Energy hunger. A way out of this impasse. Intermittent fasting as a source of energy and clear thoughts The effect of fasting on negative energies

At all times and throughout the world, fasting has been widely used both as a remedy and as a method of spiritual cleansing. Christ fasted in the desert for 40 days. (Initially, fasting meant complete hunger on water; later, fasting began to mean abstinence from any type of food) (1). Many saints also refused food for long periods.

You can name dozens and hundreds of famous people who themselves practiced fasting and treated others this way. The best minds all over the world came to the same idea. What does hunger give? Is it really necessary?

(1) Christian fasting is now divided into very strict - on plant foods without oil; strict - on plant foods with vegetable oil and ordinary, when fish is also allowed.



Almost all digestible proteins, when broken down, form toxic compounds such as uric acid, urea, creatine, creatinine, etc. When overeating and incomplete “burning” of food due to insufficient physical activity, more of these substances are formed than are excreted. They cannot constantly circulate in the bloodstream, which would lead to rapid poisoning. Toxins are bound and deposited in the least valuable tissues for the body, primarily in connective tissue, as well as in fat, bone tissue, and non-working muscles.

And if from time to time you do not completely cleanse the entire body, then toxins accumulate, and the body soon becomes like a drain hole. The overall energy potential of a person weakens, and the functional cells of various organs begin to suffocate from poisons. The cells simply no longer have enough strength to throw foreign substances out of the protoplasm.

Life loses its colors one after another. A person no longer lives, but exists, burdened with a mass of diseases. He doesn't have time to do anything because he feels constantly tired. He sleeps a lot, but sleep does not add strength. He is sick 365 days a year!

And it can be very difficult to get out of this state. As soon as you miss at least one meal, the body, delighted at the opportunity, rushes to free itself from accumulated poisons. They rush into the blood in a powerful stream, and the person exhibits all the symptoms of poisoning, aggravated by chronic “sores” - headache, nausea, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, etc.

Hunger helps in all these cases. Of course, with very strong slagging, special techniques are used; below we will find out which ones.

During fasting, the entire body is cleansed.

All excretory systems work to release toxins.

More than 150 harmful substances are eliminated through the lungs alone. Toxins are also removed with urine, feces, sweat, and saliva. People who fast for the first time for 7-8 days literally stink - this is how the body actively frees itself from poisons (1). Sometimes it’s even surprising how much impurity even a seemingly strong body can accumulate.


Some compounds, such as uric acid salts, are often deposited in the joints. Mobility is limited, and pain appears over time.

During fasting, intensive cleaning of joints, both limbs and spine, occurs. Relief from such salts occurs quite quickly; mild forms of arthritis completely disappear after 8-10 days of fasting.

In more severe cases - with polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, when bone degeneration is observed, longer periods are required to also involve recovery mechanisms.


The remarkable results of fasting are due not only to the removal of toxins. After all, the body is forced to live partially at the expense of its own tissues, and first of all it eats sick, degenerated cells.

No surgeon is able to remove individual affected cells of a tumor or ulcer while preserving adjacent healthy ones and without compromising the integrity of the tissue. The great doctor - Hunger - treats this way.

Moreover, along with the destruction of diseased cells, the body produces new, absolutely healthy ones instead. This also happens during fasting, but new cells grow especially intensively during the recovery period. It has been observed, for example, that after a 28-day fast, the gastric mucosa is not only completely restored, but also acquires a considerable “margin of safety” due to additional functional cells. The stomach becomes, as they say, tinned.

(1) This may not happen if a person practiced one- and three-day fasts, ate properly and cleansed.

A similar renewal occurs in other organs and tissues, which is why fasting is a “universal doctor.” Adhesions, tumors, ossified areas, cirrhosis and necrosis disappear - and all this thanks to hunger.


Restoration and renewal of tissues is accompanied by their rejuvenation. Accumulated errors in the functioning of the hereditary apparatus are corrected - the information carriers DNA and RNA are restored, the cells again begin to synthesize the “correct” proteins.

Dr. Crew once conducted an amazing experiment. He took an adult planaria worm that was 22 mm long and did not feed it until it was reduced to 6 mm. At the same time, all the signs of a young worm of similar size appeared. The worm was then given food and grew normally back to its original state. After this, a new fasting cycle began. As a result, the worm lived 20 (!) times longer than its fellows.

Man, of course, is much more complex than planaria and is not completely renewed during hunger, but still the rejuvenation is very significant (1). Almost always, after recovery, acquaintances of starving people never tire of raising their hands in admiration - the effect is so noticeable. (Although during fasting, these same acquaintances often persuade them to interrupt the “self-torture”).

(1) For complete renewal and lasting rejuvenation, a person also needs to strengthen his main energy vortexes.


Along with the “native” wastes and toxins formed in the body, during hunger, introduced poisons are also eliminated - from the chemicals that have filled our everyday life, from the poisoned atmosphere, from water and food. But this, however, was to be expected.

However, it turned out that fasting reliably protects against Radiation. T. A. Voitovich, director of the All-Union Association “Active Longevity”, a well-known specialist in therapeutic fasting, cites amazing facts. Judge for yourself: all those heavily irradiated in Chernobyl, who received 400-600 rads, who agreed to be treated by starvation, recovered!

Moreover, it was enough for them to fast for only 12-14 days, and the hereditary functions were completely restored.

There are simply no other means of combating radiation sickness with similar effectiveness. The mechanism of treatment with hunger is universal: “damages” in DNA are eliminated, radioactive isotopes are removed.

In our environmental conditions, these facts cannot be ignored. But fasting also provides a remarkable preventive effect. For a long time after famine, the highest protective potential is maintained, but with periodic fasting, a person becomes practically invulnerable to nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.


Hunger gives you a supply of energy. This seems incredible: how is it that a person does not eat anything, wastes energy, and his energy increases? But there is no paradox. Being deprived of organic food, the body intensively begins to absorb subtle energy from space and the environment.

With the transition to normal nutrition, the effect of super-recovery is triggered - the body gains energy more intensely than before hunger, fortunately, all the possibilities for this appear. After all, fasting cleanses the chakras and energy channels on which many abilities depend.

After breaking fast, sleep is reduced to 4-5 hours, a person is literally filled with strength, and the energy that overwhelms him is seething within him. This wonderful state lasts for a long time if you adhere to a healthy diet, do exercises, and spend time in the air and sun.

But strength noticeably diminishes when people try to “catch up” and indulge in gluttony.


Scientists, writers and other creative workers unanimously speak about the remarkable effect of hunger on thinking. Memory improves, sensitivity sharpens, intuition increases. No wonder Pythagoras fasted for 40 days and demanded the same from his disciples.


Without a doubt, long-term fasting leads to very noticeable spiritual cleansing (of course, if you fast specifically for the purpose of spiritual development).

After a 40-42-day fast with pure thoughts, a person is freed from all “down-to-earth” tendencies, his mental body is cleansed. In addition, connections between bodies improve - a person begins to feel higher bodies, that is, the Soul. And if natural laws are not violated, if pride does not overcome, then what has been achieved is preserved even after leaving fasting.



Having started a long fast, an ordinary person continues to feel hungry for the first two or three, maximum four days. This largely depends on the psychological preparedness and experience of the starving person. In the rarest cases, as a rule, with a clogged intestine, hunger may bother you throughout the entire fast, but this is an exception.

In these first days, rapid weight loss occurs (up to 1-1.5 kg per day), irritability may appear, and mood may worsen. Around the second day, the reserve supply of glycogen in the liver is depleted and the body begins to consume its own fats.

On the second or third day, a coating appears on the tongue; in relatively healthy people it is whitish, in sick people it is yellowish, grayish, sometimes even brownish. Active elimination of toxins begins, the urine becomes cloudy.

The next stage of fasting lasts up to 7-8 days, and with heavy slagging - up to 10-12 days. During this period, the restructuring of the body from external nutrition to internal and energy nutrition ends. On days 3-5, the feeling of hunger completely disappears, the layer of plaque on the tongue increases, weight loss decreases to 300-500 g per day. Acidosis increases - acidification of the body, the smell of acetone appears from the mouth.

Urine and sweat also acquire a pungent odor. Everyone accessible ways the body gets rid of toxins.

Many people experience weakness and fatigue at this time.

In winter, chilliness increases. Sick organs and joints begin to make themselves felt. They experience pain and other signs of exacerbations. This is very good, as it speaks of the purification taking place in them.

The transition stage ends with an acidotic crisis. A crisis is an adaptation of the body. Within a few hours, often at night, the state of health improves sharply and vigor appears.

There may still be weakness in the legs, chilliness, and fatigue after a long walk, but the mood becomes completely different. The body fully adapts to endogenous (internal) nutrition (1).

Daily weight loss is reduced to 100-200 grams or less, and fat reserves are consumed first. The spleen and liver also suffer large losses, and to a lesser extent muscles, blood, kidneys, etc. Of course, the affected areas of organs and tissues are consumed first.

In general, up to 40-45% of the initial weight can be used until complete exhaustion, which happens with very long food deprivation. In this case, irreversible pathological changes occur. Losing 20-25% of body weight is considered completely safe, that is, as ancient sources say, you can fast for up to 50-60 days (2).

After a crisis, the efficiency of our metabolic mechanisms increases so much that a person begins to absorb carbon dioxide. “During the course of RDT (fasting-dietary therapy), acidosis occurs, which is one of the main levers of recovery. It is this that promotes the fixation of carbon dioxide soluble in the blood according to the principle of photosynthesis, that is, through the most ideal synthesis in our world. The atmospheric air we breathe becomes a “nutrient medium”. (Yu. S. Nikolaev, , p. 68).

Often, however, adaptation is delayed. In some cases, periods of noticeable improvement are observed over several days, while in other people there are no sudden changes in condition at all. Usually, the cleaner a person is, the faster the crisis comes.

If body weight is not lost, then you can fast longer. In this case, a complete transition to energy nutrition may occur; some even do without water. But after such a transition, returning to food usually destroys the body. That is, after several months of fasting without losing weight, it is better to continue to live without food, or you will have to rebuild your body again for normal nutrition. Obviously, this is possible, but we do not know or have even heard of a single person who has successfully completed the reverse transition. But this does not mean, of course, that there are no such people.

“In other words, with increased absorption of CO by cells, in combination with increased consumption of nitrogen from the air, the most favorable conditions are created for the high-quality construction of nucleic acids, proteins and other biologically active substances necessary for full human life.” (T. A. Voitovich, p. 17).

In other words, when we are hungry, we consume carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air and create from them the proteins our body needs. But the question arises: due to what energy does this happen? After all, spending 100 g of his “meat” for the whole day does not even cover his own energy costs by half! Some people lose only 50-70 or even less grams per day and continue to be active. Due to what?

Let's remember plants. They take the energy of the Sun and therefore can convert the same carbon dioxide from the air and nitrogen from mineral salts into organic compounds. Man also has the ability to feed on natural and cosmic energies, but in the normal state this is manifested only in a very small number of people. Currently, there are only a few people known who eat nothing at all. In reality, of course, there are more of them, but so far scientists have only been able to examine a few of them.

These people constantly live on subtle energies, while an ordinary person begins to actively receive them only when he is hungry. But in order for the body to switch to such an optimal regime, fasting must be complete. If you consume even a small amount of “reinforcing” calories, the transition to internal nutrition will not occur, and there will be no synthesis of the necessary amino acids, DNA and RNA. Half-starved, a person becomes exhausted and even dies much earlier than if he completely abstains from food.

In general, fasting occurs very differently among people. Some are cold, others are not, some can barely walk from fatigue, others are full of vigor and do not want to sit at home, some are bothered by pain, black and green vomit, belching, others do not experience any particular discomfort. It all depends on the initial state, the mood and the cleansing procedures.

Actually, tissue renewal is usually noticeable somewhere after the 14th day. Ulcers, kidneys, liver and other organs begin to be actively treated. But this does not happen simultaneously. Our internal doctor, the subconscious, determines the sequence in which the cleansing will take place, what needs to be freed from first, and what should be left “for later.”

The main thing here is not to interfere with the natural course of things, but to help the body in every possible way - give enemas, take a shower, walk in the air, and, if necessary, induce vomiting.

A sign of complete cleansing and liberation from all diseases is redness of the tongue. A person develops a voracious appetite. This can happen on the 20th, 30th, or 40th day. In some cases, with “rooted” diseases, one course of fasting for healing is not enough. Then it has to be repeated.


It is important not only to be determined and not eat for several days, but also to break fast correctly. There are many known cases where people, through a careless approach, have negated all their efforts, and sometimes even caused direct harm to themselves.

The first stage of recovery lasts from 2 to 5-6 days. This is a kind of disease caused by a restructuring of the exchange for external nutrition. Weight continues to decrease and weakness is possible.

With the transition to more solid food body weight usually increases rapidly. Fat people It is advisable to restrain yourself if they do not want to return to their original forms. People who are morbidly thin tend to get better if only they are hungry enough and have uprooted the disease that is the cause of their thinness.

Sometimes, if the body has thoroughly tuned in to the vital cleansing, and the fast is interrupted (mainly after the 21st day), a good appetite does not appear, and weight is gained very slowly. It’s important here not to force yourself, not to try to stuff food into yourself, it won’t be useful anyway. Recovery can take up to 2-3 months, and there is no need to force this process. It is advisable to devote more time to physical exercise, especially outdoors, and not to eat more than you want.

Some, however, extend the fast to 49 or even 56 days, but in making such a decision you need to have extensive experience in fasting.

But usually it’s more important to keep yourself from overeating. It’s not so much physiological as psychological factors that are at work here, especially if a person on hunger mentally pictures various goodies and anticipates how he will then sit down at the table. Most breakdowns happen for this reason. And all complications after fasting occur only because of the wrong way out.

After all, during abstinence both the stomach and intestines become clean and tender, like a baby’s. Then they will gain enormous strength and will be able to digest almost rubber, but until they are stronger, even a spoonful of green peas or a piece of bread can lead to an ulcer or volvulus.

With a scrupulous exit, all dangers are eliminated. It begins for a person new life, he is filled with strength, he can handle everything. And it depends only on him how much he will be able to maintain this wonderful state - for two weeks, for a month or for six months.



If you decide to fast weekly, then it is best to choose the busiest day for yourself, filled with activities, so that from morning to evening there is no time to even look back. In the future, after some practice, this will no longer be so important, but for starters, it is advisable to distract yourself from thoughts about food. Work during the day, plan a movie, theater or big laundry for the evening - in general, you can always come up with something.

Date of Birth Zodiac signs Fasting day
March 21 – April 19 Aries Tuesday
April 20 – May 20 Taurus Friday
May 21 – June 21 Twins Wednesday
June 22 – July 22 Cancer Monday
July 23 – August 23 a lion Sunday
August 24 – September 22 Virgo Wednesday
September 23 – October 23 Scales Friday
October 24 – November 21 Scorpion Tuesday
November 22 – December 21 Sagittarius Thursday
December 22 – January 19 Capricorn Saturday
January 20 – February 18 Aquarius Saturday
February 19 – March 20 Fish Thursday

True, these data, valid in Kali Yuga, now do not always correspond to the true state of affairs.

New constellations have appeared, and the time boundaries of old ones have shifted.

So your day will most likely have to be determined empirically. Compared to other days, it stands out with a special influx of strength, high mood, and good health. On this day, the constellation gives a person a portion of energy, which he then spends until the next replenishment.

The interval between days when “its” constellation injects a portion of energy into a person was 7 days in Kali Yuga, that is, a week. Now some are pointing out; that this interval has increased to 14 days, but this information requires careful verification and study.

It is possible that to accurately determine your day you will need an introspection diary. A repeated sequence over several months will resolve all doubts (1).

Another important point for fasting is taking into account the phase of the moon.

As a rule, fasting from 1 to 3 days is easiest on the days of the new moon or full moon. Moreover, some people find it easier to go hungry during the new moon, while others find it easier to go hungry during the full moon.

You can, of course, ignore all these rhythms and fast, say, on Saturdays, as Porfiry Ivanov advises. However, Saturday was not chosen by chance either.

But, one way or another, the decision has been made, you have set a day and are determined. The day before, it is advisable not to eat animal food and especially not to overeat. It’s very difficult for those who reason: “I’ll still be hungry tomorrow, let me eat one last time...” We already know that the next day the body adjusts to the volume and composition of the food we ate today. And until this adaptive reaction is corrected by a strong-willed attitude, until the body gets used to starving, the beginner will be tormented by the pangs of hunger after excesses.

(1) Of course, there will be no exact repetition in amplitude - after all, the rhythms of the Sun, Moon, other planets, the annual rhythm, etc. are superimposed on the rhythm of the constellations (which give their energy through the planets).

So, the day before we do not eat meat, fish, eggs and products made from them, as well as cottage cheese and cheese, and we eat no more than usual (in moderation if possible). The more modest the dinner, the better. You can reduce it to vegetables or a bottle of kefir. Or, say, eat melon or watermelon. After a hearty dinner, a day without food does not count toward the fasting period (1).

In the evening you can say to yourself: “Thank God! I will finally cleanse myself and get rid of all the waste. After all, I have eaten so much food in a week, and tomorrow I will be free of all poisons. The body will become cleaner and stronger, no disease will take it. Tomorrow I’m resting, food doesn’t exist for me.”

Words and thoughts, of course, can be anything. The main thing is the proper attitude, awareness of the need for fasting and the affirmation of one’s “I” as the true owner of the body.

The next day they eat nothing and drink only water. It is better to use raw, purified or settled, very well thawed, or distilled. But not cold! There must be water room temperature or warm. And, of course, the water must be clean. If the water is not very good, you can drink distilled water.

Now the question is how much to drink. It depends on the purpose of fasting. If it is carried out for deslagging and prevention, then it is beneficial to drink more. Cleansing during a one-day fast occurs mainly through the kidneys, so it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day, and in hot weather - at least 3 liters.

With some practice, fluid adequacy is judged by urination. If the urine is yellow, concentrated, and even has a pungent odor, you need to drink more. If it is white and urination is frequent, then water can be limited. In general, the appearance of sharply yellow or even cloudy urine in the afternoon (during a one-day fast) indicates that cleansing has begun. If this does not happen, it means that the body is “swinging” slowly, or the person has cleaned himself well - he walked for a long time, drank a lot of water, did exercises.

Well-cleaned people who have extensive experience in fasting do not carry out any special preparation. Their body, from the mere thought of hunger, tunes in to it and begins self-cleansing.

It is better to drink water in small portions - literally a few sips. It is worth limiting its consumption only in case of edema of any origin. However, sometimes (especially for colds) a “dry” one-day fast is carried out - without water and without enemas. In this case, the element of Fire operates mainly, the body warms up and diseases are literally burned away.

Sometimes, however, it happens that during normal, non-dry fasting, water “does not flow”, and people literally force themselves to drink. A healthy person can equally easily drink a lot or not drink, but if the body is neglected, then there is no need to force it, there is no need to choke on water, but one should drink as much as it gives pleasure.

Now about enemas. With a clean intestine and ideal peristalsis (when independent stool occurs even on the third or fourth day of fasting), enemas are not particularly necessary. Otherwise, it's better to clean up.

An enema can be given in the evening before the day of fasting and another on the day of fasting. Some people prefer morning enemas, while others prefer evening enemas. The state of health usually improves after an enema, which is especially noticeable during prolonged fasting.

Heavily slagged people may experience very unpleasant sensations during their first attempts to fast. The body, rejoicing at the opportunity to free itself from toxins, immediately releases a lot of toxins into the blood. Weakness, severe headaches, and palpitations appear. Nothing wrong with that. You can sit or lie down, relax, and when the attack passes, go outside. If palpitations or headaches are very severe (or also when the kidneys cannot cope with the flow of waste), it is permissible to drink half a glass of water with a quarter teaspoon of honey dissolved in it. At the same time, the release of toxins slows down somewhat.

But the best way to prevent painful conditions is to walk more in the air.

You can go to the garden for the whole day, or go on a hike, or come up with something else. In this case, many toxins will be burned with oxygen, and the cleansing will be several times more effective and relatively painless.

In the most severe cases, when there is no way to last the whole day, you can try to fast not for 36 hours, but only for 24 - until dinner. In the evening, eat raw and boiled vegetables. If this is also difficult, hold on at least until afternoon tea. The main thing is to get off the ground.

For some, perhaps, before moving on to weekly fasting, it is wise to fast several times these days - on apples, watermelons, plums, grapes, cabbage, etc. But, of course, not with kefir or cottage cheese! A fruit or vegetable diet does a good job of turning on cleansing mechanisms, awakening defenses, and giving a beneficial shake-up to the whole body.

Breaking out of fasting

In order to extend the cleansing for another whole day and get the greatest effect from fasting, this solution is recommended.

Breakfast. 100 g of any fruit or vegetable juice. Then, before lunch, drink 100-200 g of the same juice every hour and a half. You can take another juice, but you should not change the juices every hour so that they do not conflict with each other.

Dinner. Vegetable salad, vegetable stew or Hercules porridge (without salt, butter and without bread). Buckwheat or rice (unpolished rice) porridge suits many people well. You can prepare a stew from raw vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, beets, pumpkin, etc. grate raw and add 2-3 tablespoons of kefir or yogurt.

A good and very convenient lunch - a few bananas.

Afternoon snack. A glass or two of juice or fruit.

Dinner. Vegetable salad and any porridge or boiled potatoes with 1-2 teaspoons of oil.

This solution is especially desirable for ulcers, serious gastritis, enterocolitis and colitis, but in this case raw vegetables can be excluded, and if you are intolerant to juices, replace them with oatmeal broth. It is recommended that all beginners adhere to this scheme, at least the first 3-4 times, as well as very overweight people.

A healthy person who is accustomed to fasting can immediately resume normal nutrition. In this case, the day begins with a cleansing vegetable salad and excludes from the menu all animal products and other concentrated proteins, as well as fatty foods and sweets. The day after leaving, do not eat animal food, very fatty foods and confectionery products.


Short fasts of 1-3 days are also called cosmetic. Indeed, this is not a major restructuring and cleansing of the body, but, so to speak, a cosmetic renovation. Some toxins are removed, the functioning of the immune system is restored, the digestive organs get a break, the tone of the nervous system increases, and energy channels are cleansed.

The external cosmetic effect is also very noticeable - pimples, abscesses, and pustules that so persistently haunt many meat-eaters (and not only meat-eaters) disappear.

Weekly fasting also has a beneficial effect on the psyche. The will is strengthened, significant “stress resistance” appears, and self-confidence increases.

How long to fast one day at a time

Fast as much as you want. Paul Bragg fasted almost his entire life, and with remarkable results. Others believe that constant weekly fasting is not very beneficial, as the body gets used to it.

Perhaps, for completely healthy people with normal weight, who practice longer fasts from time to time, there is no particular need to fast for one day every week (2).

(1) Almost all skin diseases stem from pride, the manifestations of which are very diverse. “When I fast, I am conceited that I am fasting. When I left my fast, I was vain that I had endured it. Having conquered vanity, I become conceited because of this...” - this is how one of the ascetics describes the insidious enemy. Victory here is not easy. Yoga, however, teaches not to fight, but to eliminate undesirable qualities by cultivating opposites.

(2) Such people practice one-day fasting as needed.

Another thing is a semi-sick person, for whom not eating all day is a serious test. He undoubtedly needs weekly fasting until he gets completely used to it and begins to systematically fast for 3-7-10 days.

In any case, there is no harm from regular weekly fasting. Moreover, for some, the “fasting day” becomes a kind of holiday that they look forward to, during which they relax and which, of course, should not be abandoned (1).


Having learned to fast for one day at a time and making sure that the body is clearly not going to die at this time and that the described “pangs of hunger” are significantly exaggerated, it is a good idea to move on to a three-day fast. However, at first, for a test of strength, two days will be enough.

You should not immediately start a three-day fast without doing a one-day fast several times. It is advisable to study the behavior of your body during hunger, to accustom the body to quickly switch to cleansing.

It is recommended to set yourself up for a specific date in advance and not eat animal food for the last 3-4 days. At the same time, prepare yourself psychologically in order to feel a strong determination to begin and successfully complete your plan. Over time, such a mood will arise by itself, as soon as a person realizes the need for ongoing cleansing. This will indicate a very increased self-awareness and liberation from a kind of mental blinders, food slavery, which hinders spiritual development. With the habit of fasting from time to time, many begin to feel joy after each decision to begin fasting and usually look forward to the appointed day.

But if the body has become accustomed to weekly hunger over the years, then this habit cannot be abruptly abandoned. Or you need to not give the body the opportunity to get used to it, deliberately breaking the rhythm - fasting during different days, make Omissions, increase the period to two days, etc. Mental strength increases with any conscious hunger.

If your intestines are clogged, instead of an enema (or after an enema), take a laxative on the eve of fasting. 30-50 g of bitter Epsom salt (or Barbara salt) is dissolved in 500 ml of water and drunk 5-6 or more hours after breakfast or a not very heavy lunch. They don’t eat anything else on this day.

If you don’t take laxatives or drink weak herbal remedies, then you can have a no-frills dinner the night before. In the evening they give an enema and, if necessary, drink a mild laxative at night, which is effective the next morning.

Of course, with excellent peristalsis, when there is independent stool all three days, enemas are not particularly necessary for clean, unslag-free people. But they cannot harm either, so if there is any doubt whether to do them or not, it is better to do it. After all, an enema not only removes impurities; during fasting, water is also absorbed through the intestinal walls with the reverse release of toxic products.

On the second day of fasting, wash the stomach with water in the morning. By this time, the acidity of the stomach contents increases, harmful substances are formed, and it is advisable to remove all this. In case of unpleasant sensations or belching, the stomach can be washed on any other day.

They drink water without restrictions, and if there is no swelling, then the more, the better (with the exception of “dry” fasting). Water is preferably raw, settled or purified (melt is even better). On average, they drink 1.5-2.5 liters per day. In winter, when it is cold, the water is heated. However, warm water works better in summer, if it is not very hot.

During the first 2-3 days, very strong cleansing occurs through the kidneys, so drinking enough water is important. But if you don’t want to drink it at all, then you shouldn’t force yourself. A “pure” person can trust his instinct. Sometimes, however, a few drops of lemon juice are added to the water for taste.

During a three-day fast, you can perform almost any daily activity. It is only advisable, starting from the second day, not to do very hard work (do not rearrange furniture, do not try to unload a car with soil in the garden, etc.), and on the third day not even carry heavy bags (more than 2-3 kg).

However, these restrictions are very conditional. Accustomed to fasting, healthy people often deliberately give themselves a larger load so that the cleansing is more intense. However, the approach here is strictly individual. If a starving athlete can and even should continue to do push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc., then not very healthy man, walking on the third day with a heavy bag can provoke severe pain in the stomach.

But walking is good for everyone, without exception, and the more, the better (ensuring, of course, that there is no severe shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.). It is advisable to spend at least 3-4 hours a day in the fresh air, in motion, and not sitting on a bench. (Although it is better to sit on a bench in the garden than at home).

Long walks can intensify the cleansing processes several times.

Breaking out of fasting

Juices. The entire first day is spent on juices. Tomato, apple, and plum juices are suitable. Grape and carrot juices, citrus juices and juices that are too sweet or sour are excluded. It is advisable to produce the output using any one juice, although it is possible to use different ones - on the first day one, on the second day - another, or before lunch - one, after lunch - another. It is generally accepted that tomato juice is the best(1).

For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum and intolerance to juices, they are replaced with mucous oatmeal decoction.

An excellent solution is obtained with watermelon juice. But it has been noticed that fruit juices make you want to eat more than vegetable juices.

If there are no juices, then in the evening you can pour a handful of dried apricots with a liter of cold water. In the morning, give the dried apricots to someone, drink the compote like juice, soaking another portion for the afternoon.

Another method, sometimes used when there is no juice or a bad stomach, is to boil a potato, crush it, add boiling water, stir and strain. It turns out to be a very liquid mash, almost like water. It is drunk straight warm.

This refers to canned tomato juice without salt. Freshly squeezed tomato juice does not suit many people after hunger. Salted fruit causes swelling and many destructions in the body.

There are other methods, but if you have tomato juice (and if it does not cause discomfort), then it is preferable to go out on it.

1st dose: in the morning, mix 50 g of juice with 50 g of water.

2nd dose: after 30-60 minutes, mix 100 g of juice with 50 g of water.

3rd dose: after an hour, 100 g of pure juice.

4th dose: after an hour, 100 g of pure juice.

5th dose: after an hour, 150 g of juice.

6th appointment: an hour later - lunch - 200 g of juice.

Before lunch, drink 100-200 g of juice every hour and a half.

Dinner. Raw grated vegetables or fruits, except orange ones. (The orange carotenoids contained in these foods are said to have an adverse effect on the liver in the first days after fasting, and negative effects may not appear until 2-3 months after the failure). For a sick stomach, liquid oatmeal without salt and oil is good. You can have bananas for lunch.

Afternoon snack. Apples or other fruits, or grated vegetables, or juices.

Dinner. Vegetable stew or vegetable soup, or porridge, or potatoes with a small amount of butter (one teaspoon) without salt, maybe with a slice of bread.

3rd and 4th days.

A gentle diet excluding animal foods, confectionery, some orange vegetables and fruits, limiting fat and salt.

5th and 6th days.

Predominantly fruit and vegetable diet (starchy foods twice a day) with the exception of animal foods and confectionery products.


Colds, bronchitis and many other diseases (except chronic ones) are cured by three-day fasting. The liver, stomach and intestines are significantly restored. The body removes a lot of poisons and gains new strength.

Recent studies have found that after a 3-day fast, the number of T-lymphocytes increases by 30%.

Frequency of fasting

It is very good to fast every month for three days and another one or two times for one day. This regime ensures the removal of almost all newly received and formed toxins and promotes a gradual, more complete cleansing of the body. The body gradually gets used to the clean state and over time refuses to accept more and more “dead” foods.


This fast usually lasts 7-10 days.

In people who are often starving, the crisis sometimes occurs on days 5-6 or even earlier, in people who are heavily slagged - on days 10-12. The faster the crisis comes and the more clearly you eat, the more effective fasting is.

In order for fasting to proceed as easily as possible, it is important to fulfill the following 4 requirements:

1. Set up for fasting in advance so that the body itself asks for cleansing. This is one of the main factors; with proper determination and avoidance of weak thoughts, unpleasant sensations do not arise at all.

2. Do not overeat before fasting. For the last week, it is also advisable to exclude all animal foods.

There are many cases where people who decided to go hungry leaned heavily on last days for food, they say, I’ll cleanse myself anyway! This mistake led to real agony; fasting was very difficult, and some were even forced to interrupt it.

3. Properly cleanse the intestines on the eve of fasting. It is best to take a large dose of laxative (50 g of Barbara salt per 500 ml of water) or do Shank Prakshalana.

Practice has shown that the more thoroughly the cleaning is done, the less bothersome you are about hunger in the first days and the better the removal of toxins occurs. There are cases (albeit very rare) when, with a clogged intestine, the feeling of hunger did not subside on the 4th-5th day, but persisted throughout the entire fast.

In the future, during fasting, laxatives should not be taken.

4. Do not neglect procedures and techniques that speed up the processes of cleaning and removing debris accumulated in the body.

These include:

* cleansing the stomach;

* proper drinking regime;

* physical activity, especially long walks in the fresh air;

* water treatments (swimming, shower, pine baths, pearl and mud baths, Charcot shower);

* massage and self-massage of the body, massage of the spine.

Let's look at them again.


Feces are formed throughout the entire fasting period, be it 5 or 50 days. After all, those cells of our body that must be disposed of are delivered to the stomach (spontaneous secretion) and then digested in the usual way.

But enemas do more than just flush out feces. Water is absorbed through the intestinal walls, and poisons that must be removed are released into the intestinal cavity. It’s no wonder that after enemas you feel noticeably better.

But there is no need to use them too often, more than once a day. Only if you have severe headaches or feel unwell, you can do an additional enema. Moreover, the volume of water for enemas during fasting usually decreases, especially if the intestines have previously been well cleansed.

Enemas are given every day, usually in the morning or evening, and are canceled only when the exit begins.

Stomach cleansing

On the second day in the morning, the stomach is always washed out, inducing vomiting. But if you experience unpleasant sensations, severe cramps in the stomach, or sour belching, you can cleanse it on any other day and at any time.

It has been noted that if you spend the whole day at home on hunger, your health worsens, your weakness and chilliness increase. On the contrary, after walking or working in the fresh air, although physical fatigue may be felt, the mood and well-being are usually good, the person is cheerful and cheerful.

Water procedures

At home, it is advisable to take a shower twice a day, a good contrast one (if you have done it before). Baths with pine extract also clean well. You can take a shower in the morning and a bath in the evening.

In summer, swimming gives excellent results. Even with very long fasts, when a person loses a lot of weight and doesn’t walk very fast anymore, it is surprisingly easy to swim in the water and after swimming you feel a wonderful renewal.

After water it is very pleasant to lie in the sun. The sun's rays accelerate cleansing processes, provide energy, and warm. In winter, to intensify metabolism, you can sometimes be irradiated with a quartz lamp.

In summer, another natural factor - air - works great. After all, cleansing also occurs through the pores of the skin, and the air, in direct contact with the naked body, stimulates the entire body. And in winter, even if it is cool, at least before a shower or bath it’s a good idea to undress and move around without clothes.

And those who practice barefoot walking continue to walk in the snow even in winter when they are hungry, wearing only swimsuits and swimming trunks. Needless to say, they get more from fasting than those who prefer to soak in bed.

Massage and self-massage

It’s very good if you can take sessions on a fasting basis general massage and spinal massage. But self-massage also gives excellent results. In the morning, lying in bed, in the evening, before bed and during the day, very simple but extremely effective techniques are performed. The basis of self-massage is stroking. Smooth the foot, lower leg, thigh of each leg, forearms and shoulders of the arms - approximately 50 movements for each part of the body. Smooth with a little force from the toes to the ankles and then up to the knees and then to the groin. Hands - from wrists to elbows and to shoulder joints. The palms fit tightly to the body.

Then in a circular motion massage the buttocks. The chest is stroked from the center to the periphery with transverse movements, the left half with the right palm, the right half with the left palm. For the chest, 20-30 rubs for each half are enough.

This massage only takes a few minutes, but it perfectly accelerates the lymph and blood, saturates the body with energy, cleanses the channels and distributes energy throughout the body, normalizes vascular tone and the functioning of the nervous system.

* * *

Fasting continues until a crisis occurs. After a crisis (it often happens at night), the mood improves and joy appears. There may be physical fatigue, but still the person feels obvious relief. Of course, a more reliable criterion is to stop rapid weight loss. To do this, every morning after bowel movement Bladder you need to weigh yourself. When daily weight loss decreases sharply (say, it was 600, 700, 500 grams and suddenly 150 grams), the crisis has arrived. The next morning, or after waiting another day or two, you can start leaving.

The speed of the onset of a crisis depends on the amount of slagging in the body and the habit of fasting. It can occur on the 5th or 10th day, and may even last up to 12-14 days. It makes more sense, of course, to plan for a longer period, then an early exit will be a pleasant surprise.

Breaking out of fasting

The entire first day they drink diluted juice (half and half with water). They start with 50-100 g, then every hour and a half they drink 100-150 g of the mixture. For “lunch,” the dose can be increased to 200 g. In total, drink about 1 liter of juice and 1 liter of water per day. They drink it in small sips, with pleasure, savoring each portion in their mouth for a long time. You don’t have to drink water separately while you’re juicing.

Drink 150-200 g of juice every hour and a half.

Drink juice before lunch.

Raw grated vegetables or fruits, excluding orange ones. Afternoon snack. Raw and grated vegetables or fruits. Dinner. Vegetable stew or vegetable soup, or porridge, or potatoes without oil and without salt.

Raw grated vegetables or fruits. 2nd breakfast. Raw grated vegetables or fruits (except orange).

Vegetable salad and vegetable soup with a slice of bread or

porridge with a teaspoon of butter.

Raw grated vegetables or fruits.

Salad and potatoes, or porridge with butter.

6th and 7th days.

Eat normally, excluding animal foods, orange fruits and vegetables, confectionery and limiting fats.

Then for another week they abstain from meat, fish, eggs and products made from them, do not indulge in cottage cheese, cheese, salty and sweet foods.

With extensive experience of fasting, a healthy person can go on juices for two days, and then eat raw fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes they even start drinking juice with water not in the morning, but in the afternoon, spend the next day on pure juice, and on the third day they move on to fruit. Breaking the Bragg fast is probably only possible for those who have been fasting for as long as Bragg himself and already have ideal health.

It’s clear that it can be difficult to endure an extra day without solid food, especially in winter, but was it even worth it to fast for a week and then lose half of the healing effect due to “saving” one single day?

In general, fasting before a crisis is a serious matter. The body is completely rebuilt to internal nutrition, and one single piece of bread can lead to best case scenario to an ulcer, and at worst...

No, it’s still better to scrupulously adhere to the repeatedly proven solution.


1. When going out, it is very important not to overeat. The way out is a kind of disease, a restructuring of all systems from internal to external nutrition. There is no need to eat more than the body wants (“mental appetite” after a long period of abstinence has nothing to do with the true needs of the body).

2. It is very important to chew your food thoroughly. Since many people do not do this, vegetables and fruits are specially ground so that they turn into mush in the mouth.

3. If raw vegetables cause pain, boil them or replace them with liquid oatmeal. For sick digestive organs, vegetable soups with rice are also very good.


This fasting, of course, does not yet cure serious illnesses, but its results are very noticeable. Joints are cleansed, remarkable flexibility appears, headaches go away, and sleep is restored. Heart function improves significantly, allergies decrease and often disappear. Many skin diseases, neurodermatitis and neuralgia disappear.

A person begins to perceive the world around him more acutely, lightness of the body and clarity of thought appear. Energy is renewed, strength increases.

How often to fast

It depends on your age and health status. In general, you can fast from about six months of age until old age, and the older a person is, the more he needs periodic abstinence from food.

Healthy people under 40 years old can be recommended to fast until a crisis once a year, from 40 to 50 years old - twice a year, from 50 to 65 years old - three times a year and over 65 years old - 4 times a year. For those who practice yoga and those who want to maintain the highest degree of health and performance, and at a young age It’s a good idea to fast more often before a crisis – 3-4 times a year.


In order to start fasting for such periods, you first need to master short fasts and fast several times for 7-10 days.

Preparation for long-term fasting is the same as for fasting before a crisis. For the last week they have not eaten animal food and are gradually becoming indifferent to food. And you shouldn’t try to put on an extra kilo or two at this time.

These kilograms will only result in additional days fasting required to burn excess weight and achieve the required depth of cleansing.

If the kidneys have prolapsed, a bandage is worn if necessary. It is also highly advisable to do additional exercises for the abdominal muscles.

The duration of fasting depends on the desired effect and capabilities. After all, various diseases are treated in different time. In case of tumors, diseased liver and other severe cases, they fast more. For current cleansing – less. The heart center and other chakras in the unprepared open during very long fasts. Often, however, several fasts of 21 days with breaks of a month - two are more effective than one forty days.

The subconscious always determines itself what to tackle first and what to leave for later. Many diseases are treated intermittently in several stages. Pain in different parts of the body indicates the cleansing of certain organs. So, the liver can be cleansed, for example, in the first week, third, fourth and sixth. At this time there will be an unimportant mood, irritability, and the urge to vomit. You just have to wait out such periods calmly, knowing that everything will pass.

When cleaning and renewal are completely completed, the person’s tongue turns red and a strong appetite appears. If this state is not achieved, it means that some diseases are still nesting in the body, their roots have not yet been torn out. In some cases, with the most chronic and deep-seated diseases, even a 56-day fast may not be enough, and after a few months the course will have to be repeated. This doesn't happen very often, but it happens.

Breaking out of fasting

When fasting for 21 days or more, three days are spent on juices.

The first day they drink diluted juice, the rest of the days - whole juice, as when fasting before a crisis. It is best to take tomato juice, you can also use apple, plum juice, but in no case carrot, grape or other juices that are too sweet or too sour, or citrus juices. Juices with sugar should also not be used.

On the fourth day, they drink juice before lunch, eat grated fruits for lunch and afternoon snack, and grated vegetables and a little porridge for dinner.

On the fifth and sixth days, they eat mainly fruits and vegetables; 1-2 times a day you can make vegetable soup with cereal or thin porridge.

From the seventh to eighth day, a little bread is introduced and vegetable oil(for the first time - 1 teaspoon).

Then you can gradually add nuts (if desired) and honey, following your instinct.

The diet after breaking the fast lasts for the same number of days as the fast itself lasted plus the days of juice release.

All this time, new tissues are actively growing, the body is in a hurry to complete its overhaul. It is very important during this period to maintain an alkaline environment, not to overuse fats, legumes, bread and honey. These days it is recommended to abstain from animal foods, milk and dairy products. Table salt is also excluded. The consumption of orange vegetables and fruits is also limited (this especially applies to carrots, rowan berries, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, and to a lesser extent pumpkin). They can be introduced little by little a few days after you start eating the oil. But the restriction is completely lifted only towards the end of recovery.


1. For people who are not accustomed to raw plant foods, some vegetables can be boiled.

2. In summer and early autumn, if you wish, you can spend several weeks eating almost nothing but fruits and vegetables, guided by your taste and condition. This sometimes happens after long fasts - there is a feeling of complete sufficiency of even the lightest food.

3. If you have no appetite and are slowly gaining weight, there is no need to force food into yourself. Such conditions sometimes occur when a person, having fasted for quite a long time and turned on the healing mechanisms at full capacity, interrupts the hunger without waiting for the tongue to turn red. In such cases, you should not eat more than you want and go on calories, this will not lead to anything good. Helps much better good job in the fresh air. Or you should fast for another 1-3 days, while doing more physical exercise, being outside more often, and generally living more actively. If even after this, after a few weeks, the condition does not return to normal, then you should fast until the crisis and increase physical activity even more.

4. If the body has completely cleansed itself, an irresistible appetite has appeared and the tongue has turned red, then the juice can be taken not for 3 days, but only for 2 and a half, listening to your condition. And with the transition to solid food, it is important not to overeat, although the desire to eat will be enormous, and after a day or two switch to 4 meals a day, and then to 2 to 3 meals a day.

5. Before complete cleansing, there is usually severe weakness for several days, and fear of death may appear. The worst thing is to break the fast during this critical period. Then a person can be haunted for a long time by hidden diseases that manifested themselves during hunger, recovery is much delayed, and sometimes it is even difficult to say whether fasting was beneficial or not.

6. It is very important after exiting not to miss the end of recovery (this is also true for fasting of short and medium duration). Before the end of the recovery period, a person usually has a sharply increased appetite, great productivity, and short sleep (3-5 hours). Then the appetite decreases. When a person sits down at the table, he is no longer sure whether he is really very hungry. If at this moment you show willpower and skip the next meal, rest for a day, reducing your diet to fruits, vegetables or dried fruits, and then eat only when you are really hungry, then you will be able to maintain a wonderful state of increased vitality for a long time. If, out of habit, after sighing, you again push the full plate towards you, then, alas, your energy level will drop quite quickly.

How often to fast

It is highly advisable to continue fasting until your tongue turns red at least once. In the future, it will be quite enough to maintain your earned health by fasting before a crisis, three-day and one-day. But, of course, longer fasts are not prohibited. In general, a fasting person usually gains such experience in 2-3 years that he himself already feels perfectly well when he needs to fast and for how long.



This is what people usually fear the most. Indeed, if you overeat in the last days before the start of fasting, and then listen with horror to your slightest sensations, then there will be little pleasure. But when a person takes this calmly, does not overeat and cleanses the intestines well, hunger as such does not happen.

On days 4-5, the food reflex usually dies out completely; the sight of food and its smells no longer even cause salivation. But it happens that a starving person, constantly thinking about food, anticipating how nicely he will treat himself after leaving, excites the food center with his thoughts (and even more - images). Then the appetite may be partially preserved, especially if the intestines are dirty.

Fighting hunger is not difficult. Firstly, you should try not to think about food. That is, to be distracted, to engage in some activity. Secondly, you need a decisive attitude. If you firmly say to yourself: “Today I am not eating!” - and the body will know that this is not a deception, then hunger will not cause much concern.

In the first days, however, there are hunger cramps, which are relieved by two or three sips of water or by ignoring these sensations. If the “sucking” is very strong, you need to drink 1-2 liters of water and induce vomiting.

In general, people who are starving usually carry a flask of water with them all the time, from which they sip a little if necessary.

But we must keep in mind that in beginners the food center is reflexively excited upon any contact with food, even if a person wants to be indifferent to it. This greatly interferes with the normal activation of the internal power mechanism. It is better for hungry people to refrain from preparing food and not to attend meals. Failure to comply with this rule often leads to sleep disturbances, headaches, heartburn, and irritability (1).


Weakness, drowsiness, and reluctance to move during fasting indicate a lack of energy. Its reserves can and should be replenished. There are many methods. These include the already well-known water procedures, massage, and walks. In summer, swimming and sunbathing are very beneficial. A fairly powerful way is to walk barefoot on the ground, with as little clothing as possible.

The effect of any method is greatly enhanced if a person feels his connection with nature. After all, you can simply swim, shower yourself, walk barefoot, or you can mentally greet the Earth and the Sun, Air and Water, and feel an inextricable connection with them, harmony and mutual understanding. And the elements will respond to your greeting, you just need to feel their response.

But, in general, some weakness is normal, you just need to be prepared for it. Usually, already on the second day a person begins to get tired, and in the future there may be periods when it will be difficult to even get up. But all this is not a cause for concern.

Any time you feel very tired, you should sit down or lie down and take a break. But you shouldn’t lie too long; after resting, it’s better to walk in the fresh air, and your well-being will immediately improve noticeably.

Relief is usually felt after the crisis, and somewhere after 14-16 days the condition improves even more. A thirst for activity appears, a person no longer wants to sit still, he is drawn to walk and communicate. Many remain in such an excellent mood until the very end of fasting. But the last days of long periods can be very difficult. Some even break their fast out of fear of death, when they don’t even have the strength to get out of bed. Meanwhile, this latest peak of weakness.

During very long periods of hunger, however, when the sight of food does not evoke the slightest emotion, some people happily cook for others without experiencing any unpleasant sensations afterwards. This can be considered harmless, especially if the food is not remembered or dreamed about.

Evidence of an imminent denouement, a kind of second birth, when the tongue is cleansed and strength is infused. Until a person has passed 40-50 days, he has nothing to worry about (1).

During the cold season, many hungry people feel very cold. This is also no reason to worry. You just need to dress warmer. In winter, some people wear 2-3 pairs of warm underwear, several sweaters, etc.
But not everyone is cold. There are people who hardly suffer from the cold. They perfectly tolerate hunger in both winter and summer. But more often than not, hungry people still feel cold. They should take more walks, take hot baths (coniferous ones are better) and... take a shower cold water. The dousing does not last long, just to “hit” the thermoreceptors.
If, despite all efforts, a person continues to freeze, then he can try to reduce the amount of water he drinks. Figuratively speaking, Water extinguishes the element of Fire, but without water, fire flares up in full force.
Very often, chilliness spontaneously gives way to fever. When the tides are strong, you can, accordingly, be naked and drink water.
In general, chilliness and fever during hunger are the most common phenomena. But if the fever is not dangerous2, then it is still undesirable to freeze during fasting, and one must somehow warm up.

1 According to some scientists, losing up to 25% of your original weight is considered completely safe. However, for obese people this value is undoubtedly greater due to significant fat reserves. For those who are too thin, the figure should, apparently, be reduced somewhat.

2 This refers to a tolerable fever that passes quickly. In the rarest cases, the Kundalini awakens and rises in the dirty body, and the person feels very intense heat for many days. This process must be stopped, for which they climb into a bathtub with cold water and sit there until it is pleasant. If you feel “stuck” in Kundalini, when the energy does not want to descend, ice is additionally applied to the perineum for 5-10 minutes. This is completely safe; no inflammatory diseases were observed with raised Kundalini. But usually just a cold bath is enough.


On the second or third day, the breath acquires a disgusting smell (if the body is not clean enough). That's what the secreted under-oxidized compounds smell like. Usually the smell of acetone predominates, but putrid, stinking and other equally “pleasant” aromas are often mixed in.
For those who are fasting before a crisis for the first time, their breath can become so foul that it will even be difficult to be in the same room with the person. Imagine how much waste he used to carry in his body! As you cleanse, the smell weakens and after about 12-18 days it becomes barely noticeable.
It is very important to help your lungs eliminate as many toxins as possible. The methods are already familiar to us: walking, physical activity, water and other metabolism-stimulating procedures.


This often happens when suddenly rising from a lying or lying position. sitting position(so-called gravitational or orthostatic collapse). After a few seconds, the darkening usually goes away, but during this time a person may fall. Consciousness, as a rule, does not completely disappear.
This condition is caused by a sharp redistribution of blood, the volume of which decreases during hunger. There is no danger here, but you should still get up slowly, holding onto the back of a chair or the wall (especially in the bathroom, after a warm bath).
Darkening of the eyes is more common and more pronounced in thin, tall people. Those who spend a lot of time outdoors, who do not lie in bed, and who are busy with interesting things are much less susceptible to these troubles.


A headache is a sign of very dirty blood. Most often, pain bothers you until a crisis. After a crisis, headaches occur when a person spends a lot of time in a stuffy room, in transport, that is, when toxins cannot be removed normally through breathing.

Headaches go away if you help burn oxygen and help the excretory systems remove toxins. That is, you should walk more, do not forget about enemas and water treatments. If the pain is severe, you can do an additional enema1. You cannot take any medicine while you are hungry.


Often, when you are hungry, an irresistible drowsiness sets in. There’s no point in resisting it; it’s better to sleep as much as you want. But don’t forget about cleansing and walking.
But it also happens the other way around, when sleep disappears due to hunger. If this does not cause serious concern, then you can stay awake as long as you like. If the inability to fall asleep is seriously depressing, then perhaps after 3-4 days of insomnia, having exhausted the usual remedies (long walks of 4-5 hours a day, baths, showers), the fast should be interrupted, and after 2-3 months the course should be repeated. In serious cases, it is advisable to have a specialist look at it.


Almost always something starts to hurt when you're hungry. This indicates that the cleaning of one or another organ has begun. After all, what hurts is what is healed this moment. Usually after a few days the pain goes away without a trace, but sometimes after some time they return again. It depends on the order in which the update occurs. It is difficult to predict anything here, because the range of diseases is always different. Usually we should rely on the work of our subconscious and wait patiently. The instinctive mind knows better than us what needs to be “fixed” and in what order.
Often there are completely unexpected pains that are not associated with an exacerbation of existing ailments. Then diseases that have not yet manifested themselves are burned out. Thus, incomprehensible joint pain indicates the prevention of impending arthritis. A restless pancreas indicates failed pancreatitis.

1 One lady was tormented by such severe headaches that she was forced to give an enema 5 times (!) in a row. The scientific approach won, and the pain went away.

Severe pain occurs when kidney stones pass. But it happens that stones disappear completely unnoticed, apparently having dissolved. People with ulcers sometimes (very rarely) experience bleeding, but this is not a signal to stop the course. On the contrary, for peptic ulcers it is effective to fast for at least 14 days. Even 21 or more days is better. And, of course, end the fast very carefully.


Before starting a long fast, it is recommended to fill all the teeth that require it so that there are no troubles on their part. Severe pain, however, usually does not occur during hunger, but it is still better to get your teeth in order in advance. There are plenty of other worries when you're hungry.
If your teeth still “itch”, pus, pain and other unpleasant sensations appear, you can rinse your mouth with slightly diluted dry white wine.
Very often during fasting there is a desire to brush your teeth. Many note that there is a literally irresistible need to cleanse them. However, this should not be done, since during hunger the composition of saliva changes, which acquires the ability to dissolve enamel. Teeth are normally covered with plaque, which protects them from damage. However, if you really want to, you can brush your teeth once a week. If you do this too often, you can lose your teeth.


With some gum diseases, as well as with sinusitis, pus may be released during hunger and enter the oral cavity. This is normal and no special measures need to be taken. It is better to spit out the pus and rinse your mouth with water, diluted white wine or a weak solution of lemon juice.

belching and vomiting

People with upset digestion often experience sour belching during the first fasting. When such belching occurs, it is necessary to rinse the stomach (drink water and induce vomiting) to prevent self-poisoning and disruption of normal internal nutrition. In the most severe cases, when persistent heartburn is added to the belching, and rinsing (up to 2-3 times a day) does not give the desired effect, you can gradually drink highly diluted mineral water(without gas).
With a diseased liver, there is also vomiting of green or even black contents. Vomiting indicates that liver cleansing has begun. At this time, your health may worsen and irritability may appear. The prudent thing to do is just wait a few days. Additionally, you can rinse the stomach with warm or even hot water and apply a heating pad to the liver.
When the discomfort passes, gastric lavage is stopped. There is absolutely no point in doing this procedure just like that.


The heartbeat itself is not dangerous. During hunger, the pulse can drop to 40 and jump to 100 or more beats per minute. If this is not accompanied by severe weakness or pain, then no special measures are needed. Otherwise, it's best to lie down and relax. You can also take warm, soothing baths. In the first week (before the crisis), if you have a strong, disturbing heartbeat, you can drink half a glass hot water with 1/4 teaspoon honey.


In case of persistent pain in the heart or increasing arrhythmia, it is necessary to restore the heart chakra, sometimes it is necessary to remove magic from the heart, etc. If this is not possible, it is best to do a cardiogram. In some cases, fasting has to be interrupted. Tolerable pains usually go away on their own; they can be calmed, as with palpitations, as well as with acupressure methods. Sometimes self-hypnosis, general relaxation, and contemplation help a lot. There is also a special mudra that completely relieves a heart attack. In the East it is called “Life Saving Mudra”.

To complete it forefinger bend and touch your palm as low as possible. Thumb apply on top, pressing the index finger with it. Connect the pads of the large middle and ring fingers together, the little finger remains straight. Do the same with the other hand. Hold the mudra for 2-3 minutes or more. Heart pain usually begins to subside within the first minute. Mudra, of course, is used not only during hunger, but also at any time and during any attacks. If a person is unconscious, the person providing assistance folds his fingers. And the mudra fully justifies its name - “Life Saving”. With me, in this way, more than once a person was brought out of serious attacks - and the blue, green face took on a normal appearance in a matter of minutes, the pain went away and body functions were more or less restored.


Such pain occurs when a person greatly overdoes physical exercise, forcefully stretches muscles, or is engaged in hard work. During fasting, against the background of general weakness, they are especially unpleasant. You can, of course, do nothing, but during hunger these pains go away very slowly. If they seriously bother you, then it is recommended to rub a small amount of ointment with snake or bee venom (apisatron and analogues), or mummy ointment, into the painful areas. Usually rub once, for severe pain - 2 times a day until cured. But we must keep in mind that when hungry, the body literally eats all the fats and creams that get on the skin, even lipstick.


When fasting for more than 28 days, people sometimes experience cramps. They arise due to a lack of certain elements, primarily sodium. At the first signs, it is recommended to drink 100 g of water with a few crystals of salt (preferably sea salt). You can also start drinking mineral water (a tablespoon per glass of regular water).


It is extremely rare, but it still happens that a person catches a cold when he is hungry (1). In this case, it is recommended to avoid cooling, drink less water (you can even do a dry fast for a day or two) and wait patiently for the cold to pass. The potential of the biofield during hunger increases so much, and the functioning of the defense forces improves so much that even the most severe infections subside quite quickly. Microbes are simply eaten by the body.

1 A cold occurs if a person criticizes someone, is indignant, or shows pride, or brags about his fasting.


There are times when the throat hurts for many days in a row, some kind of obstruction can be clearly felt, and speech is often difficult.
The fact is that during hunger, sensitivity increases sharply (1). And disturbances in the exchange of energies between people, which occur in everyday life, become very noticeable. What's going on here? Let’s say a person “gets stuck” on something, some events are too significant for him. Vishuddha chakra goes into an inharmonious mode and “grabs the throat.” Almost the same thing happens when transferring unnecessary information, especially if a person teaches someone and puts emotions into it. Or, depression occurs during the fast itself, when they are proud, talk about it, etc.
In such cases, the energies that cause imbalance flow almost constantly, and hunger does not have time to fully cope with the problem. Sore throat.
Among the “external” methods, silence (2) and Simhasana - the lion pose, as well as the tongue lock help. “Internal” methods (3) instantly relieve the disease, but even if nothing is done, during prolonged fasting the discomfort usually goes away.

1 This refers to the sharpness of some perceptions. The ability to endure individual adversities, on the contrary, increases.

2 Complete silence throughout the day is especially effective.

3 This is the removal of the cause, the influence of the energies of the constellations, an appeal to deities and other forces, etc.

Hunger is a universal remedy that affects not any specific disease, but the whole body at once. The Swiss doctor Berthollet said: “What hunger cannot cure, nothing can cure.” But still, this natural method also has contraindications. They, however, cannot be considered absolute, since more and more new data are emerging on the successful use of fasting in the most seemingly hopeless situations. But we can still assume that fasting is contraindicated in the following cases:

* Insulin-dependent diabetes (although it is also treated by fasting, gradually reducing the dose of injections).

* Second half of pregnancy and lactation in mothers. But sometimes pregnant women (even in the 8th - 9th month!) with colds and other illnesses can fast for 1-3 days. However, here it is necessary to monitor the presence of mineral salts in the body so as not to lose teeth. After all, an intensively growing fetus takes all the necessary compounds from the mother’s body, regardless of whether they are in a free state or contained in the tissues and organs of the pregnant woman. If you have a good connection with your Forces, it is best to ask them.
At the beginning of pregnancy, fasting is only beneficial. There are cases when women fasted for a month, not yet knowing about pregnancy, and they gave birth to healthy children perfectly.

* Far advanced forms of severe diseases (cancer, tuberculosis, etc.) with immobility of the patient. Although it happens that with special care even in such cases it is possible to achieve positive results.

* Many acute surgical diseases.

* Dystrophy, which sometimes occurs as a result of excessively frequent fasting. Its signs are that hair begins to fall out sharply and severe dizziness occurs.
Dementia and severe forms of some psychoneuralgic diseases, when there is no contact with the patient or he is immobilized.
If you are not weak-minded at the moment and are able to move, then fast for your health! Now, thank God, there are specialists in fasting, and you will certainly find someone to consult with.

Ar Eddar, Treatise on Nutrition.

It is clear that it is quite difficult to endure any long-term fasting, even physically, but mentally it is even more difficult to endure. And complete fasting, which many saints and simply esotericists often experience, is much more difficult to endure.

But people who have passed this test, and have undergone long-term dry fasting, often begin to look much younger, get rid of most diseases, greatly increase their energy, and even sometimes gain the ability to obtain energy from the environment. According to all the so-called pranoeaters or the sun of food, they first practiced ordinary fasting, which allowed them to subsequently reach a different level of nutrition.

Fast in clean places

It is also not recommended to carry out long-term fasting while sitting in an apartment or in environmentally poor areas, since the largest human organ, the skin, can become active and begin to actively accept moisture, toxins and energy from the environment. You can pick up extra toxins from the environment yourself, but there have also been cases when starving people suppressed the immunity of their loved ones and they began to get sick.

Therefore, it is better to be in the fresh air more often and walk in various parks and forests, sit near bodies of water, there will be good energy and fasting will be even easier. Many people even sometimes have a desire to sleep under a tree, or even to hug it, or just touch it.

There is no need to resist, this is explained by the fact that a person can receive energy from trees and nature, and during fasting he becomes many times more sensitive and receptive, and there are even groups of people who often engage in similar practices.

Therefore, usually in forests and in the fresh air there is a faster restoration of strength and normalization of energy, but in starving people these processes intensify, and sometimes they can even be consciously controlled.

Fasting as a spiritual practice

Anything at all fasting is a good spiritual esoteric practice, at a minimum, this is a very strong cleansing of impure substances in the body, and even negative energies.

To withstand prolonged fasting you need to have an unshakable and clear desire During fasting, the will and intention of a person is greatly concentrated and purified, which is why many priests, ascetics and other esotericists(not to mention spiritual leaders and the most famous philosophers) very often use fasting, which at least shows its benefits in energetic and spiritual terms.

Almost all fasting people note the fact of extraordinary clarity of mind during fasting, and this, by the way, has scientific logic. During fasting, the stomach hardly functions and does not take much energy, the body can use it both for self-medication and for mental activity, and there are even people who fast only to solve complex logical and intellectual problems.

Fasting in yoga

In terms of energy, fasting also has a very strong cleansing effect; in various schools of yoga and other teachings, it is believed that fasting cleanses both energy channels and human chakras. Cleansing the body in any case leads to greater closeness to nature, and tunes more to positive energy and thinking. And by the way, even to prepare for many shamanic and magical rituals, fasting is often used.

And indeed, it seems to me very unlikely that a person who has undergone, for example, 7 days of dry fasting would be left with some kind of damage and all the other negative energy aspects. And even if you do not believe in energy, spirituality and other immaterial heresies, then at least with fasting, the very cause of the disease very often disappears, and even if this disease had an energetic basis, which very rarely happens when treated with medications.

Return to Natural Health

Many mediums and others " seers“People often note that during long-term fasting, people experience a rejection of gray smoke, various energy bindings and all kinds of garbage, which, by the way, is confirmed by recently invented technical devices that allow partial observation of energy processes.

But even if we don’t believe in all this, in fact, many people still refuse to from alcohol, tobacco, and even drugs, and not for any philosophical or spiritual reasons, but simply their dependence disappears and often even a strong disgust appears.

Even unhealthy foods such as fast food, and often even meat, are abandoned after long periods of fasting; the taste buds are simply cleansed and unhealthy foods become unpleasant to the taste, while healthy foods, on the contrary, become much more tasty. And even if you have never eaten fruit and only ate sandwiches, there is a high probability that you will start eating normally, even if you haven’t done this for a long time and are used to it, eat everything you can get your hands on.

In general, there are many legends around dry fasting, it is possible that Jesus starved for 40 days in the desert using dry fasting, and at least in the desert it is not so easy to find a good, clean source of drinking water.

And even according to legend, Count Cagliostro, who they say lived for at least 5 thousand years, starved for 40 days without drinking water, while still being showered with some kind of powder, after which he again looked like a 25-year-old youth. Paracelsus said that fasting protects a person from evil passions and desires, unclean feelings and thoughts. A temperate life drives away demons, sins and vices from us.

Never stop hoping and striving

Fasting helps us see the Light of nature, learn the true philosophy of life, evokes true dreams, and allows us to penetrate into divine secrets. It is clear that these are all delusional theories, esoteric fabrications and fairy tales, but this at least shows that during fasting very strong, and sometimes incomprehensible even to modern medicine, cleansing and restorative processes occur.

Hundreds of times cases of incomprehensible “healings” and other “ miracles", and this at least proves that you should never give up, but you need to be positive, believe in the best, and continue to do your best. If you give up, it’s unlikely that anyone will help you, and if you strive to live, then it often happens like in the old joke « If the patient decides to survive, medicine is powerless here«.

Ecology of life: Health. Our ancestors did not have round-the-clock access to food. The biology of our body does not imply continuous nutrition for its smooth functioning.

There is a factor in our lifestyle that, apparently, not only provokes obesity, but also the development of many chronic diseases. This factor is the absence of very long breaks in eating.

Our ancestors did not have 24/7 access to food. The biology of our body does not imply continuous nutrition for its smooth functioning.

Fasting Helps Unblock Energy Sources

If you eat throughout the day and never skip a meal, your body gets used to using sugar as its main fuel, which interferes with the enzymes responsible for using and burning stored fat.

If you are overweight, it is possible that your body has simply lost the metabolic flexibility to burn fat for fuel, which is largely responsible for your problem.

To fix this, you It is necessary to reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates and, ideally, the number of meals. Fasting is one of the world's oldest dietary practices, and modern science confirms that it can provide significant health benefits.

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Intermittent fasting and long fasting

Intermittent fasting is a broad term that includes many different time-based eating options. Typically, it involves cutting calories completely or partially two days a week, every other day, or even every day.

It is important to alternate periods of feasting/abundance of food with periods of famine/fasting. By emulating the eating habits of our ancestors who did not have 24/7 access to food, you will bring your body into a more natural state while reaping a range of biochemical benefits.

“Peak fasting” involves fasting for 14 to 21 hours each day and eating in the remaining three to ten hour window. Obviously, in order for you to stick to this eating plan, you need to skip at least one main meal. To make this easier, you can gradually push back your breakfast time (until you completely eliminate it), after which you can simply have lunch and then dinner.

Remember that You need to have dinner at least three hours before bedtime. During sleep, the body needs less energy, so if nutrients are supplied during periods when energy is not needed, mitochondria will end up creating excessive amounts of harmful free radicals.

Avoiding late meals is a simple way to protect mitochondrial function and prevent cell damage. Once you are used to intermittent fasting, you may want to consider longer fasts during which you consume only water and mineral supplements.

I used to be against multi-day water fasts for people with ideal weight. I didn't realize then that a longer fast provided "metabolic magic" that was not possible even with daily intermittent fasting.

A multi-day fast is basically like "taking out the trash". It allows the body to speed up the processes of autophagy and mitophagy, which remove damaged senescent cells in the body, including precancerous cells. I believe that fasting is a great way to significantly reduce your risk of cancer. It's also extremely effective method get rid of excess weight and prolong life.

The man who starved for 382 days

I have noticed that most people are afraid of hunger. It seems to them that they will not be able to endure the unpleasant sensations associated with this. However, Fung says, an obese person could theoretically live without food for several months without starving to death.

A compelling example is a medical case from 1965 in which a 27-year-old man fasted for 382 days. At the beginning of the fast he weighed 456 pounds. In the end, he lost just over 275 pounds, and five years after breaking his fast, he had gained just 11 pounds.

Please don't misunderstand me, I don't recommend fasting for months or years. This man was under strict medical supervision, which is also necessary for those planning a long fast.

He took a daily multivitamin and potassium. I recommend taking a high quality multi-mineral supplement whenever you drink only water. What's interesting about this case is that it clearly demonstrates that even extreme fasting can be safe with the right approach.

Unless you have anorexia or brittle bones, are elderly, pregnant, or have serious health problems, fasting for three to seven days will not kill you. The case described above also demonstrates that muscle loss is an overrated problem.

ABC Science, which reported the case, notes:

“After two or three days of fasting, you get energy from two different sources at the same time. A very small portion of this energy comes from muscle breakdown, but this can be avoided by doing resistance exercise... Most of your energy comes from the breakdown of fat.

But very soon you will begin to get all your energy only from the breakdown of fat. Fat tissue molecules are separated into two separate chemicals: glycerol (which can be converted into glucose) and free fatty acids (which can be converted into other chemicals called ketones). Your body, including your brain, can run on this glucose and ketones until your fat stores are completely depleted.”

Why energy levels increase rather than decrease during fasting

Another serious reason for the fear of hunger is that as a result of fasting, a person can become physically exhausted and lethargic. During the first few days of your first fast, you may feel a little weak. However, fasting actually has the opposite effect on energy levels. Fung explains it this way:

“After four days of fasting, the basal metabolic rate is actually 10 percent higher than at the beginning of the fast. The body has not stopped working. In fact, he switched to other fuel sources. He switched from burning food to burning fat [in the body]. When that happens, it's like his reaction is, "Hey, there's so much of this stuff."

In other words, if you are suffering from overweight and apathy, fasting helps to unlock energy sources that are already present in your body, but to which you previously did not have access.

Fasting causes the body to start looking for a way to these energy stores, and once this happens, you suddenly have an almost unlimited supply of energy!

Insulin plays a certain role in this process. Insulin is the main hormone that tells the body what to do with energy: whether it should be stored or whether it should be used.

When you eat, you take in calories, which causes your insulin levels to rise. Higher insulin levels tell the body to conserve energy. When insulin drops, the body receives a signal to release energy, which is energy stored in your fat cells. This is why it is so difficult for people with insulin resistance to lose weight.

Fasting also helps improve the functioning of other biochemical systems in your body. There is a definite relationship between hormonal systems such as mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), AMPK, leptin and IGF-1 - all of which are optimized in the right direction during fasting.

Fasting also improves mitochondrial function by promoting mitochondrial regeneration.

Correct transition to multi-day fasting

Although the thought of fasting for several days may seem very daunting, there are ways to minimize the discomfort.

I went on a four-day fast after extending my intermittent fasting from 16 hours (which I had been doing for 18 months) to 21 hours, leaving only a three-hour window in which I ate all my food for the day.

After two months, I fasted for four days, during which my only source of nutrition was water and a multi-mineral supplement. I don't think intermittent fasting for 18 months is necessary before doing an all-water fast.

However, if you do this for a few months, you can dramatically reduce any negative side effects. I didn't experience any hunger pains, which I find surprising since most people who fast start to experience them on the second day. I believe this has something to do with getting used to the 21-hour fast every day.

So, if you want to try multi-day fasting, try your hand at intermittent fasting, after which you can fast for 24, 48, 72 hours or even longer. And remember that you are in complete control of this process and can stop it at any time.

In fact, one of the main benefits of fasting longer is a heightened sense of self-control and freedom. Once you finally realize that you can fast for several days without any problem, you will no longer be a victim of your environment. If you are traveling and can't find healthy food, you won't need to switch to junk food. You can simply live on without food.

If you are in a difficult situation, it will be easier for you to remain calm knowing that you can survive temporary food shortages without losing your sanity.

Types of fasting

  • Water and non-caloric drinks. In addition to water, you can also include other non-caloric drinks in your diet, such as herbal tea and coffee (without milk, sugar or other sweeteners, including artificial non-caloric sweeteners).
  • Bone broth fasting. Another option that Fung often recommends for long-term fasting is a bone broth fast. In addition to healthy fats, bone broth also contains a lot of protein, so it's not exactly a fast. However, based on his clinical experience, many who take bone broth in addition to water, tea and coffee show good results.
  • Fasting with fat intake. In this case, in addition to water and/or non-caloric drinks, you can consume healthy fats. You probably won't be able to eat a stick of butter, but you are allowed to drink something like butter coffee (black coffee with butter, coconut oil, or MCT oil). You can also add fat to your tea.

Dietary fat causes very little insulin response, and since you keep your insulin levels low, you still get more useful properties fasting, even if you consume a lot of calories. Adding healthy fats like butter, coconut oil, MCT oil, and avocado can make fasting much easier.

It is important to eliminate protein intake as it activates mTOR and may actually have a greater negative impact on metabolism than excess carbohydrates. The level of protein at which you can feel the benefits of fasting is different for everyone. However, you can probably see its results if you consume less than 10 or 20 grams of protein per day.

Important contraindications and precautions

Although water fasting is likely to be beneficial for most people, there are several absolute contraindications. If any of the following applies to you, long periods of fasting are NOT suitable for you:

  • Underweight, in which the body mass index (BMI) is 18.5 or lower.
  • Malnutrition(in this case you need to eat healthier and more nutritious foods).
  • Children should not fast for more than 24 hours, since they need nutrients for further growth. If your child needs to lose weight, eliminating refined sugars and grains is a safer and more appropriate method. Fasting is risky for children because it eliminates ALL nutrients, including those they need on a regular basis.
  • Pregnant and/or breastfeeding women. To ensure the baby's healthy growth and development, the mother needs continuous nutrition, so fasting during pregnancy or breastfeeding is too risky for the baby.

I also do not recommend fasting for people with eating disorders such as anorexia, even if they are not clinically underweight. In addition to this, be careful if you are taking medications as some of them need to be taken with food.

These include metformin, aspirin, and any other drugs that may cause stomach upset or ulcers. The risks are especially high if you are on diabetic medications.

If you take the same dose of medicine but don't eat, your blood sugar may become very low (hypoglycemia), which can be very dangerous.

So, if you are taking diabetic medications, you will need to adjust your intake before fasting. If your doctor is unfamiliar with fasting or has a negative attitude towards it, it is worth finding a doctor with some experience in this area so that he can guide you on a safe fasting path.

Energetic resources. Is the threat of energy starvation real?

Solar radiation is the source of almost all the energy used by both the biosphere and civilization. Only about 1% of energy used by humans comes from other sources - from the mining and burning of coal, oil, natural gas and uranium. At the same time, deposits of coal, oil and gas are also solar energy, once accumulated by plants. Until now, the development of civilization has been based on the development of ever new sources of energy and has been characterized by a continuous increase in its consumption, both specific (per capita - see Fig. 5.6) and in absolute numbers. Until the mid-20th century, wood and coal were the main sources of energy. From now on, worldwide energy balance Oil, gas, and at the end of the 20th century, nuclear energy are playing an increasingly important role (Fig. 5.22).

The consumption of fossil energy resources in such gigantic volumes poses a number of pressing and difficult questions to humanity:

  • How long will these resources last and what are the consequences of their depletion?
  • Can they be replaced and with what?
  • How to save energy?
  • How to solve environmental pollution problems?

This is a set of interrelated problems that require a systematic approach, but, unfortunately, are still too often solved separately.

In table Table 5.2 shows the timing of the provision of basic energy resources for the world as a whole. Estimates of these terms vary significantly depending on the optimism of a particular expert or expert group. This is due to uncertainty in reserve estimates, inaccuracy of consumption data and, most importantly, in the spread of recovery factor estimates. The fact is that as the deposit is depleted, the cost of production increases. Having spent a lot of resources, it is possible, for example, to extract 99% of the oil from the Earth, but this oil will be more expensive than gold. With modern technologies for oil fields, the recovery factor rarely exceeds 50-60%.

  • “However,” says the optimist, “in the future new technologies will be created, and almost all oil will be produced at moderate costs.”
  • “No,” the pessimist answers, “nothing particularly new can be invented here, and the extraction rate will only be

Table 5.2. Duration of availability of fossil energy resources (years)

decrease as we are forced to develop deposits with increasingly worse geological conditions.

The situation is approximately the same in estimates of energy reserves, especially oil and gas, on the continental shelf.

Whoever is right, but from the data in the table. 5.2 shows that hydrocarbon resources, that is, oil, natural gas and coal, will not last long for humanity. Added to this are a number of other important circumstances. Firstly, burning huge quantities of coal and oil leads to disruption of the geochemical and thermal balances of the biosphere with consequences in the form of a catastrophic increase in the greenhouse effect, possible growth of ozone holes in the stratosphere, acid pollution of soils, destruction of forests, etc. (see Chap. 4). Secondly, hydrocarbon raw materials, especially oil, associated petroleum gases (butane, propane) and natural gas, are the most valuable and, at the same time, cheap raw materials for the production of huge quantities synthetic materials, without which humanity simply cannot do without. From this point of view, burning petroleum products is, in the apt expression of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, the same as heating stoves with banknotes. Thirdly, the massive expansion of oil development onto the continental shelf and shallow seas can lead to complete degradation of the food resources of the world's oceans and seas, which are already experiencing far from better times(see clause 5.9).

Thus, the question of effective replacement of thermal hydrocarbon energy is one of the main and urgent problems facing humanity. When considering this problem, it is necessary to consider that currently only a quarter of the resources shown in Fig. 5.22 are used to produce electricity. The rest are used directly for the production of high-temperature heat in industry, heating and cooking in the home and public sector, as fuel in transport and in agriculture (Fig. 5.23).

There are two complementary ways to solve the problem of depletion of fossil resources: reducing energy consumption (reducing energy intensity production and everyday life) and finding alternative sources of energy.

  • 400 t


  • 1900 1920

Rice. 5.22. World energy balance in the 20th century. Primary energy sources include hydroelectric power stations, wind, solar electric, geothermal stations, etc. The category of firewood includes all types of biomass used as fuel - firewood itself, brushwood, straw, dung, peat and

etc.; I EJ (Exajoule) = K) 18 J

Developed countries have been on the path to radically reducing energy intensity for more than three decades. During this time:

  • technologies for the construction of “warm houses” have been developed, in which it was possible to reduce heat loss through walls and windows several times, which led to a decrease in heat consumption for heating;
  • modernization of thermal power plants led to an increase in the coefficient useful action steam turbine and gas turbine units on average from 35 to 42%;
  • Fuel consumption for cars and agricultural machinery has decreased by an average of 25%;
  • specific energy consumption (per unit of production) in energy-intensive industries has decreased;
  • tube electronics (amplifiers, measuring equipment, televisions, telephone and radio equipment) were completely replaced by semiconductor and integrated circuits, which led to a reduction in specific energy consumption by more than 100 times;
  • mass use of economical lamps with a 10-fold increased service life and a 5-fold increase in light output per 1 W of power consumption compared to conventional incandescent lamps began.

Unfortunately, most of these innovations have so far become widespread only in the richest and most developed countries.

Rice. 5.23.

Agriculture 9%





However, despite energy saving measures, the total consumption of hydrocarbon resources does not decrease, but continues to grow. It is absolutely clear that it is impossible to solve the problem of resource depletion only by measures to save energy, and a transition to other energy sources is necessary.

Alternative ways to obtain energy can be considered

  • solar energy, which directly or indirectly uses solar energy arriving at the Earth's surface;
  • nuclear energy.

The first way is certainly preferable from the point of view of safety and minimizing environmental pollution. It can be implemented based on several technologies

  • hydropower, using the energy of falling water;
  • wind power plants;
  • solar energy, using solar ovens for high temperature heat and water heaters for heating and domestic needs, as well as direct conversion solar radiation into electric current using semiconductor solar cells;
  • processing of plant biomass into organic fuel.

Hydropower Already now it occupies a prominent place in electricity production (up to 25%). It provides 100% of energy consumption in Norway and about 75% in Switzerland, Austria and Canada. Hydroelectric power plants are reliable and have a long service life. They do not pollute the atmosphere and allow flood waters to be stored for irrigation. In many countries, a significant part of hydropower resources has already been developed, and there are few suitable sites for dams left. Nevertheless, the “reserve” of hydropower resources is far from being exhausted, especially on lowland rivers. At the same time, experience shows that the expansion of the use of lowland rivers for the construction of hydroelectric power stations is not always justified, since large areas of valuable agricultural land are used for reservoirs, undesirable redistribution of groundwater occurs in equally large areas, reservoirs can quickly silt up, and valuable fish species are deprived of spawning grounds. Tidal hydroelectric power plants, using the ebb and flow of sea tides to generate energy, cannot play a significant role, since on the entire Earth there are only about two dozen places suitable for their construction.

Wind energy has been used by man since time immemorial. Currently, many countries are developing and using modern wind turbines that can operate efficiently at wind speeds of 6 to 10 m/s. Therefore, turbines have to be installed on masts several tens of meters high in order to raise them above the ground inertial layer of the atmosphere. Wind power plants They justify themselves only in areas with fairly stable winds, so it is advantageous to place them on mountain passes and on seashores. The power of individual installations ranges from 10 to 1000 kW. Turbines that are too large are unreliable and cannot operate in low winds. To obtain significant power, turbines are grouped into wind farms or wind farms. They do not require excessive capital investment, but their main disadvantage is the instability of operation caused by fluctuations in wind speed. While very efficient in remote areas with stable winds, wind farms as a whole are unlikely to make a significant contribution to the global energy mix.

Solar energy can be directly converted into heat or electricity. The earth's surface receives an average of 165 W/m2 from the Sun. If in a one- or two-story residential building with an area of ​​100 m2, equipment is installed that can utilize at least 30% of the solar energy falling on the roof of the house, then approximately 120 kWh will be received per day, that is, energy more than sufficient to fully provide comfortable life at home. This equipment must include a water solar collector for heat storage and solar panels to generate electricity. The challenge, therefore, is to implement appropriate technologies at an acceptable cost. Modern solar panels are capable of delivering power up to 60 W/m2 with insolation of 200 W/m2, but their cost is still quite high - 500-1000 US dollars per 1 m2. The resulting energy must be accumulated, since the maximum need for its use arises when and where there is currently no insolation or it is insufficient. Heat can be stored in water tanks, and electricity can be stored in batteries.

Along with household solar energy systems, which have already become widespread in rich regions with sunny and hot climates, a number of industrial enterprises operating on solar energy have already been built in these regions.

Main fundamental disadvantage solar energy - dependence on the level of insolation, which is distributed very unevenly over the Earth's surface. Therefore, in regions lying above 45-50° latitude, as well as in regions with heavy clouds, it turns out to be practically of little use.

Soberly assessing the total capabilities of hydropower, solar power and wind power plants, one cannot help but notice that they are capable of covering, in the best case, no more than half of humanity’s needs for heat and electricity. The use of fossil fuels for energy production must be reduced, since these valuable resources are very limited, and their combustion leads to an environmental and climate-related global catastrophe.

Consequently, humanity has no alternative to using nuclear energy to cover the emerging energy deficit. Modern nuclear energy, with few exceptions, uses reactors in which uranium-235 (and 235) is used as fuel. This isotope of uranium makes up only 0.7% of natural uranium, the rest is almost entirely uranium-238 (and 238), in which the fission chain reaction does not develop and which cannot serve as nuclear fuel. When nuclei fission and 235, a lot of energy is released, which is converted into high-temperature heat. For a chain reaction to take place, it is necessary that at least one neutron emitted during the fission of a nucleus and 235 gets into the same nucleus and is captured by this nucleus (Fig. 5.24).

The probability of neutron capture increases if the neutron speed is low. Meanwhile, neutrons emitted from a fissile nucleus and 235 have a very high speed (more than 10 6 m/s) - these are fast neutrons. Therefore, natural uranium is enriched, increasing the concentration and 235 to approximately 2.5-3%, and the fuel elements themselves are placed in a moderating medium.



Neutron losses





Rice. 5.24. Processes in nuclear reactors. Above - in a thermal neutron reactor (with a moderator): neutron multiplication factor * 2.07; For every 10 decays of uranium and 235 atoms, only 7 uranium and 238 atoms turn into plutonium atoms Pu 239. Below - in a fast neutron reactor: neutron multiplication factor "2.5; For every 10 decays of plutonium atoms, 13 atoms and 238 are converted into plutonium Pu 239. The letter p denotes neutrons, the letter e denotes electrons emitted during the beta decay of nuclei and 238

neutron carrier, which is used as water or graphite. Such a reactor is called thermal neutron reactor, since slow neutrons move at the speed of thermal motion of molecules (about 10 3 m/s). Some neutrons are captured by the nuclei of U 238 atoms, which after two beta decays turn into atoms of plutonium-239 (Pu 239). Thermal neutron reactors require minimal uranium enrichment to operate and are therefore widely used.

Plutonium Pu 239, like U 235, provides a self-sustaining chain reaction, and therefore can be used as nuclear fuel. Thus, having ensured the conversion of U 238 into Pu 239, U 238 can also be used to produce energy. However, in thermal neutron reactors, the amount of Pu 239 formed is only about 70% of the “burnt” U 235.

Consequently, the continuation of the construction of nuclear power plants with thermal neutron reactors is a dead-end path leading to a relatively rapid depletion of nuclear fuel reserves, since the reserves of uranium-235 are very small (Table 5.2). But nuclear technology makes it possible to obtain nuclear fuel in excess, turning uranium-238 into plutonium by irradiating it with an intense neutron flux in fast neutron reactors. Such reactors require a greater degree of enrichment of nuclear fuel, but provide 1.3 kg of plutonium from U 238 for every kg of plutonium consumed (Fig. 5.24). That's why these reactors are called breeder reactors(or breeders from the English breeder - breeder).

Thus, the real opportunity to provide oneself with practically unlimited energy resources and at the same time avoid an environmental crisis lies in the combination of nuclear energy using breeder reactors with hydro and solar energy.

The energy production methods discussed make it possible to obtain energy in the form of electric current and heat. However, these types of energy cannot be stored for long periods of time, and batteries, both thermal and electric, are expensive and very bulky. Therefore, the problem of fuel for transport and agricultural machinery, alternative to petroleum products, exists and has not yet been solved.

As one of the options for solving this problem, it is proposed to use hydrogen as a fuel, for which electricity must be used by electrolysis of water. Hydrogen is burned in fuel cells, which directly convert chemical energy into electrical current that powers the vehicle's electric drive. In addition to the fact that hydrogen is extremely explosive, this means that humanity will need to at least double the installed capacity of power plants, since the energy consumption of transport is equal to the production of electricity for other needs (Fig. 5.23). Exactly the same situation will arise if it is possible to invent lightweight and high-capacity electric batteries or use, for example, magnesium or aluminum as fuel for a fuel cell (information about such developments has appeared in the press). This means gigantic additional investments in energy and in creating a whole new industry industry for the production of hydrogen or its substitutes. In addition, in this case, both the automobile industry itself and the entire service sector of motor vehicles must undergo a fundamental restructuring.

There is, however, an alternative to such a ruinous path. Oil is a collection of hydrocarbons, a product of the chemical transformation of once existing biomass. All the necessary components are present in plant biomass today, hence the direct possibility of obtaining transport fuel from plant biomass.

Plant biomass is the most ancient type of fuel, still widely used throughout the world in the form of firewood, charcoal, wood waste, brushwood, dung and ordinary straw (Fig. 5.22). Significant volumes household waste, burned at waste incineration plants, are also included in this list. Another type of conversion of biomass into high-quality fuel has recently become widespread in China and India. Plant and other organic residues, including sewage, are collected in closed methane tanks, where, under the influence of bacteria, the processes of converting biomass into biogas, consisting mainly of methane. The solid residues from the process are used as fertilizer. This technology is good in countries with warm and hot climates, since when low temperatures it almost doesn't work.

The most promising use of plant biomass for the production of automobile fuel is the production of ethyl and methyl alcohols (ethanol and methanol) by fermentation and distillation. For this purpose, wood and agricultural waste, city runoff, etc. can be used. The resulting alcohols are cheaper than gasoline and can be used in modern cars with minimal re-equipment, and in mixtures with gasoline - without any re-equipment. The first experience in this direction was carried out and accumulated in Brazil, where 2/3 of automobile fuel is ethyl alcohol (ethanol), and 90% of produced cars can run on pure ethanol. About 10% of high-quality gasoline in the United States contains up to 15% ethanol. Diesel engines work well on a mixture of methanol (methyl alcohol) and regular diesel fuel.

Thus, humanity has sufficient resources to avoid energy starvation and at the same time avert the threat of environmental disaster, but for this, peoples and governments must significantly reconsider their views and timely and purposefully build a new energy policy.

“Every person is a collection of molecules. But such a molecular compound does not make everyone a Human!”

Svetlana Oriya

Chronic fatigue syndrome and recovery methods

This problem has manifested itself en masse since the end of the last century, turning into a chronic illness of busy people. And as usual, if a problem arises, hypotheses appear, and then research reveals causes and consequences.

This disease of the nervous and psychophysiological systems in the body is associated with the lifestyle of people who are in the tight rhythm of the sociosystem. Increased stress in achieving well-being causes anergy, weakening some functions of the immune system.

Which subsequently disrupts the biochemical composition in the body, forming psychosomatic symptoms. Experts in various fields have studied the nature of stress factors associated with the fact that the mental reserves of modern people have remained the same, but the load has increased significantly.

Because of this, people become psychologically unprotected, experiencing frequent stress, which leads to a decrease in confidence, unreasonable feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. Such people experience increased suspiciousness, anxiety, and a constant feeling of tension, which has a depressing effect on a healthy psyche.

Such people are at risk for emotional dysfunction, often experiencing depressive states. A person pays for success in civilization with his mental health, which wears out at an increased rate if the rules of psychological hygiene are not followed.

Restore the feeling of sufficiency, get enough sleep so that you yourself feel: I got enough sleep! If the sleep mechanism is disrupted, it is difficult to restore it, but this must be done while avoiding alcohol or drugs.

A short-term course of medication under the supervision of a doctor will help restore the ability to fall asleep and give rest to your entire body system. After which you should contact a psychologist and reconsider a more optimal load regimen, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Regulation (the ability to say “no”, determining what is important and what is not important); planning (remember that there are 24 hours in a day, do not try to push the boundaries of your natural capabilities by increasing your activities), restoring control of your boundaries determines your norm and works as a prevention of breakdowns.

Learn to cope with stress by working through your fears and developing your stress resistance through the development of personal potentials.

2. Food!

Fad diets often lead to a deficiency of essential chemical elements in your body. On the one hand, we spend calories while leading an active lifestyle, on the other hand, we limit their intake through dietary products.

Disruption of the nutrition required by your body requires restoration of a balanced set of products, taking into account the characteristics of your lifestyle, and not the trend of fashion.

Take biochemical tests and see a nutritionist! A diet is an individual set of products, including the variety that your body needs!

Remember that your body and psyche are connected by an internal connection; if the balance is disturbed, you will receive a “red” signal through the symptoms - don’t start it, react competently!

3. Rest!

Do I live to work or work to live? Find the answer that suits you. Nature is the best healer for our psyche, which is cut off from the natural environment, spending more time in a social environment.

Walks, silence, sea (any water), forest, parks, mountains…. observation instead of active action; slow down your internal rhythm: rush, impatience, anxiety - exhale all this!

Diversity of impressions: travel, pick up a hobby that does not bind you, but accompanies your interests; communicate only with those with whom you feel pleasant and safe; remember, the choice of friends or acquaintances is your personal time, do not waste it on toxic communication.

Change your rest style more often, plan it taking into account your capabilities and needs: activity and passivity, this is the ability to regulate, listening to your body’s resources. Avoid extremes: if you are overtired, do not exhaust yourself with sports; if you are weakened, then stupidly lying on the couch for hours will not restore your strength.

Do everything according to your own strength, listening to your signals, do not follow the stereotypes of “correct behavior” that exist in the public consciousness. Your vacation is an area for restoring your resources, cherish this area of ​​life, make it interesting for yourself and don’t get bored!

It will be interesting and not boring with you! More creativity to this place!

4. Relationships!

Super-experiences associated with achieving a result indicate how you feel about yourself: fear of someone else's evaluative opinion is addiction; Fear of not getting approval from a boss or other authority figure is a childish reaction that exaggerates the danger.

Work relationships involve a “boss-employee” subordination, but this concerns work functions, not your personality, rearrange your personality boundaries and clarify what is included in your functions and what is not.

Remember, the slave system has long been abolished, and the comfort of both parties also depends on your competent regulation of working relations. Love and intimacy are the most important zone of our feelings, affecting our stability, calmness and security.

In personal relationships, a whole complex of mutual coincidences (values, ideas, responses) is important, instead of forced-subordinate ones - do not transfer social rules into your personal life.

If trust is broken, clear the space between you by talking about your feelings and desire to improve the relationship, look for the causes of the problem and, most importantly, by removing mutual accusations - solving the problem!

People do not immediately realize whether there is psychological compatibility between them for a long-term relationship, choosing a partner based on social or sexual parameters. A family psychologist can help you if you are confused, but there is hope...

5. Responsibility!

The older we get, the more stress this feeling causes: for material well-being, for family relationships, for children, for parents..., for everything that is dear to us, we tend to take increased responsibility, adding many others to one...

The ability to flexibly apply a system of preferences in the current reality, “what is important right now,” will allow your responsibility to work as a guide, and not as a forced-blaming mechanism that puts pressure on the psyche.

Reconsider your outdated attitudes “what I must, I must,” they should not act as a sentence that deprives you of maneuvering. Consciously choosing what you think is really important now, and not because someone will be offended, will allow you to act more responsibly, ignoring the emotional manipulations of your environment.

Remember that there is a big difference between diligence and responsibility: diligence is associated with instructions from the outside world (acquired skills and experience), and responsibility is your conscious choice of where you direct it, based on your answers and agreement with yourself.

The energy reserve responds to your own attitudes and habitual rhythm associated with an established lifestyle, and most importantly, with your conscious or mechanistic attitude towards the life itself that you live.

Chronic fatigue syndrome means that you have changed, your loads have increased, but your old regulatory system has not changed and is not coping well. If you are susceptible to stress, develop stress resistance by pushing the boundaries of your worldview.

If you are afraid of a lack of stability in your life, relax, there is none - it is the result of your inner sense of self.

Be attentive to your health and love yourself in different ways, taking care of your needs, then you will become reliable and resilient, both for yourself and for others.

Svetlana Oriya, psychologist, 10.24.15, Israel publication source –

Note from the news feed:

“If you constantly feel sleepy during the day, if you yawn and dream of lying down for at least 10 minutes, this means only one thing: you suffer from energy starvation. To shake yourself up, you can, of course, drink a cup of strong coffee or eat a couple of slices of dark chocolate, but this is a symptomatic “treatment”.

The main thing is to identify the underlying cause of chronic fatigue and lack of energy, writes the British newspaper The Daily Mail. In the UK, around 4 million women suffer from anemia, caused by a lack of iron in the body.

In some cases, the cause of energy starvation may be chronic dehydration, diabetes mellitus and vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms of energy starvation include fatigue, dizziness and rapid heartbeat. To produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body, iron is first required.

Recently, many countries have seen a real epidemic of iron deficiency; millions of people suffer from this disease. One of the richest sources of iron is red meat. You should also eat as many green vegetables as possible.
