all in a large box, pack it colorfully. If possible, invite Santa Claus, because for the child the New Year is associated with him. Let everything be festive and fun. Let the whole family participate when meeting Santa Claus. Let the child himself lead Santa Claus to the Christmas tree and let him be left alone with the miracle, but under no circumstances leave the room, your moral support is necessary.

Games at the Christmas tree

Games near the Christmas tree will give New Year's holiday unusual shade, will amuse children. Here are some of the games.

Game "What has changed"

This game requires good visual memory. Participants take turns being asked to look at the toys for a minute and remember them. Then you need to leave the room, and at this time move a few toys or add others. Those who enter must guess what has changed.

Game "Smeshinka"

The main thing in this game is not to laugh. Each player gets a name: firecracker, lollipop, icicle, snowdrift, flashlight... The presenter goes around the participants in a circle and asks them various questions:

Who are you?

What holiday is today? Etc.

Each participant must answer any question using their own name. Those answering questions should not laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated from the game or gives away his forfeit. Then a drawing of tasks for forfeits is held.

Children can be offered riddle telegrams

Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear!

Hello and congratulations from ... (Dunno) and others, look in books and the Internet.

In the yard you can start a lot of games that do not require any complex equipment or special equipment. However, these games can be entertaining and exciting, and are undoubtedly beneficial for the physical development of children.

Multi-colored palms

Dilute water with gouache paints in plastic bottles. Make 2-3 holes in the lids of plastic bottles. Take plastic molds with you on your walk. Fill it with snow, then pour colored water from bottles, mix the snow and water thoroughly, and insert a loop of rope or thick thread into the center. Leave to freeze. When the snow you painted has frozen sufficiently, lay out the “cakes”. Such decorations can be hung on trees.

If the frost is not strong enough, you can simply make “multi-colored Easter cakes.” Your children will be happy in any case!

On targets.

On the fence, on the wall, draw targets according to the number of players. Targets can be either round or other fancy shapes. Now stock up on snowballs and start throwing snowballs at the target from a set distance. The first one to completely cover his target wins.

True hand.

A snowdrift or snow bank is suitable for playing. You will also need one or more sticks of the same length.

Who can thrust the “spear” as deep as possible into the snowdrift? If the snowdrift is high. Who can stick the spear the highest? Who can successfully complete the previous actions, moving farthest from the target?

Happy holidays to you!
