The tallest height of a woman. The tallest women in the world - who are they? Problems of non-standard people

24 August 2011, 15:00

I think that life is not easy for them. Zeinab Bibi (Pakistan) - 218 cm Zainab Bibi (born 1974, Mandi Rayana, Punjab, Pakistan) is the tallest woman in Great Britain and Pakistan. Born in the 1970s, in Pakistan, in the family of Toba Tek Singh. Her parents were illiterate and she was one of five daughters in the family. From the age of 15, Zeinab Bibi grew in height and reached a height of 218 cm. Legs reach a length of 137 cm, arms 106 cm, fingers 24 cm, toes 10.8 cm. Weight 82 kg. According to her statements, she was threatened with persecution and bullying due to her height in her homeland. Teens in her hometown They threw stones at her and pulled off her clothes. She also said that a man hit her on the arm with a stick. Currently lives in Manchester, UK Yao Defen (China) - 233 cm Chinese woman Yao Defen was born in 1972 in Anhui province and weighed only 2 kilograms 800 grams at birth. However, already at three years old she ate three times more than children her age. By the age of 11, her height reached 188 centimeters, by 15 - 203 centimeters. But Yao continued to grow! Yao Defen is the fourth child in the family, and her parents and siblings are of average height. Many coaches tried to make her a sports star, but the girl turned out to be too weak physically. It soon became clear that the giant growth was caused by a pituitary tumor. Six years ago, Yao underwent surgery to remove the tumor. Only after this did Defen stop growing. Now her height is, according to various sources, from 231 to 236 centimeters, weight - approximately 180 kilograms. To earn a living, Defen (she is illiterate) was forced to work in a circus. Moreover, the owner treated her cruelly and did not even allow her to see a doctor when she complained of pain. During the performances, the unfortunate woman received several injuries, but the owner forced her to work and sometimes even deprived her of food and water. Sandy Allen (USA) - 232 cm (she died on August 13th, 2008) Sandy Allen's abnormal growth was caused by a pituitary tumor that caused her body to produce too much growth hormone. In 1977, she underwent surgery to remove the tumor. Sandy was proud of her height. She spoke in schools, convincing children that people who were different from them were worthy of respect and love. She also appeared on television, met with believers and schoolchildren, and talked about how good it is to be different from everyone else. At the age of ten, Sandy Allen had already grown to 1.92 meters, and at the age of 16 her height reached 2.16 meters. In 1974, she wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records asking to connect her with people of similar height. She expressed hope that having her name published in the Book of Records would make her life better. After Allen was officially recognized as the tallest woman in the world, Sandy became less shy and came to terms with her height. In the eighties, she performed for several years at the Guinness World Records Museum, located near Niagara Falls. She admitted that sometimes she felt like an exhibit at the Kunstkamera. “I’ll never forget how an elderly Japanese man who didn’t speak English touched me to make sure I was real,” Allen said. Sandy died at the age of 53. The last years of her life she moved in a wheelchair. Malee Duangdee (Thailand) - 208 cm Even when Malee Duangdee was in first grade, her mother suspected something was wrong - the girl, who was already much taller than everyone in the class, grew up in a year so that she towered among her classmates like a fire tower above one-story houses. The results of the visit to the doctors were disappointing: doctors discovered a small tumor in Mali’s brain, which, however, put pressure on nearby tissues, which, in turn, led to a constant imbalance of hormones in the body. Mali Duangdi's height has been steadily increasing. Now, at the age of 19, her height has reached 208 cm and her weight is 130 kg. IN last years The growth increase was slightly slowed down thanks to injections of a rare medicine, which is administered to the girl once every 3 months, but at any moment there may not be enough money for the drug and then Mali will quickly catch up with the Chinese Yao Defen. It is impossible to operate on the tumor, since the vital centers of the girl’s brain will inevitably be damaged. In recent years, due to the pressure of the tumor on brain tissue, Mali's vision has deteriorated sharply. Caroline Welz (Germany) - 206 cm
The German woman, 2 meters 6 centimeters tall and shoe size 49, looks like an ordinary girl. Of course, if there are no objects nearby to compare with its size. Elisani Silva, 206cm Young Brazilian Elisani Silva (pictured) is only 14 years old, but she is somewhat different from other children of this age. The fact is that her height today is already 2 meters 06 centimeters and Elisani continues to grow. Thanks to this feature, she is already recognized as the tallest teenage girl in the world, reports the Huffington Post. Eve, 205 cm Tallest model American model Eve, with a height of 2 meters 5 centimeters, is the tallest model in the world. She is 32 years old, her bikini is made to order - you can’t buy it in a store. For comparison, a girl standing next to him is 1 meter 62 cm tall. Rita Miniwa Besa (USA, originally from Zambia) - 203 cm
Gamova, Ekaterina Alexandrovna.(202 cm) She was born and started playing volleyball in Chelyabinsk. The first coach is Lyubov Borisovna Gamova (Ekaterina’s aunt). Champion of Russia (2001-2003, 2006, 2007, 2009), 2nd medalist of Russian championships (1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2008). Champion of Turkey (2010), winner of the Super Cup and Turkish Cup (2010). Champions League finalist (2003, 2007, 2009, 2010). World champion 2006 and 2010 in Japan. As a member of the Russian women's youth team, she became the world champion (1997 and 1999) and the silver medalist of the European Championship (1998). He has been playing in the Russian national team since 1998. As part of its composition, she became a two-time silver medalist of the Olympic Games (2000 and 2004, in total she participated in three Olympic tournaments), world champion in 2006 and 2010, bronze medalist of the 2002 world championship, silver medalist of the World Cup (1999) and the World Champions Cup. (2001), multiple winner and medalist of the Grand Prix, European champion (1999 and 2001) and bronze medalist of the European championship (2005 and 2007). Height: 202 cm (one of the tallest athletes in the world). Malgorzata Dudek, 213-221 cm Polish basketball player. Born on April 28, 1974 in Warsaw. Height, according to various sources, varies from 213 to 221 centimeters. Weight 100 kg. One of the tallest basketball players in history. Some facts about growth: Small stature * The smallest average height in Eurasia is observed among the Kets (Yenisei Ostyaks), a people living on the banks of the Yenisei, - 155 centimeters. * In June 1936, a village was discovered in central China inhabited by a population of 800 men and women, no more than 120 cm tall. * The shortest people who have ever lived on earth are the Onge tribe from the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. Only a few people from this people survived until the end of the 20th century. In October 1970, a tribe of dwarfs was found on the Brazilian-Peruvian border, whose members are even shorter in stature - none of them exceeds 105 cm. * According to some sources, the smallest Lilliputians are considered to be Juan de la Cruz (his height is 48 centimeters) and Gal Mohammed (02/15/1957 - June 2008) in India. According to the results of an examination carried out on July 19, 1990, his height was 57 cm and his weight was 17 kg. *The smallest woman was Pauline Masters, known as Princess Pauline. She was born on February 26, 1876 in Ossendrecht, the Netherlands. At birth, her height was 30 cm. By the age of 9, she had grown to 55 cm, weighing 15 kg. * Talented and capable dwarfs surprised their contemporaries. For example: the well-rounded, artistic Gibson, the court artist of King Charles II of England, and Ducornet, also an artist, in addition to being armless. Lord Gay, of the British Parliament, as well as the Dutchman Mynheer Vybrand Lolkes, one of the most famous watchmakers of his time. Among them is Alexander Pope, undoubtedly the greatest English poet of the 18th century. His fellow writer in France was Antoine Godot, whose reputation was so high that he became a close friend of Cardinal Richelieu. * Some dwarfs became famous in military affairs. King Gustav Adolf of Sweden, for example, maintained an entire regiment of dwarf soldiers in his army. * Short stature Many famous historical figures were distinguished: Makhno (151 cm), Lenin (164 cm), Stalin (166 cm). Great height * High height in itself is not yet a sign of gigantism - a serious illness caused by excessive production of somatotropic hormone. Healthy people those with gigantic height (200 cm or more) differ from people of average height only in their height. And people with gigantism also differ in proportions. [source?] * The tallest person about whom there is reliable evidence was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, PC. Illinois, USA. When his height was measured on June 27, 1940, he was 2.72 m with an arm span of 2.88 m. His maximum recorded weight reached 223 kg. * Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik, born in 1971, was registered in the Guinness Book of Records in 2007 as the tallest person on Earth. Stadnik's height is 257 cm. He is 21 centimeters taller than the previous record holder, Chinese Bao Xishun. Subsequently, Stadnik refused official measurements, which, according to the new rules, had to be carried out by the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records themselves. Leonid explained this by saying that he did not want to become famous due to his height. Until the last measurement, his height increased on average 1-1.5 cm per year. As a result, the title was returned to Bao Xishun. In 2009, the title passed to the Turkish Sultan Kosen, who is 246 cm tall. * Sandy Allen, born in 1955 from the USA, is 2,317 m. She weighed 209.5 kg and wore shoe size 50. She starred in the film "Casanova Fellini." * Anna Haenen Swan from Canada was 2.27 m tall. On June 18, 1998, she married Martin van Buren Bates from Whitesburg, PC. Kentucky, USA, whose height was 2.20 m. According to the Guinness Book of Records, they made up the world's tallest married couple. However, there have previously been spouses whose overall declared height was greater. So Fyodor Makhnov (239-285 cm according to various sources) and Eurosinya Lebedeva (185-215 cm) could well be taller. Most likely, Marten Bates (231 cm) and Anna Swan (242 cm) were also taller. The latter gave birth to the largest recorded children. * People with the largest average height live on the African continent [source not specified 311 days]. The average height of men of the Sari tribe is 182 centimeters [source not specified 311 days]. * The tallest man in history who has ever lived on the planet is considered to be Fyodor Makhnov, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. His height was 285 cm. Already at the age of 8 he was 188 cm tall and was very strong, and the maximum recorded weight was 192 kg. However, at that time no official measurements were taken, and since Makhnov was performing on a tour of Europe, the tour organizers may have exaggerated his height. According to other sources, Fedor’s height was 239 cm. Periodically, there are reports of taller people, this is how the 295-centimeter giant from Turkey Guzkan, the 288-centimeter Chinese Chan Zhao Tai are described. However, this information is even more dubious than in the case of Fyodor Makhnov, who is captured on large quantities lifetime photographs with objects having unambiguous dimensions. Changes in height Difference in human height in the morning and evening * During the day, a person’s height changes by an average of 2 cm. The greatest growth will be immediately after sleep. During the day (with a predominantly vertical position of the body), the intervertebral discs settle, and during the night they restore their original height. * For astronauts, during a long-term stay in weightlessness, their height increases by 5-8 centimeters. However, this is quite dangerous, as the spine loses strength. After returning to Earth, growth gradually returns to its previous value. * After death, the length of a corpse increases by an average of 5 centimeters compared to the height of a living person. * When measuring height, it is necessary that the person touches the floor with both heels. If a person stands on one leg, he will be able to stretch about 1 cm higher

Why is tall height good for a man, but bad for a woman? The answer to this question seems quite logical to many: after all, a real lady should be a small-sized, tremulous Cinderella or, in extreme cases, no higher than 180-185 cm. If a lady exceeds these indicators, then they don’t look at her askance (after all, we live in an advanced tolerant 21st century), but they always make a mental note: “Yeah, that girl is so tall, it’s probably difficult for her to pick out clothes in a store” or something like that.

Problems of non-standard people

Indeed, tall women face simply a huge number of difficulties, the main of which are:

    low ceilings;

    choice of clothing;

    finding a life partner and much more.

However, who said that a tall woman is bad? We do not choose the color of our skin, our parents, or the country in which we were born. If fate has given you tall height, then why not take advantage of this and make a career in the modeling business or become famous throughout the planet, as did the ladies who will be discussed further?

Supposedly the tallest woman in the world of all time

The phenomenon of women with unusually large heights for society was officially recorded back in the 17th century in the Netherlands. Then in a small town in one of the northern provinces called Edam in 1616, the tallest woman in the world who has ever existed was born - little Treintje Keever. It would seem that there is nothing remarkable about her, except that the girl’s subsequent height was about 257 cm. Her parents did not hesitate and used her parameters in order to benefit from it: they took Treintje to fairs and showed her for money. But the girl’s life was very short: at the age of 17 she died of cancer...

Plus size philosophy

The tallest woman in the world of the 20th century, American Sandy Allen (1955–2008), deserves special attention as the holder of the Guinness Book of Records title for more than 30 years. Originally from Illinois, she suffered from a tumor of the pituitary gland, which caused this woman's abnormal growth. When the girl was 10 years old, she was already 183 cm tall and towered over all adults. In adult life her height was 232 cm.

Her favorite phrase, which Sandy repeated year after year, was: “Life is short, but I am not,” although she, unlike many giants, survived the 50-year mark. But already at the end of the century, she practically did not get out of bed due to muscle weakness and severe back pain. She died in 2008 at the age of 53.

How to survive, and even make money from your illness?

We must pay tribute to her masculinity: the tallest woman in the world, she was able to turn her disadvantage into an asset that brings not only world fame, but also money. Thus, she starred in the famous film “Casanova” by the Italian director Fellini, met with Michael Jackson, who revered her very much, and also took part in various talk shows such as “The Famous Freak Show”, in the program of Lisa Gibbons, Jerry Springer and more . Apparently, this was not easy for her, both physically and mentally, because many then considered Sandy to be a subhuman, something terrible and disgusting.

The difficult fate of the Guinness Book of Records record holder of the 21st century...

For a long time, the Chinese girl Yao Defen from Anhui province, whose height, according to various sources, ranged from 233 to 237 cm, was considered the leader among all female representatives in the fight for the title “The Tallest Woman in the World.” At the age of 11, the girl reached 188 cm, and at 15 her height already exceeded 2 m. Without even the most basic education, the girl was forced to earn her living by working in a circus, where the owner treated her cruelly and even deprived her of food.

The tallest woman in the world died in 2012 from a brain tumor at the age of 40. The authorities then tried to hush up her death, but journalists found out about it after some time and told the public. It is known that the disease was discovered in adolescence, when she was actively involved in sports: she played basketball. But due to the illness, her physical condition deteriorated, and she was unable to continue her sports career.

It is believed that it was this pathology that caused such amazing parameters (only after the operation did Yao stop growing), and also shortened the girl’s life. At the time of her death, her weight was approximately 180 kg.

Who took up the baton from Yao Defen?

As of mid-2015, the tallest woman on the planet is Turkish woman Rumeisa Gelgi. She lives in one of the most developed cities in the Karabük province - Safranbolu. The height of the 17-year-old lady, who is still in school, is 213 cm. Already at the age of seven, the girl’s height reached 180 cm, and when it exceeded 2 m, doctors had to prescribe drugs to stop growth. After the treatment course, Rumeisa did not feel very well, but despite this, she continued to attend school, do homework and even simple physical exercises.

Now Rumeisa is the tallest woman in the world, her growth is due to a rare disease called Weaver syndrome, which provokes excessive development of the skeletal system, especially the limbs and skull. Rumeise was diagnosed at the age of 2, and throughout her rather short life, the girl had already undergone two complex heart surgeries, where the question of life and death was at stake. Now she moves with the help of a special walker.

The record holder’s immediate plans are to go to university and get a specialty. One can only hope that her dream will come true, and the girl, despite everything, will realize herself in life. This largely depends on the state of her health.

Beautiful giantess

I would like to introduce you to one beautiful person - a young 17-year-old Brazilian Elisani da Cruz. Her height is 206 cm. For some time she bore the title “The Tallest Woman in the World.” Photos with her 22-year-old boyfriend leave positive emotions: the girl not only leads an active lifestyle, but everything is fine with her on the personal front. Possessing a rare form of gigantism due to a tumor of the pituitary gland, Elisani turns her height into a joke and has absolutely no complexes, because with such external data she could very well make a brilliant career as a model. Although earlier pathology forced her to leave school, where children constantly bullied her.

Two years ago she had surgery and the tumor was removed, after which the abnormal processes in the body slowed down, and the girl no longer grows, but still remains one of the tallest women in the world. The disease makes itself felt: Elisani often has pain in her legs and arms and is bothered by migraines.

Fate probably rewarded each of these women with something they didn’t want, but nothing else was given, and they have to live, even overcoming pain and people’s sidelong glances. They all deserve respect only because a new day is difficult for them, but they endure and sometimes even do the impossible...

Girls taller than 185 cm become the object of offensive ridicule. But how do people whose proportions are much larger live? Who is she - the tallest woman in the world. A photo of this Chinese woman has spread all over the Internet.

Her name is Yao Defen, a resident of China and the tallest woman on the planet. The girl's height is 236 cm and her weight is 180 kilograms. An interesting fact is that the Chinese woman did not always have high parameters. Yao was born with a weight of 2 kilograms 800 grams and a height of 50 cm. But by the age of 11, the girl grew to 188 cm. The reason for such a sharp jump was not genetics, since the parents are Chinese of average height, but a pituitary tumor. It was only after the surgery that Yao Defen's growth stopped. The clinic staff was forced to order a special, strong bed for such an unusual patient. There was also a problem with medical devices; they were too small to examine a Chinese woman. Therefore, the operation turned out to be very expensive, its amount was 12.5 thousand dollars. All expenses were paid by a British television channel that was working on a film about the life of Yao Defen.

The Chinese woman’s main place of work was the circus; the record holder got a job there at a young age at the request of her father. IN free time the woman was fond of basketball. But, unfortunately, high growth is a huge burden on the body. Therefore, over time, Yao found it increasingly difficult to perform normal actions. The tallest female giant, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, died at the age of 40 in November 2012.

Second place, after the Chinese, is occupied by the American Sandy Allen. Her peculiarity is her height of 232 cm. The reason for such high growth lies in a hormonal disease - acromegaly, that is, gigantism. Sandy, like the Chinese record holder, was born of standard height, but at the age of 10 she was taller than many of her peers and adults. This man is known to many for his kindness and responsiveness. At first, the American appeared on many talk shows, and later went into the educational field: she gave lectures on tolerance for schoolchildren and students.

For many years, it was Sandy Allen who bore the title “The Tallest Woman in the World,” a photo of this person was known to every American. Therefore, many were upset by the news that a woman died at the age of 54 in a nursing home. By this age, Sandy was already suffering from kidney failure and tuberculosis.

The next tallest woman is Margot Dydek. This girl is a professional basketball player. You can imagine what an advantage Margot’s height – 218 cm – gives her. After 2008, the woman began her coaching career. But unfortunately, Margot stayed in this position for only 3 years. She died in 2011 at the age of 37.

Zainab Bibi is a Pakistani record holder, this girl felt the most negative attitude those around you. They threw stones at her, called her names and beat her. Many passers-by made faces and tried to push the woman. Zainab could not withstand the abuse and asked for political asylum in Britain. It was in this country that the girl stopped being afraid to go out and her height, 218 cm, of course, arouses curious glances, but does not become the subject of persecution and violence.

The next woman is the tallest in the CIS countries, her name is Ulyana Semenova. She is a famous basketball player and also suffers from gigantism, but her case is unique - the woman does not have any pathologies and chronic diseases, thanks to which, with a height of 213 cm, he easily engages in professional sports and is a keen fan of an active way of life. Ulyana heads the Olympic Social Fund of Latvia and is the oldest female giant.

Indian basketball player Gritika Srivastava clearly stands out from her team, the girl’s height is 211 cm.

Mali Duangdi is a teenage girl with a height of 208 cm. The Guinness Book of Records has a separate category for the tallest teenagers, since at this age a person can still grow. Mali tops this ranking. The reason for such high growth is a tumor of the pituitary gland, like the tallest woman on the planet. This disease activates increased production of growth hormone and makes a person’s bones weak. The girl will continue to gain centimeters until she resorts to surgery. But as we already know, this is a very expensive procedure, and Mali’s family does not have such finances.

Of course, the main and main criterion in the modeling field has always been the girl’s short stature. But Eva Babyzilla, with a height of 208 cm, broke all records. Yes, this girl is a world-famous model. With such height, Eva is really attractive and alluring male gaze with your slender body and beautiful features faces. Not only long legs distinguish a woman from other models, but also chic proportions. Only if you have some guidelines, can you determine from the photo that Eva is taller than ordinary representatives of the fair sex. But thanks to precisely this feature, the woman is popular among famous photographers and magazines and can boast of exorbitant fees. She is filmed both alone and with other models.

And the next teenage girl only dreams of a modeling career. Elisani Silva is 206 cm tall. She had to leave school because her classmates mocked the Brazilian’s height, and the school bus was not designed for a teenager’s height. After removal malignant formation in the pituitary gland, Elisani stopped growing and found a life partner - a guy with a height of 163 cm. The young couple experiences the most sincere, purest feelings and does not feel any discomfort. Media headlines are full of news about the imminent marriage of a teenage giant, but only time will tell whether this is true.

Good height is like a gift from nature, which, of course, beautifies any person. But, as we know, little is good, and in in this case Same. Abnormally high growth can significantly complicate life and “present” a lot of problems, especially for women.

Today's selection includes 12 of the tallest women in the world, who you definitely won't envy!

1: Zeng Jinlian

At 243 centimeters, Zeng Jinlian is the tallest woman ever recorded in medical history. She was born in 1964 and lived until 1982.

2: Yao Defen

For some time, Yao Defen was recognized as the tallest woman in the world, but the Guinness Book refuted this, listing Sandy Allen instead. In 2011, she officially became the tallest (233 cm). Unfortunately, Yao passed away a year later.

3: Sandy Allen

Sandy Allen was born in 1955, and her height reached 231 cm. She performed in the circus and was also an actress. Sandy became the Guinness Book record holder as the tallest woman in the world.

4: San Feng

Today, San Feng is the tallest woman in China with a height of 221 cm. She is often mistaken for Yao Defen, who died in 2012.

5: Małgorzata Dydek

Małgorzata Dydek was a professional WNBA basketball player, playing for several teams including the Utah Starzz and Connecticut Sun. Her height is 218 cm. Unfortunately, Małgorzata died at the age of 37.

6: Zainab Bibi

Zainab Bibi sought asylum in the UK because she feared for her life in her home country of Pakistan, as she believed her height (218cm) was to blame for all her troubles.

7: Caroline Weltz

With a height of 205 cm, Caroline Welz is one of the tallest women in Germany.

8: Geetika Shrivastava

Former Indian professional basketball player Geetika Srivastava is 210 cm tall.

9: Rita Miniva Besa

Rita Miniwa Besa once lived in Zimbabwe, but then moved to the United States of America. It reaches a height of 203 cm.

10: Lindsay Kay Hayward

A professional actress and wrestler, Lindsay Kay Hayward grew to 203 cm and entered the Guinness Book of Records due to her height.

11: Mali Dangdi

With a height of 205 cm, Mali Dangdi was also recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest woman in the world. However, she died at the age of 24 from chronic health problems.

12: Maria Alexandrovna Stepanova

Maria Aleksandrovna Stepanova is one of the most famous basketball players with a height of 2.03 cm. In the United States of America, she played for the Phoenix Mercury team in the WNBA.

It just so happens that for some reason tall girls are considered the most beautiful. They walk on catwalks, act in films and become idols of millions. But there are ladies who would give a lot to become at least a little shorter. It is them that we will talk about today, since the topic of our article will be the tallest girls in the world in history.

10 Katerina Gamova

Following tradition, TOP 10 tallest women in the world we will begin to consider from the 10th position, which this time was occupied by our compatriot Ekaterina Gamova. The height of this pretty girl is 2 meters and 2 centimeters. Like most healthy girls with similar physical characteristics, Katya is an athlete, known in Russia and abroad as a volleyball player. Her extraordinary height and excellent form, coupled with her assertiveness, allowed Ms. Gammova to become a two-time world champion, and this is a very serious achievement.

Katerina’s extraordinary physical characteristics began to appear at the age of 11; even then it became noticeable that she was too tall. IN adolescence The girl’s height was 172 cm, it was then that she discovered volleyball and began to play it professionally. The tall athlete had a dizzying career, but last spring, in 2016, she officially announced her retirement. Rumor has it that this was due to health problems.


American Erica Ervin, better known under the pseudonym Eva Amazon, is also one of the ten tallest women in the world. As of today, a lady born in 1979 is the tallest resident of the United States, because her height is 202 cm.

Erica (aka Eva) was born in California, grew up and developed normally as a child, and in her pre-teen years she suddenly “jumped up” so much that she outdid everyone she knew. It’s interesting that everyone in the girl’s family is short, and at first she was very embarrassed about her appearance. But the beauty’s height only worked to her advantage and helped her fulfill her childhood dream - Eva became a famous model. At the age of 32, her name was even entered into the book of records as the name of the tallest representative of the beauty industry.

Universal recognition and fame came to the beauty after her participation in a photo shoot for the famous publishing house Zoo Weekly. Then, according to the photographers' idea, the girl was photographed together with the miniature model. The photographs turned out very impressive.

Now Babyzilla, as fans jokingly call Eva, dreams of trying herself in cinema, but so far they can’t find her a suitable role. Despite the fact that Miss Amazon's modeling career is ending, she is not at all upset about this, living a happy, fulfilling life.


The eighth place in the ranking was unanimously assigned to the Brazilian Elisani Silva with a height of 2.06 meters. She is not only one of the tallest women in the world, but also the tallest teenager according to 2009. The reason for the girl’s unusual external appearance was a tumor of the pituitary gland, after the removal of which da Cruz Silva stopped growing. Today this 22-year-old beauty is happily married, and the family idyll is not hampered even by the fact that Elisani’s chosen one is 50 cm shorter than her.


Our list of the tallest girls continues with a native of Thailand, Mali Duangdi, with a height of 2 meters 8 cm. The woman’s name is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records. She is seriously ill - she suffers from a tumor of the pituitary gland, which has caused not only abnormal growth, but also excess weight. Mali weighs 130 kg and recently lost her sight. It is impossible to remove a malignant neoplasm surgically - the tumor is inoperable. The only way out is to give special injections, but they are very expensive, and the girl’s family is poor and there is not enough money for treatment.


Ulyana Semenova, a Lithuanian by nationality, recently celebrated her 65th birthday. This tall, stately lady, who looks great even at such a respectable age, is a legend of Soviet sports, the best basketball player of the last century in Latvia, a multiple world champion, an idol of millions. Semenova has hundreds of high sports awards and achievements to her name. The woman owes her dizzying career largely to her height, which is 2 m 18 cm.


Another one of the tallest women on the planet was the American Malgorzata Dudek. Her height was 2 meters and 18 centimeters. It is noteworthy that tallness is a Dudek family trait; everyone in her family was distinguished by its impressive size. Małgorzata was a famous basketball player; she began building a dizzying career at the age of 12. The woman found her soul mate, managed to give birth to two children, was waiting for the birth of her third baby, but suddenly fell seriously ill and, after a week in a coma, died at the age of 37. This happened in May 2011.


Fourth place in the ranking of the tallest representatives of the fairer sex also belongs to an American, this time Sandy Allen, whose height was 2 m and 32 cm. A native of Indianapolis, she was born in 1955 and at first was no different from ordinary children. Gigantism manifested itself at the age of 10, when the girl suddenly suddenly grew to two meters. When Sandy turned 19, the world learned about her, and this happened on the initiative of the girl herself. She wrote to the Guinness Book of Records and asked to introduce her to someone who suffered from the same vice. This caught Miss Allen's attention.

A couple of years later, the woman decided to undergo surgery, which was supposed to stop the rapid growth, but the procedure did not bring the desired effect. Sandy died at the age of 53, and with this, posthumously, she broke another record - she became a real centenarian among people with a similar diagnosis.

Doctors say that such an impressive life expectancy for this disease is associated with the woman’s inexhaustible optimism and her motto, which read “Life is short, but I’m not!”

3 Yao Defen

The TOP 3 tallest women in the world is opened by Chinese Yao Defen. Tallness is an unusual trait for representatives of this nationality, however, Yao’s height is 2 meters and 36 centimeters. Its cause is the same neoplasm on the pituitary gland that appeared in childhood. At the age of 11, the baby’s height reached almost two meters, which sharply distinguished her from her peers. Having matured, the girl decided to turn the disease to her advantage and began performing in the circus. A couple of years later, she agreed to surgery, the tumor was removed, but even this did not stop the growth completely. Yao grew up until her death, which occurred at the age of 40.

