Healthy nutrition for school and preschool children. Proper nutrition for children: balance and variety Rules for proper nutrition for children

Proper nutrition– is the key to human health, longevity and well-being.

Moreover, people of all ages should eat right. Try to instill this habit in your child from childhood, and you can protect him from many diseases. And if you don't know what proper nutrition should be for children, talk about it with a professional nutritionist, or at least read the recommendations below.

How many times a day should a preschool or school-age child eat?

The optimal number of meals for preschool and school age- four or five. In this case, food should be served to the child in small portions, warm but not overheated. And it is desirable that it be absolutely fresh. If you have the opportunity, do not prepare large quantities of food for future use. Well, we need to talk in more detail about what foods should be consumed during each meal.

  1. Breakfast. It is advisable that breakfast is not very heavy, but at the same time satisfying. Any porridge with vegetables or fruits, a piece of cheese or milk is ideal. Moreover, it is important to give the child a small amount of water to drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast, this will help his digestive system start working.
  2. Lunch. This meal for preschoolers and schoolchildren may consist of foods such as bread, butter, jam or honey, fruits such as bananas, and juice.
  3. Dinner. Lunch should be hearty, and it is advisable that it includes a first course. Just make sure that your child’s diet does not include soups and borscht cooked with bones or in fatty broth. It is better to cook a vegetarian soup and add some meat, cooked separately. Or serve meat as a main dish along with vegetables or porridge. After lunch, the child can drink a glass of compote or juice diluted with water.
  4. Afternoon snack. Regardless of whether we are talking about schoolchildren or preschoolers, healthy eating For children, it must necessarily include an afternoon snack. After all, this meal allows you to somewhat dull the feeling of hunger before dinner, so that the child does not eat too much at night. And for an afternoon snack you can give him cottage cheese, baked apples, pancakes, a few pancakes, etc. It all depends on what kind of second breakfast you had.
  5. Dinner. Dinner should be fairly light, consisting mainly of protein foods. This could be an omelette, a piece of fish with vegetables or potatoes, potatoes with pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut, cottage cheese with kefir, etc.

As for sausages, smoked meats, fatty cakes, sweets, chocolate and ice cream, try to reduce the amount in your child's diet to a minimum. The same can be said about white bread and pasta, excluding durum wheat pasta. And of course, it is important to ensure that the food consumed by the child is not too fatty.

What products should you be careful with?

Very often, parents who are interested in proper nutrition for school-age children are at a loss, not knowing what to give their child to school. Let us note that a good option for a second breakfast for a primary school student would be a low-fat cookie or bun with a banana, apple or juice. You can also give your child a sandwich with jam, preferably if you prepare it yourself. But be careful with sausages. Most of them contain a significant amount of nitrites and nitrates, which can become one of the causes of the formation of malignant tumors. The more such compounds in the sausage, the brighter it is, so do not trust bright or soft pink products as in the picture.

But let’s say you solved the problem with food at school. What should you cook for your child for lunch? Vegetables themselves come to mind. But parents need to know that nowadays they should be extremely careful with vegetables. Many of them are grown in fields that are actively fertilized, and therefore the crop contains nitrates and phosphates. Therefore, before preparing cabbage, zucchini or other vegetables for your child, soak them in cool water for at least half an hour.

A varied diet - Dr. Komarovsky School

Proper nutrition for children / vegetables

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wonderful cartoon about healthy eating)

Healthy and unhealthy foods - School of Dr. Komarovsky

You need to remove the skin from cucumbers that you will give to your child, unless, of course, they come from your garden. And in carrots, nitrates are contained closer to the stem, which is especially dangerous if it is very different in color from the rest of the product. As for potatoes, it is advisable to boil them in small pieces. In this case, some of the nitrates will go into the broth. Well, apples and pears, if you buy them and do not grow them yourself, should be peeled.

Another product that parents who are interested in what constitutes proper nutrition for children should be aware of is dangerous. preschool age or younger schoolchildren, is the liver. Previously, beef liver was often recommended as a product that prevents the development of anemia, but today it is undesirable to give it to children. The fact is that all harmful substances that enter the animal’s body throughout its life accumulate in the liver. This means that in order to prevent anemia, it is better to eat buckwheat porridge and drink pomegranate juice.

Presentation of recommendations for proper nutrition that will help you raise a healthy child

There are certain points that parents who are interested in preserving the health of their offspring must pay attention to. They are:

  1. You should not force a child if he does not want to eat. All the same, the food will not be digested.
  2. Make sure your baby chews well and does not swallow in chunks.
  3. Do not feed your baby immediately after sleep - his body is not yet ready to accept food.
  4. If your child is noisy and active, do not feed him immediately after a walk or after returning from school. Let him rest a little, calm down and ask him to eat.
  5. Give your child meat no more than once a day.
  6. Make at least one day a week vegetarian to reduce the burden on your child's body.
  7. Do not allow food to be washed down. It is better to let the child drink some water 15-30 minutes before meals.
  8. It is advisable that the baby does not get distracted by anything while eating and does not get up from the table; his posture at the table must be correct.

And remember that lack of appetite is not at all a sign of pathology. If your child is alert, cheerful and not losing weight, there is nothing to worry about. It’s better to eat a little, but with appetite, because what matters is not how much food he eats, but how much is absorbed by the body. And of course, we must not forget about the importance of the right example in education. It will be much easier for the child if not only he, but the whole family switches to a healthy diet.

Unfortunately, the most ordinary, everyday food of parents can contain substances that are extremely harmful to the child’s body.

Baby food is directly related to metabolic processes in the body and is one of the main factors determining the growth rate of a child, his harmonious development, adequate functioning of the immune system, resistance to action unfavorable factors external environment, ability to various types and forms of education.

Particularly sensitive to the consequences malnutrition in children up to the age of 3 years, because during this period growth occurs most intensively, while many body systems are still just being formed. So, the digestive system of children early age characterized by relatively low enzyme activity and a high degree of permeability of the mucous membrane.

The excretory system is underdeveloped, and therefore the body’s release of harmful substances occurs slowly. Immune system gastrointestinal tract It is just being formed, and the nature of the future immune response to the entry of allergens, toxins, and microbes into the body depends on how adequately the baby will be fed during the first years of life. Allergization of the body, increased load on the liver, pancreas and kidneys in the first years of a baby’s life are a springboard for development chronic diseases at an older age. Thus, healthy child nutrition ensures his well-being not only in the short term.

During the first three years of life, the gradations of the child’s taste deepen and improve. It is important to remember that purchased in early childhood eating habits and the basis of eating behavior largely determine the overall duration and quality of a person’s life.

In this article we will talk about products that are unacceptable in nutrition of young children, as well as about those food components that in early childhood needs to be limited.

Children should not eat

Nutritional supplements – these are substances of natural and artificial origin, specially added to food products to achieve certain technological effects (color, smell, resistance to spoilage, preservation of structure and appearance food products during long-term storage). Food additives negatively affect the health of children, so most of them are prohibited for use in early childhood.

Preservatives E220, 221, 222 (can be contained in canned vegetables and fruits, as well as dried fruits, where they are added for preservation natural color and odor) have a direct irritant effect on the respiratory tract.

Supplements E104, E110, E120 (perform the function of dyes and can be contained in sweet carbonated drinks, dragees, candies, jellies, oriental sweets, chewing gum, smoked fish and canned fish, packaged soups) can cause increased excitability and hyperactivity in a child.

Tartrazine, monosodium glutamate, dyes(E102) can provoke allergic manifestations and worsen the condition of children with allergic diseases.

Nitrites, included in semi-finished meat products, are potentially carcinogenic; they can cause weakness, headaches, and contribute to the exacerbation of allergic processes.

Nutritional supplements E221–226, E320–322, E407, E450, E461–466 (can be contained in juice drinks, semi-finished products, canned food, boiled sausages, jelly, jam, ice cream) have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to the development of chronic diseases digestive organs.

IN baby food It is allowed to use only natural dyes made from plant materials (beets, paprika, etc.).

Synthetic flavors often cause allergic reactions, and in addition can completely mask the smell of poor-quality food products.

Acidity regulators: acetic, phosphoric, orthophosphoric, tartaric, synthetic malic and lactic acids (information about them should be indicated on the packaging) - form the basis of the taste of sparkling water and serve as preservatives. However, it should be remembered that they can damage the delicate mucous membrane in the mouth, esophagus and stomach, destroy tooth enamel, contributing to the early appearance of caries. Phosphoric acid, in addition, leads to the leaching of calcium from bones, which makes them more brittle and pliable.

When cooking food for baby The use of any leavening agent other than baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is not recommended.

Products that may contain hazardous children's health food additives:

  • raw smoked meat gastronomic products, sausages, “store-bought” minced meat and products made from it;
  • fast food (this is the name for food that can be prepared and consumed very quickly, literally on the run, for example: French fries, pizza, shawarma, hot dogs, sandwiches, chips, etc.);
  • canned food and semi-finished products;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and other industrial sauces;
  • some confectionery products;
  • carbonated and juice drinks.

Sugar substitutes. Aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol and other sugar substitutes are prohibited for use in children's nutrition, because they distort metabolic processes in the child’s body. Thus, xylitol and sorbitol contribute to the development of urolithiasis, while aspartame provokes allergic reactions and negatively affects the retina, saccharin and cyclomate are believed to be carcinogenic.

Products that may contain sweeteners:

  • chewing gum;
  • sweet carbonated and juice drinks;
  • “light” products – low-calorie snacks, drinks and sweets.

Mushrooms. Ban on the use of mushrooms in children's nutrition early age is due to the statistics of severe mushroom poisoning, which for young children often becomes fatal due to the immaturity of their kidneys and liver. Along with accidental consumption of poisonous mushrooms, cases of severe poisoning from edible mushrooms are now common. Why is this happening? Resembling a sponge in its structure, the mycelium of the fungus actively draws in harmful substances contained there from the soil and air: heavy metals, gasoline byproducts, pesticides, insecticides, etc.

In addition, mushrooms are very difficult to digest and assimilate by the child’s body, since their cells contain a special substance, chitin, that is resistant to chemical factors and digestive enzymes.

Products containing trans fatty acids ( trans fats). Trans isomers of fatty acids are obtained as a result of hydrogenation (saturation with hydrogen atoms) of vegetable oils. This method fat processing is now widely used to increase shelf life food products containing vegetable oils. Because trans fatty acids do not oxidize when exposed to oxygen, they cannot spoil or go rancid. However, during hydrogenation they are lost beneficial properties vegetable oils and new, unfavorable qualities appear: trans isomers contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, disrupt the normal functioning of cell membranes, contribute to the occurrence of vascular pathology, negatively affect puberty, etc.

Foods that may contain trans fatty acids:

  • margarine and products containing it;
  • mayonnaise;
  • baked goods with a long shelf life (more than 2-3 days);
  • fast food.

Fatty meats. Goose, duck, lamb, fatty pork and lard are not used in children's nutrition up to 3 years, since their use is associated with significant strain on the digestive system, stress on the liver and pancreas.

Caffeine Products. Caffeine promotes increased excitability nervous system and sleep disturbances, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure, this is an undesirable additional load on cardiovascular system child, so caffeine is prohibited in children's nutrition.

  • coffee;
  • sweets with coffee filling;
  • chocolate with high cocoa content;
  • “energy” drinks are various non-alcoholic or low-alcohol cocktails, positioned by the manufacturer as “giving strength and energy.” The specific effect of such drinks on the central nervous system is due to the high content of caffeine (which is sometimes stated as guarana, mate, mateine, theine) and other stimulants - theobromine, theophylline, which are homologues of caffeine.

Products containing GMOs. GMO– a genetically modified organism obtained as a result of an artificial change in its genotype using genetic engineering methods. In food production, vegetable GMOs are most often used, which can be included in vegetable and fruit mixtures, chips, cereals, puffed corn, and also - in the form of genetically modified starch and soy - in canned meat and fish, sausages, and various semi-finished products . Since the delayed effect of such products on human health has not been sufficiently studied, their use is prohibited in children's nutrition early age.

All types of tea. Black, green and herbal tea are prohibited in children's nutrition up to 2 years, since they contain substances that slow down the absorption of iron in the intestines, as well as tannins, which increase the excitability of the nervous system. At the age of over 2 years, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is necessary to avoid drinking tea during meals to prevent impaired iron absorption.

Restrictions on baby food

Sugar and all products containing it. The daily intake of sugar is no more than 35-40 g for children 1-1.5 years, 40-45 g – for children 1.5-3 years. It is better if the child receives it with products such as fruits, dried fruits, marshmallows, low-fat cookies, marmalade, jam, marmalade, jam, honey (from 2 years old, if the baby tolerates it). It is not recommended to add sugar to daily dishes (porridge, casseroles, cottage cheese, etc.). You should always remember that excessive intake of sugar into the baby’s body causes the pancreas to work harder (which is a risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus), contributes to the emergence overweight, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, the formation of caries.

Salt. Daily norm of cooking salts for children early age is no more than 3 g per day, which corresponds to half a teaspoon. At the same time, the dishes offered to the baby should be under-salted for “adult tastes”. Excess salt causes fluid retention in the body and puts excessive stress on the child's immature kidneys and cardiovascular system. Foods with a high salt content are completely excluded from the diet of young children: salted fish, smoked meats, various marinades, “adult” canned food, chips, salted crackers, etc.

Seasonings. To improve the taste of food and stimulate appetite in child's diet natural seasonings such as parsley, dill, cilantro (from 1.5 years), garlic, onion, sorrel (from 2 years) are introduced. However, their quantity in the diet of young children should be limited. Seasonings and spices, which include vinegar, mustard, horseradish, ground black pepper, should be completely excluded from the diet of young children, since they irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to increased secretion of hydrochloric acid by stomach cells (creating the preconditions for the development chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer), and can also lead to impaired motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and have negative impact on the child’s urinary system, damaging the delicate epithelium of the kidney tubules.

Baking. Buns, buns, pies, etc. should be limited due to their high calorie content and content large quantity Sahara. Abuse of rich foods leads to the appearance excess weight, slows down intestinal motility, and even causes constipation in some children. Healthy child Early childhood can receive 50 g of pastry products per day (for example, a bun or pie during an afternoon snack).

Citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries, honey(and other bee products), chocolate. They contain components that promote the production and release of child's body a special substance – histamine, which increases the permeability of blood vessels. Their use in small quantities is acceptable in healthy children over 1.5–2 years old. If there is an allergy, histamine-releasing products should be completely excluded from the baby’s diet.

The widespread prevalence of allergic diseases currently dictates the need for constant attention to the content of allergenic products in baby food. The most common causes of allergies in young children are whole milk, eggs, chicken, nuts (including peanuts), soy, seafood, fish, and wheat. The consumption of these products by healthy children should strictly comply with their age norm. For children with allergic diseases, an individual diet is developed, in which foods of the specified range are partially or completely excluded.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of the “right” products should be combined with their gentle cooking. Let us remind you that for children, boiling, stewing, steaming and baking are preferred, while frying and smoking are completely excluded. In addition, if the child has any diseases, the diet should be based on appropriate recommendations.

We teach proper communication.

When you discuss with your child how to consider another person's feelings, teach them empathy and fairness. This will help him not only find true friends, but also be friends for a long time. Children can learn compassion as early as 3-4 years old.

Surely everyone still has fresh childhood memories, when from the kitchen came the appetizing aroma of potatoes fried on butter. And how did this same butter improve the taste of the usual scrambled eggs or cabbage? For many, such cooking today is comparable to a gastronomic nightmare, and it cannot be called more than a product conversion or a health hazard. Let's figure out what it means to eat correctly, and how to “tune” a child’s nutrition to a healthy wave?

What do you mean by “correct”?

It’s good if the break between meals is 3-3.5 hours. First of all, proper nutrition for children is a menu designed in such a way that the child eats little by little and with short breaks. It is optimal if his daily diet is divided into several parts: breakfast, a light lunch, dinner, a small afternoon snack, dinner and a nap. Creating a clear order for eating food helps the stomach work consistently and evenly, eliminating its morning or evening overload.

The second important criterion is the regularity of eating, that is, each meal should have its own specific time. This way you can quickly “accustom” your baby’s body to a proper eating routine. This guarantees the timely appearance of appetite and the absence of any stomach problems in the future.

Finally, the rules of proper nutrition for children should be common to the entire family, including its adult members. Agree, this is not entirely fair when a mother persuades her child to try steamed cutlets and then immediately eats the same food herself, but fried in a frying pan. If all family members eat the same, there will be no problems with persuading the child.

Indeed, the correct diet for children and their eating habits are determined by appropriate upbringing. When parents teach their baby to drink every meal from infancy, he will continue to follow this bad habit as an adult.

How to fill a child’s diet with the “right” foods?

Tastes and preferences in food are established before the age of 5. The way you feed your baby now determines his entire future life. Now let's talk directly about what the baby should eat. Since we have divided the proper nutrition of preschool children and schoolchildren into several meal periods, it would be logical if at breakfast the child was asked to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins: these are all kinds of cereals, eggs in the form of an omelet, pancakes, cheese toasts. The optimal products for lunch and afternoon snack are fruits and berries, low-fat baked goods, cottage cheese and yoghurt, casseroles. For lunch, the best options are soups, stewed vegetables (preferably steamed), meat, baked fish, juices and compotes. Any lean meat is optimal for a child's stomach: veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Dinner should also consist mainly of vegetables. But before bed, so as not to overload your stomach, a glass of milk and cookies are quite suitable.

It is already more difficult to talk about what proper nutrition should be like for school-age children, since the child’s daily routine changes dramatically. It is very difficult to keep track of the regime here, but it is possible. For example, instead of a sandwich, you can give the student an apple, cottage cheese or drinking yogurt for lunch.

The number of calories consumed daily should be no more than 2000, and it is best to distribute their intake as follows:

  • The share of lunch is 35%;
  • For breakfast and dinner – 25%;
  • For afternoon tea – 15%.

It is obvious that today the diet of children is designed in such a way that it contains a variety of fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities - these are sources of many vitamins and minerals. During the off-season period, special vitamin and mineral complexes, such as Multifort, can provide good support to the child’s body. Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in children's diet scientifically explained. The fact is that every year the total percentage of nutrients in fresh vegetable and fruit crops decreases. The reason for this is soil depletion and the rapidly deteriorating state of the environment.

Of course, nutritional culture is not a passing whim of parents. Correct eating habits should become a kind of “family jewel” that can and should be passed on to new generations. And if you have a tradition of getting the whole family together for Sunday breakfast and enjoying aromatic vanilla casserole, it’s worth keeping it, if only because it’s a great occasion to communicate with each other.

How to feed so as not to overfeed? What dishes to prepare? Is proper nutrition for school-age children different from that for adults? Let's figure it out.

Proper nutrition for children

Many mothers naively believe that proper nutrition is the prerogative of exclusively young children. However, diet is no less important in youth, not to mention adult life. Having taught their child to eat properly, parents can be absolutely calm: their child will not have problems with excess weight, and the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases will decrease. Knowing how to choose the right products and prepare the right dishes from them, a person’s life becomes much easier. Each of you probably reproaches yourself from time to time for following family traditions, for a long time I ate a lot of fried and fatty foods. Let your child not reproach himself for this in the future - refuse such dishes now.

Proper nutrition for school-age children

The essence of proper nutrition for babies, school-age children and adults can be summarized in one sentence: replacing bad fats and carbohydrates with good ones. If you take this truth as a rule, then neither you nor your child will ever experience problems due to an incorrect diet.

  • eating 5-6 times a day (including snacks),
  • limited consumption of sweets and baked goods,
  • limited sugar consumption,
  • more vegetables and fruits in the diet (preferably fresh, not canned),
  • mandatory presence of dairy and fermented milk products in the daily menu,
  • eating foods rich in calcium and iron.

Delicious and healthy dishes for children

Often and densely healthy food prepared by mothers for their children is disgusting for the latter. And not because the mother cooked it tasteless, but because the child does not want to try it in principle. Well, he doesn't like broccoli. And he doesn't like eggplants. And he doesn’t want to drink milk. And the liver can't stand it. IN in this case You can use simple parental tricks that will help you feed your child what he doesn’t want to eat.

Never force your child to eat. If you're not hungry, go for a walk. Feed children on demand.

Your baby will never eat tasty and healthy dishes prepared according to a cookbook for children, if these dishes look unattractive on the plate. Try decorating your food artistically. Make a palm tree from kiwi and bananas right on the plate. Make a volcano out of porridge that erupts with jam.

Another simple and effective trick is replacement. If your baby doesn’t eat iron-rich liver, offer him buckwheat. If he doesn't like milk, replace it with a milkshake. Everything is very simple, you just need to use your imagination. And then there will simply be no dishes left that your child does not eat.

Food pyramid for children

The food pyramid for children contains foods, each of which is important in its own way for health and proper development child. Variety is the main condition. Nutrition should not be monotonous; there should be a lot of food in the diet of a representative of the younger generation. Another question is what there is more of, and what should be slowed down.

Vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils (especially olive) are what should be present in your child’s diet every day. When choosing milk, give preference to fatty milk. When choosing kefir and yoghurt, choose calcium-rich products without additives.

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Healthy nutrition for children lays the foundation for their full life, ensures their growth, physical and mental development. Therefore, it is extremely important that it is balanced and meets all the child’s needs, taking into account his age and needs.

The main components of a healthy diet for children

Healthy eating for children plays a significant role. role in their development. It differs in many ways from the nutrition of adults, since a child has a much higher need for natural products And nutrients, especially those involved in its growth and development. In addition, a child’s metabolism is 1.5-2 times higher than that of adults, therefore energy value his daily ration must exceed its energy costs by 10 percent - in order for it to continue to grow, develop, increase muscle mass etc.

A healthy diet for children should be balanced so that it includes foods containing the following substances:

  • Protein: is building material for tissues and cells of the body. Protein is found in sufficient quantities in meat, dairy products, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, etc.

  • Carbohydrates: provide energy to the body. The choice should be slow carbohydrates contained in raw vegetables and fruits, whole grain products. Oversaturation with fast carbohydrates (confectionery, sweets, boiled potatoes and corn, white bread) leads to obesity, decreased immunity, and increased fatigue.

  • Fats: supply the child’s body with essential fatty acids, are a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D, and are responsible for the child’s immunity and growth. Contained in cream, butter, vegetable oil, fish.

  • Fiber: is not digested by the body, but is actively involved in the digestion process. Contained in raw vegetables and fruits, bran, pearl barley and oatmeal.

  • Calcium: affects bone growth, forms tooth enamel, normalizes heart rate, ensures blood clotting, etc. Found in dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, fortified foods - such as breakfast cereals, soy products, broccoli, sunflower seeds, almonds, etc.

  • Iron: plays an important role in mental development and hematopoiesis. Contained in meat and seafood. Sources of iron also include spinach, legumes, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, beets, walnuts and hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.

It is not necessary to calculate the amount of nutrients in grams. It is enough to adhere to the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates and fats in a ratio of 1: 1: 4 and ensure that the child’s diet always contains meat, dairy products, eggs, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and fats.

Healthy eating for children - habits established from childhood

Healthy nutrition for children is not only balance, but also certain habits instilled from childhood:

  • Enter fractional power mode. It is recommended to have 4-5 meals a day in small portions - 3 main and 2 additional. For a child, just like an adult, high-calorie and plentiful meals consisting of several full meals are harmful.

  • Food should look attractive. Experiment with the design and preparation of dishes, use bright and healthy ingredients, and involve children in participating in the cooking process.

  • Eat with your children. Best example- your own. Often we are similar in build to our parents, not because we have “such a constitution,” but because certain eating habits are instilled in us in our family from childhood. If you eat proper and healthy food, then most likely your children will “follow in your footsteps.”

  • Avoid fast food. No matter how much you would like to sometimes enjoy hamburgers or fries on weekends or on vacation, try not to tempt yourself or your children. In any home-cooking restaurant, the food will be tastier, and children's menu today it is present in most establishments.

  • Don't force children to eat things they don't like. By forcibly forcing your son or daughter to eat healthy foods that seem tasteless to them, you unwittingly create an association in their minds - everything that is healthy is tasteless. The value of one product can in most cases be replaced by another.

  • Prepare food for school. School food is rarely healthy and varied - numerous baked goods, sweet juices and confectionery are especially harmful to a child. They can always be replaced with homemade sandwiches with chicken and vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Remember that by providing healthy nutrition for children, you ensure their full all-round development, strengthen their immune system, protect against diseases and generally improve their quality of life.
