Unborn children (from spiritual psychology). Unborn children of the clan - Women's Sanga Do unborn children have souls

It is no secret that abortion is considered murder in almost all religious denominations of the world, and many spiritual practices open the veil on what happens to the mother-child bond and what happens if parents decide to get rid of the one who gave life

© Pino Daeni

It is no secret that abortion is considered murder in almost all religious denominations of the world, and many spiritual practices open the veil on what happens to the mother-child bond and what happens if parents decide to get rid of the one they gave life to.

Many of us are children Soviet Union, and I, as a paramedic-obstetrician by first education, know firsthand that earlier abortion Many women considered it as a means of contraception. Accordingly, there are few people who are over twenty years old and who do not have unborn brothers and sisters. And if the church claims that an aborted child is a sin that is borne by the parents, then I want to direct your attention to how unborn children affect those born.

From a systemic point of view, a family is a system consisting of interconnected representatives who influence each other, regardless of whether they are alive or not. So, we can have a good, strong connection with our deceased grandmother, repay our great-grandfather’s debts, repeat our mother’s fate older sister, which everyone forgot about and did not allow themselves development and well-being in memory of their repressed relatives. Everything that is not put to rest, mourned and forgotten affects our lives in one way or another.

The strongest and most stable bond is the bond between parent and child. Every child carries his family in his heart. And often he doesn't know where his feelings are coming from - we call these "entanglements." The child is, as it were, woven into events and the destinies of people that he may not even know about. Basic Rule family relations states: all relatives have the right to belong. If one of them is excluded, then the fate of the excluded person may affect another family member in the next generation, and this can manifest itself in depression, unmotivated attacks of aggression, reluctance to live, phobias, irrational behavior patterns and diseases. And until the right of the excluded is restored, until he is given his due, the living are connected by invisible threads with those who have long been gone.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to offer you a clear structure of who and for what reasons falls into this or that interweaving, because each fate is unique, since each system is unique, and nevertheless, we can see certain patterns, but not probabilities.

Let's try to make some kind of classification of the problems faced by a person who has unborn children and one who has unborn brothers and sisters.

By “unborn” I mean: aborted, stillborn, miscarriage, fertilized eggs during artificial insemination, as well as embryos that are “frozen”, and children who were not born if the mother used the contraceptive device “coil” (then the woman as a rule, she does not know how many times she became pregnant, and this needs to be clarified through constellation or other types of work with the unconscious).


Abortion has a profound effect on the soul. Parenthood begins at the moment of conception and cannot be abolished by abortion.
The consequences of an abortion for parents are usually much worse than if they gave birth to a child.
The blame for what happened cannot be shared - everyone has their own.
If a woman, having become pregnant, did not tell her partner about it, her responsibility and guilt are aggravated.
With every abortion, part of the relationship is aborted. Physically, this may be the cessation or disruption of a sexual relationship, but this rupture truly occurs at the level of souls. The situation remains this way until each of the parents admits their guilt, until they mentally look at the child and give him a place in their heart. Then both can be together.
A couple's relationship cannot be completed if there are unaccepted unborn children. On a subtle level, this connection remains as long as they are alive.


The mother's soul experiences the abortion as if she had lost a part of herself. She is drawn to the dead child, she is drawn to death. The pain from this is so great that in most cases this movement passes into the sphere of the unconscious and the woman may feel a loss of strength, a lack of energy, as if her life was leaking somewhere.
The mother's heart remains with the first unborn child until he is mourned for her; she is “closed” to other children. A child who is born later may unconsciously experience fear towards the mother.
A man who has aborted children has some financial problems.
Living children may be restless, ill, have trouble studying, and accidents may occur to them. The parent may feel that they do not have a truly good connection with the child.


If you have an unborn brother or sister before you, then this child “gave up” his place in the system to you, because, most likely, you would not have existed. Then often such people do not have a good life: they may feel that they do not have the right to live, feel that they are living several lives at the same time, and have financial difficulties. It's as if they can't afford a full-fledged happy life. Typically, such people have difficulty choosing a profession and complain about their inability to find their way. They have several educations in their arsenal, they often change jobs, their personal relationships are complex and varied, and among their friends there are many different and radically different people.

There are two scenarios in their interaction with their mother: detachment, sometimes aggressive agitation in cases when the mother demands or teaches something, “getting stuck” in relationships - such a child feels that he is given too much (for two, or even for three). And the second option: within him there is not a need, but a sense of duty - he must be successful, famous, leave his mark in this life. It’s as if a person in his heart looks at his unborn brothers and sisters and says to them: “I will live my life for us all!” - and this is precisely what causes many of his failures.
If there are unborn children after you, then the dynamics are less varied, but, as a rule, the sphere of family relationships suffers. Even having created our own family, we feel that we are in the service not only of her, but also of our friends, and at work - for the reason that our soul becomes a “mother” for our brothers and sisters, because our mother doesn't look at them.
If you have unborn brothers and sisters before and after you, then it is often difficult for such a person to do anything with their life. In describing their life, they can use the phrases “I don’t feel support under my feet”, “the ground is disappearing from under my feet”, “I don’t know who I am and what I want from this life”, “I have no taste for life”, “I feel like I’m living, but I’m not here”, “I have a feeling that I’m not living my life”...
If there are unborn children between living brothers and sisters, then they feel alienated from each other, sometimes this alienation turns into an abyss.

There are many other nuances, each of which has its own patterns and patterns in different cases. For example, men who have children conceived artificially almost always face serious financial problems. And the point is not only that several embryos are used in this procedure, and success is not always achieved the first time, which means that all these children were not only brothers and sisters, but often twins, and such a connection is even stronger than the bond between mother and child. IN in this case such a system can be influenced by great forces, I would say, the forces of nature. We have a saying: “God gave a child, he will also give for a child,” but if you “bought” him, she stops cooperating, and here it’s practically impossible to do without serious work to correct this situation.

You may ask: what do miscarriages and stillborn children have to do with it, no one killed them? This is true, but often the pain of the loss is so great that the couple is unable to truly mourn and let go of such a child. At first, they look for someone to blame, explicitly or implicitly trying to shift the blame onto each other, onto the doctors, or even onto God himself. But if such a child is not talked about, if he has been forgotten or there is pain when remembering him, it means that he is still not mourned, he is excluded, which means there will be someone who will partially or completely take his place.

Let me give you a few examples of client work.
A young woman complained that no one wanted to be friends with her five-year-old son in kindergarten. The parents have already changed their third kindergarten, they are trying their best, buying toys and sweets for the baby, teaching him to share them with other children, but everything is in vain. According to the mother, her child is a kind, nice boy who is suffering greatly due to the current situation.

In the arrangement, she was asked to choose substitutes for her son and for other children and arrange them the way she felt. Right away everything looked normal, except that the boy’s deputy had unpleasant sensations in his body, an unclear perception of reality, and a sore throat. The mother recognized all these symptoms. But when the baby’s substitute began to approach other children, they felt fear and looked not at the child, but at the seats next to him. We introduced additional deputies into the arrangement and placed them to the right and left of the boy, and from feedback we found out that these were also children, this is how they perceived themselves and the boy’s deputy. The client said she had two abortions before her son, a miscarriage, and two more abortions after his birth. When the missing number of children was introduced, everyone felt better. The child's substitute looked at them with love, he was very happy and felt absolutely happy. The mother remembered how her son repeatedly communicated with invisible friends in his games, and she was sure that they were figments of his imagination due to the lack of real friends, and now she was able to see how things really were.

She was asked to enter the arrangement herself, to look at her children, and it was clear how difficult each step was for her, but when she was able to say: “You are my children, and I am your mother,” the “children” rushed to her, and she I was able to fully surrender to my feelings. While she cried and hugged her unborn children, her son became wary of approaching the other children, and this time they allowed him to do so.

Another client asked that her partnership was not working out at all, and her relationship with her children was not the best. As she, with the help of deputies, arranged her family, it became obvious that the woman's focus was in a completely different place - she was looking at a place on the floor; when a deputy was placed in this place, the client’s deputy came up to him, lay down next to him, hugged him and closed her eyes. She hugged him the way a mother hugs a child, and the deputy lay down in the fetal position. The eldest daughter quietly approached them and lay down next to them. When the son also wanted to follow them, his father stopped him.
It turned out that this was a stillborn child of this woman from her first marriage. She only knows that it was a girl, and the doctors didn’t even show her to her mother. When the woman was able to look at her child and admit that she had not cried wholeheartedly for her, the atmosphere of tension and pain that all the deputies felt began to change. The client gave her daughter a name and promised that she would give her one day of her life: she said that she would take her hand and show her Kiev, that they would go to a children's store, and she could choose a toy for herself, and then they would go to the circus (namely an unborn girl wanted to go there). And only after this the woman was able to truly see her daughter, son and husband; before that she felt as if in a veil. The client’s first husband was included in the arrangement; the son from his second marriage felt a connection with him. The woman said that he really behaves as if he were her partner and not her son. He tried to look after her, always paid attention to how she was dressed, and once even declared that when he grew up, he would marry her. The first husband in this system was also expelled, and the client's son took his place. The children did not know about the client’s first marriage, or about their stillborn sister.

The woman was able to look into her eyes ex-husband and say that now their daughter has a name, thank him for everything and turn to his family.

The husband stood with their two children and was glad that now she would be with them. In life, he actually told his wife that he didn’t feel her, that she was somewhere not here, which caused her irritation and misunderstanding. In this arrangement, we saw that part of the client’s heart remained in her past, which was closed and forgotten along with the pain that remained unlived. The eldest daughter followed her and for this reason she had poor health and a weakened immune system. The son took the place of the first husband, so the entire previous family was “assembled.” And only the current husband was left alone - there was no place for him, which affected the partnership.

In fact, the topic of unborn children is much deeper - it is endless, like life itself in all its manifestations. And each story requires its own approach and its own unique solution. One thing is important: everyone in the system has their own place and we must live our lives, being in it - this guarantees us support and the ability to cope with everything that our fate has in store for us. To do this, you need to open your heart to everyone who has ever belonged to our system and give them space. Then the dead will remain in the world of the dead, and we will not have the need to live someone else's life.

Article by a psychologist from the Center "5 YES!" Marina Morozova

More recently, abortion was considered an ordinary medical operation, painful, unpleasant, leading to various complications in the woman’s body, but nothing more.
“Just think, a piece of meat was cut out,” some say, “all women have abortions.”

But what happens during an abortion and after in a woman’s soul? Does it really all come down to physiology?

It is no coincidence that abortion is considered a huge sin - the sin of murder from the point of view of any religion. It is destructive to a woman’s soul, her destiny and negatively affects her other born children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. This is popularly called the "ancestral curse."

The soul of an aborted child also suffers. A child's soul may be offended and angry at his parents for not allowing him to be born and come into this world. And modern systemic family psychology confirms this.

Let’s say that when we do family constellations, the substitutes of aborted children feel pain, resentment and anger at their parents, rejection, and condemnation of them. They are also connected with their born brothers and sisters and influence their fate. They may envy them, be jealous, be offended, be angry, and born brothers or sisters may yearn for them, feel pain, a desire to meet the deceased (that is, their soul looks into the other world, at an aborted brother or sister), reluctance to live, anger at parents, distrust of them.

Such a child may withdraw into himself, feel depression, apathy (which is interpreted as laziness), fatigue, and fatigue. He gets sick a lot or studies poorly, is not interested in anything, has conflicts with his parents and teachers, and has no friends. Any destructive behavior of a child may be a consequence of abortion in the family.

Consequences of abortion for a woman

A woman who has had an abortion, even if she does not remember it (amnesia is a protective mechanism of the psyche), constantly experiences a feeling of guilt and unconsciously punishes herself for this through various unpleasant situations (illness, financial problems, conflicts). Believing women feel sin and regard any failure in life as God's punishment for it.

The soul of such a woman looks into that world, at the soul of her child, and is closely connected with it. She yearns and deeply suffers for the child, experiences loss, and at the same time is angry with herself, the man (the child’s father) and other people whom she considers to be the culprit of the abortion. She may have visions, nightmares, depression, a desire to commit suicide (and even attempts to do so). According to scientists at the University of Minnesota, 76% of women who had an abortion thought about suicide, and 24% attempted it.

One common cause of depression is abortion (or any other unborn child).

A woman is not 100% here in this world, with her husband and children. Part of her soul is, as it were, “broken off” from her and is there, with that child. This means she cannot live fully, fully communicate with her husband (men) and children, fully create, work, and even more so cannot afford to enjoy life, be happy, loved, healthy, rich.

The woman becomes as if frozen, cold, indifferent, indifferent. This freezing is a defense mechanism. In order not to feel pain, guilt and anger, a person unconsciously freezes feelings. A kind of anesthesia occurs, as a result of which a person ceases to feel at all, including love, gratitude, warmth, joy, pleasure, interest in life.

The children of such a woman do not receive enough of her love and warmth; she takes care of them automatically, out of a sense of duty. Children may be afraid of her for seemingly incomprehensible reasons, or it may seem to her that they are looking at her reproachfully.

The husband does not receive her love and warmth, and the relationship with him deteriorates.

She is connected with the aborted child and part of her energy also goes to him. Therefore, such a woman often feels a lack of energy and strength, gets tired quickly, has a disturbed appetite and sleep, and experiences apathy. Accordingly, she does not have the energy to achieve her goals, fulfill her desires, or complete self-realization. As a rule, a woman does not understand that her reluctance to live, depression, apathy, lack of strength, and constant fatigue are associated with an abortion. She explains this to herself somehow differently.

It has long been known that abortion can lead to infertility, infections, inflammation and various diseases in the female sphere. But the fact that a woman’s soul receives severe mental trauma has only recently begun to be talked about. There is even such a thing as post-abortion syndrome.

Consequences of abortion for men

And even more so, it seems strange to many that the soul of the child’s father also suffers (men also have post-abortion syndrome). After all, his soul is also connected with the aborted child, and also yearns for him.

If a man was the initiator of an abortion, then most often the reason for this is a reluctance to take responsibility, fear of responsibility, that is, this is a manifestation of weakness. But according to his biological program, a man is a protector, he is obliged to protect his offspring. And if he insisted on an abortion, he went against nature, behaved not as a defender, but as a murderer. This inevitably gives rise to feelings of guilt and anger at oneself. And subsequently, a man can unconsciously punish himself through various situations: alcoholism, illness, loss of work, business, money or workaholism.

Men often experience aggression towards themselves and the woman who had an abortion, and often transfer this aggression to all women. Men can also experience depression and a reluctance to live, even to the point of attempting suicide.

Unwillingness to live and depression in both men and women can manifest themselves through alcoholism, drug addiction, passion for extreme sports, unjustified risk (driving behavior) - these are the so-called forms of hidden suicide.

Consequences for relationships

Abortion has a very negative impact on the relationship between the father and mother of an aborted child. These relationships also seem to be aborted. A crack appears in the relationship, which gradually widens and leads to a break (divorce) or mutual hatred.

In any case, the relationship will no longer be as cloudless as before. People do not understand the reasons for the deterioration of relationships, since they know nothing about the impact of abortion on these relationships. In any case, consciously or unconsciously, everyone blames their partner for what happened (shifting the blame onto the shoulders of the other is a way of defense).

Tatyana K. came to the constellation due to a deterioration in her relationship with her husband. The arrangement showed that their aborted child stood between her and her husband. She looks only at the child, the rest does not interest her. When the woman saw this, she cried bitterly. After the constellation, her relationship with her husband improved dramatically.

Abortion has an extremely negative impact on the personal lives of both men and women. Having parted with the father or mother of their aborted child, it is difficult for them to find a “soul mate,” because when part of the soul is connected to an unborn child, a person is not completely in this world and cannot build full-fledged relationships. In addition, if a person understands that another relationship can lead to an abortion - and therefore pain and murder, then a desire appears to avoid them.

Intimate relationships (not necessarily with the mother or father of an aborted child) suffer deeply, because intimacy is a manifestation of love on a physical level, and the child is the fruit of this love.
The subconscious fear of unwanted pregnancy intensifies, the fear of another abortion prevents you from relaxing and enjoying sex.
Moreover, this can lead men to impotence, and women to female diseases in which sex is excluded (it hurts or you cannot have sex). It can be infectious diseases, tumors, vaginismus.

Thus, people may unconsciously and even consciously reject sex or simply lose interest in it. Just as a woman after a difficult birth may lose interest in sex (since it results in pain and the risk of losing her life), so after an abortion, both a man and a woman can lose interest in sex, and even experience an aversion to it. And this can manifest itself through impotence, illness, avoidance of sex and any relationships with the opposite sex.

Health consequences of abortion

The fact that abortion negatively affects women’s health has long been known and confirmed by medicine. Various neoplasms are often the result of abortion, not only in the woman herself, but also in her children/grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

So, in one constellation we worked with one woman who had cysts in her breasts. This symptom pointed to her grandmother's two aborted children (for the woman, her unborn aunt and uncle). Literally a month after the placement, the woman did an ultrasound and the cysts disappeared.

Consequences of medical abortion

Medical abortion - abortion for medical reasons - has a slightly less impact, since in this case there was no deliberate murder, but nevertheless the feeling of guilt can be very strong. A woman may blame herself for not being careful and not taking good care of herself and her unborn child.

This child could have been desired and long-awaited, and the grief from losing him is very deep. The souls of mother, father, sisters and brothers (even those born after an aborted child) remain forever connected with him.

Unborn children (miscarriage, missed pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy): remember or forget?

Miscarriage, ectopic and frozen pregnancies occur through no fault of the woman, but nevertheless she can blame herself for this, doubt that she did everything to bear this child. Therefore, the feeling of guilt can be very strong. The woman also feels grief, pain, loss, and she remains forever connected with her child.

Fear of a repetition of this tragedy can lead to a deterioration in intimate relationships and relationships with a husband or men in general.

And in fact, the tragedy may repeat itself. Let's say a woman had an abortion, but wanted to carry the next child but could not bear it - a miscarriage occurred (or a frozen/ectopic pregnancy). It seems that all this happened by chance. Not really. It’s just that this child is in solidarity with his aborted brother or sister (loyal to him), connected with him, and does not want to be born, “follows him into the next world.”

But in our culture it is not customary to mourn unborn children, although this is precisely what needs to be done. After all, we mourn the dead people, but we try to quickly forget the unborn. At the level of consciousness, we forget them, but at the level of the soul we constantly remember them (through illness, failures in our personal lives, problems).

We must not forget anyone, since these children still belong to our family system, and if we forget them, they become excluded. And then one of the children (grandchildren) strives to take the place of the unborn child and maybe in some way lives his life for him.

THE IMPACT OF UNBORN AND ABORTED CHILDREN on parents, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Let's take a closer look at how unborn children influence us and our descendants. Below I list possible consequences that the unborn child is not mourned and forgotten.

1) Depression, apathy.

2) Reluctance to live, thoughts of suicide (or attempts)

3) Fatigue, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, low energy.

4) Diseases (usually neoplasms)

5) Alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction

6) Low academic performance in children, reluctance to learn

7) Relationships with the child’s father/mother deteriorate

8) The person cannot meet new love, create a family

9) Intimate relationships deteriorate

10) Impotence in men

11) Problems with work (business)

12) Problems with money (financial recession, crisis, or constantly lacking money)

13) Infertility

14) Difficult pregnancy and difficult childbirth for a woman (her daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter)

15) Miscarriages, ectopic or frozen pregnancies

These consequences can occur both for the parents of the unborn child and for his brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces and other descendants of his parents.

What to do if you have already had an abortion?

In the Christian tradition, it is customary to confess this sin and read the mother’s prayer for 40 days for murdered children.

But practice shows that this is not enough. Many women whose constellation problem turns out to be an aborted child say that they confessed to this sin.

As it turns out, it is not enough to repent before God; it is also important to work through the feelings of pain, melancholy, guilt, anger, and give a place in your soul to this child. And you can do this during a constellation, an individual consultation, or Only such a deep study will free you and your descendants from negative consequences abortions.

What to do if there was a miscarriage, ectopic or frozen pregnancy?

After a miscarriage, ectopic or frozen pregnancy, it is imperative to mourn the child, work through your feelings of pain, grief, loss, longing, give a place in your soul to this child and let him go. And you can do this through a constellation, an individual consultation, or Then you and your children (and other descendants) can live peacefully and enjoy life.

Psychologist Marina Morozova

When reprinting articles by psychologist Marina Morozova, an active link to this site and the author’s name are required.


I noticed that all the supporters
These are people who have already been born.

(R. Reagan)

Mom says

When you were a point in me
(your father insisted then),
we thought about you, daughter,

to leave or not to leave?

Your crumbly braids,
your memory is clear
and your questions today:
“to leave or not to leave?”
(A. Voznesensky)

Farewell, unborn Alyoshka...

Farewell, unborn Alyoshka,
I couldn't save you.
No wonder that night there was a window
a tear of rain crawled.

No wonder it’s annoying and deaf
my brain was fluttering: “Wait!”
And pain, like a blind old woman,
pushed and pushed in front of me.

Goodbye, unborn boy,
my anxiety and sadness,
nothing worked out in our lives.
It's a pity. It's a shame.

Dry eyelashes are covered
fearless bitter chest...
You will be, Alyoshka, in my dreams,
bend my head to the ground.
(I. Yavorovskaya )

Confession of the Unborn

I am unwanted and alien in the world,
I am a simple embryo: either a son or a daughter,
And no one will answer for me.

I dream of looking into my dear mother's eyes
And lightly tug the braids,
Not born yet, but already fidget,
And my life is already in question.

I would like to play football with my dad,
Study insects under a magnifying glass,
Only everything is decided. But there is a protocol in the soul
Added forever: "this is stupid"!

Tomorrow will be the finale of my little life,
I will still be immensely happy,
Why should mom and I go together? together we are braver,
And she will probably be happy.

No one can or should help me,
If I'm a burden to mom and dad,
Unborn son, unborn daughter,
They only have a milestone at the stage.

I don’t bear any grudge, but it’s offensive to the point of tears:
There was no better life for me,
How can I tell them now that I loved them seriously?
And that I wanted to live until it hurt...

(I. Gendler )


The hospital is clean and warm.
Girls are having abortions.
They sigh heavily
But after a day it hardly hurts.

There is laughter and chatter in the room,
And in the hall they watch TV series,
And after three or four days
They no longer feel sorry for anything.

Fear and nausea disappeared
And even the body became lighter,
But it's so empty
What not to fill with a series...

(T. Zalesskaya )


Oh, darling, wipe away your tears,
I will help you with advice,
This is not the first year I've been doing this
And I'll tell you this:

I understand like no one else:
Pregnancy is “not your thing”
You didn't want her now
And maybe... that’s not why!

After all, at stake: Career, Sports,
Or maybe: Performances, Filming...
Where can I think about a child?!
Only abortion can save us here!

Ah, I hear the right question:
“Should I remain silent or tell my husband everything?”
I will answer: “There is no need to talk,
Don’t let him stick his nose in here!”

Another will begin to whine, loving:
“Let's give birth! We can do everything!”
And he will continue to live, a fool,
Putting the worries on you.

And then: there is need around,
Plus job instability...
If you don't think about abortion,
Who needs you with a child?!

So that he lives like a “3rd class”?
So that everyone around him will poke him
And were you reproached for your cast-offs?
No, no, decide to have an abortion!

There are plenty of people like you in the country,
For whom I paved the way...
But the agreement: not a word to God!
Trust me - Satan!

(Yu. Sergeev )

What a scary word - abortion...

The child was thrown away like a little thing...
As if children are a soulless, low class...
Rejected!.. as a single item.

What a terrible word - a-b-o-ort!
The child was torn apart by ticks bit by bit...
And, gloating, he rubbed his palms with the damned devil:
– A string of God’s commandments has been forgotten!

...People are losing their human faces.

(N. Samonii )

Let's sign for an abortion!

I didn't expect her to say this...
And immediately the light faded in her eyes...
He asked me to marry you, and even confessed his love,
But after this phrase, collapse is visible
Their stormy and passionate romance...
“We’ll sign for an abortion!”
I wanted to shout: “I won’t kill!!!”
But it was as if the beautiful mouth had gone numb...
He continued to exhort stubbornly,
Repeating that the time has not come,
And convincing me that I’m right, no doubt,
I still don’t understand what happened...
Promising her mountains of gold,
Love to the grave, demanded in return
Just agree to an abortion... For the first time
He heard a decisive: “No!”

...Years passed, he grew old and drank himself,
Having wasted my youth in revelry,
And she gave birth to a beautiful son,
And everything worked out in the girl’s destiny!
(L. Shahbazyan

I a child unborn...

I a child unborn.
a rootless soul nicknamed "NO".
a prickly chill in the doctor’s soul,
A bundle cut by people at the shoulder.

May it be easy for you, father and mother
Live like everyone else and understand nothing.
I still love you more than anyone,
Even if you have forgotten this sin.

(A. Orlova-Novopoltseva)

If God gives...

Flight is determined by wings,
This is how it was originally and still is.
No need to cry if God gives,
It’s much worse if He takes it away.

Life commands differently,
And I have no right to judge.
But it’s better to give up the living,
Why remember forever how you killed...

There are unborn children somewhere...

There are unborn children somewhere...
Heaven predicts their birth.
Pure souls in rainbow light,
As they improve, they await incarnation.
They look from above and meet their mother.
They see dad - the one who will become him.
And the most amazing moment
The welcoming Earth attracts them.
Not born, once ready
To become human... Every child wants
To know everything... And the smile, and the word,
The world for them is both transparent and subtle.
Weightless, yet airy -
The essence and meaning on an unknown circle.
They really don't need much.
Only love and reliable hands.
Heaven will give them the rest.
And they will add happiness to parents,
Having shared earthly blessings with someone,
A person has the right to be happier.
Why are you delaying, mothers?
Moms and dads, don't ruin your hopes.
Somewhere there, through the heavenly frames
Looks your most necessary and gentle.
There are unborn children somewhere
With the expectation “I will or I won’t.”
Who, tell me, is responsible for this?
Let a good miracle happen...

(M. Borina-Malkhasyan )

Es koennte so sein...

It could be so...

The young lady climbed into her elegant Audi, sat behind the wheel, threw back her head and closed her eyes. The picture was clear and distinct.

A charming little girl in a lovely pink dress runs towards her and joyfully shouts: “Mommy is coming!” Mum has come home!" The lady smiles and takes it out of her bag beautiful doll: “Look what I have here!” “Oh, how great! Thank you, mom, thank you! I’ll call her Tilda,” the little girl rejoices. Her soft little arms wrap around her mother's neck, and her plump lips kiss her on the cheek. The baby's golden locks are curling beautiful rings, her baby skin exudes a delicate scent...

First day of school. With two big white bows, her daughter looks like a little princess. With a huge bag of sweets and a satchel on her back, she runs up to her mother and animatedly tells her about the school, about the teacher, about the children she met today. And then they both walk hand in hand along the linden alley. “How about we have a couple of scoops of ice cream?” – the lady winks at her daughter, passing by a cozy ice cream parlor. "Yes!" – the little princess screams enthusiastically. - "Yes!" And her eyes sparkle with joy...

The lady carefully enters the room. A fifteen-year-old girl sits by the window. Blonde hair They hung like straw, their gaze went out. “What happened to my little mouse?” – the lady asks sympathetically. “Oh, mom! He went to a party with Hannah!” The girl's voice trembles, tears flow down her cheeks. “Stop it, my dear!” - her mother consoles her. “He will probably understand very soon that you are much better, smarter and more reliable than this Hannah. Well, if he can’t appreciate it, then he’s simply not worth your tears, right?” “Oh, mom!” – the girl begins to smile. - “You are my most best friend!»…

It could be so...

The lady opened her eyes and took a last look at the clinic where she got rid of her pregnancy a few hours ago.

( O. Seitz, p translation of the author )

On June 27, 2018, Evgeny Lvov buried two beloved girls at once. Wife Natalya and daughter Diana. Two coffins, two contracts with a ritual agent, a double portion of tears. But Mikhail Isakhanov, presumably responsible for their deaths, will be tried for the death of only one of them. Illogical, but quite legal. No lawyer can change the course of things. The Russian Constitution is on the side of the accused.

According to investigators, in mid-June, Mikhail Isakhanov hit two women in his BMW car in Moscow on Verkhnyaya Maslovka Street. One of them, Natalya Lvova, was nine months pregnant. The woman was taken to the hospital and performed an emergency caesarean section. The child was taken out already dead, and the doctors made unsuccessful attempts for half an hour to restart the girl’s heart. A couple of hours later, her mother also died.

The doctors wrote two certificates: about the birth and about the death of the baby. In the second, doctors indicated that the child died in the womb from hypoxia resulting from the woman’s injuries.

According to Article 17 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the legal capacity of a citizen arises at the moment of his birth and ends with death. Under Article 53 Federal Law“On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation“,” “the moment of birth of a child is the moment of separation of the fetus from the mother’s body through childbirth.”


In this tragedy, the birth did not take place. In criminal law, “the rights of the embryo” are protected only indirectly and are not a separate legal entity,” criminal lawyer Narek Kostanyan told the site.

Reckless driver Mikhail Isakhanov was charged under Part 3 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of rules traffic and operation of vehicles”, resulting in the death of a person through negligence.” He faces up to five years in prison. If Russian legislation had recognized the daughter of Yevgeny Lvov as a person, the punishment for Isakhanov would have been toughened - imprisonment for up to nine years.

After a man who technically did not exist, her father was left with a whole arsenal of things. All this remains untouched to this day; Evgeniy cannot raise his hand to give it away.

Our crib is cream. Changing table, mattress, onesies, caps, pacifiers, combs, socks and gloves, sheets, diapers. The creams arrived from the USA for babies in early July, my wife ordered them,” the inconsolable father said with a lump in his throat.

AGN "Moscow"/Andrey Nikerichev

Lawyers are sure: the lack of rights for a child in the womb is a serious gap in Russian legislation. It needs to be fixed - the sooner the better.

Criminal legal protection of the life of a child during pregnancy - this issue must be radically reconsidered. My colleagues and I send various petitions, appeals, statements to organizations with legislative initiatives in order to draw attention to the existing problem,” said lawyer Andrei Mishonov.

Director of the Institute of Human Rights Valentin Gefter promised to initiate changes in legislation aimed at protecting the rights of unborn babies. The expert suggests starting from stages intrauterine development child. Biologists believe that a human embryo becomes a fetus from the 12th week of pregnancy. From this date, it is expected that a person will be given civil rights.

This needs to be done. I will see Tatyana Moskalkova (ombudsman for human rights in the Russian Federation... It is necessary for some regulatory developments to appear, and we will need to think about how to introduce this to the Duma, Gefter assured the site.

The main thing is that experts move from words to action. And the good idea in the air resulted in a well-designed bill. There, real changes in legislation are not far away.

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Mommy, hello, wonderful morning!

Did I disturb your sleep?

I will grow up - I will be strong and wise,

I will guard your sleep.

Mom, look, here is my little finger!

Mom, you're fine!

Mom, you know, I think I'm a boy!

I'll be like my dad, big...

Mom, you know I heard today

New word - "abortion"...

Mom, why do someone's fingers hurt so much?

Is your stomach being pressed?

Don't touch mom, uncles and aunts!

You won't go to heaven

If you accidentally kill your mother!

Mommy, don't die!

Mom, tell them to stop!

Mom, where is the light coming from here?

Mom, it hurts, where are they dragging me?!

Mom!.. I'm no more...

Mom calls her close friend:

"Well, everything went well...

I'll lie down for a day and throw a party,

And let's take another walk..."

I am a child unborn.
I am a rootless soul named No.
I am the prickly chill in the doctor’s soul.
A bundle cut by people at the shoulder.

May it be easy for you, father and mother,
Live like everyone else and understand nothing.
I still love you more than anyone,
Even if you have forgotten this sin."

Anna Orlova-Novopoltseva

He ran away... People shot at him...
Falling into the loose snow with your paw,
The wolf knew for sure: there would be no salvation
And there is no beast more terrible than man.
And at this moment, hundreds of kilometers away,
A terrible sentence was carried out:
There's a little girl out there somewhere
This is the fourth time I've had an abortion.
The baby was screaming!!! But no one listened to the scream.
He called for help: “Mommy, wait!!!
Give me a chance to be needed by you!
Give me the opportunity to live! After all, I’m alive!!!”
And the wolf ran... The dogs were tearing at his throat...
Drunk people screaming in the forest
They've almost completely caught up with him,
The wolf raised his muzzle and wiped away a tear...
The baby screamed, bursting into tears,
How scary it is to die without being born!
And trying to hide from the piece of iron,
He dreamed of looking into his mother's eyes.
But “mom” doesn’t need this -
It has become unfashionable, you see, to give birth!
She wastes her soul on stupidity,
It's so easy to kill your children.
And the wolf fell exhausted... It was necessary -
He led the barbarians away from the she-wolf -
She was left alone with the wolf cubs,
When he took the sentence upon himself...
The dogs tore his body to shreds,
But you just can’t tear a wolf’s soul!
His happy soul rushed into the sky -
It makes sense to die for the sake of children!!!
And who, tell me, is the beast really?
And why is this age disgusting?
But the animals simply became more humane,
And there is no beast more terrible than man!

About the unborn child

I was extracted by the doctor with a sharp spoon
In bloody slurry.
I really wanted to live a little longer...
What if he would have survived?
I wanted to look at the light, to see the sky.
What is it?
Why was I killed in such a ridiculous way?
By your hand?
I'm lying in the basin, smeared with lumps
With thick blood.
And I wanted to cuddle with my mother at least once,
Warm with love.
I know that you didn't want me -
I was a burden.
At sixteen you still didn’t know
Such a load.
You really wanted to merge with this guy -
Love is boundless.
But I knew what was about to appear
I am inevitable.
And here you are lying in the illuminated hall
In the silence of the hospital.
The doctors have already signed the verdict for me -
I won't be born.
I'm lying in the tray - a tiny lump,
Just five grams...
A silent question frozen between the lines:
Alexander Tansky

Flight is determined by wings,
This is how it was originally and still is.
No need to cry if God gives,
It’s much worse if He takes it away.

Life commands differently,
And I have no right to judge.
But it’s better to give up the living,
Why remember forever how you killed...

On the glass, like a small candle,
A child's soul has attached itself.
They took the life of a man.
They didn’t give birth to a baby somewhere.

The Angel of unborn children cries.
The surgeon's forehead was sweating.
Grinding noise from scraping out cells...
The coffin has not been put together for the baby.

Lord, what is this going on?
Where is the line between the dishonor of passions?
How can a wild tigress
Kill children in infancy?

Does a dog beat its cubs?
Or will he throw it in the trash to die?
People, you are worse than a ghoul,
If a mother kills her children.

On the glass, like a small candle,
A child's soul has attached itself.
Have pity, people, little man,
Your own baby.
Lyudmila Larkina

An old lady walked alone
Across the yard, on the way home.
And a little further away there's a little girl
The lame dog was frightened:

She sobbed loudly and trembled;
Holding the doll Masha to her chest,
She ran to her mother
With a cry: “Mommy, protect me!”

Mom smiled at her daughter
She took a deep breath and leaned over.
And the old lady suddenly staggered
And she sank down, holding her heart.

There is no surprise in that ringing cry
Completed the break in my chest -
A phrase spoken by a child
Reminded her of the past:

Years of carefree youth...
He instilled confidence in her;
He spoke about the love of the heart,
But when he learned about the “belly”, he ran away.

"If he doesn't need care,
“The same for me,” reasoned the mother.
And inside there is someone invisible
He let her know about himself:

“It’s me, it’s your child.
You can't see, but you can find out.
Be patient, I’ll gain strength,
To hug you soon.

In this difficult moment of life
Don't blame your father or yourself.
I will smile at you
On the bed in the rays of dawn.

I will only ask for affection from you -
Even once in a while, before bed
Read me a fairy tale from a book:
"Teremok" or "Cat's House".

You won’t notice how growing,
I will become your assistant.
I love you, darling,
I will be in joy and in trouble..."

She wanted to “free herself”...
Anesthesia is given and the doctor comes over.
But suddenly, through a dream, a girl
I heard a baby crying.

What didn't seem important at all
It was moaning and screaming in the chest:
“No, don’t!.. Please!.. I’m scared!..
Mom, mommy, protect!..”

On that stormy autumn evening
The girl couldn't sleep at home:
No more children's speech is heard, -
Something broke in my heart.

Afterwards - life is like third class.
I began to grow old alone.
And if there were no fatal abortion,
I could really have grandchildren...

But today, in an instant
It struck again like thunder
That distant crime
What was she secretly hiding...

The compassionate people gathered:
Validol was placed in the mouth;
The guy tried to call the doctors,
By typing a simple code.

People waiting for doctors
Contemplating, unable to leave,
How unfortunate, dying,
She repeated: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry...”

Suddenly the folds of the skin smoothed out
And peace froze on his face.
And a passerby from the crowd said:
“Apparently someone has forgiven her.”

You don't need this, girls!
Don't be so stubborn!
After all, every cell of it
She tearfully calls out to you: “Mom!

You let me be born, grow up,
I'll be obedient - I really will.
After all, you won't be able to bear it
The torment and sorrow of hell!

And together we will have fun.
You know you'll be happy
When you start singing songs to me,
Look into my eyes sympathetically.

Do you hear, mommy dear?!
No need, don't listen to the doctor,
Don't be afraid of him, grumpy one,
And his heart is cold."

Oh, dear ones, come to your senses!
After all, we have been bequeathed to us for centuries:
Sins of Foolish Youth
Only in children will a woman be forgiven.

The day you realized
What's inside, son?
Like a thin needle
I dug into your temple:
“No, he is not needed at all,
Later, maybe...
All in credits, why?
Create poverty?
And he dreamed, he slept -
Field of cornflowers,
He ran and froze
In mother's hands.
You were like that yourself
Thirty years ago.
Why is your angel crying so much?
With your eyes downcast?
Don't kill, he's yours now
Well imagine how he
Smiles at you
Asks for milk.
Proud, without pity,
We do not hear in the noise of the day:
"Mommy, please
Do not kill me..."
But the scaffold awaits the chairs,
Thoughts are hellish captivity.
He will take his son's life
Cold tool.
Accepted death without guilt,
Not having time to live
Long, long time in your dreams
Will come.
Smiles: “Mom, I’m here,
Mom, I'm alive
On the other side of heaven
We'll meet you."

Mommy, don't touch your tummy!

Honey, it hurts me when you

You hit me so harshly in the nose.

After all, I have your features!

Forgive me, my dear,

That I really interfere with your life.

You don't love me, I know everything

Maybe you can still fall in love?

I will love you so much!

I'll gain strength and grow up.

Mom, I will never forget

Your affection, tenderness, kindness.

Mommy, let me at least see

Your brown beautiful eyes.

Stop hating me

Mom, you can't kill me!

Who will love you as much as I do?

Who will come to your defense?

What if the hardest day comes?

Who will save you from troubles and adversity?

Believe me, I know this for sure

When I come into the world,

You'll see me, darling

And all the hatred and sadness will pass.

Mommy, I wouldn't want it that way

I wish I was lying in a basin covered in blood.

Whatever I didn't even have

A small coffin, earth.

What I've done? What am I guilty of?

Why don't I deserve to live?

I already exist, and I am capable,

Feel you, feel sorry for you, love you!

If, mom, you have already decided,

That you will kill me,

Know that I, with all my strength,

I will scream from pain, from resentment,

I don't want to die like this.

I haven't even seen mommy

I wanted to hug you so bad!

If, mom, you have already decided,

That you will kill me,

Know that I will forgive you for killing me,

I will come to your dreams and hug you!

Olga Sherbitova

Let's legalize death!
Let's legalize death!
There are so many undesirables in the world;
Petty and evil people;
Why should we tolerate this rabble?
Let's just execute them:
Tramps, homeless people, various freaks,
Ugly pensioners,
After all, it will be easier for us and for them.
Does the word “execution” jar on your ears?
Well, let's encrypt;
We do not execute, but quarter.
But our people are deaf anyway!
We'll just throw it overboard;
All the things we don’t need in life;
Let us free ourselves innocently;
From unwanted worries.
Am I speaking like a fascist?!
Sorry, people, aren't you;
The murder has already been confirmed
Those who are holy and pure before you?
Aren't you like appendicitis?
Repeatedly deleted
The children whose lives you allowed
In a fit of passion, throwing off shame?
For five minutes of such pleasures
Quite a terrible retribution:
Quartering the innocent
And take on a terrible sin?
And it wasn't an embryo
Sorry, and not a humanoid.
You executed a living child,
The child was thrown out.
You probably didn't know
That spirit is given to man
At the moment of fusion of two cells.
Since then he has been there, since then he has been alive.
It is not you, but God who gives life.
What right did you have
Conceive a child within yourself first,
And then it’s so easy to kill.
In these few weeks
He's used to you in spirit, believe me,
He, like you, was afraid of death...
What can we say now!
God created creatures and people
Calling people the crown of creation.
And there is no more perfect creation...
What is a mother who killed her children...?
Sex between husband and wife,
Not entertainment, but a shrine!
Negligence is unacceptable here
There is order in everything.
And your “random” embryo,
It is not by chance that it comes to you,
God himself entrusts it to you,
HE honors you!!!

Mom, why did you kill me?
I wanted to breathe air with you.
You destroyed the nascent soul,
And you yourself will begin to suffer for the rest of your life.

Why, carrying me under your heart,
Have you decided to escape from fate?
Feel like an unborn little body,
The doctor is in you, he will tear with iron!

Why? For what? Fate is like this
Without being born, die immediately.
Bleeding red blood in agony,
Mom don't be silent! Tell! Answer!

I remember my mother's words:
“There was a war.
Mother has four mouths left
Feed alone.

No one will support the widow
Shoulder in trouble
And all the help is a vegetable garden,
Yes, there is still a forest.

Mother kept a lump of sugar.
On red days
Lick it a little
She gave us

And, like a shrine, into the canvas
Yes, under lock and key...
How we lived then - enemies
God forbid.

But there was nothing left to give us
In a hungry year.
The mother fell before the icon:
“Forgive me, Lord!

How my children suffer
Look, please!
At least take the youngest one with you -
I won’t feed you..."

She, having cried, lay down -
And he sees a dream:
The nun entered the hut,
Bows down

And he says: “It’s a sin about death
To pray to the Creator.
My son is already the least of all
To live in the world."

Jumping up, the mother rushed to the stove,
Where we slept
And he cries out loud and shouts:
“Son, live!”

Kisses the baby in fear
To the eyes and forehead:
“I, sinner, have gone crazy!
Live, son!!!

Forgive me, Lord, I have a grave sin,
Save the children!"...
She raised us all...
Thanks her..."

We are educated, smart,
In the prime of days
Dressed, fed and drunk -
And without children.

And we are not afraid of people,
Not God's Judgment...
But wartime mothers
They won't understand us...

The day before

It’s easier to caress and hug a woman,
Sing, dance, have fun...
If something happens, do you want to take responsibility?
Continue your family line or accept all the troubles?
Where there! You better hide!

- Let all the grief be to her, but what do I have to do with it?
You alone are to blame for everything.
You yourself are stupid, you couldn’t protect yourself...
Just think, it hurts! After all, this is not forever...

But can you compare the wounds, pain and souls!
What a pity with the order to kill the life in yourself,
My own blood, very young...

I obediently go to destroy her.
I can't joke with a doctor-executioner.

Here's a hospital bed, it's scary, believe me.
Like an ostrich in the sand, the beast hides its head.
I lie there and wait for the door to open.
Like a thief and robber, he lies to himself: “Don’t believe it.”

A hundred times the door opens, the “mothers” enter.
And I’ll shudder a hundred times - they won’t come for me.
A monstrous act, a black thought that does not pass...
And the baby’s life is passing away in bitter pain!

Well, they called, and the heart is beating,
But should I decide: will I live or not live?
Nobody ever gives guarantees
Such is the share of murderers: life is a disaster.

I pray and ask someone: “You live,”
But then there’s an order - I hear: “Breathe deeply!”
I force myself: fall asleep quickly!
But no, the mask of devils does not take me.

I don't have nightmares, I don't feel like I'm in the grave,
Only the pain is unbearable, but I am patient...

Everything is over! They lift me up quickly
My vacancy was immediately filled.
They lift me up and put me in a gurney,
They drive you and, sympathizing, wipe away the sweat...

But am I glad that I was alive?
Suddenly a family was broken,
Made the pain hate you
The prison bench awaits punishment.

They killed you and your life was "decided"
Love was buried in an unknown grave.
The arms and legs were left lying there,
They will never run, never say.

And all my life I won’t be able to hold back my tears,
I was mortally mistaken, we have to waste our time.

T. Lavrushina

A woman was going to have an operation -
A lot of people do this.
She decided to break up
With a piece of his flesh.
I decided that it would be better this way...
You can't talk her out of it.
She decided not to listen
How an unborn baby cries.
"Now I'm just a ball
And I can't speak.
But believe and the ball wants,
Like you, he also wants to live.
After all, you don’t know me yet.
Save my life, I pray.
Why are you killing me?
After all, I already love you.
Mom, I will become a poet
And I’ll write poetry for you.
Mom, don't do this!
I beg you, I beg you.
For a doctor I'm just a bunch of cells,
Which can be easily removed.
Mom, don't do this.
I want to be born and live.
I have blue eyes,
And the voice and skin in you,
And the thoughts are already alive..."
A child was screaming in the womb.
“I am flowers for the eighth of March
I will give it to you.
Mom, please don't!
Don't break the thread of my life.
What if I I'll be a girl,
I'll learn everything from you,
Cook and wash dishes.
I swear this to you.
My heart is already beating
There are arms and legs.
I won't take up much space
And I won't be here long.
I haven't seen sunsets yet
And the zebra, and the forest, and the rains...
Mom, please don't!
Mommy, have mercy...

- How fluffy the clouds are today!
They're just far away
- they will not rise to Paradise...
Look, the plane is made of them
comes out like cotton wool.
Eh, it’s a pity - I didn’t become a pilot,
as my grandfather dreamed while flying...
— But I didn’t become a writer...
- But I didn’t become a judge...
- But I shouldn’t be an actress -
beautiful like mom...
- Do you call me mom?
She's like that with you...!
- I'm with her all the time,
and there is not an ounce of anger.
- But I don’t “touch” mine...
I forgot everything - and to hell with it!
- Oh no!
Mine - everything repents...
Poor thing, crying in the Temple.
Apparently there were reasons...
Father forced - callous...
I would like some flesh for just a minute,
Just to cuddle with mom.
- And I “follow” my brother -
baby is so funny
All freckled, red-haired -
Antoshka “tili-tili”...
And everything is forgiven to him...
Now he is the main one in the house...
What a bike they recently gave him!
- And my parents will no longer have children...
Now instead of me they have a beautiful dog...
Why am I worse?
They must be strange people...
But I saw how my dad
One night I cried...
- Look, we have a new guy -
roars like everyone else - at the beginning...
So what are you doing? Hush, darling,
not accepted by the earth...
- You will forget... You will calm down...
- They tore me to pieces!
Oh, it hurts, oh my God!
- We've all been through this.

We were all betrayed at some point,
Burying Love in the Grave,
Because we are not on time...
By accident... Not in line...
Is there really not enough place on earth for us?
A sip of water
Sunny, can you give me a piece of bread?
Natalia Grigorieva

Learn how to create happy family: online course

 ( ((Dmitry Semenik)
Father's Fight: The Dangerous Pill Mifepristone ( Carol Misers)
