Is a family considered to be large? What kind of large family is there in Russia? Until what age is a family considered large?

Throughout the territory Russian Federation different categories of the population live. Some citizens, depending on their status, have the right to apply for monetary support from the state in the form of benefits (especially if we are talking about a single mother), as well as the right to use certain benefits.

What kind of family is considered to have many children?

In each country, the concept of a “large family” may differ. The definition of this word depends on the characteristics of the country, namely on cultural and national values. In Russia large family is considered to be that unit of society in which three, four or more children are raised.

In accordance with the provisions of Russian regulations, not all families with three children are considered large.

The signs of a large family are as follows:

  • a certain number of children - three or more;
  • it doesn’t matter whether adopted children or relatives;
  • it doesn’t matter whether they are raised by both parents or just the mother (father);
  • The specific age of children is up to 18 years. In some Russian regions, this indicator has been increased to 23 years, provided that the child is studying at a higher education institution. educational institution on a full-time basis.

If two children are minors and the third is 18 years old, then the family loses its status as a large family and therefore has no right to count on benefits from the state.

How to obtain the status of a large family?

To obtain the status of a large family, parents need to contact special government agencies that are authorized to consider such requests.

To obtain the status of a large family, parents must complete the following series of actions:

  • send an appeal to an institution for social protection of citizens, or send a petition to a multifunctional center;
  • collect a specific list of documentation;
  • wait some time for authorized persons to check the information specified in the submitted documents. On average, this time period for verification takes less than 1 month;
  • authorized persons of the social institution announce their decision to the citizens who apply. If the parents' requirements are satisfied, they are issued a certificate for a large family. If they refuse, they give a reason.

The issued certificate is valid for several years. A certain number of years depends on the moment when the eldest child in the family turns 18 years old. If he enters full-time study at a higher education educational institution, then the status can be extended. The resulting preferential status is retained if there are four children in the family, and when the eldest turns 18, three minors remain. Therefore, a married couple has the right to continue to claim benefits.

Required documents

Regardless of the point of application - a social guardianship authority or a multifunctional center, it is necessary to submit a certain list of documents.

List of papers for obtaining the status of parents of many children:

  • special statement;
  • Russian identity card of the applicant;
  • birth certificate of all children;
  • adoption papers, if the children (child) are adopted;
  • information about marriage or divorce;
  • photographs of the person submitting the documents;
  • information from the house register.

Employees of this social service have the right to request other documentation to consider the case of assigning the status of a large family.


To obtain preferential status, a large family needs to write an application. It is important to file the request in accordance with the norms of legislative acts.

The application contains information:

  • the name of the institution to which it is submitted;
  • information about the applicant - full name, passport details, address, contact information - telephone and email;
  • the essence of the appeal;
  • date of application;
  • signature of the applicant.

You can fill out the application form at the social institution office. It is important that the application does not contain errors or omissions. You can download a sample application for registration of the status of a large family at link.

When can they refuse?

Authorized persons have the right to refuse to issue a certificate for a large family for many reasons. The most common is the submission of an incomplete package of documents. In such situations, the applicant needs to collect the missing papers and apply again to this institution. According to Russian legislation, certain categories of citizens may be refused this status.

Children are not entitled to receive the status of a large family:

  • whose father and mother were deprived of parental rights;
  • who ended up in guardianship authorities due to the fact that their parents are not able to properly raise them;
  • who live in a state institution (boarding school) and are fully supported by social services.

The grounds for refusal to obtain the status of a large family are presented to the applicant. If he is able to eliminate these reasons, then he has every right to reapply to social protection.

Benefits and payments

In the Russian Federation, parents with many children are provided with certain benefits. State assistance to couples with a large number of children consists of providing:

  • social housing. Holders of this certificate may apply for new housing, but on the condition that the current housing does not meet the acceptable criteria for residence;
  • housing subsidies. The amount of such benefits is determined by regional authorities;
  • obtaining a plot of land, intended for the construction of housing on it. The allocation of land shares is made in order of priority. The size of the plot provided depends on the area of ​​residence;
  • benefits for housing and communal services. Government authorities provide discounts on utility bills for large families. The establishment of the amount of benefits depends on the area of ​​residence;
  • heating discounts. Families living in private houses that do not use centralized heating are entitled to this compensation;
  • treatment. Children raised in large families undergo medical examinations for free. They also have the right to receive free medicines, but on the condition that they are under 6 years of age;
  • children's preschool . This benefit consists of providing a place in kindergarten almost out of turn. But other preferential categories of the population also have the right to receive such benefits. For example, orphans;
  • free travel on public transport within the city limits;
  • child care allowance. Cash assistance is paid until the child is one and a half years old.

A large family has the right to apply for demographic preferential conditions only when submitting an appropriate petition.

In what cases is the status of a large family lost?

The status of parents with many children is lost if the eldest child reaches 18 years of age, and only two minors remain. But in the case when the eldest child enters a higher education institution as a full-time student, the status can be renewed. To do this, you need to submit a package of documents to a social institution.

The certificate of a large family will not be valid in the following cases:

  • parents were deprived of parental rights;
  • the father (mother) was sentenced to prison, and therefore the minors are placed on state support;
  • one of three children reaches adulthood.

In practice, there are cases when a couple with three children gets divorced and two minors remain to live with their mother, and one child with their father. In such a situation, the status of a large social unit will be lost. After all, in fact it turns out different families raising one and two children separately. Renewal of status is possible if the parent enters into a new marriage, which also includes children, provided that the total number of minors in the family is at least three.

State in various ways cares about the social situation and demographic situation. One of the highest priority areas of work is supporting large families - where there are 3 or more children. It is important to remember that the decisive factor is not only the number of children, but also their age.

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General provisions

There are quite a large number of different benefits associated with the status of a large family. Especially if it is assigned to a single mother.

On at the moment There are a large number of different nuances that affect the very fact of assigning this status, as well as many different other aspects.

It will be necessary to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance. At the same time, you should remember the importance of the age of the children.

Significant issues that will need to be considered in advance include:

  1. What is it?
  2. Who falls into the category?
  3. Where to contact?

What is it

The main difficulty associated with the procedure for assigning the status of the type in question is precisely the lack of an exact definition - what is meant by the term “mother of many children”?

Today, not only federal legislation is important, but also regional legislation. Since many benefits are provided at the regional level.

And local authorities independently establish the criteria according to which a certain status is assigned.

Typically, large families mean those in which the total number of children is at least 3.

In this case, only the following are taken into account:

  • native children;

In accordance with the current provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the same rules apply to adopted children as to relatives. At the legal level, such relationships are equivalent.

At the same time, when counting children, those under , are not taken into account. This point is significant and may differ, again, depending on the region.

At the moment, the list of citizens who can receive this type of status is reflected in special regulatory documents.

The main such NAP is Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of 05.05.92.

The format for determining which families are large is not determined. But at the same time, there is a fairly large number of indirect signs on the basis of which this kind of status is assigned.

Who falls under the category

The following conditions must be met to obtain the appropriate status:

Special attention should be paid to the list of grounds, in the presence of which it will be impossible to obtain the status.

The list of these includes:

  1. If the child is fully supported by the state.

It is important to remember that the procedure for depriving parental rights itself is a measure aimed at improving the well-being of the child.

If the parent succeeded in his rights, then the status of a large family can be restored. A similar procedure must be carried out again. You will need to collect certain documents.

At first glance, it may seem that determining the number of children is quite simple. But in some cases other difficulties arise. For example, parents living together supported 3 children together.

Two remained with their mother, one child with their father. In such a situation, the family will lose its status of having many children in any case. As a consequence, the right to all benefits that are assigned on the basis of having many children is lost.

In most cases, only children under 18 years of age are taken into account. But in some cases, it is possible to count children whose age ranges from 18 to 23 years. In this case, a prerequisite is full-time attendance.

Many different nuances and features are associated with age. They are listed in legislative acts. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them first.

If one of the parents divorces and has one child left, the status of a large family can only be restored in one way - with the parent with the missing number of children.

After this, it will again be necessary to re-implement the procedure for establishing the status of a large family. Collect all the documents necessary in this case and contact the relevant authorities.

Where to contact

To obtain a special certificate for a large family, you will need to: mandatory collect a fairly extensive list of various documents.

To do this you will need to visit the following institutions:

  • civil registration authorities;
  • Center for Social Protection of the Population;
  • in the absence of an official place of employment - to the labor exchange;
  • to the BTI or another body - to obtain documentary evidence of the joint residence of the child and parents.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate for a large family is very simple.

There are several ways to obtain the appropriate certificate:

The simplest and most accessible method is to apply via the Internet. But due to the technical features of such a procedure, it is not available in all regions of the Russian Federation. It will also be possible to contact through a representative.

But in this case, in addition to standard set documents, you will definitely need to have them notarized. You must attach a document that proves your identity.

Status of a large family when the child turns 18 years old

Today, certain age limits are established for children, based on the very fact of their presence, the status of large families is assigned.

In accordance with current legislation, an already assigned status remains valid until the age youngest child will not be 16 years old.

If on this date he is still studying for school, he will need to issue a certificate again.

It will be necessary to consider the following key issues in advance:

  • in which case it is not lost;
  • necessary conditions;
  • documents for confirmation;
  • main nuances.

In what case is it not lost?

At the moment, various age restrictions are established to establish the status of a large family. First of all, this question depends on the region where the children and their parents are.

Moreover, the registration of the parents/children must match. Execution this condition is strictly required. For example, in some regions the age limit is considered to be 16 years. In others - 18 years old.

Some regions in this regard differ significantly from the standard ones.

For example, in the Kaluga region this age is extended:

As soon as the eldest child reaches the upper age limit, the family immediately loses its status as a large family. If the number of children is more than 3, then a family with many children will be considered as long as there are only 2 children under 16 years of age.

Age criteria may vary depending on additional factors. For example, the presence of a certain group.


It is important to remember that you need to do enough large quantity various conditions for obtaining a certain status.

The list of these today includes the following:

It should be remembered that obtaining some special benefits associated with a large number of children in the family requires the fulfillment of special conditions.

For example, if certain things are fulfilled, it is possible for a mother with many children to go out. There are two possible options.


You can also get by with fewer children:

There are some features associated with other benefits. All of them are fully reflected in legislative norms.

Documents for confirmation

One of the most important stages is collecting all the documents necessary in this case.

The list of these today includes the following:

Indicators Description
Child's birth certificate it must be registered in the registry office immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital
from the registry office can be registered at any time (both at the birth of a child by a single mother, and subsequently, after a certain time)
which confirms the fact of permanent cohabitation of a single mother and her child
, confirming average per capita income issued directly at the place of official employment
A copy of the work record certified by the HR department it is usually necessary for registration and subsequent receipt of regional benefits

This list of documents is required in all cases without exception. At the same time, there is also a group of papers required directly for issuing a special certificate.

These include the following:

There is a list of situations when, in addition to those indicated above, other papers may be needed.

The list of these includes the following:

At the regional level, the duration of inspection of all necessary documents usually rarely more than 30 days. This period depends on many different factors. It is the parent who should make the application itself.

At the same time, not only parents, but also all children are required to register in the capital. Otherwise, the registration process may cause some difficulties.

The duration of the certificate depends directly on the age of the child, upon reaching which the family ceases to have many children. This point should be given the closest possible attention.

Video: legislative support for the status of large families

Main nuances

The process of obtaining this status has many features.

The most significant ones, which should be taken into account first of all, include the following:

Indicators Description
Denial of benefits
  • on the basis of an incorrectly drawn up application or documents, it will be enough to make corrections;
  • based on failure to comply with certain legal requirements
Certificate in form No. 25 to the registry office can be obtained at any convenient time
If the mother is deprived of parental rights then she simply will not have the right to all parental benefits
The list of documents for registration is closed the social protection department has no right to demand anything else
If there is a clear violation of the law by social authorities you should go to court immediately
Loss of the status of a large family takes place the day after the child reaches a certain age established by law

Legislative framework

Aspects of assigning this status, as well as many others related to large families, are reflected in the Federal Law:

In addition to those indicated above, there is also a fairly extensive list of other additional regulatory documents.

The procedure for obtaining the status of a large family must be carried out in accordance with current legislative norms.

But no less close attention should be paid to the issue of revocation of the right to this status. Since in this case the right to receive a fairly large number of different benefits will be lost.


Raising even one child, investing a lot of effort and money in his upbringing and education, is always difficult. Therefore, large families need special care from the state, and therefore standards are established that help the family receive special status. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of family can be considered a large family - how many children should there be in it and at what age in order for parents to be able to count on benefits, privileges or rewards that should be provided within the framework of Russia's demographic policy.

Oddly enough, at the federal level, legislation does not establish how many children a family consists of that can be given this special honorary status. Russia is a multinational country and different peoples have their own cultural characteristics. And when for residents of one region three children is so much, then for another, triplets are a completely familiar minimum.

Therefore, the government decided not to introduce a single formulation for the entire country, but to give the regions the authority to set the figure for the criterion for large families independently. This is stated in Decree of the Head of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992. Therefore, in order to know for sure whether your family can be recognized as having many children, it would be correct to refer to the legislation of the region of your residence.

In most Russian regions, as a rule, the presence of three children allows parents to be considered as having many children. At the same time, for example, in Ingushetia, a family is called large when at least 5 children grow up in it. More recently, in the republics of Mari El and Tyva, such a family had to consist of 4 children, but today this figure has also been reduced to the usual Russian quantitative indicators.

Are all children counted, and when can they be considered adults or independent?

Not all children born to spouses or even currently living in the family are taken into account. Children from a large family, that is, those who are in the status of dependents in the care of their mother and father or one of the parents, are considered:

Children who are voluntarily or forcibly transferred to orphanages or boarding schools or adopted by other families are not family members.

And one more clarification. In some regions, children of a family include those who live in it and are under guardianship (trusteeship). However, for example, for the Moscow region this amendment does not apply; the number of members of a large family includes only natural and officially adopted children.

What system of privileges is provided for this preferential category?

Many bills have undergone changes over the years, and those relating to social support for privileged categories of citizens are no exception.

Large families have the right to count on many benefits that will help them cope with possible financial difficulties in such cases:

There are many pleasant bonuses, such as discounts and free visits to state museums and exhibitions, theaters at least once a month.

In 2015, a mother with many children, by definition in most regions, is raising at least 5 children in her family. Given a decent upbringing, such mothers are entitled early retirement, provided that she raised each of her children until he was 8 years old, and she was already 50 years old.

If there are four to seven or more children in a family, parents are awarded state awards. For those who have seven or more children, this is the Order of Parental Glory, and those who raised, raised or adopted 4-7 children are entitled to a medal of the Order of Parental Glory. Men's and female options medals that are different from each other. The award is accompanied by a cash reward of 100,000 rubles.

Divorce of spouses undoubtedly raises many questions. But here everything is simple. If a family with three children leaves and, for example, one child remains with the father and two with the mother, the status of a large family is lost. And, obviously, if all children remain with one parent, this status does not change.

Spouses with many children have the right to be called again in the event remarriage. Also, if one of the parents officially marries a person who, like himself, has minor children, then adopted children - stepsons and stepdaughters - are counted in the number of children of a family that, according to regional rules, can be recognized as having many children.

Recently, the number of families with three or more children has increased significantly.

This phenomenon is largely explained by the fact that due to the demographic crisis and the necessary stimulation of the population, significant material support was introduced for such families.

In the article we will consider which family is considered to have many children in 2019.

The concept of a large family often differs in different regions of the Russian Federation. Subjects themselves determine what the criteria for a large family are, establishing:

  • minimum number of children to obtain status;
  • a set of supporting measures.

Many regions of the Russian Federation adhere to the rule: large families - at least three children in a family. If a subject that adheres to a traditional way of life has a dense population, families with more than three children are considered large.

For example, in Ingushetia, a family receives the status of a large family if there are more than five children.

The demographic crisis plays a big role. In some regions, the “child threshold” has decreased: in Mordovia, Tyva, and Mari El, until 2012, families had large families with four or more children. But since 2018, the number has dropped to at least three.

Until what time a family is considered to have many children, the law does not explain. From the perspective of society, a family will have many children, even if there are adult children in it. But assistance from the budget will go to families with minor children.

Many people wonder whether a family with many children is considered if the eldest child is 18 years old. If the family has full-time students of secondary or higher educational level, parents have the opportunity to apply for the establishment of large families until the children turn 23 years old.

In other regions (Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Orel Region), a family can have many children, where the child has reached 18 years of age, but is called up for military service.

Each region independently prescribes the requirements for determining large families.

  • each family member must have Russian citizenship;
  • the family lives in the region where it plans to receive benefits;
  • the number of children provided for by law;
  • children always live with their parents (or with their father or mother if their parents are divorced);
  • children do not temporarily live in the family, as they study at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution, and also serve in the army.

If temporarily residing children are married (students or soldiers), they are not counted towards recognition as a large family.

Let's find out whether a family with many children is considered if the children are from different fathers.

When obtaining a large family, all children and teenagers from previous marriages are taken into account, who are raised together with the others (if the children remained after a divorce with their mother or stepfather and half-brothers and sisters).

Children counted:

  • wards;
  • adopted;
  • reception rooms;
  • if the children are from different marriages: stepdaughters, stepsons (if a man marries a woman with two children, he becomes a father not only to his own child, but also to his wife’s children).

For a number of benefits, the status of a stepdaughter is sufficient (if you need to receive free meals at school), but, for example, in order to receive a plot of land, large families must have officially adopted children.

In 2019, in order to recognize the status of having many children, the following children cannot be counted:

  • in respect of which the parents were deprived of parental rights or limited in them;
  • guardianship of whom was granted by persons who are not parents;
  • who are brought up in closed boarding schools and orphanages;
  • emancipated persons who entered into marriage before reaching the age of majority (who acquired full legal capacity “early”);
  • who were separated between parents due to divorce (with father or mother after divorce proceedings there are fewer children living than what is necessary to recognize a large family);
  • whose adoption decision has been cancelled;
  • dead.

Large families are established in the social protection bodies of the Russian Federation. A special certificate is issued.

The following documents must be provided:

  • parents' passports, marriage certificate;
  • children's birth certificates, passports;
  • certificate of composition of the applicant’s family;
  • a certificate from an educational institution or military registration and enlistment office (if children are over 18 years old);
  • court decision on adoption, agreement on guardianship or placement in a foster family;
  • statement.

The application is submitted by the mother or father. Organs “establish” having many children for a year.

Every year, the same package of documents is provided to confirm, “extend” status or supplement data: information on a newborn child is submitted, and other certificates are provided.

The status of having many children is terminated if:

  • the ward turns 18 years old;
  • children are transferred to a boarding school or orphanage for care;
  • parents are limited in their rights or deprived of their rights;
  • adoption is cancelled;
  • children are sent to an educational colony based on a court verdict;
  • children acquire full legal capacity as a result of emancipation or marriage;
  • a student or conscript soldier gets married;
  • The registration period for having many children expires (one year).

Authorities issue a certificate for a year. Employees explain the meaning of the certificate for the family and its validity period.

Typically, such a certificate is enough to receive and use a number of benefits for a large family: to pay for utilities, receive free meals at school, get service at a clinic without waiting in line, and so on.

Help for large families comes from several sources. The support system is complex and extensive; many people have no idea and are often confused about what benefits they are entitled to receive.

Sources of funding:

  • federal;
  • local;
  • regional legislative authorities.

Large families can apply for money, various benefits, and in-kind assistance with medicines, food, and household items.

In Russia, the following benefits are provided for large families:

  • some medications are provided free of charge with a doctor’s prescription (if the child is not older than 6 years);
  • free travel on public transport within the city for one child and one adult;
  • free school meals are provided;
  • children from large families are provided with the necessary textbooks, if available at school;
  • large families receive partial compensation for paying for utility services: for the provision of water, electricity, and so on;
  • labor benefits: additional paid day off, additional two-week vacation;
  • pension: early retirement, for example;
  • tax benefits.

Additional measures are envisaged in each region. More full information You should check with the social security authorities at your place of residence.

  • child care allowance;
  • compensation that offsets family expenses due to rising housing prices;
  • family expenses associated with the rising cost of necessary and irreplaceable food products are compensated;
  • the purchase of items necessary for the child is compensated;
  • paid landline phone;
  • Part of the cost of utility bills is reimbursed;
  • parents have the right to receive an additional day off if they were signed on the basis of an employment contract.

Land is also provided to large families. But the location where the site will be located may be remote or in an unsuitable area. And they will not be able to sell the land, since the principle of “social rent” applies.

  • all family members must have Russian citizenship (at least 5 years);
  • the family must have registration in the same living space or in the same house;
  • you must be on the list of those who need housing;
  • The family should not own land or housing; it is allowed to have an apartment whose area is below the standard for one resident.

The status of having many children gives the right:

  • do not pay for kindergarten services;
  • receive a 50% discount for schoolchildren and full-time students on public transport within the city;
  • send children to sports sections for free;
  • receive compensation for part of the cost of lunches for students or free meals;
  • receive one-year free parking if there are three or more children in the family;
  • do not pay the car tax, registration fee for business activities;
  • receive discounted tickets to the Bolshoi Theater;
  • free access to public baths;
  • receive a garden participant first priority;
  • receive an additional payment pension payment for mothers who have given birth to more than 10 children;
  • receive free medications for minor children.

Cash payments in Moscow

Most of them were doubled compared to last year:

Pay How many times per year is paid Number of children in the family Payment amount in rubles
Compensation for the cost of goods for children Monthly more than five 1800
Compensation for expenses associated with an increase in the cost of living Monthly 3-4 1200
5 or more 1500
Additional payment for mothers who are retired Monthly 10 or more 20 000
For Family Day Every year 10 or more 20 000
Payments by September 1 Every year 10 or more 30 000
Compensation for expenses associated with paying utility bills Monthly 3-4 1044
5 or more 2088
Reimbursement for telephone expenses Monthly 3 or more 250

So a large family means how many children? There is no clear definition of a large family in the legislation.

It is accepted that a family should have three or more children. But in some regions different rules apply.

Another frequently asked question: Up to what age are children considered a family with many children? Benefits are paid until children turn 18 or until the eldest child completes full-time education at an educational institution.

Video: Which families are considered large

For many citizens, receiving benefits represents a significant increase in the budget. The Government of the Russian Federation provides social programs for various segments of the population. Conditions and amounts are regulated by both federal and regional legislation. One of the criteria for calculating subsidies is the numerical composition of the “cell of society”. A large family is how many children there are, and when the offspring reach what age they can use this privilege, read on.

Obtaining the status of “large family” for a family provides many advantages. The list of services provided by the state is fixed at the federal level and can be adjusted at the regional level. From a legal point of view, the definition of “large family” is vague. The last time it was edited was back in 1992. A more specific formulation can be obtained based on an analysis of the legislative framework of the constituent entities of Russia.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 No. 431
"On measures to social support large families"

A large family is a family that has 3 or more children, including adopted ones.

Previously, if regional funding opportunities were limited, the classic bar of 3 children was raised higher. Benefits were granted to families with 4 or more children, as, for example, in the following regions:

  • Sakhalin region;
  • Republics of Tuva and Mari El;
  • Vladimir region.

There was also a higher minimum threshold. Social benefits were available to families with 5 or more children in the Chita region and Ingushetia. In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in addition to the criterion of having many children, the level of income was also taken into account.

When assigning MS status, all children from previous marriages provided that they are brought up with the rest.

Video - Which families are considered large

Regional features

Each region has the right to set its own criteria for large families. If the quantitative indicator is identical throughout the country, then the age ranges from 16 to 23 years. To obtain reliable information, you should contact local government officials.

Upper bar childhood, upon reaching which a family is deprived of its privileged status, varies depending on the regulatory framework of the administrative unit. In 82 regions this age is 18 years.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, you can count on benefits if you have children over 18 years of age in the following situations:

  • children are in full-time education and live with their mother and father;
  • Students do not have the opportunity to financially support their parents.

If the above conditions are met, large families can count on state monetary compensation until the child reaches 23 years of age.

Some regional features by age:

  • in the Kamchatka Territory - until the first child reaches 21 years of age, provided that he has a disability, lives with his parents and studies in the region;
  • in the Lipetsk region - up to 24 years of age, provided that the eldest child is studying at a college or university. For conscripts - up to 21 years of age;
  • in Moscow - upon reaching youngest child 16 years old, if he is studying - up to 18 years old;
  • in the Chechen Republic and Rostov region - up to the 16th birthday of the eldest child, if he is a student - up to 18 years.

Some administrative units have other conditions for receiving social benefits. For example, in 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a family must live in the region most of the time. And in 13 regions, MS status is assigned only if both parents have Russian citizenship.

Refusal to obtain status

Unfortunately, there are cases of refusal by the state to grant the status of “large family”. This mainly applies to the following categories of children:

  • whose parents were deprived of parental rights;
  • serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • are on state support;
  • recognized ahead of schedule as fully capable;
  • under guardianship.

In other cases, each MS should receive preferential payments.

Registration of an MS certificate at the MFC

In order for a family to have the opportunity to use social benefits for MS, it is not enough to meet the criteria prescribed by the state. From a legal point of view, the status of MS is confirmed only by a certificate.

You can obtain the document from the social security authority at your place of residence. However, given the bureaucratic nature of such authorities, multifunctional centers - MFCs, located in many large cities of the Russian Federation, are gaining popularity. The registration procedure is free.

Before making an appointment, you should prepare a solid package of documents:

  • birth certificates of all children;
  • photograph of the applicant 30 by 40 cm;
  • passports of parents (adoptive parents) and children who have reached the age of 14;
  • for students - a document certifying full-time study.

If the parents are divorced, the certificate is received by the parent with whom the children live. Copies must be attached to the documents.

If there have been changes in the “parental composition”, photocopies of the following documents are required:

  • certificate of paternity;
  • act establishing guardianship;
  • agreement on the transfer of children to foster care;
  • court decisions on adoption.

When submitting documents, the specialist issues an application to the applicant. If necessary, you can request a current example of filling. The following documents will help you fill out this form.

Within 15 working days, provided the applicant meets all prescribed standards, a certificate will be issued.

Preferential benefits for MS

Table 1. Bonuses for large families

Housing and communal servicesThe preferential filling is determined by regional officials. Mostly, the discount is 30%. In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in addition to the MS status, the criterion of wealth or the bar of 3 children is taken into account, and is raised, for example, to 5. If there are 10 or more minor children in a family, the lower limit of benefits increases to 50%.
Financial relief is possible in the following areas:
  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • gas supply;
  • electricity;
  • garbage removal.

    If a family lives in a house that is not connected to centralized heating, monetary compensation for the costs of liquid or solid fuel is provided.

  • Medical care and kindergartensThe following services are provided free of charge for children:
  • medical care;
  • prescription medications for children under 6 years of age;
  • production of prostheses.

    In addition, there is a 50% discount on travel to the place of sanatorium treatment.
    Along with orphans, the right to be admitted to kindergarten without a queue is provided.

  • Public transportFree travel in city and suburban transport. The latter is possible within the territorial boundaries of the region of residence.
    Cash benefitsMain directions of compensation:
  • monthly payment at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent children under 3 years of age;
  • regional family capital;
  • child benefit.

    The amount of financial compensation depends on the level of family income.

  • Housing and landFamilies in which the monthly income per member does not exceed living wage. Each region provides an individual percentage of material compensation.

    In addition, the state provides the following types of social assistance:

    • free breakfasts and lunches in educational institutions;
    • Once a month free visit to museums and exhibitions;
    • provision of school and sports uniforms;
    • priority allocation of garden plots;
    • preferential loans for the purchase of materials for housing construction.

    There are also “bonuses” in the form of a flexible work schedule for parents with many children and provision of a food basket.

    The “diversity” of requirements for obtaining the status of a large family and the lack of a uniform document among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation sometimes creates certain difficulties. For example, a certificate for a large family obtained in one region may become invalid when moving to another. To take advantage of the right to benefits, you will have to re-confirm your MS status. And yet, the preferences provided by the state provide significant assistance to large families.
