The smell of stale urine in women. Unpleasant smell of urine: what does your urine smell like? How is acrid urine odor treated?

Normally, when urinating, a person does not feel a strong aroma of urine. Usually it is weakly expressed. However, if you have health problems, your urine may have a strong odor. It is important to notice problems in time, take into account accompanying symptoms and consult a specialist.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What is considered normal?

Urine healthy woman have a slight ammonia smell. It intensifies significantly when urine comes into contact with oxygen. This is why urine smells much stronger after it sits for a while, even in closed containers. However, if a pungent odor occurs directly during the process of urination, this may indicate pathological changes. It is necessary to find out the reasons for what happened and begin treatment if the unpleasant odor occurs as a result of pathological changes.

Physiological reasons

Urine has complex chemical composition. It directly depends on the woman’s nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to the liquids consumed. Doctors divide all physiological causes of this phenomenon into 3 groups. A strong, unpleasant smell of urine can result from:

  1. Use large quantity marinades, salty, smoked, spicy. Products with a specific odor have a similar effect. In particular, the list includes onions and garlic. They lead to an unpleasant odor not only from the mouth, but also when urinating.
  2. Taking medications or vitamins. Medications can make urine hard bright shade. Often it turns yellow or acquires a greenish color. This phenomenon is invisible when it comes to B vitamins. If there is no other deviation and the woman’s tests are normal, the specific color and smell will disappear immediately after taking the medications.
  3. Dehydration. If a person consumes an insufficient amount of water for normal functioning, the density of urine increases. This causes a change in color and smell. Most often, deviations from the norm are observed in the morning. Dehydration can occur as a result of excessive night sweats, after spending a long time in the heat, or after drinking too much alcohol. Color also undergoes pathological changes. Urine becomes dark and cloudy. It should be borne in mind that dehydration is included in the list of physiological factors only if it is not associated with serious illnesses. If dehydration is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as other alarming symptoms, this may indicate the development of the disease.
  4. Prolonged fasting can also affect the smell of urine. It also changes in pregnant women. This occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. During menstruation, a specific change in odor is observed. The strongest smell is the first portion of urine released in the morning.

Pathological causes

If a woman notices an unpleasant odor in her urine, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. She is able to report the pathology that could trigger the problem. Most often, an unpleasant odor is a consequence of the following diseases:

  1. Liver diseases. Pathology leads to an increase in the level of bilirubin in urine. This in turn causes a change in smell
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases. This occurs due to the fact that the organs of the genitourinary system are in close proximity to each other. If you encounter an unpleasant odor, you should visit a gynecologist. A woman may be diagnosed with chlamydia. After 2 weeks from the onset of infection, it leads to a change in the smell of urine. Another reason for this phenomenon is mycoplasmosis. It can cause inflammation of the reproductive system and kidneys.
  3. . The smell of urine from patients with this disease resembles acetone or sour apples. The symptoms cannot be ignored. Complications that arise can lead to diabetic coma.
  4. Suppurative or gangrenous processes occur in the rectum.
  5. There may be a serious metabolic disorder. Experts include in this group of diseases pathologies in which the urine smells like maple syrup, which causes the smell of mold, and trimethylaminuria, which leads to the smell of rotten fish.
  6. Pathology of the urinary system. It is noteworthy that changes in urine odor begin to occur long before the first symptom appears. Urine may acquire a strong aroma due to urethritis or. The first pathology is an inflammatory lesion of the urethra. In the second, inflammation is localized in the bladder. The symptom also occurs with. In this case, damage to the renal tubular system occurs. Less commonly, a strong smell of urine is accompanied by a disease in which the renal pelvis is affected.

The list is not exhaustive. Trichomoniasis has similar symptoms. And during it, inflammation of the cervix and vagina is observed.

Vaginal odor and discharge

Due to the fact that the urethra and vagina are very close, women are not able to determine what exactly it smells like - urine or discharge. If leucorrhoea appears with the smell of ammonia, this may indicate insufficient genital hygiene, the development of incontinence, or. In this case, the underwear continues to smell of urine even some time after the woman has taken a shower.

To get rid of a problem, you need to eliminate its root cause. Then the smell will go away on its own. However, there are situations in which this is not possible. Thus, during pregnancy, temporary incontinence often occurs. In this case, experts recommend using special urological pads to eliminate external discomfort.

Many infections that are transmitted sexually do not have any symptoms. They can only be detected after a woman consults a specialist due to the unpleasant odor of urine and vaginal discharge.

Associated symptoms

If a woman experiences a strong, unpleasant smell of urine, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. You should immediately visit a specialist if, in addition to the unpleasant odor, you notice:

  • the appearance of blood clots, pus, or white flakes in the urine;
  • a woman constantly feels that she is bladder crowded;
  • symptoms of dehydration are observed;
  • urine changes color or becomes cloudy;
  • the number of urinations has become more frequent, but the total volume of fluid released is insignificant;
  • the nature of vaginal discharge has changed and a pungent odor has appeared.

Unpleasant sensations in the area where the organs of the genitourinary system are located should also alert you. In particular, you should pay attention to the appearance of pain in the lower back, groin and lower abdomen.

Who to contact?

In 90% of cases, changes in the smell and color of urine signal the beginning of the development of pathology. For this reason, it is important to contact a specialist in time. First of all, you need to visit a therapist. He will perform a general examination. It includes blood and urine tests. Additionally, a general survey will be conducted. Based on the patient’s words, the specialist will draw up a general picture of the woman’s condition and make an assumption about possible reasons occurrence of such a phenomenon. Then the therapist will give a referral for examination to other specialists. He can refer to:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist.

The woman in mandatory referred to a gynecologist. The action must be carried out in order to eliminate problems with the genitourinary system. They are the ones that most often lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. If the patient is a girl aged 3-4 years or older, an examination is also carried out. The action must be carried out in order to exclude mechanical trauma to the genital organs, the presence of malformations, as well as genitourinary infections. Doctors say that unpleasant odor of urine in girls can occur due to improper selection of underwear, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Statistics show that some parents neglect the need to teach their child basic rules. This becomes the cause of inflammatory diseases. Many of them are accompanied by a strong smell of urine.

Diagnostic methods

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must find out exactly the causes of the strong smell of urine. For this purpose, diagnostic studies are prescribed. The doctor may prescribe

  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • glucose test;
  • referral for gynecological and urological examinations;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and urinary system;
  • smear from the urethra and cervix.

If the information obtained as a result of the study is not enough, the doctor may resort to additional diagnostic methods. In particular, the gynecologist will refer you for PCR diagnostics. It is necessary to exclude sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, bacterial culture of discharge from the urethra and vagina can be performed.

The urologist prescribes urine culture, MRI or CT. The latest studies are performed if a specialist suspects the tumor nature of the disease.

A scatologist or surgeon will refer you for an endoscopic examination of the intestines or colonoscopy. The oncologist will refer you for a biopsy if a neoplasm is detected on ultrasound or MRI, regardless of its presumed origin.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy directly depends on the diagnosis. If bacterial infections of the reproductive organs or urinary system are detected, antibiotics are prescribed. They can be broad-spectrum or narrowly targeted medications. The latter drugs are prescribed strictly based on the results of bacterial culture of the discharge. The following antibiotics are often used:

  • Acipol or .

    Neoplasms in the kidneys or bladder, as well as paraproctitis, require serious treatment. Surgery may be performed. If carcinoma is detected, in addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are performed.

    If no diseases are identified, the fight against unpleasant odor may consist of revising your usual lifestyle. Must be observed proper nutrition and carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and sweet foods. At the same time, the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits should increase. You should avoid seasonings and spices. Flavor enhancers that contain flavorings and dyes are prohibited. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

When absolutely healthy, urine does not have any foreign aroma, discoloration or inclusions. The reason for the smell of urine in a woman may be an incorrectly selected diet, a latent disease, or abnormalities in metabolic processes.

Ignoring primary symptomatic manifestations can lead to further development of pathology. The barely noticeable odor gradually increases, accompanied by symptoms of a progressive disease.

Without undergoing a full diagnostic examination, it is impossible to say exactly which version of the infection attacked the body. A sharp and unpleasant odor from urine in menopausal women is a harmless manifestation of the disorder. hormonal levels.

Unpleasant urine odor in women

If the urine has a strong odor, then the girl should consult a local physician and receive a referral for testing.

If the urine smells bad of iodine, vinegar or has a chemical smell, then patients should seek professional help at the local clinic.

Unpleasant smell of urine as a symptom of one of the diseases

A specific aroma may occur due to the following problems:

  • inflammatory processes in the bladder, kidneys, urethral canal;
  • as a consequence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • thrush;
  • candidiasis.

Under the influence of pathological factors, the smell of biological fluid changes - that’s why urine smells strong.

Unpleasant urine odor during pregnancy

Constant changes in hormonal levels are a standard indication during pregnancy. A change in the smell of urine accompanies almost the entire time of pregnancy and only after childbirth the condition stabilizes. The pungent odor disappears, urine acquires its usual aroma.

Foods that cause urine to smell bad

Indulging in onions, garlic, horseradish or coriander seeds in large quantities is accompanied by a corresponding smell. For the same reasons, urine can smell like smoked meat or fried sunflower seeds.

The changes affect only the aroma - the color and consistency remain unchanged. normal level. Sources of the smell of sauerkraut include following a specialized protein diet - excess of the element contributes to impaired liver function. When determining the cause of the problem, girls should rebuild the daily menu to a complete diet, without the benefits of individual products.

Problems with the normal functioning of the liver can provoke the smell of sour beer.

What do different types of unpleasant odors indicate?

Disgusting aromas can signal the initial stages of the formation of serious diseases. The diagnosis is clarified by the specific odor with which the patient’s urine thaws.

Smell of acetone

A pungent aroma indicates the possible presence of the following pathological abnormalities:

  • about oncological processes in the stomach;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • incorrectly selected daily diet, with a predominance of fat and protein components;
  • chronic elevated temperature bodies;
  • exhaustion formed due to the dietary table;
  • fasting;
  • excessive physical activity for the body.

What does the absence or presence of aromas indicate? Normally, the body removes acetone in small volumes using the kidneys, but if a strong odor occurs, the deviation indicates pathological signs of its presence in the body.

Ammonia smell

Nitrogen compounds are constantly present in the biological fluid of every patient. A pungent ammonia smell indicates the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • inflammation that has captured one of the parts of the urinary tract - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • liver diseases;
  • urine smells like ammonia due to insufficient kidney function;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological problems - in this option, not only the smell, but also the color of urine changes.

Sometimes the clinical manifestation is not related to the pathology. Extraneous aromas appear in patients who consume calcium and iron in high dosages, when holding back the urge to urinate for a long time - this is why urine smells like ammonia alcohol.

Sour smell

A biological fluid that smells like yeast is a sign of a fungal infection in the body. Similar symptoms can be observed with candidiasis and candidal urethritis. Along with the smell, accompanying signs appear:

  • cloudy urine;
  • discharge of a cheesy secretion from the vagina with lumps or flakes;
  • obsessive itching in the genital area;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the mucous membranes and skin of the labia.

Sour urine odor requires visiting a dermatologist and receiving a treatment regimen.

Fishy smell

Common sources of foul odor include diseases transmitted between sexual partners. The stench resembles the smell of rotten fish; the symptoms accompany the following pathologies, which are presented:

  1. Trichomoniasis - a disease formed by the penetration of trichomonas. Primary signs of the disease are recorded a month after the moment of infection. Foamy discharge with a specific odor comes out of the vagina, swelling of the genital organs and a change in their color are observed. Pain occurs during sexual intercourse. Patients are haunted by the aroma of rotting.
  2. Chlamydia - penetration of chlamydia occurs during vaginal and anal sex. The primary signs of the disease are discomfort that occurs when emptying the bladder. A non-standard secretion is released from the vagina, sometimes containing blood particles. Girls complain of discomfort in the lower abdominal segment.
  3. Ureaplasmosis - an infectious process quickly invades the area of ​​the uterine appendages. The pathological process can lead to serious complications, including infertility. Some patients develop urolithiasis in the absence of a timely course of therapy.
  4. Mycoplasmosis – infiltrated pathogenic microflora becomes a source of development of pyelonephritis, inflammation in the urethra, and bacterial vaginosis. Mycoplasma can provoke numerous complications. The level of odor changes as the disease progresses.
  5. Gonorrhea - registered at the time of penetration of gonococcal infection. After the incubation period, particles of pus are recorded in the discharge. Emptying the bladder is accompanied by pain, and patients suffer from obsessive itching and discomfort in the genitals. The urine smells unbearably, especially in the morning.

Other sources of the aroma of rotten fish are represented by trimethylaminuria. Pathology refers to genetic problems with impaired regulation of the production of liver enzymes.

Sweet smell

Leucinosis refers to the prerequisites for the occurrence of a sweetish odor from urine. The disease is hereditary and is associated with abnormalities in the production of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of amino acids. The result of the pathology is the accumulation of decay products in cellular structures and the subsequent exacerbation of the disease.

Secondary symptomatic manifestations of the disease are characterized by the appearance of seizures, problems with coordination of movement, and sudden vomiting. The disease cannot be treated; patients are forced to follow a specific diet all their lives - this is the only way to get rid of foreign aroma.

Phenylketonuria is the source of the acrid smell of mold or the aroma of mice. The pathology is characterized by deviations in metabolic processes, as a result of which an accumulation of phenylalanine is recorded in the body. The result of the disease is a disruption of the metabolic processes of protein elements.

Rotten smell

Penetration of E. coli into the urinary tract is accompanied by a pungent odor of hydrogen sulfide. The reasons for the development of the disease are violation of genital hygiene requirements or sex with a carrier without the use of personal protective equipment.

When it enters the ureter, the bacterium attaches to its walls and begins to gradually ascend to the bladder. A decrease in the efficiency of the autoimmune system contributes to the active proliferation of E. coli. Patients note:

  • apathy, loss of strength;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • urine has a pungent smell of rotten eggs;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • the biological fluid contains particles of pus and blood.

Overindulging in asparagus can also cause your urine to smell like rotten eggs. After stopping its use, the unpleasant odor disappears after six hours. As an exception, a foul odor is present in certain cancer processes - this is why women's urine smells unpleasant.

How to get rid of unpleasant urine odor

Folk recipes

To get rid of bad smell healers offer the following recipes:

  1. Brew a spoonful of dry currant leaves in a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath for 20 minutes and filtered. Drink ¼ cup three times a day.
  2. To cleanse the liver and kidneys, it is recommended to take daily apple juice. The procedure saturates the body with vitamin and mineral components and eliminates strange odors.
  3. Rosehip infusion is used as a diuretic and bactericidal agent. For a liter of fresh boiling water, take two handfuls of dried fruits and leave them in a tightly sealed container overnight. The next day, filter it and drink a glass three times a day.

Changing your diet

Dietary nutrition is prepared individually and depends on the ongoing disease. If the content of protein elements is exceeded, dairy products, chicken eggs, meat products and chocolate are removed from the diet. After some time, they are reintroduced, but in minimal proportions.

Almost all of the above pathologies require compliance with the drinking regime. Sufficient volumes of incoming fluid will cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract. In the fight against unpleasant odor, the balance of all components necessary for the body plays an important role.

Drug treatment

What determines the effectiveness of drug therapy? From the results of the diagnostic examination. Before prescribing a specific therapy algorithm, the patient is sent for diagnostics, during which the condition of the bladder is analyzed. Laboratory manipulations make it possible to determine the amount of bilirubin and conduct urine tests.

Antibacterial therapy:

  • Inflammatory and bacterial infections require the administration of separate pharmacological substances. Antibacterial therapy is carried out with Gentamicin, Ceftriaxone, Nofloxacin, Doxycycline, Levofloxacin. Gynecological practice is based on treatment with Terzhinan and Clindamycin.
  • Pathologies of the urinary tract - symptomatic occurrences are suppressed by Nitroxoline, Furamag, Bisptol, Canephron, Phytolysin, Trinephron. The drugs have an antibacterial spectrum of action.
  • Damage to the genital area requires the prescription of antibacterial suppositories - Betadine, Hexicon, Chlorhexedine, Metrogyl.

In order to prevent intestinal dysbiosis, patients are recommended to take probiotics - Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin. Taking medications can be replaced by using specialized products containing bifidobacteria and other necessary elements.

A change in the smell of urine is a signal from the body about certain disturbances in the functioning of various internal organs. In some cases, turn Special attention You don’t have to look at it, it goes away on its own. But more often this phenomenon indicates serious problems. What does the strong smell of urine in women indicate, the causes of which are sometimes difficult to determine, and how to deal with it?

What causes urine odor?

Just like in men, changes in the female body can occur that provoke the appearance of odor. They are associated with the following factors:

  1. Eating food. Certain foods have a strong aroma that lingers. If a person has dined on a dish with onions, garlic, horseradish, then an unpleasant odor will appear not only from the mouth. After the process of digesting food, the urine may smell like smoked or roasted seeds, and a spicy aroma appears.
  2. Taking medications. This can be long-term use of antibiotics - in tablet form or injectable. Also, taking vitamin complexes, especially group B, provokes a pungent odor. After stopping the use of these medications, the problem goes away.
  3. Lack of proper hygiene. Some women do not know how to properly care for their genitals or do not maintain hygiene. Immediately after washing, the bad odor disappears, but over time it appears again. Women in old age need to take special care of genital hygiene. Some older people note that the smell appeared immediately after or during menopause.
  4. Dehydration of the body. If the problem appears exclusively in the morning, its cause is increased concentration and density of urine. The smell can also be associated with late visits to the toilet, when a woman endures it for a long time, sometimes all night (a common problem in children).
  5. Alcohol. The acrid smell of urine will certainly appear after drinking large quantities of alcohol.

Whichever of the above factors is the reason why a woman’s urine smell has changed, special measures are not needed to treat it, just actively follow all the rules of hygiene. It is important to eliminate the cause, then there should be no trace of the problem within 24 hours. If this does not happen, there is a reason to contact specialists for examination.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The nature of the aroma itself will help determine the cause. For those who have never encountered such a problem, it may seem that it is impossible to classify an unpleasant odor. In fact, there are several possible options.

A common cause is a fungal infection, often caused by candida. The characteristic smell of urine as a result of fungal infection is sour. Other symptoms are:

  • constant itching, burning in the labia and vagina;
  • tingling, discomfort when urinating;
  • the color of urine becomes rich, yellow, cloudy;
  • discharge appears, as with thrush.

Sexually transmitted diseases are also a common cause. Their occurrence is associated with the action of a sexually transmitted infection. The smell of discharge becomes fishy with bacterial vaginosis, and can be so strong that it can be felt from a distance. It is also transmitted through urine. Gynecologists note the most common sexually transmitted diseases that can be detected in a girl:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea.

Each of these infections is accompanied by different symptoms. Women often pay attention to the following signs - traces of heavy discharge, stains on underwear, pain when urinating when cystitis occurs, decreased libido, painful sexual intercourse, and a constant feeling of discomfort.

Another common cause is E. coli, which affects the urinary tract and genitals. Most often, infection occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Urine with E. coli acquires an unpleasant odor.

Important! A common mistake when dealing with a stick is douching treatment. It is tightly attached to the walls of the vagina, so it is impossible to remove it using this method.

Other reasons

Less common are the following reasons for the smell of urine in women:

  1. Diabetes. As blood sugar rises, the level of acetone increases. The more its value exceeds the norm, the stronger the smell will be. In diabetes, urine smells like rotten apples.
  2. Malabsorption. This is a disease of the intestines; it cannot cope with the absorption of nutrients from food, which leads to their deficiency in the body. The urine smells like beer. This smell can also be observed with hypermethioninemia and liver failure.
  3. Leucinosis. The disease is transmitted at the genetic level, which creates problems with its treatment; it is chronic. The aroma of urine is sweetish, similar to the smell of maple syrup. When the disease is in the acute stage, it becomes too cloying and an admixture of rot appears.

The smell of ammonia is present in the urine of every person, only in a healthy body it is weakly expressed. If it intensifies, this indicates the onset of inflammatory processes: cystitis, urethritis, kidney disease.

Interesting! The smell of ammonia may become stronger when you hold back the urge to urinate for a long time. In this case, this is a one-time phenomenon.

Why does your body smell like urine?

Why in some cases does the smell appear from different parts of the body? The exact cause can only be determined through medical diagnostics and detection of serious diseases. This phenomenon interferes normal life women at any age, brings discomfort, so you should not delay asking for help.

Common causes of urine odor from female body are:

  1. Hyperhidrosis of the third and fourth stages. Often, a severe form of this disease is accompanied by pathologies of the endocrine system and kidneys. They can provoke not just increased sweat production, but also the presence of urine odor in it.
  2. Lack of proper hygiene. Some women’s living conditions do not allow them to take a shower every day, others simply neglect simple rules regular shift clothes, bed linen. As a result, bacteria settle on the body, and due to their activity, an unpleasant odor appears.
  3. Vaginal microflora disorders. There are many reasons for a malfunction: gynecological diseases, complications after childbirth, diseases of the genitourinary system (often due to age).

The smell of urine emanating from the whole body can appear for the same reasons as from the genitourinary organs. This is the frequent consumption of certain foods, alcohol, and the use of certain medications.

Interesting! The smell of urine often haunts beer lovers who drink at least 1 liter daily.

Treatment options

To determine how to get rid of the smell of urine, a woman needs to go to the hospital. Doctors will help determine the exact cause and prescribe treatment to eliminate the problem.

Treatment can be carried out at home by choosing a suitable remedy. It is impossible to undergo the examination on your own. Some people mistakenly treat kidney diseases and cystitis, but it turns out that they needed to fight sexually transmitted infections.

If a woman has a sexually transmitted disease, a gynecologist is involved in treatment. Usually it is also required for her sexual partner. If kidney disease is diagnosed, drug therapy includes taking antibiotics, antiseptics, and diuretics.

The main rule, which is required when any cause is detected, is genital hygiene. During treatment, when the fight against unpleasant odor is just beginning, it is necessary to wash yourself after each urination, using the products prescribed by your doctor. An herbal decoction is often used and added to the bath.

There are many reasons that cause unpleasant odor in urine. Some of them are safe: drinking alcohol, certain foods. If a symptom appears due to serious sexually transmitted diseases, liver or kidney pathologies, complex treatment is required. It is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing the patient.

Normally, the odor of urine is not pungent, mild, disgusting. Color can vary from light straw to amber. An integral part is complete transparency, absence of impurities and sediment. A change in the smell of urine can be caused by the foods consumed, diseases of various etiologies, or other pathological processes occurring in the body.

Sour urine smell

Using a urine test, you can judge the condition of the entire body. It reflects most pathological processes, since the kidneys are one of the filters of our body, purifying the blood and removing unnecessary metabolic products into the external environment along with urine (urine).

The sharp unpleasant smell of urine indicates pathological processes in the body. Often this indicates inflammatory diseases of the urinary canal, kidney pathologies, fungal infections of the genitourinary system, or digestive problems.

In addition to common diseases, urine may acquire a sour odor due to more specific diseases:

  • phenylketonuria;
  • trimethylaminuria;
  • diabetes mellitus (in the early stages);
  • sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia).

Normally, the smell of urine should not be surprising. In children and infants, freshly excreted urine has virtually no odor. A pungent odor appears only upon contact with air, which is due to oxidation processes.

Men normally have a sharper, more characteristic odor of urine. But during separation and disposal, attention is usually not focused on it.

Women, unlike men, have a shorter urethral canal, which suggests that women are several times more likely than men to suffer from bacterial (from the rectum) or fungal (from the vagina) lesions of the urethra and bladder. This is considered a fairly common cause of a specific urine odor.

Some foods can also change the color and smell of urine, even in healthy people. A fairly common complaint is a change in smell after eating strong-smelling foods (onions, horseradish, garlic).

It is possible that a person notices a change in smell, but cannot accurately determine what kind of “aroma” appeared: ammonia or rotten fish, the smell of a “pharmacy” or mustiness, acetone or rotting (ripe) apples. These are important points in diagnosing the disease and can tell the attending physician what exactly should be paid attention to first. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a specialist immediately. A clinical urine test is a standard procedure, but by doing it on time you can get rid of the serious complications of a hidden disease.


In case of kidney pathologies, urine has a rather specific color, admixtures of foreign substances may be observed, even the smell changes, but it is rarely characterized as “sour”. With (inflammation of the kidneys, accompanied by damage to the filtering apparatus), the smell of urine emanates from the whole body, and the urine itself becomes the color of meat slop. At the same time, the smell is also more meaty than sour.

Pyelonephritis affects the structure of the kidney, with virtually no effect on filtration capacity. If the inflammation is caused by bacteria, the urine may become sour-smelling. In addition, characteristic turbidity appears and a precipitate may form. A sour smell of urine can appear due to infectious lesions of the bladder and urethra. This is due to the proliferation of bacteria and the presence of fermentation processes, which should normally be absent.

Trimethylaminuria is a rare genetic disease in which the absorption of trimethylamine is impaired. The substance enters biological waste - urine, sweat, exhaled air. A sick person has a very specific smell, characterized by most as “fishy” or “rotting fish.” But some “gourmets” define it as the sour smell of urine. In children infancy this pathology may manifest itself due to cessation of breastfeeding. But often the smell appears already in adulthood, with equal frequency among men and women.

With diabetes mellitus, or more precisely with prolonged high levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia), the release process begins ketone bodies- oxidation products of proteins and fats. One of the first target organs that high sugar “hits” is the kidneys. Ketone bodies appear in the urine and it smells sour. The disease can develop at any age (before 25 years - type I, after 25-35 - type II).

In children

In children, the appearance of a specific sour smell of urine most likely indicates diseases of the digestive tract. One might suspect:

  • gastritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum).

It is possible that such a reaction occurred due to the child consuming a new food product: a carbonated drink (lemonade), chewing gum, chips, etc.

In infants, a strong smell of urine most often occurs against the background of a change in diet (milk formula), a change in the mother's diet (if the child is on breastfeeding) or introducing complementary foods. This is a conditionally normal reaction of the body caused by a slight digestive disorder.

Also in children preschool age urine may smell sour due to dysbiosis (disturbance of intestinal microflora). This can also be caused by a change in diet, but is more often caused by non-compliance with hygiene rules.

In addition, dysbiosis develops during antibiotic treatment, therefore, to prevent it, the combined use of probiotics and prebiotics is recommended.

A rare disease - phenylketonuria - is diagnosed in children aged 2-4 months. It has characteristic external manifestations: convulsions, lethargy, a characteristic odor from the body and from excreted urine. The smell of urine is described in different ways: mouse, wolf, basement, mold, kefir (with a slight sourness).

Among women

Women are more susceptible to various diseases of the genitourinary system, so thrush (candidiasis) is a common cause of sour urine odor. The vagina, as well as the intestines, is home to a certain type of bacteria that is considered opportunistic. They are useful or harmless to humans as long as they are in a normal habitat, but if they enter the urethral canal they can cause serious inflammation.

Once in the urethra, fungi and bacteria begin to actively multiply, move up the urethra and can provoke serious inflammatory diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Therefore, a woman should be very alarmed by the sour smell of urine.

It is necessary to exclude diseases such as:

  • candidiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

Also characteristic of women, a symptom associated with the sour smell of urine is its appearance after sexual intercourse. This may indicate an existing sexually transmitted disease.

In men

The male genitourinary system is less susceptible to bacteriological invasions. However, it can occur with descending infection. Often manifestations of kidney inflammation are changes in the color and consistency of urine, and the presence of a sour odor.

Another feature of the male body is the possibility of the appearance of a sour smell of urine due to inflammation of the prostate gland. The urethral canal in men, although longer than the female, is very vulnerable. Therefore, inflammation from the prostate gland quickly spreads to the bladder or urethra, causing cystitis or urethritis, respectively, changing the smell of urine discharge.

Eating certain foods may also cause your urine to smell, but this is considered normal. Thus, most men who regularly consume asparagus noted that over time, the urine acquires a fetid odor, reminiscent of sour cabbage.

Dangerous symptoms

A change in the smell of urine in itself, especially repeatedly, is a good reason to consult a doctor. It is pointless to look for the reason why such a smell appeared - the description of the smells may be completely inconsistent. Moreover, you should not select treatment and adjust your diet (nutrition) based on the changed smell of urine.

In addition to a change in the smell of urine, the following should prompt you to visit a doctor:

  • color change;
  • the presence of impurities - mucus, sand;
  • when collected in a transparent container, sediment, flakes, and suspension form;
  • the presence of an oil film on the surface of the urine.

Ignoring the symptoms listed above can lead to serious complications of the disease. Phenylketonuria leads to severe lesions nervous system, hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus has a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire body, causing the destruction of all tissues and organs.

Glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis lead to complications in the form of severe renal failure and, ultimately, to necrosis and removal of the affected organ.

A general urine test is the most standard procedure. It is performed within a few hours, does not require serious preparation, and every medical laboratory performs this analysis. It gives a primary, but fairly complete picture of the state of the patient’s body.

Especially if you notice the appearance of the smell of ammonia - a characteristic sharp, striking odor. In this case, we can already conclude that you are experiencing some kind of inflammatory phenomenon. The resulting inflammatory process can be the result of many factors. These include: hypothermia, weakened immune system, cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis.
It happens that urine begins to emit a sweetish odor with a hint of acetone. If this occurs against the background of constant strong thirst, weight loss, increased dry skin, vision problems, calf cramps, urge to pee at night, this is a sign of diabetes, and you should immediately get tested for sugar.
Unpleasant smell urine, smelling of rottenness and feces, indicates the presence of suppuration processes in the urinary organs, as well as sexually transmitted infections and gangrenous phenomena. In addition, such a smell is a sign of a vesico-rectal fistula. In other words, damage and decomposition of the tissues of the excretory system begins. The seriousness of these phenomena is beyond any doubt.

A strong unpleasant odor of urine in men is possible in the case of prostate adenoma. At the same time, the anterior bladder enlarges and there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. Excess urine accumulates in the canals, which causes inflammation.

How to remove nasty smells?

6 reasons why urine smells in women

Urine healthy person has a color ranging from pale yellow to dark amber, depending on concentration. It must be completely transparent and free of foreign impurities.

  • 6 reasons why urine smells in women
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic disorders
  • External factors
  • Causes
  • Low water consumption
  • Increased protein intake
  • Menopause period
  • Pregnancy period
  • Renal pathology
  • Fungal infection
  • Diabetes
  • Alternative reasons
  • Treatment
  • Traditional methods of treatment
  • Unpleasant smell of urine - causes and symptoms
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Diabetes
  • External factors
  • Unpleasant smell of urine in a child
  • Which doctor should I contact?
  • In men
  • In children
  • Urine smells like acetone: treatment
  • Urine smells like ammonia
  • Unpleasant smell of urine in the morning
  • Putrid smell of urine
  • Stool smell from urine
  • Mold smell from urine
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • How to remove nasty smells?
  • Strong, unpleasant odor of urine
  • Machine urine smell
  • Smell of ammonia or acetone
  • Fishy urine smell
  • Male smell urine
  • Cystitis from a cold
  • Gastritis and dysbiosis

Normally, fresh urine has almost no odor, but after a short time it acquires a sharp ammonia odor, which appears as a result of oxidative processes upon contact with air.

Many factors can influence changes in urine odor. Most of them are harmless and temporary. The smell may be affected by some food products, vitamins and medications. But sometimes changes in the smell of urine are a signal of a medical problem and are a serious reason to visit a doctor.

Let's look at the most common causes of unpleasant odor in urine.

1. Inflammatory diseases of the excretory organs

The most common cause of unpleasant odor in urine is pyelonephritis, an infectious inflammation of the hollow renal system. The disease is a frequent companion of pregnancy. In addition, unpleasant smell of urine can be caused by cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, which can either develop independently or accompany pyelonephritis. In women, cystitis tends to become chronic and accompanied by frequent exacerbations. Another cause of unpleasant urine odor may be urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. The disease is most common in men, but is sometimes observed in women.

With all these diseases, urine acquires an unpleasant, pungent ammonia odor and a cloudy color. It is also possible that there are pathological impurities (clumps of pus, mucus, blood, whitish flakes, etc.).

Often sexually transmitted infections manifest themselves as signs of damage to the excretory system. This is explained by the anatomical proximity of the organs in women. Also, the foul odor of urine can be a consequence of dysbacteriosis and the appearance of fungal and putrefactive microflora in the vagina. For example, urine may acquire the smell of rotten fish or garlic due to gardnerella.

Bad urine odor can also be a symptom of liver disease. In case of liver diseases, urine takes on the color of dark beer and a pungent odor, since it contains bilirubin.

The smell of acetone in the urine indicates the presence of ketone compounds, which can be one of the symptoms of diabetes. In this case, the acetone smell of urine will be accompanied by excruciating thirst, weight loss, dry skin, polyuria, and calf muscle cramps. The same symptoms in pregnant women can become signs of the development of gestational diabetes mellitus. It is worth noting that the ketone odor of urine can be caused not only by diabetes, but also by infectious diseases, dehydration or starvation.

5. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

The smell of rotten fish in urine can be a sign of a rare disease associated with impaired trimethylamine metabolism - trimethylaminuria. The appearance of this compound in urine gives it a fishy odor.

The specific odor of mice in the urine appears with phenylketonuria, a genetic pathology associated with impaired phenylalanine metabolism. The smell of burnt sugar in urine is characteristic of leucinosis (maple syrup disease). This is a hereditary pathology caused by disturbances in the oxidation of certain amino acids.

Sometimes even healthy people can experience foul smelling urine. An unpleasant odor occurs when consuming foods such as asparagus, pickles, smoked meats, and alcohol. This smell usually disappears within a day. The odor can be caused by taking certain antibiotics and B vitamins. A strong ammonia odor sometimes occurs during dehydration. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you consume enough water.

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Unpleasant smell of urine - causes and symptoms

If a person is healthy, then his urine will be light-colored. yellow, should be transparent, and the smell should not have unpleasant pungent shades. The appearance of an extremely unpleasant odor may indicate the development of pathology, not only in the urinary tract, but also in other body systems. Unfortunately, people generally do not pay attention to the unpleasant pungent odor of urine and put off visiting a doctor. But this sign can become one of the symptoms of the development of complex, severe diseases.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

The most common cause of a pungent ammonia odor in urine is infectious diseases urinary system - for example, cystitis (inflammation of the walls of the bladder), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the calyces and pelvis of the kidneys), urethritis (inflammation of the walls of the urethra). The appearance of an unpleasant odor is caused by the ingress of pathogenic bacteria and their waste products into the urine. It is the unpleasant pungent odor of urine that often becomes the first symptom of these pathologies; for a long time it may generally be present in single quantities. But usually, coupled with the symptom in question, there is nagging pain in the lower back or in the area of ​​the anatomical location of the bladder, pain and burning during urination. cloudy urine.

Cystitis may not be of infectious origin. This inflammatory process in the walls of the bladder can develop as a result of long-term use of medications that have an irritating effect specifically on the organ of the urinary system. In this case, the smell of urine will be characterized as chemical, pharmaceutical.

The development of more serious inflammatory processes, which are characterized by suppuration, will be accompanied by a putrid smell of urine. The same symptom will appear in the case of the formation of vesical-rectal fistulas - such pathological conditions require immediate medical intervention.

In men, an unpleasant smell of urine may indicate the progression of inflammation of the prostate gland. But in this case, the symptom in question will not be the only one; the man will definitely complain of pain in the perineum, sexual dysfunction and difficulty urinating.

Women should be wary of the pungent smell of urine, which intensifies after sexual intercourse - this symptom may indicate the presence of diseases. sexually transmitted diseases or disorders of the vaginal microflora. For the same reasons, an unpleasant odor of urine appears in a woman after childbirth.


If urine has a sharp acetone odor, this clearly indicates the presence of ketone bodies in it. And this, in turn, is one of the symptoms of diabetes. As a rule, the acetone smell of urine is accompanied by increased thirst, constant dry mouth, spasms of the calf muscles, and weight loss. excreting too much urine. These same signs may appear in a woman during pregnancy, in which case doctors will conduct examinations for the development of gestational diabetes.

Note: The acetone smell of urine can appear not only with the development of diabetes mellitus. The same symptom is inherent in such pathological conditions as dehydration. starvation, severe infectious diseases.

Metabolic disorders

If there are metabolic disorders in the body, then the smell of urine will definitely “tell” about it:

  1. Unpleasant fishy smell. It may indicate trimethylaminuria, a rare disease associated with metabolic disorders. This pathology is characterized by the accumulation of trimethylamine - this substance gives the urine a fishy smell.
  2. Mouse smell. It will be characteristic of phenylketonuria - a genetic disease that is characterized by a violation of the metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine. As the pathology progresses, this acid accumulates in the tissues of the body, and its amount in the urine increases - this is what gives the urine a mouse-like smell.
  3. Smell of burnt sugar or maple syrup. It appears in leucinosis, a hereditary disease in which the activity of the enzyme system decreases. Leucinosis manifests itself from the first days of a newborn’s life and requires emergency treatment.

In addition, urine may acquire the smell of mold, beer, sauerkraut, sulfur, sweat - this will also indicate progressive metabolic disorders in the body. In any case, you need to immediately contact specialists.

External factors

It is worth knowing that the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the urine does not always indicate the development of pathology in the body. Even a completely healthy person can face the problem in question! It is well known that alcohol and some food products (for example, spicy dishes, asparagus, salty dishes) contain substances that give urine an extremely unpleasant odor. Doctors recommend waiting 48 hours - it is during this period that the smell of urine should be restored, otherwise you should definitely contact a qualified professional. medical care.

In some cases, an unpleasant smell of urine appears due to long-term use of antibacterial drugs and vitamins - ciprofloxacin and ampicillin, B vitamins are especially often “sinned” with this side effect. The problem is easily solved - just stop taking these medications and the smell of urine will normalize within 5- 7 days.

Note: the appearance of a strong ammonia odor in urine may be due to an imbalance due to diets and dehydration. To eliminate the syndrome, you need to adjust your diet and drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

Unpleasant smell of urine in a child

In newborn children, urine has no odor at all (provided the baby is absolutely healthy); as he grows up, the smell becomes identical to that present in adults. The appearance of unpleasant odor in urine may be due to the following factors:

  1. Hereditary diseases. associated with metabolic disorders. In this case, an unpleasant smell of urine will appear from the first hours of the newborn’s life; diagnostic measures and treatment are carried out in the maternity hospital.
  2. Inflammatory diseases. Moreover, they can occur in the urinary system and in other organs/systems of the body. For example, with a common cold, the child’s temperature will rise, the body will experience a lack of fluid, which leads to an increase in the concentration of urine and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the urine.

Note: The appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine in a child is not always evidence of the development of pathological processes in his body. For example, if the baby is breastfed, then an unpleasant smell of urine may appear if the mother ate cabbage. The smell of urine can be increased by changing formula milk or introducing complementary foods.

Doctors say that in most cases, the unpleasant odor of urine in a child is not associated with the development of any pathological process. However, parents should draw the pediatrician's attention to this syndrome.

Unpleasant urine odor can become the main and only symptom of quite complex diseases. If you seek qualified medical help in a timely manner, severe complications can be avoided in most cases.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category


Urine smells like ammonia in a woman - causes and treatment

Even in a person who does not have acute and chronic diseases internal organs and systems, urine has a specific and unlike anything else smell. With normal functioning of the body, as well as sufficient fluid intake, a sterile solution of organic and chemical elements is removed from the bladder.

The appearance of a specific ammonia odor in urine in women of different ages, indicates excessive accumulation of ammonium phosphates in the body, which indicates the development of a serious pathology.

In addition to the appearance of a sharp specific odor, urine may contain elements of pus, blood, as well as mucus and epithelial particles. Along with the sensation of an ammonia odor, some women may experience a sensation of itching and burning, which is associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia when urinating.

Both various pathological conditions and circumstances not related to dysfunction of organs and systems can cause the appearance of ammonia odor in urine.

Low water consumption

Reduced daily consumption drinking water causes an increase in the concentration of various chemical elements in the urine, including ammonia. It is very easy to correct this situation, since all you need to do is drink more water.

Increased protein intake

The main product of protein breakdown in the body is hydrogen nitride, which is excreted from the body through the kidneys, giving the urine a characteristic ammonia odor. In order to correct this condition, a woman needs to reconsider her daily diet, paying special attention to foods rich in animal protein (meat, chicken eggs, hard cheeses).

Infectious inflammatory process

Urinary tract infection is one of the main causes of ammonia odor in women of all ages. The anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system in women contribute to faster penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through the urethra into the bladder.

Menopause period

Age-related depression of menstrual function in women is accompanied by a significant decrease in the content of the hormone estrogen in the blood. One of the functions of this hormone is to increase the body’s resistance to various infections. The growth of pathogenic microflora in the vagina against the background of a decrease in estrogen concentration may cause the appearance of a strong ammonia odor in urine.

Pregnancy period

In women during pregnancy, the ratio of sex hormones in the body also changes significantly. Hormonal changes in in this case makes the female body especially vulnerable to infections of the genitourinary system. In particular, an increase in the concentration of progesterone may cause a narrowing of the lumen of the ureters, thereby provoking stagnation of fluid in the kidneys. In addition, the round-the-clock pressure that the fetus puts on the bladder causes stagnation of fluid in it and the growth of pathogenic microflora. As a rule, after childbirth the problem disappears without additional intervention.

Renal pathology

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys can have a significant impact on the basic functions of these organs. Violation of the process of removing hydrogen and urea is a potential cause of the appearance of a strong ammonia odor from urine.

Fungal infection

The rapid growth of a fungal or bacterial infection in the vaginal lumen can cause the development of vaginitis. The odor associated with this disease may resemble ammonia.

This disease is characterized by insufficient production of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the process of penetration of glucose into the cell. Without receiving the necessary glucose, the body begins the process of producing energy from adipose tissue. The result of this process is a significant accumulation of breakdown products - ketones, the excretion of which through the kidneys causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine.

Alternative reasons

Less common, but still probable causes of ammonia-like urine odor may be hereditary metabolic diseases, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. Taking certain medications and vitamins (B6) also helps to change the chemical composition of urine, changing its color and smell.

Before starting treatment for this condition, a woman needs to undergo a detailed examination of the body in order to identify the true cause of the odor.

If during the examination no violations were found in the functioning of organs and systems, then the following tips will help to cope with this condition:

  • The daily volume of fluid you drink should be increased to 1.5 liters if the cause of the unpleasant odor is due to insufficient water intake in the body;
  • A woman should also carefully monitor her diet and avoid excessive consumption of foods rich in animal protein;
  • If the appearance of an odor is directly related to the start of taking certain medications, then the issue of their further use should be resolved with the attending physician as soon as possible.

Traditional methods of treatment

If the cause of the unpleasant odor is an infectious-inflammatory process in the kidneys and bladder, then the following can be used as an addition to the main treatment folk remedies to get rid of this problem:

  1. A decoction of currant leaves is an excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory traditional medicine. To prepare it you need 1 tbsp. l. Dry black currant leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. The resulting decoction must be filtered and taken warm 3 times a day, a quarter glass before meals;
  2. Daily consumption of apple juice will not only help cleanse the kidneys and liver naturally, but will also enrich the entire body with vitamins and minerals;
  3. A decoction of rose hips is a powerful bactericidal and diuretic. To prepare it you need to take 2 tbsp. l. dry rose hips and pour 250 ml of boiling water, then cook over low heat for 15 minutes. The resulting decoction should be filtered and consumed warm, 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Important! Any attempts to resort to self-medication without first consulting a doctor may lead to an exacerbation of existing diseases. Each drug used must be agreed upon with the attending physician.


Unpleasant smell of urine - causes and symptoms

In healthy people, urine is light yellow in color, transparent, and normally does not have an unpleasant pungent odor. The appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine may indicate some pathology not only of the organs that are involved in its formation and excretion, but also of many other body systems. Many people do not attach due importance to this symptom, but if you notice that the urine has some kind of unpleasant odor and it persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

The most common cause of an unpleasant ammonia odor in urine is infectious diseases of the urinary system, such as pyelonephritis. cystitis and urethritis. This is due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products enter the urine. It should be noted that the appearance of an unpleasant odor can be the first symptom of these diseases, which appears long before other signs. Usually, with diseases of the urinary system, patients are also bothered by pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, pain and burning when urinating, and the urine may become cloudy.

Cystitis can also be non-infectious in nature, but occur as a result of long-term use of medications that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder (there are no bacteria in the urine). In such cases, urine may acquire a specific pharmaceutical or chemical odor.

The appearance of a putrid smell of urine can be a symptom of serious diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women. This symptom can occur during inflammatory processes accompanied by suppuration, as well as during the formation of rectal fistulas (vesico-rectal fistulas). Such diseases require immediate treatment.

Unpleasant urine odor in men may indicate the development of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Other symptoms of this disease include perineal pain, difficulty urinating and sexual dysfunction.

In women, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine, especially worse after sexual intercourse, may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or disturbances in the balance of vaginal microflora. For the same reasons, urine may have an unpleasant odor after childbirth.


The appearance of an acetone odor in the urine indicates the presence of ketone bodies in it, which may be a symptom of diabetes mellitus. Usually this disease is accompanied by other symptoms, such as excruciating thirst, dry skin, weight loss, spasms of the calf muscles, and polyuria. Such signs may also appear in pregnant women, which may indicate the development of gestational diabetes mellitus.

The appearance of the smell of ketone bodies in urine can be associated not only with diabetes, but also with dehydration, starvation or severe infectious diseases.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

An unpleasant fishy smell of urine may indicate a rather rare disease associated with metabolic disorders - trimethylaminuria, in which the substance trimethylamine accumulates in the human body. The appearance of this substance in the urine gives it the smell of rotten fish.

A mouse odor may appear in urine due to phenylketonuria. This is a genetic disease in which the metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine is disrupted, it accumulates in the tissues of the body and the amount of this substance in the urine increases, which gives it a specific smell.

The odor of maple syrup or burnt sugar appears in the urine of leucinosis, also called maple syrup disease. This is a hereditary pathology in which the activity of the enzyme system that ensures the oxidation of certain amino acids is reduced. The disease begins to manifest itself from the first days of a newborn’s life and requires immediate treatment.

With many other metabolic disorders in the body, the urine may develop various odors: the smell of beer, rotten cabbage, mold, sweat or sulfur. In any case, the appearance of an unusual odor in urine is a reason to consult a doctor.

External factors

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine is not always associated with diseases; absolutely healthy people can also face this problem. Some foods, especially asparagus, spicy and salty foods, and alcohol, contain substances that give urine an unpleasant odor. As a rule, it disappears on its own within 24–48 hours after eating them.

Sometimes the appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine is associated with taking certain medications, such as antibiotics (ampicillin, ciprofloxacin) and B vitamins. The problem resolves on its own after stopping taking these medications.

The appearance of a strong ammonia odor in urine is one of the symptoms of an imbalance in the body due to diets and dehydration. To avoid this, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily, and when following a diet, make sure that the diet is balanced and the body is provided with a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Unpleasant smell of urine in a child

Newborn feces have virtually no odor. As a child grows older, the urine of a child acquires the same smell as that of an adult. The causes of unpleasant odor in urine are usually associated with the same pathologies as in adults.

In case of hereditary diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body, an unpleasant odor in the urine appears from the first days of life; very often such diseases are diagnosed in the maternity hospital, and their treatment begins there.

A child's urine may acquire an unpleasant odor due to inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. In diseases accompanied by increased body temperature and dehydration, urine becomes more concentrated, which also causes an unpleasant odor in the baby's stool. In such a situation, it is necessary to give the child more fluid to drink.

The appearance of a smell in a child's urine does not always indicate any disease. In breastfed babies, the smell of urine may be affected by the mother's diet, such as eating cabbage. Changing formula milk and introducing complementary foods can also cause a change in the smell of your baby's stool.

Most often, the reasons for the unpleasant odor of urine in a child are quite banal, however, this symptom cannot be ignored. Even if nothing bothers the child, you should bring this to the attention of the pediatrician.

Which doctor should I contact?

If there is an unpleasant odor in the urine, you should contact a urologist and show the child to a pediatrician. If a metabolic disorder is detected, you should be treated by an endocrinologist. If hereditary metabolic diseases are detected, consultation with a geneticist or nutritionist will be useful.

Unpleasant smell of urine - causes and symptoms


Unpleasant smell of urine: causes, treatment with folk remedies

Many people, both adults and children, are faced with the problem of unpleasant urine odor. Unfortunately, observing basic hygiene rules does not always help solve it.

The urine of a healthy person is transparent, has a light yellow tint, and does not emit a strong stench.

A pungent odor of urine appears in case of any disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the excretory system. If this symptom appears and lasts for a long time, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The main reasons for the appearance of a repulsive “aroma” are as follows:

  • Taking certain medications that irritate the bladder wall.
  • Inflammatory processes and suppuration.
  • Consumption of certain foods, such as spicy and salty foods, alcoholic beverages. The unpleasant odor disappears within a few days.
  • Metabolic disorders, dehydration, diabetes.

Causes of unpleasant odor of urine in women

  • An unpleasant smell of urine in women indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora, as well as the presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Unpleasant odor of urine during pregnancy is usually associated with dehydration, consumption of vitamins, toxicosis, and hormonal imbalance.

In men

Unpleasant urine odor in men can be caused by the development of infectious diseases, such as:

  • cystitis,
  • urethritis,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • inflammation of the prostate gland, that is, prostatitis. At the same time, the urine smells like ammonia and becomes cloudy.

In children

An unpleasant smell of urine in a child appears in the case of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. At elevated temperatures or dehydration, urine becomes more concentrated and produces an unpleasant odor.

A change in the smell of urine in an infant may also be associated with the introduction of complementary foods or a change in the mother's diet.

Urine smells like acetone: treatment

This symptom is considered very dangerous, as it may indicate the presence of diabetes mellitus. It is when the smell of acetone appears from urine that you should immediately contact a specialist.

  • To get rid of the stench, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and spicy foods and include foods containing carbohydrates in the diet.
  • To solve the problem of acetone-tinged odor, doctors recommend drinking alkaline drinks and doing cleansing enemas.

Urine smells like ammonia

Traditional treatment for unpleasant odor of urine: home recipes and remedies

The “aroma” of ammonia in urine signals the development of inflammatory processes in the bladder. A decoction of black currant leaves will help relieve inflammation and, accordingly, eliminate the stench.

  • To prepare it, you need to brew a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour.
  • Filter with gauze and take 200 ml of the drink three times a day before meals.
  • Throughout the course of treatment, it is necessary to eat as many fresh currants as possible.
  • You can drink the medicinal decoction until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Unpleasant smell of urine in the morning

Cranberry is an excellent diuretic and helps solve the problem of morning “flavor” of urine. Drinking cranberry juice can cleanse the walls of the bladder from pathogenic bacteria that multiply at night due to stagnation of urine, and eliminate the harsh “amber.”

  • Mash a glass of berries with a masher and pour the resulting juice into a bowl.
  • The skins should be poured with a liter of boiling water, brought to a boil and the juice poured into the resulting drink.
  • You can drink up to two liters of fruit drink per day.

Putrid smell of urine

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This symptom indicates suppuration in the urinary tract, infections, etc. You can eliminate the problem using a decoction of grass and knotweed roots.

  • A tablespoon of raw material must be brewed with a glass of boiling water.
  • To give the knotweed to the water beneficial features, you need to steep the drink for at least 15 minutes, then filter it through a sieve.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of the medicine three times a day.
  • Duration of therapy – 7 days.

Stool smell from urine

This unpleasant phenomenon may be a sign of damage and decomposition of the tissues of the excretory system, which poses a great danger. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe proper treatment for the disease.

  • Lingonberries, which have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, will help reduce the pungent “aroma”.
  • Two tablespoons of crushed berries and leaves of the plant must be brewed with a liter of boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat and leave for 40 minutes.
  • It is recommended to take the decoction ½ cup 5 times a day for two months.

Mold smell from urine

If the urine smells like mold, the person may have phenylketonuria. With this disease, an accumulation of by-products of phenylanine metabolism occurs in the body.

  • It is recommended to follow a diet that is based on the consumption of plant protein.
  • It is forbidden to eat meat, fish, eggs, pasta, legumes and dairy products, chocolate, nuts and gelatin.

Rancid oil smell from urine

An “amber” of this kind signals an increased content of methionine. A decoction of dill will help get rid of the problem.

  • To prepare it, you need to pour a glass hot water 3 tbsp. raw materials.
  • Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat and leave for another 45 minutes.
  • After filtering the drink through cheesecloth, it can be consumed in the amount of 1/3 glass three times a day before meals.

Unpleasant urine odor after sexual intercourse

Often after sexual intercourse, women may experience a strong “aroma” of urine. This occurs as a result of a violation of the microflora of the genital organs, cystitis or thrush.

A decoction of cornflower flower baskets is quite simple to prepare:

  • Pour two tablespoons of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and filter through a sieve.
  • A glass of the drink should be drunk throughout the day.
  • Take the elixir until the “amber” disappears completely.

Unpleasant smell of urine with prostatitis

A strong smell of urine in men can occur due to prostate adenoma. A large amount of urine accumulates in the canals, and inflammatory processes develop.

A decoction of parsley seeds is very effective:

  • To prepare it, you need to chop the parsley seeds.
  • 4 tbsp. raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour and pass through a sieve.
  • Take a tablespoon of the drug before meals 4-5 times a day.
  • The course of therapy is 7 days.

To prevent the development of diseases that cause unpleasant urine odor, you need to familiarize yourself with simple rules and follow them:

  • Follow a diet to prevent genitourinary diseases. It is recommended to exclude too spicy, fatty and salty foods from the diet, and eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
  • You need to drink a lot of liquid: clean water, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks.
  • It is strongly recommended not to abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • Exercise. You need to move more to prevent the development of stagnant processes in the pelvis.
  • Avoid nervous tension.
  • Observe basic rules of genital hygiene.
  • Treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.
  • Be regularly examined by a gynecologist.

I read the article carefully, thank you, everything is written very clearly. But I didn’t find any of your symptoms. My urine has, excuse the details, a kind of “fishy” smell, very unpleasant, you don’t even need to sniff. I visited one professor and he said that you need to eat more meat. But it was just Lent and I barely had any meat at all. Can such a stench really come from the lack of protein in food? And the second doctor said that such a smell could indicate gynecological problems and most likely I have bacterial vaginosis. We'll have to be seriously examined.((

I know that sometimes the unpleasant smell of urine does not appear to be due to urine in the literal sense. If the kidneys are not working well, especially in older women, then discharge can occur through the pores of the skin. In other words, urine finds another outlet - through the skin! Then, whether you wash or not, it will be so, you need to seriously undergo treatment.

If your urine smells like vinegar, this may be a sign of diabetes - you should have your blood tested for sugar. You also need to check your thyroid gland, because the smell of vinegar from a person (urine, sweat, etc.) physiological secretions) often indicates a lack or excess of iodine in the body.

The strong smell of urine is due to hormones - this is the norm, as the gynecologist told me. During pregnancy, the smell of urine became very pungent, I checked for hormones and infections, but nothing was found. The doctor told me to drink more plain water, because when dehydrated, the urine becomes concentrated and odorous.

Often, after an abortion, urine smells unpleasant, after childbirth, and in pregnant women - that is, with any hormonal changes. If the tests are normal, then you don’t have to worry, everything will normalize itself. And if infections are discovered, like I have, for example, bacterial vaginosis, I will have to be treated. Now everything is fine, pah-pah.


Unpleasant urine odor in women: causes and treatment methods

Urine helps reveal important information about the waste elimination process and provide clues about the general condition of the female body. In a healthy person, it is straw-yellow in color without a pungent odor. What do changes in the color and unpleasant odor of urine in women indicate? The reasons can be either a consequence of serious diseases or completely harmless.

Unpleasant urine odor in women: causes and possible diseases

Over a lifetime, human kidneys are capable of passing more than 3.5 million liters of water through themselves. This is enough to fill a small lake. Surprisingly, even one kidney can cope with this task.

Urine is 95% water and only 5% contains uric acid, minerals, enzymes, salts, as well as various substances that cause serious diseases when accumulated. Normal urine It is only transparent straw-yellow in color with a slight characteristic odor.

Like our stool, urine can change in color and smell depending on what food we eat, whether we take medications and nutritional supplements, how much water we drink, how active we are, and even the time of day outside. In addition, some diseases of the body also affect the smell of urine.

IN Ancient Rome women drank turpentine to make their urine smell like roses and attract men. If you do not consider yourself to be such an ancient civilization, then the solution to the problem must be sought in something completely different.

A sharp unpleasant odor of urine in women, similar to ammonia, is caused by the following reasons:

  • urinary infectious diseases, including urinary stones;
  • urine acquires a concentrated color and rich odor when dehydrated or as a result of consuming foods high in protein, such as meat or eggs;
  • In some women, an unpleasant smell of urine may occur during menopause due to hormonal changes;
  • presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • metabolic disorders.

Factors in the appearance of a sickly-sweet smell of urine can be:

  • some genetic diseases such as maple syrup disease;
  • food products, such as asparagus or beets;
  • medicines and nutritional supplements, as well as herbal preparations;
  • uncontrolled diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis.

With so many variables, it is impossible to determine the exact causes of bad urine odor in women and prescribe treatment without a medical examination.

Why does urine smell strong during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's kidneys produce much more urine in response to hormones and the needs of her growing unborn child. But even during this period of life, urine should not have a sharp and fetid odor, although its presence may not always indicate any diseases.

In fact, the smell of urine during pregnancy intensifies after the first days of fertilization of the egg. The problem is that not all women notice this in a timely manner, and after they discover it, they panic. If your urine is a normal, natural color, then there is most likely nothing to worry about.

Changes in urine odor during pregnancy may occur due to lack of adequate hydration. Pregnant women should drink more water because fetal fluid needs new supplies just as much as you and your baby do. The expectant mother should drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.

During pregnancy, you may experience urinary incontinence, which is characterized by involuntary leakage of fluid from the bladder when you strain, cough or sneeze. Even a small leak can significantly increase the unpleasant smell of urine.

Diagnosis and treatment

The first thing to do after detecting an unpleasant odor in urine is to go to the hospital. The doctor will ask you to give your urine for analysis or take a culture. Only after laboratory tests are carried out, a diagnosis is made and the necessary treatment is prescribed. For example, infectious diseases are treated with medications, and diabetes is brought under control.

Even if the unpleasant smell of urine is not caused by pathologies, it can continue to bother a woman. In this case, the doctor can give several effective recommendations:

  • Drink as much fluid as possible. The more fluid our body contains, the better our kidneys work. Drinking the right amount of water per day can help regulate the color and smell of your urine.
  • Look at the foods you eat. Sometimes the culprit of a disgusting smell can be excess protein in food. Change your diet and the smell will disappear in a few days.
  • Some medications and dietary supplements are known to have side effects and influence the smell of urine. The doctor may recommend other medications or reduce their dosage.
  • If you're pregnant and your foul-smelling urine is due to a leak, try starting a routine of exercises designed to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

It is also necessary to remember that cleanliness is the key to health. Regular hygiene of the external genitalia and proper underwear will help avoid many health problems.

Unpleasant odor of urine of a non-medical nature is most often a temporary phenomenon. But if you are concerned about this, and cannot determine the cause on your own, you need to seek help from specialists. Only a doctor can accurately determine the presence of infection or other diseases of the internal organs and prescribe the correct treatment. Be healthy!

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Unpleasant smell of urine. Causes and treatment with folk remedies

The appearance of a sharp and unpleasant odor of urine, in both men and women, is a characteristic symptom of some disorder in the body in general and in the genitourinary system in particular. Such a symptom should alert a person. Remember what urine you had as a child. Or, if you have a child, monitor their urine.

Ideally, urine has a slight specific odor that is not unpleasant. The smell of healthy urine comes from protein breakdown and ammonia. Urine is a virtually sterile liquid. It is popularly used as a remedy for many diseases, both internal and external.

In case of any disease, various substances are excreted with the help of urine - waste products of bacteria. And if your urine has changed - its color, smell, consistency - this is a serious reason to go to see a general practitioner and get tested to identify the causes of this deviation.

Especially if you notice the appearance of the smell of ammonia - a characteristic sharp, striking odor. In this case, we can already conclude that you are experiencing some kind of inflammatory phenomenon. The resulting inflammatory process can be the result of many factors. These include: hypothermia, weakened immune system, cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis. It happens that urine begins to emit a sweetish odor with a hint of acetone. If this occurs against the background of constant strong thirst, weight loss, increased dry skin, vision problems, calf cramps, urge to urinate at night, this is a sign of diabetes mellitus, and you should immediately get tested for sugar. Unpleasant smell of urine. smelling of rottenness and feces, indicates the presence of suppuration processes in the urinary organs, as well as genital infections, gangrenous phenomena. In addition, such a smell is a sign of a vesico-rectal fistula. In other words, damage and decomposition of the tissues of the excretory system begins. The seriousness of these phenomena is beyond any doubt.

We will also notice the smell of urine, similar to rancid oil or the smell of rotten cabbage, which is a signal of increased methionine content in the body fluid - hypermethioninemia.

The musty odor is caused by phenylketonuria, in which byproducts of phenylalanine metabolism accumulate in the body. Phenylketonuria leads to severe damage to the central nervous system.

An unpleasant smell of urine sometimes occurs after sexual intercourse. This is a consequence of disrupted microflora of the genital organs, which in turn appears as a result of cystitis, thrush, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

A strong unpleasant odor of urine in men is possible in the case of prostate adenoma. At the same time, the anterior bladder enlarges and there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. Excess urine accumulates in the canals, which causes inflammation.

Well, another reason for the unpleasant smell of urine is alcohol abuse, especially beer, spicy and salty foods.

How to remove nasty smells?

Getting rid of the smell of urine can only be achieved if the causes are carefully studied and adequate treatment is prescribed. Among folk remedies, we can recommend any diuretic preparations, drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips, horsetail, and knotweed. That is, those herbs and plants that have cleansing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the key point in treatment is to adhere to a proper balanced diet, avoiding alcohol, salty, fatty, hot, pickled and spicy foods.


Diuretics should also be taken with great caution, just like any other medicine. Therefore, you can simply carry out a complete cleansing of the body, but it is still better to consult a doctor, because the unpleasant smell of urine may be a symptom of a more serious disease. It’s good if this is not the case, and by taking a course of a diuretic you can get rid of it and a urinary tract infection, and if it’s something serious, then by removing the symptom you can skip the time of diagnosing the disease in a timely manner.

This problem is familiar to me as a result of chronic pyelonephritis. How am I fighting? Well, I try not to eat salty or fried foods, I avoid fast food. Then I try to drink more to flush out my kidneys. From time to time it is necessary to treat with antibiotics. And of course, I constantly take folk remedies, primarily an infusion of lingonberry leaves I also brew strawberry leaves that I specially collect in the vicinity of the dacha.

I never thought that the unpleasant smell of urine was a sign of illness, although I never felt it when going to the toilet. However, if there is such a symptom, it seems to me that the first thing you should do is see a doctor for a full examination, so as not to start the disease.

My sister suffered from this problem. She began having frequent urges to go to the toilet, her vision deteriorated and she suddenly lost weight. After some time, a diagnosis of diabetes was revealed. We are treated with folk remedies, follow a diet and follow the doctor’s instructions. Be careful with your health

I don’t know at all what it is and where it came from. There is no discharge, everything is as usual, but for a week now there has been an INSANELY sharply unpleasant smell of urine. Tell me, what could it be? and what can be recommended for treatment?

But it seems to me that there are times when it is better not to be lazy and go to a therapist and get tested. After all, you never know? Urine takes on an unpleasant odor due to a genitourinary tract infection. There’s no point in joking here – it’ll cost you more!

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Strong, unpleasant odor of urine

Probably, each of us at some time in our lives had to deal with such a phenomenon as the unpleasant smell of urine. Many people worry about this problem all the time, while others worry about it only occasionally. Even sometimes frequent baths do not help get rid of the unpleasant odor. And this is not surprising, because the reason lies not outside, but inside the body.

It will not be possible to independently determine the cause of the unpleasant odor of urine, since there are many reasons: from simple cystitis to serious diseases of the genitourinary system. Only a complete examination and tests will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

In a healthy person, urine has a specific, but not pungent, odor. Normal color is light yellow or bright yellow. But it can change its color from nutrition and vitamin complexes to a rich yellow color. Likewise, some drugs have this effect. But in any case, these factors can only change the color of urine, but not its smell. If it has changed its smell, then first of all you need to pay attention to whether there are any impurities of blood, flakes or cloudiness in it.

Unpleasant urine odors, indicating dangerous diseases

Machine urine smell

The smell of urine can be very specific. Some specific smells help in making a diagnosis. For example, an unusual machine smell may appear as a result of a genetic disease - phenylkenturia. With this disease, urine changes its chemical composition, just like blood. This occurs as a result of a disorder in the metabolism of phenylalanine in the human body. Without treatment, this pathology leads to damage to the central nervous system and causes disturbances in protein metabolism as a result of the accumulation of this enzyme, as well as its derivatives, in tissues and fluids. These derivatives are very toxic to the entire body.

When examining urine according to Felling, it turns blue-green. Blood tests will show elevated levels of phenylalanine. As a rule, this disease begins to manifest itself after birth, so if you notice a specific smell machine oil in the baby’s urine, you should see a doctor immediately. The disease is treated under the strict supervision of a doctor, the patient is prescribed special medications and a therapeutic diet.

Smell of ammonia or acetone

Some people find that their urine smells like ammonia or acetone. If this phenomenon is observed in the morning, then this phenomenon may indicate congestion in the kidneys. Very often, stagnation of urine occurs in pregnant women who drink insufficient amounts of fluid. This phenomenon is also typical for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. This phenomenon is not dangerous and does not require special treatment. All you need to do is start drinking more fluids and try to move more.

Also, the smell of acetone in urine may indicate diabetes. If you have other symptoms of this disease, you should immediately take a blood sugar test and undergo a full examination by a doctor.

Sometimes an infection in the genitourinary system leads to an ammonia-like odor in the urine. The infection can be anywhere: in the kidneys, in the urinary system, in the bladder. Such changes in urine can be seen not only in the morning, but throughout the day with every urination. Therefore, in this case, you must definitely pay attention to the color of the urine, its general condition and appearance. You should be especially wary if you experience pain when urinating.

If there is blood in the urine, this is an alarming symptom. If blood appears at the beginning of the urination process, this indicates damage to the initial part of the urinary system. If at the end, then the internal part is affected. If blood is present throughout the entire process of urination, this indicates serious kidney disease. That is why you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a full examination.

Fishy urine smell

Sometimes urine can emit an unpleasant fishy odor, which is very pungent and strong. If this smell appears, then most likely you have a disease such as trimethylaminuria. This disease is not fully understood and the causes of its occurrence are also not fully understood. But doctors suggest that it is associated with dysfunction of the liver enzyme system; as a result of such disorders, a substance such as trimethylamine accumulates in the body. This substance is excreted along with urine and gives it an unpleasant fishy odor.

When the condition is neglected, it also happens that the smell is so strong that even people who are at a decent distance can feel it. This smell causes a person a lot of trouble and trouble, even mental disorders. This disease is not treated with medication, but with a special diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that are converted into trimethylamine: legumes, meat, fish, eggs. However, unfortunately, even this gives only temporary results. Doctors have not yet invented a treatment, so the pungent smell will accompany the sick person all his life.

Male urine smell

Some men have a specific smell of urine, but this does not always indicate a disease. A man's smell is different from a woman's urine smell. This phenomenon is considered normal, since scientists have proven that women's and men's urine differs in smell. And all because it contains different amounts of testosterone and estrogen. In addition, the smell of urine becomes pungent and unpleasant after drinking a large amount of beer.

Less dangerous diseases that cause unpleasant odor in urine

Cystitis from a cold

If after a long stay in the cold you notice that urination causes you pain, then this indicates a cold. This disease is called cystitis. It occurs due to inflammation of the urinary tract. Most often the bladder becomes inflamed. With this disease, the unpleasant smell of urine is barely noticeable, so this symptom may not be noticed at all.

Cystitis can be primary or secondary. Primary cystitis most often affects women, not men. With cold cystitis, a person feels a frequent urge to urinate. The process of urination causes discomfort, as there may be a burning sensation, pain in the lower abdomen and an unpleasant smell of urine. Cystitis can be treated successfully, but it is better not to delay treatment so that the disease does not become chronic. Most often, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs, antibiotics and medicinal herbal baths. After starting treatment, symptoms disappear on the third day. The course of treatment also does not last long - about a week.

If significant relief does not occur after treatment, this indicates that secondary cystitis has occurred. If it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, as it can occur for various reasons and subsequently lead to various health complications. Without treatment, secondary cystitis can cause diseases such as pyelonephritis, prostate adenoma, urolithiasis and the like. Cystitis is especially dangerous in diabetes mellitus and spinal injuries.

Chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others

There are other diseases that can affect the smell of urine. This is chlamydia. ureaplasmosis and others. Without treatment, these diseases can become chronic. As a rule, in the presence of these infections, not only the smell of urine changes, but also its color and composition. Sometimes blood appears in the urine. These infections can be successfully treated. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor individually, based on your condition.

Gastritis and dysbiosis

With gastritis or dysbacteriosis, urine acquires a sour smell. This is due to increased acidity in the body. If you have an ulcer, blood clots in your urine may indicate that the ulcer has become worse and has begun to bleed. In this case, immediate hospitalization is necessary.

Odor and discharge from the navel

Smell and discharge from the navel in children are signs of some illness or poor body hygiene. If there is discharge, you should consult a doctor. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to maintain baby hygiene (showering or bathing with soap).

Unpleasant smell from the nose

An unpleasant odor from the nose may appear due to certain diseases (ozena, acute rhinitis). Treatment of the odor is carried out depending on the disease (if the odor is caused by ozena, treatment includes rinsing, taking antibiotics, etc.).

Diseases that lead to bad breath

Everyone can face the problem of bad breath. Diseases of the teeth, stomach, nasopharynx, and gums often lead to an unpleasant odor. There are many bacteria in the mouth. A putrid smell is caused by rotting food in the stomach and cancer of the esophagus.

Causes of bad breath

The causes of bad breath can be garlic, onions, low-quality foods, cigarettes, morning dry mouth, various gum diseases, allergic diseases, dentures, and some diseases are accompanied by bad breath.

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