Visual activities in early kindergarten. Art curriculum. activities (1st junior group). “Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

“Colors are truer than words, they are a deeper symbol of our life...”
(A. Blok)

In early childhood, the spiritual foundations of the future personality are laid. The child needs to awaken a conscious interest in various kinds creativity. Such a fertile, extensive basis is provided by early classes children's visual activities. Creativity gives a child an incentive to explore the world, be surprised, and become familiar with art. “A child’s drawing, the process of drawing, is a part of a child’s spiritual life. They don’t just transfer paints to paper, but live in this world, entering it as creators of beauty.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

The early age, which, unfortunately, is not given much attention by teachers, stands apart in the system of raising children. This is the first step, a kind of springboard on which much depends on the future development of the child; it helps to accumulate the necessary skills and abilities to become the basis for quality education in the future.

Why is this age highlighted by teachers in a separate period in preschool development? The reason for this is the psychological and physiological development of the baby. All his behavior is situational, emotional mood unsteady and fickle. Emotions and affects at this age manifest themselves momentarily, directly in a certain situation. Children are extremely impressionable and receptive to their surroundings; for them, every thing has an emotional charge. Imagination, being a reflection of the surrounding reality, closely related to the child’s lived experience, begins to develop during the game, when he plays out familiar actions of adults, possible options for their behavior and the experienced experiences of the child himself. An additional impetus for the development of imagination is the development of speech. Subsequently, a more complex associative perception begins to develop, and substitutions gradually enter the repertoire of game actions. The main content of play in early childhood is to imitate the actions of an adult, and then independent activity and creativity develop.

It is necessary to highlight three most important stages in the activities of children: reproductive, productive, creative. At an early age, children develop a reproductive stage that looks something like this: “do as I do,” “repeat it yourself.”

Creative imagination at an early age requires reliance on an object, its characteristics, operating and playing with it in plot game episodes, in combination with speech and actions with the object.

At an early age, the leading activity is subject-related. A child aged 1.5 years or older recognizes the image. At first, the child perceives a sheet of paper as an unlimited plane. Therefore, he draws, filling it with various images, turns it over, draws on the table if what he has in mind does not fit. The child’s first steps: highlight the top and bottom of a sheet of paper, and then the center, placing the main object (element) in the picture in it. It reflects the subject in a general way, highlighting the most essential. Perception and emotions are not yet separated from each other, which causes the extreme impressionability of children, the brightness and transience of their emotions.

The child’s process of perception always includes motor components: feeling objects and moving the eyes when perceiving the whole and the part.

An important stimulus for the development of imagination is the formation of play activity in a child (for example, a fictional story about a character - a bunny, a bear, we encourage the children to help them, call good relations to the game characters, the desire to help the heroes.

Stepping up the steps from the simplest to the complex, following the main principle - continuity in learning, we get further results: the ability to see the whole in an object before its parts, broadening the horizons of a little person, the joy of creativity.

Kids are very receptive to information, especially to its visual range. They are interested in any type of activity: from simple elements of drawing spots with their fingers, traces on the path, rain, grass to a ready-made visual image made with various materials.

The general scheme for organizing classes in art activities consists of several parts:

  1. psychological entry (it can be musical, in the form of listening to music or a song, or visual when looking at a picture, and even olfactory - to recognize an object), includes sensory study of the object - feeling, stroking, turning, squeezing;
  2. cognitive, in which game form the topic is revealed, tasks are set, questions of similarity with something are asked (“what does it look like? - an icicle, a carrot, a bridge, the moon”, that is, familiar images), or differences - one from the other;
  3. final - discussion, analysis, singing a song, emotional completion, feeling of joy, pleasure.

For young children, it is initially useful to use finger and aerial drawing in role-playing games - these are associative motor demonstrations by children: “how we stroke a cat,” “how a swing swings,” “how the wheels of a car rotate.” Children, raising their hands, show a tall tree, crouching - a low one. Hand movements show waves - large and small.

In drawing, children get acquainted with colored pencils, the properties of wax crayons, learn different pressures of the material and obtaining lines of different thicknesses, the technique of painting without going beyond the outline; They learn the elements of repeated strokes, combinations of two colors, a sense of rhythm, and master the colors red, green, yellow, blue, white, and black. In every lesson it is necessary to use visual imagery.

Young children should be taught to draw lines from top to bottom (vertical) and from left to right (horizontal). These can be long or short paths, festive fireworks, grass that has bent from the wind, strings with balls, etc. Then, having mastered the lines, lead to the image of objects that have a round shape (cloud, snowball, puddles, balls, rings, etc.)

The rules for drawing with a brush include the following points:

  1. Hold the brush behind the iron tip in a “pinch”.
  2. The hand with the brush moves in front of the line in horizontal lines, and behind the line when drawing vertical lines.
  3. When drawing wide lines, rest on the entire bristle of the brush, holding the stick at an angle to the paper.
  4. A thin line is drawn with the end of the brush.
  5. When painting with a brush, draw the line only in one direction and only in one direction, and not back and forth, as with a pencil.

Children's fantasies, which are depicted on paper or made in plasticine or clay, speed up and facilitate the child's speech, since the motor activity of the hands and fingers is directly related to the activity of the brain hemispheres. Therefore, in learning it is necessary to develop the participation of both hands of the child: hold the brush, pencil with the fingers in the “pinch” of the leading hand, and with the other hand hold a sheet of paper, if necessary, advance it, turn it over, for which it is very useful to perform exercises to develop the synchronization of hand movements.

As a result of these activities, children develop:

  • hand-eye coordination, eye;
  • fine motor skills of the hands and fingers (especially the movement and interaction of the “pinch” fingers - index, thumb and middle);
  • imagination;
  • spatial, figurative thinking;
  • the emotional state becomes more complicated (children enjoy creativity);
  • children begin to notice “beautiful”;
  • ability to notice characteristic features objects, find similarities and differences between them;
  • sense of color;
  • children become familiar with the simplest concepts of “pattern”, “rhythm”.

Anna Yuzhakova
Visual activities for young children

The surrounding reality art, folk art - as a means of full-fledged aesthetic education and development of artistic creativity children

“Childhood is an important period of human life, not preparation for future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

The concept of preschool education speaks of the need to develop children's sense of beauty, formation of aesthetic taste, desire to express oneself in art activities.

Aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child’s personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world, art and create it. It starts from the first years of life.

Aesthetic education is a very broad concept. It includes the development of an aesthetic attitude towards nature, work, public life, life, art. However, knowledge of art is so multifaceted and original that it stands out from the general system of aesthetic education as a special part of it. Upbringing children means of art constitute the subject of artistic education.

Based on the concept, in my work I paid great attention visual arts , because children's drawings have always attracted the attention of teachers and psychologists. And it's not accidentally: it can be used to determine mental condition the child, his mental development, the stock of knowledge he has, etc. According to established tradition early age V pedagogical literature called « pre-figurative» (No item images, no idea or desire for anything portray). Therefore, as a rule, with children attending nurseries, classes visual arts They are formal in nature and offer little help to children; their hands are not yet developed, their movements are chaotic, and the pencil leaves a pale mark on the paper. Working with children early age it can be argued what interest in visual arts they have it and it needs to be developed.

All children love to draw. Creativity for them is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands are the instruments of the soul. Faced with the beauty and harmony of the world, having experienced a feeling of delight and admiration, they experience a desire "stop a beautiful moment", displaying your attitude to reality on a piece of paper.

Creativity cannot exist under pressure and violence. It should be free, bright and unique. Without parting with pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints, the child quietly learns to observe, compare, think, and fantasize. For a child, traces left by pencils, felt-tip pens, ballpoint pen and a brush, but the use of fingers and palms for drawing stamps and stencils remains amazing. Non-standard approaches to organization visual arts surprise and delight children, thereby causing the desire to do such an interesting thing. Original drawing reveals the child’s creative potential, allowing him to feel the colors, their character and mood.

In my work, I relied on the research of teachers and psychologists who paid a lot of attention to the problems of inclusion preschool children to visual activities and its importance for their comprehensive development (T. G. Kazakova, G. N. Dronova, T. S. Komarova, I. A. Lykova).

From the work experience of F. S. Novoselova, I took several recommendations, which it is advisable to follow when communicating with children of any age, and even more so with kids:

It is necessary to support children self-confidence interest in organizational activities, the desire to participate in it - I PRAISE THEM AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE!

It should be remembered that children, especially small ones, are most interested in the adult who is working with them, and through him they begin to be interested in the subject and actions - I TRY TO BE ALWAYS ATTRACTIVE TO THEM!

From the very beginning of learning to draw, one should proceed from the image, and not from mastering skills - I CHOOSE AN SUBJECT CAPABLE OF AVOIDING SUFFICIENTLY LONG-TERM INTEREST OF THE LITTLE ARTIST!

Hand movements develop and improve gradually, as a result of repeated exercises, which, I repeat, however, should not get boring for the child - LEARNING TO BE PATIENT AND INTRODUCING AS MUCH FANTASY AND DIVERSITY AS POSSIBLE INTO THE ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITY!

One of the important moments in the development visual activity begins then, when the child begins to correlate hand movements with the nature of the resulting lines, strokes, to understand their relationship - DO NOT MISS THIS MOMENT, FOR AFTER IT YOU CAN TEACH THE CHILD VISUAL CONTROL, DIFFERENT FORMS OF HAND MOVEMENT, CONSCIOUS USE OF ACQUIRED EXPERIENCE!

In the first junior group, children learn to draw only by demonstration given by the teacher. Even if children are reminded of what they saw earlier, they do not take care to ensure that the impressions they receive are actually reflected in the drawing. Having become accustomed to always repeating after the teacher what he shows, children do not feel the need to remember anything.

I took it upon myself to find ways to connect drawings children 2-3 years old with the impressions of life, strive to reflect these impressions in children's drawings in a form accessible to children of this age.

During walks, games, educational activities I tried to attract children to observations, developed their curiosity and interest in the environment.

By adding to the group new toy, I paid attention to its color, shape, compared objects in order to isolate what was most characteristic of a given object. While walking, watching the traffic, I pointed out the size of the cars, the color, what they were carrying in the cars, I paid attention to the trees planted along the street leading to the kindergarten, and their size. In the fall, I collected leaves, examined their color, shape, and made bouquets of autumn leaves. It is important to carefully select the object of observation, highlight those aspects to which we will pay attention children for educational activities .

Very useful for visual perception children add muscular-motor sensations, as well as use other opportunities for sensory familiarization with objects and phenomena.

Therefore, in the process of observation, I described the object with a gesture, invited the children to touch the object, circle the ball with their finger, touch the trunk of a tree, show with their hands how the branches of a Christmas tree, birch, etc. are located.

So, in the summer, watching a flower bed in bloom, I noticed children on short green grass, white daisies, red roses. At the same time, I understood that three-year-old children would be able to reflect very little of the objects they observed in a drawing. Therefore, it was necessary to offer such topics so that children could cope with image yourself. To do this, it was necessary to take into account what skills children have at a given time.

During a walk in winter, I showed the children hanging from the roof children's house icicles. The children saw that the icicles were hanging down, moved their finger in space, showing their direction, and then noticed that the icicles on a sunny day "crying". During the lesson, I relied on the experience gained by the children. In order to call big interest to drawing this item, I gave colored paper bluish-gray color.

In the conversation preceding the educational activities, the kids remembered what they saw and did not forget in the drawing portray like icicles "crying".

When the children acquired the ability to draw lines in different directions, I took up the topic of drawing with paint "Ladder from fire truck» . The kids and I really love to do physical education, and of course what they like most is climbing the ladder. First we noticed the staircase on physical culture, noted that there are many crossbars on it, they are even and nailed to two long slats. By moving their fingers, the children showed the direction of the transverse and longitudinal lines, after which I showed the fire escape on the street. Drawing was preceded by laying out a ladder of ready-made strips, since it is easier for children to create an object from existing lines than to look for them. The kids were given two long strips of paper and many short ones. The whole group completed the task, after which the children themselves began to build ladders from building material during games.

For educational activity According to the drawing, a ladder from a toy fire truck was brought. She and the children examined her carefully. More timid children were asked to trace the bars with their finger, paying attention to their direction. Then the task was given to draw a ladder. No sample was given, no demonstration was given by the teacher. 80% children got the job done.

It showed me that children can depict the subject independently after a thorough familiarization with it. I realized how important it is for kids to have the object in front of them during the process. activities. The vivid impression that children receive raises their interest in drawing and arouses the desire to convey character traits this item. In order for this wish to be fulfilled, fine art the task should be accessible to children.

Fine art is the artist’s reflection of the surrounding reality in artistic images and the expression of his attitude to life through the means of form, color, and composition. V. G. Belinsky wrote - “In children from the very early years, the sense of grace must develop as one of the primary elements of humanity.”

We can cultivate genuine taste by selecting objects that are closest to children's perception. The more artistic, the more realistic depicted our reality, especially since it is accessible to perception and delivers a truly aesthetic experience.

Fine art enriches children's impressions, promotes the development of senses, thinking, imagination, makes observations more focused and deep.

Art develops children's ability to see, understand the beauty of nature, evaluate the phenomena of reality, strive not only to understand, but also to change it, to make life more interesting, meaningful, and beautiful.

The degree to which art influences a child largely depends on the methodology used by the teacher. Therefore, I approached the organization of the circle with a sense of great responsibility. "Rainbow" By visual arts. I work with children twice a week in the afternoon in my free time.

Thinking through the acquaintance children with works of fine art, I tried to select, first of all, highly artistic, understandable children, which would develop their feelings, enrich them with new concepts about the environment, that is, develop aesthetic sensitivity children.

In my work I used paintings, sculptures, and works of applied art. Introducing children with genre painting, I taught to understand the mood of the landscape and the artist’s attitude to the painting. Developed a love for native nature, the ability to see nature in works of art (paintings by I. Levitan "Gold autumn", A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", I. Shishkin "Winter"). Examination of plot paintings (V. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf", "Alyonushka", I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest") forms the ability to perceive a picture, feel its mood, understand the feelings of the characters, and describe a person’s appearance.

I believe that it is not always necessary to use the time allocated for educational activities to look at paintings. activities, because it is very important to take into account the environment that matches the mood created by the artist in the painting. For example, on a picture "Gold autumn" I paid attention to I. Levitan children on a bright sunny day.

We cannot limit ourselves to looking at pictures that arouse only joy and pleasure in us. Those works that convey sadness and sadness also deserve attention. Such pictures can instill in children feelings of responsiveness and empathy. For example, a painting by V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka". The statements were very interesting children: “Alenushka was hurt by her mother, that’s why she’s sad” or “Alyonushka is cold, she’s barefoot, where are her slippers?”

I used a variety of techniques to get acquainted with painting: I often posted them directly on educational activity, sometimes several days before the lesson and gave the children the opportunity to examine them independently without a reminder from the teacher. There were cases when the painting was removed for a long time and returned to the group again.

The sculpture also decorates our kindergarten group. It is advisable to select an artistic sculpture, accessible in its content, beautiful and graceful in form. For example, "Ballerina", "Deer", "Bear", "Hen" and so on.

A sculpture is a three-dimensional work of art; it well reflects the shape of an object, betraying its characteristic features. The children and I can look at it from all sides, touch it, trace the outline with our finger.

I also introduced my kids to arts and crafts. Products folk art diverse. These are various wooden and clay toys, painted dishes, bright trays, etc. Each such product fills with joy, kindness and beauty. It carries a fantasy that captivates children into the world of fairy tales.

Introducing children With this or that craft, I try to clearly talk about where it originated and its features. So that children can feel the magic of fairy tales folk toys, I invite them to fantasize by coming up with funny stories or fairy tales. Of course, they often turn out to be fables, and the guys themselves laugh at what they said, but it’s fun, playful and memorable for a long time.

Acquaintance children with folk crafts helps them enter the world of beauty, awakens the need to love and enjoy life, and enhances emotional and aesthetic culture.

I tried my best at educational activities use musical accompaniment, poetry, nursery rhymes, songs, riddles, this made it possible to maintain interest and attention children. Invaluable help was provided by didactic games with colored balls, mosaics, matryoshka dolls, games on size, shape, color for the development of fine muscles of the hands, games according to the M. Montessori method. All this was of decisive importance for the development of visual ideas about objects and phenomena.

To enrich the sensory experience, I observed natural phenomena and looked at clothes children, toys, read children's books and looked at the illustrations for them. Organized dramatization games based on fairy tales "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip". I used physical education minutes, "aerobics", outdoor games.

When working with children, I used collective drawing and appliqué, from which the children get great pleasure; they look at the resulting drawing for a long time, laugh, and remember who drew what. As a result, your vocabulary expands children, joint activity brings them closer together, makes the relationship between them kind and affectionate. In addition, paper large format allows you to draw on a grand scale, feel space, and comprehend the laws of composition. IN collective work the same as in individual children's activities accompanied by music, poetry and folklore are used. After drawing a character, children sing a song to him, play an outdoor game with him, or dance. Children perceive games and activities with drawings very emotionally.

In my work I use unconventional forms of drawing. Drawing in unconventional ways, fascinating, fascinating activity. My kids are not just kids, but little explorers who are discovering the unfamiliar world around them every day. We love everything beautiful, bright, we love to study, play, dance, and, of course, draw! And I believe that aesthetic taste children, is developing day by day. And we love to draw not only in the standard way, as is customary in kindergarten, but also to draw in unconventional ways.

Observations have shown that the child age from two to three years old, the material itself is interesting, because he feels the object better, exploring it with his hands, and at the same time acts more freely than with a brush. Therefore, I practiced the method of drawing falling leaves and animal tracks with my fingers. Finely- in a playful way, the child not only shows how a small cat walks with his finger, how a big bear stomps with his palm, but also imagines himself as this cat and the bear.

The children really enjoyed drawing with signets made from potatoes. Unusual uses product was captivating children, they happily printed and created their unique works of art. We watched with the children what happened and what it looked like image, and the missing details were completed with a brush, pencil or felt-tip pen. Thus, in the classes of the artistic and aesthetic cycle I solved problems creative development young children, A exactly: developed by children interest in various non-traditional methods images of objects, encouraged an emotional response to contrasting colors, shapes, textures; test different artistic materials and show a personal attitude towards the results of your own activities.

experience testifies: Drawing with unusual materials allows children to experience unforgettable, positive emotions. And emotions are both a process and a result of practical activities and artistic creativity. It was gratifying to see how the drawn, sculpted images were perceived by the child as alive and gave him positive emotions.

As a result of my work, I came to the conclusion What:

Children, doing work together with the teacher and other children, came closer to creating an expressive image.

We learned how to work with different tools and mastered various drawing techniques.

They independently chose the material and color (when they were asked to draw ribbons for the ballerina, some did it with their fingers, others chose felt-tip pens, and others painted with a brush).

During the drawing process, they began to explain their actions and the intention of the drawing.

Increased interest in visual arts, both in and outside of class.

Children know what a sculpture, a portrait is, and distinguish Dymkovo painting from Khokhloma.

The relationship between the children became friendly.

The kids became more emotionally responsive to the phenomena of life around them, they became more relaxed and confident.


1 1 Introduction to book graphics
“Funny pictures” (rhymes) Looking at pictures in children's books. Acquaintance with the illustrations of Yu. Vasnetsov (Collections of Russian folk nursery rhymes “Rainbow-Arc” or “Ladushki.”) Arousing interest in book graphics. 18
2 2 Introduction to book graphics
“Funny toys” Continuation of acquaintance with the illustrations of Yu. Vasnetsov. Establishing a connection between pictures and surreal toys. Recognizing animals in pictures 19
3 3 Drawing objects on the sand
“Pictures on the sand” Creating images on the sand: drawing with a stick on dry sand, handprints on wet sand. Comparison of the properties of dry and wet sand. 22

week No. Topic Educational objectives page
1 4 Drawing
"Beautiful leaves"

Development artistic technique printing. Getting to know paints. Applying paint to leaves (by dipping in a bath) and creating images - prints. Development of a sense of color.

2 5 Finger painting “Leaves are falling, falling...” (autumn window)

Creation collective composition"leaf fall"
(In collaboration with the teacher). Continued acquaintance with paints. Mastering the finger painting technique: dipping your fingertips in paint and making prints on paper 29
3 6 Drawing (experimentation)
"The brush is dancing"

Introduction to the brush as an artistic tool. Mastering the position of the fingers holding the brush. Imitation of drawing - moving a brush in the air (“conducting”).
4 7 Drawing “Leaves are dancing”

Mastering the technique of painting with a brush (washing, picking up paint, dabbing). Drawing autumn leaves - prints on a blue background (sky). Development of a sense of color and rhythm.
5 8 Painting
“Breeze, blow lightly!”
Creating an image of autumn wind. Further acquaintance with the brush. Mastering the technique of drawing curved lines across an entire sheet of paper. 33

week No. Topic Educational objectives page

9 Drawing with fingers or cotton swabs
“Rain, more often, drip-drip-drip!”
Drawing rain with fingers or cotton swabs based on the cloud depicted by the teacher. Developing a sense of color and rhythm. 34

2 10 Drawing with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
“Rain, rain, have fun!”
Drawing rain in the form of strokes or straight vertical and oblique lines with colored pencils or felt-tip pens based on the cloud depicted by the teacher. Developing a sense of color and rhythm. 35
3 11 Drawing with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
“These are the legs of a centipede!”
Mastering the technique of drawing vertical lines. Finishing the drawing of the legs of the long centipede depicted by the teacher. Developing a sense of color and rhythm. 39
4 12 Drawing with colored pencils or felt-tip pen

Working curriculum for the development of artistic and creative abilities in visual arts in young children

teacher at MADOU

"Child Development Center-

kindergarten No. 94 “Smile”

Velikiy Novgorod

Explanatory note

Drawing, modeling, and design activities are some of the greatest pleasures for a child. They bring the baby a lot of joy. When drawing, a child reflects not only what he sees around him, but also shows his own imagination. We must not forget that positive emotions form the basis of children's mental health and well-being. And since visual activity is a source Have a good mood, the child’s interest in creativity should be supported and developed.

In the visual arts there is intensive cognitive development. A young child is already forming the first sensory orientations in color, shape, size, texture of objects, developing the ability to peer, listen, analyze objects, phenomena, see what is common and distinctive in them, and be attentive. The initial development of instrumental actions with visual material is underway. You need to take the pencil (brush) correctly: with three fingers, hold it with your thumb and middle finger, not close to the sharpened end (nap), holding it on top with your index finger. Squeezing the pencil too tightly with your fingers leads to overexertion of the hand and stiffness of movements; too weak – does not hold the pencil (brush). These actions have a pronounced sensory basis: pace, scope, rhythm, direction of movements, a sense of the nature of the visual material - all this also requires coordination in the work of visual and motor analyzers. By depicting the simplest objects and phenomena, the child learns about them, and his first ideas are formed.

Gradually, the baby learns to talk about the phenomenon he saw and amazed him in the language of colors, lines, and words. The positive emotional reaction of adults supports the child’s desire to see, learn more, and look for an even more understandable and expressive language of lines, colors, and shapes. This stimulates the development of the child’s creativity.

The process of teaching visual arts is based on the interaction of the child with the teacher and children. In the process of such interaction, relationships are built and a person’s personality is formed. In visual arts, it is possible to successfully develop such personality qualities as independence, initiative, communication, as well as the ability to subordinate one’s behavior to elementary rules - as a prototype of future self-regulation and self-government.

Thus, visual activity is important not so much for mastering the ability to draw, but for the general mental and personal development child.

This program is aimed at developing a child’s love for beauty, enriching it spiritual world, development of imagination, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality, introduction to art as an integral part of spiritual and material culture, an aesthetic means of formation and development of the child’s personality.

Purpose of this program– formation of artistic and creative abilities in visual activities in young children.

The implementation of artistic and aesthetic education includes:

Formation of the first ideas about beauty in life and art, the ability to perceive it;

Formation of artistic and figurative ideas and thinking, emotional and sensory attitude to objects and phenomena of reality, education of aesthetic taste, emotional responsiveness to beauty;

Development of creative abilities in drawing and modeling;

Teaching the basics of creating artistic images, developing practical skills in working in various types artistic activity;

Development sensory abilities perception, sense of color, rhythm.

This program places great emphasis on various techniques Children's work with paints: finger painting, stamp painting, brush painting.

The system of classes is built taking into account the principles of consistency and consistency in the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The program involves one lesson per week, in the first half of the day. The duration of the lessons is 15 minutes. The total number of training sessions per year in drawing is 36 hours, in modeling - 36 hours. Pedagogical analysis of children's knowledge, abilities and skills (pedagogical diagnostics) is carried out 3 times a year (primary - in September, intermediate - in January and final - in May. Diagnostics are carried out according to the method of T.S. Komarova.

Tasks of artistic and creative development of children 2-3 years old.


    Develop children's perception, enrich sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects, tracing them along the contour alternately with one hand or the other.

    Lead children to images of familiar objects, giving them freedom to choose the content of the image.

    Draw children's attention to the various lines and configurations they depict on paper. Encourage them to think about what they drew, what it looks like. Create a feeling of joy from the strokes and lines that children have drawn themselves. Encourage the addition of characteristic details to the drawn image; to the conscious repetition of previously obtained strokes, lines, spots, shapes.

    Develop aesthetic perception of surrounding objects. Learn to distinguish the colors of pencils, felt-tip pens, and name them correctly. Learn to draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique), intersect them, likening them to objects: ribbons, handkerchiefs, paths, streams, icicles, fences, etc. Lead children to drawing round-shaped objects.

    Form the correct posture when drawing (sit freely, do not lean low over a sheet of paper).

    Learn to treat materials with care and use them correctly. Learn to hold a pencil and brush freely; pencil - three fingers above the sharpened end, brush - just above the iron tip; pick up paint on the brush, dipping it into the jar with bristles. Remove excess paint by touching the lint to the edge of the jar; Rinse the brush after painting and dry it by pressing lightly onto a napkin.

Methods and techniques

In order for children to have a desire to complete an educational task, the teacher needs to carry out special work aimed at developing play motivation.

Reading rhymes, songs, nursery rhymes is an important methodological technique. It increases children's positive emotional attitude towards the activity.

You should be encouraged to draw a wide variety of objects that surround and attract attention during games, observations on walks, looking at, tracing with your hands along the contour of the object. Gradually, drawing children’s attention to the drawing, we must teach them to find the similarity between the strokes and lines resulting on the paper and the surrounding objects.

To successfully master drawing, it is important to develop the sensory foundations of visual activity: the perception of objects of various shapes (visual, tactile, kinesthetic) and colors.

Viewing all the drawings at the end of the lesson develops children's interest in the results of their peers and their own activities. The analysis of work should come from the game character.

Activities should bring children joy!


    Arouse children's interest in modeling. Introduce plastic materials: clay, plasticine. Teach children to use materials carefully.

    Teach children to break off lumps of plasticine from a large piece, rolling the lump between their palms with straight movements, sculpt sticks, sausages, connect the ends of the stick, pressing them tightly together (ring, lamb, wheel, etc.).

    Learn to roll out a lump of plasticine in a circular motion palms (ball, apple, berry, etc.), flatten a lump between the palms (cakes, cookies, gingerbread), decorate them. Learn to combine two sculpted shapes into one object: a stick and a ball (rattle or mushroom, etc.

    To teach children to carefully handle materials: place plasticine and molded objects on a board or special blank.

Methods and techniques

In sculpting, the information-receptive method is used, i.e. imitative, repeating form-building movements.

Modeling classes are substantive in nature, that is, children sculpt individual figures.

Plastic materials provide more opportunities for children's development and learning. During sculpting, fine motor skills of the fingers and children’s imagination develop, skills are formed and developed. manual labor, children learn to coordinate hand movements, gain new sensory experience - a sense of plasticity, shape and weight.

An important point in conducting the lesson is assessing the children’s activities. The teacher needs to evoke a joyful mood, evaluating the process itself and the results of the work, and support the children’s desire to sculpt.

Properly selected material and equipment are of great importance in the learning process. Modern technologies made it possible to improve the plastic material used - plasticine became softer and more elastic, acquired pure and varied colors, and stopped sticking to the hands. These qualities make working with him pleasant and interesting activity, both for children and adults.

Tools and materials used in art classes with children 2-3 years old.

Educational visual aids:





Colored pencils;


Wax crayons;

Small brushes No. 6, medium ones No. 10-12, large No. 12-16;

Gouache paints;

Sippy jar;

Stands for brushes;

Wax plasticine;


Cotton hand wipes;


Long-term planning for art activities in the first junior group



A week


(drawing technique, methods and techniques)

Program content

Material for the lesson

"How we draw"

(drawing with pencils)

Determine your level of pencil proficiency. Introduce children to the right way actions with pencils: hold with three fingers, not close to the sharpened end, do not squeeze the pencil too tightly; learn to draw only on paper, use different colors; develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Landscape sheet, sets of colored pencils (according to the number of children).

"Chicken Lanes"

(drawing with pencils)

Arouse children's interest in the topic and the drawing process; learn to hold a pencil in your right hand with three fingers; learn to make wide, smooth movements in any direction; induce and maintain a sense of process satisfaction as a result of the activity.

Landscape sheet of A4 paper, colored pencils, pictures of hens and chicks.

"Nuts for the squirrel"

(drawing with a foam rubber poke)

Introduce children to gouache paints; teach children to use a brush; consolidate knowledge of primary colors, introduce new colors (brown); develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Sheets of drawing paper with a picture of a tree and a squirrel for each child; foam swabs; squirrel toy; nuts; basket; jars of water, napkins.

« Autumn leaves»

(painting with a brush)

Continue to introduce children to gouache paints, teach them how to use a brush correctly; consolidate knowledge of basic colors, introduce new colors and shades; teach to distinguish Maple leaves; develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Gouache in yellow and red colors; brushes No. 4; album sheets of paper for drawing for each child, mats with cut out silhouettes of maple leaves (according to the number of children); Maple leaves; sippy cups; napkins.



Teach children how to hold a felt-tip pen correctly; learn to draw with a felt-tip pen - do not press hard, draw straight vertical lines; do not go beyond the boundary line; develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Blue or light blue markers; sheets of paper with blanks (according to the number of children), a blue cloud is drawn at the top of the sheet, and a horizontal line below is the ground, so that the children, when drawing rain, do not go beyond the lower border.

“Let’s help the bugs hide in the grass”

(pencil drawing; finishing drawing

Teach children to hold a wax pencil correctly in their hand and draw straight vertical lines; consolidate knowledge of flowers; arouse interest in drawing with colored pencils.

Green colored wax pencils; sheets of drawing paper with drawn beetles located in different places on the sheet (according to the number of children).

"Yellow leaves are flying"

Teach children to draw leaves by dipping a brush onto a sheet of paper; continue to teach how to hold a brush correctly, use paint, a cloth, and rinse the brush in a jar of water.

Landscape sheets of A4 format with painted trees (according to the number of children); yellow paint, brushes No. 4, jars of water, rags.

"On a smooth path"

(finger painting)

Teach children to draw with their fingers, rhythmically making an imprint on a strip of paper; continue to introduce children to colors (red, blue, green), reinforce the names of colors; develop an interest and positive attitude towards drawing.

Demonstration sheet with an image of two houses with red and blue roofs, located opposite each other (a path was drawn between the houses with pencil and paint); strips of drawing paper 1/2 sheet according to the number of children; green gouache, wet wipes for hands.


“Rain, rain, more”

(painting with a brush; finishing details)

Teach children to apply rhythmic strokes with a brush under verbal accompaniment; continue to teach how to hold a brush correctly, use paint, removing excess on the edge of the jar; continue to introduce the color blue.

Album sheets with images of clouds; blue paint, sippy cups, brushes, napkins.

"Rowan Twig"

Continue teaching children to finger paint; pick up paint; rejoice at the result; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop an interest and positive attitude towards drawing.

Sheets of drawing paper with an image of a rowan branch without berries (according to the number of children); rowan branch, drawing - sample; red gouache, wet wipes for hands.

"Hide the picture"

(drawing with pencils or felt-tip pens)

Teach children to hold a pencil (felt-tip pen) correctly in their hand; sit correctly at the table; learn to draw strokes; develop a desire to draw.

Colored pencils or markers; sheets of drawing paper in A4 format with drawn blanks (pictures) according to the number of children.

"Admire the geranium"

(drawing with a stamp; finishing drawing

Teach children to rhythmically apply a drawing using a stamp (old brushes or crumpled paper); learn to use a stamp: dip it in thick gouache, and then press it to a sheet of paper; develop aesthetic perception and desire to draw.

Sheets of paper with blanks (image of geraniums in a pot with empty cuttings); red gouache, stamps according to the number of children; napkins; blooming geranium.


"House with a fence"

(painting with a brush)

Learn to draw lines from top to bottom along the pile; dip the brush in paint as needed; To cultivate responsiveness and goodwill in children.

Drawing depicting a house; a long sheet of whatman paper or wallpaper, brushes, jars of water, stands for brushes, napkins.

"It is snowing"

(drawing with cotton swabs)

Strengthen your painting skills using paints cotton buds; clarify and consolidate knowledge of colors; develop aesthetic perception and desire to draw.

Blue or light blue cardboard, A4 format (according to the number of children), sippy cup jars, napkins.

“Christmas tree - green needle”

(drawing with felt-tip pens)

Exercise children in drawing pine needles with strokes using felt-tip pens; encourage children's independence and initiative; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; evoke a desire to communicate about the drawing with the teacher and children.

Coniferous branch; a sheet of Whatman paper on which the trunk of a Christmas tree is drawn; sheets of A4 paper (according to the number of children), green markers.

“The little Christmas tree came to visit us”

(finger painting; finishing details)

Teach children to place lanterns of a certain color using didactic game“Decorate the Christmas tree”; strengthen the ability to paint with fingers using different colors; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop aesthetic perception and desire to draw.

Landscape sheets of paper for drawing with the image of a Christmas tree (according to the number of children); gouache red, blue, yellow flowers; wet cloths, napkins; did. game "Decorate the Christmas tree."


« Winter pattern»

(drawing with wax pencils)

Continue to teach children how to hold a pencil correctly; consolidate previously acquired drawing skills; consolidate knowledge of colors (blue, white); continue to develop an interest in drawing; develop aesthetic perception.

Blue colored cardboard (according to the number of children); wax crayons white; samples of the finished pattern and several pattern elements.


(painting with a brush)

Teach children to paint the outline with a brush by dabbing; convey the image of a snowman in the drawing; consolidate knowledge of color; remind you to work carefully.

Blue gouache; sheets of white paper with a drawn outline of a snowman (according to the number of children); sample drawing, jars of water, brushes, napkins.

"Let's feed the birds"

(painting with a brush)

Strengthen with children the ability to create an image with the rhythm of strokes, mastering the entire space of the sheet; introduce the color black; To instill in children a caring attitude towards birds.

The blank is a feeder drawn on a sheet of whatman paper, an applique image of birds; black gouache; brushes, sippy cups, napkins, seeds.

« Elegant dress for a doll"

(painting with a brush; finishing details)

Teach children to hold a brush correctly and rhythmically apply strokes to the silhouette of a dress; develop color perception; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop interest and desire to draw.

Gouache in 4 colors: red, blue, green, yellow for children’s choice; blank dresses (according to the number of children), tassels, jars of water, napkins.


"Striped Mittens"

(painting with a brush; finishing details)

Teach children to draw lines from left to right, move the brush continuously along the bristles, pick up paint well on the brush, and develop color perception.

Blanks - silhouettes of mittens cut out of white paper (according to the number of children); gouache 4 colors; brushes, sippy cups.


(drawing with a felt-tip pen

Continue to teach children to draw with felt-tip pens, hold it correctly in your hand, do not squeeze or press too hard; decorate snowflakes - draw straight lines, arcs; develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Blue markers (according to the number of children); sheets of paper with blanks - drawn snowflake bases (according to the number of children); sheets with ready-made images of snowflakes; 3-4 snowflakes cut out of paper.

"Snow Koloboks"

(painting with a brush)

Continue teaching children to use a brush, draw circles from a spot, repeat the image, filling the free space of the sheet; maintain a playful attitude towards the image.

Sheet of A4 cardboard, blue or blue colors(by number of children); white gouache, brushes, sippy cups, napkins.


(drawing with felt-tip pens)

Continue to teach children to hold a felt-tip pen correctly in their hand, to draw with it without applying strong pressure; draw circles and shade them in a circle; consolidate knowledge of flowers; cultivate aesthetic perception.

Markers for each child; sheets of paper for drawing with a blank - a drawn line of beads (according to the number of children); finished drawing-sample; a string of real beads.


"Bouquet for Mom"(drawing with pencils)

To foster in children a tender, caring attitude towards their mother; consolidate the ability to draw continuous circles in a circular motion, without lifting the pencil from the paper, and hold it correctly.

Sheets of paper with blanks - an applicative image of a rose branch with leaves in a pot; pencils for each child.

"The sun is shining through the window"

(painting with a brush; finishing details)

Continue to teach children to draw round objects, from spots; draw straight lines (rays), carefully work with a brush, removing paint on the edge of the jar; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes (circle); concepts “one”, “many”.

Sheets of drawing paper in A4 format (according to the number of children); orange and yellow gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins.



Continue to teach children to hold the brush correctly and dip the entire bristles into the paint; learn to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, to depict drops with the rhythm of strokes.

Sheets of A4 paper, blue gouache, brushes, brush stands, jars of water, napkins.

"Ay, swing, swing, swing"(drawing

brush; finishing details)

Strengthen with children the ability to draw closed lines similar to circles; learn to move the brush along the pile continuously, picking up paint well on the brush; arouse interest in the result obtained.

Round sheets of paper (plates); yellow gouache, brushes, stands for brushes, sippy jars, napkins.


“A boat sails along spring streams”(painting with a brush)

Continue to teach children to rhythmically draw lines on a sheet of paper, moving the brush along the pile; learn to navigate on a sheet of paper; develop an interest in drawing.

Sheets of drawing paper, blue gouache, brushes, stands for brushes, jars of water, napkins; paper boat, basin with water.


(drawing with felt-tip pens; adding details)

Continue to teach children how to hold a felt-tip pen correctly, draw small circles, space the circles evenly, and not go beyond the contour; develop an interest in drawing.

Felt pens of yellow, red, green colors; sheets of paper for drawing with blanks - on the sheet there is an outline of a tree (according to the number of children); apple.

"Grass on the Lawn"(painting with a brush)

Exercise children in fast, rhythmic artistic actions with a brush; continue to learn how to draw vertical lines (grass); cultivate a love for living nature.

Sheets of drawing paper (according to the number of children), green gouache, brushes, sippy cups.

"The trees woke up"

Continue to teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip the entire bristles into the paint, and remove the excess on the edge of the jar; learn to convey in drawing impressions of the surrounding life and observed phenomena; depict leaves by applying the entire bristle of the brush to the paper and dipping it into paint as needed; consolidate knowledge of flowers; develop a desire to draw.

Landscape sheets of paper for drawing with images of trees without foliage (according to the number of children); green gouache, brushes, stands for brushes, sippy cups, napkins.

"Butterflies"(painting with a brush; finishing details)

Continue teaching children to paint; consolidate the ability to fill a finished silhouette with a pattern, rhythmically applying the design; introduce a new way of drawing (monotype); clarify and consolidate knowledge of colors; develop a desire to draw.

Silhouettes of butterflies cut out of paper (according to the number of children); ready-made sample with a simple pattern; gouache of primary colors, brushes, brush stands, sippy cups, napkins.

“Funny little animals - striped toys”(painting with a brush; finishing details)

Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush; draw straight lines in different directions (from left to right and from top to bottom), observing the movement of the brush along the pile; cultivate responsiveness in children.

Silhouettes of horses, ducks, goats, etc., made in the style of Filimonov toys; red and black gouache, brushes, sippy cups, brush stands, napkins.

"Flower Glade"(drawing with cotton swabs)

Continue teaching children to draw with paints using cotton swabs; consolidate knowledge of flowers; develop interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Green-tinted sheets of drawing paper; finished drawing - sample, reproductions depicting a flower meadow (wildflowers); gouache of primary colors, brushes, sippy cups, napkins.

"Blossoming Twig"(painting with a brush; finishing details)

Learn to paint flowers of flowering trees (cherry cherry, jasmine) with a bristle brush; evoke a desire to admire a flowering branch, a desire to draw; cultivate aesthetic perception.

Tinted sheets of paper depicting branches with leaves; white gouache, brushes, sippy cups, brush stands, napkins; branch with bird cherry or jasmine flowers.



A week


(sculpting techniques)

Program content

Material for the lesson

"Introduction to plasticine"

Introduce children to plasticine and its properties; introduce the rules for working with this material.

Soft plasticine (according to the number of children), hand wipes, toy fox.

"Fence for a cockerel"

(rolling out)

Teach the ability to roll out plasticine into a “sausage” with straight movements of the palms, reinforcing the properties of the material; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Toy Cockerel, house, plasticine, boards, hand napkins,

"Let's feed the birds"

(pinching off, rolling)

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; learn to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Toy birds, plasticine, boards, hand wipes.

"Plasticine mosaic"

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; learn to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and stick it to a flat surface; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Sheets of thick A4 cardboard (into subgroups), soft plasticine, mosaic game.


“Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying”

(pinching, pressing)

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; learn to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and stick it to a flat surface; introduce children to color; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Sheets of cardboard with images of trees partially covered with autumn foliage; yellow and orange plasticine; boards, hand wipes.


(rolling, flattening)

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; learn to flatten plasticine balls using all fingers; consolidate knowledge of colors; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Soft yellow plasticine, plastic plates, dolls, boards, hand napkins.

"Rain, rain, drip - drip - drip"

(pinching, pressing)

Continue teaching children to pinch small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and stick it to a flat surface; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop fine motor skills.

Blue plasticine, sheets of cardboard with an applique image of clouds (according to the number of children); boards, hand wipes.

"Different colored balls"

(rolling down)

Teach children to roll plasticine in a circular motion between their palms; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine of primary colors, boards, hand napkins; rubber balls for playing.



(pinching off, rolling)

Continue teaching children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and roll the plasticine into a ball; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop interest in working with plasticine and develop fine motor skills.

Green and red plasticine according to the number of children; small pieces of cardboard with strings attached to it (base for beads); boards, hand wipes.

"Wonderful pencils"

(rolling out)

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; learn to roll plasticine between your palms like a “sausage”; develop a desire to sculpt; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine of primary colors, boards, hand napkins.

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart"

(rolling down)

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; consolidate the ability to form rounded lumps from plasticine and lay them out in a limited space; develop fine motor skills.

Squirrel toy, plasticine Brown, t plates cut out of cardboard (according to the number of children); boards, hand wipes.

"Vitamins in a jar"

(rolling, pressing)

Continue to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; learn to press the plasticine ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base, and place the plasticine balls at an equal distance from each other; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Yellow plasticine, jar shapes cut out of cardboard (according to the number of children); tablets, hand napkins, doll.


"Beautiful plate"

Continue to teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and roll them into balls with a diameter of 5-7 mm, press the ball with your index finger, attaching it to a flat base - a plate, smear the plasticine on the cardboard with a pressing motion index finger; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine of different colors, cardboard blanks (white circles with a diameter of 15-20 cm according to the number of children); boards, hand wipes.

“Like our cat”

(rolling out)

Continue to teach children to roll out plasticine with straight movements between their palms, lay out “sausages” sequentially one after another, forming a mat; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop interest in working with plasticine” and develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine in red, yellow, blue and green colors; base for the rug, cut out of cardboard; kitten toy; boards, hand wipes.

"It is snowing"

(rolling, pressing)

Continue to teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and roll them into balls, press the ball with their index finger, attaching it to a flat base; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine is white, the blank is a blue-tinted sheet of 1/2 Whatman paper with images of houses (applique) into 2 subgroups; boards, hand wipes.

"Dressing up the Christmas tree"

(rolling, pressing, smearing)

Strengthen the ability to form lumps from plasticine and roll them into balls; press the ball with your index finger, attaching it to a flat base - a Christmas tree, smear the plasticine on the cardboard with a pressing movement of the index finger; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine of different colors; blank - a Christmas tree cut out of cardboard (according to the number of children), a small artificial Christmas tree; boards, hand wipes.


"Bagel for a doll"

(rolling out, joining ends)

Continue to teach children to roll plasticine between their palms into a “sausage” and connect the ends of the stick to form a ring; to develop an interest in modeling; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine, doll, boards, hand wipes.

"Rowan Twig"

(rolling, pressing)

Strengthen the ability to form lumps and roll them into a ball, press the index finger on the ball, attaching it to a flat base; develop fine motor skills; develop aesthetic perception.

Red plasticine; blank - a rowan branch without berries drawn on 1/2 sheet of whatman paper (for subgroups); a sprig of rowan, pictures of rowan, tablets, napkins for hands.

"Chocolate with nuts"


Teach children to press parts into plasticine; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Brown plasticine bars, peas, chocolate with nuts, boards, hand napkins.

“We sewed a sundress for Tanya”

(rolling, pressing)

Continue to teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and press the plasticine ball with their index finger, attaching it to the base, placing the balls at an equal distance from each other; develop fine motor skills.

Dress - blank, plasticine of different colors, boards, napkins for hands.


“A dog walked across the bridge”

(rolling out)

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms with straight movements; develop fine motor skills.

Toy puppy, plasticine of primary colors, base for the bridge (cardboard), boards, napkins for hands.


(rolling down)

Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine in a circular motion between the palms; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop interest in works of oral folk art; develop fine motor skills.

Yellow and orange plasticine, boards, hand napkins.



Continue teaching children to press details into plasticine to create an image; promote the development of imagination; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Base made of any plasticine bright color(according to the number of children), sample, sunflower seeds, peas, etc., tablets, hand napkins.

"Petya, Petya the cockerel"

(rolling out)

Teach children to lay out “sausages” of plasticine in an arc from one point, to consolidate the skills of rolling plasticine with straight movements between the palms; develop fine motor skills.

Toy - cockerel, plasticine of primary colors, thick cardboard with the image of a cockerel without a tail (according to the number of children), boards, napkins for hands.



(pinching, rolling, pressing)

Continue to teach children to pinch small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and roll them into balls, press the plasticine ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base, smear the plasticine on the cardboard with a pressing movement of the index finger; develop an interest in working with plasticine; promote the development of imagination; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine in primary colors, A4 colored cardboard (according to the number of children), boards, hand napkins, reproductions of flowers.


(pinching, rolling, pressing)

Continue to teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece and press the plasticine ball with their index finger, attaching it to a flat base - wood; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine of red, yellow, green colors, a blank of white cardboard in the form of a tree, boards, napkins for hands.



Continue to teach children to smear plasticine on cardboard using a pressing movement of the index finger; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Blue plasticine; sheets of gray or blue cardboard (according to the number of children); boards, hand wipes.

"Rings for a pyramid"

(rolling, joining ends)

Continue teaching children how to make sticks, connecting their ends to form a ring; evoke a desire to sculpt.

Plasticine of primary colors, boards, cotton swabs on a plasticine stand (base of the pyramid), hand napkins.


"Buttons for a dress"

(pinching, rolling, pressing)

Continue to teach children to attach plasticine to a flat base - a dress, using a pressing movement of the index finger; consolidate children's knowledge about the surrounding objective world, the purpose of buttons on clothes; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine of primary colors; cardboard blank - dress, hand napkins, boards.



Continue to teach children to smear plasticine on cardboard using a pressing movement of the index finger” to develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Yellow plasticine. sheets of blue or light blue cardboard in A5 format (according to the number of children), boards, hand napkins.

"Sausages on a plate"

(rolling out)

Teach children to pinch off small lumps of plasticine, roll them between their palms with straight movements; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine, boards, cardboard plates, hand wipes.


(rolling down)

Continue teaching children to sculpt round objects; rejoice finished product; develop fine motor skills.

Orange plasticine, orange - dummy, boards, hand napkins.


(pressure, smearing)

Continue teaching children to smear plasticine on cardboard; place the balls at an equal distance from each other; evoke a desire to sculpt.

Sheets of cardboard light color A4 format with an image of the outline of a hedgehog (according to the number of children); gray or black plasticine; rolled balls with a diameter of about 7 mm, at the rate of 10-12 balls for each child; toy hedgehog.


(rolling down)

Continue to develop the ability to roll a lump of plasticine using circular movements of the palms, identify objects by shape (ball), size (long, short), color (green); to develop an interest in modeling; develop fine motor skills.

Green plasticine, sensory simulator “Caterpillar”, boards, hand napkins.



Continue to teach children to press details into the plasticine base, creating an image; promote the development of imagination; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine base in the shape of a butterfly of any bright color; cereals (peas, lentils).



Continue to teach children how to press parts into plasticine and create volumetric craft; develop an interest in working with plastic materials; develop fine motor skills.

Yellow plasticine balls; short sticks, ear sticks without cotton wool or pieces of cocktail tubes, dandelion (real or picture).


    Wenger L.A., Pilyugina E.G., Wenger N.B. Nurturing a child’s sensory culture. – M., 1988.

    Volosova E.B. Development of a young child (main indicators) // Supplement to the magazine “Hoop”. 1999. No. 2.

    Education and development of young children. / Ed. G.M. Lyamina. – M., 1981.

    Grigorieva G.G. and others. Krokha: A manual for the upbringing, training and development of children under 3 years old. M., 2000.

    Grigorieva G.G. Baby in the land of Watercolors: method. manual for educators and parents / G.G. Grigorieva. – M.: Education, 2006.

    Doronova T.N.. Yakobson S.G. Teaching children 2-4 years old how to draw, sculpt, and apply in games. – M., 1992.

    Zhukova O.G. Planning and notes on art activities for young children / O.G. Zhukova. – M., 2006.

    Kazakova T.G. Visual activities younger preschoolers/ T.G Kazakova. – M., 1980.

    Komarova T.S. Children's fine art: what is meant by this? – zh-l “ Preschool education" – p.80., No. 2, 2005.

    Komarova T.S. Children's artistic creativity: method. manual for educators. – M., 2005.

    Komarova T.S. Teaching children drawing techniques. – M., 1994.

    Komarova T.S., Razmyslova A.V. Color in children's fine art of preschoolers. – M., 2005.

    Krokha: a program for the education and development of young children in preschool settings. institutions / (G.G. Grigorieva, N.P. Kochetova, D.V. Sergeeva, etc.). – M.: Education, 2007.

    Lykova I.A. Program for artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored Palms”. – M., 2006.

    Education and training program in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional – M., 2005.

    Productive activities with young children. Auto. – comp. E.V. Polozova. Educational and methodological manual for educators and methodologists. Voronezh, 2007.

    Expanded forward planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. First junior group/auth. – comp. IN AND. Mustafaeva (and others). – Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

    Sakulina N.P. Visual activities in kindergarten / N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova. – M., 1982.

    Sakulina N.P. drawing in preschool childhood / N.P. Sakulina. – M., 1965.

    Khalezova N.B. Modeling in kindergarten / (N.B. Khalezova, N.A. Kurokina. G.S. Pantyukhova). – M., 1986.

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Iozhitsa Natalya Fedorovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 13
Locality: Lobnya city
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Development of visual skills in young children.
Publication date: 29.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education




Development of fine arts skills

activities of young children.

Prepared by: Iozhitsa N.F.

Lobnya, 2017


1. Concept: visual activity………………………….5

2. Features of development of young children…………………10

3. Development of fine arts skills in young children




visual skills of young children………….19


List of sources and literature…………………………….…25


Children's creativity is a world of bright, amazing images, with the help of











introduce them to new phenomena in social life, nature, everyday life,

enriches the presentation.





properties; forming an artistic image, they learn to depict a plot,





the task of education and training in the process of visual activity

is the acquisition by children of the ability to convey impressions of objects and






we educate








we form



inclinations, abilities.





fine art











visual activities of children of early preschool age.

Research objectives:

1.Analyze scientific and methodological literature on the issue

fine art




2.To uncover



fine art


preschool age.



n a v y k o v


activities of young children.





age: forms, methods, means and content of work.

Object of study: visual activity of preschool children

early age.

Subject of research: drawing skills of young children.

Research on the development of visual arts skills

studied by Dyachenko O.M., Vygotsky L.S., Komarova T.S., Zaporozhets

A.V., Dudetsky A.Y., Yanushko E.A. and others.

1. Concept: visual activity

Children's artistic development should begin at an early age.

age. There are different types of creativity: fine arts,




absorbed artistic culture. In order for culture to become

an integral part of his life and had a formative influence on his


Visual activity is the very first type that kids

are mastering. By helping children in this direction, a lot can be achieved.

Children express their thoughts by drawing, while developing their body, soul, and mind.

“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips.

From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads- streams that





V.A. Sukhomlinsky.





fine art






raising children.

Children should be taught to recognize beauty, to comprehend and appreciate




nature. In the course of visual activity, manual skills are developed

skill, hand-eye coordination, which are necessary for

preparing children for writing.







activity is of great importance for the mental development of children.



purposeful visual perception - observation. In order to

child to depict any object, you need to familiarize him with it in advance

material, draw his attention to

shape, size, design,

color, arrangement of parts.











space, various sizes, variety of shades of colors.




sizes, colors, different spatial locations of things and

fine art


not feasible






concreteness. Analytical skills develop from more general discrimination




in an effective way, fixed in consciousness.

When teaching children visual arts, it develops













objects, as well as when viewing drawings, reproductions from paintings

artists, all this has a positive effect on the expansion of vocabulary

stock and formation of literate speech.




In the mental development of children, those skills that

the child acquires through drawing, applique and design.

Visual activity is directly related to sensory





are being formed










find the difference, that is, perform mental actions.


fine art



sensory education and development of visual and figurative thinking.


fine art


age has a social orientation. Children draw not only for

for your own pleasure, but also for those around you. With their drawing they want

hand over,


those around.




fine art


is also manifested in the fact that with his creativity

children convey phenomena

public life.


fine art



intellectual and physical initiative. To create a drawing






certain skills. Visual activities for young children






master work skills. To begin with, children develop an interest in

the movement of a pencil or brush towards the marks they leave on paper;

little by little



result, create a specific image.




will come in handy



works, acquire manual skills that will help them feel




development of attention, perseverance, endurance. Children develop skills

work hard to achieve the desired result. Formation of hard work,




classes and cleaning workplaces.


fine art





fine art


are formed




perceptions and feelings, which gradually turn into aesthetic feelings,

contributing to the development of an aesthetic attitude to reality.





beautiful object, includes a variety of constituent elements:

sense of color, sense of proportion, sense of form, sense of rhythm.




fine art




fine art
















expressing your impressions in drawing, modeling, appliqué. Little by little

children's artistic taste is formed.

We also note that in each lesson there is an indicative











with their own probabilities, with familiar solutions, preference

method of execution; performing actions - performing actions and




the performing part of the activity, whether it be practical activity

or educational.







tasks. When performing actions are formed, indicative -

rolled up. When you need to learn new actions, speed and quality

mastery depends on the nature of orientation in the task.





folds up



performance and its reproduction. According to N.P. Sakulina first







manifestations of various personality qualities (properties).

The following periods are presented in the study by Yu.A. Poluyanov


fine art








fine art



correct (or realistic) images.





fine art






applies, but is observed in some cases.

fine art


is understood

artistic and creative



reflection of impressions received in life, but also to express one’s




visual activities allow children to convey what they see



By depicting these phenomena, the child seems to overcome the fear they cause.

2. Features of development of young children

Early age is a special and very significant period in life.

are developing



is studying



interact with a variety of objects. During this period it is important

attention and proper upbringing, since the nature and functions of the brain

a child’s brain is not only a hereditary process, but also a result

interactions with the environment.

The period of early childhood is one of the most important in a child's life.

The main thing in these years is mastering the world of objects, their purpose and meaning.


as before



participates in practical life, but to a certain limit.



features of the development of young children and a very fast pace

development of the child's body. This is the only period in which you can

see how, in a short time, the helpless and without

no creature skills are formed reflexes, habits, sensory and

speech, not to mention rapid recruitment weight and increased height.





Features of the development of young children are expressed in the following:

The child’s mobility rapidly increases, he begins to crawl and

move around space, exploring everything that comes in its way

Sensors develop - the child interacts with objects:

turns over,

knocks over


to taste. There is also an interest in books, but not yet





looks at


turns over


Memory formation is observed. The child understands and remembers everything

more words and responds to requests. At this early age, children are not





contact with an object that responds to it with interaction.

It is important to teach a child to understand and feel the world around him, so

how the full development of a child largely depends on the educators

his adults. You need to talk to him as much as possible. Preferably

keep it simple but clear. Show pictures and ask questions about

what is written on them. Also using the questions “Where?”, “What?” important

To teach your child to distinguish objects around him, you can start with

simple everyday environment: chair, bed, lamp, book, etc.

Features of raising young children are characterized by

intensive mental education. The child develops active

speech, business communication with parents and objective activities. Also





self-awareness, the desire to communicate with peers appears, as well as in his



in a special way





situationality. Situationalism is the dependence of the child’s behavior, and

also his psyche from the perceived environment.








vy n o s l i s t i



subject of interest to him.

The period from 2 to 3 years is associated with the active development of the nervous system.

system, as a result of which the child becomes more mobile, and his

the body begins to develop physically more intensively. Thanks to

this makes it easier for a child to develop skills correct behavior. He

learns to control some of his needs and desires.

Neuropsychic development occurs more intensively, vocabulary

The baby's supply increases much faster than in the previous two years




begins to use complex sentences, this happens thanks to














perception of the speech of others, the baby understands the meaning of what was said.




of the past

future tense. He learns to determine the goal “I will play”, “I will

build a house." The child begins to understand the properties and purpose of many

objects, also distinguishes the colors and shapes of objects: “When it’s dark, you need to

sleep”, “Birds are flying high”, and also the idea of

quantity (“few – many”).

During the third year, it is important to allow the child to observe and

research. If he is interested in something, you should support him in this.




makes it easier






nerve cells.

Each stage of the child’s development as an individual and personality must

be lived fully, without unnecessary acceleration, thereby laying

a deep basis for the next stage of development. In young years

It is the emotional component that is dominant and determining.

The role of the adult is high during early childhood, supporting

the child step by step enters the culture of society. What is being laid

adults during this period are largely preserved in health indicators and

psychological characteristics in other age periods.

A child is not a miniature model of an adult, therefore

Teachers and parents need to know the characteristics of a child’s body





young child.

3. Development of children’s visual arts skills

early age

To develop interest in drawing in young children, to identify

ability to notice and see beauty in the environment is a task

parents and teachers.

What does visual activity provide at an early stage of development?







artistic materials, while acquiring skills in working with

Teaches children to understand the world and themselves in it, through the discovery of sounds,

colors, shapes.


turn on







emotional relationship to the image.





application in various ways unconventional drawing; create

an atmosphere of mutual understanding and communication between the child and each other.

The ability to recognize an object in a drawing is one of the incentives



d e i t e l n o s t i o n .



different forms of experience are introduced that the child receives in the process

actions with objects, their visual perception, the graphic itself















perception, one can find those that express that the child

finds out not by looking at the object, but by acting with it or feeling it. So,


(For example,







are trying






acute-angled figures are explained by attempts to adapt for this purpose

a previously formed graphic image in the form of a closed circle




is determined primarily by three factors: available

child with graphic images, visual impressions of the object and

motor-tactile experience acquired in the process of action with

him. In addition, the child conveys in the drawing not only the impression of

the subject, but also your understanding of the subject, your knowledge about it. So,

one a little boy, watching his mother draw a female figure,

insisted that the legs be drawn first, and then the dress.

Parents often encourage their children to attend classes

drawing. Fine arts classes begin

babies from 1 year. Special attention focuses on the development of fine motor skills,

which, as you know, is very important for speech development.

We will consider further how to organize such classes.

Classes must begin with game motivation, use

three or four types of visual activities, all surprise moments

This helps keep kids interested.

The classes are based on both traditional and non-traditional



fine art







various types of activities (familiarization with nature, art,





in the nursery









snowman" and others).

Drawing classes with children should begin with ways not to


little ones









the process of drawing a “cotton swab”, a hard brush. Previously

on a piece of paper with a simple pencil outline of the drawing. Ask a child

Look carefully at the drawing and trace it with your finger, saying:

". here is a lump of snow, my little snowman,” etc. Then pokes are made





They turn out voluminous and lively, understandable to a child.



playing out

using modeling, small items(“we feed the birds”, “rain





development of imagination.








techniques, children learn fine movements.




silhouettes of animals, trees, masha, etc. (for example, in the lesson “Hedgehog

puff, puff”, introduce the color red, the shape of a circle).





Gouache (6 colors);

Brushes (round, flat);


Colored and White paper different formats;

Plasticine, clay, plasticine, dough;

Various waste materials.



macro movements of the hand, which means the paper format should be large (A - 3,

These activities give parents a glimpse into children's visual arts.

creativity is different. They teach children to understand the world and themselves in it, through

discovery of sounds, colors, shapes, various materials, methods and techniques.




interest in gaining new experiences.








attitude towards the creative process, promotes effective development


In development children's drawing trend towards the development of graphic




turning them into graphic templates. Which of these trends






features of training. Training based on copying ready-made

samples, promotes the formation of patterns. Training directed

to improve ways to convey the properties of an object in an image,








children's visual activities.

Visual activity has a specific impact on




goes over





signs of similar groups of objects, to the actual image of a specific




fine art












The use of color, in turn, influences the development of perception and

child's aesthetic feelings.

4. Forms, methods, means and content of development work

visual skills of young children

A child’s imagination is formed in stages as he acquires





develops most actively in childhood and is most fully realized in

games, writing fairy tales, drawing and other types of creativity.







The main thing is to express yourself.




I apply





techniques for examining and showing a teacher’s sample;

2) reproductive method aimed at consolidating knowledge and

children's skills. This is a method of exercise that brings skills to automaticity.

It includes repetition, working on drafts, performing

shaping movements with the hand;




independence at any moment of work in class, i.e. teacher

invites the child to do some of the work independently;







do not just any part, but all the work yourself.



oriented, gaming and health-saving technologies.


a r t - t e r a p i i

T e ch no l o g y

health, promotes:

Removing children's fears;

The exit of aggression

Development of self-confidence;

Concentrating on your sensations and feelings.

One of the most important conditions for development children's creativity is





position in understanding the child's development prospects.

In order to provide psychological and pedagogical support to the family and

increasing the competence of parents in matters of creative development

children, the art teacher needs to involve parents in active

creative joint activity, the results of which are

exhibitions of creativity of children and parents of the group, exhibitions of crafts, participation

in competitions at various levels.

The creative process is a real miracle. Children reveal their

unique abilities and experience the joy that it brings them

creation. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that

mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, and not an obstacle, as in

creativity and in all aspects of their lives.

When learning drawing skills, one must remember that drawing

for young children it is primarily a game. Children need to be given

complete freedom, the opportunity to experiment. Following development

certain drawing skills and techniques, children can show their

skill in creating original images. It should be remembered that

Young children need the steady attention of an adult, his

praise and approval. The expectation of such attention is one of the most

psychological motives that encourage children to engage and achieve


"The child is

to fill, but a fire that needs to be lit.” Since the foundation

personality is laid at an early age by parents and teachers

must be able to ignite a spark of creativity in children.







drawing skills in early preschool age and ways have been identified


fine art



A characteristic feature of the formation of imaginative images in

of a young child in visual activities is that

images, as a rule, do not precede activity, but arise only during









expressive means of visual activity.

So, an adult developing a child’s drawing abilities

should set itself the following tasks:





creative thought in both subject and thematic drawing.




take into account

interests of children, educate children’s feelings, contain cognitive


3. Develop a methodology for guiding the process of drawing execution.





execution of the drawing depending on its content.

5. Ensure repetition and variation in the image of objects and

phenomena with a gradual and consistent complication of software


In young children it is necessary to create the prerequisites for

creativity, develop the ability to convey an image in a drawing.

So, for the development of visual activity at an early age

certain conditions are required:

Creative tasks accessible in content;




fine art

materials (pencils, paints, etc.);

Teaching visual skills and abilities (demonstration of actions,

which must be followed);

Development of independent actions in the drawing process.

List of sources and literature

Abramova G.S. Age-related psychology: Tutorial For

university students / G.S. Abramova. - M.: Education, 2009. -342 p.


Little ones


creativity. Novosibirsk: State. ped. Institute, 1993. -166 p.

We develop



education. 2001. - No. 1. - P.23.

Demina E.S. Development and education of young children in

DOW. M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005. -203 p.




creativity - Smolensk, 2004. – 326 p.

Dyachenko O.M. Preschooler's imagination. - M.: Enlightenment.




birth to 3 years. M.: 2012.-180 p.

Kirillova G. D. Initial forms of creative imagination in

children. // Preschool education. 2008. – No. 2. P. 41 – 46.

Artistic and aesthetic


preschoolers. Volgograd, 2005. -250 p.







Kravtsova E. Development of imagination. // Questions of psychology.

2005. No. 12. - P.17.



educational institutions:


Education, 2007. – 478 p.



"Mosaic-Synthesis", 2006. -237 p.
