Aging of the placenta at 32. Premature aging of the placenta. Premature maturation of the placenta

All vital organs are formed in a person long before birth. And it seems that it does not happen that any organ suddenly appears in a person during his life. However, it is possible. A similar organ is the placenta, which is formed in women during pregnancy.

Children's place

Placenta is a medical term. People call it a children's place. So, the placenta is an organ that forms during pregnancy. It is through it that the baby receives oxygen and all the necessary nutrients. The placenta allows you to remove waste products from the baby and carbon dioxide. It is endowed with the most important function - it protects the baby from reactions of the mother’s immune system and various infections.

If we consider the placenta from a scientific point of view, then it is a small disk (20 cm in diameter) weighing about 5 kg and approximately 3 cm thick. One side of it is directed towards the fetus (it is from this side that the umbilical cord departs), and the second, consisting of villi, attached to the uterus.

The placenta itself contains arteries and veins through which blood is exchanged between the mother and the unborn baby.

What's happened

Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a fairly common diagnosis that doctors make to expectant mothers. This diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound scan and is important for normal development fetus

The placenta goes through 4 stages of maturation:

Zero, which is typical for pregnancy up to 30 weeks;

The first, which lasts from the 30th to;

The second, which corresponds to pregnancy from the 34th to the 37th week;

The third, characteristic for that is, from the 37th week until the moment of birth.

Depending on the stage, the placenta changes and has characteristic features. Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a decrease in the functionality of this organ. This does not mean at all that the placenta, which, for example, has a second degree of maturity, ceases to perform its functions. This body simply gradually reduces the scope of its capabilities.

In this regard, the detection of such pathology in late pregnancy should not cause serious concern. It is much worse when aging of the placenta during pregnancy is detected in the first or second trimester.

Learn more about the stages of placenta aging

The age of the placenta is the most important indicator that informs about intrauterine development and fetal formation. It happens that the outcome of pregnancy depends on this indicator.

As already mentioned, there are 4 stages of placental maturation.

Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, an organ such as the placenta begins to form and actively grow. Every week it gets denser. During the period from the 12th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the degree of maturation of this organ is normally zero. During the specified period, the structure children's place is smooth and uniform. In the zero stage, the placenta fully performs all the functions assigned to it: it actively saturates the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, removes carbon dioxide and waste products of the unborn baby.

Stage one

The normal course of pregnancy in the period from the 30th to the 34th week corresponds to the first stage of maturation of the child's place. It is characterized by the fact that it is during this period that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the placenta. They are expressed by the appearance of small irregularities and inclusions. At the same time, this organ does not lose its functions: the placenta continues to actively help the baby develop, grow and eat.

Sometimes this period is called the period of placental development, since it is during this period that the fetus is actively growing and developing.

Second stage

The second stage of maturation (aging) is characteristic of the pregnancy period from the 34th to the 37th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound examination of the placenta during the specified period shows the appearance large quantity inclusions, changes in the relief of a given organ. gradually begins to decrease, which leads to a decrease in its functional tasks.

However, for the period from the 34th to 37th weeks of pregnancy, the placenta performs all the necessary functions: the baby receives this amount nutrients which he needs for proper development and growth.

Final stage

The third (final) stage of maturation is observed at 36 weeks of pregnancy. The aging of the placenta is reaching the “finish line.” The functioning of the child's seat is significantly reduced, and natural aging occurs. This stage is typical for full-term pregnancy and indicates that the fetus is ripe and the mother’s body is ready for childbirth. Externally, the placenta at this stage has many inclusions and deposits of salts. Its structure is very heterogeneous; large waves are visible on the placenta, the depth of which in some places reaches the basal layer.

Any deviation from these norms is considered a pathology and requires systematic monitoring and treatment. However, placentas are not a death sentence at all. Timely detection of this deviation will help stabilize the condition of the fetus and bring the expectant mother to a successful birth.

Aging of the placenta during pregnancy: causes

You can see a photo of the organ in the article. The placenta, like any other organ, wears out due to excessive stress. There are many factors that cause aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes of this pathology most often come down to the following:

Infectious or endocrine diseases of the expectant mother, the presence of pathologies of the circulatory system, as well as diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;

Rh conflict between mother and fetus;

Excess (or insufficient) weight of the woman in labor;

Drinking alcohol and smoking;

Presence of abortion or difficult previous births;


Poor nutrition;

Chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, arterial hypertension;

Multiple pregnancy.

As you can see, there are a huge number of reasons why premature aging of the placenta occurs during pregnancy. This and chronic diseases, and acquired viral and infectious diseases, as well as improper behavior of the mother during pregnancy.

It is worth remembering that a diagnosis such as premature aging of the placenta is made in cases where the second degree of maturity is diagnosed at up to 32 weeks or the third at up to 36 weeks.

How to find out and understand?

You can only find out by doing an ultrasound. Since this pathology occurs without any symptoms, it is impossible to independently understand that the placenta is not coping with its functions.

The development of this pathology can also be determined using an optical cardiac monitor. It shows the fetal heart rate and its changes.

However, despite the fact that there are no visible symptoms, you can still suspect that something is going wrong by the behavior of the fetus.


Thus, aging of the placenta during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

The fetus's heart rate increases. This occurs as a result of oxygen starvation and lack of nutrients. This symptom indicates that the placenta is not coping with its functions;

Due to oxygen starvation, the expectant mother may feel sharp tremors in the abdomen (starting from the second trimester): the baby begins to actively move, kick and push with arms and legs;

Due to a lack of nutrients, the fetus may stop moving and moving altogether.

These symptoms in most cases indicate premature maturation of the child's place.


What can happen if placenta aging during pregnancy is established? This pathology has the most negative consequences for the child.

In the early stages (in the first trimester), such a diagnosis, as a rule, leads to a miscarriage or so-called frozen pregnancy.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of this pathology can lead to a delay in the physical or mental development of the unborn baby, as well as to the birth of a child with reduced body weight. In addition, premature aging of the placenta can cause the death of brain cells.

However, most often such a diagnosis is made in the third trimester of pregnancy. IN in this case Doctors recommend using methods of artificially inducing labor. With the help of droppers, special gels and injections, you can speed up the onset labor activity and give birth to a healthy baby 3-4 weeks earlier than the preliminary due date.


So, to the expectant mother A diagnosis of “premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy” was made. Treatment in this case will be carried out in a hospital setting. In most cases, doctors will use medications to eliminate the resulting pathology.

It is worth knowing that it is impossible to cure this pathology. In this regard, treatment will be aimed at helping the unborn baby.

Depending on the reason for the untimely growth of the placenta, a pregnant woman may be prescribed IVs or injections. If the cause of this diagnosis is an infectious disease of the mother, she will be offered a course of treatment with medications depending on the type of infectious agent.

Most often, droppers and injections are prescribed that can prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus. Such drugs include Actovegin, Curantil, as well as essential phospholipids and other medications.

These drugs are also used to reduce the tone of the uterus and improve blood circulation. The baby's respiratory failure can be restored with glucose medications.

However, there are situations in which drug treatment does not make sense. In such cases, premature delivery is used, which is performed by caesarean section. As a rule, such emergency measures are typical when aging of the placenta is detected at 34 weeks of pregnancy and at later stages.

To a similar urgently doctors resort in cases where it has been reliably established that intrauterine development for a child is more dangerous than premature birth.

Preventive measures

The set of preventive measures that can help avoid premature aging of the placenta is quite simple. A pregnant woman is advised to avoid any bad habits, be it smoking, drinking alcohol and especially drugs. Expectant mother should avoid stressful situations, physical activity and spend as much time as possible on fresh air.

An important preventive measure is a systematic visit to a gynecologist. After all, timely detection of pathology will help to take appropriate measures in time and avoid unpleasant consequences.

You should not refuse to visit a day hospital: you should remember that the condition of the fetus during early maturation of the placenta directly depends on medical supervision, qualified and adequate medical care.

Instead of a conclusion

Pregnancy is often accompanied by the appearance of various pathologies and abnormalities. One of the most common diagnoses made to expectant mothers is premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes and consequences of this pathology can be completely different: this is the mother’s poor lifestyle, the presence of infectious diseases, and even congenital diseases.

So, we talked about what aging of the placenta is during pregnancy. The consequences of early organ maturation depend on the period of their appearance and detection. However, a timely visit to a gynecologist, compliance with all doctor’s instructions, as well as healthy image life can reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of this deviation.

It is worth knowing that in most cases, when diagnosed with “premature aging of the placenta,” doctors manage to stabilize the condition of the fetus and expectant mothers give birth to absolutely healthy and full-fledged children.

The placenta is an organ that is formed in the body of the expectant mother only for a short time. She acts as an intermediary between the expectant mother and the baby to provide nutrients and oxygen to the child. This organ reaches its maximum size by 8 months, after which aging occurs.

Placenta Interesting
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Reasons for the early maturation of the “children's place”

The main reasons that cause premature aging of the placenta are:

  1. The hard work of this body. For example, if a woman smokes, the placenta has to work hard to protect the baby as much as possible. The same applies to polluted cities.
  2. Improper nutrition of the expectant mother. This organ is forced to work, preventing harmful substances from reaching the baby.
  3. Diseases of women. The organ protects the baby from infections.

All the efforts spent on the above ailments force the “children’s place” to mature faster, which is why it ages earlier.

Dangerous pathology for the fetus

Other causes of early aging may include:

  • complications during pregnancy, for example, if the expectant mother experiences toxicosis or chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, or arterial hypertension;
  • chronic diseases, especially dysfunction of the cardiovascular and excretory systems;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • previous difficult childbirth or abortion;
  • gestosis;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • injury to the uterus and its cavities;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and child.

If the cause of the pathology is a previous infectious disease, it is quite possible that this disease can be combined with polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

Main symptoms of pathology

In total, 4 degrees of maturation of this organ are known:

  • zero – up to 30 weeks;
  • first – from 27 to 34 weeks;
  • the second - from 34 to 39 weeks;
  • the third – after 37 weeks.

As a rule, in reality these degrees do not quite correspond to the gestation period. For example, the third degree can be diagnosed in a woman before 37 weeks. This case implies premature aging of the placenta at 34 weeks of pregnancy.

Early aging of the placenta can be detected using a special device - an optical cardiac monitor. It records changes in the functioning of the fetal heart muscle. It is worth noting that the cardiac monitor operates based on the Doppler principle, and innovative models of such equipment are equipped with a strain gauge sensor.

There are no other symptoms of premature ripening of the placenta at 32 weeks, so the expectant mother will not be able to independently determine this pathology.

You should know that early aging of the “baby place” leads to the baby’s heart working faster so that it is possible to provide oxygen to tissues suffering from a lack of oxygen.

Treatment methods used

If premature aging of the placenta is diagnosed, standard treatment methods are carried out, as a rule, in a hospital setting.

  1. First, the expectant mother is prescribed a series of examinations, for example, Doppler or CTG.
  2. They take a series of tests for infections.
  3. Prescribe a course of special medications and injections if a viral, bacterial or protozoal infection is detected.
  4. Droppers are used that improve uteroplacental blood circulation and help relax the uterine muscles. In Russia, for this purpose, Eufillin, glucose-novocaine ointment, as well as IV drugs Ginipral or Magnesium sulfate are used.
  5. To activate metabolic processes in tissues and improve microcirculation, pregnant women are prescribed vitamin complexes, as well as Aspirin, Actovegin, Curantil. These drugs help normalize umbilical cord blood flow and help avoid oxygen starvation for the baby.

Treatment of pathology

There is no single treatment regimen for stage 3 premature aging of the placenta. The only thing doctors can offer is to improve its functioning, as well as to minimize the factors that provoke this disease.

Prescribed procedures for pathology

Let's look at what procedures doctors resort to to treat early aging of the placenta at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

ProcedureDescriptionAverage cost, rub
Special dietIt is recommended to avoid fried, salted and smoked foods. Steam all vegetables and meat, do not eat sweet or flour products. In addition, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, as well as take medications prescribed by your doctor: chimes, Actovegin.670
DopplerAllows you to identify the causes of aging of the placenta, determine the speed and nature of blood flow in the vessels (as a rule, the vessels of the umbilical cord, uterus, and fetal aorta are examined), obtain information about the presence of disturbances in the blood flow and the functioning of the “baby place”, for the reasons of which the baby does not receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen.800
CTGThis study allows us to identify how the baby feels inside the mother. If Doppler and ultrasound can only indicate the blood supply to the “baby place” and the embryo, then CTG provides the doctor with a complete picture of how the baby absorbs nutrients and oxygen, thanks to which one can judge the degree of maturation of the placenta week by week.2000
Actovegin droppersThis drug helps normalize blood supply to tissues in various organs, and also stimulates the supply of oxygen and nutrients. During pregnancy, droppers with this drug help to establish uteroplacental blood flow, which is extremely necessary during pregnancy delay. intrauterine development or early maturation of the placenta at 33 weeks of pregnancy.700

Necessary prevention - walking in the fresh air

Upon completion of the course of treatment, you must re-pass ultrasound examination.
The dangers of this disease

The consequences of premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks can be different. However, they are not always negative:

  • if the aging of this organ does not occur much earlier due date– this does not pose a threat to the baby, early maturation can be caused individual feature future mother;
  • if such a feature occurred before 36 weeks, and the growth of the “baby place” was less than 30 weeks, we can safely judge the presence of this pathology, which needs to be dealt with;
  • this pathology causes insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby, this, in turn, can lead to intrauterine oxygen deficiency, as well as malnutrition (weight gain);
  • there may be a violation of the baby’s blood supply - this is fraught with early rupture amniotic fluid, termination of pregnancy, placental abruption;
  • If the aging of the placenta is not prevented in time at 37 weeks, the child may be born with brain abnormalities, underweight, and sometimes even die.

To avoid all the above consequences, it is necessary to start appropriate treatment on time.

Premature aging of the placenta does not always cause problems for the baby. Therapy is only required in cases where there is all the evidence that something is wrong. Otherwise, taking medications will only “hit” this organ harder.

To find out exactly how the baby is feeling, it is necessary to conduct Doppler sonography and ultrasound to study the blood flow in the “future mother-placenta-baby” system. The whole truth about and why.

The same study is prescribed for women who have gestosis, hypertension, oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios, post-term pregnancy, kidney disease, and heart disease. No less effective is cardiotocography, which records the baby’s heart rate.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

The placenta forms during pregnancy. The production of hormones, sufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, and nutrients depend on it. There is a certain scheme for the maturation of the placenta, which was laid down by nature. Premature aging placenta has negative consequences on the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Premature maturation of the placenta

The placenta provides nutritional functions for the baby's blood circulation and respiration. In a baby, these processes cannot occur independently until all organs are formed. The functions of breathing and feeding occur with the support of the mother. The placenta protects the baby from various infections.

The placenta, like other organs in our body, ages and by the 37th week of pregnancy is preparing to leave the body.

But often, when a woman has a frivolous attitude towards her health during pregnancy, early maturation of the placenta occurs. The development of this organ ahead of time is a pathology and entails various consequences. If the placenta begins to ripen a little prematurely, this does not mean that the situation is critical. This may be due to the characteristics of the woman’s body. If the placenta matures before 36 weeks, this indicates early maturation, which must be stopped.

Accelerated maturation of the placenta threatens:

  • Lack of oxygen;
  • Lack of nutrients;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Termination of pregnancy is possible.

Insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients often leads to low child weight and hypoxia. A placenta that ages prematurely can lead to the birth of a child with brain pathologies and damage to the organs of the mother or child. It happens that leads to death. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to stop the premature maturation of the placenta in time.

Premature aging of the placenta is the appearance of changes in it that occur in it and
normal, but at a later date. To understand what aging of the placenta is, you need to understand what its maturation is. The placenta is an organ that exists only during the intrauterine development of the child and
connects the baby with his mother. The exchange of nutrients and oxygen takes place in the placenta.
removes all unnecessary and harmful substances to the child, protects him from infections, poisons and toxins.
As pregnancy progresses, the placenta first grows actively and then stops growing.
grow, and changes begin to occur in it, which the doctor sees on ultrasound and judges by them
about the maturity of the placenta. The maturation of the placenta is an inevitable and natural process, this is not a pathology, but the norm, and only when the aging of the placenta during pregnancy occurs, ahead of normal
terms, we have to talk about pathology. Early aging of the placenta leads to the fact that the baby is not
can get what he needs in sufficient quantities, and this leads not only to a delay
development, but also to hypoxia, which can cause the death of a child during childbirth or even before
them. Aging of the placenta in pregnant women, identified in too early dates, serves as an indication for
more careful monitoring, additional examinations, and may require treatment. Signs of premature aging of the placenta Signs of aging of the placenta are determined by the doctor during an ultrasound examination and
histological examination of the placenta after childbirth. I must say that ultrasound is enough
subjective research method, and one doctor using one device can diagnose aging for you
placenta of 2nd degree, and the other one can see the aging of the placenta of 2-3rd degree. Ultrasound data only
indicate the need for additional research, fetal CTG, if no changes
meet the deadline. With ultrasound, placental tissue becomes denser towards the end of pregnancy, new vessels no longer
appear, the boundary between the placenta and the wall of the uterus is more and more clearly visible in the placenta
Calcium is even deposited, which is visible on ultrasound as small white inclusions. At first
As the placenta develops, it becomes wider and thicker, and by the end Fetal development by week
the thickness of the placenta decreases slightly. What does aging placenta mean? Aging of the placenta simply means a decrease in its functionality. Let's say
a placenta with a zero degree of maturity can grow, but with a second degree it can no longer grow
will, and therefore will not be able to supply the baby with more blood and more oxygen if he needs
will be required. Stages of aging of the placenta The degree of aging of the placenta is divided according to the weeks of normal pregnancy as follows: - Up to 30 weeks of pregnancy, the degree of maturity is zero. Aging of the placenta of the 1st degree, identified before
30 weeks pregnant doesn't mean a complete disaster, but it is a reason why you will be
care more. - From 31 to 34 weeks of pregnancy, degree of maturity 1. Most often, aging of the placenta is detected on
32 weeks, ultrasound. As a rule, this is the third ultrasound
pregnancy, and if they tell you that you have 1-2, or even 2 degrees of maturity, don’t worry too much
It's worth it, this happens quite often. Premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks according to ultrasound
most often diagnosed in pregnant women who have had ARVI, and of course, it
It’s natural if you allow yourself to smoke. As an additional examination to clarify the condition of the fetus, you will most likely be prescribed cardiotocography, this is a method that
records changes in the baby's heartbeat in response to uterine contractions and helps identify
hypoxia in its early stages. - From 35 weeks to 39 weeks of pregnancy, maturity level 2. Premature aging
stage 3 placenta after 37 weeks means, if the child is suffering, an early
delivery, pregnancy already full term. - From the 37th week of pregnancy onwards, maturity level 3 is possible, but not for all women.
Aging of the placenta of the 3rd degree does not mean that it will necessarily not cope with the functions of giving birth
healthy children even in the presence of such changes. Early aging of the placenta is the appearance of changes in it earlier than these dates. Late aging
placenta also happens and is not the norm. Most often, developmental defects are found in such children. Aging of the placenta, causes The reasons for the aging of the placenta are its hard work. For example, if the expectant mother smokes -
the placenta has to work very hard to protect the baby as much as possible, the same
occurs in polluted cities. If the mother does not eat properly, the placenta becomes stronger
works by preventing harmful substances from reaching the child. If mom gets sick, the placenta protects
child from infections. All these efforts cause the placenta to develop faster, respectively
she ages earlier. The causes of early, premature aging of the placenta may also be associated with complications
pregnancy itself, for example, if you have toxicosis, and with the presence of chronic diseases,
heart, lungs, kidneys, with arterial hypertension.
If the placenta ages due to infectious disease, quite possible
such combinations as polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios and aging of the placenta. Aging of the placenta, consequences. What is dangerous about the aging of the placenta? The consequences of premature aging of the placenta are possible intrauterine retention
development of the fetus due to the fact that it will not have enough nutrients. But especially
Premature aging of the placenta is dangerous because it can lead to intrauterine hypoxia
fetus, this is a lack of oxygen in the child, that is, the baby in the uterus simply suffocates. It's threatening
even asphyxia, death from suffocation, if measures are not taken in a timely manner. But it's worth it
understand that the rapid aging of the placenta does not necessarily mean that it will not be functionally stable; it can even cope with the third degree
with your work. Treatment of early aging of the placenta How to treat premature aging of the placenta? There is no identical treatment regimen for everyone; it is impossible to cure the placenta, it can only be
support. Treatment for premature aging of the placenta comes down to prescribing rest,
vitamins, eliminating the causes that led to aging, drugs such as
Chimes, Actovegin. The goal is to facilitate the work of the placenta and improve blood circulation in it.

The discrepancy between the degree of maturity of the placenta and the actual period requires immediate medical measures. Inadequate functioning of the placenta leads to negative consequences for the health and life of the child.

By week 32, the baby has gained significant height and weight. At this stage, the parameters of the fetus already depend on the individual hereditary predisposition, which is transmitted from the parents.

A pregnant woman feels the baby well during periods of activity. The weight of the fetus during this period can reach 2 kg. There are only a few weeks left before giving birth, so it is especially important for the expectant mother to monitor her condition.

At this stage, the placenta reaches a significant size, and after a month, its aging normally begins. A discrepancy between the degree of maturity and the maturity date is an unfavorable sign.

Functions of the placenta

The placenta is a disc-shaped organ that appears exclusively during pregnancy, performing intermediary functions between a woman and her child. The placenta, while supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients, simultaneously removes waste products and toxic substances.

The organ begins to form after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. The formation of the organ ends by the end of the 12th week, after which the period of its growth begins. The placenta grows until the 8th month of pregnancy (36 weeks), after which it begins to age.

The placenta performs the following functions:

  • protection of the fetus (from shock, damage);
  • supply of nutrients;
  • oxygen supply;
  • removal of toxins and waste products;
  • protection of the uterus from infections, which prevents infection of the fetus.

Stages of placenta maturity

There are four levels of organ maturity: 0,1,2,3. A discrepancy between the gestational age and the level of maturity indicates the presence of disorders that can have an adverse effect on the child’s health.

The level of maturity is determined most often as a result of ultrasound diagnostics based on the following signs:

  • organ structure;
  • thickness of the placenta walls;
  • gestational age.

Each period corresponds to a certain degree of maturity of the placenta:

If at 32 weeks the 3rd degree of maturity has already arrived, then we can talk about its premature aging. This state of the organ is unfavorable, since it can lead to problems in the development of the child, or the onset of childbirth before reaching the due date. Threat premature birth appears as a result of the inability of the placenta to provide an already formed and viable fetus with everything necessary.

Causes of premature aging

The reasons why the placenta ages earlier than expected may be related to the health of the pregnant woman or her lifestyle:

  • alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction (during pregnancy or in the previous period of life);
  • previous abortions;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • gestosis;
  • diabetes;
  • viral diseases (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, etc.);
  • pregnancy with twins;
  • placental abruption;
  • taking medications without consulting a specialist (including vitamins, nutritional supplements).

Most often, the reasons why a pregnant woman experiences premature aging of the placenta remain unknown.


Premature aging of the placenta leads to decreased functionality of the organ. The loss of the placenta's ability to fully function leads to an insufficient supply of oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood to the baby. This negatively affects his condition. The baby begins to develop hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Lack of oxygen poses a great danger to the fetus, as it may experience the following problems:

  • disorders in the brain;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • in the worst case, fetal death may occur.

Aging of the placenta is a signal for the woman and the attending physician, which indicates the need to take all possible medical measures to prevent a possible deterioration in the child’s condition.


It is possible to determine whether the gestational age is combined with the degree of maturity of the placenta as a result of an ultrasound procedure. If the structure of the organ and its thickness correspond more late date pregnancy, the doctor concludes that the placenta is prematurely maturing.

At the 32nd week, the third degree of placental maturity is considered a deviation from the norm. In this case, we can talk about its premature maturation. It is impossible to change the degree of maturity of the placenta, but there are ways to help the baby improve its supply of oxygen and nutrients.

The final diagnosis is made not only on the basis of ultrasound, but also based on the results of fetal CTG and Doppler. The data obtained will allow us to draw a conclusion about a possible lack of oxygen and nutrients supplied to the child. Tests for infections may also be ordered. Only obtaining data on the deterioration of the fetus’ condition will be the basis for prescribing drugs.
