Games for fine motor skills for 6 year olds. Games that develop fine motor skills in a variety of ways. Game: Homemade Geometric Lotto with Magnets

Finger games index

The card file was compiled for the organization of developmental activities with children during interaction with an adult (teacher, parent) and the independence of children. Games can be included in GCD and used during regime moments.

The card index can be useful for teachers and parents interested in developing manual skills, fine motor skills, interhemispheric interaction, preparing the hand for mastering writing, and stimulating the speech activity of preschoolers. All photo materials used are copyrighted and were made during the author’s practical interaction with middle and high school children. preschool age.

"Dry pool"
Target: Consolidation and development of fine motor skills, massage of fingers, increased sensitivity of fingers. Development of classification according to various characteristics, formation of basic sensory standards.

Material: A container filled with dried peas (buckwheat, sand, buttons, semolina, etc.) at the bottom of which various objects are hidden (buttons, geometric shapes, small toys on lexical topics)

Progress of the game: The child is asked to find buried small objects. By immersing the hands in the filler, sorting through peas (or other cereals or filler material) and toys, the fingers are massaged, become more sensitive, and their movements are coordinated, the child finds an object by touch and names it.

Voice accompaniment:

“They poured peas here and ran their fingers in,

Let’s make a commotion there so that your fingers don’t get sad.”

Game “Box of tactile sensations”

Target: Develop fine motor skills hands, tactile skills of systematic exploration, logical thinking, speech, the ability to express in words your sensations from touch.

Progress of the game: The child feels the plate with textiles, velvet and sandpaper with his fingers, remembers them, talks about his feelings (smooth, hard, even, soft, warm), then in the sleeve (bag, box) he finds materials similar in tactile sensations.

"Merry balls"

Target: Develop the ability to wind balls of thick threads, finger mobility, dexterity, and coordination of movements of both hands.

Progress of the game: The manual is intended for a subgroup of children up to 5 people.1) The child learns to wind a ball of thread. 2) Competitions for 3-5 people. The teacher invites the children to choose a ball a certain color, then who can rewind the ball faster?

Didactic game"Collect the beads"

Target: We continue to teach children to choose objects of a certain shape and color, first by demonstration, then by verbal designation. Develop visual memory. Develop the ability to follow the assigned task. Develop motor skills of the fingertips by stringing small parts onto a cord (line).

Progress of the game: I play the game in various options: string beads on a cord of the same color; alternating beads by color; alternation of shapes and colors; find the extra bead and correct the mistake.

"Multi-colored mosaic"

Target: Learn to distinguish and correctly pronounce primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue). Development of fine motor skills.

"Magic Wands"

Target: We develop plane orientation, projection, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills, and precision of movements.

We invite the child to lay out a plot from colored sticks according to a schematic image.

Complication: Laying out the plot from your own imagination.

“Braid your hair” - for individual lessons.

Target: Learn weaving skills. Develop accuracy of finger movement, coordination of movement of both hands, manual skill, attention. Cultivate perseverance.

Progress of the game: The “Braid your hair” tutorial is intended for individual activities and a small subgroup of children (2-3 children)

Together with your child, examine the braids of a doll or one of the children, and show how you can weave the same braids from fixed “strands.” Then invite the child to try to braid his own hair.

Voice accompaniment:"For my little sister

I braid my hair

From laces and braid,

We are very friendly with her.”


Target: Continue to teach children how to button and unbutton various types fasteners: buttons, buttons, locks, etc. Develop finger dexterity and fine motor skills in children.

Progress of the game: The manual is intended for individual activities. All parts are attached with buttons, fasteners, snaps, laces, Velcro, and clasps.

“Drawing on semolina (flour)”

Target: Development of precision of finger movements, imagination of thinking, orientation on a plane, projection.

Progress of the game: The child is offered a dressing down bright color with semolina or flour. With the movement of a finger, the child depicts the desired objects: the sun, waves on the sea, high mountains, beautiful flowers, a favorite letter, a car; if you don’t like something, you can easily fix everything with one movement - level it out.

"Games with clothespins"

Target: Development of fine motor skills, hand muscle strength.

Progress of the game: The child strings missing parts in the form of clothespins onto flat images.

Complication: clothespins are replaced with paper clips.

I use clothespins to massage the fingers, children string the clothespins onto their fingertips for a few seconds, the clips should not be tight.

"Didactic game with lids"

Target: Learn to screw and unscrew caps, develop coordination of movements, and the ability to put your fingers together.

Progress of the game: Select the color of the lids, alternate them in a certain sequence and screw them on.

Game with bottle caps “Skier”

Goal: development of interhemispheric interaction, hand muscles, finger mobility, coordination of finger movements.

Progress of the game: Place the two lids on the table with the threads facing up - these are skis. Children put their fingers in the lids. We move on “skis” - “We eat on skis, we rush down the mountain, we love the fun of a snowy winter.” We build various buildings from plastic lids, lay out words and sentences.

"Games with rubber bands"

Target: sensory enrichment, development of fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to act according to a model, imagination.

Progress of the game: At the beginning of the game, we do a warm-up - put on an elastic band (for hair, office) on 2 fingers,

connect and spread your fingers. Children put on rubber bands according to color - “Colored tracks”.

Then the children are asked to lay out a picture according to the model (a house - windows and roof, a boat sailing on the waves, the sun, a butterfly, a fish, geometric shapes, etc. Children are happy to create pictures according to the plan. Multi-colored rubber bands turn into funny pictures!

Games with a constructor.

Target: Learn to construct from a variety of construction kits that have various ways fastenings, creating designs from them both according to the proposed drawings and inventing your own. Develop assembly and disassembly skills, develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Development of fine motor skills! How many articles and publications have been written about her! As soon as a child is born, all experts unanimously repeat that it is necessary to take care of the child, special attention, focusing on hand motor skills! In this article, I decided not to repeat myself, talking about the usefulness of this activity, but simply present an assortment of games that develop the motor skills of a baby’s fingers.

35 games to develop fine motor skills

1. Give your child disposable cocktail sticks and ask them to insert them into the holes in the colander.

2. The game is very similar to the previous one! The only difference is that instead of cocktail sticks, you will give your child ear sticks. Kids love using ear sticks to fill all the holes in the colander. An excellent game for developing fine motor skills.

3. Another fun game for fine motor skills: distributing colored pom-poms into the cells of a baking dish. This game is for children who learn the names of colors and know their differences.

You give your baby a lot of multi-colored pompoms, and he puts them into cells, sorting them by color.

4. To play you will need:

  • egg container
  • cocktail sticks (preferably multi-colored)
  • rolls from under toilet paper, cut into rings.

Poke holes in each egg well. Have your little one insert cocktail sticks into them and then put on rings cut from toilet paper rolls.

5. Prepare everything you need for this game! Stick a ball of plasticine onto a modeling board and insert a kebab stick or skewer into it. Ask your little one to put the cookie rings on it as shown in the picture.

6. The game is very similar to the previous game, only a cocktail tube is attached to a lump of plasticine and the child strings raw pasta onto it.

7. Playing outside will help your child learn colors, develop attention, coordination and motor skills!

Draw circles on the asphalt with multi-colored crayons and ask your child to stand in a circle of the color you named.

8. Give your toddler a plastic bottle and ask him to fill it with colorful pom-poms, pieces of fuzzy wire, colored ribbons, etc.

9. In a vertical position at a short distance from the floor, attach or glue a cardboard tube from under paper towels. Place an empty container or container underneath. The game is that the baby will fill the container by throwing pompoms into the pipe.

10. The game is that the child will take cubes with culinary tongs and throw them into a plastic jar or container

11. Another version of the game is to scatter colorful pom-poms on a tray, and then ask the baby to collect them in a container.

12. Children really like to play with water, so I suggest organizing a water game.

Place two containers and pour water into one of them.

Give your child a medicine bulb and let him use it to pour water from one container to another.

13. The baby himself will take an active part in preparing for this game! Give the young artist paints and a brush to paint the play containers. When the paint is dry, cut holes in the lids in the form of a small and large rectangle. The baby will fill the container with the smaller rectangle with ice cream sticks, and the container with the larger rectangle will be filled with lemonade or juice lids.

14. Attention! While playing, your baby may get dirty with paint! The essence of the game is that young artist will dip a washcloth in multi-colored paints and make prints on paper or cardboard.

15. Game “Stringing on a rope”

Cut a cardboard tube from toilet paper or paper towels into cylinders of equal length. Paint them with colorful paints. The child should also participate in the coloring process.

Then give your baby a rope and ask him to string colorful cylinders on it. You name the color sequence or the child decides!

16. Another game where your baby can learn to string shapes on a rope! To do this, cut out shapes in the form of coils from foam rubber and ask the little one to string them on a rope.

17. Even you will like the game six-month-old child. In the presence of an adult, the child takes multi-colored pompoms, bottle caps, large buttons from a plate or tray and throws them into the container through the hole in the lid.

18. The baby inserts pieces of colored fuzzy wire into the hole of the empty hodgepodge. In this way, fine motor skills of the hands develop.

19. Teach your child to pinch clothespins! To do this, take a bucket and the baby will pinch clothespins to its upper edge.

20. We teach the baby to use lightning. To do this, glue several multi-colored zippers to the cardboard and show your little one how to unfasten and fasten a zipper correctly.

21. The game is that the baby puts multi-colored plastic eggs into an egg container. This way he learns colors and develops hand motor skills! You can take these eggs from Kinder Surprise.

22. A game during which the baby learns colors and also learns how to fasten clothespins.

Paint a sheet of cardboard with colorful stripes. Then paint the clothespins in the same colors. When the paint is dry, ask your child to pinch the clothespin so that its color matches the color of the stripe.

23. The baby learns to put a button in a hole. For this game, cut colorful fabrics into small pieces and make a cut in the middle. Have your child thread the button through the hole.

24. Game “String buttons on a string”! To do this, take large number large buttons and teach the baby to string them on a lace.

25. Game “Thread the thread into the holes of the canvas”

Give your child a thread or thin cord and show him how to thread it through the large holes in the fabric.

26. Game “Wrap objects or toys in foil”

To do this, give your child foil and ask him to wrap a toy or object in it! For example, show how to do it correctly!

27. Playing with colorful feathers.

Together with your baby, color the feathers in different colors, draw small multi-colored circles on paper. The game is that the little one inserts a feather into the circle that matches the color of the feather.

28. Game “Shifting” small items from one container to the second."

To play, you can take a container, a plastic bottle and wine corks. Ask your little one to transfer the corks from one container to the second.

29. Game “Attaching Magnets”

Give your little one a large number of beautiful, bright magnets and show them how to attach them to any surface, such as a plastic bowl. Then the baby himself will play with the magnets, attaching them and tearing them off.

30. For this game you will need cotton wool, tweezers and a container for freezing water. Explain to your child that he will need to take the cotton wool with tweezers and transfer it to the cells of the container.

31. Game "Children's bowling"

Print out photographs of family members on your computer, roll them up and glue them at the edges. Place them vertically on the table. The kid will have to knock down these cylinders with a ball.

32. Sports exercises on pillows

The baby lays out the pillows in one line, and then jumps on them, crawls, etc.

33. A game for orientation, logic and the development of hand motor skills.

Unscrew the caps from different tubes, bottles, etc., place them in a chaotic order, and then ask your baby to screw the caps on each container. Moreover, the lid must match the container.

34. We learn to attach paper clips, and also learn colors

To play the game you will need colored paper clips and circles cut out of colored paper. Ask your child to attach paperclips to the circles so that their colors match.

35. Game “Learning to glue stickers”

Print or draw geometric shapes on a piece of paper, and then ask your child to stick stickers on them. First, show us how to do it correctly.

Children really like this game!

“The Origins of Abilities and Gifts

children - at their fingertips.

The more confidence you have in your movements

child's hand, the finer the hand interaction

with a tool, more complex movements,

the creative element of the child's mind is brighter.

And the more skill in a child’s hand,

the smarter the child..."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

It has long been no secret to anyone that the development of fine motor skills (flexibility and precision of finger movements) and tactile sensitivity is a powerful stimulus for the development of children's perception, attention, memory, thinking and speech. Children who have better developed fine hand movements have a more developed brain, especially those parts of it that are responsible for speech. The fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person. Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. But just doing exercises will be boring for your baby - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games. Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and also develop vocabulary children. Fine motor skills of the hands are various movements of the fingers and palms.

You can develop the flexibility of fingers and tactile sensitivity of children by organizing educational games for kids using ordinary household items. The most important thing is that in order to play with the child, we do not need to buy anything, we have everything specially at hand: buttons, jars, tubes, lids, cereals, towels, rags, paper.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for learning. Typically, a child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills can reason logically, has sufficiently developed memory and attention, and coherent speech.

The relevance of work on the development of fine motor skills in young children is also due to the age-related psychological and physiological characteristics of children: in early and early childhood. school age The structures and functions of the child’s brain intensively develop, which expands his capabilities in understanding the world around him. To the teacher, organizing various activities children with objects, toys and natural objects, it is important to activate the sensory foundations of cognition in children, to teach children to use different senses to obtain information about the world around them: vision, hearing, smell, tactile sensations.



"Pears and Apples with a Button"

Target: exercise children in consolidating the concepts of “big - small pear”, learning to fasten and unfasten pears, apples, where the child consolidates the concepts of “one”, “many”, development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: pictures of apples, pears, threads, buttons, cardboard for mock-ups of trees, tape for “lamination”.

Progress of the game: Let's play "Hurricane" - blowing on a tree and swinging it with one hand, the teacher or child unfastens the apple from it. “Bang! The wind blew the apple away and it fell to the ground.” They invite the child to be the wind - blow, shake the tree, then unfasten the apples.


Didactic game: “Feed the bun”

Target: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.

Equipment: low plastic jars with lids, cereals (beans, peas, buckwheat and others).

Progress of the game: The teacher tells the children that our Kolobok is hungry and needs to be fed. Children take cereal from a jar and place it in the opening of their mouth.


Didactic game “Grains of Ideas!”

Target: strengthening and development of fine motor skills of the hands, hand-eye coordination; developing the ability to combine colors (when using different cereals).

Equipment: various types of cereals (beans, rice, millet and others).

Progress of the game: First, you need to pour millet into an even layer on the tray (you can also use other grains), and then, using red beans (this way the contrasting color stands out better), they come up with and apply different patterns and pictures.


“Complete the picture using traffic jams”

Target: develop children's imagination, creativity, fine motor skills.

Equipment: illustrations depicting flowers, an airplane, a Christmas tree, a fly agaric, a cork or a button.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks you to complete the picture using corks or buttons.


"Colorful clothespins"

Target : develop fine motor skills and imagination. Expand knowledge about the world around us, train children in the ability to count and count, and consolidate knowledge about color. Learn to correctly pick up and open clothespins, find the location by color. Cultivate an emotional attitude towards the results of your work, perseverance, and patience.

Equipment: planar image of objects (sun, airplane, caterpillar, fish, turnip, beet, pineapple, house, hedgehog and others), clothespins.

Progress of the game: The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the artist drew the objects, but forgot to draw some details. Invite the children to help the artist and use clothespins to finish the image.

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills in older preschoolers

Game "Stringing".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

pasta different shapes, painted by children, fishing line, berries, buttons, paper rings.

Description: The teacher invites the child to participate in the fair. To do this, you need to make beads, bracelets, and photo frames using gaming material.

Game "Color it right."

Goals: develop fine motor skills; learn to hatch objects with an inclination to the right, left, straight, with lines parallel to each other.

: pencils, outline images of various objects.

Description: children are invited to take part in a competition for the best hatcher. The teacher distributes outline images of objects, explaining the principle of shading (lines parallel to each other, slanted to the right (left, straight).

Game "Paper Crafts".

Goals: develop fine motor skills, develop the ability to fold a sheet in different directions.

Game material and visual aids: paper.

Description: suggest the game “Paper Toy Store”. Then show examples of paper figures that children can make (cap, jackdaw, boat, dove).

Game "Shadow Theater".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: screen (light wall), table lamp, lantern.

Description: before the game, it is necessary to darken the room, the light source should illuminate the screen at a distance of 4-5 m. Hand movements are made between the screen and the light source, from which a shadow falls on the illuminated screen. The placement of hands between the wall and the light source depends on the strength of the latter, on average it is 1-2 m from the screen. Children are invited to use their hands to create shadow figures (bird, dog, lion, eagle, fish, snake, goose, hare, cat). “Actors” of a shadow theater can accompany their actions with short dialogues, acting out scenes.

Game “Why not Cinderella?”

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Description: The teacher complains to the child that a little trouble happened to him, two types of cereals (rice and buckwheat) were mixed, and there is not enough time to sort through them. Therefore, we need his help: divide the cereal into different jars.

Game "The letter grows."

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: sheet of paper, pencil.

Description: the child receives a sheet of paper with letters drawn at opposite ends - one very small, the other very large. Invite the child to depict the process of increasing or decreasing letters, that is, next to the small one, draw a larger letter, the next one even larger, etc. Draw the child’s attention to the fact that the letter should grow little by little, thus bringing the letter to the size indicated on the opposite end of the sheet .

Game "Wonderful Cell".

Draw according to the cells and color them

Reading time: 14 minutes.

Research scientists have confirmed the close connection between the development of the muscles of a child’s hand and the development of his speech and thinking. A high level of development of fine motor skills of children's fingers provides a sufficient level of memory, attention and prepares the hand for writing.

Fine motor skills of the hands are associated with the development of the left temporal and left frontal areas of the brain, which are responsible for the formation of many mental functions.

V. Sukhomlinsky rightly stated: “The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers.” The development of thinking begins with the hand. During activity, the muscles of the hands perform three main functions: organs of movement, organs of cognition, energy accumulators (both for the muscles themselves and for other organs).

If a child touches a certain object, then the muscles and skin of the hands at this time “teach” the eyes and brain to see, touch, distinguish, and remember.

The hand cognizes, and the brain records sensation and perception, connecting them with the visual, auditory and olfactory into complex integrated images and ideas.

Process mental development occurs under conditions of high physical activity of children. With regular cross-movements, a large number of nerve fibers are formed that connect the hemispheres of the brain and contribute to the development of higher mental functions.

To develop interhemispheric interaction, you can perform exercises involving the muscles of the arms.

What is necessary for the development of motor skills and speech

The level of speech development depends on the degree of formation of small movements of the fingers. Based on an examination of children, a pattern was identified: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development within normal limits, if the development of finger movements is delayed, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be normal and even above normal.

Training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating the child’s speech development, helping to improve articulatory movements, preparing the hand for writing, which is equally important, it is a powerful tool that stimulates the performance of the cerebral cortex, and therefore the development of the child’s thinking.

Age-related features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands

There are certain age-related features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands:

1-2 years. The child holds two objects in one hand; draws with a pencil, turns the pages of a book. Places from 2 to 6 cubes on top of each other.

2-3 years. He opens the drawer and dumps its contents. Plays with sand and clay. Opens lids, uses scissors, paints with finger. Strings beads.

3-4 years. Holds a pencil with his fingers, copies the shapes with several strokes. Collects and builds buildings from 9 cubes.

4-5 years. Draws with pencils or crayons. Builds buildings with more than 9 cubes. Folds paper more than once. Identifies objects in a bag by touch, sculpts from plasticine (from 2 to 3 parts), laces shoes.

Finger games

Finger games will help children:

  • make a breakthrough in speech development - improve pronunciation and enrich vocabulary;
  • prepare your hand for writing;
  • develop attention, patience, the so-called internal brake - the ability to restrain yourself exactly when it is necessary;
  • stimulate imagination, show creativity;
  • learn to control your body, feel confident in the system of “bodily coordinates,” which will eliminate the possibility of neuroses.

Period from 2 to 3 years

The period from 2 to 3 years is an extremely important stage in a child’s life, in particular, in intellectual and cognitive development.

As you know, the organ of thinking, the organ of all mental activity of a person, is the brain. During the development of a child, when the growth of brain cells occurs, their formation, when nerve fibers quickly grow - the pathways that connect the brain with the sense organs and with muscles, during the contraction of which various movements occur, the increase in brain mass is of great importance.

The most intensive enlargement of the brain in early and early preschool age indicates that it is at this time that children develop especially quickly. And indeed, how much knowledge and skills a child acquires during the first three years of his life!

He learns to look and listen, talk, grasp objects and act with them, stand, walk, run, jump, go down and up stairs. The child also masters numerous skills - using a spoon, brush, pencil and many other objects.

The child’s memory is enriched with a huge amount of knowledge about colors and sounds, phenomena and objects of nature, the properties of various objects and products of human labor. The baby learns space and time, masters speech, learns to communicate with adults and peers, and learns the basic rules of behavior.

Conditions and organization of children's activities

For full development the baby and for the development of the child’s motor skills, the conditions and organization of the child’s activities are essential. In this regard, children's toys play a significant role. They should be varied, bright, interesting.

Children improve motor coordination and vision, learn to concentrate largely thanks to toys: children independently choose toys to play with and carry out various actions with them, including at the request of an adult.

This contributes to the development and improvement of children's speech and thinking.

In games and activities, an adult introduces the child to objects, their features and characteristics, teaches them to act with them and name them.

Play is an amazing activity that many scientists have worked to study. Despite the fact that playing does seem like a completely free pastime, it is an extremely valuable activity for children.

In a child’s life, play is of extreme importance, which cannot be compared with anything else. A child who does not play cannot develop well and quickly.

Games in kindergarten and at home

In children's preschool institution Children usually have a place and time to play. Parents of the child should also take care of these things necessary for the baby’s mental development in speech at home. It is useful when dad or mom encourage the child to play, tell and show him exactly how to play with this or that toy.

The game is a kind of school of life and a path to development children's creativity, independence, acquisition of communication skills and the like.

Listening to poems and fairy tales, a child learns a lot of new and interesting things about the world around him, trees and flowers, people and animals, fantastic heroes, their amazing adventures, etc.

Naturally, 2-3 year old children cannot immediately understand what an adult told them. Therefore, children often require repeated repetition of the same fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes, songs, and poems.

Such repetition plays an important role: it gives the child the opportunity to think about the plot of what he heard. If a child is offered more and more new books, he will get used to superficial familiarization with them from childhood.

The main thing is that the child learns to understand what he listened to. To do this, it is important to ask questions: what (or who) is the poem or fairy tale talking about?

Sometimes, after reading, it is useful for an adult to ask the child: “Who did we read about today?”, “What did he do?”, “What happened to him?”, “How did the fairy tale end?” Such questions force the child to think about what he read.

Similar work can be done using pictures, when children look at illustrations in books or individual pictures with a certain plot. It is advisable to ask a child of primary preschool age: “What is this?”, “What is drawn here?”

An important means of not only understanding the world around us, but also children’s communication with each other is the acquisition of speech. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in the child not only his understanding of adult speech (passive speech), but also his own, active spoken speech.

An adult has many opportunities for this. It is imperative to monitor the purity of the child’s speech, the correct use of words by the child and the construction of sentences.

Tools for motor development

It is equally important to worry about the development of fine motor skills, which are improved in a variety of activities - drawing, coloring, modeling, and the like.

For a child, the hand is an organ not only of labor, but also of cognition. Parents often stop the child, forbidding him to touch things that, in their opinion, are unnecessary. And completely in vain!

After all, this is how they delay him mental development, since a child still cannot understand much only on the basis of his own judgment. This role of physical action persists for many years and manifests itself in working with new and unfamiliar objects to the child. It has been established that intellectual action is gradually formed only on the basis of practical action.

The mental development of a preschool child occurs and is improved in a variety of games and activities, creative and educational. The baby, with the necessary help from adults, learns to observe and receives many vivid impressions of the world around him, gradually acquiring the ability to practically act and comprehend what he sees and hears thanks to the mastery of speech.

If at the same time the child also learns the basic rules of behavior, communication skills, and the ability to handle things, we can say that she is going through this period of her life with benefit.

How are motor skills related to speech?

One of the indicators of a child’s readiness for schooling is the level of development of fine motor skills, because the level of speech development directly depends on how well the fine movements of the fingers are formed.

As domestic scientists have found, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then speech development is within the limits age norm. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then the development of the motor side of speech is also delayed, although general motor skills may correspond to the norm.

Unfortunately, not all parents know about such interdependence, and therefore often lose the opportunity to help their child avoid problems in speech development in a timely manner.

Motor problems

Many parents understand the need for a child’s development from birth and work with their children with great interest. But for classes to be effective and for the baby to enjoy them, they must always be interesting, fun and must be appropriate for the baby’s age.

Each of us has encountered children four to five years old who hold a spoon in their fist, do not know how to properly hold a brush or pencil, use scissors, sometimes cannot fasten buttons, lace shoes, tie a scarf, and the like.

It’s no secret that some parents find it easier to sit their child in front of the TV or at the computer, turning on a full-length cartoon or playing a game for an hour, so that the child is not distracted from talking on the phone with a friend or other adult activities.

Only some parents admit the fact that it is difficult for them to calmly wait until their child laces his shoes, buttons all the small buttons on his shirt, finishes his porridge, and the like.

Therefore, they buy Velcro boots instead of shoes with laces, a sweater with a zipper instead of a shirt, and feed the child themselves in order to free up time for other things. Few parents think about the fact that such time savings deprive their child of the opportunity to develop finger movements, and, consequently, improve the quality of broadcasting.

The impact of fine motor skills on a child's ability to learn

Research results of scientists, practical experience defectologists and speech therapists testify that recently the level of development of fine movements of the fingers has noticeably decreased in children and, unfortunately, the number of children with delayed speech and mental development has increased.

Experts have found that the majority of children with general speech underdevelopment have inactive fingers, their movements are imprecise, uncoordinated, and uncoordinated. It is difficult for such children to switch from performing one movement to another.

Unfortunately, parents learn about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child only when the child is preparing for school or already at school age, when the child begins to lag behind his peers during school and does not keep up with the program.

At the same time, the load on the child increases significantly, because, in addition to assimilation new information, you still have to learn to hold the pen in your unruly fingers. But such problems can be prevented if a delay in the development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child is identified in time. With properly planned correctional work, the situation can be corrected even in preschool age.

Fine motor skills as a factor in eliminating speech disorders

It is worth remembering that the speech areas in the cerebral cortex are formed under the influence of an increase in impulses that intensely come from the fingers.

Fine motor skills are directly related to speech and affect not only its development, but also help prevent and eliminate possible speech disorders.

In addition, it directly affects the child’s ability to learn - the smarter the hands, the smarter the baby. It's all in the brain. More precisely, in the centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and speech.

These centers are located very close to each other. Thus, by developing fine motor skills, we thereby stimulate the corresponding parts of the brain and activate the neighboring parts responsible for speech.

According to M. Koltsova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, there is every reason to consider the hand as a speech organ.

The importance of early age for the development of motor skills of a future personality

Hands are a delicate instrument, and they “tune” over a long period of time. Therefore, work on developing the baby’s hand movements needs to begin from birth. After all, a child both at the age of a baby, and especially at early age, has enormous potential for the formation of a future personality, in particular its intellectual development.

It is at an early age that a child can gain a lot, but also lose a lot. It should be noted that losses of this period are more difficult to compensate with age, but gains remain for life.

Do not forget that it is in the first three years of life that the brain develops most intensively: by seven months, a child’s brain doubles in size, at one and a half years - three times, and by three years it already accounts for 3/4 of the mass of an adult’s brain.

Effective conditions for the development of motor skills in preschool children

It is necessary to use all fingers on both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation movements should be combined. Exercises should be based on using isolated movements of each finger.

To develop motor skills in a child’s hands, it is important to train both hands. It is also important to develop subtle movements of the fingers of both hands in games, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The importance of games for the development of fine motor skills

Games and exercises for the development of motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of its interaction with lower structures.

At the same time, children’s attention, memory, auditory and visual perception improve, perseverance, play and educational and practical activities are formed.

Systematic exercises also help to develop skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements, not only under the control of vision, but also with the participation of touch, tactile and motor sensations.

Games from scrap materials

To strengthen and develop a child’s hand and coordinate movements, various exercises and actions with objects are recommended:

Game "Lace"

You can buy a ready-made “lace”, or you can make it yourself. I am sure that the child will play with even greater pleasure if the mother or father makes the base themselves, especially for him. You will need a piece of linoleum, plywood, plastic, etc. with holes made and a lace.

Game "Faspels"

Fastening buttons, snaps, Velcro, snakes. You need fabric, buttons and thread.

Laying out and sorting out the seeds

You need: a plate, seeds, preferably different ones (for example, from apricots, peaches, cherries). But if the child is still small, it is better to take large bones.

Making a necklace from buttons, straw particles, large beads

To develop motor skills by creating a necklace, you will need: lace, buttons with large holes, several multi-colored cocktail straws (cut into pieces 1-3 cm long), beads, scissors.

Games with clothespins

You will need clothespins and cardboard.

Unscrewing and tightening caps

You will need necks and caps from plastic bottles, a shoe box, and glue.

Twisting ribbons

Game "Magic bag"

Guessing objects by touch. You will need a bag with a variety of small toys and objects.

Pencil rolling

Rolling a pencil or pen in your palms helps stimulate biologically active points and tones the body as a whole.

Outlining stencils

To develop motor skills in this game you will need plastic bottle with a flat wall (a shampoo bottle will do), scissors.

Cereal applications

To develop motor skills through appliqué you will need: cardboard, plasticine, glue, cereals, seeds, pasta, etc.

Transferring seeds, chestnuts, cereals, beans, shells, coins, etc. from one container to another.

You need: two or more bowls (you can have one plastic and the other metal, then we also develop hearing), “loose”. To make it more complicated, you can combine all the “loose” ones and ask the child to put them in different containers.

Drawing on sand or semolina

You need: a flat plate or tray, semolina or sand.

Finger painting

You need: paper, maybe a blank for coloring, finger paints, water, wet wipes.

Salt dough modeling

Need to: salt dough(can be multi-colored), rolling pin, different molds for squeezing.

Each of these techniques for the development of motor skills is also aimed at the comprehensive development of the child: his musculoskeletal system, sensory sensitivity, hand-eye coordination, voluntary attention, and psychoregulation skills.

Enjoy your games and communication!
